
From the learning diary to the ELP: An e-portfolio for autonomous language learning

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In 2011 the Language Centre of the University of Parma introduced a self-study programme aimed at creating an autonomy-inspired language learning environment. Students are actively engaged in the management of their own learning and co-directed by advisors and teachers in the phases of planning, monitoring and assessment. Reflective diary writing has played such a crucial role in the programme that it was decided to extend the learner diary and implement the ELP. The model used is an online version of the canonical ELP (Little and Perclová 2001), consisting of a language passport, a language biography and a dossier; it is based on the principles of reflective learning, self-assessment and learner autonomy (Little et al. 2011, The European Language Portfolio: The story so far (1991–2011). Strasbourg: Council of Europe. The e-portfolio allows students, teachers and language advisors to keep track of the learning process at every stage; furthermore, learners are involved in goal-setting and the evaluation of learning achievement. Besides including a learning diary, the e-ELP fosters interaction among peers and teachers. The present report outlines the structure and pedagogical aspects of the e-portfolio devised by the Language Centre of the University of Parma and presents the first results obtained after the pilot project.

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... Electronic portfolios as an evaluation tool in the new constructivist learning models have become a trend in recent years. Some studies have shown that this tool facilitates reflection (Arancibia et al. 2017;Chávez Ávila 2017; Mostafa 2020), allows better work organization and establishing professional goals (Beka and Kulinxha 2021), facilitates the establishment of objectives and assessment of learning (Bertolotti and Beseghi 2016), and promotes awareness of one's knowledge, practical thinking, professional skills, and comprehensive assessment (Muñoz and Soto 2019). Furthermore, it improves writing performance-especially when using Facebook- (Barrot 2021) and contributes to high attendance rates and reductions of failure rates (Gómez and Arellano 2019). ...
This manuscript appraises an early introduction to basic cryptography through a specific educational experience for engineering students, namely, replicating the ENIGMA cipher machine (García-Martínez et al. in J Interact Des Manufact (IJIDeM), 1–18, 2021). Using an action research approach, we designed a didactic sequence with 20 activities focused on strengthening the students’ programming skills. This teaching intervention introduced LabVIEW as a visual tool that promotes the correct programming of the ENIGMA code. In turn, we verified that the students developed metacognitive skills of autonomy and self-regulation and computational thinking competencies in this study. Thus, the intervention was student-centered, and the teacher had a decentralized role.
... Electronic portfolios as an evaluation tool in the new constructivist learning models have become a trend in recent years. Some studies have shown that this tool facilitates reflection (Arancibia et al. 2017;Chávez Ávila 2017; Mostafa 2020), allows better work organization and establishing professional goals (Beka and Kulinxha 2021), facilitates the establishment of objectives and assessment of learning (Bertolotti and Beseghi 2016), and promotes awareness of one's knowledge, practical thinking, professional skills, and comprehensive assessment (Muñoz and Soto 2019). Furthermore, it improves writing performance-especially when using Facebook- (Barrot 2021) and contributes to high attendance rates and reductions of failure rates (Gómez and Arellano 2019). ...
This book contains peer-reviewed selected papers of the 7th International Conference on Educational Innovation (CIIE 2020). It presents excellent educational practices and technologies complemented by various innovative approaches that enhance educational outcomes. In line with the Sustainable Development Goal 4 of UNESCO in the 2030 agenda, CIIE 2020 has attempted to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.” The CIIE 2020 proceeding offers diverse dissemination of innovations, knowledge, and lessons learned to familiarize readership with new pedagogical-oriented, technology-driven educational strategies along with their applications to emphasize their impact on a large spectrum of stakeholders including students, teachers and professors, administrators, policymakers, entrepreneurs, governments, international organizations, and NGOs.
... In this respect, e-portfolios have proved to engage students into the practice of evaluating their process. Bertolotti & Beseghi (2016) validated that the European Language Portfolio (ELP) fosters reflection, autonomy, peer interaction, and goal-settingskills that, though complex to acquire, result in scaffolded and evolved learning processes. ...
For more than 10 years, English teaching and learning approaches at Politecnico Grancolombiano were based on traditional methodologies with noticeable prevalence of deductive learning and summative assessment. In 2017, we surveyed students and teachers to analyze this panorama, and more than 500 responses shed light on the lack of motivation most of them had in their English learning and teaching processes. As a result, through a qualitative research project, we implemented the task-based teaching and learning approach in our English classes, featuring formative assessment, the use of information and communication technologies, and encouraging self-reflection moments for students to raise awareness of their learning process. The objective of this project was to identify the real benefits of these methodological changes in our programs, and to ensure triangulation, we used different data collection instruments such as journals, artifacts and surveys. It was found that task-based lessons offer students innovative, creative and real opportunities to learn English in and out of class. As well, students’ motivation and awareness of their learning process increased due to formative assessment routines. As for teachers, it can be concluded that these methodological innovations helped them plan more dynamic lessons and evidence students’ progress. Regarding Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), it was evident that it played an important role in teachers’ and students’ engagement. However, it revealed that it was necessary to strengthen technological skills and to guarantee the conditions to implement it.
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Cílem této práce je zjistit, jaký vliv na výkon a na využívání strategií učení má, pokud je výuka odborného cizího jazyka na vysoké škole obohacena o aktivity podporující rozvoj strategií učení. Metodou výzkumu je experiment. Autorka této práce do výuky jedné ze dvou paralelních skupin téhož kurzu zahrnula i aktivity rozvíjející strategie učení. Na závěr kurzu byl studentům obou skupin distribuován dotazník zjišťující, jaké strategie učení studenti využívají. Dále jsme pomocí srovnání výsledků v závěrečném testu zjišťovali, jaký vliv má zařazení tréningu strategií učení na výkon studentů. Byl zjištěn pozitivní vliv zahrnutí těchto aktivit jak na výkon, tak na míru využívání strategií učení studenty experimentální skupiny v porovnání s kontrolní skupinou. Samozřejmě vzhledem k omezenému počtu studentů zařazených do výzkumu se nutné vyvarovat se přílišnému zevšeobecnění výsledků, přesto výsledky naznačují, že podpora strategií učení ve výuce by mohla mít kladné efekty.
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In recent years, the portfolio as an evaluation tool and learning strategy has increased to respond to education’s challenges in the twenty-first century. Our research describes an experience using and assessing e-portfolios among first-semester students during initial teacher training. It considers their conception theoretically, the benefits they offer, and their typology. We used a mixed research approach with a descriptive scope, developed in two phases. The first phase involved using a work portfolio with the students reflecting on the acquired learning. In the second phase, we examined the perspectives of 41 students, using a questionnaire with closed (quantitative) and open (qualitative) questions developed on the Google Forms platform. The results were positive that the proposed assessment strategy to support learning worked. We recommend continuing to use the e-portfolio and promoting it as an integrating evidence repository for the courses throughout the student’s educational journey and, if possible, during their continuing professional training as a teacher.KeywordsConstructive evaluationE-portfolioTeacher trainingLearningHigher educationEducational innovation
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Cílem této práce je zjistit, zda a do jaké míry současné učebnice obecného francouzského jazyka pro dospělé podporují u studentů rozvoj nepřímých strategií učení. Metodou výzkumu byla obsahová analýza, při které jsme detailně prozkoumali 5 sérií současných učebnic francouzského jazyka. Bylo zjištěno, že většina z těchto sérií učebnic nepřímé strategie učení rozvíjí spíše v menší míře. Za nejzdařilejší v tomto ohledu považujeme sérii Nouveau Rond-Point. Autoři této řady učebnic věnují pozornost všem typům nepřímých strategií učení – tj. jak metakognitivní, tak afektivní i socializační.
The Language Centre of the University of Parma is responsible for the organization and administration of foreign language tests to a large number of university students. In order to reduce the high rate of test failures, the Language Centre has recently devised a pilot programme as an alternative to more established modes of language learning, teaching and testing. The project diverges from other academic experiences since it is aimed at respecting students' learning models and choices. Thanks to the implementation of effective quality management and the introduction of an autonomy-inspired language learning environment, students can select their own learning path according to their initial level of competence, choosing from different courses available and different types of final tests, as well as developing a personalized self-study learning programme under the supervision of the language advisors. Moving from the different variations of the concept of “autonomous or independent learning” (Holec 1981; Dickinson 1987; Little 1991; Esch 1997; Nunan 1997; Littlewood 1999; Mansfield 2002; Benson 2011), this article presents a proposal aimed at assuring students the right of choice based on their degree of (in)dependence on teachers and advisors. The fundamental guiding principles are modelled on the integration of Holec's (2009) co-directed and self-directed paradigms, as well as on Murray's (2009) learning structure, that focus on students' engagement and management. Results from the academic year 2010–2011 relating to the trial of the programme show an 8% increase in test success, while surveys among students have confirmed that learners feel more confident, and are more motivated to engage with the final exam if their learning model is respected.