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Importance: This study examined the link between public health and genomic variation of Campylobacter in relation to disease in humans, primates, and livestock. Use of large-scale whole genome sequencing enabled population level assessment to find new genes that are linked to livestock disease. With 184 Campylobacter genomes we assessed virulence traits, antibiotic resistance susceptibility, and potential for zoonotic transfer to observe there is a 'generalist' genotype that may move between host species.
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Genomic Comparison of Campylobacter spp. and Their Potential for
Zoonotic Transmission between Birds, Primates, and Livestock
Allison M. Weis,
Dylan B. Storey,
*Conor C. Taff,
*Andrea K. Townsend,
*Bihua C. Huang,
Nguyet T. Kong,
Kristin A. Clothier,
Abigail Spinner,
Barbara A. Byrne,
Bart C. Weimer
School of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Population Health and Reproduction, 100K Pathogen Genome Project, University of California, Davis, California, USA
Department of Wildlife, Fish, & Conservation Biology, University of California, Davis, California, USA
; California Animal and Food Safety & Health Laboratory, University of
California, Davis, California, USA
; California National Primate Research Center, University of California, Davis, California, USA
; School of Veterinary Medicine, Department
of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology, University of California, Davis, California, USA
Campylobacter is the leading cause of human gastroenteritis worldwide. Wild birds, including American crows, are abundant in
urban, suburban, and agricultural settings and are likely zoonotic vectors of Campylobacter. Their proximity to humans and
livestock increases the potential spreading of Campylobacter via crows between the environment, livestock, and humans. How-
ever, no studies have definitively demonstrated that crows are a vector for pathogenic Campylobacter. We used genomics to eval-
uate the zoonotic and pathogenic potential of Campylobacter from crows to other animals with 184 isolates obtained from
crows, chickens, cows, sheep, goats, humans, and nonhuman primates. Whole-genome analysis uncovered two distinct clades of
Campylobacter jejuni genotypes; the first contained genotypes found only in crows, while a second genotype contained “generalist”
genomes that were isolated from multiple host species, including isolates implicated in human disease, primate gastroenteritis, and
livestock abortion. Two major -lactamase genes were observed frequently in these genomes (oxa-184, 55%, and oxa-61, 29%), where
oxa-184 was associated only with crows and oxa-61 was associated with generalists. Mutations in gyrA, indicative of fluoroquinolone
resistance, were observed in 14% of the isolates. Tetracycline resistance (tetO) was present in 22% of the isolates, yet it occurred in 91%
of the abortion isolates. Virulence genes were distributed throughout the genomes; however, cdtC alleles recapitulated the crow-only
and generalist clades. A specific cdtC allele was associated with abortion in livestock and was concomitant with tetO. These findings
indicate that crows harboring a generalist C. jejuni genotype may act as a vector for the zoonotic transmission of Campylobacter.
This study examined the link between public health and the genomic variation of Campylobacter in relation to disease in humans,
primates, and livestock. Use of large-scale whole-genome sequencing enabled population-level assessment to find new genes that are
linked to livestock disease. With 184 Campylobacter genomes, we assessed virulence traits, antibiotic resistance susceptibility, and the
potential for zoonotic transfer to observe that there is a “generalist” genotype that may move between host species.
Campylobacter is a motile Gram-negative spiral bacterium that
causes gastroenteritis in humans and other animals (1,2). In
livestock, Campylobacter may cause abortion in addition to gas-
troenteritis (3). It is one of the most common foodborne zoonotic
pathogens worldwide and is often transmitted via the fecal-oral
route through the consumption of contaminated food or water (1,
2). In the United States, campylobacteriosis is estimated to affect
more than 1.3 million people each year, with symptoms including
fever, abdominal cramping, and bloody diarrhea (1,4,5). Inter-
nationally, campylobacteriosis is a significant public health bur-
den; the incidence in developed nations is estimated to be 4.4 to
9.3 per 1,000 people yearly and is a substantial cause of morbidity
in developing nations (6). In rare and severe cases, infection can
lead to chronic autoimmune disorders, such as Guillain-Barré
syndrome (GBS) and Miller Fisher syndrome (7,8). Outbreaks in
the United States are largely attributed to contaminated poultry
and water and are commonly associated with unpasteurized milk
(1,4,5,9). Despite many efforts to contain and abate Campylo-
bacter jejuni outbreaks, national and international reduction goals
remain unmet and the number of new cases continues to increase
yearly (6,10–12).
Recent research has focused on uncovering the initial sources
of human infection. Birds are considered to be a primary host of
Campylobacter, which is a commensal organism in a broad range
of wild bird populations, including black-headed gulls (Chroico-
cephalus ridibundus), Sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis), European
starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), and American crows (Corvus brachy-
13–15). C. jejuni isolates from these birds have been
implicated in human disease (11,16,17). Other studies indicate
that some Campylobacter isolates found in wild birds may not be
pathogenic to humans (14,18–23). These conflicting reports in-
dicate that studies using higher resolution molecular methods
Received 10 June 2016 Accepted 30 September 2016
Accepted manuscript posted online 7 October 2016
Citation Weis AM, Storey DB, Taff CC, Townsend AK, Huang BC, Kong NT, Clothier
KA, Spinner A, Byrne BA, Weimer BC. 2016. Genomic comparison of Campylobacter
spp. and their potential for zoonotic transmission between birds, primates, and
livestock. Appl Environ Microbiol 82:7165–7175. doi:10.1128/AEM.01746-16.
Editor: C. A. Elkins, FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
Address correspondence to Bart C. Weimer,
*Present address: Dylan B. Storey, West Sacramento, California, USA; Conor C. Taff,
Lab of Ornithology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA; Andrea K.
Townsend, Department of Biology, Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, USA.
Supplemental material for this article may be found at
Copyright © 2016, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
December 2016 Volume 82 Number 24 7165Applied and Environmental Microbiology
may provide insights to more precisely assess Campylobacter iso-
lates from wild birds so as to gauge their importance to food safety
and public health.
To date, most studies have used 16S rRNA, fla typing, or mul-
tilocus sequence typing (MLST) to characterize isolates and exam-
ine zoonotic transmission. Unfortunately, the resolutions of these
methods have limited the conclusions that can be drawn. While
16S sequencing has been used historically to assess microbial di-
versity, it underestimates the genome variation within a species
(24,25). The MLST method, which uses five to seven genes to
build a classification system, is more robust than 16S sequencing
and has been used in many studies (26–28). To date, however, the
application of taxonomically conserved housekeeping genes,
while phylogenetically useful, does not include biologically infor-
mative genes, such as virulence factors (29), thereby limiting con-
clusions about potential pathogenicity. Recent studies have dem-
onstrated the importance of whole-genome sequencing (WGS) in
understanding C. jejuni pathogenicity and transmission (18,21,
23,30); however, to date, studies of Campylobacter in wild birds
have not taken advantage of WGS approaches to define the geno-
types that are associated with zoonotic transmission and viru-
The American crow is a North American passerine that forages
in a variety of settings, including dumps, feedlots, pastures, and
urban areas. As such, American crows have the potential to trans-
fer pathogens from human waste or infected animal manure to
human food, waterways, and livestock, potentially acting as both a
reservoir and a transport host (22). Previous studies indicate that
Campylobacter prevalence is high in crow species around the
world. Corvids from Japan, New Zealand, Malaysia, and Tanzania
harbor Campylobacter with prevalences ranging from 34% to 43%
(31–35). Likewise, 67% of free-ranging American crows in the
Sacramento Valley, California, tested positive for C. jejuni (22).
Crow social behavior may contribute to high infection rates in
crows, and foraging patterns may amplify the risk of zoonotic
transmission in specific areas, such as feedlots, where many spe-
cies intermingle (36). The sequencing of 16S rRNA revealed that
many of those isolates were similar to C. jejuni strains that were
isolated from human clinical samples (22).
We used WGS to compare the genomes of 100 Campylobacter
species isolates (97 C. jejuni isolates) that were collected from
crows between 2012 and 2014 in the Sacramento Valley, Califor-
nia, with 60 Campylobacter species isolates from nonhuman pri-
mates, chickens, sheep, cows, and goats from the same geographic
region. We examined evidence for genetic traits that are indicative
of pathogenicity and zoonotic potential from published Campy-
lobacter species whole-genome sequences for a total of 184 ge-
Isolates sequenced. In addition to the 100 Campylobacter species isolates
from crows (22), isolates were collected from rhesus macaques (Macaca
mulatta) between 2014 and 2015 from the California National Primate
Center (CNPRC), an open-air facility housing 5,000 macaques (47 iso-
lates); from cases of abortion in bovine, ovine, and caprine fetuses (9
isolates); and from chickens collected by the UC Davis Veterinary Medi-
cine Teaching Hospital (VMTH) between 2014 and 2015. The genomes of
isolates collected during this study were compared to genomes in NCBI
GenBank, which were isolated mainly from humans, chickens, and an
ovine abortion case.
Crow and primate sampling. Sample collection of Campylobacter was
done as described previously (22). Briefly, fecal or cloacal swab samples
were collected from American crows (hereafter referred to as “crows”) in
Yolo County, California, between May 2012 and June 2014 and isolated
using Amies clear gel collection and transport swabs (Remel BactiSwab;
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA). Individual transport swabs
were stored on ice (4 to 7°C) for 2 to 6 h prior to culture. Bacteria were
isolated and identified at the VMTH as described previously (22) and in
the paragraph below. All crow sampling was done using protocols ap-
proved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the Uni-
versity of California, Davis (IACUC 16897). Primate sampling was done
using fecal swabbing at the CNPRC during routine primate health care on
primates for diarrhea/gastroenteritis in accordance with the approved
protocols with the same methods and reagents as those used at the VMTH
(described above and below), and Campylobacter isolates were given to
this study from the CNPRC after bacterial isolation.
Campylobacter testing. Campylobacter culture was performed from
fecal samples inoculated onto 5% sheep blood agar (SBA) containing
cefoperazone, vancomycin, and amphotericin B and from aborted fetus
samples on 5% SBA containing amphotericin B and novobiocin (Campy
CVA; Hardy Diagnostics, Santa Maria, CA, USA). Plates were incubated at
37°C in microaerobic conditions (CampyGen; Oxoid Limited, Hamp-
shire, United Kingdom) for 4 to 6 days, as described by Weis et al. (22).
Bacterial colonies were Gram stained and subcultured onto 5% SBA
(Hardy Diagnostics) for further characterization. Microaerobic isolates
with a characteristic appearance on the culture medium and Gram stain
(small, curved Gram-negative rods) that were catalase positive were iden-
tified as Campylobacter spp. and as C. jejuni if they hydrolyzed hippurate
(Dalynn Biologicals Inc., Calgary, Canada). Additionally, each isolate was
evaluated for susceptibility to nalidixic acid and cephalothin by using
30-g antibiotic disks for further species confirmation (BD Biosciences,
New Jersey, USA) (22).
Genomic analysis. These genomes were part of the 100K Pathogen
Genome Project using previously published methods (37–45).
DNA extraction, library preparation, and next-generation sequenc-
ing. High-molecular-weight genomic DNA (gDNA) was isolated from
bacterial colonies grown on 5% SBA plates (UC Davis Vet Med Biological
Services) at 37°C in microaerophilic conditions (as described above).
DNA was extracted using whole-genome isolation kits (Qiagen, Valencia,
CA, USA) with previously published modifications (46). The bacterial
cells were processed using the protocols of the 100K Pathogen Genome
Project (UC Davis, Weimer laboratory) as previously described (46–48).
Briefly, bacteria were lysed with an enzyme preparation, vortexed, and
processed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations to obtain
purified gDNA (Qiagen). Genomic DNA purity and integrity were as-
sessed on the Agilent 2200 TapeStation with the genomic DNA Screen-
Tape (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA) as previously de-
scribed (38,39,42). Genomic DNA ratios that were greater than 1.8 for
and A
were used for library construction.
Isolated gDNA was sheared using the Covaris E220 with the 96 micro-
Tube plate (Covaris, Inc., Woburn, MA, USA) (37). The fragmented DNA
size was determined with the Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100 high-sensitivity
DNA kit (Agilent Technologies) to confirm the normal size distribution
around a 300-bp peak. Libraries were constructed using the KAPA HTP
library preparation kit (KK8234, KR0426 [v3.13]; Kapa Biosystems, Wil-
mington, MA, USA) with dual surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRI)
size selection (40). Libraries were constructed using the Agilent Bravo
option B (Agilent Technologies). Libraries were indexed using Bioo Sci-
entific NEXTflex-96 DNA barcodes v13.05 (Bioo Scientific Corp., Austin,
Texas, USA) and Integrated DNA Technologies Weimer 384 TS-LT DNA
barcodes. Library quantification was done using the KAPA library quan-
tification kit (KK4824; Kapa Biosystems) to ensure the final library con-
centration prior to normalization and pooling for sequencing (40).
Sequencing was performed with BGI@UCDavis (BGI@UCDavis, Sacra-
mento, CA, USA) using the Illumina HiSeq 2000 platform with PE100
Weis et al.
7166 December 2016 Volume 82 Number 24Applied and Environmental Microbiology
(Illumina Inc., San Diego, CA, USA) or the Illumina HiSeq 3000 platform
with PE150 at the UC Davis Genome Center (Davis, CA, USA) (43,45).
Sequence assembly, annotation, and whole-genome analyses. As-
sembly of paired-end reads was done with ABySS 1.5.2 using the following
parameters: Kmer length 64 (49). Annotations were done with the
Prokka pipeline using the following parameters: –force –addgenes com-
pliant genus Campylobacter usegenus –rfam (50). Genomic distances
were determined using the genome-to-genome distance calculator
(GGDC), an in silico DNA-DNA hybridization (isDDH) technique, using
the webserver at as published previ-
ously (51,52) and implemented locally as PanCake (53). The DNA-DNA
hybridization (DDH) model “formula 2” was used as is recommended for
draft genomes. Distance matrices were translated into the Newick tree
format with Trex webserver software using the neighbor-joining method
(54,55), and distance matrixes were clustered and visualized using the R
statistical programming language (56). Single-gene (16S rRNA genes and
cdtC) analyses were performed by extracting the sequences from each
genome and aligning them using MUSCLE through Geneious (v6.1.8) to
align sequences and generate phylogenetic trees (57,58). Trees were ed-
ited using Dendroscope 3.0 (59). SplitsTree4 was used to compute trees
and splits using the equal angle method with the “use weights” and “run
convex hull” parameters (60).
Genome alignments were done using Mauve under progressiveMauve
(61,62). Contigs were reordered using the “reorder contigs” option in
Mauve under the default parameters using C. jejuni subsp. jejuni NCTC
11168 as the reference genome, and then reordered genomes were aligned
to each other using progressiveMauve. This publication made use of the
Campylobacter MLST database ( for in
silico MLST (29).
Genomic assessment of virulence factors and antibiotic resistance
genes. Genomes were compared against a database (63,64) consisting of
virulence factor genes from six published Campylobacter genomes (Cam-
pylobacter fetus 82-40, C. jejuni 81-176, C. jejuni 81116, C. jejuni RM
11168, C. jejuni RM1221, and C. jejuni subsp. doylei 269.97) and plasmid
C. jejuni 81-176 pVir. All published Campylobacter virulence factor genes
were examined for each isolate to determine genotype variation; subse-
quently, five specific features associated with virulence and infection were
selected for comparison and occurrence. These targets included (i) cdtA,
cdtB, and cdtC, which code for cytolethal distending toxin (CDT), the
main toxin in Campylobacter (65–67); (ii) putative type IV secretion sys-
tem (T4SS) virB genes, associated with invasion (68); (iii) secreted inva-
sion proteins CiaB and FlaC (69–71); and (iv) adherence genes jlpA,porA,
pebA, and cadF (63,72,73). Virulence factor proteins were defined using
the Pathogenic Bacterial Virulence Factor database (63,64) using USE-
ARCH (74) and by hand using previously published genes (75–78)in
Geneious using Prokka annotations.
Antibiotic resistance genes were analyzed in every genome using the
Resistance Gene Identifier software and the Comprehensive Antibiotic
Resistance database (CARD) (79). Using these tools, Campylobacter ge-
nomes were assessed for the presence of known antibiotic resistance genes
(75–78). Specifically, we examined each genome for five antibiotic resis-
tance genes or operons that are relevant to Campylobacter antibiotic re-
sistance: (i) the multidrug-resistant efflux complex CmeABC and its reg-
ulatory gene cmeR (76,77); (ii) the MacAB efflux locus, which confers
resistance to macrolides (79); (iii) the tetO locus, a ribosomal protection
protein that confers resistance to tetracycline and its derivatives (75); (iv)
the oxa-184 and oxa-61 genes, which are members of the class D -lacta-
mase family and confer resistance to -lactam antibiotics (78); and (v)
specific point mutations in the gyrA gene known to mediate resistance to
fluoroquinolones in Campylobacter.
Accession number(s). All raw genome sequences generated in this
study are available in the NCBI SRA as part of the 100K Pathogen Genome
Project under BioProject accession number PRJNA186441. Accession
numbers are listed in Table S1 in the supplemental material.
Assembly and annotation. Each of the 160 sequenced Campylo-
bacter genomes were assembled and annotated using ABySS and
Prokka with the same settings and conditions (49,50). The ge-
nomes of all three species ranged from 1,491,293 to 2,006,566 bp
(the smallest being Campylobacter lari), with an average of
1,772,774 bp assembled in an average of 55 contigs per genome.
They contained an average of 1,799 coding DNA sequences
(CDS), 40 tRNAs per genome, and one transfer-messenger RNA
(tmRNA). For a full list of the genome structural details, see
Table S1 in the supplemental material as well as the SRA acces-
sion numbers.
Each Campylobacter genome was examined for 16S rRNA
genes sequence variation and MLST pattern, including the se-
quence type and clonal complex. However, the discriminative res-
olution in many cases was poor and inconclusive, particularly be-
tween some Campylobacter coli and C. jejuni 16S rRNA gene
sequences (see Fig. S1 in the supplemental material). Although
indiscriminant in some sequences, this analysis did confirm the
observations of Weis et al. (22), who observed a “crow-only” host
MLST was considered the gold standard for genotyping an
isolate in the pregenomics era; however, this method relies on the
perfect match of an isolate from within the already existing data-
base (29). If the sequence is not contained in the database, no
assignment can be made and other methods are needed to deter-
mine the relationship. In this study, 100 C. jejuni and C. coli ge-
nomes matched known MLST patterns. Unfortunately, 60 ge-
nomes had no match in the database of commonly used
housekeeping genes (see Table S2 in the supplemental material).
Consequently, further comparisons were done to determine spe-
cific similarities using the entire genome sequence and genome
Whole-genome analysis. Genome distance calculations re-
solved individual species into distinct groups of C. jejuni,C. coli,
and C. lari (Fig. 1; see also Fig. S2 in the supplemental material). A
phylogenetic tree constructed from the genome distances placed
83% (72/87) of the C. jejuni isolates from crow origin into a sep-
arate clade from those isolates obtained from primates or humans,
while 17% (15/87) of the isolates from crows clustered closely with
human, primate, and sheep C. jejuni (Fig. 1). This finding dem-
onstrated that multiple genotypes exist within each bacterial spe-
cies, and in the case of C. jejuni, it also resolved host origin, which
may be evidence for host species adaptation. These observations
confirm that the genome sequence has sufficient analytical reso-
lution to link host range with genotype as observed previously in
environmental samples using Vibrio spp. (80).
To further examine that link between genotype and host
source, we used genome distance measurements to define two
major groups within C. jejuni: (i) a crow-only cluster and (ii) a
distinct cluster that contained isolates from many host species that
we defined to be “generalists,” a concept similar to what other
groups have previously defined for this organism (81,82). The
generalist group contains phylogenetically similar organisms ob-
tained from seven different host species (Fig. 1). Several crow iso-
lates were interspersed among the generalist C. jejuni clade. Nota-
bly, the genome distance of two crow isolates that clustered closely
with human isolate C. jejuni ICDCCJ07001, an isolate known to
cause GBS, suggests that crows may carry organisms that are re-
Campylobacter in Multiple Host Species
December 2016 Volume 82 Number 24 7167Applied and Environmental Microbiology
sponsible for this disease in humans. Similar relationships were
observed for isolates that caused human gastroenteritis (i.e., C.
jejuni M1) and isolates associated with abortion in livestock. Gen-
eralist genotypes that were linked closely to the three disease pre-
sentations were distinctly different from crow-only genotypes,
warranting further examination of genomes to determine the spe-
cific genes and genotypes that were associated with the disease
phenotype across the host range.
After careful investigation of the DDH analyses between the
crow-only and generalist groups, it is possible that the isolates in
the crow-only clade are potentially a novel third subspecies of C.
jejuni. For instance, comparing two separate isolates from crows,
BCW_3810 from the crow-only clade and BCW_6872 from the gen-
eralist clade, the DDH estimate is 74% (71% to 76.8%) where 70%
is the same species. This indicates that the crow-only and the gen-
eralist isolates are both C. jejuni; however, the DDH estimate to
belong to the same subspecies is 79%, leaving the crow-only iso-
late as a separate subspecies from the generalist C. jejuni subsp.
jejuni isolate. Therefore, using this whole-genome analysis
method, it is possible that these isolates are a separate subspecies.
Genome structure. Genome synteny was examined in the 160
genomes sequenced in this study, with an additional 24 genomes
(184 total comparisons) from the NCBI SRA that spanned host
sources and disease phenotypes. This analysis found that the col-
lection of genomes did not contain any major structural differ-
ences (e.g., inversions or translocations). As expected, structural
alignments between isolates that were placed closely together us-
ing the genome distance analysis also aligned the closest structur-
ally (see Fig. S4 in the supplemental material). Between the crow-
only and the generalist clades, the genomes were more diverse
between clades than within each clade, indicating that the major
differences between each clade were at the level of allelic variation.
Whole-genome antibiotic resistance genotypes. All Campy-
lobacter genomes examined, regardless of clade, species, or host
origin, contained the cmeABC efflux complex (data not shown),
while 79.4% (127/160) contained the cmeR regulatory gene (Fig. 2)
and all contained the macAB efflux loci (data not shown). The tetO
locus, however, was found primarily in C. jejuni isolates from
crows and ruminant abortion cases. In crow-derived C. jejuni,
23.7% (23/97) of genomes contain tetO, 65.2% (15/23) from the
FIG 1 Genome distance calculations from draft genomes show two main groups within C. jejuni: a crow-only clade and a generalist clade (A). The generalist
clade subset (B) shows C. jejuni isolates from a mixture of crow, primate, sheep, cow, goat, and human (GenBank) hosts. Tips are labeled with accession number
(GenBank), strain name, source (when available), MLST (when available). Scale bar indicates genomic distance.
Weis et al.
7168 December 2016 Volume 82 Number 24Applied and Environmental Microbiology
FIG 2 Genomic distance and antibiotic resistance genes. Dendrogram built from genomic distance calculations shows host in colored dots (key). The top arm
of the dendrogram shows the C. jejuni isolates, and the bottom arm of the dendrogram shows the primate C. coli isolates. Tetracycline resistance gene tetO can
be found predominantly in crow and sheep (abortive) isolates, and oxa-184 is found more often in crow populations whereas oxa-61 is found more often in the
sheep and primate populations. Point mutations in gyrA are represented by purple, indicating Thr-Ile 86 mutation, and blue, indicating Thr-Val 86 (found only
in C. lari). Gray indicates the presence of gyrA but no fluoroquinolone resistance-related SNP.
December 2016 Volume 82 Number 24 7169Applied and Environmental Microbiology
crow-only clade and 34.7% (8/23) from the generalist clade. Two
C. jejuni isolates from primates in the generalist clade contained
tetO. Almost all (91%, 10/11) abortion isolates contained tetO
(Fig. 2). These results signify that tetO is widespread in abortion
isolates (91% of the population was positive), is potentially linked
to the disease phenotype, and may be useful in differentiating host
Out of the total genomes sequenced in this study, 84% of iso-
lates contained class D -lactamase genes. Of those, 55% (88/160)
of the genomes contained the oxa-184 gene and 29.4% (47/160)
contained the oxa-61 gene. Almost all C. jejuni isolates from crows
contained oxa-184 (except for 5 generalists), whereas the C. jejuni
isolates in the generalist clade typically contained oxa-61. The C.
coli isolates from primates contained the oxa-61 loci (Fig. 2; see
also Fig. S3 in the supplemental material). The two prominent
-lactamase genes (oxa-61 and oxa-184) were differentially pres-
ent within the genomes and were indicative of host source.
Genomes were further examined for the presence of specific
point mutations in gyrA known to mediate resistance to fluoro-
quinolones. Of the Campylobacter isolates from nonhuman pri-
mates, 32% contained a mutation that would result in a Thr-Ile 86
mutation in the GyrA protein, whereas only 4% of Campylobacter
isolates from crows contained this mutation. Importantly, all
Campylobacter isolates from crows with the gyrA mutation were
from the generalist clade; none were identified in the crow-only
clade (Fig. 2; see also Fig. S3 in the supplemental material). No
other known substitutions in gyrA were found in the C. jejuni
genomes; however, all three C. lari isolates from crows contained
a Thr-Val 86 mutation as well. These results demonstrated that
while Campylobacter isolates from crows (i.e., wildlife) contain
fewer antibiotic resistance genes than Campylobacter isolates from
agriculture-associated sources and captive animals, the presence
of fluoroquinolone resistance genes in a small number of C. jejuni
isolates from crows (all generalists) may be indicative of zoonotic
Whole-genome virulence loci analysis. Virulence genes were
specifically examined in conjunction with each Campylobacter
isolate’s host species (Table 1). Nearly all genomes (95%) con-
tained one or more cytolethal distending toxin gene (cdtA,cdtB,
and cdtC). All genomes contained genes associated with invasion
(ciaB and flaC) and adherence genes (jlpA,porA,pebA, and cadF).
Genes involved in the type IV secretion system (T4SS) were
identified much less frequently in these genomes than the other
virulence genes that were studied. virB4 was present in 31% of
genomes, while the remaining vir genes were found in only 8% to
21% of the evaluated genomes. Most T4SS genes were found in
tandem with other T4SS genes in one genome (Table 1). Nearly all
genomes were potentially pathogenic because of the presence of
known virulence loci in all clades, suggesting that all 160 genomes
are potentially pathogenic in humans.
Cytolethal distending toxin. Since all loci were present, ge-
nomes were further investigated for specific point mutations
within each virulence gene as a possible differentiation metric for
virulence by host species. To evaluate the hypothesis that adher-
ence molecules in Campylobacter may provide the critical differ-
ence between zoonotic and nonzoonotic species and can inform
us of the origin and functional differences between the generalist
and crow-only groupings, the membrane-binding protein CdtC
that facilitates adhesion to the host cell and promotes cell entry of
CdtB (65–67) was specifically identified and examined as a candi-
date for this hypothesis. Alignments of cdtC from each genome
revealed single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) variants that
would lead to protein coding changes segregated by Campylobac-
ter species. Within C. jejuni,cdtC allelic variation exactly recapit-
ulated clades defined by whole-genome distance calculation into
crow-only or generalist C. jejuni (Fig. 3). Differentiation of this
gene into host-specific clades indicated that significant pheno-
typic differences can be explained by small changes in a single
Analysis of CdtC protein alignment found specific amino acid
changes separating the protein sequences into four main groups,
i.e., C. coli,C. lari, and two groups with C. jejuni (generalist and
crow only) (Fig. 3; see also Fig. S5 in the supplemental material).
The CdtC alignment, when assessed for SNPs, revealed that the
crow-only CdtC alleles were nearly identical. The generalist clade
contained seven alleles of cdtC that coded for amino acid changes
(Fig. 3A). All C. coli and C. lari cdtC alleles were identical within
each bacterial species and were more similar to each other than to
C. jejuni. This finding indicates that within C. jejuni,cdtC may be
under evolutionary pressure in relation to host species coloniza-
tion and transmission. This suggests that the allelic variation of
cdtC may be a fundamental factor in disease after transmission
and may impact zoonotic and disease phenotypes. We further
hypothesized that a combination of adherence specialization and
antibiotic selection may provide clues to zoonotic potential and
disease potential.
Abortion isolates. To test this hypothesis, we examined ge-
nomes from isolates that caused abortion in multiple livestock
species. Previous studies demonstrate that abortive C. jejuni iso-
lates are associated with the occurrence of tetO (83). We observed
that 91% (10/11 isolates) of abortion cases contained tetO in the
TABLE 1 Occurrence of common virulence factors in 160
Campylobacter isolates sequenced in this study
Toxin type/function and
gene Frequency (%)
CDT toxin
cdtA 96
cdtB 95
cdtC 97
ciaB 100
flaC 100
cadF 100
jlpA 100
porA 100
pebA 100
Type IV secretion system
virB1 12
virB2 17
virB3 13
virB4 31
virB6 21
virB8 21
virB9 8
virB10 20
virB11 12
Weis et al.
7170 December 2016 Volume 82 Number 24Applied and Environmental Microbiology
genome of the C. jejuni isolate. Only one abortion-associated C.
jejuni isolate (BCW_6919) did not contain tetO (Fig. 2). When
CdtC was assessed using the abortion isolates, the resultant phy-
logenetic tree was very similar to the genomic distance tree, and
the CdtC variant was identical in all abortion isolates and genomic
near-neighbors (Fig. 3B). Genomic distance calculations of the
abortion isolates reveal several instances where C. jejuni isolates
from crows, chickens, humans, and primates cluster with those
that caused abortion (Fig. 4). Taken together, these data indicate
that CdtC and TetO may play a more important role in disease
than previously thought. This may have broad implications for
pathogenicity, zoonotic transmission, and disease phenotype as
highlighted by the findings for livestock abortion.
This study describes the first large-scale (184 isolates) genomic
comparison of Campylobacter isolates collected from wild birds,
livestock, nonhuman primates, and humans. Whole-genome se-
quencing evaluation identified distinct clades within Campylobac-
ter spp., particularly C. jejuni, and provided a much more robust
vehicle for isolate comparison than 16S rRNA genes or MLST
approaches, as additional molecular resolution was needed to un-
cover new discoveries for allelic variation and disease. While evi-
dence of major structural alterations in genomes was not detected,
gene-level differences were identified that may contribute to host
adaptation and pathogenic potential. Since this tool clearly de-
fined bacterial species, we hypothesized that this approach may be
predictive of host source, especially when coupled with the meta-
data and genomic markers that link transmission capability, such
as those in the generalist clade.
Nearly all (95%) of the isolates from crows, primates, and live-
stock contained loci associated with invasion and virulence. Al-
though the exact mechanistic details of how C. jejuni invades hu-
man host cells and causes disease are still unclear, several virulence
pathways have been implicated in C. jejuni pathogenesis. CDT is a
holotoxin composed of three proteins, CdtA, CdtB, and CdtC,
and has been shown to disrupt the host cell cycle, leading to cell
arrest and even host cell death (65–67,84). The flagellar apparatus
of C. jejuni consists of many proteins, including filament proteins
FlaA and FlaB, and has been shown to act in motility of the bac-
teria and as a putative secretion system, secreting Cia (Campylo-
bacter invasion antigen) proteins and FlaC into the host epithelial
cells (69–71,84,85). Type IV secretion system proteins typically
encoded on plasmids (pVir) have been shown previously to con-
tribute to virulence although their function is still unknown (68).
The C. jejuni isolates in this study contained many of these viru-
lence loci and can be characterized as potential pathogens by their
genomes. Whether those virulence genes are expressed still needs
to be determined. Phylogenetic analysis based on one protein se-
quence in particular (cdtC) recapitulated the full genome phylo-
genetic tree, which may indicate a role in each isolate’s host pre-
dilection and zoonotic potential.
Our results show that several genomes from crows (17%; 15/
87) displayed high similarity to sequences of isolates implicated in
FIG 3 Alignment of CdtC sequences replicates the whole-genome phylogenetic tree and correctly splits species and clades. The cdtC nucleotide sequence was
extracted from every genome, aligned, and built into a phylogenetic tree (A). Replicating the full genome tree, cdtC drives the separation between C. lari,C. coli,
and between the C. jejuni generalists and the C. jejuni crow-only host grouping. Within the generalists, CdtC sequences from the abortion isolates are identical
to those from select chickens, crows, and primates (B). Numbers represent bootstrapping, and the scale bar is at the bottom.
Campylobacter in Multiple Host Species
December 2016 Volume 82 Number 24 7171Applied and Environmental Microbiology
human disease, suggesting that these isolates are potential patho-
gens of public health importance and zoonotic transfer. The C.
jejuni isolates from crows fell into two major clades: 83% (72/87)
made up a crow-specific clade of C. jejuni, whereas 17% (15/87)
was associated with other hosts and made up part of the generalist
The Campylobacter isolates collected from macaques that were
evaluated in this study were split between C. coli and C. jejuni. The
C. coli isolates from primates all clustered together by genomic
distance calculations and were very similar to one another (all 30
C. coli isolates were in the same C. coli clade). Most (81%; 13/16) of
the primate C. jejuni isolates and all of the livestock isolates were
members of the generalist clade. Campylobacter is widely accepted
to be a genomically diverse group. However, we observed that the
crow-only clade was very genomically similar, whereas the gener-
alist clade contained four major clades that contain 60 different
genotypes that are associated with multiple host sources. It is likely
that these are the genomes that represent high diversity and likely
high transmissibility.
Zhao et al. (86) recently found that the Campylobacter geno-
type, using WGS, is predictive of antibiotic resistance phenotypes
using 114 isolates of Campylobacter (C. jejuni and C. coli) and 18
antibiotic resistance genes. They found between 95% and 100%
correlation to phenotype. The findings of Zhao et al. provide ad-
ditional evidence to verify that the antibiotic resistance genes and
SNPs observed in this study may be predictive of phenotype from
crow isolates. With this hypothesis, we examined all of the isolates
from crows to find that they had either genes or SNPs associated
with antibiotic resistance genes, and 85% of isolates contained
class D -lactamase genes. Specifically, 80% contained oxa-184
whereas 5% contained oxa-61. All five of the C. jejuni isolates from
crows that contained oxa-61 were part of the generalist clade,
whereas the crow-only clade only contained oxa-184. Over 23% of
C. jejuni isolates from crows contained tetO, 4.5% of C. jejuni
isolates from crows contained a gyrA SNP, and one isolate had
both tetO and the gyrA SNP. From the generalist clade of C. jejuni
isolates from crows, 53.3% (8/15) were positive for tetO and all
four crow C. jejuni isolates with the gyrA SNP were from the gen-
eralist clade (26.6%; 4/15). Humans infected with C. jejuni are
frequently treated with fluoroquinolones (e.g., ciprofloxacin) (87,
88). Because of this, food animals (post 2005) are no longer
treated with fluoroquinolones in the United States (89). While the
FIG 4 Genomic distance dendrogram of C. jejuni isolates implicated in causing abortion compared with GenBank C. jejuni from humans and with crow and
primate isolates from this study. This dendrogram reveals greater than assumed genomic distance between those isolates with the same MLST and those thought
to be clonal and shows two novel isolates from sheep and goats that associate more closely with a crow isolate and a chicken isolate from the Sacramento Valley.
Tips are labeled as strain identifier, isolate source, and MLST (when available). Abortive C. jejuni isolates are indicated by stars.
Weis et al.
7172 December 2016 Volume 82 Number 24Applied and Environmental Microbiology
point mutations conferring resistance to fluoroquinolones were
absent in chicken and livestock isolates, mutations were fre-
quently identified in primate isolates (36.7% [11/30] of C. coli
isolates and 25% [4/16] of C. jejuni isolates). Similarities between
the generalists (32% of C. jejuni isolates) from crow, sympatric
macaque, and sheep isolates suggest that transmission between
avian, primate, and ungulate hosts can occur. The prevalence of
antibiotic resistance genes in isolates from a wide host range may
pose a public health risk from this agent.
These results add to recent studies exploring the importance of
wild birds in disseminating Campylobacter throughout a large
geographic area (13–15). Here, we have developed a method using
genomics, antibiotic resistance markers, and specific virulence
factors to detect isolates of pathogenic and zoonotic potential.
Isolates in the generalist category contain clinically important an-
tibiotic resistance genes and, through potential dissemination of
Campylobacter isolates via crows, represent a risk to human and
animal health and should be regarded as a public health threat.
Further, we show that using the whole genome is more accurate
and informative for phylogenetics, virulence, and antibiotic resis-
tance assessment than all other previous forms of analysis.
In conclusion, this study demonstrated the power of popula-
tion-scale WGS with Campylobacter isolates from wild bird pop-
ulations, captive nonhuman primates, isolates from human infec-
tions, and livestock abortion isolates. This approach provided a
robust and powerful method to determine genome-scale patho-
genicity and the potential for zoonotic exchange in ecological set-
tings to link disease and host range, where previously used molec-
ular tools lacked the necessary resolution. Here, we showed that
whole-genome distance calculations classified each species accu-
rately. Further, C. jejuni isolates from crows segregated into two
main clades, that of a crow-only clade not associated with disease
and a generalist clade, which contained genomes from multiple
hosts many of which were associated with disease (gastroenteritis,
GBS, or abortion). Antibiotic resistance genes such as -lactama-
ses also segregated along the genome distance clades. This was also
observed for cdtC, again, recapitulating the genome distance
groupings. Remarkably, the isolates from livestock that caused
abortion all contained the identical cdtC allele, implicating that
this specific cdtC allele was unique to this livestock disease. Inter-
estingly, tetO was found with all but one of the abortion cases,
suggesting that cdtC and tetO may be coevolving to produce a
generalist genome that is zoonotic and abortion linked. Use of
WGS and population genomics provided a high-resolution view
of Campylobacter genomes that was linked to host range, diseases,
and possible zoonotic transmission genotypes.
We would like to acknowledge Karen Pacheco and JoAnn Yee at the
VMTH for their help with isolation and identification of crow Campylo-
bacter isolates and Abigail Spinner at the CNPRC for primate isolates. We
thank the 100K Pathogen Genome Project team. We also thank Walter
Boyce and Woutrina Smith for collaborations and discussions.
Studies were funded in part by the University of California, Davis to
Andrea K. Townsend, by the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative
under competitive grant no. 2014-67012-21622 from the USDA National
Institute of Food and Agriculture to Conor C. Taff, and by the 100K
Pathogen Genome Project under FDA grant no. 5U01FD003572-04.
This work, including the efforts of Andrea K. Townsend, was funded by
UDSA, Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grant
(2014-67012-21622). This work, including the efforts of Bart C. Weimer,
was funded by FDA/CFSAN (5U01FD003572-04).
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Campylobacter in Multiple Host Species
December 2016 Volume 82 Number 24 7175Applied and Environmental Microbiology
... Campylobacter spp. is a zoonotic pathogen that is found in the gut flora of many species ranging from domesticated to wild animals-both free roaming and in captivity. It is capable of infecting humans as well as non-human primates (NHP) causing mild to severe gastrointestinal problems [3][4][5]. Emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of Campylobacter is a major public health concern as animals carrying the bacteria pose a significant risk to humans via contamination of water sources, food, or through repeated interactions (physical contacts) [4][5][6]. In Nepal, Campylobacter is one of the leading causes of food-borne infections; and antibiotic resistant strains of the bacteria have also been reported in poultry slaughter houses throughout Nepal [7][8][9][10]. ...
... It is capable of infecting humans as well as non-human primates (NHP) causing mild to severe gastrointestinal problems [3][4][5]. Emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of Campylobacter is a major public health concern as animals carrying the bacteria pose a significant risk to humans via contamination of water sources, food, or through repeated interactions (physical contacts) [4][5][6]. In Nepal, Campylobacter is one of the leading causes of food-borne infections; and antibiotic resistant strains of the bacteria have also been reported in poultry slaughter houses throughout Nepal [7][8][9][10]. ...
... Limited publications are available documenting spillover from domesticated dogs Canis lupus familiaris [12] and from livestock to farmers [13]. However, no such studies have been published highlighting detection and possible spillover of Campylobacter from NHP such as Rhesus macaques (Macaca mullata, commonly known as monkeys) to humans in Nepal, even though, risk of such exposure and disease transmission have been widely documented [4][5][6]. ...
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Campylobacter spp. is often underreported and underrated bacteria that present real health risks to both humans and animals, including non-human primates. It is a commensal microorganism of gastrointestinal tract known to cause gastroenteritis in humans. Commonly found in many wild animals including non-human primates (monkeys- Rhesus macaques) these pathogens are known to be a common cause of diarrhea in humans in many parts of developing and under developed countries. Rhesus macaques from the two holy sites in Kathmandu (Pashupati and Swoyambhu) were included in this cross-sectional study. Diarrheal samples of monkeys were analyzed to detect and characterize the pathogen using 16S rRNA-based PCR screening, followed by DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. Out of a total 67 collected diarrheal samples, Campylobacter spp. were detected in the majority of the samples (n = 64; 96%). DNA sequences of the amplified PCR products were successfully obtained from 13 samples. Phylogenetic analysis identified Candidatus Campylobacter infans (n = 10, Kimura-2 parameter (K2P) pairwise distance values of 0.002287). Remaining three sequences might potentially belong to a novel Campylobacter species/sub-species- closely relating to known species of C. helviticus (K2P pairwise distance of 0.0267). Both Candidatus Campylobacter infans and C. helvitucus are known to infect humans and animals. Additionally, we also detected the bacteria in water and soil samples from the sites. Campylobacter spp. caused the 2018 diarrhea outbreak in Rhesus macaques in the Kathmandu valley. Campylobacter might be one of the important contributing pathogens in diarrheal outbreaks-both in humans and animals (monkeys) in Nepal. Due to close interactions of these animals with humans and other animals, One Health approach might be the most effective way to prevent and mitigate the threat posed by this pathogen.
... The most prevalent resistant gene determined in this study was the quinolone resistance gyrA_2 T86V gene (100%). This Thr-Val 86 substitution in the GyrA protein has been previously reported only in the C. lari group [32][33][34], and as it cannot be acquired due to a single point mutation, it is considered that this is the sequence of an intrinsically resistant organism [32]. Two known β-lactam resistance genes (blaOXA variants) were also detected: blaOXA-493 gene was identified in thirty-three samples (76.7%), and blaOXA-518 was identified in three samples (7.0%). ...
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Campylobacter lari is a thermotolerant bacterium that sporadically causes gastrointestinal diseases in humans and can be found in wildlife and the environment. C. lari is an understudied species, especially in wild birds such as gulls. Gulls are potentially good carriers of pathogens due to their opportunistic behavior and tendency to gather in large flocks. During winter and their breeding period, 1753 gulls were captured, and cloacal swabs were taken to be tested for the presence of C. lari. From isolated bacteria, the DNA was sequenced, and sequence types (ST) were determined. Sixty-four swabs were positive for C. lari, and from those, forty-three different STs were determined, of which thirty-one were newly described. The whole genome was sequenced for 43 random isolates, and the same isolates were tested for antimicrobial susceptibility using the broth microdilution method to compare them to WGS-derived antimicrobial-resistant isolates. All the tested strains were susceptible to erythromycin, gentamicin, and chloramphenicol, and all were resistant to ciprofloxacin. Resistance to ciprofloxacin was attributed to a gyrA_2 T86V mutation. Genes connected to possible beta-lactam resistance (blaOXA genes) were also detected.
... Campylobacter is the most reported cause of bacterial infectious gastrointestinal disease. However, systematic disease surveillance programs, which include campylobacteriosis, are largely limited to industrialized countries, such as the United States and member states of the European Union, because in non-industrialized countries they are either scarce or have a lower incidence [26,30]. Campylobacter infections in humans principally cause diarrhea; however, the severe neuropathological disorders Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) and Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS), and reactive arthritis have been associated with Campylobacter infections [3,31]. ...
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Campylobacter spp. are important zoonotic pathogens and can cause one of the main bacterial diarrheal diseases worldwide. Research in the context of infection arising from transmission from other humans and other vertebrates has been extensive. A large fraction of these investigations has focused on domestic animals; however, there are also a number of publications which either totally, or at least in part, consider the role of wild or feral animals as carriers or spreaders of Campylobacter spp. Here, we carry out a systematic review to explore the role played by wild vertebrates as sources of Campylobacter spp. with a compilation of prevalence data for more than 150 species including reptiles, mammals and birds. We found that numerous vertebrate species can act as carriers of Campylobacter species, but we also found that some host specificity may exist, reducing the risk of spread from wildlife to domestic animals or humans.
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Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli represent the leading causes of bacterial gastroenteritis in humans, and infections can produce post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome (PI-IBS). Rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) (RM) are similarly susceptible to acute campylobacteriosis and represent a potential model of PI-IBS. We characterized the Campylobacter species circulating in an RM breeding colony using culture, qPCR, and whole genome sequencing (WGS). We also compared the C. jejuni and C. coli prevalence in RM as detected with qPCR versus culture and identified risk factors for bacteria presence and intestinal disease. Culture of 275 samples yielded C. coli (103) and C. jejuni (8), of which 21.6% were resistant to quinolones and 3.6% were resistant to macrolides. Multidrug-resistant isolates were obtained exclusively from animals exhibiting diarrhea or with histologically confirmed chronic enterocolitis. WGS revealed a non-clonal population of Campylobacter spp. Genotypic predictions of resistance were excellent except for aminoglycosides. All sequenced isolates contained genes for all subunits of cytolethal distending toxin. qPCR detected a prevalence of 45.9% for C. coli and 29.6% for C. jejuni. The quantity of either bacteria was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in animals with intestinal disease compared to healthy animals, though only young age was significantly associated with the presence of Campylobacter sp. or intestinal disease. Significantly more C. jejuni positive animals were detected with qPCR than with culture. These results provide a comprehensive characterization of Campylobacter spp. circulating in a breeding colony of RM in the United States and suggest that qPCR is superior for the detection of C. jejuni in RM. IMPORTANCE Gastrointestinal disease is one of the most common reasons for hospitalization in non-human primate colonies and accounts for over one-third of non-research related euthanasia. In rhesus macaques, this manifests as both acute diarrhea and chronic enterocolitis (CE), a syndrome of chronic diarrhea resulting in poor weight gain or weight loss which is minimally responsive to treatment. Campylobacter spp. are major causes of acute enterocolitis in rhesus macaques and may predispose individuals to the development of CE, similar to post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome in humans. Despite these concerns, there are few studies characterizing Campylobacter in rhesus macaque colonies, in particular utilizing whole genome sequencing and assessing findings with respect to the health status of the host. Our findings provide insight into Campylobacter strains circulating in rhesus macaque colonies, which can improve clinical monitoring, assist in treatment decisions, and provide new avenues of investigation into campylobacteriosis as a catalyst for CE.
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Background Foodborne pathogens such as Campylobacter jejuni are responsible for a large proportion of the gastrointestinal infections worldwide associated with poultry meat. Campylobacter spp. can be found in the chicken fecal microbiome and can contaminate poultry meat during the slaughter process. Commonly used sampling methods to detect Campylobacter spp. at poultry farms use fecal droppings or boot swabs in combination with conventional culture techniques or PCR. In this pilot study, we have used air filtering and filters spiked with mock communities in combination with shotgun metagenomics to detect Campylobacter and test the applicability of this approach for the detection and characterization of foodborne pathogens. To the best of our knowledge is this the first study that combines air filtering with shotgun metagenomic sequencing for detection and characterization of Campylobacter. Results Analysis of air filters spiked with different levels of Campylobacter, into a background of mock or poultry house communities, indicated that we could detect as little as 200 colony forming units (CFU) Campylobacter per sample using our protocols. The results indicate that even with limited sequencing effort we could detect Campylobacter in the samples analysed in this study. We observed significant amounts of Campylobacter in real-life samples from poultry houses using both real-time PCR as well as shotgun metagenomics, suggesting that the flocks in both houses were infected with Campylobacter spp. Interestingly, in both houses we find diverse microbial communities present in the indoor air which reflect the fecal microbiome of poultry. Some of the identified genera such as Staphylococcus, Escherichia and Pseudomonas are known to contain opportunistic pathogenic species. Conclusions These results show that air sampling of poultry houses in combination with shotgun metagenomics can detect and identify Campylobacter spp. present at low levels. This is important since early detection of Campylobacter enables measures to be put in place to ensure the safety of broiler products, animal health and public health. This approach has the potential to detect any pathogen present in poultry house air.
Background: Weather variability is associated with enteric infections in people through a complex interaction of human, animal, and environmental factors. Although Campylobacter infections have been previously associated with precipitation and temperature, the association between precipitation and drought on campylobacteriosis has not been studied. Objective: Using data from Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and counties in Utah, this ecological study aimed to assess the association between precipitation and the incidence of campylobacteriosis by county from 2009 to 2021 and to determine how this association is modified by prior drought level and animal operations. Methods: We merged 38,782 cases of campylobacteriosis reported in 127 counties with total precipitation (in inches), temperature (in average degrees Fahrenheit), Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI, category), and animal census data (presence, density per square mile) by week from 2009 to 2021. Negative binomial generalized estimating equations adjusted for temperature with a 3-wk lag were used to explore the association between precipitation on campylobacteriosis with resulting incidence rate ratios (IRRs). Stratified analyses explored the association with precipitation following antecedent drought, presence of farm operations, and animal density. Results: A 1-in (25.4 mm) increase in precipitation was associated with a 3% increase in campylobacteriosis reported 3 wks later (IRR=1.03; 95% CI: 1.02, 1.04) after adjusting for average temperature and PDSI. Compared with normal conditions, there were significantly more cases when precipitation followed antecedent extremely wet (IRR=1.15; 95% CI: 1.04, 1.26), very wet (IRR=1.09; 95% CI: 1.01, 1.18), moderately wet (IRR=1.06; 95% CI: 1.01, 1.12), moderate drought (IRR=1.11; 95% CI: 1.07, 1.16), and severe drought (IRR=1.06; 95% CI: 1.02, 1.11) conditions, whereas there were significantly fewer cases (IRR=0.89; 95% CI: 0.85, 0.94) for antecedent extreme drought. Compared to counties with no animal operations, counties with animal operations had significantly more cases following precipitation for every PDSI category except extreme drought. Counties with a higher density of beef cattle, goats for meat, chicken broilers, and chicken layers had significantly higher rates of campylobacteriosis following precipitation than those with no such operations, whereas those with dairy cattle and goats for milk, did not. Discussion: In this majority arid and semiarid environment, precipitation following prior wet conditions and moderate and severe drought were significantly associated with increased rates of campylobacteriosis, and only in prior extreme drought did rates decrease. Where the precipitation fell made a difference; after precipitation, counties with farm operations had significantly more cases compared to counties without farm operations. Further work should assess individual-level risk factors within environmental exposure pathways for Campylobacter.
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Campylobacter jejuni or Campylobacter coli infection can lead to post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome in humans and may produce a similar syndrome in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). We report the complete genomes of 8 C. jejuni isolates and 103 C. coli isolates obtained from rhesus macaques with and without intestinal disease.
Background The Vieira's titi monkey ( Plecturocebus vieirai ) was recently described and characterized as endemic to Brazil. According to the IUCN red list, this species is classified as critically endangered (CR). At the date of the publication of this manuscript, there are no published data on the health aspects of this species. Methods For this study, the necropsy, and histopathological data of the mortality of P . vieirai at Sorocaba Zoo (São Paulo, Brazil) were collected and analyzed. Results Causes of death diagnosed included disorders of the urinary, gastrointestinal, immune, and circulatory systems. Conclusions This study provides information regarding the pathological conditions of P . vieirai and points to urinary and gastrointestinal diseases as the main causes of death in this species at Sorocaba Zoo. These results can help veterinarians who have this species under their care diagnose and deal with it more quickly, increasing the probability of survival.
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Importance: Campylobacter jejuni is the most common cause of gastroenteritis in industrialized countries. Despite efforts to reduce colonization of poultry flocks and eventual infection of humans, the incidence of human C. jejuni infection has remained high. Because wild birds can harbor strains of C. jejuni that eventually infect humans, there has long been speculation that wild birds might act as an important reservoir in the C. jejuni infection cycle. We simultaneously studied infection prevalence, social behavior, and movement ecology in wild American crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos). We found that social behavior contributed to patterns of infection and that movement behavior resulted in some areas having high risk of transmission while others had low risk. Incorporating ecological data into studies of C. jejuni in wild birds has the potential to resolve when and how wild birds contribute to domestic animal and human C. jejuni infection, leading to better control of initial poultry contamination.
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The tree of life is one of the most important organizing principles in biology1. Gene surveys suggest the existence of an enormous number of branches2, but even an approximation of the full scale of the tree has remained elusive. Recent depictions of the tree of life have focused either on the nature of deep evolutionary relationships3, 4, 5 or on the known, well-classified diversity of life with an emphasis on eukaryotes6. These approaches overlook the dramatic change in our understanding of life's diversity resulting from genomic sampling of previously unexamined environments. New methods to generate genome sequences illuminate the identity of organisms and their metabolic capacities, placing them in community and ecosystem contexts7,8. Here, we use new genomic data from over 1,000 uncultivated and little known organisms, together with published sequences, to infer a dramatically expanded version of the tree of life, with Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya included. The depiction is both a global overview and a snapshot of the diversity within each major lineage. The results reveal the dominance of bacterial diversification and underline the importance of organisms lacking isolated representatives, with substantial evolution concentrated in a major radiation of such organisms. This tree highlights major lineages currently underrepresented in biogeochemical models and identifies radiations that are probably important for future evolutionary analyses.
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Objectives: The objectives of this study were to identify antimicrobial resistance genotypes for Campylobacter and to evaluate the correlation between resistance phenotypes and genotypes using in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility testing and whole-genome sequencing (WGS). Methods: One hundred-fourteen Campylobacter sp. (82 C. coli and 32 C. jejuni) isolated from 2000-2013 from ill humans, retails meats and cecal samples from food production animals in the United States as part of the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System were selected for study. Resistance phenotypes were determined using broth micro-dilution of nine antimicrobials. Genomic DNA was sequenced using the Illumina MiSeq platform, and resistance genotypes were identified using assembled WGS sequences through BLASTx analysis. Results: Eighteen resistance genes, including tetO, blaOXA-61, catA, lnuC, aph(2' ')-Ib, aph(2' ')-Ic, aph(2')-If, aph(2' ')-Ig, aph(2' ')-Ih, aac(6')-Ie/aph(2' ')-Ia, aac(6')-Ie/aph(2' ')-If, aac(6')-Im, aadE, sat4, ant(6'), aad9, aph(3')-Ic, aph(3')-IIIa, and mutations in two house-keeping genes (gyrA and 23S rRNA) were identified. There was a high degree of correlation between phenotypic resistance to a given drug and the presence of one or more corresponding resistance genes. Phenotypic and genotypic correlation was 100% for tetracycline, ciprofloxacin/nalidixic acid, and erythromycin and ranged from 95.4% to 98.7% for gentamicin, azithromycin, clindamycin, and telithromycin. All isolates were susceptible to florfenicol, and no genes associated with florfenicol resistance were detected. Conclusions: There was a strong correlation (99.2%) between resistance genotypes and phenotypes, suggesting that WGS is a reliable indicator of resistance to the nine antimicrobial agents assayed in this study. WGS has the potential to be a powerful tool for antimicrobial resistance surveillance programs.
Technical Report
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Next-generation whole genome sequencing of microbes demands rapid, robust, and scalable library construction workflows, capable of generating high-quality sequence data across a wide range of genome sizes, complexities and genomic GC content. In this Application Note, we describe a streamlined library preparation method that results in minimal bias, high uniform coverage, and facilitates de novo assembly of microbial genomes.
Technical Report
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The Agilent DNA Extraction Kit (p/n 200600) was compared to standard methods such as beadbeating and enzyme treatment for preparation of genomic DNA from the prokaryote Listeria monocytogenes. Using this extraction kit, with modifications, to lyse the bacteria and isolate high molecular weight DNA reproducibly yielded high quality DNA suitable for further applications such as polymerase chain reactions to produce amplicons, or for next-generation DNA sequencing. The quality of the high molecular weight DNA, and the comparison of extraction methods, was shown on the Agilent 2200 TapeStation with the Agilent Genomic DNA ScreenTape (p/n 5067-5365) and Agilent Genomic DNA Reagents (p/n 5067-5366). 2
A new method called the neighbor-joining method is proposed for reconstructing phylogenetic trees from evolutionary distance data. The principle of this method is to find pairs of operational taxonomic units (OTUs [= neighbors]) that minimize the total branch length at each stage of clustering of OTUs starting with a starlike tree. The branch lengths as well as the topology of a parsimonious tree can quickly be obtained by using this method. Using computer simulation, we studied the efficiency of this method in obtaining the correct unrooted tree in comparison with that of five other tree-making methods: the unweighted pair group method of analysis, Farris's method, Sattath and Tversky's method, Li's method, and Tateno et al.'s modified Farris method. The new, neighbor-joining method and Sattath and Tversky's method are shown to be generally better than the other methods.