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Abstract and Figures

Commercial corn and wheat products were obtained and investigated for, proximate composition, mineral composition and tocopherol content. Proximate composition shows moisture content in the range of 28.75-2.75%, ash (2.70-0.32%), fats (21.52 -0.75%), protein (11.54-0.940%), crude fiber (4.06-0.250%) and carbohydrates (85.80-55.96%). The data indicate that Commercial corn and wheat products vary greatly in term of protein, fats and crude fiber. White flour and whole wheat flour were determined to contain high protein content (>10% protein) while oil popped popcorn and biscuit contain high fats content of >20%. In minerals the level of iron is 9.56-51.21mg/kg, Ca (50-560 mg/kg), Zn (1.90-32.40 mg/kg), K (820-2946) and Mg (310-1512 mg/kg). Tocopherol analysis was also done by the HPLC and found that Alpha tocopherol showed higher concentration than gamma and sigma tocopherol. In tocopherols level of alpha tocopherol is 0.3385-7.135 mg/100g, Gamma tocopherol (0.000212-9.665 mg/100g)Sigmmatocopherol (0.00212-1.685 mg/100g).
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Lyubomir M. Atanassov1, Mohammad Ali Shariati2, Maria S. Atanassova3, Muhammad Usman Khan4,Majid Majeed5, Shilan
1Sudent, MIPT, Russia.
2Research Department, LLC «Science & Education», Russia and Researcher All Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology, Moscow Region, Russia.
3Independent Researcher Sofia, Bulgaria.
4Department of Energy Systems Engineering, University of Agriculture Faisalabad,38000,Faisalabd,Pakistan,+92312667362.
5National institute of Food Science and Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad,38000,Faisalabd,Pakistan,+92312667362.
6 Department of Food Science and Technology, Gorgan Payame Nour University , Gorgan, Iran.
*Corresponding author:
Keywords: chicory(Cichoriumintybus L.),white birch (Betula pendula),Cotinuscoggygria, Geranium sanguineumL. and rose hip fruits
(Rosa caninaL.), total phenolics, total flavonoids, rutin and tannins
The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that almost 80% of the
earth’s inhabitants believe in traditional medicine for their primary health care
needs, and that most of this therapy involves the use of plant extracts and their
active components (Kishore Dubey et al., 2015; Winston, 1999). A number of
plants and plant products have medicinal properties that have been validated by
recent scientific developments throughout the world, owing to their potent
pharmacological activity, low toxicity and economic viability (Kishore Dubey et
al., 2015) .In recent years, the use of natural antioxidants present in traditional
medicinal plants has become of special interest in the scientific world due to their
presumed safety and nutritional and therapeutic value (Kishore Dubey et al.,
2015; Ajila et al., 2007). The majority of the antioxidant activity of plants is due
to the presence of phenolic compounds (flavonoids, phenolic acids and alcohols,
stilbenes, tocopherols, tocotrienols), ascorbic acid and carotenoids (Kishore
Dubey et al., 2015).
Bulgaria is situated in the Balkan Peninsula, South-East Europe, Mediterranean
and continental climates. The relief of the country is quite diverse ranging from
plains to low hills and high mountains. The climate is moderate continental to
modified continental, but in southern regions reflects rather a strong
Mediterranean influence. As a result of this climatic condition, the Bulgarian
flora is remarkable for its diversity (3500 plant species including 600 known
medicinal plants) (Ivancheva and Stancheva, 2000 ;Ivancheva et al., 2006).
Traditional Bulgarian medicinal plants have been used to treat human diseases in
Bulgaria for thousands of years, and people are becoming increasingly interested
in them because of their good health effects and low toxicity. In recent years,
studies on the antioxidant activities of Traditional Bulgarian medicinal plants
have increased remarkably in light of the increased interest in their potential as a
rich source of natural antioxidants. Several studies have indicated that Traditional
Bulgarian medicinal plants possess more potent antioxidant activities than
common dietary plants, and contain a wide variety of natural antioxidants, such
as total phenolics, flavonoidsand tannins (Atanassova et al., 2011).
In recent years, interest in plant-derived food additives has grown. Furthermore
plant extracts of Bulgarian white birch (Betula pendulaL.) leaves have been
shown to possess health-promoting properties. The white birch leaves extract
were strong diuretic and have effect at nephrolithiasis and urinary bladder
lythiasos, sedative effect on spasms of smooth muscle. It might be used in
following conditions: kidney diseases, ischia nerve inflammation and podagra
and atherosclerosis and also it has an antimicrobial effect (Christova-
Bagdassrian et al., 2014; Harbone, 1993).
The extracts from the leaves of the white birch significantly increase diuresis, and
with this and the emission of sodium and chloride ions, ie act as salidiuretik.
Until recently it was assumed that the diuretic action is due to the presence of
resinous substances. Therefore birch buds were preferred because they are rich in
resins. However, it is clear that flavonoids have a greater role in the diuretic
effect. They are contained mainly in the leaves. In addition, the leaves contain
potassium nitrate, which enhances the diuretic effect of the flavonoids. This
effect was related to total flavonoids (Christova-Bagdassrian et al., 2014;
Neoretal , 2006).
Cotinus coggygriais one of two species constituting a minor genus of the family
Anacardiaceae, viz., Cotinus coggygriaScop. (syn.: Rhus cotinus L.) Itself and
Cotinusobovatus Raf., the American smoketree. Its wide distribution extends
from southern Europe, the Mediterranean, Moldova and the Cauca-sus, to central
China and the Himalayas (Christova-Bagdassarian et al., 2016; Novakovic et
al., 2007; Matic et al., 2011). C. coggygriais a common medicinal plant (well
known as ‘smradlika’ or ‘tetra’) in the Bulgarian folk medicine for outer use
predominantly (Christova-Bagdassarian et al., 2016; Landzhev Chemical, I.,
2010; Ivanova et al., 2013).
Plants of the family Anacardiaceae have a long history of use by various peoples
for medicinal and other purposes. Rhus glabrais traditionally used in the
treatment of bacterial diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea, dysentery and
gangrene, while R. coriaria, besides its common use as a spice consisting of
ground dried fruits with salt, is also widely used as a medicinal herb, particularly
for wound healing (Christova-Bagdassarian et al., 2016; Matic et al., 2011;
Rayne and Mazza, 2007)
In folk medicine, Cotinus coggygriais routinely used as an antiseptic, anti-
inflamatory, antimicrobial and antihaemorragic agent in wound-healing
(Christova-Bagdassarian et al., 2016; Rayne and Mazza, 2007; Demirci et al.,
A number of plants and plant products have medicinal properties that have been validated by recent scientific developments throughout
the world, owing to their potent pharmacological activity, low toxicity and economic viability. In recent years, the use of natural
antioxidants present in traditional medicinal plants has become of special interest in the scientific world due to their presumed safety and
nutritional and therapeutic value. In this present study, comparative phenolic compounds in traditional Bulgarian medical plants. The
medical plants were analyzed for their tannins content by titrimetric method; rutin was determined spectrophotometrically by using
ammonium molybdate; the total phenolics content was determined by using Folin-Ciocalteu assay and the total flavonoids were used the
colorimetric reaction with aluminum (III) chloride. The present paper shown by the results of total phenolic and total flavonoid contents,
and rutin and tannins in medical plants that they must be relatively safe for the patient.
doi: 10.15414/jmbfs.2016.6.2.858-862
J Microbiol Biotech Food Sci / Atanassov et al. 2016 : 6 (2) 858-862
2003), as well as for countering diarrhea, paradontosis, and gastric and duodenal
ulcers (Christova-Bagdassarian et al., 2016; Rayne and Mazza, 2007;
Ivanova et al., 2007). However, these by-products are still a good and cheap
source of high-quality polyphenolic compounds which can be used in different
therapeutic procedures with the purpose of free radical neutralisation in
biological systems (Christova-Bagdassarian et al., 2016; Bucić-Kojić et al.,
2007; Heim et al., 2002; Yilmaz and Toledo, 2004)
Cichorium intybus L., commonly known as chicory, belongs to family Asteraceae
and widely distributed in Asia and Europe(ZahidKhorshid et al., 2015; Bais et
al., 2001). All parts of this plant possess great medicinal importance due to the
presence of a number of medicinally important compounds such as alkaloids,
inulin, sesquiterpene lactones, coumarins, vitamins, chlorophyll pigments,
unsaturated sterols, flavonoids, saponins and tannins (ZahidKhorshid et al.,
2015; Bais et al., 2001, Atta et al., 2010; Molan et al., 2003; Muthusamy et al.,
2008; Nandagopal et al., 2007). The whole plant has numerous applications in
food industry and medicine (Denev et al., 2014; Ilaiyaraja et al., 2010). Its dried
roots were used as a substitute or adulterant in coffee powder (Denev et al.,
2014; Jung et al., 1994). The young leaves can be added tosalads and vegetable
dishes, while chicory extracts are used for the production of invigorating
beverages (Denev et al., 2014).Leaves of chicory are good sources of phenols,
vitamins A and C as well as potassium, calcium, and phosphorus
(ZahidKhorshid et al., 2015; Muthusamy et al.,2008) C. intybus has been
traditionally used for the treatment off ever, diarrhea, jaundice and gallstones
(ZahidKhorshid et al., 2015; Abbasi et al., 2009; Afzal et al., 2009).During the
past decade, there is a growing interest in natural plant extracts with potential
antioxidant activity, because of their improved healthy effect (Denev et al., 2014;
Alexieva et al., 2013; Mihaylova et al., 2013). The expanded application is due
to their protective properties against oxidative stress disorders, as well
asoxidative damage in food products (Denev et al., 2014; Ivanov et al., 2014).It
is well known that polyphenols from plant extracts possessed strong antioxidant
activities. Their presence in medicinal plant that are natural source of inulin-type
fructans prebiotics additionally increase the biological activity of the obtained
extracts (Denev et al., 2014; Petkova et al., 2012; Vrancheva et al., 2012).
Wild growing rose hip fruits (Rosa canina L.) are widespread plant in Bulgaria
with great importance in herbal medicine. The Rosa canina fruits are a valuable
source for food and pharmaceutical industry. They contain a wide variety of
biologically and physiologically active ingredients, such as vitamins (C, B, P, PP,
E, K), flavonoids, carotenes, carbohydrates (mono- and oligosaccharides),
organic acids (tartaric, citric), trace elements and others (Taneva et al., 2016;
Ognyanov et al., 2014; Mihaylova et al., 2015).
These compounds play an important role in maintaining fruit quality and
determining nutritive value. Rose hips are also well known to have the highest
vitamin C content (3004000 mg/100 g) among fruits and vegetables (Taneva et
al., 2016; Demir et al., 2001). In Bulgaria rose hip fruits are typically consumed
as infusion. It was found that juice and aqueous extracts from rose hip possessed
exceptional antioxidant activity (Taneva et al., 2016; Demir et al., 2001). This
makes them suitable for use both in the fresh or dry state, or in the form of
extracts in food products and cosmetics (Taneva et al., 2016; Ognyanov et al.,
2014; Mihaylova et al., 2015). According to some authors, the higher values of
antioxidant activity of rose hip extracts due to synergism between
polysaccharides and organic acids (gallic, cinnamic, ellagic), with phenolic
antioxidants: flavonoids (rutin, kaempferol, quercetin) (Taneva et al., 2016;
Ognyanov et al., 2014; Mihaylova et al., 2015).
The most common antioxidants contained in fruits are ascorbic acid, carotenoids
and polyphenol substances with proven antioxidant capacity (Taneva et al.,
2016; Mihaylova et al., 2015).
Geranium macrorrhizum a perennial herb native from the Balkans,
occurring occasionally also in the Carpathian Mountains and in the Alps. It is
known as “Zdravets” which means “healthy” in Bulgarian folk medicine. A
methanol extract from leaves possesses strong hypotensive activity, cardiotonic,
capillary anticomplementary and sedative action as well (Ivancheva et al., 2006;
Genova et al., 1989; Ivancheva and Wollenweber, 1989; Ivancheva et al.,
1992). Central depressive action of methanol extracts has also been
demonstrated. The whole plant is rich in tannins with more in the stems than in
the green foliage. No alkaloids and cardiological glycosides have been found.
The presence of six flavonol aglycones in aerial parts of G. macrorrhizum has
been established (kaempferol 3-methylether (isokaempferide), kae-3,7-
dimethylether (kumataketin), kae-3,4’- dimethylether (ermanin), quercetin, qu-
7,3’-dimethylether and qu-3,7,3’,4’-tetramethylether (retusin)); two of these,
namely ermanin and retusin were said to be present in the roots too (Ivancheva et
al., 2006). The focus in the present study is a comparative evaluation of the total
phenolic and total flavonoid contents, rutin and tannins in traditional Bulgarian
medical plants as sources for human health.
Plant material
The leaves from chicory (Cichorium intybus L.), white birch (Betula pendula),
zdravec (Geranium macrorrhizum L.), smradlika (Cotinus coggygria, syn.: Rhus
cotinus L.) and rose hip fruits (Rosa canina L.) were harvested from different
regions of Bulgaria. All sample data are stated in the sampling protocol. The
dried leaves and rose hip fruit were kept in a dry place until further use.
Sample preparation
A dry simple of 0.5 g was weighted and phenolic and flavonoid compounds were
extracted with 50 mL80% aqueous methanol on an ultrasonic bath for 20 min. An
aliquot (2 mL) of the extracts was ultracentrifugated for 5 min at 14 000 rpm. The
extract prepared in this way was used for further spectrophotometric
determination of polyphenols.
Determination of total phenolics assay
The total phenolic contents of medicinal plants were determined by using the
Folin-Ciocalteu assay.An aliquot (1 mL) of extracts or standard solution of gallic
acid (10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 mg/L) was added to 25 mL volumetric
flask, containing 9mL of distilled deionised water (dd H2O). A reagent blank
using dd H2O was prepared. One milliliter of Folin-Ciocalteus phenol reagent
was added to the mixture and shaken. After 5 min, 10 mL of 7%Na2CO3 solution
was added to the mixture. To the solution the dd H2O was added up to volume of
25mL and mixed. After incubation for 90 min at room temperature, the
absorbance against prepared reagent blank was determined at 750 nm with an
UV-Vis Spectrophotometer BOECO Germany. All samples were analyzed in
duplicates (Marinova et al., 2005).
Determination of total flavonoids assay
The total flavonoid contents were measured by aluminum chloride colorimetric
assay. An aliquot (1 mL) of extracts or standard solution of catechin (10, 20, 40,
60, 80, 100 and 120 mg/L) wasadded to 10 mL volumetric flask, containing 4 mL
of distilled deionised water (dd H2O). To the flask was added 0.3 mL 5% NaNO2.
After 5 min, 0.3 mL of 10% AlCl3 was added. At 6thmin, 2mL 1 M NaOH was
added and the total volume was made up to 10 mL with dd H2O. The solution
was mixed well and the absorbance was measured against prepared reagent blank
at 510nm. UV-Vis Spectrophotometer BOECO Germany. All samples were
analyzed in duplicates (Marinova et al., 2005).
Rutin assay
The analyses of rutin content in Bulgarian medicinal plants were performed
according to The International Pharmacopoeia and AOAC method, after modified
methods with using 80% aqueous methanol. Pipet 2 mL aliquots solution into 50
mL volumetric flask was added to 2 mL deionized water (dd H2O) and 5 mL
ammoniummolybdat. The solution was added volume (50mL) with dd H2O and
mixed. Was prepared standard solution of rutin (0.0200 g dissolved into 2 mL
methanol) was added volume (50 mL) with 80% aqueous methanol. An aliquot (1
mL) of standard solution into 50 mL volumetric flask and dilute to volume with
distilled deionized water (dd H2O). A reagent blank using dd H2O was prepared.
The absorbance against prepared reagent blank was determined at 360 nm with
an UV-Vis Spectrophotometer BOECO Germany. All samples were analyzed
in duplicates (Atanassova et al., 2009a).
Calculations are based on averaging results from analyses of duplicate samples.
Calculate content (%) of rutin (R) in sample as follows:
R(%) = 
Asample - Absorbance of sample was determined at 360 nm;
Astand- Absorbance of standard solution was determined at 360 nm;
C Concentration of standard solution of rutin (g/mL);
W weight (g) of sample for analyses;
2 Volume (mL) of sample for analyses;
100 Percent, %.
Tannins assay
The analyses of tannins content in traditional Bulgarian medicinal plantswere
performed according to The International Pharmacopoeia and AOAC method,
after modified methods. Measured 25 mL of this infusion into 1 L conical flask
and add 25 mL indigo solution and 750mL distilled deionized water (dd H2O).
Titred with 0.1 N water solution of KMnO4 until blue solution changes to green,
then add a few drops at time until solution becomes golden yellow. Was prepared
standard solution of Indigo carmine (dissolve 6 g indigo carmine in 500mL
distilled deionized water (dd H2O) by heating, cool add 50 mL 96% - 98%
H2SO4, diluted to 1 L and then filtered. For the blank similarly titred mixture of
J Microbiol Biotech Food Sci / Atanassov et al. 2016 : 6 (2) 858-862
25 mL indigocarmine solution and 750mL ddH2O. All samples were analyzed in
duplicates (Atanassova et al., 2009b).
Calculations are based on averaging results from analyses of duplicate samples.
Calculate content (%) of tannins (T) in sample as follows:
T(%) = 
V Volume of 0.1 N water solution of KMnO4 for titration of sample, mL;
V0 Volume of 0.1 N water solution of KMnO4 for titration of blank sample,
0.004157 Tannins equivalent in 1 mL of 0.1 N water solution of KMnO4;
g Mass of the sample for analyses, g;
250 - Volume of volumetricflask, mL;
100 Percent, %.
Statistical analysis
All experiments were performed in triplicates. Analysis at every time point from
each experiment was carried out induplicate or triplicate. The statistical
parameters are calculated in terms of the reproducibility of the experimental data
using a statistical package universal ANOVA.
Different phytochemicals have various protective and therapeutic effects which
are essential to prevent diseases and maintain a state of well being. Methanolic
extract of rose hip fruits (Rosa canina L.), chicory (Cichorium intybus L.),
zdravec (Geranium macrorrhizum L.), smradlika (Cotinus coggygria, syn.: Rhus
cotinus L.) and white birch (Betula pendula L.) were analyzed for
phytoconstituents. The quantitative estimation of phenolic compounds of white
birch (Betula pendula L.), smradlika (Cotinus coggygria, syn.: Rhus cotinus L.),
zdravec (Geranium macrorrhizum L.), chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) and rose
hip fruits (Rosa canina L.) show that the traditional Bulgarian medical plants are
rich in total phenolics, total flavonoids according to the data shown in the Table1
and Figure 1. It is well that plant flavonoids and phenols in general, are highly
effective free radical scavenging and antioxidants. The phenolic constituents
found in herbs have attracted considerable attention as being the main agents of
antioxidant activity, although they are not the only ones. The antioxidant activity
of phenolic compounds is mainly due to their redox properties, which allow them
to act as reducing agents, hydrogen donors and singlet oxygenquenchers. In
addition, they have a metal chelation potential. Hence, the antioxidantactivity of
phenolics plays an important role in the adsorption or neutralization of free
radicals (Dutra et al., 2008; Laguerre et al., 2007).
The major compounds that are related to the antioxidant potential of a plant (or
plant part) are the total phenolics and, more specifically, the flavonoids (Dutra et
al., 2008; Kumar Ashok et al., 2012), though there is no consensus as to
whether these are the sole substances in plants that act in scavenging free
radicals. It is well known that plant phenolics, in general are highly effective in
free radical scavenging and they are antioxidants. The presence of these
phytochemicals in medical plants is thus a significant finding of the present
study. The content of total phenolics and total flavonoids in white birch (Betula
pendula L.), varying between 5256,30 mg GAE/100g dw to 2245,70 mg CE/100g
dw, was found to be much higher than and in rose hip fruits (Rosa canina L.) -
406,79 mg GAE/100g dw to 290,13 mg CE/100g dw, respectively, as shown in
Table 1 and Figure 1 with gallic acid and catechin as standards. These results
indicate that the higher antioxidant activity of the white birch (Betula pendula L.)
methanol extract, compared to the rose hip fruits (Rosa canina L.) methanol
extract, may be correlated to the phenolic and flavonoid content of respective
medical plant extract.
Table 1 Total phenolics and total flavonoids in studied Traditional Bulgarian
medical plants
Bulgarian medical plants
Total phenolics,
(mg GAE/100g dw)
Total flavonoids,
(mg CE/100g dw)
Rose hip fruits (Rosa canina
(RDS 0,03; n=3)
(RDS 0,03; n=3)
Chicory (Cichorium intybus
(RDS 0,07; n=3)
(RDS 0,01; n=3)
Zdravec (Geranium
macrorrhizum L.)
(RDS 0,01; n=3)
(RDS 0,05; n=3)
Smradlika (Cotinus
coggygria, syn.: Rhus
cotinus L.)
(RDS 0,08; n=3)
(RDS 0,04; n=3)
White birch (Betula pendula
(RDS 0,08; n=3)
(RDS 0,01; n=3)
Figure 1 Total phenolics and total flavonoids in Traditional Bulgarian medical plants
The presence of rutin and tannins in chicory (Cichorium intybus L.), rose hip
fruits (Rosa canina L.), zdravec (Geranium macrorrhizum L.), white birch
(Betula pendula L.) and smradlika (Cotinus coggygria, syn.: Rhus cotinus L.)
show that the traditional Bulgarian medical herbs are rich in tannins, rutin
according to the data shown in the Table 2 and Figure 2. The phytochemical
screening and quantitative estimation of the percentage of chemical constituents
of the plants studied showed that the dry herbs were rich in rutin and tannins.
Tannins are distributed all over the plant kingdom (BateSmith, 1962). The term
tannin refers to the use of tannins in tanning animal hides into leather; however,
the term is widely applied to any large polyphenolic compound containing
sufficient hydroxyls and other suitable groups (such as carboxyls) to form strong
complexes with proteins and other macromolecules. Tannins have molecular
weights ranging from 500 to over 3000 (BateSmith, 1962; Cheng et al., 2003).
Tannins may be employed medicinally in antidiarrheal, haemostatic, and
antihemorrhoidal compounds (BateSmith, 1962; Lin et al., 2004). Tannins can
also be effective in protecting the kidneys (52, 55). Tannins are also beneficial
when applied to the mucosal lining of the mouth (BateSmith, 1962;
Habtemariam and Varghese, 2015). Rutin is a common dietary flavonoid
widely distributed in the plant kingdom. It is also present in plant-derived
beverages and foods as well as numerous medicinal and nutritional preparations
(Sando and Lloyd, 1924; Habtemariam and Varghese, 2015). Today, rutin is
among the most popular natural flavonoids known for its multifunctional
nutritional and therapeutic uses (Sando and Lloyd, 1924; Habtemariam and
Lenti, 2015). As far as commercial exploitation of rutin is concerned, however,
very few plants store it in large amounts to merit the cost of its extraction from
natural sources (Sando and Lloyd, 1924). They were known to show medicinal
activity as well as exhibiting physiological activity. The presence of these
phenolic compounds in traditional Bulgarian medical herbs is a significant
finding in this present study. The content for rutin of white birch (Betula pendula
L.) varied between 6,24 % was found to be much higher than and chicory
(Cichorium intybus L.) - 2,09 %, respectively as shown in Table 2 and Figure 2
with rutin as
standards. The content for tannins of smradlika (Cotinus coggygria, syn.: Rhus
cotinus L.) varied between 11,15 % was found to be much higher than and
chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) - 2,26 %, respectively as shown in Table 2 and
Figure 2 and KMnO4 as titrate. It is important to notice that the comparison of
406,79 635,87 1530,7
290,13 315,15 110,2 810,4
Rose hip fruits (Rosa
caninaL.) Chicory
(CichoriumintybusL.) Zdravec (Geranium
macrorrhizumL.) Smradlika
syn.: RhuscotinusL.)
White birch (Betula
Total phenolics and total flavonoids in Traditional Bulgarian medical plants
Total phenolics, (mg GAE/100g dw) Total flavonoids, (mg CE/100g dw)
J Microbiol Biotech Food Sci / Atanassov et al. 2016 : 6 (2) 858-862
the results for rutin and tannin contents in the medical herbs will be not correct
because of the different methods of analysis.
Table 2 Tannins and rutin in studied Traditional Bulgarian medical plants
Bulgarian medical plants
Tannins, (%)
Rutin, (%)
Chicory (Cichorium intybus
(RDS 1,8; n=3)
(RDS 0,6; n=3)
Rose hip fruits (Rosa canina
(RDS 2,3; n=3)
(RDS 1,9; n=3)
Zdravec (Geranium
macrorrhizum L.)
(RDS 1,2; n=3)
(RDS 2,3; n=3)
White birch (Betula pendula
(RDS 0,4; n=3)
(RDS 0,3; n=3)
Smradlika (Cotinus coggygria,
syn.: Rhus cotinus L.)
(RDS 0,5; n=3)
(RDS 1,9; n=3)
In conclusion, on the basis of the results of this research showed that total
phenolic, total flavonoid, rutin and tannin contents are important components in
traditional Bulgarian medical plants grown in the country. The use of medical
plants as the first choice in self0treatment of minor conditions continues to
expand rapidly across the world. This makes the safety of medical plants an
important public health issue. The results can be used in public health campaigns
to stimulate the consumption of traditional Bulgarian plants as chicory
(Cichorium intybus L.), rose hip fruits (Rosa canina L.), zdravec (Geranium
macrorrhizum L.), white birch (Betula pendula L.) and smradlika (Cotinus
coggygria, syn.: Rhus cotinus L.) which are able to provide significant health
protection in order to prevent chronic diseases.
Figure 2 Tannins and rutin in Traditional Bulgarian medical plants
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Virus borne disease arises from contaminated food which can occur in all stages of food handling. Recently viral cases have been a load issue and significantly causes to most food borne illnesses. Thus the need of their fast detection and finding the disinfecting methods is sought.
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The aim of the current research was to determine the ascorbic acid content, total tannins and total phenolic content in three extracts (water, 50 % v/v ethanol, 70 % (v/v) ethanol) obtained from dry wild growing rose hip fruits and to evaluate their antioxidant potential by four reliable methods: DPPH, ABTS, FRAP, CUPRAC. The highest ascorbic acid content was observed in 70 % (v/v) ethanol extract – 2404 mg/100 g dw, while the total tannins dominated in the water extracts – 3.86 g/100 g dw. The 50 % ethanol extracts of rose hip demonstrated the highest total phenolic content-6.9 g GAE /100 g and the antioxidant activity: DPPH assay – 295.0 ± 1.0; ABTS – 368.4±3.0; FRAP – 390.1±4.8; CUPRAC 1358.2±14.8 mM TE/g dw, respectively. The present study showed that the investigated wild growing Rosa canina L. from Bulgaria was evaluated as a rich source of antioxidants and revealed their potential application as food and herbal cosmetic preparations.
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The use of a natural product with therapeutical properties has a long history. Ethanolic extract of Cotinus coggygria were analyzed for its phytoconstituents show that the dry leaves of Cotinus coggygria are rich in total phenols, total flavonoids, rutin and tannins. Solid–liquid extraction was carried out by 50% aqueous ethanol for 120 min, which gave concentration of total polyphenols and the findings of our present results are within good agreement with the other workers.
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Type-2 diabetes (T2D) is a complex metabolic syndrome that is characterized by persistent hyperglycemia due to either lack of insulin secretion and/or insulin resistance. The prevalence of T2D along with its major risk factor, obesity, has been increasing with an epidemic proportion in recent years. To date, there is no drug of cure for diabetes and the existing therapeutic approaches have serious drawbacks including side effects and loss of efficacy during prolonged use. Dietary polyphenols are one group of natural products that have shown promise as potential antidiabetic agents. In this review, their molecular mechanisms of action including, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, receptor agonist/antagonist effect and modulation of key signal transduction cascades, glucose transport, enzyme activity, receptor agonistic/antagonist effect, etc. in major insulin-sensitive cells are discussed.
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Sumac is the common name for a genus (Rhus) that contains over 250 individual species of flowering plants in the family Anacardiaceae. These plants are found in temperate and tropical regions worldwide, often grow in areas of marginal agricultural capacity, and have a long history of use by indigenous people for medicinal and other uses. The research efforts on sumac extracts to date indicate a promising potential for this plant family to provide renewable bioproducts with the following reported desirable bioactivities: antifibrogenic, antifungal, antiinflamma-tory, antimalarial, antimicrobial, antimutagenic, antioxidant, antithrombin, antitumorigenic, antiviral, cytotoxic, hypo-glycaemic, and leukopenic. As well, the bioactive components can be extracted from the plant material using environmentally benign solvents that allow for both food and industrial end-uses. The favorable worldwide distribution of sumac also suggests that desirable bioproducts may be obtained at the source, with minimal transportation requirements from the source through processing to the end consumer. However, previous work has focussed in just a few members of this large plant family. In addition, not all of the species studied to date have been fully characterized for potential bioactive components and bioactivities. Thus, there remains a significant research gap spanning the range from lead chemical discovery through process development and optimization in order to better understand the full potential of the Rhus genus as part of global green technology based on bioproducts and bioprocesses research programs.
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The study examined the comparative rutin contents and antioxidant potentials of the two closely related Moringa species: the Ethiopian (Moringa stenopetala) and Indian Moringa (M. oleifera). It is demonstrated that M. stenopetala leaves extract was a far superior (more than five-fold better) antioxidant than M. oleifera. Rutin was the principal constituent of M. stenopetala leaves while the compound was not detected in the leaves of M. oleifera. Quantitative HPLC-based analysis of M. stenopetala leaves revealed the rutin level at a respectable 2.34% ± 0.02% (on dry weight basis), which is equivalent to many commercial natural sources of this highly sought-after bioactive compound. Comparative analysis of rutin in some common herbal tea preparations of M. stenopetala leaves revealed that it is readily extractible with the highest amount obtained (98.8% ± 2.4%) when the leaves (1 g) were boiled in water (200 mL). For a large-scale exploitation of rutin, a fast and economically-viable isolation approach using solid phase extraction followed by crystallization or flash chromatography is outlined. Overall, the Ethiopian Moringa is distinctively different from the Indian Moringa and could be exploited as an industrial source of rutin for nutritional and/or medical uses.
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The phytochemical, antioxidant and mineral composition of hydroalcoholic extract of leaves of Cichorium intybus L., was determined. The leaves were found to possess comparatively higher values of total flavonoids, total phenolic acids. The phytochemical screening confirmed the presence of tannins, saponins, flavonoids, in the leaves of the plant. The leaf extract was found to show comparatively low value of IC50 for 2, 2-diphenyl-1 -icrylhydrazyl (DPPH) inhibition. The IC50 value of chicory leaves extract was found to be 67.2± 2.6 µg/ml. The extracts found to contain high amount of mineral elements especially Mg and Zn. Due to good phytochemical and antioxidant composition, Cichorium intybus L., leaves would be an important candidate in pharmaceutical formulations and play an important role in improving the human health by participating in the antioxidant defense system against free radical generation.
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Tannins are obtained upon the decomposition of vegetation. They will generally be found in surface water supplies or shallow wells. Although these compounds are not a health risk, they are aesthetically displeasing. Tannins are difficult to remove from water. Tannins can cause a yellow to brown cast in water and may also affect a taste and odour.
Diabetes and its major risk factor, obesity, have become a world-wide epidemic and cause of suffering for millions of people. There is still no drug of cure for diabetes and the currently available drugs suffer from a number of limitations either due to side effects and/or loss of efficacy during prolonged use. Rutin is one of the most abundant polyphenolic compounds belonging to the flavonoid class. In the present communication, its therapeutic potential for diabetes is critically analysed by reviewing its effect on the various targets of diabetes. The multifunctional nature of rutin including action via antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, organoprotection, etc., mechanisms is outlined through review of evidences from in vitro and in vivo studies.