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Effect of Meditation on Work Performance, State of Mind and Health



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dk;Z'khyrk] ekufld fLFkfr ,oa LokLF; ij /;ku (Meditation) ds izHkko
ujsUnz dqekj vk;Z
deys'k flag
vuqJh efyd
vfÒ;kaf=dh esa ewY; f'k{kk ds fy;s jk"Vªh; lalk/ku dsUnz
Òkjrh; izks|kSfxdh laLFkku fnYyh
/;ku (Meditation) Hkkjrh; ;ksx] phuh] tkikuh ,oa cgqr lh lH;rkvksa dk vfHkUu vax jgk gSA egkRek
cq) us /;ku ds jkLrs d"V:ih thou ls eqfDr dk jkLrk crk;kA iratfy us v"Vkax ;ksx esa /kkj.kk /;ku
,oa lekf/k NBs] lkrosa ,oa vkBosa vax crk;sA xhrk esa Hkh jkt;ksx ds :Ik esa /;ku dk o.kZu gSA vkt ds
;qx dh ekufld rukoHkjh dk;Z 'kSyh ,oa lH;rk esa /;ku dh t:jr vR;Ur c<+ xbZ gSA bl ys[k esa
/;ku ds ckjs esa crkrs gq, vusd 'kks/k i=ksa dk lkj :Ik of.kZr fd;k x;k gSA lHkh lkfgR; ,oa 'kks/k i=ksa
dh foospuk djrs gq, dk;Z'khyrk] ekufld fLFkfr ,oa LokLF; ij /;ku ds izHkko la{ksi esa crk, x, gSaA
'kks/kdkfj;ksa us /;ku eq[;r;k% rhu izdkj ds fy, gSaA leFkk (Attention Focussing), foi';uk
(Introspective) ,oa 'kkafr (Tranquility)
Lakf{kIr ifjp;
Hkkjrh; ;ksx ijaijk esa /;ku dks eu dks lqpk# :Ik ls pykus dk lk/ku ekuk x;k gSA iratfy us vius
;ksxlw=ksa esa ;ksx dks vkB vaxksa esa foHkkftr fd;k gSA ;g gS ;e] fu;e] vklu] izk.kk;ke] izR;kgkj]
/kkj.kk] /;ku ,oa lekf/kA ;e lekt esa O;ogkj ds] fu;e Lo;a ls laca/kh vuq'kklu ds] vklu 'kjhj dks
yphyk ,oa xzfUFk;ksa dks lqpk# cukus ds ckjsa esa gSA izk.kk;ke 'kjhj esa izk.k ok;q ,oa izkf.kd 'kfDr ds ckjs
esa gSA izR;kgkj bfUnz;ksa ij fu;a=.k dks crkrk gSA /kkj.kk esa ge fdlh fopkj dks /kkj.k djrs gSaA /;ku esa
dsoy ogh fopkj jg tkrk gS vkSj tc ge lekf/k esa pys tkrs gSa rks Lo;a dks Hkh Hkwy tkrs gSaA /kkj.kk]
/;ku ,oa lekf/k meditation ds uke ls Hkh tkus tkrs gSaA ;s jkt;ksx dh esa vkrs gSaA
bldks nwljs <ax ls Hkh le>k tk ldrk gSA gekjk 'kjhj ikap dks"kksa ls cuk gSA vUue; dks"k];
dks"k] eukse; dks"k] foKkue; dks"k ,oa vkuUne; dks"kA eukse; dks"k gS eu] cqf)] fpÙk ,oa vgadkjA
/;ku ds ek/;e ls ge eukse; dks"k dks lqpkj djrs gq,] foKkue; dks"k ,oa vkuUne; dks"k dh vksj c<+
tkrs gSaA vk/kqfud ;qx esa ekufld ruko cgqr c<+rk tk jgk gSA ekufld ruko fofHkUu jksxksa ,oa
leL;kvksa esa cny tkrk gSA eu dk lqpk# :Ik ls pyuk] fpÙk dk gydk gksuk] vgadkj dk ifj"d`r
gksuk ,oa cqf) dk Js"B ekxZ ij pyuk vkt ds ;qx dh ,d t:jr gSA bl lc ls ekufld LokLF;
vPNk jgrk gSA
/;ku dh fofHkUu i)fr;ka vusdksa laLFkkuksa }kjk pykbZ tk jgh gSa ¼ÁLrqfr 1½A /;ku ds
dk;Z'khyrk] ekufld fLFkfr ,oa LokLF; ij izHkko ij dkQh 'kks/k Hkh fd;k x;k gS ¼ÁLrqfr 2½A
vc /;ku lEcfU/kr 'kks/k 'kkjhfjd vkSj ekufld mUur Lrj dks ysdj ns'k vkSj fons'kksa esa brus gks pqds
gSa fd /;ku dk ldkjkRed izHkko vc fdlh ifjp; dk eksgrkt ugha gSA vdsyh eg_f"k ;qfuoflZVh
vkWQ euStesUV] ;w-,l- esa 350 ls vf/kd 'kks/kksa eas /;ku ds ldkjkRed izHkko ds izek.k izLrqr fd, x,
gSaA ftuesa eq[;r% 'kkjhfjd ekufld] cqf)] Le`fr] vkilh laca/k] v/;kfRed Lrj vkfn ij gSaA ftuesa
EEG, f- MRI ,oa euksoSKkfud ijh{k.k oSKkfud rduhdksa ds }kjk fl) fd;k x;k gSA tSlk fd
fuEufyf[kr dqN nwljs 'kks/k Hkh leFkZu djrs gSA bu 'kks/k i=ksa esa of.kZr fofHkUu fo"k;ksa dks la{ksi esa
vkxs crk;k tk jgk gSA
ÁLrqfr 1
ÁLrqfr 2
"The effects of meditation on executives’ performance in business organizations” (1) esa ruko] ifjorZu lEHkkyuss
dh {kerk] >xM++k fuiVkus dh {kerk ,oa usr`Ro dh {kerk ij /;ku ds izHkko dk v/;;u ,oa 'kks/k fd;k
x;kA ,d laLFkk esa rhu lewg cuk; x;s] /;ku djus okyksa dk lewg] muds lkFk dke djus okyksa dk
lewg ftlus fd /;ku ugha fd;k ,oa ewY;kadu djus okyksa dk lewgA /;ku dsfUnzr djus okys /;ku esa
;g ik;k x;k fd ruko Lrj de gq, ,oa ifjorZu lEHkkyus dh {kerk vf/kd fodflr gqbZA d#.kk
fodflr djus okys /;ku esa >xM+k fuiVkus dh {kerk ,oa usr`Ro {kerk vf/kd fodflr gqbZA
"The effects of mindfulness meditation training on multitasking in a high stress information environment"(2) ds
v/;;u esa leFkk /;ku (mind full meditation) izfØ;k dk cgqdk;Z {kerk ij izHkko ij[kk x;k gSA leFkk
/;ku djus okyksa dh cgq dk;Z djrs le; ;knnk'r csgrj gks xbZA 'kkafr okyk /;ku djus okyksa dh Hkh
;knnk'r csgrj gqbZA
"Work place spirituality, meditation and work performance"(3) esa dk;Z {ks= dk vk/;kfRed Lrj] /;ku ,oa
dk;Z'khyrk ds ckjs esa crk;k x;k gSA blesa 'kkfUr] /;ku ,oa foi';uk /;ku rjhdksa dk bLrseky fd;k
x;k gSA blesa ;g ik;k x;k fd tks /;ku djrs gSa mudk dk;Z {ks= vk/;kfRed Lrj /;ku u djus
okyksa ls Åapk gSA
blh 'kks/k i= esa nwljk v/;;u dsoy vkB fnu ds /;ku ij vk/kkfjr gSA bl v/;;u esa dk;Z'khyrk
ij /;ku dk ekewyh lk vUrj gh feykA bldk dkj.k /;ku dh vof/k de gksuk Hkh gks ldrk gSA
"Transforming trauma: a qualitative feasibility study of integrative restoration (irest) yoga nidra on combat related
post- traumatic stress discarded"(4) ds 'kks/k ls ;g fu"d"kZ fudkyk x;k fd ;ksx fuanzk ds vH;kl ls
ekufld vk?kkr ds ckn ds ruko dh fLFkfr esa Qk;nk igqpsxkA
"Effects of transcendental meditation in veterans of operation enduring freedom and operation iraqi freedom with
post traumatic stress disorder: a pilot study"(5) esa vrhfUnz; /;ku ds ;q) dj pqds lSfudksa ij izHkko ds ckjs esa
crk;k x;k gSA bl 'kks/k esa ;g ik;k x;k fd vfrfUnz; /;ku dk ekufld vk/kkr ds ckn ds ruko dh
fLFkfr esa Qk;nk gqvkA
'Examining the protective effects of mindfulness training an working memory capacity and affective experience"(6)
esa 'kks/k ls fu"d"kZ fudkyk x;k fd leFkk /;ku dk izf'k{k.k ;q) esa Hksts tkus ls iwoZ ds le; esa vR;Ur
ykHkdkjh gSA blls leL;k >syus dh ekufld 'kfDr c<+rh gSA leFkk /;ku euksoSKkfud dkj.kksa ls gksus
okyh leL;kvksa dh laHkkouk dks de djrk gSA leFkk /;ku lSfudksa ds laKkukRed lk/ku c<k+rk gSA
"Impact of adoption of Yoga way of life on the emotional intelligence of managers"(7) esa 'kks/k ls irk pyk fd
;ksxe; thou yksx¨a dh HkkoukRed cqf) {kerk dks c<+krk gS ftlls fd mudh dk;Z'khyrk c<+rh gSA
lQyrk lHkh deZpkfj;ksa dks ;ksx dh f'k{kk lgh <ax ls nsus ij fuHkZj djrh gSA
"Individual spirituality, work place spirituality and work attitudes"(8) esa dk;Z{ks= dh vk/;kfRedrk ds rhu
igyqvksa ds izHkko ns[sk x;s gSaA ;s rhu igyw gSa dk;Z esa vFkZ] leqnk; :Ik esa dk;Z ,oa laLFkk ds
ldkjkRed mn~ns';A O;fDrxr vk/;kfRedrk dks dk;Z ds rhu joS;ksa ds lkFk tksM+k x;k gSA ;s gSa dk;Z
esa lUrks"k] dk;Z esa yxu ,oa laLFkk ds izfr drZO;fu"BkA bl 'kks/k esa ;g ik;k x;k fd dk;Z esa lUrks"k
,oa dk;Z esa yxu ij dk;Z {ks= dh vk/;kfRedrk dk ldkjkRed izHkko iM+rk gSA dk;Z {ks= dh
vk/;kfRedrk dk laLFkk ds izfr drZO;fu"Bk ij ldkjkRed izHkko iw.kZ :Ik ls iM+rk gSA O;fDrxr
vk/;kfRed dk dk;Z {ks= dh vk/;kfRedrk ij FkksM+k lk ldkjkRed izHkko gSA
"Mindfulness meditation improves cognition: evidence of brief mental training"(9) esa NksVh /;ku izf'k{k.k izfØ;k
ds cks/k {kerk ,oa fetkt ij izHkko ij 'kks/k fd;k x;k gSA 49 yksxksa us bl 'kks/k esa Hkkx fy;kA fdlh
dks /;ku dk iwoZ vuqHko ugha FkkA 24 yksx /;ku oxZ esa Fks ,oa 25 yksx fu;a=.k oxZ esa FksA fo'ys"k.k ls
irk pyk fd NksVs le; ds leFkk /;ku ls leFkk lEcfU/kr dyk;sa ifj"d`r gks tkrh gSaA ;g Hkh irk
pyk fd udkjkRed fetkt ?kV tkrk gSA leFkk /;ku ls Fkdku feVkus esa vR;kf/kd enn feyhA fpark
ds vkadM+s Hkh dkQh de gks x;sA mnklh Hkh leFkk /;ku ls vR;Ur de gks xbZA leFkk /;ku ls cks/k
dk;ksaZ esa tSls fd okd~ izokg bR;kfn esa dkQh mUufr gqbZA
"The development and resulting performance impact of positive psychological capital"(10) esa ldkjkRed
euksoSKkfud iwath cukus ij ,oa blls dk;Z'khyrk ij izHkko 'kks/k dk o.kZu gSA f'k{kk] vuqHko ,oa Nqik
gqvk Kku ,d ekuoh; lalk/ku ekus tkrs gSaA ysfdu ldkjkRed euksoSKkfud iwath bl lc ls cgqr
vkxs gSA blesa dsoy vki D;k gSa dk egRo gh ugha gS cfYd vki D;k cu jgs gSa] viuk lcls vPNk
vkRe Lo:Ik bldk Hkh egRo gSaA euksoSKkfud iwath esa vk'kk] ldkjkRed lksp] fo'okl ,oa izfrjks/k
{kerk vkrs gSaA bl 'kks/k ds nkSjku euksoSKkfud <ax ls euksoSKkfud iwath c<+kus dh dksf'k'k dh xbZA
vk'kk dh iwath c<+kus ds fy;s mn~ns';ksa ,oa jkLrksa ds ckjs esa izf'k{k.k fn;k x;kA bl izf'k{k.k ls jkLrs
[kkstus dh {kerk c<+h ftlls fd ck/kkvksa dk udkjkRed izHkko de gks x;kA bu izfØ;kvksa ls
ldkjkRed lksp c<+hA fo'okl c<+kus ds fy, vuqHkoh yksxksa us le>k;k fd dSls mn~ns'; iwjs fd, tk
ldrs gSaA blls HkkoukRedrk Hkh c<+h ,oa lHkh lnL;ksa dks mEehn yxus yxh fd mn~ns'; iwjs gks
tk;saxsA izfrjks/k {kerk c<+kbZ xbZ vius xq.kksa dks le>kdj tks fd Fks mudh [kwfc;ka dyk;sa ,oa
lkekftd laidZA blds vykok blds fy, Hkkx ysus okyksa dh leL;kvksa ds le; gksus okyh 'kq#vkrh
vuqHko ds ckjs esa Hkh crk;k x;kA 'kks/k ls ;g Hkh irk pyk fd bl euksoSKkfud gLr{ksi ls dk;Z'khyrk
c<+ xbZA
"Autonomic changes in Brahmkumaris Raja Yoga Meditation"(11) esa czg~e dqekjh jkt;ksx /;ku izfØ;k esa
gksus okys Luk;qra= ds cnyko ds ckjs esa crk;k x;k gSA bl /;ku izfØ;k esa yksx vkjke ls vk¡[k
[kksydj cSBrs gSaA os viuk /;ku ,d izdk'k fcUnq dh vksj yxkrs gSaA lkFk gh os loZO;kid 'kfDr ds
ckjs esa ldkjkRed fopkj ykrs gSa izdk'k ,oa 'kkfUr ds :Ik esaA ifj.kkeksa ds fo'ys"k.k ls iyk pyk fd
Luk;qrU= esa vyx vyx fgLlksa esa ,d gh le; fØ;k'khyrk ,oa f'kfFkyrk c<+hA blds vykok vyx
vyx yksxksa ds 'kjhj esa cnyko dk <ax Hkh dqN vyx FkkA blls fu"d"kZ fudyk fd bl /;ku izfØ;k
ds 'kkfjfjd izHkko dks fdlh ,d laosnukRed fØ;k'khyrk ;k f'kfFkyrk ls O;Dr ugha fd;k tk ldrkA
"Loving, kindness and Compassion meditation: potent tail for psychological intervention"(12) 'kks/k esa cq) ijaijk
ds esÙkk /;ku ,oa d#.kk /;ku (compassion mediation) ds ckjs esa crk;k x;k gSA d#.kk /;ku i)fr esa
lHkh ds nq[k nwj djus ds ckjs esa /;ku fn;k tkrk gSA esÙkk /;ku esa lHkh ds ckjs esa I;kj ,oa n;kyqrk
dh Hkkouk ij /;ku yxk;k tkrk gSA bl 'kks/k i= esa dbZ 'kks/k i=ksa dk gokyk nsrss gq, bu /;ku
izfØ;kvksa dh ekufld izfrfØ;k dk o.kZu gSA blesa Li"V crk;k x;k gS fd leFkk /;ku izfØ;kvkssa dk
ekufld O;Fkk esa fo'ks"k ykHk gks ldrk gSA d#.kk ,oa esÙkk /;ku dk Øks/k] 'k=qrk] mnklh ,oa fpUrk ds
bykt esa fo'ks"k ykHk gks ldrk gSaA
"Mindfulness meditation, well-being and heart rate Variability: A preliminary investigation into the impact of
intensive vipassana meditation"(13) esa foi';uk /;ku izfØ;k dk euksoSKkfud ekinaMksa ij izHkko dk v/;;u
fd;k x;k gSA ;g euksoSKkfud ekinaM vPNs LokLF; ,oa cqjs LokLF; nksuksa ls lacfU/kr gSaA 36 yksxksa us
10 fnu ds foi';uk dkslZ esa Hkkx fy;kA ldkjkRed euksoSKkfud ekinaMksa esa thou ls larqf‘V bR;kfn
Fks rFkk [kjkc LokLF; ds ekinaMksa esaa mnklh] fpUrk ,oa ruko bR;kfn FksA fny dh /kM+du esa cnyko
Hkh ekik x;kA bl fnu ds foi';uk /;ku ds Ik'pkr Hkkx ysus okys lHkh ldkjkRed euksoSKkfud
ekinaMksa esa lq/kkj vk;sA mnklh] ruko ,oa vU; udkjkRed phtsa ?kVhaA ân;xfr esa cnyko esa dksbZ
fo'ks"k vUrj ugha feysA
"Spatial variation in air ion concentrations under different indoor environments"(14) esa vkbZ-vkbZ-Vh- fnYyh dks
fofHkUu iz;ksx'kkykvksa esa _.kkRed ok;q vk;u ij 'kks/k dk fooj.k gSA bl 'kks/k esa ik;k x;k fd fofHkUu
iz;ksx'kkykvksa esa _.kkRed ok;q vk;u fHkUu fHkUu la[;k esa FksA goknkj dejs] lw;Z dh jks'kuh] [kqykiu
,oa dkQh ek=k esa ikuh dk gksuk bu vk;uksa dh la[;k dks c<+krk gSA e/;e oxZ esa ;g iz;ksx'kkyk;sa Fkha
ftuesa de iznw"k.k mRiUu gksrk gS tSls fd ydM+h dk dke] yksgs dks ihVus dk dke bR;kfnA lcls de
_.kkRed vk;u ogkW ik;s x;s tgka ij ne ?kksVus okyk] iznwf"kr okrkoj.k gS tSls fd oSfYMax
dk;Z'kkyk bR;kfnA
"Effect of negative air ions on physiological and perceived psychological stress during computer operation"(15)
v/;;u esa _.kkRed ok;q vk;uksas dk dEI;wVj vkWijs'ku ds nkSjku 'kkjhfjd ,oa euksoSKkfud n'kk ij
izHkko dk v/;;u fd;k x;k gSA bl v/;;u esa ;g ik;k x;k gS _.kkRed vk;u vf/kd ek=k esa gksus
ij dEI;wVj vkWijs'ku ds nkSjku jDr pki fu;fU=r j[kus esa lgk;rk feyh vFkkZr budk ldkjkREkd
izHkko gqvkA ân;xfr Hkh lkekU; dh vksj vkbZA _.kkRed vk;u ls ruko ds 'kkjhfjd izHkko de gq,A
_.kkRed vk;uksa dk euksoSKkfud fLFkfr ij izHkko Hkh vkadk x;k vkkSj mlesa Hkh budk ldkjkRed
izHkko ik;k x;kA
gky gh esa jks'kuh lPpj us vius ih,p-Mh- 'kks/k esa ik;k fd /;ku ds rgr Soka Gakkai International
(SGI) vH;kl djus okys Hkkjr] vejhdk vkSj nwljs ;wjksfi;u ns'kksa esa csgrj dq'ky gSaA bl ckSf)d
izfØ;k dk v/;;u ldkjkRed euksfoKku dks ,d ljkguh; ;ksxnku gSA
foospuk ,ao fu"d"kZ
mu lHkh 'kks/ki=ksa ds v/;;u ls ;g gksrk gS fd /;ku ,oa ldkjkRed euksoSKkfud rjhdksa dk
dk;Z'khyrk ij vPNk lq/kkjkRed vlj iM+rk gSA euksoSKkfud fLFkfr esa lq/kkj vkrk gSA _.kkRed ok;q
vk;u Hkh _.kkRed euksn'kk ,oa ruko dks de djus esa lgk;d gksrs gSaA ekufld vk/kkr ls mRiUu
ruko ij Hkh /;ku dk ldkjkRed izHkko gSA fu"d"kZ Lo:Ik ge dg ldrs gSa fd /;ku] ldkjkRed
euksoSKkfud rjhds] _.kkRed ok;q vk;u bR;kfn rjhds euksoSKkfud ,ao 'kkjhfjd fLFkfr dks lq/kkjrs
gq, dk;Z'khyrk ,oa usr`Ro {kerk dks c<+krs gSaA bl fo"k; ij vR;kf/kd 'kks/k dh t:jr gS ftlls fd
fofHkUu laxBuksa esa dk;Z'khyrk c<+kbZ tk lds lkFk gh yksxksa dks csgrj euksoSKkfud fLFkfr ,oa 'kkjhfjd
LokLF; fn;k tk ldsA
/;ku ds fofHkUu laxBu Hkkjr esa ,oa fo'o esa lfØ; gSaA Hkkjr /;ku dh tUe Hkwfe gS rFkk lHkh /;ku
rjhds ewy :Ik ls Hkkjr esa mits gSaA vr% Hkkjr ds 'kks/kdrkZvksa dk ,oa izcU/kdksa dk ;g fo'ks"k drZO;
cu tkrk gS fd fo'o dks bl fn'kk esa ykHk igqpk;saA
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Conference Paper
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We describe an experiment to determine the effects of meditation training on the multitasking behavior of knowledge workers. Three groups each of 12-15 human resources personnel were tested: (1) those who underwent an 8-week training course on mindfulness-based meditation, (2) those who endured a wait period, were tested, and then underwent the same 8-week training, and (3) those who had 8-weeks of training in body relaxation. We found that only those trained in meditation stayed on tasks longer and made fewer task switches, as well as reporting less negative emotion after task performance, as compared with the other two groups. In addition, both the meditation and the relaxation groups showed improved memory for the tasks they performed.
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This paper reports two studies that examine how an organization might enable more productive work practices by encouraging the expression of its employees’ spiritual selves in an eastern context. Study 1 shows that people who regularly practice meditation have higher workplace spirituality scores than people who do not regularly practice meditation. Study 2 reports a quasi-experimental study in which people practiced insight meditation. The data did not reveal a direct effect for the meditation, however spirituality does relate to work performance. Moreover, the practice of meditation is also found to partially mediate the relationship between workplace spirituality and work performance.
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The popular perception that a high intelligence quotient (IQ) is not necessarily a good predictor of professional and personal success has led to a growing interest in understanding the role of emotional intelligence (EI) in improving the performance of business managers. This paper studies the impact of the yoga way of life on EI using data collected from 60 managers in a business enterprise and reports enhanced EI as a result of the practice of yoga. The results indicate the importance of yoga as an integral element in improving managerial performance in organisations and the need to further explore this construct in greater detail.
In the present study, we examined the effect of Negative Air Ions (NAI) exposure on physiological and psychological indicators of stress during a two-hour long computer operation. The level of variety of stresses during computer tasks in three conditions, i.e. 'control condition, control condition-placebo effect and experimental condition – air ion generator on (therapeutic conditions)', through pre and post-testing were compared. Heart beat was significantly different in third (therapeutic) condition (F = 6.0, p < 0.01). Moreover, only in therapeutic setting significant changes in heart beat (t = 2.9, p < 0.01) were observed in pre (77.4 bpm) and post-testing (72.1 bpm). Computer-oriented stress and psychological stresses were also significantly reduced in therapeutic condition (F = 3.6, p = <0.05). Further, there was no significant difference between control and placebo control in all the three conditions. Hence, therapeutic conditions where we introduce abundance of NAI helped to reduce the physiological and perceived psychological stress.
Mindfulness meditation has beneficial effects on brain and body, yet the impact of Vipassana, a type of mindfulness meditation, on heart rate variability (HRV) - a psychophysiological marker of mental and physical health - is unknown. We hypothesised increases in measures of well-being and HRV, and decreases in ill-being after training in Vipassana compared to before (time effects), during the meditation task compared to resting baseline (task effects), and a time by task interaction with more pronounced differences between tasks after Vipassana training. HRV (5-minute resting baseline vs. 5-minute meditation) was collected from 36 participants before and after they completed a 10-day intensive Vipassana retreat. Changes in three frequency-domain measures of HRV were analysed using 2 (Time; pre- vs. post- Vipassana) x 2 (Task; resting baseline vs. meditation) within subjects ANOVA . These measures were: normalised high-frequency power (HF n.u.), a widely used biomarker of parasympathetic activity; log-transformed high frequency power (ln HF), a measure of RSA and required to interpret normalised HF; and Traube-Hering-Mayer waves (THM), a component of the low frequency spectrum linked to baroreflex outflow. As expected, participants showed significantly increased well-being, and decreased ill-being. ln HF increased overall during meditation compared to resting baseline, while there was a time*task interaction for THM. Further testing revealed that pre-Vipassana only ln HF increased during meditation (vs. resting baseline), consistent with a change in respiration. Post-Vipassana, the meditation task increased HF n.u. and decreased THM compared to resting baseline, suggesting post-Vipassana task-related changes are characterised by a decrease in absolute LF power, not parasympathetic-mediated increases in HF power. Such baroreflex changes are classically associated with attentional load, and our results are interpreted in light of the concept of 'flow' - a state of positive and full immersion in an activity. These results are also consistent with changes in normalised HRV reported in other meditation studies.
Recently, theory and research have supported psychological capital (PsyCap) as an emerging core construct linked to positive outcomes at the individual and organizational level. However, to date, little attention has been given to PsyCap development through training interventions; nor have there been attempts to determine empirically if such PsyCap development has a causal impact on participants' performance. To fill these gaps we first conducted a pilot test of the PsyCap intervention (PCI) model with a randomized control group design. Next, we conducted a follow-up study with a cross section of practicing managers to determine if following the training guidelines of the PCI caused the participants' performance to improve. Results provide beginning empirical evidence that short training interventions such as PCI not only may be used to develop participants' psychological capital, but can also lead to an improvement in their on-the-job performance. The implications these findings have for human resource development and performance management conclude the article.
This eight-week study examined the feasibility of offering weekly classes in Integrative Restoration (iRest), a form of mindfulness meditation, to military combat veterans at a community mental health agency in the San Francisco Bay Area. Participants were 16 male combat veterans (15 Vietnam War and 1 Iraq War) of mixed ethnicity, aged 41 to 66 years, suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The 11 participants who completed the study reported reduced rage, anxiety, and emotional reactivity, and increased feelings of relaxation, peace, self-awareness, and self-efficacy, despite challenges with mental focus, intrusive memories, and other concerns. All participants reported they would have attended ongoing iRest classes at the agency approximately once per week.
Mindfulness-based meditation interventions have become increasingly popular in contemporary psychology. Other closely related meditation practices include loving-kindness meditation (LKM) and compassion meditation (CM), exercises oriented toward enhancing unconditional, positive emotional states of kindness and compassion. This article provides a review of the background, the techniques, and the empirical contemporary literature of LKM and CM. The literature suggests that LKM and CM are associated with an increase in positive affect and a decrease in negative affect. Preliminary findings from neuroendocrine studies indicate that CM may reduce stress-induced subjective distress and immune response. Neuroimaging studies suggest that LKM and CM may enhance activation of brain areas that are involved in emotional processing and empathy. Finally, preliminary intervention studies support application of these strategies in clinical populations. It is concluded that, when combined with empirically supported treatments, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, LKM and CM may provide potentially useful strategies for targeting a variety of different psychological problems that involve interpersonal processes, such as depression, social anxiety, marital conflict, anger, and coping with the strains of long-term caregiving.
We conducted an uncontrolled pilot study to determine whether transcendental meditation (TM) might be helpful in treating veterans from Operation Enduring Freedom or Operation Iraqi Freedom with combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Five veterans were trained in the technique and followed for 12 weeks. All subjects improved on the primary outcome measure, the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (mean change score, 31.4; p = 0.02; df = 4). Significant improvements were also observed for 3 secondary outcome measures: Clinician's Global Inventory-Severity (mean change score, 1.60; p < 0.04; df = 4), Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire (mean change score, -13.00; p < 0.01; df = 4), and the PTSD Checklist-Military Version (mean change score, 24.00; p < 0.02; df = 4). TM may have helped to alleviate symptoms of PTSD and improve quality of life in this small group of veterans. Larger, placebo-controlled studies should be undertaken to further determine the efficacy of TM in this population.