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Fast Hidden Markov Model Map-Matching for
Sparse and Noisy Trajectories
Hannes Koller, Peter Widhalm, Melitta Dragaschnig, Anita Graser
Austrian Institute of Technology
Giefinggasse 2
1210 Vienna
Abstract—The problem of map-matching sparse and noisy
GPS trajectories to road networks has gained increasing impor-
tance in recent years. A common state-of-the-art solution to this
problem relies on a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) to identify the
most plausible road sequence for a given trajectory. While this
approach has been shown to work well on sparse and noisy data,
the algorithm has a high computational complexity and becomes
slow when working with large trajectories and extended search
radii. We propose an optimization to the original approach which
significantly reduces the number of state transitions that need to
be evaluated in order to identify the correct solution. In ex-
periments with publicly available benchmark data, the proposed
optimization yields nearly identical map-matching results as the
original algorithm, but reduces the algorithm runtime by up to
45%. We demonstrate that the effects of our optimization become
more pronounced when dealing with larger problem spaces and
indicate how our approach can be combined with other recent
optimizations to further reduce the overall algorithm runtime.
Keywords—Data Analysis, GPS Processing, Map-Matching,
Hidden Markov Model, Optimization
With the advent of modern vehicles, smart phones and
navigation systems, a rich data pool of GPS trajectories is
gradually becoming available as an exciting new data source
for intelligent transportation systems and related services. As
GPS data is often prone to inaccuracies and measurement
errors, the first step in trajectory analysis usually involves a
map-matching algorithm that finds the most likely route for a
given sequence of GPS measurements. In our work we focus
on off-line analysis, where the entire GPS trajectory is known
beforehand. In this context, map-matching can formally be
defined as the problem of matching an entire GPS trajectory (a
sequence of GPS positions z0, z1, ..., zn) onto a road network
graph. The output is a sequence of road links r0, r1, ..., rn
which best corresponds to the input trajectory.
Existing map-matching approaches can be classified into
three categories: Geometric methods such as [1] perform
matching based on the geometrical properties of the GPS tra-
jectory. Topology-based methods utilize additional information
about the road network (such as link connectivity) to improve
map-matching performance [2]. Statistical methods make use
of probability models to identify the most likely road sequence
for a GPS trajectory. Statistical approaches based on Hidden
Markov Models (HMM) and related methods have successfully
been applied to map-matching problems ([6], [7], [8], [9]). We
Fig. 1. An example problem. Position z1could be matched to the Links 1,2
or 3. Position z2could be matched to Links 4 or 5 and Position z3could be
matched to the Links 6 or 7.
base our contribution on the work of Newson and Krumm [3]
which has been shown to work well on sparse and noisy data.
The Hidden Markov Model introduced in [3] attempts
to balance the trade-off between (i) the probability of the
candidate roads suggested by a single GPS measurement and
(ii) the feasibility of the path between different candidate roads.
The algorithm can be summarized as follows:
1) For each GPS position zi, a set of candidate roads
i, r1
i, ..., rn
i}is determined, i.e. a set of all roads
within a certain search-radius, for example 200m,
around zi.
2) For each candidate road rj
i, a measurement probabil-
ity is calculated which reflects how likely it is for a
vehicle on road rj
ito emit a GPS measurement having
position zi. The probability depends on GPS error
characteristics and decreases with increasing distance
between road and GPS position.
3) For each candidate road rj
iof a GPS position
zi, the transition probability to all candidate roads
i+1, r1
i+1, ..., rm
i+1}of the next GPS position zi+1 is
calculated.The transition probability is an exponential
function of the difference between the route length
and the great circle distance between ziand zi+1.The
transition probability calculation therefore requires a
shortest path routing between each pair of candidate
roads, which is a computationally expensive opera-
4) The Viterbi dynamic programming algorithm [12]
is applied to determine the map-matching solution
by selecting the sequence of candidate roads which
yields the overall best explanation for the observed
GPS trajectory.
As noted in [5], the run-time bottleneck of the approach
are the shortest-path calculations that have to be performed be-
tween every combination of candidate roads of two consecutive
GPS positions. Assuming there are ncandidate roads for GPS
position ziand mcandidate roads for GPS position zi+1 then
nm shortest paths need to be calculated to obtain all transition
probabilities between these two GPS positions. When dealing
with long, noisy GPS trajectories where a large number of
candidate roads must be considered in order to obtain good
map-matching results, the number of shortest path routings
becomes intractable.
Improving the run-time of [3] has already been the subject
of several recent publications. In [4] multi-threading is used
to parallelize the computation of measurement and transition
probabilities. The authors of [5] adapt the transition probability
calculation such, that the paths from a candidate road to all
of its successors can be determined with a single execution of
Dijkstra’s algorithm [13], thus reducing the number of required
shortest-path routings from nm to n.
In our work, we describe a different approach to improve
the run-time performance for HMM-based map-matching al-
gorithms. Our suggested method replaces the Viterbi algorithm
with a Bidirectional Dijkstra algorithm [10] and employs
lazy evaluation to reduce the costly calculation of transition
probabilities which are not required to determine the optimal
solution. Our contribution is orthogonal to the other opti-
mization approaches, because we employ a different solving
algorithm to find the solution. Our method decreases the num-
ber of transition probabilities which need to be evaluated in
order to identify the optimal solution. The presented approach
is however compatible with the other, previously mentioned
optimizations and can help to further improve the algorithm
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: In
section II we describe our optimization of the original algo-
rithm. We show how we construct a search graph from the
problem space of the HMM and describe how to transform
the HMM probabilities into cost functions compatible with
Dijkstra’s algorithm. In section III we evaluate the quality
and performance of our optimized algorithm using a publicly
available benchmark dataset and compare our results to the
results reported in [3]. Section IV concludes with a summary of
our findings and indicates directions for further improvements
of the presented algorithm.
As our algorithm is based on the approach of Newson
and Krumm [3], the performed steps are similar. However,
as opposed to the original method we do not apply the Viterbi
algorithm to find the most likely sequence of candidates given
the GPS positions z0, z1, ..., zn. Instead, we find the solution
by minimizing the path costs in a search graph using a bidi-
rectional version of Dijkstra’s algorithm [10]. This algorithm
follows a greedy approach for finding a minimal cost path and
evaluates the costs of a node and its outgoing edges only when
it arrives at this node during search. This way the computation
of transition costs, which involve computationally expensive
Fig. 2. Search graph for the example problem in Figure 1. Nodes in layer
licorrespond to the candidate roads of position zi. Origin and destination
nodes, and dashed lines complete the graph. Solid lines represent edges, where
a vehicle routing operation is required to obtain the edge cost (transition
routing operations, do not have to be performed immediately
but can instead be delayed until they are actually needed. In
most cases, the bidirectional Dijkstra algorithm only needs to
visit a fraction of all nodes before the minimum cost path is
found [11]. Thus, a large percentage of costly routing opera-
tions can be avoided. In real-world scenarios, where a trip can
consist of thousands of GPS positions (and therefore millions
of edges might be present in the graph), this optimization can
lead to substantial performance improvements.
A. Constructing a search graph
The search graph is constructed from an entire GPS
trajectory. First we insert an origin node o. Then, for each
position zi, we insert a layer liin the search graph and
identify a set of candidate roads (i.e. all roads in a search
radius daround position zi). For each candidate road rj
position zi, a corresponding node is created in layer liand
assigned with a cost representing the distance between the
GPS position ziand candidate rj
i. Next, a set of edges is
created connecting all nodes of a layer lito all nodes of the
next layer li+1. These edges are assigned with costs for a
transition from candidate rj
iin layer lito rk
i+1 in layer li+1,
which are defined based on the route length and great circle
distance between the GPS positions ziand zi+1. Note that
the edge costs are not calculated when the search graph is
constructed, the corresponding cost function is evaluated only
when the costs are actually needed (lazy evaluation). Finally a
destination node dis added and connected to all nodes of the
previous layer.
An example is given in Fig. 1, which shows a small trip
with 3 GPS positions {z0, z1, z2}. The resulting search graph
for this example problem is shown in Fig. 2: layer l0, which
represents position z0, contains three nodes representing the
roads r1
0= 1,r2
0= 2 and r3
0= 3. Similarly, layers l1and
l2contain nodes representing the candidate roads for position
z1resp. z2.
Note that the constructed search graph is analogous to
the HMM decoding performed by the Viterbi Algorithm. The
difference is that the measurement and transition probabilities
have been replaced by costs assigned to nodes and edges,
respectively. In the original algorithm, the Viterbi Algorithm
is used to find the map-matching solution by identifying the
state sequence R= (r0, r1, ..., rn)which maximizes the joint
probability p(R, Z). Dijkstra’s algorithm, in contrast, attempts
to minimize the path cost. In the following section we therefore
demonstrate how the measurement and transition probabilities
can be transformed into costs in such a way, that the joint
probability p(R, Z)is expressed as a path cost that can be
minimized with the Bidirectional Dijkstra algorithm.
B. Transforming probabilities into costs
A HMM models the joint distribution p(R, Z)of a state
sequence R= (r0, r1, ..., rn)given measurements Z=
(z0, z1, ..., zn)as
p(R, Z) = p(z0|r0)p(r0)Y
where p(zi|ri)are measurement probabilities (condi-
tional probability distribution of measurements given states),
p(ri|ri−1)are transition probabilities and p(r0)are initial
state probabilities. In [3] the GPS errors are assumed to
follow a zero-mean Gaussian distribution, and accordingly the
measurement probabilities are defined as
p(zi|ri) = 1
e−0.5( δ(zi,xi)
where xiis the point on the road segment rinearest to
zi, and δ(zi, xi)is the great circle distance between GPS
measurement ziand xi. The transition probabilities were
assumed to follow an exponential distribution
p(ri|ri−1) = βe−β|δ(zi−1,zi)−φ(xi−1,xi)|.(3)
Here φ(xi−1, xi)is the the driving distance along the
shortest route from xi−1to xi, and βis a parameter chosen
to best fit empirical data. The most likely state sequence - i.e.
sequence of road segments R- is calculated by maximizing
p(R, Z), which is equivalent to minimizing
−log p(R, Z) = −log p(z0|r0)−log p(r0)+
i=1..n −log p(zi|ri)−log p(ri|ri−1),(4)
−log p(zi|ri) = log(√2πσz)+0.5(δ(zi, xi)
−log p(ri|ri−1) = −log(β) + β|δ(zi−1, zi)−φ(xi−1, xi)|.
When minimizing −log p(R, Z)all additive constants can be
dropped as they are not relevant for the result. The initial state
probabilities p(r0)are assumed to be uniformly distributed and
can be dropped as well, and we minimize
C=0.5(δ(z0, x0)
0.5(δ(zi, xi)
)2+β|δ(zi−1, zi)−φ(xi−1, xi)|
By constructing a search graph with node costs
i= 0.5(δ(zi, xk
for node kin layer iand edge costs
i=β|δ(zi−1, zi)−φ(xj
i−1, xk
for the edge connecting node jin layer i−1to node kin
layer i, we can use the Bidirectional Dijkstra algorithm to find
a path (ie. a sequence R= (r0, r1, ..., rn)) minimizing the
path cost Cand thereby maximizing p(R, Z).
As Dijkstra’s algorithm generally operates only on
weighted edges, the node costs n(v)have to be merged with
the edge costs e(u, v)when building the search graph. The
edge weight w(u, v)between graph nodes uand vis thus
defined as w(u, v) = e(u, v) + n(v).
C. Adapted cost functions
The previous subsection has shown that the probabilities
of the original algorithm can be transformed into equivalent
cost functions suitable for use with Dijkstra’s algorithm. It
is however interesting to note that in the original formalism
the parameter βof equation 9, which controls the influence
of transition probabilities versus measurement probabilities,
is difficult to calibrate. This is apparent by the fact that
the absolute magnitude of the transition cost (as defined in
equation 9) is influenced by the length of the great circle
distance between two GPS positions. As a result, costs for
equally plausible routes will vary greatly, depending on the
sampling interval and the speed at which the tracked vehicle
was travelling. This makes it hard to define a βwhich con-
sistently balances transition and observation costs, especially
in real-life situations where the algorithm has to deal with
incomplete trajectories and varying vehicle speeds. In order to
allow for easier calibration, we have made adjustments to the
cost functions. In our implementation we define the node costs
i=δ(zi, xk
Edge costs for the edge connecting node jin layer i−1
to node kin layer iare based on the ratio (instead of the
difference) between great circle distance and route distance
i−1, xk
δ(zi−1, zi)(11)
and are defined as
Fig. 3. Top: Comparison of route mismatch fraction between our optimized
version (d=50) and the values reported for the original algorithm in [3]. As
no exact numbers are given in [3], we use our best estimates based on the
bar plot in Figure 7 of the article. Bottom: Percentage of routing operations
which were avoided by our optimized approach
i=(βcj k
iif cjk
∞if cjk
i> t (12)
where tis the maximal ratio between great circle distance
and route distance which can be considered plausible. The
calibration parameter βcan be calculated intuitively as
where αis a value between 0and 1which controls the
tradeoff between transition and observation weights (higher α
values put more weight on route plausibilty) and dis the search
radius used to identify candidate roads around the observations
zi. Here, the role of dand tis to normalize the node and edge
costs, respectively, in order to assure similar value ranges. In
our experiments the following settings have been used: α=
0.65,t= 5.0, and dwas varied between 20 and 300 meters.
To evaluate our improvements, we use the benchmark data
of [3] which was made publicly available. The data consists of
7531 GPS positions obtained during an 80km car trip in the
Seattle area. The evaluation is based on a manually created
ground truth, which was provided in the form of the correct
link sequence travelled by the car. We have applied the same
preprocessing steps to the GPS data as described in [3], where
GPS positions with low confidence were removed from the
data set.
A. Quality
We evaluate the quality of the results using the route
mismatched fraction as proposed in [3]. The reported error
Fig. 4. Percentage of saved routings with different search radii and sampling
intervals. When the search radius grows larger, a higher percentage of
unnecessary routings can be avoided, especially when dealing with sparse
is defined as d−+d+
where d0is the length of the correct route, d−is the length of
all road links which were missed during map matching and d+
is the length of all road links which were erroneously found
during map matching.
Figure 3 (top) shows that for a one-second sampling period
the algorithm is able to reconstruct the trajectory perfectly
(route mismatch fraction is zero). This is identical with the
results reported in [3]. With longer sampling periods the error
of our implementation remains very similar to the results
presented in [3]: Up to about 30 seconds, the route mismatch
fraction is very low. With longer sampling periods, where
more information about the original trajectory is lost, the
performance of both algorithm versions degrades considerably
(with a sampling period of 480 seconds only 17 of the 7531
positions are used as input).
B. Performance
Compared to the original algorithm, our solution maintains
almost the same map-matching quality while at the same time
requiring fewer routing operations to obtain the result. The
map-matcher presented in [3] uses the Viterbi algorithm, which
needs to evaluate all transition probabilities to find a solution.
As the algorithm needs to evaluate all transition probabilities,
it needs to perform 100% of the shortest path routings defined
by the edges in the search graph. Our algorithm in contrast
is able to avoid a substantial amount of these operations:
Figure 3 (bottom) shows that for a sampling period of one
second, our approach is able to avoid 45% of the routing
operations (only 100703 of the 185333 edge weights needed to
be evaluated). As the routing operation is the most expensive
calculation step in the map-matching algorithm, this amounts
to a substantial runtime improvement. With longer sampling
periods the percentage of avoided routing operations decreases,
because the problem space has to be searched more thoroughly
before the optimal solution can be identified. However with
a 30 second sampling period (where the quality of the map-
matching result is still very good) our optimization is still able
to avoid 33% of the routings.
The quality of the map-matching algorithm is strongly
dependent on the search radius dwhich is used to identify
candidate roads around every GPS position. When dealing with
sparse and noisy trajectories, a larger search radius typically
improves the map-matching result because it increases the
likelihood that the optimal road is included in the set of
candidate roads. Larger search radii however also increase the
size of the overall problem space: the number of nodes in
each layer of the search tree increases and as a result the
number of transition probabilities which need to be evaluated
by the Viterbi algorithm grows larger. Figure 4 shows that the
effects of our optimization become more pronounced under
these conditions: with a search radius of 300m and a sampling
interval of 1 second, the Viterbi algorithm would need to
perform about 27.4 million routing operations. By contrast,
our algorithm needed to perform only 14.6 million routing
operations to determine the correct solution, thus avoiding
over 46% of the operations. With increasing sampling interval
the effect of the optimization on different search radii be-
comes more obvious: at a 60 second sampling interval our
optimization can avoid 36% of the routing operations for the
300m search radius, but only 26% of the routing operations
for the 20m search radius. The reason is that our approach
evaluates more plausible paths through the search tree first
and terminates once the best path has been identified. The
problem space induced by the 300m search radius contains
many state transitions related to possible, but unlikely paths.
The evaluation of the related transition probabilities can often
be avoided by our algorithm. This amounts to greater savings
when the problem space includes a greater number of (possible
but unlikely) candidate roads.
Based on our experiments, we therefore conclude that our
optimization is especially advantageous when analyzing sparse
and noisy trajectories, i.e. where an extended search radius is
most useful.
In the last few years, map-matching has become increas-
ingly important for evaluating road traffic and driving be-
haviour. While high quality map-matching algorithms exist,
they can be slow when applied to large data sets. We have
proposed an optimization to reduce the running time of a state-
of-the-art map-matching algorithm which is based on a Hidden
Markov Model [3]. We suggested an improvement which
replaces the Viterbi algorithm with a Bidirectional Dijkstra
and employs lazy evaluation to reduce the number of costly
route calculations which are necessary to determine the optimal
map-matching solution for a trajectory.
We have evaluated the quality and performance of our
proposed method based on a publicly available data set. Our
test results show that our suggested solution can avoid up to
45% of the costly routing operations and has no negative effect
on the quality of the map-matching result. Future work will
also include a detailed analysis of the effect of increased GPS
noise and extreme maneuvers (such as sharp turnings) on run-
time savings and map-matching quality.
Several other researchers have suggested different methods
for optimizing the run time of the original map-matching
algorithm [4] [5]. Since these suggestions optimize different
aspects of the map-matching algorithm, they should be com-
patible with our approach. Future work will focus on further
decreasing the algorithm run-time by combining our approach
with these techniques. Another promising direction for further
improvement of the optimization proposed in this paper is to
replace the Bidirectional Dijkstra with other search algorithms
such as the A∗-algorithm. This algorithm employs a heuristic
to estimate the cost from the current node to the target node
in the search graph, and with a suitable heuristic this could
further reduce the average number of routing operations in
many real-world scenarios.
This work was supported by the European Commission
under TEAM, a large-scale integrated project part of the
Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological de-
velopment and demonstration [Grant Agreement NO.318621].
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