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Inertia considerations within unit commitment and economic dispatch for systems with high non-synchronous penetrations


Abstract and Figures

The priority dispatch status of non-synchronous renewable generation (wind, wave, solar), and increasing levels of installed high voltage direct current interconnection between synchronous systems, is fundamentally changing unit commitment and economic dispatch (UCED) schedules. Conventional synchronous plant, the traditional provider of services which ensure frequency stability - synchronising torque, synchronous inertia and governor response - are being displaced by marginally zero cost non-synchronous renewables. Such a trend has operational security implications, as systems - particularly synchronously isolated systems - may be subject to higher rates of change of frequency and more extreme frequency nadirs/zeniths following a system disturbance. This paper proposes UCED-based strategies to address potential shortfalls in synchronous inertia associated with high non-synchronous penetrations. The effectiveness of the day-ahead strategies is assessed by weighing the cost of the schedules against the risk level incurred (the initial rate of change of frequency following a generation-load imbalance), and the level of wind curtailment engendered.
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Title Inertia considerations within unit commitment and economic
dispatch for systems with high non-synchronous penetrations
Author(s) Daly, Pádraig; Flynn, Damian; Cunniffe, Noel
date 2015-07-02
details 2015 IEEE PowerTech, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 29 June - 2
July 2015
Publisher IEEE
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version (DOI)
Inertia Considerations within Unit Commitment and
Economic Dispatch for Systems with High
Non-Synchronous Penetrations
adraig Daly, Damian Flynn
Electricity Research Centre, University College Dublin
Dublin, Ireland,
Noel Cunniffe
EirGrid Plc
Dublin, Ireland
Abstract—The priority dispatch status of non-synchronous
renewable generation (wind, wave, solar), and increasing levels of
installed high voltage direct current interconnection between syn-
chronous systems, is fundamentally changing unit commitment
and economic dispatch (UCED) schedules. Conventional syn-
chronous plant, the traditional provider of services which ensure
frequency stability - synchronising torque, synchronous inertia
and governor response - are being displaced by marginally zero
cost non-synchronous renewables. Such a trend has operational
security implications, as systems - particularly synchronously
isolated systems - may be subject to higher rates of change of
frequency and more extreme frequency nadirs/zeniths following a
system disturbance. This paper proposes UCED-based strategies
to address potential shortfalls in synchronous inertia associated
with high non-synchronous penetrations. The effectiveness of
the day-ahead strategies is assessed by weighing the cost of the
schedules against the risk level incurred (the initial rate of change
of frequency following a generation-load imbalance), and the level
of wind curtailment engendered.
Index Terms—economic dispatch, inertia, unit commitment,
wind generation.
As countries attempt to reduce fossil fuel dependency and
greenhouse gas emissions, penetration levels of renewable gen-
eration - most notably variable-speed wind turbines (VSWT)
and solar photovoltaics (PV) - continue to rise. A fundamen-
tal difference with VSWT/PV generators, in comparison to
conventional generation, is their non-synchronous connection
to the power system, i.e. through partial/full-scale frequency
converters. This decoupling of the VSWT rotor angular speed
from the grid frequency results in there being no inherent
change in stored rotational energy, and thus no inherent
provision of an inertial response, to redress a falling/rising
system frequency. The growth of high voltage direct current
(HVDC) interconnection between synchronous systems has
This work was conducted in the Electricity Research Centre, University
College Dublin, Ireland, in collaboration with EirGrid Plc. The Electricity
Research Centre is supported by the Commission for Energy Regulation,
Bord G´
ais Energy, Bord na M´
ona Energy, Cylon Controls, EirGrid, Electric
Ireland, Energia, EPRI, ESB International, ESB Networks, Gaelectric, Intel,
SSE Renewables, and UTRC. The work of P´
adraig Daly was supported by
the Irish Research Council’s Embark Initiative.
also accentuated the level of non-synchronous infeeds. Further-
more, the current electricity market environment - whereby the
emphasis of conventional plant manufacturing is now focused
on machine efficiency/flexibility [1] - is resulting in machines
with lower inertial constants. Such trends are resulting in lower
levels of synchronous inertia online, with a potential twofold
impact on the system short-term frequency response: (i) the
rate of change of frequency (ROCOF) following a generation-
load imbalance is faster, which can result in (ii) more extreme
nadirs/zeniths within a shorter time frame.
Traditionally, low levels of synchronous inertia were only of
concern to smaller, synchronously isolated systems. However,
the transition towards ‘lighter’ systems has been recognised
in larger jurisdictions, such as in the U.S. [2], [3], continental
Europe [4] and Great Britain [5]. Some system operators
are already taking mitigating action: ERCOT [6] and EirGrid
[7] are designing ancillary services to remunerate providers
of synchronous inertia, and, along with Transpower [8], fast
frequency response (2s full deployment). In contrast,
ebec have mandated an emulated inertial response
capability from wind farms via grid code enforcement [9].
Conventional synchronous plant have been the cornerstone
of power system frequency control, and consequently, op-
erational policies have been based on the ubiquitous pres-
ence of such technology. Many of the challenges in man-
aging a synchronous system with high installed capacities
of non-synchronous renewable generation relate to the maxi-
mum allowable real-time penetration level of non-synchronous
sources [10]. Limiting the instantaneous non-synchronous
penetration to enhance system security has implications for
renewable energy targets/economic system operation as it may
result in wind curtailment [11], and may also incur start-up
and production costs associated with committing and running
out-of-merit synchronous plant [12]. Both consequences imply
inefficient system operation. Thus, there is a pressing need
to develop new operational policies, focused on the evolving
plant portfolio - rather than those based on the unequivocal
presence of conventional synchronous generation.
This work proposes unit commitment and economic dis-
patch (UCED)-based strategies to mitigate potential shortfalls
in system inertia levels. A range of constraint and operational
metric formulations are analysed, with focus placed on the
initial ROCOF following a major event, system production
costs, and wind curtailment.
A. Short-Term Frequency Stability Time Frame
Short-term frequency control refers to the time frame imme-
diately following a generation-load imbalance. There are three
consecutive and distinct response stages [13]: (i) the proximity
effect, (ii) the inertial response, and (iii) the governor response.
Due to rotor inertia, synchronous machine rotor angles will not
instantly change following a disturbance. The energy stored
in the rotating masses cannot be immediately applied, and
at the instant of an active power imbalance (t= 0+), the
energy supplied by the online generators comes from the
energy stored in their magnetic field. The proximity effect is a
purely electrical response [14], and is exclusive to synchronous
generation, regardless of apparent power rating.
The inertial time frame follows the proximity effect. Its initi-
ation will vary with system size, but is typically of the order of
1 or 2 s. The inertial time frame corresponds to when all online
machines experience the same mean deceleration/acceleration
following the loss of generation/load, i.e. synchronising swings
have occurred. During the inertial time frame, the energy
supplied by synchronously-connected machines comes from
the energy stored due to their rotational motion.
When a frequency deviation exceeds a certain limit (the gov-
ernor deadband), turbine-governor control will be activated.
The governor response ensures rotor accelerations eventually
become zero, and a new steady-state is reached. Unlike the
inherent proximity effect and inertial response, the governor
response requires control action.
B. Inertial Constraint Implementation within UCED
The dynamic motion of a conventional unit’s rotor is
determined by the swing equation - a nonlinear second-
order differential equation, with the ‘complete’ set of system
equations including N(the number of online units) swing
equations coupled via the algebraic network equations. How-
ever, frequency stability is determined by overall response
of the system as evidenced by its mean frequency, rather
than the relative motion of machines [15]. Thus, frequency
stability analysis concentrates on the overall system stability
for sudden changes in generation-load balance, as opposed to
machine stability. The ‘complete’ model can be simplified to
a single linear first-order differential equation, Eq. (1) [16],
and if used appropriately, this single bus frequency model
can estimate the essential characteristics of a synchronously
isolated system’s frequency response [17], [18]. In the context
of day-ahead optimisation of operational cost and security,
the single bus frequency representation was deemed adequate,
particularly considering transmission system operator require-
ments for computationally efficient UCED simulations, due to
time constraints of control room operation.
Applied to the inertial time frame, i.e. well before initiation
of the governor response, tgov, the single bus frequency model
is a system-level representation of how an active power imbal-
ance is absorbed by the system. Should a system disturbance
occur, e.g. loss of a system infeed/outfeed1,Pk, the resultant
system active power imbalance, P, is corrected by a change
in the stored rotational energy of the online synchronously-
connected masses in the system, Wkin,sys , and a change in
load consumption, Dsys, due to the frequency deviation, f:
dt Wkin,sys +Dsys f(1)
dt Wkin,sys 2W0
dt f(2)
kin,sys =W0
kin,gen +W0
kin,load =
kin,sys is the total system rotational energy at nomi-
nal frequency, f0, and is the sum of the contributions
from synchronously-connected generation, Wkin,gen , and load,
Wkin,load. A machine’s inertial constant, Hi, and apparent
power rating, Sican be used to compute its stored rotational
energy. The initial ROCOF, i.e. just after the instance of
imbalance, (0+< t tgov ), when Dsysf0, theoretically
corresponds to the maximum system ROCOF [16]:
Two forms of inertial constraint, both with the purpose of
mitigating ‘insecure’ initial ROCOF magnitudes, i.e. ensuring
, are devised:
1) A static (time-invariant) constraint that ensures the
online system stored rotational energy is always above
a constant minimum level, defined by the absolute
largest infeed/outfeed to the system, Pmax:
kin,sys f0Pmax
2) A dynamic constraint that sets the minimum system
rotational energy requirement as a function of the
largest infeed/outfeed at each UCED time-step, Pk:
kin,sys f0Pk
1An infeed is defined as an online generator active power output or HVDC
import to the system. An outfeed is defined as an HVDC export from the
The dynamic inertial formulation considers the loss of each
active power infeed/outfeed, and the post-contingency system
inertia following that loss, e.g. if the largest active power
output from an online generator is 400 MW, and the largest
HVDC import is 500 MW (zero inertial contribution), the
constraint determines which contingency will result in the
greatest initial ROCOF - which may not necessarily be the loss
of the largest infeed. In this example, the loss of the generator
may result in a greater post-contingency ROCOF than the loss
of the HVDC interconnector, as the system would lose the
generator’s inertial contribution.
A system’s post-disturbance initial ROCOF limit will vary
with system size and portfolio capability. In the context of
the test system used in this research, the Ireland and Northern
Ireland system, a ‘secure’ initial ROCOF currently equates to
|ROCOF| ≤ 0.5Hz/s [11]. This ensures that (i) the ROCOF
thresholds of loss of mains protection are not exceeded -
mitigating a potentially greater imbalance due to the tripping
of distributed generation [19], and (ii) there is sufficient time
for a governor response to be fully deployed, so that the fre-
quency nadir/zenith is formed before load/generation shedding
thresholds are reached. However, if new ancillary services
[6], [7] incentivise investment in emulated inertia or other
fast frequency responses, the above ‘secure’ definition could
be redefined, and the inertial constraint reformulated. Due to
the difficulty of accurately estimating both the magnitude and
temporal nature of Wkin,load, and to introduce a safety factor
into the inertia-constrained UCED, the contribution of load
stored rotational energy is not considered here.
C. Modelling and Test System
The PLEXOS modelling tool [20] and Xpress-MP [21]
mixed integer linear programming solver are used to produce
daily UCED schedules of the Ireland and Northern Ireland
power system [22] at an hourly resolution. Two study years,
2012 and 2020, are considered, due to significantly contrasting
levels of installed wind power capacity and HVDC inter-
connection. The annual energy supplied by wind generation
increases from 17% to 37%, and HVDC interconnection
between Ireland and Great Britain increases from 500 to 1000
MW. The instantaneous non-synchronous penetration limit,
Eq. (7) [10], is 50% and 75% for 2012 and 2020 respectively,
as per operational policy forecast [11]. An aggregated (by
fuel type) representation of the Great Britain system is used
[23]. The model co-optimises the expected costs of system
operation and reserve (Table I). The expected costs include
variable operation and maintenance, carbon and fuel [24], and
start-up cost. In the 2012 model, conventional plant must-run
constraints for voltage control in particular network locations
are included, as per current operational practice [25]. It is
forecasted that such constraints will be relaxed in 2020 due to
network reinforcement.
Non-Synchronous Penetration =Pw ind +PHV DC import
Pload +PHV DC export (7)
Category Response Target Min. Spinning
Time (% Max. Requirement
Infeed/Outfeed) (MW)
Loss of Infeed
Primary 5 to 15 s 75 160/125
Secondary 15 to 90 s 75 160/125
Tertiary 1 90 s to 5 min 100 160/125
Tertiary 2 5 to 20 min 100 160/125
Loss of Outfeed§
Primary 5 to 15 s 100 100
Regulation Reserve
Negative*n/a n/a 150
Lower spinning requirement applies from 00:00-07:00
§Currently not carried by the system operator
*Sum of the active power headroom above conventional units’ min. load
A. Transition to ‘Lighter’ AC Synchronous Systems
Hourly UCED schedules were determined for the 2012
and 2020 base case test systems, i.e. no inertial constraint
implemented. Fig. 1 is a frequency distribution of the online
system stored rotational energy (inertia) in 2012 and 2020.
The average wind penetration during the respective periods
of online inertia in 2012 and 2020, is also shown. Fig. 1
illustrates that there may be a significant erosion of system
inertia due to the displacement of synchronous generation with
non-synchronous renewables. For 70% of 2020, the system
inertia is below 26.5 GWs - the level required to ensure that
the initial ROCOF following the loss of the absolute largest
infeed/outfeed, Pmax, does not exceed ±0.5 Hz/s.
Fig. 1. Frequency distribution of system stored rotational energy (inertia) in
2012 and 2020, with corresponding average wind penetration (% demand)
The implication of ‘lighter’ synchronous systems is demon-
strated in Fig. 2, which shows the initial ROCOF2following
2All ROCOF plots show the magnitude of the initial ROCOF following
the loss of the largest single infeed/outfeed, calculated as per Eq. (4). Thus,
the |ROCOF|plotted for each time-step is the greater value that arises from
loss of either the largest infeed or the largest outfeed, i.e. the ROCOF plots
consider both low (loss of infeed) and high (loss of outfeed) frequency events.
Fig. 2. Heat map showing the initial ROCOF following the loss of the largest single infeed/outfeed online for each hour of 2020 (base case UCED schedule)
loss of the largest single active power infeed/outfeed for each
hour of the base case UCED schedule in 2020. While it can
be seen that the largest proportion of ‘insecure’/high ROCOF
(>0.5 Hz/s) periods occur during the weekend (inherently
low load periods), there are seasonal variations to the high
ROCOF events that occur during the week. Loss of infeed
events are the binding contingency for 89.5% of the year,
whereas loss of outfeed events account for 10.5%. Fig. 3, a
frequency distribution of high initial ROCOF as a function
of time of day, shows that, while most extreme ROCOF
events (>1 Hz/s) occur during night-time (i.e. 00:00-07:00),
there is also a significant variation in the hourly distribution
of high ROCOF periods (>0.5 Hz/s) in 2020. Hours which
traditionally would not have been associated with frequency
instability (e.g. periods of high load), may be prone to high
ROCOF; the variable nature of wind generation can result in
the decommitment of synchronous plant at any hour in the day.
Figs. 2 and 3 highlight that, as wind penetration increases, so
too may the operational complexity involved in mitigating high
ROCOFs. Furthermore, while Fig. 1 demonstrates that times
of high wind generation correspond with those of low online
system inertia, this does not necessarily translate to times of
‘insecure’ ROCOF, as during times of high wind penetration,
the largest single infeed may be a conventional unit at its
minimum load.
B. Operational Security Metrics
Operational security metrics reflect operational values show-
ing a strong relationship with relevant system variables. Two
such metrics traditionally associated with short-term frequency
stability have been (i) the instantaneous wind/non-synchronous
penetration level, and (ii) the number of conventional syn-
chronous units online. Fig. 4 shows the relationship between
the penetration level of wind generation and the initial RO-
COF. Fig. 4 illustrates the relatively uncorrelated nature of
wind penetration and initial ROCOF, e.g. with a wind penetra-
Fig. 3. Frequency distribution of high initial ROCOF as a function of time
of day, 2020
tion level of 40%, the initial ROCOF can vary from 0.2-0.9
Hz/s. This is due to the vast array of operational scenarios
experienced for a given wind penetration level. Fig. 5 shows
the relationship between the number of ‘large’ (>1 GWs
of stored rotational energy) conventional synchronous units
online and the initial ROCOF. Fig. 5 demonstrates that there
can be a significant variation in ROCOF for a given number
of large plant online, e.g. with 8 units, the ROCOF can vary
from 0.25-0.7 Hz/s. Thus, established metrics for frequency
stability, such as wind penetration, Fig. 4, and the number of
conventional units online, Fig. 5, may not be adequate metrics
to predict the initial ROCOF following a generation-load
imbalance as non-synchronous penetrations rise. A dedicated
inertial policy may be prudent. Such a policy should be based
on the level of post-disturbance system inertia and the largest
single infeed/outfeed, given the inherent correlation between
these variables and the initial ROCOF, Eq. (4).
Fig. 4. Initial ROCOF as a function of wind peneration, 2020 base case
Fig. 5. Initial ROCOF as a function of the number of large conventional units
(>1 GWs stored rotational energy) online, 2020 base case
C. Inertial Constraint Implementation within UCED
Two forms of inertial constraint (see Section II-B) are
incorporated (separately) within UCED, with hourly schedules
for 2020 determined. In both cases (static and dynamic),
the same initial ROCOF limit of 0.5 Hz/s is maintained, as
illustrated by Fig. 6 - a duration curve showing the cumulative
probability of the initial ROCOF following loss of the largest
single infeed/outfeed for each time-step. As a comparative,
a case where a constraint requiring a minimum number of 8
‘large’ synchronous units online is implemented within UCED,
and the 2012 base case, are also shown in Fig. 6. Fig. 6
illustrates that there is little need for an inertial constraint
in 2012, due to wind penetrations being significantly lower.
Fig. 6 also highlights how a minimum number of units online
constraint can be insufficient in mitigating extreme ROCOF.
The highest ROCOF magnitudes shown in the base case for
2020 tend to be for loss of the HVDC interconnector at export,
during high wind penetrations.
While both static and dynamic inertial constraints attain
frequency security (|ROCOF|<0.5 Hz/s), they do so in a
contrasting manner. Fig. 7, presented as a duration curve,
Fig. 6. Duration curve of the initial ROCOF, 2020
shows the difference in (a) the largest single infeed/outfeed,
and (b) the number of ‘large’ synchronous units online, for the
base, static and dynamic cases. Fig. 7(a) shows that, with the
dynamic constraint implemented, the UCED’s optimal solution
tends to dispatch down the largest single infeed/outfeed, Pk,
and increase the output of higher cost plant online, rather
than increase the system inertia level, W0
kin,sys , and incur
the start-up and production costs associated with committing
and running out-of-merit synchronous units. The static inertial
constraint requires a constant minimum level of inertia -
designed to cover the loss of the absolute (time-invariant)
largest single infeed/outfeed, Pmax. Consequently, there is
a greater number of conventional plant carried online for
80% of the year with the static target, Fig. 7(b). Fig. 8
contrasts how the static and dynamic constraints alter the
UCED schedule for a particular day, showing the difference in
(i) the number of large conventional plant online, (ii) the active
power output/flow of the largest single infeed and outfeed, and
(iii) the level of wind penetration and curtailment, which only
occurs in the static case.
Fig. 7. Duration curve of (a) the largest single infeed/outfeed, and (b) the
number of large conventional units online, 2020
Fig. 8. Comparison of how the dynamic and static inertial constraints alter
the UCED schedule: 8 illustrative time-steps, 2020
D. Total Production Costs and Wind Curtailment
The difference in total production costs and wind cur-
tailment of the UCED schedules are shown in Table II.
Comparing the inertial constraint cases, the primary driver
of the increase in the total production cost of the static
case is the fuel cost associated with the additional number
of conventional generators online to meet the time-invariant
inertial requirement, Fig. 7(b). Table II highlights that keeping
a minimum level of synchronous plant online at all times
(for operational security reasons) may have implications for
wind curtailment, particularly during low demand/high HVDC
import or wind penetration periods. Table II also demonstrates
that implementation of a dynamic inertial constraint is a more
cost-effective solution for the test system under study, with a
total production cost saving of Me10.3 over the static case.
With the dynamic constraint committing less synchronous
units online, Fig. 7(b), wind curtailment is less than that with
the static formulation.
Case (2020) Total Production Wind Curtailment
Costs (Me) (% Energy Available)
Base 11,647.99 0.5
Dynamic 11,648.93 0.9
Static 11,659.19 2.7
As wind, solar and/or HVDC interconnection penetrations
grow, the initial ROCOF following large generation-load im-
balances may increase significantly - particularly for syn-
chronously isolated systems. Traditional operational metrics,
such as the non-synchronous penetration level, and the number
of ‘large’ conventional synchronous units online, may no
longer be appropriate proxies for ROCOF, and thus short-term
frequency stability as the non-synchronous penetration rises.
There may be a need to formulate a specific inertial policy.
Two forms of inertial constraint, implemented within UCED,
are presented here. It is shown that an inertial constraint that is
a function of relevant system variables, such as active power
infeeds and outfeeds, and the respective post-disturbance sys-
tem stored rotational energy level, as opposed to a time-
invariant inertial constraint, can reduce both operational costs
and wind curtailment.
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... Auxiliary constraints, such as minimum available synchronous capacity or the maximum level of system non-synchronous penetration, were also used [9]. The critical inertia was either determined externally to the UC or through rate of change of frequency (RoCoF) constraints for contingencies [12][13][14]. The same methodology that applies to frequency constraints can be applied to maintain frequency stability with inertia • We effectively secure the system inertia using the average RoCoF constraint and the minimum frequency constraint that considers changes in the PFR characteristics of the system. ...
... Method 1 is a conventional method that does not apply inertia constraints. Method 2 is a method that constrains the system inertia to be secured above critical inertia [9,12]. The critical inertia of Method 2 is determined externally by using the method of calculating the instantaneous RoCoF in the contingency. ...
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This study presents a novel approach to modeling linearized inertia constraints of generators, considering frequency stability, and applies it to the unit commitment (UC). Specifically, we modeled the average rate of change of frequency (RoCoF) constraint and the minimum frequency constraint using the analytical expression derived from the reduced frequency response (RFR) model. We also considered the load-damping constant as a variable. As the power system has different nonlinear characteristics according to its operating status, the system can be expressed as several different systems. Each subsystem, with its own properties at a given operating point, is modeled as a single-machine system, categorized by pumped storage hydropower (PSH) status. The minimum frequency of each subsystem is determined by its individual machine time constant. We incorporated an additional constraint to ensure the quasi steady-state performance of frequency. This constraint can be omitted when it is not necessary. The proposed concepts have been validated on the Korean Power System. The UC, with the proposed inertia constraints, can secure system inertia and primary frequency response (PFR) that satisfies frequency stability. Our proposed method is more efficient in securing inertia and PFRs and more economical in terms of generation cost compared to existing methods.
... There exist several attempts to include simplified dynamic constraints into the UC problem, for example [4,25,33,73,77,100,111]. However, the main limitation of these approaches is that the dynamics of the system are oversimplified and linearized. ...
... 25 shows that the frequency deviations for this scenario are similar to those obtained inFig. 2.23. ...
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A reliable and cost-effective operation of power systems involves different tasks over different time horizons ranging from tens of milliseconds (protection) to years (planning). Generally, power system operators routinely check the effectiveness of these tasks separately (depending on time constants) through computer studies based on mathematical models. While the modelling and simulation of short-term dynamics of power systems (e.g. electromagnetic and transient simulation) have received tremendous attention in the literature, that is not the case for long-term dynamics. In this context, this thesis aims to assist power system operators in addressing the modelling and simulation of long-term dynamics in modern power systems (minutes to years). To do so, the thesis presents novel mathematical and software tools that allow studying the long-term impact interactions between different short-term electricity markets models and power systems, and the impact of energy policy incentives on the evolution of Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) technologies, particularly that of solar Photovoltaics (PVs). Short-term electricity markets are essential tools to guarantee the reliable operation of the power system. They are moving closer to real-time and using finer time resolutions (e.g. 5 minutes) in response to the large-scale integration of variable RESs. This means that their dynamics evolve with a timescale similar to some long-term power system dynamics, e.g. the Automatic Generation Control (AGC). Consequently, assessing the impact interactions between such markets and the dynamic response of the power grid becomes increasingly important. The contributions on this topic are as follows: (i) Investigate the effect of real-time electricity markets modelled as a sort of discrete AGC or Market-based Automatic Generation Control (MAGC) on power system dynamics. In particular, a thorough analysis using Time Domain Simulations (TDSs) is provided. (ii) Propose a short-term dynamic electricity market model that includes the memory effect of market participants. Particularly, the effect of the memory of suppliers on the decision-making (generator schedules) and dynamic response of the grid is discussed. (iii) Investigate the impact interactions between sub-hourly deterministic Unit Commitment (d-UC) and stochastic Unit Commitment (s-UC) and the power grid. Furthermore, the thesis also proposes a dynamic model based on nonlinear delay Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAEs) able to predict the evolution of PV installations for different countries. This model is a valuable tool that can help policymakers in the decision-making process, such as the definition of the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) price and the duration of the incentives. Finally, the proposed models and tools are duly validated throughout the thesis by means of numerical tests based on benchmark test systems.
... Pioneering work by [64], [65] utilized simplified dynamic models for determining minimum spinning reserve requirements, crucial for economic dispatch formulations. Authors in [66], derived an analytical expression for RoCoF, from the swing equation Their research enabled them to infer the RoCoF constraint and evaluate its impact on the UC scheduling process, albeit in a deterministic UC schedule. A critical limitation of this approach is that it oversimplifies the complexity of the problem, only catering to one post fault frequency parameter. ...
... Substantial challenges linked to the large-scale integration of wind generation and its impact on the operational security of power systems were addressed in [9]. Strategies based on unit commitment and economic dispatch have been proposed to address possible deficiencies in synchronous inertia, especially in scenarios of high penetrations of nonsynchronous generation. ...
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This paper addresses a crucial omission in the traditional approach to solving the classic economic dispatch problem within microgrids featuring renewable energy sources—the often-neglected frequency disturbances arising from reductions in system inertia. To remedy this, we present an innovative economic dispatch model empowered by nonlinear optimization (NLP), incorporating stringent minimum inertia constraints essential for ensuring system stability over a 24-h horizon. Our approach involves a comprehensive exploration of the intricate relationship between system inertia and frequency stability, culminating in the seamless integration of these inertia constraints into the economic dispatch model. To validate the practicality of our model, we present two distinct scenarios: a base case representing conventional dispatch methodologies and an alternative case that considers the imposition of inertia restrictions. These scenarios are rigorously tested and implemented using the CICGRE TF C6.04 test system. Employing the powerful GAMS platform alongside the NPL model, we successfully solved the dispatch problem. Our results underscore the significance of maintaining system inertia within the 1.54-s threshold proposed by our model, showcasing a tangible reduction in generation costs as a direct outcome of this enhanced approach to economic dispatch. This research advances the understanding of microgrid management and offers a practical solution to enhance system stability and economic efficiency in renewable-energy-powered microgrids.
The wind turbine with additional virtual inertia control supported the frequency stability of the system at the expense of its own kinetic energy. After the frequency recovery, the high proportion wind turbines start the speed recovery process at the same time, which led to the aggravation of the secondary frequency drop. The IEEE39 bus system with high proportion of wind turbines was established. The weight coefficient is proposed to characterize the frequency modulation participation of wind farms under different short-circuit capacity. Considering the rotor speed restoration, dynamic delay switching function and proportional coefficient were proposed, which enabled wind farms under different short-circuit capacities to restore the maximum power operating point in batches. Designing HVDC frequency auxiliary controller to coordinate the joint frequency regulation of thermal power and wind power. The results show that the improved virtual inertial controller could support 10.5% of faulted active power and rapid recovery of rotor speed within speed deviation less than 0.02p.u., and the DC auxiliary controller could support 9.3% of faulted active power which effectively improved the whole process stability of power system frequency modulation.
As more and more synchronous generator units are being replaced, the system inertia of synchronous machines is being reduced. In order to improve the inertia of the system, the renewable energy resources are required to provide inertia support to ensure the normal and stable operation of the power grid. This means that it is necessary to accurately assess the inertia of renewable energy resource. Therefore, this paper proposes an online evaluation method for the variable inertia of DFIG based on the variable forgetting factor recursive least squares (VFFRLS) method. First, due to the change of wind turbine output power with wind speed, the wind turbine is utilized to inject a disturbance via controlling the output power. Then, the inertial power and node frequency are obtained through calculation and measurement, and constructs an unknown parameter vector. Finally, an iterative solution based on VFFRLS is performed to obtain the online evaluation result of inertia and verified in 9-bus test system. Simulation results demonstrate the stability and accuracy of VFFRLS.KeywordsRenewable energyVariable forgetting factor recursive least squares methodOnline evaluationVariable inertia
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Increasing levels of wind generation has resulted in an urgent need for the assessment of their impact on frequency control of power systems. Whereas increased system inertia is intrinsically linked to the addition of synchronous generation to power systems, due to differing electromechanical characteristics, this inherent link is not present in wind turbine generators. Regardless of wind turbine technology, the displacement of conventional generation with wind will result in increased rates of change of system frequency. The magnitude of the frequency excursion following a loss of generation may also increase. Amendment of reserve policies or modification of wind turbine inertial response characteristics may be necessary to facilitate increased levels of wind generation. This is particularly true in small isolated power systems.
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This study addresses the development and operation of the European continental electricity system with a high penetration of wind and photovoltaic (PV) generation. The main focus of the work is the assessment of the impact of inertia reduction, due to wind and PV power electronics interface, on frequency stability indicators, as the rate of change of frequency and the frequency nadir following a large generation loss. The analysis is based on dynamic frequency stability studies, performed for every hour of the year and over a large number of weather scenarios. The outputs of these simulations are used to perform statistical analysis of these indicators and to estimate the critical instantaneous penetration rate of wind and PV, which the European continental synchronous area can accommodate from a system dynamics point of view. The results show that a single critical instantaneous penetration rate cannot be defined, since the frequency dynamic behaviour depends on parameters that change from one period to the following. Instead, this critical penetration rate should be calculated for every dispatch period. This study also highlights the growing importance of load self-regulating effect's contribution to frequency stability in the future system.
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Synchronous island power systems, such as the combined Ireland and Northern Ireland power system, are facing increasing penetrations of renewable generation. As part of a wider suite of studies, performed in conjunction with the transmission system operators (TSOs) of the All-Island system (AIS), the frequency stability challenges at high and ultra-high wind penetrations were examined. The impact of both largest infeed loss and network fault induced wind turbine active power dips was examined: the latter contingency potentially representing a fundamental change in frequency stability risk. A system non-synchronous penetration (SNSP) ratio was defined to help identify system operational limits. A wide range of system conditions were studied, with results showing that measures such as altering ROCOF protection and enabling emulated inertia measures were most effective in reducing the frequency stability risk of a future Ireland system.
As wind penetration levels on power systems increase worldwide and synchronous generation is displaced, the dynamic characteristics of these systems, and hence the protocols for how they are operated, are changing. One issue, of particular concern, is the resulting reduction in system inertia since modern variable speed wind turbines do not inherently contribute to the inertial response of the system. Such devices can, however, be fitted with a control loop which provides an active power response to significant frequency deviations, similar to the inertial response of fixed speed wind turbines and synchronous generation. Unlike conventional machines, however, the response of variable speed turbines is dependent on local wind speeds and so cannot be quantified deterministically by system operators. As a result, it is likely that uncertainty will exist over the inertial response capability of the system at high wind penetration levels. In this paper, the frequency response capability is assessed on a test system and the effectiveness of wind turbines' contribution to system inertial response is evaluated in the context of future system requirements.
This paper presents observations and challenges related to integration of renewable resources with respect to frequency control with primary focus on Inertial Frequency Response in ERCOT Interconnection. Frequency Control, in general, can be categorized into Inertial, Primary and Secondary Frequency Responses based on the response time. In ERCOT Interconnection, currently, the primary and secondary frequency response can be achieved by employing adequate control settings and Ancillary Service procurement. The Inertial Frequency Response described in this paper refers to the total synchronous mass connected to the Grid which includes motor loads as well as synchronous generators. Maintaining minimum level of Inertial Frequency Response with unit commitments can be crucial to ensure reliable integration of renewable resources. A trend in decline of Inertial Frequency Response with respect to increasing renewable resources has been observed according to recorded frequency events in the past four years in ERCOT Interconnection. Since Inertial Frequency Response dictates the change in frequency due to supply demand mismatch, it is important to maintain adequate system inertia in real-time operations. Therefore, an on-line tool is developed for the purpose of providing an estimation of system wide Inertial Frequency Response to potentially assist System Operators to maintain adequate system inertia. The unit of the estimated Inertial Frequency Response is MW/0.1 Hz. This unit is recognized to be more practical for System Operator to evaluate the system condition.
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Large scale integration of wind energy on Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie's (HQT's) transmission system has triggered a need for frequency support by wind farms. In order to maintain actual system performance, HQT has requested an inertia emulation function that would cover lack of inertia and spinning reserve from modern variable speed wind turbine generators. This paper exposes the situation and Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie's approach to quantify inertia emulation needs. As of today, this is still an ongoing interactive process between manufacturers awarded the second call for tenders for wind power and HQT. Final wind turbine models including the inertia emulation function will have to be tested before the associated wind turbines come online.
The present work is based on developing a control strategy to mitigate the impact of reduced inertia due to significant DFIG penetration in a large power system. The paper aims to design a supplementary control for the DFIG power converters such that the effective inertia contributed by these wind generators to the system is increased. The paper also proposes the idea of adjusting pitch compensation and maximum active power order to the converter in order to improve inertial response during the transient with response to drop in grid frequency. Results obtained on a large realistic power system indicate that the frequency nadir following a large power impact in the form of generators dropping out is effectively improved with the proposed control strategy. The proposed control is also validated against the sudden wind speed change in the form of wind gust downs and wind ramp downs occurring in conjunction with the generators dropping out. A beneficial impact in terms of damping power system oscillations is also observed, which is validated by eigenvalue analysis. The affected mode is then excited with a large disturbance in time domain. The damping improvement observed in time domain and subsequent Prony analysis support the result obtained from eigenvalue analysis.
Conference Paper
Distributed generation can potentially support unintentional system islands, isolated from the remainder of the system. These islands pose a significant risk to safety and equipment, and need to be quickly detected and eliminated. Islands are detected by sensitive under- and over-voltage and frequency functions, sometimes aided by active island destabilization techniques. Both the passive voltage and frequency trip point and active destabilization measures to counter islanding, however, can also adversely impact system dynamic performance. As DG penetration grows, attention will need to be directed to the balance between the need to eliminate Islands, and the impact of measures used to detect and eliminate islands on system performance when no islanding occurs.
The problem of defining and classifying power system stability has been addressed by several previous CIGRE and IEEE Task Force reports. These earlier efforts, however, do not completely reflect current industry needs, experiences and understanding. In particular, the definitions are not precise and the classifications do not encompass all practical instability scenarios. This report developed by a Task Force, set up jointly by the CIGRE Study Committee 38 and the IEEE Power System Dynamic Performance Committee, addresses the issue of stability definition and classification in power systems from a fundamental viewpoint and closely examines the practical ramifications. The report aims to define power system stability more precisely, provide a systematic basis for its classification, and discuss linkages to related issues such as power system reliability and security.