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Effects of Singing Bowl Sound Meditation on Mood, Tension, and Well-being


Abstract and Figures

Poor mood and elevated anxiety are linked to increased incidence of disease. This study examined the effects of sound meditation, specifically Tibetan singing bowl meditation, on mood, anxiety, pain, and spiritual well-being. Sixty-two women and men (mean age 49.7 years) participated. As compared with pre-meditation, following the sound meditation participants reported significantly less tension, anger, fatigue, and depressed mood (all Ps <.001). Additionally, participants who were previously naïve to this type of meditation experienced a significantly greater reduction in tension compared with participants experienced in this meditation (P < .001). Feeling of spiritual well-being significantly increased across all participants (P < .001). Tibetan singing bowl meditation may be a feasible low-cost low technology intervention for reducing feelings of tension, anxiety, and depression, and increasing spiritual well-being. This meditation type may be especially useful in decreasing tension in individuals who have not previously practiced this form of meditation.
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Original Article
Effects of Singing Bowl Sound Meditation
on Mood, Tension, and Well-being:
An Observational Study
Tamara L. Goldsby, PhD
, Michael E. Goldsby, PhD
Mary McWalters, BA
, and Paul J. Mills, PhD
Poor mood and elevated anxiety are linked to increased incidence of disease. This study examined the effects of sound meditation,
specifically Tibetan singing bowl meditation, on mood, anxiety, pain, and spiritual well-being. Sixty-two women and men (mean age
49.7 years) participated. As compared with pre-meditation, following the sound meditation participants reported significantly less
tension, anger, fatigue, and depressed mood (all Ps <.001). Additionally, participants who were previously naı¨ve to this type of
meditation experienced a significantly greater reduction in tension compared with participants experienced in this meditation (P<
.001). Feeling of spiritual well-being significantly increased across all participants (P< .001). Tibetan singing bowl meditation may be
a feasible low-cost low technology intervention for reducing feelings of tension, anxiety, and depression, and increasing spiritual
well-being. This meditation type may be especially useful in decreasing tension in individuals who have not previously practiced this
form of meditation.
Tibetan bowls, anxiety, depression, spiritual well-being
Received May 19, 2016. Received revised August 8, 2016. Accepted for publication August 15, 2016.
Heart disease, diabetes, addiction, and mental health issues
have all been linked to stress and tension.
including systems such as mindfulness-based meditations, has
shown promise in inducing the relaxation response and helping
alleviate anxiety and improve well-being.
The relaxation
response is the body’s physiological response in relaxation,
including lowered blood pressure to counter the fight-or-
flight response and activation of the parasympathetic nervous
As promising as mindfulness and other meditation
systems may be, a common complaint is the time, patience, and
discipline required to learn meditation. Thus, a form of relaxa-
tion and stress relief that does not require a steep learning curve
or a great deal of discipline to utilize could potentially be a
huge benefit to human wellness and health.
The authors set out to examine the possibility that merely
lying down and listening to the high-intensity, low-frequency
combination of singing bowls, gongs, and bells in a sound
meditation could induce a deep relaxation response and posi-
tively affect mood and sense of well-being. Sound healing has
been used for centuries and been utilized in various forms by
cultures the world over, including native peoples. Australian
aboriginal tribes have used the didgeridoo as a sound healing
instrument for over 40 000 years.
Ancient instruments have
also been used for religious and spiritual ceremonies such as
Tibetan (also called ‘‘Himalayan’’) singing bowls.
singing bowls are metal bowls usually consisting of a combi-
nation of metal alloys and originally used by Tibetan monks for
spiritual ceremonies.
While sound healing is not a new concept, there is a paucity of
research in areas such as Tibetan or quartz crystal singing bowls.
The majority of singing bowl studies relate to the physics of these
musical instruments, including the sonic and wave properties, as
well as attempting to model the singing bowl’s acoustic charac-
In one study, singing bowls were used for emotional
University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA
California Institute for Human Science, Encinitas, CA, USA
Corresponding Author:
Tamara L. Goldsby, PhD, Department of Family Medicine and Public Health,
Center of Excellence for Research and Training in Integrative Health,
University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla,
CA 92093, USA.
Journal of Evidence-Based
Complementary & Alternative Medicine
2017, Vol. 22(3) 401-406
ªThe Author(s) 2016
Reprints and permission:
DOI: 10.1177/2156587216668109
Creative Commons CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 License
( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further
permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
healing with high-risk youth as part of what was termed the best
self-visualization method.
chotherapy model in combination with deep breathing, visuali-
zation, and a loving kindness meditation. The authors reported
that this combination of healing methods may be a catalyst for
emotional and psychological healing in counseling sessions.
The purpose of the present study was to further advance
research in this area by examining the possible effects of sing-
ing bowls and sound healing on mood, anxiety, physical pain,
and spiritual well-being, and to lay the foundation for a future
more formal randomized control trial.
A convenience sample of 62 individuals participated (age range, 21-77
years; mean age ¼49.7 years, SD ¼13.0; 9 males and 53 females).
The study was conducted at 3 locations: the Seaside Center for Spiri-
tual Living in Encinitas, California (17 participants), the Chopra Cen-
ter for Wellbeing in Carlsbad, California (39 participants), and the
California Institute for Human Science (CIHS) in Encinitas, California
(6 subjects). All participants provided written informed consent. The
study was approved by the University of California, San Diego Insti-
tutional Review Board (#160174). Demographic information is pre-
sented in Table 1.
Participants completed standardized questionnaires prior to and fol-
lowing the meditation, including the short from of the Profile of Mood
States (POMS-SF)
to assess tension, anger and confusion, the Hos-
pital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)
to assess depressed
mood and anxiety, and the 10-item Functional Assessment of Chronic
Illness Therapy–Spiritual Well-Being Scale (FACIT-SP)
to assess
spiritual well-being.
Additionally, prior to the meditation, participants completed a
demographic questionnaire which included questions regarding any
prior experience with meditation or singing bowls, substance use, med-
ications, and over-the-counter or herbal supplements. Additionally, the
form asked if they were currently experiencing any physical pain or
discomfort. If they were experiencing physical pain, they were asked
the type of pain, and to rate the pain on a scale of 1 to 5.
Following the meditation, participants completed a 2-item ques-
tionnaire that asked if they had fallen asleep and if they were currently
experiencing any physical pain. If they were experiencing pain at that
point, they were again asked to rate the pain level on a scale of 1 to 5.
Sound Meditation Protocol
Participants were instructed to bring yoga mats on which to lie down
and if desired, a pillow and/or blanket for the sound meditation. Par-
ticipants were asked to lie down in a half-circle or an oblong-shaped
configuration (depending on the size of the room and number of
participants) around the room with their heads pointed toward the
musical instruments, which were placed on the floor near their heads.
The musical instruments consisted of Tibetan singing bowls, crys-
tal singing bowls, gongs, Ting-shas (tiny cymbals), dorges (bells),
didgeridoos, and other small bells. The majority of the Tibetan singing
bowls (approximately 90%) consisted of large-sized Jambati bowls
(bells), which ranged in size from 9 to 12 inches and ranged in weight
from 3 to 5 lbs. Approximately 5%of singing bowls were very small
Thadobati bowls, approximately 4.5 inches in size and weighing
0.5 lbs. The remaining 5%of singing bowls were very large Jambati
bowls, ranging from 12 to 14 inches in size and weighing 6 to 8 lbs.
The singing bowls (bells) were the primary instrument played
during the meditations, played for approximately 95%of the time,
while the additional instruments were played for approximately 5%
of the meditation session. The major method of creating sound and
vibration from the singing bowls was by tapping or striking the bowls
with a mallet, which was utilized approximately 95%of the time.
Between 30 and 80 Tibetan bowls, 2 and 3 crystal bowls, and 2 and 6
gongs were used depending on the number of participants. Thus, parti-
cipants at CIHS and the Chopra Center listened to approximately 25
Tibetan bowls, 2 crystal bowls, and 2 gongs while participants at the
Seaside Center listened to approximately 80 Tibetan bowls, 6 crystal
bowls, and 6 gongs. Each participant had at least 2 Tibetan bowls near
his or her head. The bowls were struck with a cloth-covered wooden
mallet called a puja stick. The instruments were all played in a regular
sequence: tingshas, Tibetan bowls, bells, crystal bowls, gongs, and
more Tibetan bowls, then the sequence was repeated. The duration of
the sound meditation was approximately 60 minutes.
Additionally, Tibetan (metal) bowls were placed in the center (or
near-center) of the room and the bowls were in turn struck by the
mallet or rubbed along the rim of the bowls, creating a distinctive
sound, which was allowed to trail off. Additionally, several quartz
crystal bowls were placed near the center of the room and were played
by rubbing the rim with a felt cloth-covered mallet and the sound
trailed off after playing the bowl.
At the beginning of the sound healing meditation, the lead musi-
cian spoke to participants in a soothing tone. He instructed participants
to lie down and if they wished to fall asleep, they were allowed to do
so. He then told them to merely observe any sensations they felt in the
body during the meditation without judging them and to simply relax
and enjoy the meditation. Then the sound meditation began.
At the conclusion of the meditation, the lead musician instructed
participants to gently become aware of their surroundings.
Table 1. Participant Demographics.
Characteristic All (n ¼62) Males (15%) Females (85%)
Age in years, mean (SD) 49.7 (13.0) 42.0 (15.8) 51.0 (12.0)
Education, %
High school 4.8 11 4
Some college 31 33 30
BA/BS 34 33 34
Masters 24 11 26
PhD/MD 6.5 11 6
Marital status, %
Single 38 50 36
Partner 7 13 6
Married 33 25 34
Divorced 21 13 23
Widowed 2 0 2
Meditation experience, %
Yes 87 100 85
No 13 0 15
Bowl experience, %
Yes 59 56 60
No 41 44 40
402 Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine 22(3)
Participants were also instructed to take their time in readjusting to
a state of awareness.
Data Analysis
Analyses included 2-way (group by time) repeated-measures analysis
of variance [(Statistical Program for the Social Sciences (SPSS Ver-
sion 22)]. Data were normally distributed.
There were significant differences between pre- and posttreatment
for all subscale variables on the POMS, HADS, and FACIT mea-
sures (Table 2). Eta-squared revealed a large effect size for all
subscale variables, except the FACIT Faith subscale, which
demonstrated a moderate to large effect size. An effect for these
variables was also observed by age (see Table 3). Individuals in the
age group 20 to 39 years displayed the largest change in tension,
with a mean score of 1.6 at baseline and a mean of 0.2 posttreat-
ment, followed by those in the age group 40 to 59 years who had a
tension mean of 1.3 at baseline and 0.2 posttreatment (P<.05).
Additionally, effects for participants who had prior experi-
ence with singing bowl meditations (termed ‘‘Bowl Experi-
enced’’) versus those who had never experienced this type of
meditation previously (termed ‘‘Bowl Naı¨ve’’) were examined
(Table 4). Significant effects were observed for tension, anxi-
ety, and depressed mood (all Ps <.01).
In order to assess any potential effects of the sound medita-
tions on participants’ levels of physical pain, participants were
asked if they were experiencing pain prior to and following the
meditation. Twenty-nine participants reported experiencing
physical pain pre-meditation. If experiencing pain, they were
asked to rate their pain on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 representing ‘‘very
slight discomfort’’ and 5 representing ‘‘extremely painful’’) and
describe the pain and location on the body. Table 5 displays the
mean pain rating ofparticipants(by age group) who reported pain
at pre-meditation and their mean pain rating post-meditation.
Participants aged 40 to 59 years showed the most significant
effects from the meditation, with a reduction (or elimination)
of feelings of physical pain post-meditation, with a baseline mean
pain rating of 2.00 and a posttreatment mean pain rating of 0.79.
Additionally, physical pain pre- and posttreatment was
examined for Bowl Experienced and Bowl Naı¨ve participants
(see Table 6). Change (decrease) in reported pain was most
significant for participants who were previously naı¨ve to sing-
ing bowl meditations, with a mean score of 1.88 at baseline and
0.69 posttreatment.
This was an observational study designed to examine the poten-
tial effects of a singing bowl meditation on mood, tension,
anxiety, physical pain, and spiritual well-being. A significant
difference was found in all endpoints examined in response to
the meditation.
The tension subscale in particular displayed highly signifi-
cant effects for participants post-meditation, thus providing
support to the hypothesis that a sound meditation would
increase feelings of relaxation and decrease feelings of stress.
Additionally, depressed mood and anxiety scores on the HADS
were significantly reduced post-meditation compared with pre-
meditation. Moreover, scores on the FACIT revealed increased
feelings of spiritual well-being, as well as faith, immediately
following the sound meditation. Thus, while less desirable
mood states such as tension, anger, and depression decreased
Table 2. Results on Measures at Pre- and Postmeditation.
Measures n
Premeditation Postmeditation
Change PZ
Mean SD Mean SD
62 1.26 1.03 0.14 0.57 1.12 .000 .51
60 0.85 0.98 0.05 0.19 0.80 .000 .42
60 1.10 0.87 0.30 0.56 0.80 .000 .54
60 1.65 1.12 0.42 0.75 1.23 .000 .46
59 1.97 1.19 1.48 1.05 0.49 .002 .15
58 1.11 0.66 0.44 0.49 0.67 .000 .49
57 0.62 0.51 0.42 0.36 0.20 .002 .16
62 3.18 1.10 3.46 0.96 0.28 .005 .12
57 2.85 0.94 3.64 0.46 0.79 .000 .49
Abbreviations: POMS, Profile of Mood States; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and
Depression Scale; FACIT, Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness
Therapy–Spiritual Well-Being Scale (FACIT-SP).
Effect size (Z): .01 ¼small, .06 ¼moderate, .14 ¼large effect.
Faith and Spirituality scores displayed a positive direction rather than a
negative direction postmeditation.
Table 3. Mean Change in Tension, Anxiety, and Depressed Mood by
Age Group From Pre- to Postmeditation.
Age Group
(Years) n
Premeditation Postmeditation
Change PZMean SD Mean SD
Tension (POMS)
20-39 15 1.56 0.88 0.21 0.31 1.35 .000 .71
40-59 33 1.29 1.15 0.20 0.68 1.09 .000 .47
60-79 14 0.88 0.78 0.26 0.43 0.62 .038 .29
Anxiety (HADS)
20-39 15 1.43 0.61 0.67 0.62 0.76 .000 .70
40-59 33 1.03 0.70 0.27 0.52 0.76 .000 .54
60-79 14 0.74 0.46 0.29 0.47 0.45 .019 .35
Depressed mood (HADS)
20-39 15 0.63 0.37 0.48 0.32 0.15 .207 .11
40-59 33 0.66 0.66 0.38 0.39 0.27 .012 .18
60-79 14 0.55 0.43 0.35 0.32 0.20 .051 .26
Abbreviations: POMS, Profile of Mood States; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and
Depression Scale.
Goldsby et al 403
following the meditation, potentially desirable variables such
as a sense of spiritual well-being increased.
Interestingly, previous experience with singing bowl med-
itations (or lack thereof) also appearedtobeafactorinthe
effects of the meditations. Participants who were previously
naı¨ve to this meditation demonstrated larger effects than those
who were experienced in these meditations. An unexpected
effect was discovered in the significant mean change in the
tension subscale from baseline to posttreatment for partici-
pants in the age group 40 to 59 years. Those participants in
this age group who were previously naı¨ve to singing bowl
meditations (‘‘Bowl Naı¨ve’’) had a significant reduction in
mean tension from baseline to posttreatment, indicating a
dramatic effect of the meditation. On the other hand, Bowl
Experienced participants in the age group 20 to 39 years
reported a significant reduction in the tension subscale
Participants aged 40 to 59 years appeared to especially ben-
efit from the sound meditation. This age group demonstrated
the largest reduction in physical pain and a strong reduction in
tension, especially for those who were previously naı¨ve to this
type of meditation. Thus, a follow-up sound meditation study
might examine this age group in more depth.
The reason(s) for the beneficial effects of singing bowls is
unclear; however, various theories have been proposed. One
theory includes the potential effects of binaural beats in which
the brain entrains to the hertz difference between tones played
in each ear, propelling the brain into brainwave states of deep
relaxation, such as beta waves or even meditative or trance-like
brainwave states in theta waves.
In addition, potentially the
action of sound waves on the purported biofield or energy field
of the body could be a factor.
Such theories may begin to
characterize the potential effects on mood as well as physiolo-
gical changes associated with singing bowls. Physical healing
was the goal of a study that utilized blood pressure data in
relation to a singing bowl. This study attempted to quantify the
sonification of blood pressure through 3-dimensional imprint-
ing, designing, and fabricating of a singing bowl using blood
pressure data.
Allen and Shealy
examined the use of a
single quartz crystal singing bowl on participants’ electroder-
mal responses (the body’s electric responses) to toning and
playing the crystal bowl. The authors recorded electrodermal
responses of forty acupuncture meridian points on participants’
left hands and right feet, which demonstrated increases and
decreases, respectively, in electrical responses to playing the
crystal bowl. Another study examined the potential effects of
quartz crystal bowl playing on perception of pain and revealed
mixed results.
In a recent randomized crossover study, play-
ing a single Tibetan (or Himalayan) singing bowl was found to
decrease blood pressure and heart rate more than silence alone
when conducted immediately prior to a guided visualization.
Participants who listened to the singing bowl also had lowered
scores on the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS),
a measure of affect and mood
than meditation alone but had
comparable PANAS scores to the silence-only group.
There were limitations with the present study. The most
notable limitation was that this was a nonrandomized observa-
tional study without a control group. The study does, however,
provide the groundwork for future research regarding the
effects of singing bowl meditations on assessments of stress
Table 4. Mean Changes in Tension, Anxiety and Depressed Mood for ‘Bowl Naı¨ve’ and ‘Bowl Experienced’ Participants from Pre- to
Measures n
Premeditation Postmeditation
Mean SD Mean SD PZ
Bowl naı¨ve
Tension (POMS) 26 1.61 1.13 0.32 0.80 1.29 .000 .500
Anxiety (HADS) 26 1.30 0.69 0.41 0.51 0.89 .000 .590
Depressed mood (HADS) 26 0.80 0.61 0.41 0.41 0.39 .003 .298
Bowl experienced
Tension (POMS) 36 1.01 0.88 0.15 0.26 0.86 .000 .500
Anxiety (HADS) 36 0.89 0.61 0.47 0.43 0.42 .000 .400
Depressed mood (HADS) 36 0.51 0.47 0.39 0.30 0.12 .100 .075
Abbreviations: ANOVA, analysis of variance; POMS, Profile of Mood States; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale.
Table 5. Mean Change in Physical Pain Ratings by Age Group From
Pre- to Post-meditation.
Age Group
(Years) n
Mean Pain
Change SDPremeditation Postmeditation
20-39 8 1.63 0.75 0.88 1.17
40-59 14 2.00 0.79 1.21 1.21
60-79 7 1.57 1.00 0.57 0.9
Table 6. Mean Change in Physical Pain Ratings for ‘‘Bowl Experi-
enced’’ and ‘Bowl Naı¨ve’’ Participants From Pre- to Postmeditation.
Bowl Naı¨ve or
Experienced n
Mean Pain Mean
Change SDPremeditation Postmeditation
Experienced 13 1.69 1.00 0.69 0.91
Naı¨ve 16 1.88 0.69 1.19 1.29
404 Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine 22(3)
and well-being. As discovered by Landry,
this low-tech form
of meditation may have the capacity to lower blood pressure
and heart rate, thus there are potential benefits to cardiovascu-
lar health yet to be further explored. The results provide prom-
ise for a form of stress reduction that does not require the
individual to learn a disciplined form of meditation. In fact,
the participant may even fall asleep if desired. At the very least,
participants generally express feelings of deep relaxation and
inner peace following the sound meditation.
Moreover, those in health professions such as nurses and
counselors could easily provide these meditations to patients.
While it may require a very minimal amount of practice, exten-
sive training is not necessary to learn to play the singing bowls
and other instruments; one merely taps or rubs the bowls gently
with a mallet. Thus, this type of meditation could be taught to
health and counseling professionals and provided in an almost
unlimited number of settings to induce the relaxation response,
reduce stress, and potentially stress-related disease in the body.
In summary, this observational study found significant ben-
eficial effects of Tibetan singing bowl meditations on a number
of markers related to well-being. Future randomized control
trials are warranted to further examine the effects of these
meditations on mood, well-being, and physical pain. In addi-
tion, future research could explore the meditation’s effects on
various age groups in more depth.
The authors are grateful to Deep Deoja, the Nepalese musician who
conducted the Singing Bowl Sound Meditations.
Author Contributions
TLG conceived of and designed the study and MEG provided ideas on
initial design. PJM provided design help and selection of assessment
tools. TLG and MMcW conducted the bulk of the study, with assis-
tance from MEG. TLG and MEG conducted the majority of the data
analyses with guidance from PJM. TLG and MEG provided the initial
draft of the manuscript, of which PJM provided further writing and
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to
the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the
research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: The work was
supported by the University of California, San Diego Center of Excel-
lence for Research and Training in Integrative Health.
Ethical Approval
The study was approved by the University of California, San Diego
Institutional Review Board. All participants provided written
informed consent.
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406 Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine 22(3)
... It can be interdisciplinarity associated with the knowledge of new physics, philosophy, psychology, sociology, cognitive science, metaphysics, religion, and spirituality (Rice, 2014;Koen et al., 2011). Previous studies have evaluated cross-cultural music therapy by examining its variety of approaches (e.g., Goldsby et al., 2017;Bergmann et al., 2020;Perry et al., 2021;ANAND., 2014;Sharma & Kaur, 2017;Henley et al., 2012;Harel, 2021;Suhartini, 2011;Ramos, 2018). These approaches can be categorised as three significant forms of ritual performance (a) Healing by Instrumental Sound; (b) Dance/movement therapy (D.M.T.); and (c) Healing by Vocal Sound. ...
... The didgeridoo has been used as a sound healing instrument by Aboriginal tribes in Australia for more than 40000 years, and they still do today. In general practice, such therapy is a Mindfulness-based meditation (Goldsby et al., 2017) where patients sit in a quiet room. The practitioner helps to hit the percussive music instrument to produce an auditory vibrational stimulus (sound wave) for the patient. ...
... Two previous studies investigated the effectiveness of singing bowls in how the singing bowl meditation can help regulate human emotions. Goldsby et al. (2017) discovered that Tibetan singing bowl meditation practice might be notably beneficial in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression and increasing spiritual well-being. The relaxation response in the body causes a reduction of blood pressure, which balances the fight-or-flight response and activates the parasympathetic nervous system. ...
... For the present study, two samples of singing bowls with a fundamental frequency of 73 Hz and 110 Hz were used as sound stimuli. It was found in prior studies that singing bowls have a significant effect on decreasing tension, anger, fatigue and depressed mood, while feelings of spiritual wellbeing increased significantly in all subjects [123]. On the other hand, Imbriani [124] hypothesised that it is the mechanical vibration emitted by the singing bowls that causes the relaxation effect and not the sound itself. ...
... Participants exposed to the frequency of 110 Hz felt particularly less sad, less uncertain about things and less unable to concentrate, while at the same time feeling more superb and more great, as depicted in Fig 16. These results are in line with the POMS2 results observed by Goldsby et al. [123] which show a significant reduction in post-treatment tense in participants in response to singing bowl sound, indicating the decrease of negative emotions with higher arousal. ...
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Music and sounds evoke a wide range of emotions and activate numerous psychological and physiological effects. Since emotions involve the autonomic nervous system (ANS) associated with the maintenance of homeostasis, they play an important role in supporting human wellbeing. The aim of the present study is to further validate the mechanisms underlying the relationship between sound, emotions and homeostasis. To this end, the effects of spatial sound projection of two different singing bowls with fundamental frequencies at 73 Hz and 110 Hz were investigated by monitoring behavioural and emotional response in healthy subjects. Overall, we find that the spatial projection of singing bowl sounds elicits a highly significant increase in positive emotions. Exposure to both frequencies resulted in a significant improvement in emotional wellbeing and a significant reduction in negative emotions. We demonstrate frequency-dependent effects indicating a shift in arousal, where 73 Hz elicits feeling more wide awake while 110 Hz elicits sleepiness. These results indicate that non-invasive interventions, such as sound immersion with singing bowls, are effective means in restoring and maintaining homeostasis and underline the need for further research on the effect of discrete frequencies on human psychology and physiology, opening new perspectives on potential treatment of various disorders and conditions.
... Tibetan Singing Bowls (TSB) meditation has been used to address cognition, emotion, and physical health. Previous studies have shown that TSB or meditation influences mood, reduces anxiety [1], and enhances spiritual and mental wellbeing [2] as well as promotes a more mindful, meditative state of consciousness [3]- [5] and reduces the chaotic activities of both the brain and heart [6]. However, the majority of studies have reported data of bio-signal responses in individuals, whereas the underlying processes through which TSB affects mental states and impacts physiological responses may be a function of group complexity matching. ...
... While Omkar vibrations have been prominently featured in the discourse surrounding chakra activation, it is essential to compare their efficacy against other sound frequencies. Studies exploring the use of solfeggio frequencies, Tibetan singing bowls 24 , and binaural beats indicate that various sound modalities have therapeutic potential for chakra activation. However, Omkar's unique characteristics-a sacred resonance with cultural and historical significance-distinguish it. ...
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This systematic review explores the effects of Omkar vibrations on chakra activation and the enhancement of psychic abilities. Rooted in ancient Indian philosophy, Omkar, or the sound of "Om," is considered a fundamental vibrational frequency that resonates with the universe and the human psyche. The review synthesizes existing literature on the physiological and psychological implications of sound vibrations, specifically focusing on their impact on the body's energy centers or chakras. By examining empirical studies, anecdotal evidence, and comparative analyses, the review aims to elucidate the relationship between Omkar vibrations and their role in facilitating chakra activation, which is believed to lead to an expansion of consciousness and an enhancement of psychic faculties. Key findings suggest that the practice of vocalizing the Omkar sound can significantly influence meditation outcomes, physiological responses, and subjective experiences related to psychic abilities. The review highlights the need for further research to rigorously assess and validate these effects, while also proposing methodological approaches for future investigations. This exploration contributes to the broader understanding of sound therapy and its potential applications in holistic healing and spiritual development.
... Other studies have reported states of deep relaxation after exposure to a 20-minute intervention with singing bowls [94,168], as well as lower subjective (but not objective) sleepiness [61,169]. An exposure duration of 30 minutes up to 1 hour induces a lower level of arousal, and a reduction in anxiety, tension, involuntary mental activity, physical pain and spiritual well-being [27,60,112,170]. In support of our findings, Panchal et al. [27] reported that during 40 minute singing bowls sound interventions, the overall stress level increases in the early part of the meditation and begins to reduce after about 15 minutes and continues the downward trend, consistent with other changes, e.g. an increasing trend in RMSSD, and a decrease of HR every 5-minute interval. ...
Music and sounds activate numerous physiological effects associated with the functioning of the autonomic nervous system and involved in the maintenance of homeostasis. As such, sound interventions can play an important role in supporting human wellbeing. Physiological responses are dependent on the sound type and frequency, as well as the spatial conditions and the presence of the subject in the acoustic environment. To arrive at a more articulate understanding of these dependencies, response of subjects (n=44) to sound reproduction of two different singing bowls with fundamental frequencies at 73 Hz and 110 Hz in spatial projection of nine different geometric shapes were monitored by acoustic and physiological measurement. Contrary to other studies, we find no discrete effects related to the sound type or frequency. Observed effects indicating focused attention, relaxation and improved homeostasis were consistently dependent on the combination of sound frequency and spatial condition. Notably, we observe that the 73 Hz stimulus induced significant changes in the Gamma band of Electroencephalography (EEG) in projection of a Tetrahedron and Cube, while the 110 Hz stimulus induced significant changes in the Theta and Beta bands for the same shapes. Discrete effects of spatial shapes were observed in the Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) of subjects. Arousal was significantly decreased during projection of a Cube, Icosahedron and Dodecahedron and significantly increased during Pyramid, Tetrahedron and Sphere, regardless of the frequency. Discrete effects of stimulus duration were observed in GSR and Electromyography (EMG) of subjects, regardless of the frequency and spatial condition. Arousal and muscle tension were significantly increased during the first 15 minutes and decreased until 40 minutes of exposure. We observe highly significant deviations in projected sound waves in the presence of a subject. The localized amplitude difference of sound waves was highly correlated to localization and power of significant changes in brain activity of subjects, while the phase shift of sound wave frequency was predictive of the frequency of brain activity. Significant expressions of Heart Rate (HR) and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) of subjects were highly correlated to the mean, variability and standard deviation of amplitude difference and phase shift of the fundamental frequency and the average across frequencies. We present a model in the form of a transfer function that accurately predicts various physiological expressions in response to sound stimuli on the basis of observed sound wave deviations. We discuss the benefits of such a model and the future work necessary to develop the model to its full predictive capacity.
Die Klangschalentherapie wird als Entspannungsverfahren sowohl präventiv als auch kurativ bei verschiedenen Erkrankungen eingesetzt. In der Behandlung von Schmerzpatientinnen und Schmerzpatienten kann sie insbesondere denjenigen helfen, bei denen andere Entspannungsverfahren bisher erfolglos geblieben sind. Studien geben erste Hinweise auf die positiven Effekte der Klangschalentherapie auf den Schmerzlevel, aber auch auf die Herzfrequenz sowie auf die psychische Verfassung.
Background and Aims Stuttering as a communication disorder can cause severe problems in interpersonal communication and affect the quality of life of the sufferer. It is known as a treatable behavior, so this study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of hemi-sync audio therapy in improving hearing skills and reducing stuttering in children Methods The research design is quasi-experimental (pretest-posttest design without a control group). The study population comprised primary school children with stuttering disorders living in Mashhad City, Iran. Of these population, 10 students diagnosed with high auditory sensitivity were recruited using the Guitar stuttering test and Malayeri auditory processing disorder questionnaire. Then, they were treated with hemi-sync therapy in 12 sessions for three months. Research data were analyzed using the independent t test in SPSS software, version 21. Results The results showed that hemi-sync audio therapy effectively increased auditory skills in stuttering children (P<0.05). The hemi-sync therapy reduced hearing problems after improving auditory skills and stuttering. Conclusion Because children with stuttering may have hearing impairments, increasing this skill with hemi-sync therapy can be used as an intervention and rehabilitation basis.
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Neuroelectric and imaging studies of meditation are reviewed. Electroencephalographic measures indicate an overall slowing subsequent to meditation, with theta and alpha activation related to proficiency of practice. Sensory evoked potential assessment of concentrative meditation yields amplitude and latency changes for some components and practices. Cognitive event-related potential evaluation of meditation implies that practice changes attentional allocation. Neuroimaging studies indicate increased regional cerebral blood flow measures during meditation. Taken together, meditation appears to reflect changes in anterior cingulate cortex and dorsolateral prefrontal areas. Neurophysiological meditative state and trait effects are variable but are beginning to demonstrate consistent outcomes for research and clinical applications. Psychological and clinical effects of meditation are summarized, integrated, and discussed with respect to neuroimaging data.
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The Hypertension Singing Bowl is an Acoustic Sonification shaped by a year of blood pressure data that has been 3D printed in stainless steel so that it rings. The design of the bowl was a response to a medical diagnosis of hypertension that required regular self-tracking of blood pressure. The culture of self-tracking, known as the Quantified Self movement, has the motto "self knowledge through numbers". This paper describes the process of designing and digitally fabricating a singing bowl shaped from this blood pressure data. An iterative design research method is used to identify important stages of the process that include the choice of a sonic metaphor, the prototyping of a CAD baseline, the mapping of data to shape, and the acoustics of the mapping. The resulting Hypertension singing bowl is a meditative contemplation on the dataset that is a reminder to live a healthy lifestyle, and a poetic alternative to generic graphic plots of the Quantified Self.
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In recent studies of the structure of affect, positive and negative affect have consistently emerged as two dominant and relatively independent dimensions. A number of mood scales have been created to measure these factors; however, many existing measures are inadequate, showing low reliability or poor convergent or discriminant validity. To fill the need for reliable and valid Positive Affect and Negative Affect scales that are also brief and easy to administer, we developed two 10-item mood scales that comprise the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS). The scales are shown to be highly internally consistent, largely uncorrelated, and stable at appropriate levels over a 2-month time period. Normative data and factorial and external evidence of convergent and discriminant validity for the scales are also presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)
Purpose: To determine the physiological and psychological effects of adding a Himalayan singing bowl (HSB) to a directed relaxation (DR) session. Design: Randomized crossover study. Setting: Community-based counseling practice. Subjects: Fifty-one participants completed two randomly assigned sessions beginning with either 12 minutes of HSB or silence, followed by a 20-minute DR session. Intervention: Random order of HSB intervention/silence prior to DR. Measures: Blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) scores measured before and after both sessions. Analysis: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) compared differences between variables over time between both study days, and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) analyzed changes from baseline, controlling for baseline, age, and sex. Results: Fifty-one participants completed both sessions. There was a greater decline in systolic BP (p = .044) and HR (p = .003) with HSB compared to silence prior to DR. Changes in diastolic BP were greater with HSB, with a nonsignificant trend (p = .073). Hypertensive subjects (n = 20) had similar and significant BP changes with HSB and silence when compared to normotensive subjects (n = 31). PANAS scores fell significantly with both interventions. Conclusions: BP and HR responses were enhanced by HSB exposure. HSB may be used as an adjunct to DR to produce physiological and psychological responses prior to DR.
Procedures for self- and hetero-hypnotic induction and for the elicitation of the relaxation response appear to be similar. Further, before experiencing hypnotic phenomena, either during a traditional or an active induction, a physiological state exists which is comparable to the relaxation response. This state is characterized, in part, by decreased heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure. After the physiological changes of the relaxation response occur, the individual proceeds to experience other exclusively hypnotic phenomena, such as perceptual distortions, age regression, posthypnotic suggestion, and amnesia.
The healing process of the Best Self Visualization Method (BSM) is described within the framework of meditation, neuroscience, and psychodynamic theory. Cases are drawn from the treatment of high-risk youth, who have histories of poverty, survival of sexual and physical abuse, and/or current risk for perpetrating abuse. Clinical use of BSM is demonstrated in two case illustrations, one of group psychotherapy and another of individual therapy.
Background: Chronic daily stress has significant physical, emotional, and financial implications; levels of stress are increasing in the US. Dr. Benson highlighted how the mind and body function together in one's experience of the stress response and proposed the existence of the relaxation response (RR). Objective: The current paper describes the foundation and development of an 8-session multimodal treatment program for coping with chronic stress: the Relaxation Response Resiliency Program (3RP). Methods: We review the past decades of RR research, outline the development of the 3RP treatment, and provide an overview of the program's theory and content. Results: Extensive research and clinical work have examined how eliciting the RR may combat stress through down-regulation of the sympathetic nervous system. Related to this work are the multidimensional constructs of resiliency and allostatic load. The 3RP is based on principles from the fields of stress management, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and positive psychology, and has three core target areas: (1) elicitation of the RR; (2) stress appraisal and coping; and (3) growth enhancement. An 8-week patient-centered treatment program has been developed, with the purpose of assisting patients with a variety of psychological and medical issues to better cope with chronic stress. Conclusions: Mastery of the RR is theorized to maximize one's ability to benefit from multimodal mind body strategies. The goal of the 3RP is to enhance individuals' adaptive responses to chronic stress through increasing awareness and decreasing the physiological, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral effects of the stress response, while simultaneously promoting the effects of being in the RR.