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Philodendron is the second most diverse genus of the Araceae, a tropical monocot family with significant morphological diversity along its wide geographic distribution in the Neotropics. Although evolutionary studies of Philodendron were conducted in recent years, the phylogenetic relationship among its species remains unclear. Additionally, analyses conducted to date suggested the inclusion of all American representatives of a closely related genus, Homalomena, within the Philodendron clade. A thorough evaluation of the phylogeny and timescale of these lineages is thus necessary to elucidate the tempo and mode of evolution of this large Neotropical genus and to unveil the biogeographic history of Philodendron evolution along the Amazonian and Atlantic Rain Forests, as well as open dry forests of South America. To this end, we have estimated the molecular phylogeny for 68 Philodendron species, which consists of the largest sampling assembled to date aiming the study of the evolutionary affinities. We have also performed ancestral reconstruction of species distribution along biomes. Finally, we contrasted these results with the inferred timescale of Philodendron and Homalomena lineage diversification. Our estimates indicate that American Homalomena is the sister clade to Philodendron. The early diversification of Philodendron took place in the Amazon Forest from Early to Middle Miocene, followed by colonization of the Atlantic Forest and the savanna-like landscapes, respectively. Based on the age of the last common ancestor of Philodendron, the species of this genus diversified by rapid radiations, leading to its wide extant distribution in the Neotropical region.
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Loss-Oliveira L, Sakuragui C, Soares MdL, Schrago CG. (2016) Evolution of
Philodendron (Araceae) species in Neotropical biomes. PeerJ 4:e1744
Evolution of Philodendron (Araceae) species along Neotropical
Leticia Loss-Oliveira, Cassia CMS Sakuragui, Maria de Lourdes Soares, Carlos G Schrago
Philodendron is the second most diverse genus of the Araceae, a tropical monocot family
with significant morphological diversity along its wide geographic distribution in the
Neotropics. Although evolutionary studies of Philodendron were conducted in recent years,
the phylogenetic relationship among its species remains unclear. Additionally, analyses
conducted to date suggested the inclusion of all American representatives of a closely
related genus, Homalomena, within the Philodendron clade. A thorough evaluation of the
phylogeny and timescale of these lineages is thus necessary to elucidate the tempo and
mode of evolution of this large Neotropical genus and to unveil the biogeographic history
of Philodendron evolution along the Amazonian and Atlantic Rain Forests, as well as open
dry forests of South America. To this end, we have estimated the molecular phylogeny for
68 Philodendron species, which consists of the largest sampling assembled to date aiming
the study of the evolutionary affinities. We have also performed ancestral reconstruction of
species distribution along biomes. Finally, we contrasted these results with the inferred
timescale of Philodendron and Homalomena lineage diversification. Our estimates indicate
that American Homalomena is the sister clade to Philodendron. The early diversification of
Philodendron took place in the Amazon Forest from Early to Middle Miocene, followed by
colonization of the Atlantic Forest and the savanna-like landscapes, respectively. Based on
the age of the last common ancestor of Philodendron, the species of this genus diversified
by rapid radiations, leading to its wide extant distribution in the Neotropical region.
PeerJ PrePrints | | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 3 Feb 2016, publ: 3 Feb 2016
1Evolution of Philodendron (Araceae) species along Neotropical biomes
3Leticia Loss-Oliveira1, Cassia M. Sakuragui2, Maria L. Soares3 and Carlos G. Schrago1*
51Department of Genetics and 2Department of Botany, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio
6de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
73Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus, AM, Brazil
13 *Address for correspondence:
14 Carlos G. Schrago
15 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
16 Instituto de Biologia, Departamento de Genética, CCS, A2-092
17 Rua Prof. Rodolpho Paulo Rocco, SN
18 Cidade Universitária
19 Rio de Janeiro, RJ
20 CEP: 21941-617
22 Phone: +55 21 2562-6397
23 Phone: +55 21 4063-8278
24 Email:
29 Running title: Diversification of Philodendron
31 Keywords: biogeography; South America; Amazon; Andes; dispersal; supertree
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36 Abstract
38 Philodendron is the second most diverse genus of the Araceae, a tropical monocot family with
39 significant morphological diversity along its wide geographic distribution in the Neotropics.
40 Although evolutionary studies of Philodendron were conducted in recent years, the phylogenetic
41 relationship among its species remains unclear. Additionally, analyses conducted to date
42 suggested the inclusion of all American representatives of a closely related genus, Homalomena,
43 within the Philodendron clade. A thorough evaluation of the phylogeny and timescale of these
44 lineages is thus necessary to elucidate the tempo and mode of evolution of this large Neotropical
45 genus and to unveil the biogeographic history of Philodendron evolution along the Amazonian
46 and Atlantic Rain Forests, as well as open dry forests of South America. To this end, we have
47 estimated the molecular phylogeny for 68 Philodendron species, which consists of the largest
48 sampling assembled to date aiming the study of the evolutionary affinities. We have also
49 performed ancestral reconstruction of species distribution along biomes. Finally, we contrasted
50 these results with the inferred timescale of Philodendron and Homalomena lineage
51 diversification. Our estimates indicate that American Homalomena is the sister clade to
52 Philodendron. The early diversification of Philodendron took place in the Amazon Forest from
53 Early to Middle Miocene, followed by colonization of the Atlantic Forest and the savanna-like
54 landscapes, respectively. Based on the age of the last common ancestor of Philodendron, the
55 species of this genus diversified by rapid radiations, leading to its wide extant distribution in the
56 Neotropical region.
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58 Introduction
59 Philodendron is an exclusively Neotropical genus, comprising 482 formally recognized
60 species (Boyce & Croat, 2013). Their geographic distribution range from Northern Mexico to
61 Southern Uruguay (Mayo et al., 1997), consisting mainly of the biomes of the Amazonian and
62 Atlantic Rain Forests and also the open dry forests of South America. According to Olson et al.’s
63 (2001) classification of terrestrial biomes, South American open dry forests are composed of the
64 Cerrado (savanna-like landscapes) and Caatinga biomes (Croat, 1997, Mayo, 1988, Mayo, 1989,
65 Sakuragui et al., 2012a) (Figure 1). Philodendron species richness is especially significant in
66 Brazil, where 168 species were described thus far (Sakuragui et al., 2012b).
67 Although Philodendron presents a significant morphological plasticity, wide leaf
68 variation and several types of habits (Sakuragui et al., 2012b, Coelho, 2000), the inflorescence
69 morphology of its representatives is largely conserved. The unisexual flowers in the spadix are
70 clustered in male, female and sterile zones; located at the basal, median and superior portions,
71 respectively (Figure 1b). The spadix, in nearly all of its extension, is surrounded by the spate
72 (Sakuragui, 2001).
73 Currently, Philodendron species are grouped into three subgenera according to its floral
74 and vegetative morphology and anatomy (Mayo, 1991, Mayo, 1988, Croat, 1997), namely,
75 subgenus Meconostigma (Schott) Engl., which consists of 21 species (Gonçalves & Salviani,
76 2002, Croat et al., 2002, Mayo, 1991); subgenus Pteromischum (Schott) Mayo, with 75 species
77 (Coelho, 2000) and subgenus Philodendron (Mayo, 1986), comprising approximately 400
78 species (Coelho, 2000, Croat, 1997).
79 Because of the wide geographic range, patterns of distribution along niches, as well as the
80 characteristic morphology, interest in investigating Philodendron systematics and evolution has
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81 increased in the last decades (Sakuragui et al., 2005, Mayo, 1986, Grayum, 1996, Croat, 1997).
82 Morphological and anatomical characters of flowers has been of special interest for phylogenetic
83 analysis due to their high level of variability (Sakuragui, 1998). However, the plasticity and
84 convergence of these characters in Philodendron may increase the probability of homoplasies
85 (Mayo, 1986, Mayo, 1989).
86 Recently, Gauthier et al. (2008) investigated the phylogenetic relationships of
87 Philodendron species based on three molecular markers, sampling a total of 49 species. This
88 work comprised the largest taxon sampling of the genus to date. In accordance to previous
89 analysis (Barabé et al., 2002, Mayo et al., 1997), authors questioned the monophyly of
90 Philodendron, suggesting the inclusion of all American species of the morphologically similar
91 genus, Homalomena Schott, within the Philodendron clade. Homalomena species occur in
92 America and Asia and its geographic distribution partly overlaps with Philodendron in the
93 Neotropics. The inference of the evolutionary relationships between Philodendron and
94 Homalomena has a significant biogeographic appeal. If American Homalomena species are
95 indeed more closely related to Philodendron than to Asian Homalomena, a single colonization
96 event should be considered. Unveiling the evolutionary relationships between those lineages is
97 thus necessary to elucidate their origin and subsequent diversification.
98 Besides phylogeny, several issues regarding Philodendron evolution remain unclear. For
99 example, the historical events that led to the wide geographic occurrence along biomes need a
100 thorough analysis. In this sense, investigating the evolutionary affinities of a large sample of
101 Philodendron species will shed light on how this lineage diversified along the Amazonian and
102 Atlantic Rain Forests, as well as South American open dry forests biomes, namely, the Cerrado
103 and Caatinga. To this end, we have performed an ancestral area reconstruction of Philodendron
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104 and Homalomena species and estimated the divergence times from a phylogeny inferred from the
105 largest Philodendron dataset composed to date. We were able to address the timing and pattern
106 of Philodendron diversification in selected Neotropical biomes with a focus on the evolutionary
107 relationships between the three Philodendron subgenera.
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110 Materials and Methods
111 Taxon and gene sampling
112 We have sequenced new data for 110 extant species of Philodendron and 16 species of
113 Homalomena of the following molecular markers: the nuclear 18S and external transcribed
114 spacer (ETS); and the chloroplast trnL intron, trnL-trnF intergenic spacer, the trnK intron and
115 maturase K (matK) genes. Additionally, 13 outgroup species were analyzed, comprising the
116 genera Cercestis, Culcasia, Colocasia, Dieffenbachia, Heteropsis, Montrichardia, Nephthytis,
117 Furtadoa and Urospatha. Outgroup choice was based on the close evolutionary affinity of these
118 genera to Philodendron, as suggested by previous studies. The complete list of species included
119 in this study, the voucher and GenBank accession numbers were listed in Tables 1 and 2 of the
120 Supplementary Material.
121 Ancestral biome reconstruction is dependent on the estimated phylogeny and the
122 current geographic distribution of sampled species terminals. Thus, taxon sampling may impact
123 the inference of ancestral species distribution along biomes. As indicated in Table 1
124 (Supplementary Material), we have sampled all P. subg. Meconostigma species; 82 P. subg.
125 Philodendron species and 7 P. subg. Pteromischum species. Our sampling strategy is
126 representative of the current Philodendron diversity. Although ~75% of the sampled species are
127 P. subg. Philodendron in our analysis, ~82% of Philodendron species consist of P. subg.
128 Philodendron (Boyce & Croat, 2013, Sakuragui et al., 2012a).
130 DNA isolation, amplification and sequencing
131 Genomic DNA was isolated with QIAGEN DNeasy Blood & Tissue kit from silica-dried
132 or fresh leaves. Primers used for amplification and sequencing were listed in Table 3 of
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133 Supplementary Material. Sequencing reactions were performed in the Applied Biosystems
134 3730xl automatic sequencer and edited with the Geneious 5.5.3 software.
135 Alignment and phylogenetic analysis
136 Molecular markers were individually aligned in MAFFT 7 (Katoh & Standley, 2013) and
137 then manually adjusted in SeaView 4 (Gouy et al., 2010). We estimated individual gene trees
138 (Fig. 1, SM) for each molecular marker in MrBayes 3.2.2 (Huelsenbeck & Ronquist, 2001,
139 Ronquist & Huelsenbeck, 2003) using the GTR + G substitution model. The Markov chain
140 Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm was ran twice for 10,000,000 generations, using four chains.
141 Chains were sampled every 100th cycle and a burn-in of 20% was applied. A supertree was
142 estimated from the tree topologies of each molecular marker using the PhySIC_IST algorithm,
143 available at the ATGC-Montpellier online server (
144 Only clades with posterior probability 85% were considered to estimate the supertree. We have
145 used this approach to avoid the impact of missing data in phylogeny estimation (Scornavacca et
146 al., 2008). As PhySIC_IST calculates non-plenary supertrees, it removes taxa with significant
147 topological conflict and/or with small taxon sampling (Scornavacca et al., 2008). The final
148 supertree was thus composed of 89 terminals, as 50 terminals were discarded due to conflicting
149 resolutions.
150 In order to assess the stability of the (Philodendron + American Homalomena) clade, we
151 have calculated the log-likelihoods of alternative topological arrangements in PhyML 3.0
152 (Guindon et al., 2009) using the species sampling of the supertree. We have tested the following
153 topologies: (I) (American Homalomena (P. subg. Philodendron + P. subg. Meconostigma); (II)
154 (P. subg. Meconostigma (P. subg. Philodendron + American Homalomena) and (III) (P. subg.
155 Philodendron (P. subg. Meconostigma + American Homalomena). The significance of the
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156 difference in log-likelihoods between topologies was tested with the approximately unbiased
157 (AU) and the Shimodaira-Hasegawa (SH) tests implemented in CONSEL 1.2.0 (Shimodaira &
158 Hasegawa, 2001).
159 Divergence time inference
160 Dating Philodendron evolutionary history is difficult mainly because of the scarcity of
161 the fossil record (Loss-Oliveira et al., 2014). For instance, Dilcher and Daghlian (1977), based
162 on fossilized leaves, described a putative P. subg. Meconostigma fossil from the Eocene of
163 Tennessee (56.0 – 33.9 Ma). However, Mayo (1991) identified the referred fossil as a Peltranda.
164 Thus, we have decided not to use this fossil as calibration information. Alternatively, in order to
165 estimate divergence times, we have assigned a prior on the rate of nucleotide substitution. We
166 were then prompted to infer the evolutionary rates of plastid coding regions of monocots using a
167 large sample of publicly available chloroplast genomes. Nuclear genes were excluded from
168 dating analysis because of the absence of prior information on evolutionary rates.
169 To estimate monocots substitution rate, we used chloroplast genomes from 154 Liliopsida
170 species retrieved from the GenBank (Table 4). All orthologous coding regions were concatenated
171 into a single supermatrix. Maximum likelihood phylogentic reconstruction was implemented in
172 RaxML 7.0.3 (Stamatakis, 2006) under GTR model. Molecular dating of monocots (Liliopsida)
173 was conducted under a Bayesian framework, using fossil information obtained from Iles et al.
174 (Iles et al., 2015) (Table 5). Because the number of terminals used was large, rate estimation was
175 conducted with the MCMCTree program of PAML 4.8 package (Yang, 2007) using the
176 approximate likelihood calculation (dos Reis & Yang, 2011) and the uncorrelated model of
177 evolution of rates. In MCMCTree, posterior distributions were obtained via MCMC; chains were
178 sampled every 500th cycle until 50,000 trees were collected. We performed two independent
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179 replicates to check for convergence of the estimates. Calibration information for Liliopsida was
180 entered as minimum and maximum bounds of uniform priors. The estimated mean substitution
181 rate was inferred at 3.26 x 10-9 substitutions/site/year (s/s/y). This value is significantly higher
182 than the previous estimate of Palmer (1991), which reported an average substitution rate of 0.7 x
183 10-9 s/s/y for angiosperm platids. As the credibility interval of our estimate was large, we
184 adopted a Gaussian prior for evolutionary rates with a 95% highest probability density (HPD)
185 interval that included maximum and minimum values of our estimate and that of Palmer’s.
186 Dating analysis of Philodendron and Homalomena species was performed in BEAST
187 using a relaxed molecular clock with evolutionary rates modeled by an uncorrelated lognormal
188 distribution; the GTR + Gmodel of sequence was applied. MCMC algorithm was ran for
189 50,000,000 generations and sampled every 1,000th cycle, with a burn-in of 20%.
191 Biome shifts
192 To unveil how Philodendron species colonized the Amazon forest, Atlantic Forest,
193 Cerrado and Caatinga, we conducted a Bayesian Binary MCMC (BBM) (Yu et al., 2012,
194 Ronquist & Huelsenbeck, 2003) implemented in Reconstruct Ancestral State in Phylogenies 2.1b
195 (RASP) software (Yu et al., 2012). The input tree topology was the supertree estimated in
196 PhySIC_IST. BBM chains were ran for 10,000,000 generations and were sampled every 1000th
197 cycle. State frequencies were estimated under the F81 model with gamma rate variation.
198 Information on the occurrence of each Philodendron species along Neotropical biomes was
199 obtained from Sakuragui et al. (2012b) and from the (Team) CATE Araceae (http://araceae.e-
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203 Results
204 The Homalomena genus was not recovered as monophyletic; the Asian Homalomena
205 clustered within a single group and the American representatives clustered independently, as
206 sister to Philodendron species (Figure 2). Although our analysis failed to support the monophyly
207 of Philodendron with significant statistical support, the topological arrangement in which
208 Philodendron is a monophyletic genus was significantly supported by the AU and SH tests (p <
209 0.05, Figure 3, Table 6SM). Within Philodendron, subg. Meconostigma was recovered as
210 monophyletic (Fig. 2, node D), whereas subg. Philodendron was recovered as polyphyletic (Fig.
211 2, node E). Finally, the monophyly of P. subg. Pteromischum was not inferred, because
212 Pteromischum species clustered with P. subg. Philodendron species.
213 We estimated that the last common ancestor (LCA) of Philodendron diversified in the
214 Amazon Forest (Fig. 4, node B) at ca. 8.6 Ma (6.8 – 12.1Ma) 95% HPD. Thus, we inferred that
215 the LCA of Philodendon diversified from Middle to Late Miocene. This also suggests that the
216 divergence between Philodendron and the American Homalomena occurred in a short period of
217 time after this American lineage diverged from the Asian Homalomena (Figure 4, nodes B and
218 A, respectively).
219 The earliest events of Philodendron diversification occurred exclusively in the Amazon
220 Forest (e.g., Fig. 4, nodes C, D, E, F). The ancestors of Atlantic Forest lineages were inferred to
221 have been distributed in the Amazon (Fig. 4, nodes I, J and nodes G, H). This pattern of
222 Amazonian ancestry of Atlantic Forest lineages was also observed in some terminal branches.
223 For instance, from node K to P. loefgrenii and from node L to P. imbe.
224 On the other hand, the majority of Cerrado species evolved from Atlantic Forest
225 ancestors (Fig. 4, nodes J and M; node N to P. rhizomatosum and P. pachyphyllum). In subgenus
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226 Meconostigma, the age of early species diversification into Atlantic Forest was dated at 3.7 Ma
227 (5.6 – 2.7 Ma) (Fig. 4, node J), whereas in the P. subg. Philodendron early lineage
228 diversification occurred at 4.1 Ma (5.5 – 3.0 Ma) (Fig. 4, node J). Therefore, during a period of
229 5.0 – 6.0 Ma, Philodendron species occupied exclusively the Amazon Forest. The diversification
230 into Cerrado biome occurred later, at approximately 1.7 Ma (3.3 – 1.1 Ma) (Fig. 4, node M).
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233 Discussion
234 Phylogenetic relationship between Philodendron and Homalomena
235 In this study, Asian Homalomena was recovered as sister to the (Philodendron +
236 American Homalomena) clade, and Furtadoa mixta clustered with the Asian Homalomena clade.
237 The evolutionary affinities of American Homalomena, P. subg. Meconostigma and P. subg.
238 Philodendron were not strongly supported. However, the topological arrangement in which
239 Philodendron is a monophyletic genus was statistically significant by the AU and SH tests,
240 suggesting the monophyly of Philodendron.
241 Previous studies have reported conflicting results concerning the monophyly of
242 Philodendron and the phylogenetic status of American Homalomena (Figure 5). For instance,
243 Barabé et al. (2002), based on the trnL intron and the trnL-trnF intergenic spacer, proposed P.
244 subg. Philodendron as a paraphyletic group and was unable to solve the (P. subg. Meconostigma
245 + Asian + American Homalomena) polytomy (Figure 5A). Gauthier et al. (2008) recovered the
246 American Homalomena as sister to Philodendron and the Asian Homalomena as sister to the
247 (American Homalomena + Philodendron) clade, although their Bayesian analysis inferred a
248 paraphyletic Philodendron, with P. subg. Pteromischum sister to the American Homalomena
249 (Figure 5B and 5C, respectively). Alternatively, Cusimano et al. (2011) recovered a
250 monophyletic Philodendron, with Homalomena as sister lineage of Furtadoa (Figure 5D).
251 Recently, Yeng et al. (2013) estimated the Homalomena phylogeny based on the nuclear ITS
252 marker and also sampled Philodendron species. In the ML and Bayesian trees reported in their
253 study, P. subg. Pteromischum was closely related to the American Homalomena, whereas P.
254 subg. Meconostigma and P. subg. Philodendron were recovered as sister taxa (Figure 5E).
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255 Discrepancies between previous works and our analysis may be due to different choice of
256 phylogenetic methods, markers and taxon sampling. Gauthier et al. (2008) was the only study
257 intended to investigate specifically the systematics of Philodendron genus. When compared to
258 their analysis, our study included a larger sampling of taxa and molecular markers with the aim
259 of estimating the phylogeny of Philodendron and Homalomena species; it is also the first
260 analysis that used a supertree approach to this end.
261 Our phylogeny characteristically presents short branch lengths within the Philodendron
262 clade. The high frequency of polytomies indicates the genetic similarity among terminals, which
263 is further corroborated by the ease in obtaining artificial hybrids between different species. This
264 corroborates a scenario of low genetic differentiation and low reproductive isolation (Carlsen,
265 2011).
266 Philodendron diversification may also consist of several recent rapid radiation events.
267 Phylogenetic reconstruction under this scenario is challenging, because of a significant amount
268 of substitutions is needed to accumulate within short periods of time (Maddison and Knowles,
269 2006). However, morphological variation of Philodendron is remarkable, which seems
270 contradictory considering the previously discussed features. However, it has been extensively
271 discussed that morphological variation is not a suitable proxy for genetic variation (e.g.,
272 Prud’Homme et al., 2011; Houle et al., 2010). Many environmental and epigenetic factors may
273 can increase phenotypic variation even in the absence of DNA sequence variation (Prud’Homme
274 et al., 2011). Evidently, we cannot rule out the possibility that DNA regions that present
275 significant genetic differences between species were not sampled in this work.
276 Diversification of Philodendron and Homalomena
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277 Although the chronology of Philodendron divergence was not extensively focused by
278 previous studies, Nauheimer et al. (2012) analyzed the global history of the entire Araceae
279 family based on a supermatrix composed of 5 chloroplast markers and several well-established
280 calibration points. Their analysis included a single Philodendron species and estimated age of the
281 Philodendron/Asian Homalomena divergence at approximately 20.0 Ma (ranging from 31.0 –
282 9.0 Ma). This study, however, also included a single species of Asian Homalomena.
283 The wide range of the posterior distribution credibility intervals of Nauheimer et al.
284 (2012) hampers the proposition of putative biogeographic scenarios for the evolution of
285 Philodendron, American and Asian Homalomena. Differences between their timescale and the
286 divergence times proposed in this study might therefore be due to methodological differences
287 caused by their reduced taxonomic sampling. Nevertheless, both our estimate of the age of the
288 Philodendron divergence from Asian Homalomena and that of Nauheimer et al. (2012) suggests
289 that this event took place when South America was essentially an isolated continent.
290 The isolation of the South American continent persisted from approximately 130.0 Ma
291 (Smith & Klicka, 2010) to 3.5 Ma (Vilela et al., 2014), with the rise of the Panamanian land
292 bridge. Therefore, from the Early to Middle Miocene there was no land connection with North
293 America, Asia or Africa (Oliveira et al., 2010). If dispersal, rather then vicariance, is the most
294 plausible hypothesis to explain Philodendron and American Homalomena colonization of the
295 Neotropics, hypotheses on the possible routes of colonization should be investigated. Based on
296 the continental arrangement during the Miocene, we propose that the dispersal of Philodendron
297 and American Homalomena ancestor could have followed four possible routes (Figure 6): (1)
298 from Asia to North America through the Bering Strait; (2) from Africa to the Neotropics by
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299 crossing the Atlantic ocean; (3) from Asia to Neotropics by crossing Pacific ocean; and (4) from
300 Asia to Neotropics , also by crossing the Atlantic ocean.
301 The Araceae fossil record is currently assigned to Florida, Russia, Germany, United
302 Kingdom, Venezuela, Yemen, Colombia and Canada (Shufeldt, 1917, Berry, 1936, Bogner et al.,
303 2005, Chandler, 1964, Dorofeev, 1963, As-Saruri et al., 1999, Wilde & Frankenhauser, 1998,
304 2005, Wing et al., 2009, Stockey et al., 2007). However, as none of the fossil specimens was
305 described as closely related to Philodendron or Homalomena, the Araceae fossil record fails to
306 corroborate any dispersal hypothesis in particular.
307 Considering route 1, although the Bering Strait have connected Asia to the North
308 America during most of the Cenozoic period (Butzin et al., 2011), there is no evidence of extant
309 Philodendron and Homalomena in North America or North Asia. Route 2 involves long distance
310 oceanic dispersal through ca. 2,000 km – the minimum distance between Africa and the
311 Neotropics (Oliveira et al., 2010) – through Atlantic paleocurrents, which were probably stronger
312 than Pacific currents. This hypothesis is congruent with the clustering of Philodendron and
313 American Homalomena into a single clade, assuming Africa as the center of diversification of
314 Asian and American Homalomena, as well as Philodendron. However, we should conisder that
315 the last recent common ancestor of Philodendron and Homalomena was distributed in Africa. On
316 the other hand, this hypothesis is corroborated by the distribution of the extant Philodendron and
317 Homalomena species. Givnish and colleagues (2004) also suggested two long distance dispersal
318 events through the Atlantic, but in the opposite direction. Their analysis indicated that
319 Bromeliaceae and Rapateaceae arose in the Guayana Shield of northern South America and reached
320 tropical west Africa via long-distance dispersal at ca. 6–8 Ma.
321 When considering long distance dispersal events, it is crucial to evaluate their viability as
322 related with the plant’s ability to produce dispersal structures that would tolerate aquatic and
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323 saline conditions for long periods of time (Lo et al., 2014). Although such features have not been
324 evualuated for Philodendron and Homalomena, some Homalomena species inhabits swamp
325 forests and open swamps. Thus, features that would favor their survival in waterlogged
326 environments could also influence their maintenance in seawater.
327 Although route 3 is geographically unlikely due to the 8,000 km distance between Asia
328 and the Neotropics through the Pacific Ocean (Oliveira et al., 2010), it cannot be completely
329 discarded, because it is corroborated by the extant distribution of Homalomena and
330 Philodendron. Finally, route 4 suggests the dispersal through the Atlantic ocean from Asia to the
331 Neotropics. This is also an improbable hypothesis, because the African continent would act as a
332 barrier between Asia and the Neotropics, requiring the dispersal through both the Indian and the
333 Atlantic oceans.
334 The extant distribution of Philodendron and Homalomena species and the scarcity of
335 fossil information challenge the proposition of a scenario for the origin of Philodendron and
336 American Homalomena in the Neotropics. However, the biological and geographical information
337 provided to date indicates a long distance oceanic dispersal through the Atlantic, as suggested by
338 route 2, as the most plausible hypothesis to explain Philodendron and American Homalomena
339 colonization of the Neotropics.
340 Early diversification of Philodendron species
341 According to our analysis, the last common ancestor of Philodendron and the American
342 Homalomena was distributed in the Amazon Forest about 8.6 Ma (11.1 – 6.8 Ma) during the
343 Middle/Late Miocene. Interestingly, this time estimate is very close to the age of the divergence
344 between the (Philodendron/American Homalomena) clade from the Asian Homalomena (Fig. 4,
345 node A). The Middle and Late Miocene were characterized by wetland expansion into western
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346 Central Amazonia, which fragmented the rainforest and formed extensive wetlands (Jaramillo et
347 al., 2010). According to our analysis, Philodendron earliest divergence events took place in this
348 scenario. The Amazon forest, from the Late Miocene to the beginning of Pliocene, was
349 composed of a diverse and well-structured forest. The Amazon river landscape was well
350 established, this probably allowed the extensive development of the Amazonian terra firme
351 forest (Jaramillo et al., 2010). This scenario is compatible with the biology of extant species of
352 Philodendron, because a well-structured forest would allow the development of epiphyte and
353 hemiepiphyte species, such as Philodendron.
354 Philodendron diversification along Neotropical biomes
355 Our results suggest that Philodendron species occurred exclusively at the Amazon forest
356 for ca. 5.0 – 6.0 Ma. During the Pliocene, as result of the glacial cycles, climate cooling and
357 drying permitted the expansion of the open savanna areas, mostly represented by the ‘dry
358 diagonal’, which is constituted by the Caatinga, Cerrado and Chaco biomes. This consisted of a
359 crucial event, because it resulted in the isolation of the Atlantic forest in the east coast of South
360 America (DaSilva & Pinto-da-Rocha, 2013), which is synchronous to the inferred age of the
361 early diversification of Philodendron in this biome. This also corroborates the hypothesis that the
362 Atlantic forest taxa present a closer biogeographic relationship with the Amazon forest, as
363 proposed by Amorim and Pires (1996) and Eberhard and Bermingham (2005). After the
364 separation between Atlantic and Amazon Forests during the Pliocene, species dispersal might
365 have been common through the forest patches (DaSilva and Pinto-da-Rocha, 2013).
366 Roig-Juñent and Coscarón (2001) and Porzecanski and Cracraft (2005) suggested that the
367 Atlantic rainforest also presents similarities in organismal composition with the Cerrado biome.
368 This association would have been a result of dispersal events through gallery forests. The history
PeerJ PrePrints | | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 3 Feb 2016, publ: 3 Feb 2016
369 of the formation of Cerrado biome is still uncertain (Zanella, 2013, Werneck, 2011), but our
370 analysis indicated that the ancestors of Philodendron clades from the Cerrado were distributed in
371 the Atlantic forest. Therefore, we also corroborate the hypothesis of lineage dispersal from the
372 Atlantic Forest to the Cerrado biome. These events would have occurred after the colonization
373 the Atlantic Forest by Philodendron species.
375 Final considerations on Philodendron evolution
376 Given the significant morphological diversity of Philodendron, its widespread
377 distribution in the Neotropics and the age of the Araceae family (~140.0 Ma, Nauheimer et al.,
378 2012), it would be expected that the origin of this genus was older. In sharp contrast, we have
379 estimated phylogenies with very short branch lengths and very recent divergence times. A
380 similar scenario was reported by Carlsen and Croat (2013) for Anthurium, which is the most
381 diverse Araceae genus, and also by Nagalingum and colleagues (2011) for cycads. Therefore, the
382 inferred tempo and mode of evolution of Philodendron species were reported in several plant
383 families.
385 Conclusion
386 The present work was the first attempt to establish a chronological background for the
387 diversification of this highly diverse genus and to suggest possible routes of colonization of the
388 ancestors of Neotropical Philodendron and Homalomena. Philodendron was statistically
389 supported as a monophyletic genus, sister to American Homalomena by AU and SH tests. The
390 last common ancestor of Philodendon diversified from the Middle to the Late Miocene in the
391 Amazon Forest, where the earliest events of Philodendron diversification occurred. Amazon was
PeerJ PrePrints | | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 3 Feb 2016, publ: 3 Feb 2016
392 also the exclusive biome occupied by Philodendron species during a 5.0 – 6.0 million years
393 period. Atlantic Forest lineages of P. subg. Meconostigma and P. subg. Philodendron diverged
394 from Amazonian ancestors. On the other hand, the majority of Cerrado species evolved from
395 Atlantic Forest ancestors, from the Late Miocene to the Pliocene.
PeerJ PrePrints | | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 3 Feb 2016, publ: 3 Feb 2016
397 Acknowledgements
398 We thank Petrobrás and INPA for allowing field expeditions in their biological reserves. We also
399 thank Alexandre Antonelli for valuable contributions in the manuscript text.
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577 Figure legends
578 Figure 1A. Geographic distribution of Philodendron species along the Neotropical biomes of
579 Amazon, Atlantic Forest, Cerrado and Caatinga. B. Philodendron inflorescence and the flower
580 zones.
581 Figure 2. Supertree of Philodendron and Homalomena species.
582 Figure 3. Phylogeny of Philodendron and Homalomena corroborated by the approximately
583 unbiased (AU) test.
584 Figure 4. Ancestral biome reconstructions and divergence time estimates of Philodendron and
585 Homalomena lineages. The epoch intervals followed the international chronostatigraphic chart
586 (Cohen et al., 2015) and are indicated by dashed lines.
587 Figure 5. Phylogenetic relationships between Philodendron and Homalomena recovered by
588 previous studies. A. Barabé et al. (2002); B. Gauthier et al. (2008) using the maximum
589 parsimony method; C. Gauthier et al. (2008) using Bayesian analysis; D. Cusimano et al. (2011);
590 E. Yeng et al. (2013).
591 Figure 6. Putative dispersal routes of the ancestor of Philodendron and American Homalomena
592 to the Neotropical region during the Miocene.
PeerJ PrePrints | | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 3 Feb 2016, publ: 3 Feb 2016
Figure 1(on next page)
Figure 1
A. Geographic distribution of Philodendron species along the Neotropical biomes of Amazon,
Atlantic Forest, Cerrado and Caatinga. B. Philodendron inflorescence and the flower zones.
PeerJ PrePrints | | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 3 Feb 2016, publ: 3 Feb 2016
Amazon Forest
Atlantic Forest
Male zone
Male sterile
Female zone
PeerJ PrePrints | | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 3 Feb 2016, publ: 3 Feb 2016
Figure 2(on next page)
Figure 2
Supertree of Philodendron and Homalomena species.
PeerJ PrePrints | | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 3 Feb 2016, publ: 3 Feb 2016
Culcasia rotundifolia
Cercestis camerunense
Cercestis afzelii
Cercestis sp.
Heteropsis flexuosa
Dieffenbachia elegans
Nephthytis poissoni
Nephthytis afzelii
Cercestis kawennianus
P. pinnatifidum
P. cannifolium
P. acutatum
P. malesevichiae
P. hastatum
P. rhizomatozum
P. cordatum
P. aemulum
P. pachyphyllum
P. eximium
P. renauxi
P. martianum
P. lindenii
P. asplundii
P. auriculatum
P. erubescens
P. oblongum
P. wurdackii
P. wendlandii
P. angustisectum
P. heleniae
P. schottii talamancae
P. davidsonii
P. smithii
P. stenophyllum
P. ruizii
P. imbe
P. distantilobum
P. placidum
P. tripartitum
P. hylaeae
P. squamiferum
P. sagittifolium
P. krugii
P. pedatum
P. billietiae
P. loefgrenii
P. ornatum
P. micranthum
P. gloriosum
P. verrucosum
P. lazorii
P. grandipes
P. panamense
P. elaphoglossoides
P. wittianum
P. fragrantissimum
P. linnaei
P. callosum
P. crassinervium
P. brevispathum
P. insigne
P. camposportoanum
P. longilaminatum
P. edmundoi
P. goeldii
P. leal-costae
P. tweedianum
P. saxicola
P. adamantinum
P. williamsii
P. venezuelense
P. speciosum
P. paludicola
P. dardanianum
P. xanadu
P. brasiliense
H. panamensis
H. crinipes
H. wendlandii
H. picturata
H. erythropus allenii
F. mixta
H. griffthii
H. cochinchinensis
H. humilis
H. aromatica
H. pendula
H. rubescens
P. findens
PeerJ PrePrints | | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 3 Feb 2016, publ: 3 Feb 2016
Figure 3(on next page)
Figure 3
Phylogeny of Philodendron and Homalomena corroborated by the approximately unbiased
(AU) test.
PeerJ PrePrints | | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 3 Feb 2016, publ: 3 Feb 2016
P. subg. Meconostigma
P. subg. Philodendron + Pteromischum
American Homalomena
Asian Homalomena
PeerJ PrePrints | | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 3 Feb 2016, publ: 3 Feb 2016
Figure 4(on next page)
Figure 4
Ancestral biome reconstructions and divergence time estimates of Philodendron and
Homalomena lineages. The epoch intervals followed the international chronostatigraphic
chart (Cohen et al., 2015) and are indicated by dashed lines.
PeerJ PrePrints | | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 3 Feb 2016, publ: 3 Feb 2016
(F) Crotundifolia
(F) Ccamerunense
(F) Cafzelii
(F) Ckawennianus
(F) Cercestis
(BC) Hflexuosa
(C) Delegans
(F) Npoissoni
(F) Nafzelii
(CD) Ppinnatifidum
(C) Scannifolium
(BCDE) Pacutatum
(C) Pmalesevichiae
(C) Pfindens
(B) Phastatum
(D) Prhizomatosum
(B) Pcordatum
(B) Paemulum
(D) Ppachyphyllum
(B) Peximium
(B) Prenauxi
(B) Pmartianum
(C) Plindenii
(C) Pasplundii
(CD) Pauriculatum
(C) Perubescens
(BCD) Poblongum
(C) Pwurdachii
(C) Pwendlandii
(C) Pangustisectum
(C) Psagittifolium
(C) Pheleniae
(C) Pschottiitalamancae
(C) Pdavidsonii
(C) Psmithii
(C) Pstenophyllum
(C) Pruizii
(B) Pimbe
(C) Pdistantilobum
(C) Pplacidum
(C) Ptripartitum
(C) Phylaeae
(C) Psquamiferum
(C) Pkrugii
(BCDE) Ppedatum
(C) Pbillietiae
(B) Ploefgrenii
(BCE) Pornatum
(C) Pmicranthum
(C) Pgloriosum
(C) Pverrucosum
(C) Plazorii
(CD) Pgrandipes
(C) Ppanamense
(C) Pelaphoglossoide
(C) Pwittianum
(BC) Pfragrantissimum
() Plinnaei
(C) Pcallosum
(B) Pcrassinervium
(CD) Pbrevispathum
(BC) Pinsigne
(CD) Pcamposportanum
(B) Plongilaminatum
(B) Pedmundoi
(C) Pgoeldii
(BE) Plealcostae
(D) Ptweedianum
(D) Psaxicola
(D) Padamantinum
(B) Pwilliamsii
(C) Pvenezuelense
(B) Pspeciosum
(B) Ppaludicola
(D) Pdardanianum
(G) Pxanadu
(D) Pbrasiliense
(G) Hpanamensis
(C) Hcrinipes
(C) Hwendlandii
(C) Hpicturata
(C) Herythropusallenii
(A) Hrubescens
(A) Fmixta
(A) Hgriffthii
(A) Hcochinchinensis
(A) Hhumilis
(A) Haromatica
(A) Hpendula
Culcasia rotundifolia
Cercestis camerunense
Cercestis afzelii
Cercestis sp.
Heteropsis flexuosa
Dieffenbachia elegans
Nephthytis poissoni
Nephthytis afzelii
Cercestis kawennianus
P. pinnatifidum
P. cannifolium
P. acutatum
P. malesevichiae
P. findens
P. hastatum
P. rhizomatozum
P. cordatum
P. aemulum
P. pachyphyllum
P. eximium
P. renauxi
P. martianum
P. lindenii
P. asplundii
P. auriculatum
P. erubescens
P. oblungum
P. wurdackii
P. wendlandii
P. angustisectum
P. heleniae
P. schottii talamancae
P. davidsonii
P. smithii
P. stenophyllum
P. ruizii
P. imbe
P. distantilobum
P. placidum
P. tripartitum
P. hylaeae
P. squamiferum
P. sagittifolium
P. krugii
P. pedatum
P. billietiae
P. loefgrenii
P. ornatum
P. micranthum
P. gloriosum
P. verrucosum
P. lazorii
P. grandipes
P. panamense
P. elaphoglossoides
P. wittianum
P. fragrantissimum
P. linnaei
P. callosum
P. crassinervium
P. brevispathum
P. insigne
P. camposportoanum
P. longilaminatum
P. edmundoi
P. goeldii
P. leal-costae
P. tweedianum
P. saxicola
P. adamantinum
P. williamsii
P. venezuelense
P. speciosum
P. paludicola
P. dardanianum
P. xanadu
P. brasiliense
H. panamensis
H. crinipes
H. wendlandii
H. picturata
H. erythropus allenii
H. rubescens
F. mixta
H. griffthii
H. cochinchinensis
H. humilis
H. aromatica
H. pendula
Middle Late
11.6 5.3 2.6 Ma
= Asian Tropical Moist Forest
B= Atlantic Forest
C= Amazon Forest
= Cerrado
= Caatinga
= African Tropical Moist Forest
= Unknown
PeerJ PrePrints | | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 3 Feb 2016, publ: 3 Feb 2016
Figure 5(on next page)
Figure 5
Phylogenetic relationships between Philodendron and Homalomena recovered by previous
studies. A. Barabé et al. (2002); B. Gauthier et al. (2008) using the maximum parsimony
method; C. Gauthier et al. (2008) using Bayesian analysis; D. Cusimano et al. (2011); E. Yeng
et al. (2013).
PeerJ PrePrints | | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 3 Feb 2016, publ: 3 Feb 2016
Figure 6(on next page)
Figure 6
Putative dispersal routes of the ancestor of Philodendron and American Homalomena to the
Neotropical region during the Miocene.
PeerJ PrePrints | | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 3 Feb 2016, publ: 3 Feb 2016
PeerJ PrePrints | | CC-BY 4.0 Open Access | rec: 3 Feb 2016, publ: 3 Feb 2016
... Nuclear ribosomal ETS and ITS are known to be multi-copy and subject to reticulate evolution; while it is important to have information about the nuclear genome, interpretation of such results should be taken with caution (Poczai & Hyvönen, 2010). Sakuragui et al. (2018) present an overview conveniently summarizing the phylogenetic relationships among Adelonema, Homalomena, and Philodendron resulting from previous studies (Barabé et al., 2002;Gauthier et al., 2008;Wong et al., 2013;Loss-Oliveira et al., 2016;Wong et al., 2016). Together with the results presented in the "supertree" in Sakuragui et al. (2018), the outcomes of these studies suggest a possible paraphyly of the genus Philodendron, leading to the separation of subgenus Meconostigma as genus Thaumatophyllum. ...
... Amazonia is recovered as the most likely ancestral geographic range for the node containing a polytomy of the three subgenera (Fig. 1). This is in line with the geographic origin of the genus and the area of its earliest diversification inferred by Loss-Oliveira et al. (2016), although the timing differs substantially from that obtained in our results (see Canal et al. [2018] for a detailed comparison of results of the two studies). This is in accordance with the hypothesis of Amazonia being the main source of plant and animal lineages in the Neotropics (Antonelli et al., 2018). ...
... Afterward, geographic range expansion from Amazonia toward southeast Brazil was inferred in the subgenera Meconostigma and Philodendron ;10 mya during the Late Miocene (Fig. 1). In contrast, the ages calculated by Loss-Oliveira et al. (2016) for the dispersal events from Amazonia into southeast Brazil are much younger (i.e., 3.7 million years in subgenus Meconostigma and 4.1 million years in subgenus Philodendron). In our study, the region of southeast Brazil includes the Dry Diagonal (Caatinga: tropical semi-arid thorn woodlands; the Cerrado: seasonal woody savannas; and the Chaco: subtropical/tropical semi-arid thorn woodlands; Neves et al., 2015) and the perhumid rainforests of the Mata Atlântica. ...
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The origin of Neotropical species diversity is strongly associated with the geological history of South America. Since the Miocene, a number of species radiations across different Neotropical lineages coincided with the rise of the Andes and the formation of the Isthmus of Panama. The species-rich genus Philodendron Schott (Araceae) is widely distributed across Neotropical rainforests, originating in the Late Oligocene and diversifying more intensely from the Miocene onward. It is likely that its diversification process and distribution patterns are associated with recent geological changes in the Americas. To test this hypothesis, we sampled the species diversity of Philodendron across its entire geographic range and used a combination of three non-coding plastid regions (petD, rpl16, and trnK/matK) to obtain a comprehensive time-calibrated phylogeny. We then inferred geographic range evolution and explored the impact of the Andean orogeny on speciation, extinction, and dispersal. The genus Philodendron originated ~29 million years ago (mya) and experienced the earliest diversification events ~25 mya in the Pan-Amazonian rainforests. From the Middle Miocene onward, multiple geographic range expansion events occurred from Amazonia to southeast Brazil and to the area which would become the Chocó and the northern Andes. From the Pliocene onward, Philodendron reached Central America and the Caribbean islands, and Andean lineages recolonized and diversified in Amazonia. In Philodendron, higher diversification rates are found in the adjacent lowland rainforests of the northern Andes compared with other regions in the Neotropics, demonstrating a potential indirect impact of the Andean uplift on species radiations in lowland regions.
... Additionally, due to the remarkable abundance of the species of Philodendron in their respective environments, the genus is regarded as one of the most important epiphytic components of the Neotropical flora (see Gentry and Dodson, 1987;Croat, 1997;Irume et al., 2013). Although there is evidence that the geographic origin of Philodendron is placed in the Amazon basin Loss-Oliveira et al., 2016), the biogeographic history of the major group in which the genus is inserted, the Homalomena clade sensu Cusimano et al. (2011), remains obscure. The Homalomena clade is composed of the Philodendron clade, which contains four genera (two from Tropical America, Philodendron s.l. and Adelonema Schott, and two from Southeastern Asia, Homalomena Schott, and Furtadoa M.Hotta) and the Culcasieae (with two genera from Central Africa -Cercestis Schott and Culcasia P.Beauv.) ...
... Schott, Philopsammos G.S.Bunting, Polytomium (Schott) Engler, Schizophyllum (Schott) Engler and Tritomophyllum (Schott) Engler. However, most of these groups may be artificial, as suggested by Croat (1997) and indicated by previous molecular phylogenetic analyses (Gauthier et al., 2008;Loss-Oliveira et al., 2016), considering that the diagnostic morphologic characters for such sections are potentially homoplasic. ...
... Pteromischum, there are some molecular phylogenies focusing on both inter-and intrageneric relationships of Philodendron (Gauthier et al., 2008;Wong et al., 2013Wong et al., , 2016Loss-Oliveira et al., 2016). According to the analyses by Gauthier et al. (2008) and Wong et al. (2013Wong et al. ( , 2016, there is an indication that Philodendron s.l. may not be monophyletic, since the relationships between species of P. subg. ...
Philodendron (Araceae) is one of the largest Neotropical plant genera, with approximately 500 species and at least 1000 species predicted. There is a considerable ecological diversity in the group, although most species occur in the humid forests of tropical America. Despite being relatively well-studied in taxonomic analyses, the relationships among the traditional morphological groups of the genus are not well-established, mainly regarding the three traditional subgenera, referred here as Philodendron sensu lato (s.l.), P. subg. Pteromischum, P. subg. Philodendron and P. subg. Meconostigma, which was recently recognized as a separate genus, Thaumatophyllum. Therefore, the present work evaluates the phylogenetic position and the monophyly of Philodendron s.l. and its three main subdivisions, and the sister groups within the Homalomena clade, which also includes the Neotropical genus Adelonema, the two Asian genera Homalomena and Furtadoa, and the two African genera Cercestis and Culcasia, by means of molecular phylogenetic approaches including chloroplast DNA (atpF-atpH, rpl32-trnL, trnQ-5'-rps16 and trnV-ndhC) and nuclear (ITS2) markers. The monophyly of Philodendron s.l. and its three lineages is confirmed and our analyses corroborate previous morphologic data indicating Thaumatophyllum as sister to the clade formed by P. subg. Pteromischum and P. subg. Philodendron.
... Thaumatophyllum has traditionally been considered a basal genus of the lineage Philodendron (Mayo 1989). However, after the scenario proposed by Loss-Oliveira et al. (2016), such a paradigm has been challenged. As a consequence, we suggest that thermogenesis in Thaumatophyllum is no longer plesiomorphic, as proposed by and Barabé et al. (2002). ...
... The evolutionary history of Philodendron goes back to 5.0-6.0 Ma (Pliocene), a period when the glacial cycles and climatic changes were of paramount importance for the isolation of the Atlantic Forest biome (Loss-Oliveira et al. 2016). This biome occurs along the eastern coast of Brazil, and both the Atlantic Forest and the Amazon were the first biomes to be occupied by species of the genus Philodendron, including the relict species of Pteromischum. ...
Premise of research. Philodendron subg. Pteromischum has different floral traits and smaller inflorescence size than other species from the Philodendron lineage (genus Thaumatophyllum and P. subgenus Philodendron). We examined the flowering cycle, thermogenesis, and effective pollinators of Philodendron propinquum (P. subgenus Pteromischum) and compared them with the pattern described for Thaumatophyllum and P. subgenus Philodendron.Methodology. A population of P. propinquum was monitored at Reserva Biológica do Tinguá in southeastern Brazil. Through both instantaneous and continuous observations, we recorded spadix temperature dynamics and opening and closing, as well as flower visitors. Visitors were collected for identification and analysis of pollen loads. To detect whether spontaneous self-fertilization occurs, inflorescences were bagged before spathe opening. Flower consumption by pollinators was also recorded.Pivotal results. The flowering cycle in P. propinquum lasted 2 d, during which the small spathe remained permanently open; no noticeable thermogenesis was recorded. Two individuals of Erioscelis sp. with pollen grains of P. propinquum adhered to the body were observed visiting the inflorescences and feeding on the sterile units. Visits lasted about 15 min, and the sterile units were massively consumed. No spontaneous self-fertilization occurred in P. propinquum. Conclusions. Despite the insufficient shelter and absence of floral heating, as well as smaller availability of feeding resources compared with other species from the Philodendron lineage, inflorescences of P. propinquum are pollinated by Erioscelis beetles, similarly to those belonging to the above lineage.
... Thus, ornamental plants contribute to the aesthetic enhancement of a space or object through their attractive forms and coloration. 1 Various ornamental plants offer a range of benefits, one example being the Philodendron genus. 2 This genus underwent rapid diversification, resulting in its current distribution throughout the Neotropics. 3,4 Research by Fauzia et al. 5 indicated consistent weekly growth in Philodendron leaves, with harvest age estimations based on quantitative criteria. Specifically, their study found that Philodendron giganteum (Memelong) exhibited an average weekly increase in height of 1.8 cm. ...
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Ornamental plants are plants whose main function is to decorate. Many ornamental plants have benefits, one of which is the Philodendron plant. It is important to know the benefits of antioxidants and antimicrobials that ornamental plants have and can be used to improve health. The research aimed to determine the potential of Memelong (Philodendron giganteum) as an antioxidant and antimicrobial. The research carried out was empirical research at the FKKGIK UNPRI Laboratory for 1 month. The samples used were all Memelong leaves. Memelong leaf extract is made by maceration. Next, carry out phytochemical tests including alkaloid testing, flavonoid content testing, saponin testing, testing for the presence of tannins, and testing for triterpenoids and steroids. The antioxidant activity test was carried out using the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) method. The antimicrobial activity test was carried out using the paper disc diffusion method. Data analysis using univariate presented in the form of tables and graphs descriptively. The results of this study have potential as antioxidants based on antioxidant tests using the DPPH method with sample concentrations of 400 ppm 14%, 600 ppm 16%, 800 ppm 19%, and 1000 ppm 27%, but the results are still smaller when compared to the vitamin C test results. However, in the antibacterial activity test on Memelong leaf extract, there was no inhibition zone in the 25% formulation, an average of 0.50%, an average of 0.75%, an average of 0, the K(+) was found to be an average of 18,85 diameter of inhibition zone. The research conclusion is that the leaves of Memelong are proven to contain antioxidants.
... Philodendron memiliki keragaman dan yang cukup besar. Keragaman Philodendron dari bentuk, ukuran, dan warna daun serta habitat pertumbuhannya menjadikan Philodendron cocok digunakan sebagai tanaman hias di meja, tanaman gantung, maupun tanaman hias pot (Loss-Oliveira et al., 2016). ...
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ABSTRAK Kegiatan dilaksanakan dari 18 Januari hingga 17 Mei 2021. Penelitian bertujuan mengevaluasi teknik budidaya, panen, dan pascapanen daun potong Philodendron giganteum, Philodendron selloum, dan Philodendon xanadu. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode langsung dan tidak langsung. Pertumbuhan Philodendron mengalami kenaikan setiap minggunya dilihat dari kenaikan rata-rata tinggi tanaman tiap minggu sebesar sebesar 1.4 cm pada Philodendron selloum serta 1,8 cm pada Philodendron giganteum dan Philodendron xanadu. Jumlah daun pada ketiga jenis Philodendron yang diamati bertambah satu helai setiap minggunya. Pemanenan daun potong dilakukan menggunakan sistem manual dan penanganan pascapanen daun potong menggunakan metode penyimpanan basah. Kata kunci: Daun potong, Philodendron, produksi, tanaman hias
... Despite the fact that tropical America holds ca. 2100 species of aroids, few species-level phylogenetic studies focused on Neotropical taxa have been published to date (e.g., in Anthurium Schott [Carlsen & Croat, 2013], Philodendron Schott [Gauthier et al., 2008;de Oliveira et al., 2014;Loss-Oliveira et al., 2016;Sakuragui et al., 2018], Spathicarpeae [Gonçalves et al., 2007], and Caladieae [Loh et al., 2000]). ...
The subfamily Monsteroideae (Araceae) is the third richest clade in the family, with ca. 369 described species and ca. 700 estimated. It comprises mostly hemiepiphytic or epiphytic plants restricted to the tropics, with three intercontinental disjunctions. Using a dataset representing all 12 genera in Monsteroideae (126 taxa), and five plastid and two nuclear markers, we studied the systematics and historical biogeography of the group. We found high support for the monophyly of the three major clades (Spathiphylleae sister to Heteropsis Kunth and Rhaphidophora Hassk. clades), and for six of the genera within Monsteroideae. However, we found low rates of variation in the DNA sequences used and a lack of molecular markers suitable for species-level phylogenies in the group. We also performed ancestral state reconstruction of some morphological characters traditionally used for genera delimitation. Only seed shape and size, number of seeds, number of locules, and presence of endosperm showed utility in the classification of genera in Monsteroideae. We estimated ancestral ranges using a dispersal-extinction-cladogenesis model as implemented in the R package BioGeoBEARS and found evidence for a Gondwanan origin of the clade. One tropical disjunction (Monstera Adans. sister to Amydrium Schott–Epipremnum Schott) was found to be the product of a previous Boreotropical distribution. Two other disjunctions are more recent and likely due to long-distance dispersal: Spathiphyllum Schott (with Holochlamys Engl. nested within) represents a dispersal from South America to the Pacific Islands in Southeast Asia, and Rhaphidophora represents a dispersal from Asia to Africa. Future studies based on stronger phylogenetic reconstructions and complete morphological datasets are needed to explore the details of speciation and migration within and among areas in Asia.
... The high rates of diversification in Araceae sister to Lemnoideae may thus reflect limited dispersal of fleshy fruits in tropical forest understories, as well as the topographic dissection of mountainous terrain occupied by epiphytic and hemiepiphytic taxa. High speciation rates in Araceae have not previously been reported, but the stem ages estimated for several large genera by Nauheimer et al. (2012) and for Philodendron by Loss-Oliveira et al. (2016) are consistent with this hypothesis. Our estimates of the stem ages for several large genera-31 Mya for Anthurium (950 species), 29 Mya for Philodendron (482 species), 9.7 Mya for Rhaphidophora (105 species), and 3.1 Mya for Alocasia (78 species; all species counts from Boyce and Croat, 2018)-suggest that a more detailed analysis of Araceae might uncover several extraordinarily rapid diversifications nested within the higher aroids. ...
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Premise of the Study We present the first plastome phylogeny encompassing all 77 monocot families, estimate branch support, and infer monocot‐wide divergence times and rates of species diversification. Methods We conducted maximum likelihood analyses of phylogeny and BAMM studies of diversification rates based on 77 plastid genes across 545 monocots and 22 outgroups. We quantified how branch support and ascertainment vary with gene number, branch length, and branch depth. Key Results Phylogenomic analyses shift the placement of 16 families in relation to earlier studies based on four plastid genes, add seven families, date the divergence between monocots and eudicots+Ceratophyllum at 136 Mya, successfully place all mycoheterotrophic taxa examined, and support recognizing Taccaceae and Thismiaceae as separate families and Arecales and Dasypogonales as separate orders. Only 45% of interfamilial divergences occurred after the Cretaceous. Net species diversification underwent four large‐scale accelerations in PACMAD‐BOP Poaceae, Asparagales sister to Doryanthaceae, Orchidoideae‐Epidendroideae, and Araceae sister to Lemnoideae, each associated with specific ecological/morphological shifts. Branch ascertainment and support across monocots increase with gene number and branch length, and decrease with relative branch depth. Analysis of entire plastomes in Zingiberales quantifies the importance of non‐coding regions in identifying and supporting short, deep branches. Conclusions We provide the first resolved, well‐supported monocot phylogeny and timeline spanning all families, and quantify the significant contribution of plastome‐scale data to resolving short, deep branches. We outline a new functional model for the evolution of monocots and their diagnostic morphological traits from submersed aquatic ancestors, supported by convergent evolution of many of these traits in aquatic Hydatellaceae (Nymphaeales).
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Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara tropis, mempunyai sumber daya genetik tanaman hias yang tinggi, tidak hanya pada jenis-jenis bunga potong, tanaman taman, dan tanaman pot, namun juga tanaman hias berdaun indah. Sumber daya genetik ini tidak terbatas pada jenis-jenis asli Indonesia, tetapi juga tanaman-tanaman introduksi yang telah beradaptasi dan tumbuh baik pada kondisi tropis. Buku INDO HITS (Indonesian Horticultural Innovation, Teknology and Science) seri sumber daya genetik tanaman hias berdaun indah menarik pembaca untuk lebih mengenal tentang jenis-jenis tanaman hias daun mulai dari aspek morfologis, asal dan distribusi geografis, diversitas dan kekerabatan genetik serta kegunaan lain dari jenisjenis tanaman yang umum dan potensial digunakan sebagai tanaman hias daun. Buku ini juga dilengkapi denga foto-foto untuk memberikan gambaran visual dan memudahkan pembaca untuk memahami isi buku. Penghargaan dan terima kasih yang sebesarbesarnya disampaikan kepada institusi/ lembaga seperti Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias, Kebun Raya Cibodas, dan Kebun Raya Bogor, Istana Kepresidenan Cipanas serta individu kolektor tanaman hias yang telah memberika izin penulis untuk melakukan studi dan pengambilan objek visual pada tanaman koleksinya. Buku INDO HITS seri sumber daya genetik tanaman hias daun ini diharapkan dapat menambah khasanah pengetahuan masyarakat dan mendorong pemanfaatannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Peningkatan pemanfaatan sumber daya genetik diharapkan dapat mendorong materi tersebut menjadi bernilai ekonomi tinggi, sehingga dapat menjadi salah satu upaya dalam pemanfaatan dan pelestarian sumber daya genetik serta menjadi elemen pengungkit kesejahteraan masyarakat.
To contribute to what is known about involvement of vegetation dynamics in Neotropical speciation, we used the Epidendrum latilabre complex, a taxonomically well-defined species group, to investigate past connections between Amazonian (AM) and Atlantic (AF) forests and address the following topics: (1) divergence times between sister species currently distributed in AM and AF; (2) distribution patterns of ancestral species of the E. latilabre complex and (3) potential routes connecting ancestral ranges between AM and AF. We developed a robust phylogenetic estimate for species of the E. latilabre complex by sequencing two nuclear and six plastid loci. Then, we combined divergence time estimation, ancestral range reconstruction and ecological niche modelling. Our biogeographic reconstruction exhibits a complex pattern of connections among tropical forests east of the Andes in South America. The AM and AF species of the E. latilabre complex are intermixed in the results, and climatic shifts during the Pleistocene (Chibanian) are suggested here as a major force promoting speciation. Sister species tend to be ecologically distinct in their climate niche spaces, and vicariance and peripheral isolation are reconstructed as the main drivers of speciation. There is evidence to suggest that the south-east/north-west bridge and the northern/north-eastern coastal route have been occupied by the ancestors of the E. latilabre complex, and alternative routes across the South American dry diagonal were unlikely. Further studies on Neotropical epiphytic taxa are still necessary for understanding the dynamics of historical connections between AM and AF.
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Philodendron é um gênero com distribuição geográfica exclusivamente neotropical. Até o momento são reconhecidas para o gênero cerca de 500 espécies distribuídas em três subgêneros: Philodendron, Meconostigma e Pteromischum. A seção Calostigma pertence ao subgênero Philodendron, o maior dos três subgêneros, sendo representada no Brasil por 26 espécies distribuídas por todo o território nacional. O estudo de padrões de distribuição geográfica destas espécies foi feito com base no estudo de materiais de herbários nacionais e internacionais bem como no estudo das espécies no campo. Como resultado, foram encontrados três padrões de distribuição geográfica: espécies de ampla distribuição, espécies de distribuição restrita e espécies de distribuição endêmica de um local ou de uma localidade. 48% das espécies estudadas foram consideradas dentro deste último padrão. Foram reconhecidos dois centros de diversidade genética para o grupo: um na região Sudeste em área de Mata Atlântica e outro na Bacia AmazônicaPhilodendron is an exclusively neotropical genus with about 500 species distributed in three subgenera: Philodendron, Meconostigma e Pteromischum. The section Calostigma belongs to the subgenus Philodendron, the largest and most diverse group among the three. The section is represented in Brazil by 26 species distributed throughout the country. The study of the geographic distribution was based on herbaria material and field work reports. Three patterns of geographic distribution were found: wide distributed species, restrictly distributed species and endemic species. Forty-eight percent of the studied species belonged to the latter pattern. Two centers of diversity were recognised for the group: one in the Atlantic Coastal Forest, Eastern Brazil and the another in the Amazon Basin
The tropical / subtropical portion of Cisandine South America, comprises extensive biomes whose limits are determined mainly by differences in rainfall levels. In a simple scheme, they can be separated into two physiognomic groups: tropical rainforests, in more rainy regions without a well-defined period of water restriction, and dry tropical forests and open formations, which have a well-defined dry season. The first include the Amazon Forest and the Atlantic Forest, which is close to Brazilian coast. The others form a wide strip that extends from the Northeast Brazil to the Northwest of Argentina, including the biogeographical provinces of Caatinga, Cerrado and Chaco. This wide strip, with seasonal climates and water restriction in part of the years, presents a variety of vegetational formations, with those of open vegetation, in which a large part of the incident light reaches the soil or the herbaceous vegetation, that with greater ecological and biota's composition contrast in relation to those of dense and closed forest vegetation, typical of humid tropical forests. The occurrence of a floristic and fauna group whose distribution extends over these three provinces, resulted in naming this geographical space as diagonal of open formations or diagonal of dry areas. Caatinga, Cerrado and Chaco are three biogeographic provinces that exhibit endemic biotic components, indicating evolutionary histories of their flora and fauna with a certain degree of independence. Understanding current and past factors that determine distribution patterns requires a variety of approaches, which include studying the current diversity of species and their distribution patterns, evolutionary relationships between them and ecological characteristics of the ecosystems where they occur, complemented with information on past geological and climatic changes, and changes in the characteristics of local communities through the study of fossils, especially fossilized pollen from geological layers. This chapter presents a synthesis of current knowledge on the evolution of the diagonal biota of dry open formations, with apparently contradictory interpretations and recent results obtained in studies of historical biogeography with bees. Zanella, F. C. V. 2011. Evolução da biota da diagonal de formações abertas secas da América do Sul, Pp. 198-220. In: Biogeografia da América do Sul. Padrões e Processos
Recent re-examinations and new fossil findings have added significantly to the data available for evaluating the evolutionary history of the monocotyledons. Integrating data from the monocot fossil record with molecular dating techniques has the potential to help us to understand better the timing of important evolutionary events and patterns of diversification and extinction in this major and ancient clade of flowering plants. In general, the oldest well-placed fossils are used to constrain the age of nodes in molecular dating analyses. However, substantial error can be introduced if calibration fossils are not carefully evaluated and selected. Here we propose a set of 34 fossils representing 19 families and eight orders for calibrating the ages of major monocot clades. We selected these fossils because they can be placed in particular clades with confidence and they come from well-dated stratigraphic sequences. As more fossils are discovered or re-examined, these criteria can also be applied to expand the list of the fossils that are most suitable for dating the early branches of monocot phylogeny. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, ●●, ●●-●●.