Conference PaperPDF Available

Architectural Interventions For Social Sustainability: The Renovation Of Modern Housing

  • Toronto Metropolitan University


Retrofitting existing buildings can offer enormous energy savings, economic advantages, and community benefits contributing to a more sustainable built environment. Many studies have highlighted the implications of economic and environmentally focused renovations but this paper focuses on what social sustainability looks like from an architectural perspective. In particular, the focus is on the spatial and architectural manifestations of social sustainability aspirations. This paper identifies and discusses specific architectural interventions that resulted in inhabitable and tectonic examples of social sustainability. Three strategies are analyzed: selective demolition and re-densification of the building form; the creation of a palette of customizable architectural elements for the façade; and the reconfiguration of interior partitions to facilitate the inclusion of a wider range of residential environments. The examples are of social housing renovations from the 1960s and 1970s recently renovated in a national sustainability program in Denmark. The findings of this paper are relevant in the sustainable transformation of future housing and offer practical and built examples of how architectural interventions can support social sustainability to deliver tangible and inhabitable results.
Regenerative and Resilient Urban Environments
T. Peters1*
1 Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design, 230 College Street, Toronto,
*Corresponding author; e-mail:
Retrofitting existing buildings can offer enormous energy savings, economic advantages, and
community benefits contributing to a more sustainable built environment. Many studies have
highlighted the implications of economic and environmentally focused renovations but this paper
focuses on what social sustainability looks like from an architectural perspective. In particular, the
focus is on the spatial and architectural manifestations of social sustainability aspirations. This
paper identifies and discusses specific architectural interventions that resulted in inhabitable and
tectonic examples of social sustainability. Three strategies are analyzed: selective demolition and
re-densification of the building form; the creation of a palette of customizable architectural
elements for the façade; and the reconfiguration of interior partitions to facilitate the inclusion of a
wider range of residential environments. The examples are of social housing renovations from the
1960s and 1970s recently renovated in a national sustainability program in Denmark. The findings
of this paper are relevant in the sustainable transformation of future housing and offer practical
and built examples of how architectural interventions can support social sustainability to deliver
tangible and inhabitable results.
social sustainability; renovation; social housing; Modernism; Denmark
In the context of climate change and reducing reliance on fossil fuels, the sustainable renovation of
existing buildings offers the greatest potentials to lower emissions and reduce energy use [1, 2].
Sustainable renovation generally has three broad components: environment, economy, and society. The
‘society’ pillar is least defined, developed, and valued, of the three. The most used definition for
sustainability, the so-called Brundtland definition (1987), defines sustainable development in terms of
balancing needs and priorities and concepts of social justice [1]. However, it makes no explicit mention of
economic budgets or human experience, making it highly abstract and impractical to use as guidance in
an actual building project or even as design inspiration. Sustainability is a complex concept, an aggregate
of countless human decisions, many of them spatial and architectural that come together in often-
conflicting ways in a sustainable building. A growing number of researchers are critical of how energy
efficiency has dominated the way that sustainability is measured, calling for a fundamental shift towards
more critical, interpretive, participative and pragmatic approaches that encourage a wider range of site-
SBE16 Toronto: Regenerative and Resilient Urban Environments
specific responses[3]. This paper focuses on what social sustainability looks like from an architectural
perspective. This paper identifies and discusses three architectural moments of social sustainability in
renovations, brings them to the forefront as built examples of this concept.
Sustainable buildings are ‘culturally specific contingent hybrids’ [4] (p.3), because their meaning and value
is relative, depending on the contexts. This paper focuses on examples of sustainable renovations to
1960s and 1970s social housing in Denmark, in particular the prefabricated, concrete social housing
located on housing estates currently undergoing renovation. In Denmark, these buildings are seen as a
significant part of the social democratic Danish Welfare State [5]; the funding for their renovation and
maintenance are guided by the particular complexities of the Danish tenant democratic system [6, 7]; and
they are highly valued, subject to renovation rather than demolition [8]. Many popular examples of the
housing estates from the 1960s and 1970s exist, and many estates from this time have retained their
generous floorplans and well equipped community facilities including daycares and recreation facilities [9].
To the Danes, this housing is worth investment in renovation, as it is recognized as an important part of
the Danish housing heritage [10]. These housing estates have already undergone significant renovations.
In the 1990s, renewal of these buildings involved surficial colour or material treatment and these were
unsuccessful and needed to be re-renovated soon after. These repair-focused renovations were poorly
conceptualized, the scope of works was not sufficient, and the workmanship and quality of ideas were low
[11]. Learning from this expensive and ineffective program of renovation, since 2008 the focus has been
on social sustainability to holistically improve the experience of this housing [12-15].
The local political and economic contexts have informed the renovations. The strong political tenant
democratic system in Denmark is structured so that each social housing estate is managed by a housing
association and all tenants have significant input into decisions about the housing [7]. In 1970 the Housing
Provision Act established that tenants should run their estates themselves through democratically elected
tenant boards [6]. This means that currently, to undertake a renovation a tenant board must typically apply
for funding and also raise rent payable by the tenants. The largest source of funding for this kind of
renovation comes from the National Building Fund, Landsbyggefonden (LBF), who will finance the
renovation of about 100,000 homes between 2012-2016 [16]. The LBF is an independent organization
that manages joint capital and public subsidies for the physical and social benefit of social housing areas.
Social housing clients can apply for financial support in larger renovations by submitting a masterplan of
the renovation, which shows the physical, social and neighbourhood context. Without the support of the
LBF, the renovations to the housing would not be possible. There is currently very little support for energy
upgrading, energy generation, or any specifically environmental performance renovations for their own
sake, separate from social concerns. After the unsuccessful renovations of the 1990s, the LBF and tenant
boards are unwilling to undertake renovations that do not have targeted social benefits such as improved
landscaping, new community facilities, disabled access and elevators to at least some units, and
modernized kitchens [17].
Currently, many socially-focused issues of sustainable design are being effectively examined from outside
of architecture, in particular in the fields of environmental psychology, sociology, geography, public policy,
and political science. These have resulted in new concepts, policies and guidelines but few practical
examples of how social sustainability can be manifested spatially and architecturally.
Social sustainability has been defined in relation to architecture as a process for creating sustainable,
successful places that promote well-being, by understanding what people need from the places they live
and work. Social sustainability combines design of the physical realm with design of the social world
infrastructure to support social and cultural life, social amenities, systems for citizen engagement and
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space for people and places to evolvei [18] (p.16). The examples outlined below offer spatial experiences
and environments that are designed to enhance people’s experiences and wellbeing. The main strategies
are: selective demolition and densification to create hierarchy and variety; customizable facades using a
designed palette of components to promote resident engagement and investment; and fostering community
connectivity through a mix of programs and uses.
3.1 Selective Demolition and Densification: HImmerland Housing Estate Creates Hierarchy and
Fig. 1: Himmerland Estate, Aalborg Denmark. Left: The prefabricated concrete social housing was built in
1977. Right: The housing was extensively renovated to Energy Class 2020 standards 2009-2016 by CF
Møller. Photos courtesy: CF Møller
Himmerland Housing Estate was built in 1977 as ‘crane track housing’ meaning that it was prefabricated,
designed and built for ease of construction. Typical of housing of this time, it had poor insulation, thermal
bridging, and high energy costs. It also had a poor reputation in the community and difficulty attracting
diverse tenants. It was radically renovated between 2009-2016 by CF Møller with the aim of improving the
social sustainability of the estate. A secondary but important goal was energy efficiency, and this
renovation achieved Energy Class 2020 thanks largely to the new high performance facades which are
ambitious for a renovation of this kind [19]. Three main architectural interventions can be identified as
productively contributing to improved social sustainability in this example. First, hierarchy and variation
have been introduced through the selective demolition and replacement of the facades and interiors to
create fewer but larger dwellings. Second, the building form has been densified, with new prefabricated
penthouse apartments added to the buildings. These additions offer apartments over two stories, a
significantly more desirable living arrangement compared to the typical one story apartments in the
original design. Third, the interventions extend beyond the building envelope, the physical access to the
housing has been redesigned and improved with new open staircases and individual exterior front doors
to access the top level apartments, rather than one main door for the building.
The introduction of interior and exterior variation was designed to help attract new tenants. Families and
more affluent tenants will be attracted to the larger apartments and more choices of dwelling sizes create
more flexibility in resident groups. The choice of façade renovation materials, in particular the timber and
metal cladding promote feelings of small scale and intimacy, making the housing reminiscent of a Danish
summer house, rather than a standardized social housing estate. The visible staircases and removal of
the original white walls that obscured the building entrances offers a chance to see neighbours and have
spontaneous meetings on the estate. The main renovation approaches of selective demolition and
densification have improved the social and environmental performance of the estate.
SBE16 Toronto: Regenerative and Resilient Urban Environments
3.2 Customizable Facades Using a Designed Palette of Components to Promote Resident
Engagement and Investment: The Urban U2 Renovation at Urbanplanen
Fig. 2: The Urban U2 renovation of Urbanplanen Estate in Copenhagen, Denmark tested an extreme
approach to resident engagement by allowing tenants to choose their facades from a designed palette of
size and colour options. Photos: Terri Peters
Urbanplanen was built in 1971 as one of the largest social housing estates in Denmark. 33 buildings were
renovated 2007-2010 in the “Urban U2” renovation by JJW Architects. When the buildings were
constructed there were purposefully no ‘better’ apartments. No units had more light or more amenities
than any others. The exterior materials were intentionally machined-looking and undetailed. It was
considered a virtue that the democratic intentions of the housing matched the standardized, unified,
expression. However, these conceptual social experiments had never before been carried out at such a
large scale and there were many problems [11, 20]. JJW was appointed the renovation architect with the
brief of improving the social environment and engaging with tenants. The ambitions for environmental
performance were low, and the buildings were required to meet the minimum requirements only.
The most significant architectural intervention that is linked to improved social sustainability is the
customizable facades. The tenants were actively consulted in the design process, with workshops and
mockups explaining the renovation and allowing them to contribute their personal opinions for how the
building should look and perform. A radical and untested approach to socially focused regeneration was
undertaken: tenants could choose their own facade from a palette of balcony sizes and colours. Residents
could select a new extruded balcony, a French balcony, the enclosed existing balcony, or they could
choose no changes. There was an associated cost payable either as an increase in rent or as a lump
sum. As a result, the façade expression and the building performance are uneven as tenants opted in or
out of the various renovations. The tenants’ short-term financial situation dictated the appearance of the
building and the quality of the interiors [17]. Similarly tenants could elect to have new kitchens and
bathrooms. The tenants, despite not owning their apartments, were able to greatly impact the design of
the renovations. The tenants were able to engage actively in the design process and feel a sense of
ownership in the renovation.
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3.3 Expanding the Brief To Other Living Environments To Offer a Mix of Uses: Transforming
Varbergparken Estate
Fig. 3: Varbergparken Estate was built as a series of nearly identical housing blocks in the 1970s and
three have been reconfigured as an assisted living facility and Dementia care center. This provides jobs
and increased community integration with the surrounding town. Floorplan: CF Møller, Photo: Terri Peters
The Varbergparken Estate in Haderslev Denmark was built between 1970-1980 and is undergoing
comprehensive renovation by architects C.F. Møller according to an area masterplan. There are 15
buildings in total and they are being renovated one by one, with new facades, windows, rooflights, lifts,
staircases, common areas and new landscaping around the buildings. The architects wanted to add a mix
of uses in the estate, to create local jobs, new amenities and help connect the community to the estate
In a radical renovation strategy, three blocks were partially demolished and rebuilt with as an assisted
living facility. The buildings had new, highly performing façades. The renovation improved the
environmental building performance greatly improving the overall investment for the housing association.
The interiors were reconfigured and converted to an assisted living facility for Dementia patients, a public
health center and a municipal service center. The introduction of this mix of uses, even though it is largely
still dwellings, increases the diversity of people visiting the estate, added a community amenity and
created 300 jobs. The nursing home residents, their carers, and family and visitors, are now regular users
of the Estate and its outdoor parking and garden spaces, offering diversity and increased activity. The
renovation extends beyond the building itself, with new balconies overlooking new textured and varied
outdoor gardens, courtyards and open areas designed for a range of activity levels. This example is
significant because it shows that it is possible to transform this kind of prefabricated low cost housing
stock into other uses. For example there are few examples of introducing retail or offices into these
buildings, but here the nursing home and health center offers a way to add diversity and density to the site
with a mix of community focused uses.
This paper identified a range of architectural responses to social sustainability in specific built examples.
The particular political and economic context of Denmark, and the local conditions on the site were
important factors determining the renovation scope and success. In each of the three examples, the
architects tried out untested and extreme approaches. These spatial, social and architectural interventions
SBE16 Toronto: Regenerative and Resilient Urban Environments
should be seen as a series of moments of social sustainability that can be learned from as strategies,
and that can inspire other renewals, and help inform a new architecturally focused definition of
sustainability, rather than prescriptions for future building renovations.
The strategy of selective demolition and densification illustrated by the renewal of Himmerland Housing
Estate successfully promoted social sustainably through creating hierarchy and variety in the building
forms. The interventions offered increased functionality, for example the added density of the penthouse
additions at Himmerland also offered dwellings over two levels, and increased daylight into the
apartments. These desirable features will likely make people want to move in or stay in the Estate.
The experiment of presenting a palette of designed façade components and encouraging residents to
participate in selection successfully promoted resident engagement and investment in the example of
Urban U2 renovation at Urbanplanen. In this case, there were significant trade offs with social and
environmental sustainability because some residents opted not to get better performing facades. The
increased resident engagement may have contributed to an improved sense of community but it was not
formally measured, and but the general social and architectural qualities at Urbanplanen are mixed
[17](p.138). From a building performance perspective, the experiment of allowing tenants to choose the
façade components and interior upgrading of their dwelling, means that the housing is unevenly renovated
and it could be costly and difficult to renovate in the future. Additionally, the approach of letting residents
design their buildings could have had a negative architectural outcome, but in this case due to the skilful
design of the palette of options by the architects, the appearance is varied and interesting.
In the case of Varbergparken, the transformation of the housing into a mix of use with assisted living and
other community services offered important social, economic and environmental benefits. The masterplan
for the whole estate is very ambitious in that there is a different renovation strategy for each of the blocks
with a partial demolition and densification similar to Himmerland planned for the next phase. The staged
nature of the renovations on the site means that there is feedback about what works and what needs
improvement, and residents see the progress.
In each of the examples, extended the sustainability strategy beyond the building envelope to impact the
access to the site and the common areas strengthened the interventions. Given the costly and disruptive
nature of renovations of housing, future work should keep in mind the next renovations, and try to
anticipate changing needs. While the above three strategies illustrated through examples are not
conclusive, they indicate that approaches identified here, selective demolition and densification, designing
customizable palettes of components and extending programs to include a mix of uses, can lead to more
socially sustainable renovations.
This paper is based on some findings from the author’s PhD which was carried out at Aarhus Architecture
School in Denmark from 2009-2015.
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Full-text available
Modernist architecture is one of the most significant movements which serve as grounds for contemporary creations. At the beginning of the 20th century, the impact of new structural and building technologies allowed designers to find new ways of architectural expression. It is rooted in thought-out composition and simplicity which serve as a background for the exposition of structure. The geometrical interplay of a building’s elements highlights the impressively thin structures and raw surfaces of novel building materials. Nowadays, in selected regions, the architecture of the Modernist Period is neglected or loosely refurbished. As an effect of this phenomenon, buildings are demolished or deprived of aesthetical values. Thus, this article aims at showing an overview of sectional research on good practice. We base the study of on-site design implementations of several modernist architecture refurbishments and focus on technology and design assumptions with optimised thermal modernisation. The paper reveals a set of examples for the refurbishment of modernist architecture, with calculations of heat energy coefficients of the initial and design phase. The presented thermal modernisations aim at adjusting buildings to new requirements concerning energy without any loss of initial architectural expression.
There is increased interest in sustainable design in architecture, although the term is contextual, contested and necessarily dependent on changing circumstances. In the case of a renovation, the concept of sustainability is typically even more difficult to pin down, as it is not possible or preferable to have one overarching definition to suit all situations. Nevertheless, the defining of sustainable parameters, the evaluation of such initiatives, and the feedback of sustainable concepts into academia and into practice are worthy challenges for architects. In Denmark, it is estimated that more than 80% of future work for architects will be renovation. Nationally, there is a goal to increase not only the energy performance, but also the social and architectural quality of existing buildings, so sustainable renovation is gaining importance. In engineering and building science research, analysis of sustainable renovations typically focus on what can be measured and observed, whereas in an architectural context, it is important to also consider qualitative experiential parameters specific to a building´s type, age, users and plans for the future. This dissertation addresses the topic of sustainable transformation of Modern housing in Denmark. The research is presented in a monograph format, as an extended reasoned argument for the inclusion of qualitative, architectural parameters into the discussion of sustainable transformation for multi-story prefabricated concrete social housing in Denmark. The starting point for the research is the observation that in architectural renovations to this type of building, sustainability is poorly defined and therefore not carried out as well as it could be. There is no quantitative framework that acknowledges Modern heritage and its potential for rehabilitation, the specific social context of Danish welfare state social housing and the associated economic context, or the value in renovation for example as an alternative to the costly embodied energy in materials, waste, and labour, of demolition. The objective of the research is to analyse the current renovations to prefabricated 1960s and 1970s Modern housing in Denmark to enlarge the scope of criteria for sustainable transformation to this particular type of building by proposing architectural-sustainable considerations. The methods used are the qualitative methods of historical study and analysis, interviews and case study methodology. The argumentation is advanced through thematic chapters, each building the argument and resulting in synthesis and conclusions. The first two chapters provide the general boundaries and context of the study. The third chapter presents the project methodology. The next four chapters provide the data and advance the argumentation of the project in order to test the hypothesis. The PhD topic explores particular aspects of four very large, interconnected themes in architectural design: Modernism; housing; sustainability; and building transformation. Due to the complexity and multi-faceted nature of the problem each must be considered separately and as well related to each other. Each of these themes is discussed in a precise way in order to build the argument. The research positions these buildings, 1960s and 1970s low rise, prefabricated social housing, in the context of Danish Welfare state Modernism as an important part of Danish housing heritage. The research identifies unique architectural-sustainable characteristics and uncovers particular attitudes to these buildings relating to architectural, social and environmental sustainability. Four exemplary examples of Danish housing estates from this time are analyzed: what can be learned from these projects and why were they revered? Not all aspects of Modernism hold up with regard to our current needs and aspirations. Analysis of the following complex architectural questions is undertaken: What is worth keeping? What are the best parts of Modernism and which attitudes to sustainability were present in the existing buildings that we can learn from? The research navigates the potentially very large topic areas of sustainable transformation, drawing out the most relevant theories applicable to architecture to advance the argument of the research. To lay the groundwork for the Case Studies, a “Catalogue” of sustainable renovation examples is assembled and analyzed. This collection of 20 examples provide initial evidence for the varied strategic and architectural approaches in contemporary Danish sustainable building transformations. From this, four “Strategies of Reuse” are presented: Building Recycling; Rehabilitation; Energy Renovation; and Social Retrofitting. An analysis of architectural-sustainable considerations is presented and it is argued that holistically “sustainable” renovations are those where a building considers four key aspects: environmental, social, economic, and as well “architectural” parameters. A finding is that in order to meet “architectural” parameters, and therefore for a renovation to this kind of building to be considered an “architectural renovation” the renovation must 1) improve the quality of light; 2) create new or enhance existing spatial experiences; 3) reconsider or improve the connection to outdoors. The four renovation Case Studies are considered individually and then in the Discussion chapter they are analyzed thematically. The four case studies are: Block 15 at Varbergparken (estate built 1972-1981 by O. Bank-Rasmussen), renovated in 2013 by CF Møller; the Canal Quarter Apartments at Albertslund Syd (development built 1963-1968 by Viggo Møller-Jensen, Tyge Arnfred, Mogens J. Pedersen and Jørn Ole Sørensen of Fællestegnestuen), renovated in 2009 by NOVA5; Urbanplanen Housing Estate (built 1965- 1971) renovated 2007-2010 by JJW Architects; and Gyldenrisparken (built 1964-1965 by architects Svend Fournais and Hans Ole Christiansen), renovated in 2012 by Witraz, Vandkunsten, Wissenberg. The Case Studies are analyzed in terms of the architectural qualities of their renovation; how they address current expectations about sustainability; and how they address their heritage and history of renovations on the site, in particular the Modern concepts important when they were designed. A main finding is that the problem extends beyond building: when socially, architecturally and sustainably transforming these buildings it is necessary to consider the building in its context and at neighbourhood scale incorporating a mix of uses, density, and diversity. The dissertation concludes that while none of the examples are benchmarks, or even particularly good examples of environmental sustainability as practiced in Danish architectural culture in new buildings, there are some important lessons to be learned from these renovations. Architecturally, the material culture of an important generation of buildings is at stake. Further research into the sustainable transformation of Danish social housing is necessary to spark discussion about what can and will be the future of these buildings.
This paper focuses on the role of the social housing sector as part of Danish housing policy and on the role of housing policy in the Danish welfare state. The paper is mainly descriptive regarding social housing development in the post-war years, but in the last section of the paper some of the actual discussions on housing policy in Denmark are presented. One such theme is segregation, where it is argued that housing policy must become more integrated with social policy in order to cope with increased segregation. Another theme is the future division of responsibilities for housing policy between the state and the municipalities, where the argument is less state and more municipal involvement-and increasing diversity between the municipalities. Finally, the issue of sale of social housing is touched upon, but the expectation is that this will not become a big issue in Denmark, as social housing is regarded as an integral part of the Danish welfare state and, as such, nearly untouchable.
In Denmark, social housing consists of housing for rent at cost prices provided by non-profit housing associations. There are about 580 housing associations, which as of January 2012 owned 7700 estates with a total of 544 645 dwellings. The majority of vacant units are assigned by the respective housing associations on the basis of time on the waiting list, household size and the household’s need for this kind of housing. The average number of residents per household in the social housing sector was 1.8, as compared to 2.2 for all households in the country. A rent survey carried out in 2005 showed that social housing was on average about 2% cheaper per square metre than private housing. No party that wants to win an election dares to announce any change in housing policy. Politicians’ level of knowledge about social housing is generally low; it is an insiders’ issue.
Debates about sustainable architecture and cities are shaped by different social interests and diverse agendas, based on different interpretations of the environmental challenge and characterized by different pathways, each pointing towards a range of sustainable futures. The related analytical framework of sociotechnical theory presented here responds to the contingent and contextual nature of technological innovation and building design. This analysis recognizes both the contested nature of the sustainability concept and the need to encompass the differing contextual values of the design process across cultures when understanding buildings. In order to more fully understand the heterogeneity of sustainable architecture we therefore have to account for the multiple ways environmental problems are identified, defined, translated, valued and then embodied in built forms through diverse design and development pathways. Exploring debates and mapping practices of sustainable architecture involves tracing the interplay of competing environmental values and practices through the enactment of alternative design logics as they shape the technonatural profiles of green building development. While acknowledging how a technical, performance-based approach to understanding environmental design has brought undoubted benefits in terms of highlighting the issues of energy efficiency in buildings, the article argues that we must fundamentally revise the focus and scope of the debate about sustainable architecture and reconnect issues of appropriate technological change to the social and cultural processes and practices within which a specific design is situated. Drawing upon more critical, interpretative, participative and pragmatic approaches to sustainable design would involve researchers both in defining the nature of the environmental challenge while encouraging a wider range of context-specific responses. By exploring sustainable architectures, in the plural, as competing interpretations of our environmental futures, we can begin to ask new questions, introduce some fresh thinking, and find new `socially viable' solutions to the mounting challenges associated with climate change.
Housing in Denmark. Copenhagen: Centre for Housing and Welfare -Realdania Research
  • H Kristensen
Kristensen, H., Housing in Denmark. Copenhagen: Centre for Housing and Welfare -Realdania Research.. 2007.
Guide to Danish Architecture 2
  • K Dirkinck-Holmfeld
Dirkinck-Holmfeld, K., Guide to Danish Architecture 2 1960-1995. 1995, Copenhagen: Arkitektens Forlag.
Introduction: The Paradoxes of Sustainable Architecture, in Sustainable Architectures: Critical Explorations of Green Building Practice in
  • S Guy
  • S Moore
Guy, S. and S. Moore, Introduction: The Paradoxes of Sustainable Architecture, in Sustainable Architectures: Critical Explorations of Green Building Practice in Europe and North America, S. Guy and S. Moore, Editors. 2005, Spon Press: New York. p. 1-12.
Beboerdemokrati og forvaltning i den almene boligsektor
  • L Jensen
  • O Kirkegaard
  • D O Pedersen
Jensen, L., O. Kirkegaard, and D.O. Pedersen, Beboerdemokrati og forvaltning i den almene boligsektor. Idealer og praksis, in SBI-rapport 322. 1999: Hørsholm, Denmark.