... The implementation of performance measurement and PM has been investigated broadly (Ammons & Rivenbark, 2008;Askim, 2007Askim, , 2009Baekgaard & Serritzlew, 2018;Cepiku, Hinna, Scarozza, & Savignon, 2017;Julnes & Holzer, 2001;Kroll, 2015;Nielsen & Baekgaard, 2015;Petersen, Laumann, & Jakobsen, 2018). Evidence generally points to an underuse of performance information, particularly by elected officials (Grossi, Reichard, & Ruggiero, 2016;McDavid & Huse, 2012;Pollitt, 2006;Proeller, 2007), and to unintended effects caused by gaming, blame avoidance and other forms of opportunistic behavior (Arnaboldi, Lapsley, & Steccolini, 2015;Bevan & Hamblin, 2009;Bevan & Hood, 2006;Giacomini, Sicilia, & Steccolini, 2016;Nielsen & Baekgaard, 2015). The implementation of PM and the actual use of performance information seem to depend on the quality of available performance information, the involvement of managers and politicians in the development of performance measurement, and specific characteristics of the political-administrative system. ...