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Chapter 1
Introduction to Optimization
1.1 What Is Optimization?
For almost all the human activities there is a desire to deliver the most with the
least. For example in the business point of view maximum profit is desired from
least investment; maximum number of crop yield is desired with minimum
investment on fertilizers; maximizing the strength, longevity, efficiency, utilization
with minimum initial investment and operational cost of various household as well
as industrial equipments and machineries. To set a record in a race, for example, the
aim is to do the fastest (shortest time).
The concept of optimization has great significance in both human affairs and the
laws of nature which is the inherent characteristic to achieve the best or most
favorable (minimum or maximum) from a given situation [1]. In addition, as the
element of design is present in all fields of human activity, all aspects of opti-
mization can be viewed and studied as design optimization without any loss of
generality. This makes it clear that the study of design optimization can help not
only in the human activity of creating optimum design of products, processes and
systems, but also in the understanding and analysis of mathematical/physical
phenomenon and in the solution of mathematical problems. The constraints are
inherent part if the real world problems and they have to be satisfied to ensure the
acceptability of the solution. There are always numerous requirements and con-
straints imposed on the designs of components, products, processes or systems in
real-life engineering practice, just as in all other fields of design activity. Therefore,
creating a feasible design under all these diverse requirements/constraints is already
a difficult task, and to ensure that the feasible design created is also ‘the best’is
even more difficult.
©Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017
A.J. Kulkarni et al., Cohort Intelligence: A Socio-inspired Optimization Method,
Intelligent Systems Reference Library 114, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44254-9_1
1.1.1 General Problem Statement
All the optimal design problems can be expressed in a standard general form stated
as follows:
Minimize objective function fXðÞ
Subject to
snumber of inequality constraints gjXðÞ0;j¼1;2;...;sð1:2Þ
wnumber of equality constraints hjXðÞ¼0;j¼1;2;...;wð1:3Þ
where the number of
design variables is given by xi;i¼1;2;...;n
or by design variable vector X¼
•A problem where the objective function is to be maximized (instead of mini-
mized) can also be handled with this standard problem statement since maxi-
mization of a function fXðÞis the same as minimizing the negative of fXðÞ.
•Similarly, the ‘≥’type of inequality constraints can be treated by reversing the
sign of the constraint function to form the ‘≤’type of inequality.
•Sometimes there may be simple limits on the allowable range of value a design
variable can take, and these are known as side constraints:
•where xl
iand xu
iare the lower and upper limits of xi, respectively. However,
these side constraints can be easily converted into the normal inequality con-
straints (by splitting them into 2 inequality constraints).
•Although all optimal design problems can be expressed in the above standard
form, some categories of problems may be expressed in alternative specialized
forms for greater convenience and efficiency.
2 1 Introduction to Optimization
1.1.2 Active/Inactive/Violated Constraints
The constraints in an optimal design problem restrict the entire design space into
smaller subset known as the feasible region, i.e. not every point in the design space
is feasible. See Fig. 1.1.
•An inequality constraint gjXðÞis said to be violated at the point x if it is not
satisfied there gjXðÞ0
•If gjXðÞis strictly satisfied gjXðÞ\0
then it is said to be inactive at x.
•If gjXðÞis satisfied at equality gjXðÞ¼0
then it is said to be active at x.
•The set of points at which an inequality constraint is active forms a constraint
boundary which separates the feasibility region of points from the infeasible
•Based on the above definitions, equality constraints can only be either violated
hjXðÞ6¼ 0
or active hjXðÞ¼0
at any point x.
•The set of points where an equality constraint is active forms a sort of boundary
both sides of which are infeasible.
1.1.3 Global and Local Minimum Points
Let the set of design variables that give rise to a minimum of the objective function
fXðÞbe denoted by X(the asterisk is used to indicate quantities and terms
referring to an optimum point). An objective GXðÞis at its global (or absolute)
minimum at the point Xif:
ðÞfXðÞ for all Xin the feasible region
Fig. 1.1 Active/Inactive/Violated constraints
1.1 What Is Optimization? 3
The objective has a local (or relative) minimum at the point Xif:
ðÞfXðÞ for all feasible X
within a small neighborhood of X
A graphical representation of these concepts is shown in Fig. 1.2 for the case of
a single variable xover a closed feasible region axb.
1.2 Contemporary Optimization Approaches
There are several mathematical optimization techniques being practiced so far, for
example gradient methods, Integer Programming, Branch and Bound, Simplex
algorithm, dynamic programming, etc. These techniques can efficiently solve the
problems with limited size. Also, they could be more applicable to solve linear
problems. In addition, as the number of variables and constraints increase, the
computational time to solve the problem, may increase exponentially. This may
limit their applicability. Furthermore, as the complexity of the problem domain is
increasing solving such complex problems using the mathematical optimization
techniques is becoming more and more cumbersome. In addition, certain heuristics
have been developed to solve specific problem with certain size. Such heuristics
have very limited flexibility to solve different class of problems.
In past few years a number of nature-/bio-inspired optimization techniques (also
referred to as metaheuristics) such as Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs), Swarm
Intelligence (SI), etc. have been developed. The EA such as Genetic Algorithm
(GA) works on the principle of Darwinian theory of survival of the fittest individual
constraint boundary
local minimum
constraint boundary
global minimum
local maximum
global maximum
alocal maximum
local minimum
Fig. 1.2 Minimum and maximum points
4 1 Introduction to Optimization
in the population. The population is evolved using the operators such as selection,
crossover, mutation, etc. According to Deb [2] and Ray et al. [3], GA can often
reach very close to the global optimal solution and necessitates local improvement
techniques to incorporate into it. Similar to GA, mutation driven approach of
Differential Evolution (DE) was proposed by Storn and Price [4] which helps
explore and further locally exploit the solution space to reach the global optimum.
Although, easy to implement, there are several problem dependent parameters
required to be tuned and may also require several associated trials to be performed.
Inspired from social behavior of living organisms such as insects, fishes, etc.
which can communicate with one another either directly or indirectly the paradigm
of SI is a decentralized self organizing optimization approach. These algorithms
work on the cooperating behavior of the organisms rather than competition amongst
them. In SI, every individual evolves itself by sharing the information from others
in the society. The techniques such as Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is
inspired from the social behavior of bird flocking and school of fish searching for
food [4]. The fishes or birds are considered as particles in the solution space
searching for the local as well as global optimum points. The directions of
movements of these particles are decided by the best particle in the neighborhood
and the best particle in entire swarm. The Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) works
on the ants’social behavior of foraging food following a shortest path [5]. The ant is
considered as an agent of the colony. It searches for the better solution in its close
neighborhood and iteratively updates its solution. The ants also updates their
pheromone trails at the end of every iteration. This helps every ant decide their
directions which may further self organize them to reach to the global optimum.
Similar to ACO, the Bee Algorithm (BA) also works on the social behavior of
honey bees finding the food; however, the bee colony tends to optimize the use of
number of members involved in particular pre-decided tasks [6]. The Bees
Algorithm is a population-based search algorithm proposed by Pham et al. [7]ina
technical report presented at the Cardiff University, UK. It basically mimics the
food foraging behavior of honey bees. According to Pham and Castellani [8] and
Pham et al. [7], Bees Algorithm mimics the foraging strategy of honey bees which
look for the best solution. Each candidate solution is thought of as a flower or a
food source, and a population or colony of nbees is used to search the problem
solution space. Each time an artificial bee visits a solution, it evaluates its objective
solution. Even though it has been proven to be effective solving continuous as well
as combinatorial problems Pham and Castellani [8,9], some measure of the
topological distance between the solutions is required. The Firefly Algorithm
(FA) is an emerging metaheuristic swarm optimization technique based on the
natural behavior of fireflies. The natural behavior of fireflies is based on biolumi-
nescence phenomenon [10,11]. They produce short and rhythmic flashes to
communicate with other fireflies and attract potential prey. The light
intensity/brightness Iof the flash at a distance robeys inverse square law, i.e.
I/1r2in addition to the light absorption by surrounding air. This makes most of
1.2 Contemporary Optimization Approaches 5
the fireflies visible only till a limited distance, usually several hundred meters at
night, which is enough to communicate. The flashing light of fireflies can be for-
mulated in such a way that it is associated with the objective function to be opti-
mized, which makes it possible to formulate optimization algorithms [10,11].
Similar to the other metaheuristic algorithms constraint handling is one of crucial
issues being addressed by researchers [12].
1.3 Socio-Inspired Optimization Domain
Every society is a collection of self interested individuals. Every individual has a
desire to improve itself. The improvement is possible through learning from one
another. Furthermore, the learning is achieved through interaction as well as
competition with the individuals. It is important to mention here that this learning
may lead to quick improvement in the individual’s behavior; however, it is also
possible that for certain individuals the learning and further improvement is slower.
This is because the learning and associated improvement depend upon the quality
of the individual being followed. In the context of optimization (minimization and
maximization) if the individual solution being followed is better, the chances of
improving the follower individual solution increases. Due to uncertainty, this is also
possible that the individual solution being followed may be of inferior quality as
compared to the follower candidate. This may make the follower individual solution
to reach a local optimum; however, due to inherent ability of societal individuals to
keep improving itself other individuals are also selected for learning. This may
make the individuals further jump out of the possible local optimum and reach the
global optimum solution. This common goal of improvement in the
behavior/solution reveals the self organizing behavior of the entire society. This is
an effective self organizing system which may help in solving a variety of complex
optimization problems.
The following chapters discuss an emerging Artificial Intelligence
(AI) optimization technique referred to as Cohort Intelligence (CI). The framework
of CI along with its validation by solving several unconstrained test problems is
discussed in detail. In addition, numerous applications of CI methodology and its
modified versions in the domain of machine learning are provided. Moreover, the
CI application for solving several test cases of the combinatorial problems such as
Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) and 0–1 Knapsack Problem are discussed.
Importantly, CI methodology solving real world combinatorial problems from the
healthcare and inventory problem domain, as well as complex and large sized
Cross-Border transportation problems is also discussed. These applications under-
score the importance of the Socio-inspired optimization method such as CI.
6 1 Introduction to Optimization
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