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Reclaiming the Epistemological Other: Narrative and the Social Constitution of Identity



Also CSST Working Paper #94.
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... Building upon the work of Somers and Gibson (1994), Baker identifies four features of how narratives function in meaning-making (Baker 2007;. First, temporality indicates that narratives are constructed in time and space. ...
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This study sets out to investigate whether and to what extent the narratives contained in film titles and their translations can differ from each other. Ten dramas selected from the work of two internationally renowned film directors, Zhang Yimou and Jia Zhangke, were analysed using narrative theory. The findings suggest that films targeted at the international market tend to employ selective appropriation, causal emplotment and relationality, and demonstrate variations in title translation. Apart from linguistic and commercial factors, narratives can vary in Chinese film titles and their translations according to cultural and social considerations, including political censorship.
... Teachers narrated their experiences of PI tensions in the form of ontological narratives (Somers and Gibson, 1994;Søreide, 2006) to make others understand their feelings of being novice EFL teachers at private universities, they also negotiated meanings and reconstructed PIs through narratives (Lieblich et al., 1998). Participants made sense of PIs by narrating their lived experiences of PI tensions through time and the author understood that process synchronously (Clandinin and Rosiek, 2007). ...
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Novice English teachers at China’s private universities are easily confronted with tensions when they constructed the professional identity in the early career stage. Drawing on a theoretical framework of social identity theory, self-discrepancy theory and situated learning theory, this narrative inquiry study explored the causes, manifestations, and solutions to teachers’ professional identity tensions through in-depth interviews. Data were interpreted through metaphorical biographies and thematic analysis. Results show that tensions were caused by discrepancies among three self-concepts and conflicts between the English teacher identity and the private university teacher identity. In tensions, many aspects of participants’ professional identities were impaired and they unfulfilled the organizational identification. Participants reconciled three selves and adopted two approaches (assimilation and dissimilation) to navigate PI tensions. Policy makers are suggested to offer a well-established identity policy and sufficient research funding to facilitate the academic development of both private universities and teachers there. Private universities are suggested to provide diverse supports to teachers for their career development. Novice teachers could take the initiative of adapting to the culture and regulations of private universities and combine their research interest with the working context.
... En contraposición a comprensiones fijistas de la identidad, desde este marco se entiende la identidad como una producción narrativa, de carácter dinámico y en continuo desarrollo. Esta ficción de un yo unificado, resulta de una articulación temporal-biográfica, en base a proyecciones, expectativas y memorias del sujeto, que guían la acción de manera específica (Gallardo, 2012;Somers & Gibson, 1993). La identidad narrativa se concibe como un proceso de construcción en el que el sujeto organiza y resignifica sus experiencias pasadas, presentes y futuras mediante relatos. ...
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Esta investigación analizó las articulaciones de sentido identitario construidas por estudiantes de pedagogía frente a momentos de ruptura durante su formación, derivados de eventos normativos ligados a la historia y no-normativos. El estudio se centró en un programa de Pedagogía en Educación General Básica de una universidad tradicional privada en Chile, explorando la construcción de sentido identitario en un curso sobre Creencias Epistemológicas (evento no-normativo) y durante la revuelta social y pandemia (eventos normativos según la historia). Se formularon tres hipótesis: i) el evento no-normativo genera rupturas en la formación que impactan la identidad de manera diferente que los eventos normativos derivados de la historia; ii) La intensidad de la articulación del sentido identitario varía según el tipo de evento y las circunstancias individuales; iii) Las rupturas durante la formación pueden representar tanto oportunidades de transformación como de vulnerabilidad. Se empleó un diseño cualitativo múltiple de casos con muestreo no probabilístico intencionado, involucrando a doce estudiantes (11 mujeres, promedio de 23 años), agrupadas según el evento investigado. Se realizaron ocho entrevistas sobre el curso y once sobre los eventos históricos. El análisis siguió el enfoque de sentido identitario de la formación (Sebastián et al., 2016) y la metodología de Gallardo (2012). Los hallazgos identificaron tres modalidades de articulación del sentido identitario (fuerte, intermedia y débil) para cada evento, además de una cuarta modalidad (suspendida) asociada a eventos normativos históricos, junto con ejes temáticos transversales. La investigación explora la articulación de sentido identitario en distintos niveles y situaciones, junto con el rol que puede tomar para el aprendizaje los momentos de ruptura, pero también para la vulnerabilidad. Se resalta además el potencial transformador del curso y la influencia significativa de los eventos históricos en las trayectorias identitarias de las estudiantes.
... In the realm of modern psychological discourse, Hume's ideas resonate with emerging theories that highlight the fluidity and dynamism of personal identity. Contemporary research increasingly acknowledges that identity is not a fixed construct but is continually shaped and reshaped through ongoing experiences and interactions within a social context [10,11]. This modern understanding aligns with Hume's assertion that the self is constantly being reconstructed, suggesting a more intricate interplay between internal perceptions and external influences in shaping personal identity. ...
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The exploration of self-identity is a central theme in both philosophy and psychology, offering crucial insights into personal continuity and the nature of the self. David Hume's A Treatise of Human Nature presents a groundbreaking view that challenges the traditional notion of a stable, enduring self. Hume argues that the self is not a singular, unchanging entity but a fluid collection of perceptions, including sensory experiences, thoughts, and emotions, all in constant flux. This contrasts sharply with traditional psychological theories, which emphasize a consistent self-concept and stable personality traits. This paper integrates Hume's philosophical insights with contemporary psychological frameworks to develop a more nuanced understanding of self-identity as a complex, fluid, and context-sensitive construct. Hume's ideas on memory, imagination, and reflexive impressions extend traditional models of self-identity, offering a dynamic perspective that aligns with modern psychological theories emphasizing the evolving nature of personal identity. The integration of Hume's perspective has significant implications for clinical practice, suggesting the need for more flexible therapeutic approaches that acknowledge the dynamic nature of self-identity. This includes supporting individuals through identity transitions and embracing the variability in self-concept. By merging philosophical and psychological perspectives, this paper contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of self-identity, providing valuable insights for both theoretical exploration and practical application in psychological practice.
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Թուրքիայի քաղաքական համակարգում իսլամական ինքնության դերի, կշռի, պատմական նկարագրի ու կրած փոփոխությունների մասին պատկերացում կազմելու համար իսլամական վեպերը յուրատեսակ բանալիներ են։ Գրական այս երկերը նաև իսլամական շարժման գերիշխանության համար մղվող պայքարը, ձևավորվող իսլամական դասակարգերի վրա հիմնված քաղաքական հռետորաբանությունը, պրակտիկան հասկանալու հնարավորություն են ընձեռնում։ Իսլամական այս վեպերի գերնպատակն իսլամի և արդիականացման անհամատեղելիության սահմանման ու հիմնավորման միջոցով այլընտրանք իսլամական մոդել, հավաքական «մենք»-ի վրա հիմնված իսլամական հասարակություն ստեղծելն էր։ Ուստի՝ անհրաժեշտ էր նախ առերեսվել «նրանց» («այլերի») հետ, այնուհետև ուղղվել դեպի ինքնաճանաչողության, ինքնադրսևորման աղբյուրը՝ «Ոսկե դարը»։ Սակայն իսլամական ինքնության՝ «Ոսկե դարի» մեկնաբանությամբ սահմանումը փոխվեց 1990-ական թթ․-ից, երբ իսլամական ինքնության միաձույլ կառուցվածքը, արտաքին աշխարհից մեկուսացումը, ինչպես նաև իսլամիզմի տղամարդակենտրոն կառուցվածքը քննադատող տեքստեր գրվեցին։
Since the launch of Vision2030 , 2023 has marked significant transformations in Saudi Arabia, particularly in sports, culture, and technology. This has significantly increased the reporting of international news agencies on such events, which is, however, absent in the literature of translation studies. There is a notable gap in the literature regarding the role of mediated paratexts in news trans-editing within the Saudi context. This paper examines how recontextualized paratexts from Saudi sources contribute to gatekeeping and reframing the perception of Saudi Arabia in global media, focusing on the comparative case studies on the BBC and the Xinhua . The paper draws on Baker’s (2006) narrative strategies of selective appropriation and labeling as a methodological framework. The dataset involves a parallel corpus of 304 reports in English and Arabic from the BBC and the Xinhua published between January and December 2023. The findings reveal that paratextual frames play a crucial role in shaping how each news agency perceives the transformations in Saudi Arabia through remarkable reframing in the thematic selections.
Wikipedia prides itself on its ability to provide nuanced and largely neutral information, while as part of its participatory editing process translation is sometimes used to introduce content that can impact point of view. Because of the clear overlap between narrative and point of view, this article proposes an initial framework based on narrative theory — supplemented by Bakhtin’s notion of polyphony — to theorise point of view in Wikipedia and beyond. The article assembles a list of methods and tools for synchronic and diachronic analysis and exemplifies how different analyses might proceed. In this way, the article aims to problematise the concept of point of view, to contribute to the significant impact that translation studies has had on narrative theory and to advance research into the specifics of Wikipedia translation. Along the way, the English edition’s claimed neutral status is called into question as it also displays evidence of manipulation.
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Narrativity and transparency in news journalism can be seen as responses to the changing mediascape where various actors compete for claims to truth. However, the relationship of narrativity, transparency, and truth, is complex, and there is a need for studying their relations from the perspective of narrative persuasion. This article explores a form of narrative persuasion through which non-journalist participants may affect news discourse by importing content from outside the primary “news frames” and cueing into culturally recognizable “framing narratives”. It introduces a conceptual model for assessing narrative transparency and applies it to a case study of a political interview.
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Some of the most important questions of the social sciences in the twentieth century have been posed by scholars working at the intersections of social theory and history viewed on a grand scale. The core essays of this book focus on the careers and contributions of nine of these scholars: Marc Bloch, Karl Polanyi, S. N. Eisenstadt, Reinhard Bendix, Perry Anderson, E. P. Thompson, Charles Tilly, Immanuel Wallerstein, and Barrington Moore, Jr. The essays convey a vivid sense of the vision and values each of these major scholars brings (or bought) to his work and analyze and evaluate the research designs and methods each used in his most important works. The introduction and conclusion discuss the long-running tradition of historically grounded research in sociology, while the conclusion also provides a detailed discussion and comparison of three recurrent strategies for bringing historical evidence and theoretical ideas to bear upon one another. informative, thought-provoking, and unusually practical, the book offers fascinating and relevant reading to sociologists, social historians, historically oriented political economists, and anthropologists - and, indeed, to anyone who wants to learn more about the ideas and methods of some of the best-known scholars in the modern social sciences.
This is a study of how the labouring poor of nineteenth-century industrial England saw the social order of which they were a part. It attacks orthodoxies and sets up new questions by attending to a wide range of contemporary experience, from politics and work to language and art.