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Effects of Inertial Setting on Power, Force, Work, and Eccentric Overload During Flywheel Resistance Exercise in Women and Men


Abstract and Figures

Exercise load is a key component in determining end-point adaptations to resistance exercise. Yet, there is no information regarding the use of different inertia (i.e. loads) during iso-inertial flywheel resistance exercise, a very popular high-intensity training model. Thus, this study examined power, work, force and eccentric-overload produced during flywheel resistance exercise with different inertial settings in men and women. Twenty-two women (n=11) and men (n=11) performed unilateral (in both legs) isolated concentric (CON) and coupled CON and eccentric (ECC) exercise in a flywheel knee extension device employing six inertias (0.0125, 0.025, 0.0375, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 kg*m). Power decreased as higher inertias were used, with men showing greater (P< 0.05) decrements than women (-36% vs. -29% from lowest to highest inertia). In contrast, work increased as higher inertias were employed, independent of sex (P<0.05; ?48% from lowest to highest inertia). Women increased CON and ECC mean force (46-55%, respectively) more (P<0.05) than men (34-50%, respectively) from the lowest to the highest inertia evaluated, although the opposite was found for peak force data (i.e. peak force increased more in men than in women as inertia was increased). Men, but not women, increased ECC overload from inertia 0.0125 to 0.0375 kg*m. While estimated stretch-shorting cycle use during flywheel exercise was higher (P<0.05) in men (6.6%) than women (4.9%), values were greater for both sexes when using low to -medium inertias. The information gained in this study could help athletes and sport and health professionals to better understand the impact of different inertial settings on skeletal muscle responses to flywheel resistance exercise.
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Muscle and Exercise Physiology Laboratory, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm,
Sweden; and
Radiobiology Unit, Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Institute for Environment, Health and Safety,
Belgian Nuclear Research Center, SCKCEN, Mol, Belgium
Martinez-Aranda, LM and Fernandez-Gonzalo, R. Effects of
inertial setting on power, force, work and eccentric overload
during flywheel resistance exercise in women and men. J
Strength Cond Res 31(6): 1653–1661, 2017—Exercise load
is a key component in determining end-point adaptations to
resistance exercise. Yet, there is no information regarding the
use of different inertia (i.e., loads) during isoinertial flywheel resis-
tance exercise, a very popular high-intensity training model. Thus,
this study examined power, work, force, and eccentric overload
produced during flywheel resistance exercise with different iner-
tial settings in men and women. Twenty-two women (n=11)
and men (n= 11) performed unilateral (in both legs) isolated
concentric (CON) and coupled CON and eccentric (ECC) exer-
cise in a flywheel knee extension device employing 6 inertias
(0.0125, 0.025, 0.0375, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 kg$m
). Power
decreased as higher inertias were used, with men showing
greater (p#0.05) decrements than women (236 vs. 229%
from lowest to highest inertia). In contrast, work increased as
higher inertias were employed, independent of sex (p#0.05;
;48% from lowest to highest inertia). Women increased CON
and ECC mean force (46–55%, respectively) more (p#0.05)
than men (34–50%, respectively) from the lowest to the highest
inertia evaluated, although the opposite was found for peak force
data (i.e., peak force increased more in men than in women as
inertia was increased). Men, but not women, increased ECC
overload from inertia 0.0125 to 0.0375 kg$m
. Although esti-
mated stretch-shorting cycle use during flywheel exercise was
higher (p#0.05) in men (6.6%) than women (4.9%), values
were greater for both sexes when using low-to-medium inertias.
The information gained in this study could help athletes and
sport and health professionals to better understand the impact
of different inertial settings on skeletal muscle responses to
flywheel resistance exercise.
KEY WORDS isoinertial resistance exercise, stretch-shortening
cycle, training optimization
Flywheel iso-inertial resistance exercise (RE) was
first introduced as a countermeasure for the dele-
terious effects of microgravity on skeletal muscle
(4). Nowadays, flywheel RE is a very popular RE
model in elite sports (12,13,40), rehabilitation, and injury
prevention programs (2,15,32). In addition, flywheel RE
has emerged as a novel conditioning routine for recreational
practitioners and the aging population (5). In contrast to tra-
ditional constant-load RE where maximal activation is only
required at the “sticking point” of the concentric (CON)
action (26), the flywheel technology offers accommodated
and unlimited resistance during coupled CON and eccentric
(ECC) muscle actions using the inertia of a rotating flywheel.
Consequently, the loading stimulus has been described as
more optimal during flywheel RE compared with conven-
tional RE (29). This is supported by data showing that force,
power, and increases in muscle mass and neural activation are
typically greater after flywheel RE than after conventional RE
(14,15,21,22,28,29). For example, after 5 weeks of flywheel
RE, muscle volume increased by 6 vs. 3% increment after 5
weeks of traditional weight stack training (27).
The superior adaptations induced by flywheel RE are
explained, at least in part, by the maximal nature of the
stimulus throughout the entire CON action and the possibility
to generate even greater peaks of force during the ECC phase
of the movement (i.e., ECC overload) (39). In addition, the
powerful stretch reflex produced in the ECC–CON transition
during flywheel RE may also play an important role explain-
ing the robust training adaptations induced by this exercise
regimen. Indeed, other training methods, such as plyometric
training, use the energy stored during the ECC phase to
potentiate the performance of a subsequent CON action
(i.e., stretch-shortening cycle; SSC) (41). To date however,
Address correspondence to Dr. Luis M. Martinez-Aranda,
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Ó2016 National Strength and Conditioning Association
VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2017 | 1653
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
the role of the SSC has not been evaluated in RE using fly-
wheel technology.
Exercise-induced muscle adaptations (e.g., hypertrophy or
power) can to some extent be manipulated toward the desired
outcome by modifying exercise execution (i.e., speed) and/or
load (16,24), at least in exercise routines not calling for mus-
cular failure (25). In supporting this concept, earlier studies
reported that high-load, low-speed RE boosted hypertrophic
adaptations, whereas low-load, high-speed RE was found to
be a better stimulus for power gains (3,33). In the particular
case of flywheel RE, however, all repetitions should be per-
formed at maximal intensity, which translates into maximal
possible speed during exercise execution. Yet, there is no infor-
mation regarding the impact of altering the inertia (i.e., load-
ing stimulus) in the adaptive response to flywheel RE.
Studies using flywheel RE have typically employed
flywheels with inertias ranging from 0.11 kg$m
(22) to
0.036 kg$m
(15). Even though all repetitions will be exe-
cuted with maximal voluntary effort, lower inertia allows for
more rapid muscle actions, whereas high inertia slows down
the exercise execution. These differences in movement
velocity will impact the power, force, and work produced
during flywheel RE and may consequently influence adap-
tations to chronic training. Given the great amount of ath-
letes, conditioning professionals and researchers employing
this RE paradigm, studies assessing power, force, and work
produced during flywheel RE using different inertias are
warranted. The information gained from such studies could
aid fine-tuning and personalizing flywheel RE training pro-
tocols for a wide range of populations, from elite athletes to
patients suffering from various diseases.
Although RE-induced muscle adaptations occur in both
women and men, there is no consensus about the different/
equal magnitude of such adaptations across sexes (1,18,34,37).
When employing flywheel RE, hypertrophic adaptations
have been reported to be similar across sexes, yet gains in
maximal strength and power at high loads may be somewhat
greater from men than for women (14). Therefore, any effort
to refine flywheel RE protocols should include the analysis of
potential sex differences.
The main purpose of this study was to analyze force,
power, work, and ECC overload generated during knee
extension flywheel RE with 6 different inertias in women
and men. In addition, differences in force production during
coupled ECC–CON and isolated CON flywheel RE were
addressed to indirectly analyze the SSC use. We hypothesized
that force, power, and work would differ across sexes and
inertias, and that isolated CON actions would call for lower
force production than coupled ECC–CON muscle actions,
underlining the importance of the SSC during flywheel RE.
Experimental Approach to the Problem
Participants performed maximal unilateral (in both legs)
isolated CON and coupled CON–ECC tests in a flywheel
knee extension device using 6 different inertias, i.e., 0.0125,
0.025, 0.0375, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 kg$m
. Force, power, and work
produced were measured, and ECC overload calculated
thereafter. In addition, force during isolated CON exercise
was also assessed. Before any test using the flywheel knee
extension device, participants completed 2 familiarization
sessions to ensure appropriate technique during tests. All
tests were preceded by a standardized warm-up and per-
formed at the same time of the day (61 hour). Verbal
encouragement was provided by research staff during all
tests. Real-time feedback on force and knee angle was pro-
vided during familiarization sessions.
Twenty-two subjects (11 women; 32.1 64.8 years, 166.2 6
5.5 cm, 57.9 67.8 kg, and 11 men; 35.4 613.0 years, 177.5 6
6.3 cm, 75.4 610.4 kg) with no previous muscle joint or
bone injury for the past 6 months volunteered for the study.
Sample size calculations indicated that for an expected dif-
ference of 50% in power produced by men vs. women using
flywheel RE (14) and a 25% difference in power generated
using inertia 0.05 vs. 0.075 kg$m
(23), 10 subjects per group
ensured a statistical power of ;0.80. Subjects were healthy
and moderately active individuals, engaged in 2–4 days per
week of vigorous (1.9 61.0 h$wk
) or moderate (2.0 6
1.5 h$wk
) exercise. All subjects were requested to avoid
strenuous activities and lower-limb RE at least 48 hours
before any test. A period of .48 hours was required between
test sessions. Information about the study purposes and
potential risks associated with the experiments were ex-
plained to all subjects before obtaining their written
informed consent to participate. The study protocol was
approved by the Regional Ethical Review Board in Stock-
holm (#2014/2174-31/1).
All tests were performed on a seated knee extension flywheel
device (YoYo Technology Inc., Stockholm, Sweden) (39),
equipped with a force sensor (100 Hz; Model 276A,
K-Toyo, Korea). During coupled CON–ECC actions, by
knowing the inertia used, power (during CON actions)
and total work (CON + ECC) were calculated for each
repetition by measuring rotational velocity with the aid
of a magnetic encoder system and associated software
(BlueBrain, nHance, Stockholm, Sweden). Knee joint
angular position was measured using electro-goniometry
(MuscleLab). Machine settings were individually accom-
modated for each subject during familiarization and then
maintained throughout all tests. Thighs, hip, and chest
were fixed to the machine using straps. For the dynamic
tests, i.e., isolated CON and coupled CON–ECC tests, the
flywheel knee extension device was equipped with wheels
providing different inertia (load), corresponding to 0.0125,
0.025, 0.0375, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 kg$m
. The order of domi-
nant vs. nondominant leg was randomized in a counterbal-
ance manner for all tests. The order of inertias employed
Effects of Inertia in Flywheel Resistance Exercise
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
during CON and CON–ECC exercise was randomized for
each subject during familiarization and maintained
through all tests. The mean value of 3 repetitions (2 for
isometric tests) in each leg in a particular test was consid-
ered for further analysis.
Maximal Isometric Torque
Maximal unilateral isometric torque of quadriceps femoris
muscle was measured in both legs at 1208knee extension.
During 5 seconds, the subject was requested to push, trying
to extend the knee, as hard as possible against the crossbar of
the knee extension device, which had been adjusted and
fixed in the desired position (i.e., 1208knee flexion). Two
attempts were performed for each limb. An additional
attempt was carried out if trials differed .5% for a given
leg. The best score in a 1-second window defined peak iso-
metric torque (21,22). A recovery of 2.5 minutes was allowed
between tests in the same leg.
Isolated CON Flywheel Test
Unilateral isolated CON mean torque was measured in both
legs in the flywheel knee extension device using the 6 inertial
settings previously described. Subjects performed 1 set of 2
CON actions for each leg and inertia, with 2 minutes of
recovery between legs and 4 minutes rest between tests in
the same leg. Starting from a completely static position, the
subject was requested to push as hard as possible from 908
knee flexion to full extension (1808). After a 10-second rest
period, a second repetition was carried out.
Coupled CON–ECC Flywheel Test
Subjects performed 6 sets of 3 maximal coupled CON–
ECC unilateral repetitions for both legs in the flywheel
knee extension ergometer with 2-minute recovery between
legs and 4-minute rest between sets in the same leg. Each
set was carried out with an inertia corresponding to 0.0125,
0.025, 0.0375, 0.05, 0.075 or 0.1 kg$m
. After an initial, sub-
maximal repetition to initiate the flywheel movement, the
subject was instructed to push with maximal effort, and
therefore as fast as possible, through the entire CON action
(i.e., from 908knee flexion to full extension). Upon reaching
full extension, the flywheel strap rewound because of iner-
tial forces, which initiated the ECC muscle action. To pro-
duce ECC overload, subjects were requested to resist gently
during the first third of the ECC action and then to apply
maximal breaking force to stop the movement at about 908
knee flexion (39) (Figure 1). Then, the next CON action
was immediately initiated. The ECC overload was calcu-
lated in both absolute (Nm = ECC peak force 2CON peak
force) and relative values (ECC peak force 3100/CON
peak force 2100). The SSC during flywheel RE employing
different inertias was estimated as follow: (CON force dur-
ing coupled CON–ECC 3100/CON force during isolated
CON 2100). In addition, the coupling time between ECC
and CON actions was calculated in the final 158of the ECC
phase and the initial 158of the CON action.
Statistical Analyses
Data are presented as mean 6standard deviation (SD). Sta-
tistical analyses were performed using SPSS v.21 (SPSS Inc.,
Chicago, IL). Data distribution was examined for normality
using the Shapiro–Wilk test. A reliability analysis (intraclass
correlation coefficient; ICC) was carried out for all outcome
measures to determine whether randomized order of the
inertias had any impact on the results. Differences between
dominant vs. nondominant legs in women and men were
analyzed employing a 1-way ANOVA. Isometric values were
analyzed using 1-way ANOVA (women vs. men). A 2-way
ANOVA (inertia 3sex) was used to examined work, power,
CON and ECC peak and mean force values, isolated CON
and ECC overload during flywheel RE. A 3-way ANOVA
(inertia 3action 3sex) was employed to analyzed potential
differences in CON force production during isolated CON
vs. coupled ECC–CON actions (i.e., estimated SSC use).
When significant interactions were found, simple effect tests
were employed, and the false discovery rate procedure was
used to compensate for multiple post hoc comparisons (11).
The significance level was set at 5% (p#0.05). Effect sizes
(ES) were calculated as follow: ([mean A 2mean B]/SD A)
(31). Interpretation of the magnitude of the ES was per-
formed as follow: ,0.35, 0.35–0.8, 0.8–1.5, .1.5 for trivial,
small, moderate, and large, respectively (31).
The reliability analysis showed no impact of the order of
inertias on the data recorded, as indicated by ICC values
.0.9. Preliminary analysis showed no significant differences
(p.0.05) between dominant vs. nondominant legs in any of
the variables measured, and therefore this variable was not
considered for further analysis. A significant (p,0.0005)
main effect of sex was found in all variables analyzed, except
for ECC overload in relative values (%) (see below). Thus,
men showed greater absolutes values compared with women
in maximal isometric torque (211.3 639.0 vs. 120.4 639.9
Nm; F= 58.3, p,0.0005) (ES = 2.33) and in all variables
measured during isolated CON and CON–ECC flywheel
tests (p,0.0005). Given that sex differences in absolute
values were so evident, they are not indicated in tables and
figures unless specifically stated.
Coupled CON–ECC Flywheel RE
There was an inertia 3sex interaction for power data (F=
10.2; p,0.0005). Thus, power values in men decreased to
a greater extent across the different inertias used when com-
pared with women (Figure 2A). The percentage of power
loss between the lowest and the highest inertia for men and
women was 36.1% (ES = 0.97) and 29.1% (ES = 0.68),
respectively. In addition, overall power values were 43.7%
lower in women than in men (main effect of sex; F= 20.9,
There was no inertia 3sex interaction for work output
during flywheel RE. However, there was a main effect of
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2017 | 1655
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
inertia (F= 124.3, p,0.0005) because of greater work
values in both men (ES = 1.04) and women (ES = 1.23) as
inertia was increased (Figure 2B). In addition, there was
a main effect of sex (F= 24.1, p,0.0005). Thus, men pro-
duced more work than women in all inertias analyzed.
There was an inertia 3sex interaction for both mean and
peak force during CON and ECC actions (Frange = 3.4–6.4;
p#0.05; Table 1). Thus, greater CON and ECC force values
were obtained as inertia was increased (ES .0.9 for men
and women in both CON and ECC actions). Interestingly,
women were able to increased CON mean force more than
men in relative terms (46 vs. 34%) from the lowest to the
highest inertia employed. Sim-
ilarly, ECC mean force
increased more in women than
in men from the lowest to the
0.075 kg$m
inertia (55 vs.
50%). However, increments in
peak force as inertia was
increased were greater in men
than women for both CON
(ES = 1.01 for men and 0.72
for women) and ECC actions
(ES = 1.05 for men and 0.64
for women) (Table 1). Overall,
men had greater peak and
mean CON and ECC force val-
ues in absolute terms than
women for a given inertia
(main effect of sex; F range =
39.6–44.1; p,0.0005). An
interaction inertia 3action
(F= 45.6; p,0.0005) was
found for coupling time in
ECC and CON actions. Thus,
the time to complete the first 158of the CON action
increased more than the time employed to perform the last
158of the ECC phase as inertia increased (Table 1) (ES =
4.71 for men and 3.60 for women in CON phase; ES = 3.71
for men and 3.33 for women in ECC phase). In addition,
men had overall lower values of both ECC (16%) and CON
(15%) coupling time compared with women.
During coupled CON–ECC flywheel RE, ECC actions
showed higher peak force than CON actions in all inertias
(inertia 3action interaction; F= 2.9; p= 0.015) (see example
in Figure 1), independently of sex. When analyzing this dif-
ference (i.e., ECC overload), there was an inertia 3sex
Figure 1. Example of 1 set of 3 repetitions of coupled concentric (CON) and eccentric (ECC) flywheel resistance
exercise using inertia 0.075 kg$m
Figure 2. Power (A) and work (B) data across inertias in women and men. Significant effects (p#0.05): a, inertia 3sex interaction; b, main effect of sex; c,
main effect of inertia. Significant post hoc differences: *(p#0.05), and **(p,0.01) vs. previous (lower) inertia. Data as mean 6standard error of the mean.
Effects of Inertia in Flywheel Resistance Exercise
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 1. Force (Nm), coupling time (s), and stretch-shortening cycle use (%) during flywheel resistance exercise employing different inertias.*
Inertia in kg$m
0.0125 0.025 0.0375 0.05 0.075 0.1
CON peakz§k
Men 122.0 625.3 146.3 631.5¶ 152.5 636.0¶ 155.9 640.2 158.2 638.3 161.1 638.7
Women 76.5 617.6 90.9 623.9¶ 92.7 626.0 95.3 627.6 101.1 630.4¶ 98.3 630.0
CON meanz§k
Men 80.8 620.5 97.3 621.7¶ 102.0 624.6¶ 104.4 627.2# 107.9 629.1¶ 108.7 629.5
Women 44.6 613.9 56.5 618.0¶ 59.4 618.5¶ 61.0 620.4 64.3 620.6¶ 65.3 620.9
ECC peakz§k
Men 142.9 627.9 173.1 635.4¶ 186.8 648.5¶ 187.0 647.8 193.2 650.0 192.7 647.3
Women 93.4 616.0 109.5 626.2¶ 111.9 631.0 111.6 633.6 117.6 634.6 114.3 632.2
ECC meanz§k
Men 91.0 617.0 122.3 625.3¶ 132.8 633.6¶ 134.1 635.2 137.2 639.5 134.5 636.2
Women 52.9 614.3 72.1 622.5¶ 79.2 625.6¶ 78.4 624.7 82.1 626.5 78.4 624.3
Isolated CON meanz§k
Men 77.1 616.3 90.1 621.0¶ 93.3 620.0¶ 98.4 625.0¶ 102.7 626.2¶ 106.0 626.4¶
Women 43.4 612.1 53.1 615.3¶ 55.6 616.6# 58.3 617.3# 61.9 619.4¶ 63.7 619.9
Coupling time ECC§k**††
Men 0.25 60.04 0.27 60.04# 0.32 60.06¶ 0.35 60.07¶ 0.45 60.05¶ 0.51 60.07¶
Women 0.30 60.05 0.32 60.06 0.38 60.07¶ 0.44 60.08¶ 0.52 60.09¶ 0.60 60.09¶
Coupling time CON§k**††
Men 0.25 60.04 0.30 60.04¶ 0.35 60.06¶ 0.40 60.08¶ 0.50 60.06¶ 0.58 60.07¶
Women 0.30 60.04 0.35 60.06¶ 0.41 60.06¶ 0.49 60.08¶ 0.58 60.10¶ 0.66 60.10¶
Men 4.4 610.2 9.1 613.1 9.7 613.7 7.4 615.5 5.6 613.1 3.1 615.4
Women 3.8 618.6 6.5 611.9 7.5 612.4 4.7 612.3 4.1 68.3 3.1 612.9
*CON = concentric; ECC = eccentric; SSC = stretch-shortening cycle expressed in relative values (FL CON mean 3100/isolated CON 2100).
Data as mean 6SD.
zSignificant effects (p#0.05): inertia 3sex interaction.
§Significant effects (p#0.05): main effect of sex.
kSignificant effects (p#0.05): main effect of inertia.
Significant post hoc differences: p,0.01 vs. immediately previous (lower) inertia.
#Significant post hoc differences: p#0.05.
**Significant effects (p#0.05): main effect of action.
††Significant effects (p#0.05): inertia 3action interaction (ECC–CON).
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2017 | 1657
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
interaction (F= 2.4; p= 0.04), for ECC overload (expressed
as %). Thus, in relative terms (%), men tended to increase
ECC overload as inertia was increased from 0.0125 to
0.0375 kg$m
, whereas women showed decreased ECC
overload from the lowest to the 0.05 kg$m
(Figure 3A). The highest ECC overload value was 22% for
men (inertia 0.0375 kg$m
) and 25% for women (inertia
0.0125 kg$m
) (Figure 3A). When analyzed in absolute val-
ues (i.e., Nm), there was an inertia 3sex interaction (F= 2.9;
p#0.05) because of increased ECC overload in men from
the 0.0125 to the 0.0375 kg$m
inertia (ES = 0.77). This
response was not found in women, where ECC overload
remained practically unchanged across inertias (Figure 3B).
The highest value of ECC overload (Nm) was 35.0 Nm
(inertia 0.075 kg$m
) and 19.2 Nm (inertia 0.0375 kg$m
for men and women, respectively (Figure 3B).
Isolated CON and SSC Use During Flywheel RE
An interaction inertia 3sex (F= 4.0; p= 0.002) was found
for force produced during isolated CON action. Thus, force
values increased to a greater extent in women (47%; ES =
1.02) than in men (37%; ES = 1.09) from the lowest to the
highest inertia (Table 1).
There was an inertia 3sex interaction (F= 4.9; p,
0.0005) for estimated SSC use during flywheel RE. Although
men had overall greater values for SSC use in all inertias
(except 0.1 kg$m
), both sexes showed higher SSC use dur-
ing exercise employing low-medium inertias (i.e., 0.025 and
0.0375 kg$m
). The inertia inducing greater SSC use was
0.0375 kg$m
for both men (9.7%) and women (7.5%) (Table
This study analyzed power, work, force, and ECC overload
produced during knee extension flywheel RE using 6
different inertial settings. In addition, potential differences
across sexes were assessed, and SSC use was estimated. In
agreement with the hypothesis, there were important differ-
ences in force, power, and work across inertias used, and
between men and women. We also report that performing
RE using this particular technology allows for a substantial
SSC use, which was maximized by using medium inertias in
both sexes.
Despite the visible and evident differences in movement
velocity during flywheel RE employing different inertial
settings, this is the first investigation reporting the power,
work, and force produced across a wide range of inertias.
Given that these RE variables could affect muscle and
functional adaptations to chronic training (16,24,35), the
data presented here could aid in fine-tuning exercise proto-
cols employing flywheel RE. From the existing literature, we
were only able to identify 3 investigations where an inertia
selection process was carried out before commencing a fly-
wheel RE training period (12,13,40). In these studies, the
inertia selection was rather simplistic, comparing the maxi-
mal power developed across 2 different inertial settings. Our
results showing decreased power as inertia increased may
indicate that other variables apart from power (i.e., work
output) should be considered when selecting the best inertia
for a particular purpose.
Across the inertial settings analyzed, power values were
;44% lower in women than in men, confirming previous
reports employing traditional RE (9,20). Interestingly, power
across the different inertias used was also different between
men and women, with greater decrements from the lowest
to the highest inertia in men than in women. These results
are supported by previous investigations employing conven-
tional RE, where sex differences in power or peak velocity
between men and women were greater when light loads
Figure 3. Eccentric (ECC) overload expressed in relative (A) and absolute (B) values across inertias in women and men. Significant effects (p#0.05): a,
inertia 3sex interaction; b, main effect of sex; c, main effect of inertia. Significant post hoc differences: *(p,0.01) vs. previous (lower) inertia. Data as mean 6
standard error of the mean.
Effects of Inertia in Flywheel Resistance Exercise
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
were employed, and differences decreased as resistance was
increased (9,30). Differences in power outcome during RE as
loads increase across sexes may be because of (a) a better
capacity of women to maintain movement velocity as inertia
increases, and/or (b) an inability of women, when compared
with men, to increase movement velocity with very light
inertias/loads, and/or (c) lean body mass differences across
sexes. Thus, although the mechanism(s) for power differen-
ces between men and women in light vs. high inertias/loads
is still unknown, it appears that sex is a variable to consider
when selecting the inertia to be employed during flywheel
RE. In addition, studies employing flywheel RE in women
and men should take into account potential differences in
muscle/lean body mass because this factor may help ex-
plaining some of the differences across sexes shown in the
current study.
In line with the general understanding of the force–
velocity relationship (17), force values during CON and
ECC actions increased during flywheel RE because inertia
increased in both men and women. Similarly, a recent study
using free weights also reported greater peak force values
during higher vs. lower loads (9). The authors used those
data to recommend higher loads to improve force pro-
ducing capacity (9). In the current study, the relative in-
crements in peak CON and ECC force were greater in men
when compared with women as inertia was increased. In
contrast, women increased CON and ECC mean force
more than men in relative terms, from the lowest to the
highest inertia. Therefore, our data indicate that men and
women may respond differently to inertia increments, with
men relying more on short and explosive moments of great
force production (increased peak force), whereas women
rather produce lower peak forces but they are able to
maintain force levels for a longer period within the muscle
action (increased mean force). The different response across
sexes in the coupling time of both ECC and CON actions is
another indication of the more explosive capacity of men
compared with women. These data seem to be supported
by previous research showing sex differences in skeletal
muscle structure (i.e., greater area of type I, slow, fatigue-
resistant fibers in women than men vs. greater type II, fast-
explosive fibers in men compared with women) (36). In
addition, the fact that men increased peak force more than
women because inertia/load was higher could explain, at
least partly, the greater gains in maximal force and peak
power at high loads in men than women previously re-
ported after flywheel RE (14).
The ECC overload that can be produced during flywheel
RE is a critical feature of the exercise model that has been
used to partly explain the greater muscle adaptations
induced by this exercise paradigm when compared with
conventional RE (27–29). Our results indicate that ECC
overload can be generated during knee extension flywheel
RE in all inertias analyzed, ranging from 17 to 25% (i.e., 17–
25% more peak force production during ECC compared
with CON), which confirms previous reports from our lab-
oratory (14). Given the greater capacity of the muscle to
produce force during ECC vs. CON actions (19,38), it seems
ECC overload is critical to offer an appropriate stimulus to
maximize neural drive and muscle use (7). The current data
indicate that men have a greater capacity than women to
generate ECC overload during flywheel RE. In women, the
greater ECC overload in relative terms occurred at the light-
est inertia employed (i.e., highest velocity), which confirms
results from earlier research showing women produced sig-
nificantly more ECC force, relative to CON, than men only
at very high movement velocities (8).
The SSC is often described as the ability to store energy
during the ECC muscle action to potentiate the subsequent
CON action (6). In a recent study, we inferred that flywheel
RE training could emphasize the stretch reflex and the SSC
use, which would boost neural adaptations after a period of
training (15). The current results showed lower force in iso-
lated CON compared with force during the CON phase in
coupled ECC–CON muscle actions. Although this has been
described before using traditional RE models (10), our re-
sults are the first indicating significant SSC use during fly-
wheel RE. Thus, the inertia 0.0375 kg$m
showed the
highest (estimated) SSC use independent of sex. The partic-
ular benefits that may be associated with such strategy, and
the magnitude of potential differences with other RE modes,
remain to be investigated.
In summary, this study assessed power, work, peak and
mean CON and ECC force, ECC overload, and the SSC use
during knee extension flywheel RE in men and women using
6 different inertial settings. Power decreased because higher
inertias were used and more so in men than in women. In
contrast, work increased because higher inertias were
employed independently of sex. Women increased CON
and ECC mean force more than men as greater inertias were
used. Yet, peak force increments were higher in men than in
women as inertia increased. Although men increased ECC
overload from inertia 0.0125 to 0.0375 kg$m
, ECC overload
was rather constant across the inertias analyzed in women.
Men produced slightly higher SSC than women, yet values
were greater for both sexes when using low-to-medium in-
ertias. The information gained by this study highlights that
manipulating the inertial setting during flywheel RE will
modify the stimulus imposed on the muscles. Future training
studies are necessary to elucidate whether differences in iner-
tial settings translate into different flywheel RE-induced
muscle adaptations.
Isoinertial flywheel resistance exercise is a time-effective
method to increase force, power, and muscle mass. Given
the extensive use of this training paradigm in elite sports,
rehabilitation and clinical settings, and among recreational
practitioners, we believe that current results will help
designing and fine-tuning new training programs employing
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2017 | 1659
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
flywheel RE. Indeed, this is the first study describing the
impact of inertia (i.e., load) on RE variables that could
influence end-point training adaptations. Considering the
power, work, ECC overload, and SSC use data, the inertia of
0.0375 kg$m
seems as an appropriate choice for general
conditioning purposes in both women and men. In contrast,
athletes looking for explosive adaptations may use lower
inertias calling for a shorter ECC–CON coupling time and
greater power production, whereas practitioners pursuing
greater work output during RE should employ higher iner-
tias. In addition, modifying the inertial setting during fly-
wheel RE may affect women and men differently in terms
of force and power produced, and ECC overload achieved.
We thank M. V. Garnacho-Castan
˜o and M. Gimeno-Raga
for technical support during the initial part of the study. This
investigation was partly funded by T-O
¨Stiftelsen (#1301;
RF-G) and STROKE-Riksfo
¨rbundet (RF-G). The funding
agencies did not have any role in the experimental design,
or data collection, analysis, or interpretation, or manuscript
writing or submission. The authors declare no conflicts of
interest. The results of the present study do not constitute
endorsement of the product by the authors or the NSCA.
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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2017 | 1661
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
... It has been consistently demonstrated that compared with nonstretched muscle, prestretch during eccentric muscle contractions can produce greater force and power output during successive concentric contraction (15). In this sense, flywheel eccentric training is based on stretchshortening cycle with greater overload than other gravity-dependent exercises (i.e., countermovement jump) (71), with recent research showing higher forces during coupled eccentricconcentric compared with isolated concentric muscle action (61), More so, the level of inertia will have an impact on the degree of stretchshortening cycle use, which is maximized when using low-to-medium inertias (61). ...
... To create eccentric overload, authors recommend modifying the tempo and range of motion during the eccentric phase (i.e., decelerating or slowing down at the end of the eccentric phase) (71). Horizontal cylinders and higher inertias have shown more likelihood of creating eccentric overload (61,70). Finally, experience and gender could also influence creating (or not) eccentric overload (61,116). ...
... Horizontal cylinders and higher inertias have shown more likelihood of creating eccentric overload (61,70). Finally, experience and gender could also influence creating (or not) eccentric overload (61,116). ...
Eccentric resistance training has been shown to elicit beneficial effects on performance and injury prevention in sports because of its specific muscular and neural adaptations. Within the different methods used to generate eccentric overload, flywheel eccentric training has gained interest in recent years because of its advantages over other methods such as its portability, the ample exercise variety it allows and its accommodated resistance. Only a limited number of studies that use flywheel devices provide enough evidence to support the presence of eccentric overload. There is limited guidance on the practical implementation of flywheel eccentric training in the current literature. In this article, we provide literature to support the use of flywheel eccentric training and present practical guidelines to develop exercises that allow eccentric overload. See Supplemental Digital Content 1, for a video abstract of this article.
... Absolute force production during RT differs between sexes (Colliander & Tesch, 1990;Fernandez-Gonzalo et al., 2014;Martinez-Aranda & Fernandez-Gonzalo, 2017). These differences are explained by muscle size, fibre type ratio, body composition, lean-mass distribution and hormonal differences in physically active population and elite athletes (Nuzzo, 2024). ...
... Absolute force production during RT differs between sexes (Colliander & Tesch, 1990;Fernandez-Gonzalo et al., 2014;Martinez-Aranda & Fernandez-Gonzalo, 2017). These differences are explained by muscle size, fibre type ratio, body composition, lean-mass distribution, and hormonal differences in physically active population and elite athletes (Nuzzo, 2024). ...
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This study aimed to compare the effects of an accentuated eccentric training programme on physical performance between men and women. Distributed in two groups by gender, 21 male and 21 female athletes performed four sets of seven repetitions of the half-squat exercise twice per week for 6 weeks. Both groups lifted the same absolute load using a rotary inertial device. To accentuate the eccentric action, the eccentric load was twice as heavy as the concentric load. Vertical jump, sprint, and change of direction (COD) performances were measured pre- and post-intervention. To measure strength gains, vertical ground reaction forces were measured for each repetition of the entire training programme. Vertical jump improved post-intervention (MG: 33.88 ± 4.94 to 35.41 ± 4.86 cm; FG: 20.60 ± 4.62 to 22.12 ± 4.32 cm; p < 0.001; η2p = 0.42), while sprint (MG: 3.08 ± 0.11 to 3.07 ± 0.13 s; FG: 3.66 ± 0.23 to 3.64 ± 0.23 s) and COD (MG: 7.77 ± 0.42 to 7.61 ± 0.47 s; FG: 8.44 ± 0.58 to 8.38 ± 0.57s) remained unchanged. Concentric and eccentric forces increased for both groups from session 1 to 4 (p < 0.001; η2p >0.39), while only peak eccentric forces increased until session 12 (p = 0.009; η2p = 0.21). In conclusion, even when men are able to produce greater forces with similar loads, accentuated eccentric RT produces similar strength and strength-related adaptations in male and female athletes.
... Statistical analyses were performed using the R-Studio program (4.0.2 version). A reliable estimate of 95% was determined for the confidence interval (CI) (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(33)(34)(35)(36)(37)(38)(39)(40). The data were shown as the average of the mean of 8 repetitions for each set (33). ...
... Regarding PP conc and PP ecc , lower inertial loads showed greater power values for both exercises (i.e., squat and split squat with the dominant and nondominant legs). These findings agree with previous studies that tested squat (23,32), Romanian deadlift (28), leg extension (20), and leg curl exercises (29). However, no difference between inertial loads in PP conc was reported in other studies (11,22). ...
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Asencio, P, García-Valverde, A, Albaladejo-García, C, Beato, M, Moreno-Hernández, FJ, and Sabido, R. Analysis of concentric and eccentric power in flywheel exercises depending on the subjects' strength level and body mass. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2024-The objective of this study is to describe how flywheel exercise mechanical outputs are affected by the athletes' body mass (BM) and strength level and by the exercise type. Forty-six recreational athletes came to a laboratory 3 times. On the first day, descriptive data, squat (1 repetition maximum: 1RM) and flywheel familiarization were performed. After a second day of familiarization, subjects performed a randomized flywheel exercise-testing protocol of squat and split squat exercises. The variables used for data analysis were peak concentric power and peak eccentric power, eccentric/concentric ratio, and their relationship with 1RM/BM. Subjects were assigned to a stronger or weaker group according to their 1RM/BM ratio. Group differences were found in absolute values of eccentric overload (EOL) (p , 0.01; effect size [ES] 5 0.51) and EOL/BM (p , 0.01; ES 5 0.46) only in the split squat. Absolute power values in the concentric phase showed differences between inertial load (p , 0.01; ES 5 0.41). The stronger group did not present significant differences between inertial loads during squat (p , 0.01; ES 5 0.46), but they showed different ratios with light inertias in comparison with the weaker group (p , 0.01; ES 5 0.46). There were significant differences between groups with light inertias in split squat (nondominant) and squat exercises (p , 0.05; ES 5 0.29) in the eccentric and concentric phases (p , 0.116; ES 5 0.20). Squat and split squat exercises present different profiles depending on the training level. In conclusion, it is recommended that practitioners perform a test to understand the inertial load-power profile (concentric, eccentric, and their ratio) for each exercise and also consider the user's strength level for selection of the inertial load and for the exercise to use in training.
... Al desarrollar el entrenamiento, se sugirió una intensidad en el rango de (0,05-0,11kg * m2) para generar adaptaciones crónicas y mejorar el rendimiento deportivo (14), tal caso se evidenció en las intensidades de inercia más altas contribuyen a mejorar la fuerza, mientras que las intensidades de inercia más bajas se podrían usar con fines de potencia (15). ...
... Por otro lado algunos autores (15,16) desarrollaron un entrenamiento específico en fuerza, en las cuales, según sus investigaciones, se observaron adaptaciones en un periodo de entrenamiento entre 6 o 12 meses debido a los estímulos periódicos y continuos. Por consiguiente, en la presente investigación la expresión en cuanto a fuerza, se manifestó menor a lo esperado en el post test, reflejado en la cantidad de altura a alcanzar por parte del grupo de voleibolistas abordado, posiblemente asociado al tiempo de entrenamiento total llevado a cabo en el mismo y que de acuerdo con los estudios consultados, se optó por el tiempo mínimo de entrenamiento el cuál se adaptaba a las características del grupo, en cuanto a sus tiempos de entrenamiento/competencia. Otra explicación que puede ampliar los resultados obtenidos en la presente investigación son los diversos estudios que han descrito la asociación de algunos componentes patomecánicos, el salto vertical y diferenciación entre los aspectos anatómicos de los hombres y las mujeres (4,23) llegando a la conclusión que el valgo de rodilla puede generar un estrés mayor en los ligamentos colaterales mediales o en el tendón patelar si no se corrigen diversas compensaciones que se pueden presentar al momento del aterrizaje, así mismo el entrenamiento inercial puede ser una alternativa frente al entrenamiento tradicional y promover o mitigar el riesgo de lesión de deportista en su temporada competitiva. ...
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El salto vertical es una variable confiable de predicción de la potencia del tren inferior en los deportes de fuerza explosiva, dónde busca generar control y monitoreo de deportistas para los entrenadores y preparadores físicos; en este sentido, los dispositivos inerciales se consideran máquinas que pueden permitir observar la fuerza explosiva durante la ejecución y/o el entrenamiento. El Objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar el efecto de un entrenamiento de fuerza en máquinas inerciales, sobre Squat Jump, Countermovemnt Jump, y Abalakov en jugadoras de voleibol juvenil, Cartago, Colombia; Se empleó un método de investigación cuantitativo, de diseño cuasiexperimental con control pre y post intervención en 30 mujeres voleibolistas, distribuidas aleatoriamente en dos grupos (grupo control:15 y grupo experimental:15 Jugadoras respectivamente). El programa de entrenamiento en máquinas inerciales (Programa experimental), logró tener un efecto positivo en el grupo experimental, resultando en un aumento en altura del salto vertical versus el grupo control; no obstante, la diferencia entre grupos no fue significativa, sin embargo, se espera, que esto resultados permitan a los clubes deportivos tener en cuenta estas intervenciones para reorientar sus procesos de formación.
... The ability of FRT to utilize rotational momentum through a weighted disc attached to the user via a harness and tether allows for the generation and transfer of kinetic energy during ECC exercise [16,17]. Moreover, compared to traditional barbell resistance training, FRT allows higher CON velocities and ECC muscular activity [17,18], peak mechanical power, and eccentric overload (EO) stimulus [13,19,20]. However, FRT can induce increased levels of fatigue [21,22]. ...
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The aim of this study was to compare the acute effect of three cluster set (CS) intra-set rest intervals (15 s, 30 s, and 45 s) on mechanical performance measures during a flywheel resistance training session. Twelve amateur male field sport athletes attended three training measurement sessions (separated by 14 days of washout), consisting of four sets of nine repetitions (as cluster-blocks: 3 + 3 + 3), using a 0.050 kg.m−2 inertial load. The flywheel quarter-squat (QS) and the flywheel Romanian deadlift (RDL) were selected as resistance training exercises. Participants were randomly allocated different CS intra-set rest durations: 15 s, 30 s, or 45 s. The mean power (MP), peak con-centric power (PPcon), peak eccentric power (PPecc), and eccentric overload (EO) were measured. A two-way (within–within) repeated-measures ANOVA reported that MP, PPcon, PPecc, and EO achieved similar values during the QS and RDL sessions involving 30 s and 45 s CS intra-set rest durations. It was noted that the first set did not always result in the greatest performance output for the 30 s and 45 s intervals. Compared to 15 s, the 30 s and 45 s CS intra-set rest durations showed greater MP, PPcon, and PPecc during set 2 (all p ≤ 0.05), set 3 (all p < 0.001), and set 4 (all p < 0.001) for both QS and RDL, and greater EO in the QS exercise (the four sets combined). Compared to shorter (15 s) cluster set intra-set rest intervals, longer (30–45 s) configurations allow greater physical performance outcome measures during flywheel QS and RDL resistance training sessions. The impli-cations for longer-term interventions merit further research.
... Another approach recommended to prevent astronauts' musculoskeletal deconditioning and atrophic processes during long space flights is iso-inertial, eccentric-overload resistance exercise. The effectiveness of this exercise approach in providing muscle hypertrophy and strength has been proven by old and new studies (36,49). This exercise method was first proposed to prevent the negative effects of microgravity on the musculoskeletal system (5). ...
Conference Paper
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Long-term exposure to microgravity has proven to cause biomechanical side effects to our human physiology. With the onset of commercial spaceflight and space tourism following the drive of multiple national space agencies and corporations around the world, the importance to avoid and mitigate these effects is more prevalent than ever. It is necessary to 1) identify all internal-external factors causing the side effects; 2) identify existing counter-interventions; and 3) develop new countermeasure strategies studied to be effective. There is still much to be elucidated regarding the physiological effects from being exposed to various gravitational stresses across the scale (μg < partial gravity < 1 g). In this review, we describe these fundamental physiological changes that occur in the human skeleton and highlight the unique importance of exercise in space. We discuss the interplay between the musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, and the cardiovascular system, noting how each system responds to changing gravitational environments. While investigating the effect of microgravity on bone density, muscle atrophy, and joint stability, simulations of hypogravity and reduced gravity provided insight into the potential effects of acceleration and deceleration forces on the body. Also discussed are the clinical and preclinical interventions that have been used to investigate biomechanical stress during movement. Compared to 1G, studies in microgravity and in particular, partial gravity showcase significant reduction in several aspects including mechanical work and ground reaction forces, resulting in a need for sufficient exercise and countermeasures in order to compensate for this inadequate in mechanical stimuli. This review presents an in-depth discussion of the biomechanical stress on the human body during functional movement under varying gravity conditions, and summarizes findings and data collected from existing studies in the last 10 years. The insights from this review not only remain important, but also hold promise for improving human performance, reducing injury risks, and optimizing physical training regimens in both space exploration and terrestrial applications. Overall, it summarizes our knowledge of the effects of biomechanical stress in space, and will help provide more constructive understanding on how to best conduct exercise programmes that will be critical to overall health, ensuring the safety of our future astronauts and future missions.
... kg·m 2 ) are generally recommended to induce chronic adaptations and enhance athletic performance [41,75]. It is found that higher inertial intensities may be preferable for developing force, while lower inertial intensities could be used for power purposes [76]. Sabido suggested prescribing 3 min rest intervals when performing flywheel squat exercises regardless of the inertial load; conversely, when using 2 min rest intervals, the inertial load should be light [77]. ...
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Background: This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to analyze whether isoinertial flywheel training (FWT) is superior to traditional resistance training (TRT) in enhancing maximal strength and muscle power in healthy individuals. Methods: Electronic searches were conducted in the Web of Science, PubMed, Cochrane Library, SPORTDiscus, and Scopus databases up to 21 April 2024. Outcomes were analyzed as continuous variables using either a random or fixed effects model to calculate the standardized mean difference (SMD) and 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results: A total of sixteen articles, involving 341 subjects, met the inclusion criteria and were included in the statistical analyses. The pooled results indicate no statistically significant differences between FWT and TRT in developing maximal strength in healthy individuals (SMD = 0.24, 95% CI [−0.26, 0.74], p = 0.35). Additionally, the pooled outcomes showed a small-sized effect in muscle power with FWT (SMD = 0.47, 95% CI [0.10, 0.84]), which was significantly higher than that with TRT (p = 0.01) in healthy individuals. Subgroup analysis revealed that when the total number of FWT sessions is between 12 and 18 (1–3 times per week), it significantly improves muscle power (SMD = 0.61, 95% CI [0.12, 1.09]). Significant effects favoring FWT for muscle power were observed in both well-trained (SMD = 0.58, 95% CI [0.04, 1.13]) and untrained individuals (SMD = 1.40, 95% CI [0.23, 2.57]). In terms of exercise, performing flywheel training with squat and lunge exercises significantly enhances muscle power (SMD = 0.43; 95% CI: 0.02–0.84, and p = 0.04). Interestingly, FWT was superior to weight stack resistance training (SMD = 0.61, 95% CI [0.21, 1.00]) in enhancing muscle power, while no significant differences were found compared to barbell free weights training (SMD = 0.36, 95% CI [−0.22, 0.94]). Conclusions: This meta-analysis confirms the superiority of FWT compared to TRT in promoting muscle power in both healthy untrained and well-trained individuals. Squats and lunges for FWT are more suitable for improving lower limb explosive power. It is recommended that coaches and trainers implement FWT for six weeks, 2–3 times per week, with at least a 48 h interval between each session. Although FWT is not superior to free weights training, it is advisable to include FWT in sport periodization to diversify the training stimuli for healthy individuals.
... Our study is not without limitations. Firstly, adjusting the flywheel's inertial setting during resistance exercise may have differential effects on force, power, and eccentric overload for men and women [33], implying that our conclusions should be limited to the male cohort under study. Secondly, greater concentric outputs during assisted squats lead to increased eccentric outputs and result in a higher mechanical load [34]. ...
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We evaluated the effects of post-activation performance enhancement through flywheel exercise with varying inertial loads compared to traditional resistance exercise on countermovement jump performance and muscle recruitment. In a randomized crossover design, 13 trained men completed four main experimental trials after three familiarization sessions. These conditions included a traditional trial consisting of 5 sets of 1 repetition using the Smith machine (SM) squat at 90% 1RM, and three flywheel ergometer trials. Each flywheel protocol consisted of 3 sets of 8 repetitions with 3-minute rest intervals between sets, utilizing one of three inertial loads (0.0465, 0.0784, and 0.1568 kg · m2 for light, moderate, and heavy, respectively). Participants performed countermovement jumps before (baseline), immediately after (0 minute), and at the fourth (+4 minutes), eighth (+8 minutes), and twelfth (+12 minutes) minute following exercise. Compared to baseline, jump height was higher at +4 minutes for SM squats (p = 0.009). All flywheel conditions exhibited higher jump heights at +4 minutes (p < 0.05), +8 minutes (p < 0.001), and +12 minutes (p < 0.001) compared to baseline. Additionally, moderate and heavy loads resulted in higher jump heights at 0 minute (both p < 0.001). Integrated electromyographic activity values, a proxy for muscle recruitment, were significantly higher for the gluteus maximus muscle at both +8 minutes and +12 minutes for moderate (both p = 0.004) and heavy loads (p ≤ 0.002) compared to SM squats. Overall, flywheel protocols produce greater post-activation performance enhancement, extend the time window for improvement, and recruit more active musculature compared to heavy-load SM squats, particularly with heavier loads acting as a stronger preload stimulus.
... Implementation of resistance training methods such as flywheel training is likely to enhance jumping performance and mechanical power [13,19,43,45]. Improvements in power and jump performance are likely to be associated with enhanced stretch-shortening cycle function and optimized ability to repeatedly perform high-intensity eccentric actions [77,78]. The most up to date evidence (considered moderate and high quality) amongst male populations highlights that flywheel training interventions of 5-24 weeks enhance jumping performance [45]. ...
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Background Flywheel resistance training has become more integrated within resistance training programs in a variety of sports due to the neuromuscular, strength, and task-specific enhancements reported with this training. Objective This paper aimed to present the consensus reached by internationally recognized experts during a meeting on current definitions and guidelines for the implementation of flywheel resistance training technology in sports. Methods Nineteen experts from different countries took part in the consensus process; 16 of them were present at the consensus meeting (18 May 2023) while three submitted their recommendations by e-mail. Prior to the meeting, evidence summaries were developed relating to areas of priority. This paper discusses the available evidence and consensus process from which recommendations were made regarding the appropriate use of flywheel resistance training technology in sports. The process to gain consensus had five steps: (1) performing a systematic review of systematic reviews, (2) updating the most recent umbrella review published on this topic, (3) first round discussion among a sample of the research group included in this consensus statement, (4) selection of research group members—process of the consensus meeting and formulation of the recommendations, and (5) the consensus process. The systematic analysis of the literature was performed to select the most up-to-date review papers available on the topic, which resulted in nine articles; their methodological quality was assessed according to AMSTAR 2 (Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Review 2) and GRADE (Grading Recommendations Assessment Development and Evaluation). Statements and recommendations scoring 7–9 were considered appropriate. Results The recommendations were based on the evidence summary and researchers’ expertise; the consensus statement included three statements and seven recommendations for the use of flywheel resistance training technology. These statements and recommendations were anonymously voted on and qualitatively analyzed. The three statements reported a score ranging from 8.1 to 8.8, and therefore, all statements included in this consensus were considered appropriate. The recommendations (1–7) had a score ranging from 7.7 to 8.6, and therefore, all recommendations were considered appropriate. Conclusions Because of the consensus achieved among the experts in this project, it is suggested that practitioners and researchers should adopt the guidelines reported in this consensus statement regarding the use of flywheel resistance technology in sports.
... However, they lead to reduced velocity and power generation (McErlain-Naylor & Beato, 2021;Spudić et al., 2020bSpudić et al., , 2021. Eccentric overload (the difference between peak force produced in the eccentric and concentric parts of the squat) increases with greater FW loads (Spudić et al., 2021) and the transition from the eccentric to the concentric part of the squat lengthens with increased FW loads (Martinez-Aranda & Fernandez-Gonzalo, 2017). In proportion to force production, the EMG amplitude of leg extensor muscles also increases with rising FW loads (Spudić et al., 2020a). ...
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The aim of our study was to evaluate differences in explosive isometric knee extension strength adaptations after a flywheel squat resistance training programs performed under low- and high-load conditions. Twenty physically active adults were randomly assigned to an individually allocated high- or low-load eight-week training intervention. Isometric knee extension rate of torque development (RTD) and rate of electromyography signal rise (RER) variables were assessed pre and post eight-week intervention. Statistically significant improvements in the RTD slope variables (100 and 200 ms time intervals after the onset of torque rise; p < 0,05) were observed, regardless of the training load used. Normalized averaged vastus lateralis and rectus femoris electromyography (EMG) amplitude decreased in the intervals 80 ms before, and 75, 100 and 200 ms after the onset of activation (all p < 0,05), regardless of the training group. Our results suggest that high- and low-load resistance flywheel training interventions induce similar increases in explosive knee extension strength, accompanied with a decrease in time-analog normalized EMG signal amplitude.
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We investigated the effect of 8 weeks of high intensity interval training (HIT) and isoinertial resistance training (IRT) on cardiovascular fitness, muscle mass-strength and risk factors of metabolic syndrome in 12 healthy older adults (68 yy ± 4). HIT consisted in 7 two-minute repetitions at 80%-90% of V˙O2max, 3 times/w. After 4 months of recovery, subjects were treated with IRT, which included 4 sets of 7 maximal, bilateral knee extensions/flexions 3 times/w on a leg-press flywheel ergometer. HIT elicited significant: i) modifications of selected anthropometrical features; ii) improvements of cardiovascular fitness and; iii) decrease of systolic pressure. HIT and IRT induced hypertrophy of the quadriceps muscle, which, however, was paralleled by significant increases in strength only after IRT. Neither HIT nor IRT induced relevant changes in blood lipid profile, with the exception of a decrease of LDL and CHO after IRT. Physiological parameters related with aerobic fitness and selected body composition values predicting cardiovascular risk remained stable during detraining and, after IRT, they were complemented by substantial increase of muscle strength, leading to further improvements of quality of life of the subjects.
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This study examined the effects of a novel iso-inertial eccentric overload and vibration training (EVT) paradigm on change of direction speed and multiple performance tests applicable to soccer. Twenty-four young, male players were assigned to EVT (n=12) or conventional combined (CONV, n=12) group, once weekly for 11 weeks. EVT consisted of 2 sets of 6-10 repetitions in 5 specific and 3 complementary exercises. CONV used comparable volume (2 sets of 6-10 reps in 3 sequences of 3 exercises) of conventional combined weight, plyometric and linear speed exercises. Pre- and post intervention tests included 25-m sprint with 4 x 45° change of direction (COD) every 5th m (V-cut test), 10- and 30-m sprints, repeat sprint ability (RSA), countermovement jump (CMJ) and hopping (RJ5). Group comparison showed very likely to likely better performance for EVT in the COD (effect size; ES=1.42), 30-m (ES=0.98), 10-m (ES=1.17), and average power (ES=0.69) and jumping height (ES=0.69) during RJ5. There was a large (r=-0.55) relationship between the increase in average hopping power and the reduced V-cut time. As EVT, not CONV, improved COD ability but also linear speed and reactive jumping, this "proof-of-principle" study suggests this novel exercise paradigm performed once weekly, could serve as a viable adjunct to improve performance tasks specific to soccer.
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Power is a fundamental component for many sporting activities; while the load that elicits peak power during different exercises and differences between sexes remains unclear. This study aims to determine the effect of sex and load on kinematic and kinetic variables during the mid-thigh clean pull. Men (n = 10) and women (n = 10) performed the mid-thigh clean pull at intensities of 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%, 120%, and 140% of one repetition maximum (1RM) power clean in a randomised and counter-balanced order, while assessing bar velocity, bar displacement, power, force, and impulse. Two-way analysis of variance revealed that men demonstrated significantly greater (p < 0.05) values for all variables across loads, excluding bar velocity. Men demonstrated significantly greater (p < 0.05) bar velocities with 40-80% 1RM; in contrast, women demonstrated significantly (p < 0.05) higher velocities with 120-140% 1RM. Irrespective of sex significantly greater (p < 0.05), system peak power, bar velocity, and displacement occurred with 40% 1RM. In contrast, peak force and impulse were significantly (p < 0.05) greater with 140% 1RM. When performing the mid-thigh clean pull, to maximise system power or bar velocity, lower loads (40-60% 1RM) are recommended. When training force production or impulse, higher loads (120-140% 1RM) are recommended, when using the mid-thigh clean pull.
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Abstract There has been much debate as to optimal loading strategies for maximising the adaptive response to resistance exercise. The purpose of this paper therefore was to conduct a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials to compare the effects of low-load (≤60% 1 repetition maximum [RM]) versus high-load (≥65% 1 RM) training in enhancing post-exercise muscular adaptations. The strength analysis comprised 251 subjects and 32 effect sizes (ESs), nested within 20 treatment groups and 9 studies. The hypertrophy analysis comprised 191 subjects and 34 ESs, nested with 17 treatment groups and 8 studies. There was a trend for strength outcomes to be greater with high loads compared to low loads (difference = 1.07 ± 0.60; CI: -0.18, 2.32; p = 0.09). The mean ES for low loads was 1.23 ± 0.43 (CI: 0.32, 2.13). The mean ES for high loads was 2.30 ± 0.43 (CI: 1.41, 3.19). There was a trend for hypertrophy outcomes to be greater with high loads compared to low loads (difference = 0.43 ± 0.24; CI: -0.05, 0.92; p = 0.076). The mean ES for low loads was 0.39 ± 0.17 (CI: 0.05, 0.73). The mean ES for high loads was 0.82 ± 0.17 (CI: 0.49, 1.16). In conclusion, training with loads ≤50% 1 RM was found to promote substantial increases in muscle strength and hypertrophy in untrained individuals, but a trend was noted for superiority of heavy loading with respect to these outcome measures with null findings likely attributed to a relatively small number of studies on the topic.
El objetivo del presente estudio fue comparar los valores de potencia y trabajo obtenidos en tiempo real mediante los sistemas BlueBrainTM y SmartCoachTM, durante ejercicio de fuerza en una prensa de piernas equipada con tecnología inercial flywheel, usando diferentes inercias (cargas). Se realizaron ocho series de siete repeticiones a intensidades variable y máxima, con dos minutos de descanso entre series, para cada inercia utilizada en el protocolo: 0.0125; 0.025; 0.0375; 0.05; 0.0625 y 0.075 kg*m², midiendo simultáneamente la potencia media concéntrica y el trabajo total (concéntrico-excéntrico) con ambos dispositivos. Los datos fueron analizados mediante un análisis de regresión lineal y un estudio de correlación. Se observó una correlación altamente significativa en los datos de potencia media entre ambos dispositivos en todas las inercias e intensidades evaluadas, tanto a nivel individual como global, (r=.968; Sig.(bilateral)=.000; R2=.937). De la misma forma, los datos de trabajo correlacionaron de forma muy significativa (r=.978; Sig.(bilateral)=.000; R2=.957). Las diferencias de registro entre ambos dispositivos oscilaron en un rango de 2.6-4.3 %. Dado el alto grado de significación en las correlaciones analizadas para potencia y trabajo, todo parece indicar que ambos dispositivos se muestran como instrumentos válidos y similares para estimar la potencia y el trabajo durante ejercicios de fuerza con tecnología inercial, siendo de gran ayuda para el seguimiento y control del entrenamiento usando esta tecnología.Abstract. The aim of this study was to compare real-time values of power and work obtained through BlueBrainTM and SmartCoachTM systems during flywheel leg press exercise using different inertias (loads). Eight sets of seven repetitions were performed at variable and maximum intensity for each inertia used (i.e. 0.0125; 0.025; 0.0375; 0.05; 0.0625 and 0.075 kg*m2), with 2 minutes recovery between sets. Average power during concentric actions and total work (concentric-eccentric) were measured simultaneously using both systems. Data were analysed using a linear regression analysis and correlation procedures. Strong significant correlations were observed in average power results between both data acquisition systems for all individual inertias and intensities evaluated, as well as for overall data (r=.968; Sig.(2-tailed)=.000; R2=.937). In addition, work values showed clear significant correlations (r=.978; Sig.(2-tailed)=.000; R2=.957). Differences between devices oscillated over a range of 2.6-4.3%. The strong correlations found in power and work values seem to indicate that both data acquisition systems are similar and valid to estimate power and work during resistance exercises employing flywheel inertial technology. Thus, both devices may represent a helpful tool to control and follow up training using flywheel technology.
Statistical procedures underpin the process of scientific discovery. As researchers, one way we use these procedures is to test the validity of a null hypothesis. Often, we test the validity of more than one null hypothesis. If we fail to use an appropriate procedure to account for this multiplicity, then we are more likely to reach a wrong scientific conclusion-we are more likely to make a mistake. In physiology, experiments that involve multiple comparisons are common: of the original articles published in 1997 by the American Physiological Society, approximately 40% cite a multiple comparison procedure. In this review, I demonstrate the statistical issue embedded in multiple comparisons, and I summarize the philosophies of handling this issue. I also illustrate the three procedures-Newman-Keuls, Bonferroni, least significant difference-cited most often in my literature review; each of these procedures is of limited practical value. Last, I demonstrate the false discovery rate procedure, a promising development in multiple comparisons. The false discovery rate procedure may be the best practical solution to the problems of multiple comparisons that exist within physiology and other scientific disciplines.
The aim of this study was to compare real-time values of power and work obtained through BlueBrain™ and SmartCoach™ systems during flywheel leg press exercise using different inertias (loads). Eight sets of seven repetitions were performed at variable and maximum intensity for each inertia used (i.e. 0.0125; 0.025; 0.0375; 0.05; 0.0625 and 0.075 kg∗m²), with 2 minutes recovery between sets. Average power during concentric actions and total work (concentric-eccentric) were measured simultaneously using both systems. Data were analysed using a linear regression analysis and correlation procedures. Strong significant correlations were observed in average power results between both data acquisition systems for all individual inertias and intensities evaluated, as well as for overall data (r=.968; Sig.(2-tailed)=.000; R2=.937). In addition, work values showed clear significant correlations (r=.978; Sig.(2-tailed)=.000; R2=.957). Differences between devices oscillated over a range of 2.6-4.3%. The strong correlations found in power and work values seem to indicate that both data acquisition systems are similar and valid to estimate power and work during resistance exercises employing flywheel inertial technology. Thus, both devices may represent a helpful tool to control and follow up training using flywheel technology. © Copyright: Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF).
Dividing training objectives into consecutive phases to gain morphological adaptations (hypertrophy phase) and neural adaptations (strength and power phases) is called strength-power periodization (SPP). These phases differ in program variables (volume, intensity, and exercise choice or type) and use stepwise intensity progression and concomitant decreasing volume, converging to peak intensity (peaking phase). Undulating periodization strategies rotate these program variables in a bi-weekly, weekly, or daily fashion. The following review addresses the effects of different short-term periodization models on strength and speed-strength both with subjects of different performance levels and with competitive athletes from different sports who use a particular periodization model during off-season, pre-season, and in-season conditioning. In most periodization studies, it is obvious that the strength endurance sessions are characterized by repetition zones (12–15 repetitions) that induce muscle hypertrophy in persons with a low performance level. Strictly speaking, when examining subjects with a low training level, many periodization studies include mainly hypertrophy sessions interspersed with heavy strength/power sessions. Studies have demonstrated equal or statistically significant higher gains in maximal strength for daily undulating periodization compared with SPP in subjects with a low to moderate performance level. The relatively short intervention period and the lack of concomitant sports conditioning call into question the practical value of these findings for competitive athletes. Possibly owing to differences in mesocycle length, conditioning programs, and program variables, competitive athletes either maintained or improved strength and/or speed-strength performance by integrating daily undulating periodization and SPP during off-season, pre-season and in-season conditioning. In highperformance sports, high-repetition strength training (>15) should be avoided because it does not provide an adequate training stimulus for gains in muscle cross-sectional area and strength performance. High-volume circuit strength training performed over 2 years negatively affected the development of the power output and maximal strength of the upper extremities in professional rugby players. Indeed, meta-analyses and results with weightlifters, American Football players, and throwers confirm the necessity of the habitual use of >80 % 1 RM: (1) to improve maximal strength during the off-season and in-season in American Football, (2) to reach peak performance in maximal strength and vertical jump power during tapering in track and field, and (3) to produce hypertrophy and strength improvements in advanced athletes. The integration and extent of hypertrophy strength training in in-season conditioning depend on the duration of the contest period, the frequency of the contests, and the proportion of the conditioning program. Based on the literature, 72 h between hypertrophy strength training and strength-power training should be provided to allow for adequate regeneration times and therefore maximal stimulus intensities in training. This conclusion is only valid if the muscle is not trained otherwise during this regeneration phase. Thus, rotating hypertrophy and strength-power sessions in a microcycle during the season is a viable option. Comparative studies in competitive athletes who integrated strength training during pre-season conditioning confirm a tendency for gains in explosive strength and statistically significant improvements in medicine ball throw through SPP but not through daily undulating periodization. These findings indicate that to maximize the speed-strength in the short term (peaking), elite athletes should perform strength-power training twice per week. It is possible to perform a single strength-power session with the method of maximum explosive strength actions moving high-weight loads (90 % 1 repetition maximum [RM]) at least 1–2 days before competition because of the shorter regeneration times and potentiation effects. Compared with ballistic strength training (30 % 1 RM), this method has been shown to provide statistically superior gains in maximal strength, peak power, impulse size, and explosive strength during tapering in track-and-field throwers. The speed-strength performance in drop jumps of strength-trained subjects showed potentiation effects 48–148 h after a single strength-power training session. Regarding neuromuscular performance, plyometric exercises can even be performed after strength-power training on the same day if a minimum rest period of 3 h is provided.