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Electronic differential is advancement in electric vehicles technology along with the more traction control. The electronic differential provides the required torque for each driving wheel and allows different wheel speeds electronically. It is used in place of the mechanical differential in multi-drive systems. When cornering the inner and outer wheels rotate at different speeds, because the inner wheels describe a smaller turning radius. The electronic differential uses the steering wheel command signal, throttle position signals and the motor speed signals to control the power to each wheel so that all wheels are supplied with the torque they need. The proposed control structure is based on the PID control for each wheel motor. PID Control system is then evaluated in the Matlab/Simulink environment. Electronic differential have the advantages of replacing loosely, heavy and inefficient mechanical transmission and mechanical differential with a more efficient, light and small electric motors directly coupled to the wheels using a single gear reduction or an in-wheel motor.
Intern ational Journ al of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 1322
ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2013
Electronic differential in electric vehicles
Akshay aggarwal
Abstract - Electronic differential is advancement in electric vehicles technology along with the more traction control. The
electronic differential provides the required torque for each driving wheel and allows different wheel speeds
electronically. It is used in place of the mechanical differential in multi-drive systems. When cornering the inner and outer
wheels rotate at different speeds, because the inner wheels describe a smaller turning radius. The electronic differential
uses the steering wheel command signal, throttle position signals and the motor speed signals to control the power to
each wheel so that all wheels are supplied with the torque they need. The proposed control structure is based on the PID
control for each wheel motor. PID Control system is then evaluated in the Matlab/Simulink environment. Electronic
differential have the advantages of replacing loosely, heavy and inefficient mechanical transmission and mechanical
differential with a more efficient, light and small electric motors directly coupled to the wheels using a single gear
reduction or an in-wheel motor.
Index terms PID controller, electric vehicle, controller area network, electronic control unit, electronic differential
—————————— ——————————
1 Introduction
The heavy body including the structure and materials
used in Electric Vehicle has always been a field of
interest to designers. Their continuous research work to
reduce the weight of the body has interested many
people worldwide. The main attraction has always been
reduction of body mass, including structure and form
optimization or by adopting aluminum materials.
Vehicles have seen an improvement on both motor
design and control technology. Modern configurations
include motorized wheels, where motors are fitted in the
wheels of EVs and thus improve air quality, reducing
the reliance on fossil fuels of power vehicles.
Here we ponder upon the use of Electronic Differential
(ED), replacing the conventional gearbox and the usual
configuration of EVs with only one traction-motor
driving two wheels. It reduces the overall mass of an EV
by replacing the conventional mechanical differential.
Now the speed reference computation in the double-
driven EV can be controlled by ED through the
torque/rotation-speed curve of an electric motor which is
almost perfectly adapted to the resistance-torque/speed
curve of an electric vehicle. In case of curvilinear
trajectory or a lane change each wheel is controlled
through an ED in order to satisfy the motion
3 Electric Vehicle Mechanical Load
The vehicle mechanical load is characterized by many
torqueses, which are considered resistive. The different
Intern ational Journ al of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 1323
ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2013
torques include: The vehicle inertial torque defined by
the following relationship:
Fres = froll + faero + fslo pe
Froll = µ.mg
Faero = 1/2pCxSv2
3 Electronic Differential
The main purpose of the electronic differential (ED) is to
substitute the mechanical differential in multi-drive
systems, providing the required torque for each driving
wheel and allowing different wheel speeds.
 =+
 = 
 =+ 
 
 =  
 
 = =.
 
> 0  
= 0  
< 0  
4 PID control system
A proportional-integral-derivative controller (PID
controller) is a family of controllers. They are the
solution of choice when a controller is needed to close
the loop and gives the designer a larger number of
options and those options mean that there are more
possibilities for changing the dynamics of the system in
a way that helps the designer. A PID controller
calculates an "error" value as the difference between a
measured process variable and a desired set point. The
controller attempts to minimize the error by adjusting
the process control takes the in wheel encoder
values as feedback and will check it again and again in
closed loop to reduce the error.
PID controllers can be viewed as three terms - a
proportional term which provides an overall control
action proportional to the error signal through the all
pass gain factor, and integral term, reducing steady state
errors through low frequency compensation by an
integrator and a derivative term, improving transient
response through high-frequency compensation by a
Intern ational Journ al of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 1324
ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2013
differentiator - added together. PID controllers are also
known as three-term controllers and three-mode
5 Electronic control units
Two DC hub motors are used in this case. The Electronic
control unit carries out the following basic tasks:
1. Reads the calibrated steering angle potentiometer
voltage and based on this it then calculates the steering
angle and also determines whether the vehicle is moving
straight, turning left or right.
2 .Reads the throttle potentiometer voltage so that the
desired vehicle speed is known.
3. Based on the above information, the ratio of the two
speeds VL/VR is calculated using the appropriate
equation such as Equation shown earlier
4. A separate Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) signal is
then applied to each of the two motors in accordance
with the required speed ratio.
The above sequence is repeated at an extremely fast rate
so that the ECU continues to make adjustments on a
continuous basis
6 Vehicle communication can bus
The CAN bus (controller area network) is a vehicle bus
standard. It communicates with the microcontrollers and
devices within a vehicle without a host computer. CAN
bus is a message-based protocol, designed specifically
for automotive applications. CAN is a multi-master
broadcast serial bus standard for connecting electronic
control units (ECUs).
Here we are using embedded Atmel controllers family
with embedded can. CAN controller will help us to
communicate within the vehicle up to a speed of 1 mbps
without any host computer, to get the data from sensors
at very high speed in serial communication. The can
controller is designed in matlab.
7. Results
Intern ational Journ al of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 11, November-2013 1325
ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2013
Initially when the throttle input is 1.7 volt.
When steering wheel is turned left
When the steering wheel turned right
8. Conclusion
In this paper, a PID controller has been used for an
electronic differential to control two-independent-wheel
drive electric vehicle. The electronic differential has been
discussed over mechanical differential, proving it to be a
better device with better features implemented in it. The
results of the electronic differential system operated
satisfactorily and that a two-wheel-individual drive
electric vehicle can operate smoothly on both a straight
or curved path using a PID closed loop control system.
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ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2013
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... The planet gears are not restricted from turning against each other, within that motion, the sun gears can counter-rotate relative to the ring gear and to each other under the same force- Fig. 1. [3]. ...
... An electric motor with power 20HP is used to rotate the pinion bearing of differential which facilitates the motion to the inside gears through a While checking the differential there may be problems in preadjusted backlash, face out and in preload. Now these all are rectified by shifting the differential to another table and by dismantling there [3,4]. ...
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Simplicity in doing a work leads to its quality and efficiency. It also improves workers satisfaction and thus productivity. The testing table of differential used now in industry posses many difficulties. Automation and 5′S techniques improve effective time consumption in machine shop for production and housekeeping. The testing of differential is done by coupling the unit with a motor shaft. The motor is allowed to move forward and back through a guide way assembly. The motion is obtained by appoint machine. The end of motor shaft is designed as a mating part of the special designed part which can be screwed on differential. Thus the rotation of gears inside differential enables and testing of gear contact can be done. Existing manual clamping of the differential to the table by tightening of the screw was redesigned by two plates which are designed as mating with differential side, which move from both sides of the table to lock the differential part tight to the table. Both the plates are enabled with individual levers which can operate with both hands of worker simultaneously. Backlash and face out problem occurred in differential can be rectified by inserting the adjusting tool to the cut inside the table which is newly designed. With the effective implementation of all the three methods together, will leads to less consumption of time by 29% and, thus improves productivity by 40%.
... This system can be used for practices such as low speed and double lane change operation. (Akshay Aggarwal, 2013) [5] Implied electronic controlled differential provides light weight structure with elimination of the gear box. Also during turn, power transfers to both wheel at different torque. ...
... And an intelligent system utilised when turn is to be taken, this system distributes higher power to inner wheel. 3.5 Electronic controlled differential Figure 5: Electronic controlled differential [5] Recent work is being held on to reduce weight of the body. The main attraction has always been reduction of weight using light weight materials for chassis and design modifications. ...
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First car was invented by Karl Benz in 1887 and car is modifying day by day from last 130 years. Although today’s automobile looks different from that first invented, the power transmission system has not changed enough. The engine, clutch, gear box, propeller shaft and simple differential are being used from last 130 years have some limitations as today’s lifestyle is 130 year ahead of that system. Generally, some limitations regarding differential can be observed such as one or both wheels of drive system lifted up, on slippery track, stucked into mud or stucked to obstacle then, vehicle struggles to move further. In said situations rate of failure to overcome the problem is very high in conventional as well as some of the modern differentials. Hence a comparative study among all of these differentials becomes essential. It is hoped, this paper will help us to know various differentials available.
... The electronic differential is therefore used to provide the required torques and speeds for each wheel. The slip on the rear wheels is ignored, so the speed of the wheels can be defined as a function of the radius of the wheels [21][22][23]. ...
... Thus: ̇( 1 , 2 ) = − 1 1 2 − 2 2 2 < 0 with: 1,2 > 0. The stability of the two subsystems is checked. To solve (21) with two unknown virtual inputs; another equation of the two torques will be made from the step 3 and 4. ...
The aim of this paper is the control of electric powered wheelchairs (EPW) which was made for people suffering of temporary or permanent disabilities due to illnesses or accidents. The EPW is powered by two Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM) that are characterized by high efficiency, high torque, low noise and robustness; hence the dynamic model of the both EPW-motors is presented in the first. After that, a comparative study is made between two nonlinear command theory; Integrator Backstepping based on the second method of Lyapunov which combine the choice of the energy function with the laws control, and, fuzzy logic introduced to approach human reasoning with the help of an adequate representation of knowledge. To evaluate the performance of the two controls, numerical simulations are presented to show the evolution of electrical and mechanical quantities, the energy consumed and the squared error of the displacement and velocity. However, the reference trajectory used is that generated by the fifth-degree polynomial interpolation, which ensures a regular trajectory that is continuous in positions, velocities and accelerations.
... The traction enhancement while simultaneously allowing one wheel to rotate faster than the other popularized the LSDs (Haas and Manwaring, 1971). In addition, electronically controlled differentials (Aggarwal, 2013) and torque vectoring differentials (Croft-White and Harrison, 2006) are other main types of differentials. ...
This chapter embarks on a detailed exploration of electric and hybrid vehicle (EV/HEV) propulsion systems, laying a foundational understanding of the diverse topologies that distinguish EVs from HEVs. It begins with a general overview, setting the stage for a deeper dive into the various propulsion systems and the inherent differences in their configurations. This introductory section aims to clarify the fundamental design principles that underpin these two categories of vehicles, providing a clear distinction between their operational mechanisms. Progressing from this foundational knowledge, the chapter systematically dissects the main components of the drive system, including the energy storage system, motor, inverter, control strategies, mechanical transmission, and differential. Each element is scrutinized not only for its role and importance in the overall vehicle architecture but also for the recent technological advancements that have been made. This part of the chapter serves as a critical review of state-of-the-art technologies, highlighting cutting-edge developments in materials, design, and functionality that enhance the performance, efficiency, and sustainability of EVs and HEVs.
... With hub motor technologies, four separate motors can be placed on four wheels without the need for power transmission systems in electric vehicles, and vehicles can also be moved with two motors on two wheels. This affects the range of electric vehicles significantly [5]. ...
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Nowadays, decrease in the oil reserves, effect of the exhaust gas emissions of thermal motor vehicles on air pollution and the increasing environmental problems arising due to air pollution have increased the significance of electric vehicles. In this study, a light and easy to use electric vehicle without power transmission organs has been designed and manufactured by driving the vehicle from the rear via the electric motor on the third wheel being located at the back of the vehicle without using a heavy and space-consuming mechanical gearbox and differential. Absence of powertrains in this vehicle will improve lightness and efficiency in the vehicle. While the vehicle is steered with the two wheels at the front side, the third wheel located at the rear, on which the electric motor is located, acts as driving wheel. Main power source of an electric vehicle is the battery. An electric vehicle gets its propulsion from batteries.
... The electronic differential is therefore used to provide the required torque and speed references for each wheel. The slip on the rear wheels is ignored, so the speed of the wheels can be defined as a function of the radius of the wheels [27][28][29]. Figure 2 shows the steering left of the EPW. The longitudinal speed of each wheel drive can be expressed as: (12) Where and is the steering angle, the angular speeds are: ...
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Various controllers have been applied to control the dynamics of Electric Powered Wheelchair (EPW) for people whose walking are difficult or impossible, due to illness or disability. This paper deals with the nonlinear control of an electric wheelchair based on the hybridization between fuzzy logic and sliding mode control called Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control (FSMC). The EPW is powered by two Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM) due to some advantageous features, such as high efficiency, high torque to the current ratio, low noise and robustness. This research aims to present the dynamic modelling of both EPW motors with Lagrangian method in the first step, and the application of fuzzy sliding mode control in the second. This control technique was presented in order to consider the full dynamic model while alleviating the chattering phenomenon and to increase trajectory tracking performance of the EPW in the presence of disturbances. However, the reference trajectory used is that generated by the fifth-degree polynomial interpolation, which ensures a regular trajectory that is continuous in positions, velocities and accelerations. Finally, numerical simulations are presented to show the evolution of electrical and mechanical quantities in order to verify the effectiveness of the control strategy.
The aim of the study is to promote deeper understandings in the Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Technology by reviewing the current literature. Various types of EVs along with their basic principle and functioning are discussed based on their unique technology. The Hybrid Electric Vehicles which are emerging as the alternative to ICE Vehicles are discussed with their types. The facets for different Drivetrains within the research sector are extensive. This article also outlines the vital knowledge on various architectures of Drivetrain for meeting the desired requirement in the application and highlights the expertise of Drivetrain. A quick glance of main components required for functioning of EV such as Electric motors, energy storage devices, power electronics, battery management system is also summed up. It also covers an important part of EV, which is Energy management systems, which manages the available energy optimally for efficient use. Further, the overview of powertrain topology is also included for better understandings on the functioning of various systems in Electric Vehicles. Unlike an ICE Vehicle, there are new systems in Electric Vehicles, which were discussed with their functionality in the perspective of EV application at the end of the study.
In this paper, a fuzzy torque vectoring differential controller is proposed to improve the lateral stability for the two-motor-wheel drive electric buses with low sensor cost and computational cost. In order to know the unmeasured sideslip angle, unscented Kalman filter algorithm is used to accurately estimate the sideslip angle based on a nonlinear electric bus model and the measured yaw rate and lateral acceleration signals. Given the advantages of high computational efficiency and human’s heuristic knowledge, fuzzy rules are newly designed to control the torque vectoring differentials, and thereby to provide an extra yaw moment on the electric bus body to compensate the driver steering aiming at stability enhancement. To validate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed fuzzy torque vectoring differential controller, hardware-in-the-loop tests were carried out to evaluate the controller performance in real-time under different driving maneuvers and road conditions. The test results indicate that the fuzzy torque vectoring differential controller can significantly improve the handling and path-following accuracy for the two-motor-wheel drive electric buses.
We have observed that eminent professors and active researchers from various technical institutions across the Nation contributed to the book chapters which are focused on state-of-the-art areas related to Computing, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Civil Engineering and Mechanical Sciences.
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We model an electronic differential that will offer the best vehicle stability on a curved road. The proposed traction system consists of two permanent magnet synchronous (PMS) machines that ensure the drive of two back-driving wheels. The contribution of each wheel to the advance of the vehicle is represented by an element conveying the accumulation of mechanical coupling. The proposed control structure is based on the direct torque fuzzy control for each wheel-motor. Different simulations have been carried out: vehicle driven ons straight road, vehicle driven on straight road with slope, and vehicle driven over a road curved left and right. The simulation results show good vehicle stability on a curved road.
Conference Paper
This paper presents developments on hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) prototype design from the viewpoint of electronic interfacing to the accelerator pedal, clutch and brake while assuring safe operation of the vehicle and maximizing fuel efficiency. The presented interface design has been implemented during the stage of modifying a front wheel drive commercial vehicle into a four wheel drive HEV. The demand for developing vehicle with improved fuel efficiency necessitates an intensive modification of its electronic and mechanical structure to maintain the electronic safety system of the vehicle. HEV technology is a promising solution for reducing fuel consumption and pollutant gas emission levels. The selection of drive train configuration and its suitable components, the design of the electric and electronic interface circuits that should be able to interface with power-train control unit as well as the overall vehicle control system are the main issues in the system retrofit procedure. Diverse configurations and hybrid component selections highly influence the integration process as well as the overall performance results expected from the vehicle. Electric and electronic circuits, which are integrated for implementing the hybrid controller for both traction and regenerative braking purposes via CAN interface using Rapid Control Prototyping technique offered by dSPACE digital signal processor, are presented for a second generation prototype Ford Transit hybrid electric van.
Conference Paper
This paper examines and compares two commonly used steering geometries, the Ackermann and skid steering, using mathematical models formulated in a nonlinear state space form. For the skid-steering case, a steering mapping technique has been developed, which allows transformation of the inputs from a steering voltage and voltage forward demand to appropriate wheel actuator voltages. A comparison of the two models is then made using a heuristic mapping algorithm
Free download: Designing and tuning a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller appears to be conceptually intuitive, but can be hard in practice, if multiple (and often conflicting) objectives such as short transient and high stability are to be achieved. Usually, initial designs obtained by all means need to be adjusted repeatedly through computer simulations until the closed-loop system performs or compromises as desired. This stimulates the development of "intelligent" tools that can assist engineers to achieve the best overall PID control for the entire operating envelope. This development has further led to the incorporation of some advanced tuning algorithms into PID hardware modules. Corresponding to these developments, this paper presents a modern overview of functionalities and tuning methods in patents, software packages and commercial hardware modules. It is seen that many PID variants have been developed in order to improve transient performance, but standardising and modularising PID control are desired, although challenging. The inclusion of system identification and "intelligent" techniques in software based PID systems helps automate the entire design and tuning process to a useful degree. This should also assist future development of "plug-and-play" PID controllers that are widely applicable and can be set up easily and operate optimally for enhanced productivity, improved quality and reduced maintenance requirements.
The application of vector control to the PMSM (permanent-magnet synchronous motor) is described, and complete modeling, simulation, and analysis of the drive system are presented. State-space models of the motor and speed controller and real-time models of the inverter switches and vector controller are included. Performance differences due to the use of pulsewidth-modulation (PWM) and hysteresis current controllers are also examined. Particular attention is paid to the motor torque pulsations and speed response. Some experimental verification of the drive performance is also given