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Southeastern Europe in the transition to agriculture in Europe: Bridge, buffer, or mosaic (2000)



Plants and animals originally domesticated in the Near East arrived in Europe between 7000 and 4000 BC. Was the new technology introduced by migrants, or was it an 'inside job'? How were the new species adapted to European conditions? What were the immediate and long-term consequences of the transition from hunting and gathering to farming? These central questions in the prehistory of Europe are discussed here by leading specialists, drawing on scholarship in fields as diverse as genetics and IndoEuropean linguistics. Detailed studies document the differences between European regions, and fresh generalisations about the origins of European agriculture are also proposed and debated.
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... The chronological framework cannot be clearly fixed, on the one hand highlighting the fragility of the distinction of a clear limit in time in terms of historical periodization, and on the other hand illustrating the difficulties in interpreting the processes of social and economic changes in the study area. The observation, although provisional, being there is no chronological limit between Mesolithic and Neolithic, rather a multitude of cultural interactions staggered in time -it seems useful to return here to the concept of «mosaics» evoked in our introduction (Tringham 2000)leading only belatedly to a more stable state in the second half of the 5 th millennia BCE (e. g. the assemblage at Egolzwil-Station 3 LU). While it is not yet possible to achieve an in-depth discourse on the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition processes in Switzerland, the material studies give a first impression of the situation of populations between 6000 and 4500 calBC. ...
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This paper presents a review of the transition between the Mesolithic and Neolithic in Switzerland, covering the period from the Late Mesolithic (around 6000 calBC) to the onset of the full Neolithic (around 4500 calBC). By bringing together various regional perspectives, the study explores Switzerland's archaeological landscape, examining key areas like the Jura Arc, the western and eastern parts of the Swiss Plateau, the Upper Rhine Graben, the Rhine and Rhône Valleys and the central and southern Alps. This overview on the state of research highlights the importance of the Mesolithic to the understanding of transitional processes. It confirms the establishment of the major currents of European Neolithisation in the neighbouring regions and the development of specific situations resulting from multiple influences. By revisiting fundamental aspects, the article aims to reopen the debate on the processes at play in the transition between the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods.
... In this chapter, our overarching goal is to assess the impact of prehistoric communities inhabiting the southern Balkans and their surrounding environment, with a particular focus on the advent of the Neolithisation. First farming communities were established in our study area, which includes northern Greece and southern North Macedonia, by the mid-7th millennium BC (Chrysostomou et al. 2015), making it particularly well-suited to understand the expansion of Neolithic farming from Anatolia into Central Europe (Tringham 2000). First, we summarise recent advances in high-precision chronologies for lake sediment sequences that allow more direct comparison with the archaeological evidence. ...
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Here, we provide an overview on the environmental impact of Europe’s first farmers, focusing on the vegetation shifts that occurred in the southern Balkans during the Neolithisation. First, we draw on recent methodological developments in palaeoecology that contribute to tighten its linkages with archaeology. We start highlighting the importance of highly precise and accurate lake sediment chronologies to enhance comparison with dendrochronologically dated archaeological settlements. Then, we assess modern pollen-vegetation relationships to better interpret the fossil pollen records. The results reveal (i) an overall good match between the main vegetation types of the southern Balkans and their soil pollen assemblages, and (ii) that pollen assemblages from lake surface samples reflect reliably the surrounding vegetation. Afterwards, we summarise our latest results from the region. In Limni Zazari (Greece), continuous pollen recordsof cerealsand ruderal plants allow dating early farming activities around 6250 BC. At Ploča Mičov Grad (Lake Ohrid, North Macedonia), pollen evidence of cereals and weeds place the onset of the Neolithic at 5500–5100 BC, i.e. significantly earlier than the tree-ring inferred age of the settlement. Current efforts aim at producing new palaeoecological records, refining the available ones, and adding palaeoclimaticreconstructionsClimate that allow determining which role climate variability played in the Neolithisation.
... Farming spread through the Balkans between ca. 8.6 and 8.0 ka cal B.P., and several authors have speculated that as the agricultural frontier approached the Danube, interaction with farmers could have disrupted the Mesolithic settlement-subsistence system in the Iron Gates (Boric 2011;Tringham 2000; see also Bonsall 2008:277). While this might explain the 14 C discontinuity centered on 8.3 ka cal B.P., it could not account for the reduction in the number of 14 C ages around 9.3 ka cal B.P.; while the 14 C discontinuity commencing after 7.8 ka cal B.P., which appears to have marked a sharp decline in Neolithic occupation of the Iron Gates sites (Bonsall et al. 2002a;Bonsall 2008), occurred several centuries after farming had been established in the region. ...
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The Mesolithic-Early Neolithic radiocarbon record for the Iron Gates is compared against the regional paleoclimatic record. Well-marked minima in the frequency of radiocarbon dates at ca. 9.5-9.0 ka, 8.65-8.0 ka and after 7.8 ka cal B.P. coincide with “rapid climate change events” recorded in Greenland ice cores and paleoclimate archives from the Danube catchment. Four possible explanations of the observed radiocarbon discontinuities are considered: dwindling fish resources, changes in the social environment linked to the spread of farming, flood-induced settlement relocations, and taphonomic effects.
... Demic diffusion implies the expansion of popu lations (and changes in their size), inhabiting new areas and bringing their way of life, while cultur al diffusion implies the transfer of ideas and know ledge (related to new technologies, agriculture, animal husbandry, etc.) to indigenous huntergatherer com munities. When it comes to demographic models of po pulation expansion, the following can be dis tin guished: the wave of advance model, the socalled leapfrog (or selective) colonization, elite dominance, infiltration, and individual border mobility, to name just some of them (Ammerman, Cavalli-Sforza 1973;1984;Renfrew 1987;Tringham 2000;Whittle et al. 2002;Richards 2003;Bar-Yosef 2004;Pinhasi et al. 2005;Davison et al. 2007;Bocquet-Appel et al. 2009;Boriae, Price 2013). ...
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This study addresses the dynamics of the Neolithic expansion in the Central Balkans by reconstructing its direction and speed of spread. The Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) method is applied to the earliest radiocarbon dates from Starčevo culture sites in Serbia. Local speed estimates are derived from the earliest dates within specified spatial bins. The results confirm the assumed south-to-north direction, revealing rapid progression, particularly in the southernmost region. The possibility of pioneering scouting groups was also discussed. The results confirm the arrhythmicity of the Neolithization processes and higher local spread rates while offering new insights into Starčevo culture mobility.
... Dietary change across the transition in the Iron Gates of the Danube has been the focus of considerable discussion; while there may be a decline in the use of fish with the appearance of the Neolithic, it seems that the resource was far from abandoned. The question is how characteristic this subsistence economy was of the wider region away from the steep river valley, which presents a very distinctive habitat generally unsuited to farming and stock-keeping (Tringham 2000). Nevertheless, domestic animals were certainly present as a comparatively minor component of the mammalian fauna (Bonsall et al. 2004;Borić and Dimitrijević 2007). ...
The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Diet aims to provide a survey of both the diversity of human diet in the past as well as providing solid information on the many approaches to the topic. Thus the aim was not just to present what we know, but how we gain that understanding. The first section presents research on the diets of non-human primates and ancestral humans using a variety of approaches to explore their environmental, biological and cultural contexts. The second section aims to show how human diet has diversified along with human expansion across the globe, from Africa to Eurasia, the Americas and Oceania. The third section focuses on human diet, health and disease across the lifespan and includes ethnographic and clinical studies as well as bioarchaeological approaches to assessing growth, health and disease in the context of diet. Each chapter combines a specific methodological approach with key research questions about past dietary adaptations.
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Since 2020 a wealth of new data has been generated on the beginning of the Neolithic in the central Balkans. The picture that has emerged is broadly consistent with the Wave of Advance model, with the first farmers arriving in the region around 6250 BC and expanding gradually towards the north. In this paper, an updated review of the evidence and interpretations is presented, and potentially problematic or ambiguous aspects of the current interpretations of the Neolithic expansion in the Balkans are identified. Alternative hypotheses and means of their testing are also discussed.
A review of ideas about the spread of agriculture from the Near East into Europe introduces a bioarchaeological investigation of the question. Strontium isotope analysis is used to make an important point about the transition to agriculture, rather large datasets are available from two areas where the transition to agriculture is well defined and where there are a substantial number of burials—in the Danube Gorges between Serbia and Romania and in Southern Scandinavia. This paper will discuss each area separately prior to a more general synthesis of the results. The moral of the story has to do with mobility and sedentism.KeywordsDanube GorgesSouthern ScandinaviaStrontiumIsotopic proveniencingSpread of agricultureArchaeology
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The Central and Southern Balkans played a significant role in the introduction and development of social complexity in Europe. This is indicated by buildings, burials, and artifacts. During the Neolithic period, the first glimpses of communal differences appeared and eventually developed into tribal elites and hierarchical tribal kingdoms in the Chalcolithic (Copper Age), Bronze Age, and Iron Age. These prehistoric stages witnessed a variety of technological, economic, and social changes that permitted the advancement and differentiation of individuals and groups. They distinguished themselves from one another by decorated structures, prestigious objects, and lavish funerary rituals that signified the different statuses or roles they held in society. In this chapter, we provide an overview of these changes from the end of the seventh to the middle of the first millennium BC, focusing specifically on the central southern parts of the Balkans.
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The main agenda of this essay is that observation of and experimentation with archaeological materials cannot be separated from hypothesis building and testing, and, as a corollary, that basic research in archaeological materials is as much an integral part of archaeological question answering as the philosophical model building of Binford, Plog, and Clarke. The two aspects of archaeological research discussed here­ - ethnoarchaeological and experimental archaeology - both manifest many of the attributes of traditional empirical investigation and have been spurned and belittled by the philosophers of archaeology as peripheral to the New Methodology, as unscientific, and as having only specific time-space utility. This chapter examines the methodological procedures by which these two aspects of our discip­line may be transformed to play an integral part in hypothesis testing and in the formulation of probability statements in archaeological research. We can define ethnoarchaeology as the structure for a series of observations on behavioral patterns of living societies which are designed to answer archaeologically oriented questions. "Experimental archaeology" - that is, experiments as part of archaeological investigations - on the other hand, comprises a series of observations on behavior that is artificially induced. Both may involve more or less rigorously controlled conditions and recorded results. Both are important aspects of a materialist study of behavior, pertinent to the study not only of past behavior but also of that of the present and the future. Theoretically, both ethnoarchaeological and experimental observations should provide valuable resources for test­ing hypotheses concerning archaeological data. Ethnoarchaeological observations are not in competition with experimental observations in providing valuable data on behavior; their information is of a different kind, and this distinction should be made self-consciously when using these data, since it affects conclusions and the confirmation of hypotheses. The stress in this chapter falls on the side of experiments in archaeology, since my own research has been directly concerned with this aspect of archaeological testing. But my argument will emphasize that both sources of information, although separate, increase their value in interpreting archaeological data when one recognizes and takes advantage of their close interrelationship and interdependence.