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Sastroides besuchetiMedvedev (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) is a pest of nutmeg, Myristica fragransHoutt. (Myristicaceae)

  • Malabar Botanical Garden & Institute for Plant Sciences, Kozhikode, Kerala

Abstract and Figures

Abstract The leaf beetle, Sastroides besuchetiMedvedev (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae), is reported as a pest of nutmeg,Myristica fragransHoutt. (Myristicaceae), in India for the first time. Massive infestation leads to total defoliation of trees.
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Nutmeg, Myristica fragrans Houtt. (Myristicaceae),
originated in the Moluccas islands of the Malay
Archipelago, is an introduced crop in India. Joseph
(1980) reviewed its cultivation and uses. In India,
nutmeg is cultivated in the southern states of
Karnataka and Kerala and the Andaman and Nicobar
Islands in an area of about 18, 730 hectares with a
total production of 12, 730 tons (Spices Board,
Reddy (1977) listed 19 species of insect pests on
nutmeg in Asia and the Pacific, of which 15 occur
in Malaysia. Nutmeg is a profitable crop in India as
it is generally free of serious pest infestations and
does not warrant costly pesticide use. To date, nine
insect species have been recorded as pests on this
exotic tree spice in India (Devasahayam and Koya
1993; Kumar et al., 1994; Veenakumari et al., 1994).
All of them are bugs (one Heteroptera and eight
Sternorrhyncha) and none of these sap feeding
insects are serious pests of the crop. Here, we report
a new pest of nutmeg in India, a leaf beetle
*Author for correspondence: Phone + 91-9446053297; E-mail:
Short communication
Sastroides besucheti Medvedev (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae:
Galerucinae) is a pest of nutmeg, Myristica fragrans Houtt.
K.D. Prathapan1* and A.P. Balan2
1* College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellayani P. O., Trivandrum – 695 522, Kerala,
India; 2Indian Cardamom Research Institute, Spices Board, Myladumpara, Kailasanadu P. O., Idukki –
685 553, Kerala, India.
Received 26 March 2016; received in revised form 19 May 2016; accepted 16 June 2016
The leaf beetle, Sastroides besucheti Medvedev (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae), is reported as
a pest of nutmeg, Myristica fragrans Houtt. (Myristicaceae), in India for the first time. Massive infestation
leads to total defoliation of trees.
Keywords: India, Insect pest, Leaf beetle, New record
Sastroides besucheti Medvedev (Coleoptera:
Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae).
The infestation was observed in July, 2015 in the
farm of the Indian Cardamom Research Institute at
Myladumpara in Idukki District, Kerala (09
N, 77
9.355 E, 1083 m above mean sea level). This
is a mixed plantation of nutmeg, clove and black
pepper raised after clearing the forest of all
vegetation, except the large trees retained for shade.
Of the 16 nutmeg trees in the study area, four
females (two each five and seven years old) were
observed heavily infested with S. besucheti (Fig. 1)
and two of these trees shed all the leaves. Trees in
the neighborhood of the infested plants were free
of infestation.
Beetles covered the foliage in large numbers and
flew around when disturbed. Adults fed on both
abaxial and adaxial sides of the leaves by scraping
the green matter and produced characteristic scars
(Fig. 2). Heavily-fed leaves dried up completely and
Journal of Tropical Agriculture 54 (1) : 87-89, 2016
fell off. Total drying up of branches was also
observed. Two of the infested trees shed all the
leaves and thus appeared to have dried up. However,
one of them showed signs of gradual recovery by
putting forth new buds in October, 2015. By the
second week of February, 2016, both of the denuded
trees recovered, though partially. No immature stage
of the beetle was observed on shoots. Hence it may
be assumed that eggs are laid in soil and the larva is
a soil dweller that feeds on the roots, as in a common
life cycle of Galerucinae. However, no immature
stage was observed in the soil in the root zone.
Sastroides besucheti was described by Medvedev
(1999) based on 15 specimens collected at Periyar
in Idukki District, India, on 4
November, 1972.
Adults are 7.7–8.5 mm long and light lemon yellow
in life with slightly dark apical antennomeres.
Specimens turn light greyish when preserved. The
antenna is thin and long, and reaches the middle of
the elytra. The pronotum is about twice as long as
broad and glabrous with depressions. The elytra are
clothed with short, golden setae. All claws are
simple in the female while the anterior ones are bifid
in the male. The juvenile stages are unknown.
So far, no information was available on the biology
or host plants of S. besucheti. Nutmeg being an
introduced plant, it is most likely that the beetle has
other native plants as hosts. The family
Myristicaceae in the Western Ghats, where the insect
occurs, is represented by five native species in three
genera (Gymnacranthera Warb., Knema Lour. and
Myristica Gronov.) and the introduced M. fragrans
(Nayar et al., 2014). It is probable that one or more
of these are the native hosts of S. besucheti. Jolivet
and Hawkeswood (1995), who reviewed the host
plants of the Chrysomelidae of the world, do not
include any member of Myristicaceae amongst the
host plants of the leaf beetle family. Chrysomelids
reported on Myristicaceae after Jolivet and
Hawkeswood (1995) include Notosacantha
Chevrolat (Cassidinae: Cassidini) (Borowiec et al.,
Figure 1. Adults of Sastroides besucheti Medvedev on host plant, nutmeg, in India. 2. Feeding symptoms
left by adults on the leaves of nutmeg.
Sastroides besucheti Medvedev (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) is a pest of nutmeg, Myristica fragrans Houtt. (Myristicaceae)
2013), Laselva Furth (Galerucinae: Alticini) (Furth,
2007) and Sceloenopla Chevrolat (Cassidinae:
Hispini) (Staines 2011). Bernhardt (2000) has
mentioned chrysomelids as pollinators of
Myristicaceae. This is the first report of a host plant
of S. besucheti. Total defoliation of trees due to
chrysomelid infestation as in this case is unusual.
Voucher specimens of S. besucheti are deposited in
the collections of the National Bureau of
Agricultural Insect Resources (NBAIR), Bengaluru
and the National Pusa Collection, Indian
Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India.
We are indebted to Jan Bezdek, Mendel University,
Czech Republic, for identification of S. besucheti.
PKD’s work on leaf beetles is funded by the Indian
Council of Agricultural Research through the
Network Project on Insect Systematics. Srinivasan
V., Manoj P. S. and Devasahayam S., Indian Institute
of Spices Research, Calicut, provided literature.
Devasahayam and Chaboo C. S., Kansas University
critically reviewed the manuscript.
Bernhardt, P. 2000. Convergent evolution and adaptive
radiation of beetle-pollinated angiosperms. Plant
Syst. Evol., 222: 293-320.
Borowiec, L., Takizawa, H. and Swi
tojañska, J. 2013.
Five new species of Notosacantha Chevrolat
(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae) from
Borneo, with a key to the Bornean species and new
faunistic data. Zootaxa, 3608 (3): 161–177. http://
Devasahayam, S. and Koya, K.M.A. 1993. Additions to
the insect fauna associated with tree
spices. Entomon, 18: 101-102.
Furth, D.G. 2007. A new genus and species of flea beetle
(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Alticinae) from the
rainforest canopy in Costa Rica. Proc. Entomol. Soc.
Wash., 109 (1): 90–101.
Jolivet, P. and Hawkeswood, T.J. 1995. Host-plants of
Chrysomelidae of the world: An Essay about the
relationships between the leaf-beetles and their food-
plants. Backhuys Publishers. Leiden, 281 p.
Joseph, J. 1980. The nutmeg- its botany, agronomy,
production, composition and uses. Journal of
Plantation Crops, 8: 61-72.
Kumar, T.P., Devasahayam, S. and Koya, K.M.A.1994.
Pests of Spice Crops. In: Chadha, K.L. and Rethinam,
P. (eds). Advances in Horticulture 10, Part 2.
Malhotra Publishing House. New Delhi, pp. 787–
Medvedev, L.N. 1999. To the knowledge of Oriental
Chrysomelidae. Russian Entomol J., 259–264.
Nayar, T.S., Sibi, M. and Beegum, A.R. 2014. Flowering
plants of the Western Ghats, India, Vol. 2. Monocots.
Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and
Research Institute. Palode, Kerala, 1683 p.
Reddy, D.B. 1977. Pests, diseases and nematodes of
major spices and condiments in Asia and the Pacific.
Technical Document 108. Plant Protection
Committee for the South East Asia and the Pacific
Region. Rome, 14 p.
Spices Board. 2015. Area and production of spices in
India. /pdf/
Major%20spice%20wise%20area%20 and %20
Staines, C.L. 2011. Hispines (Chrysomelidae,
Cassidinae) of La Selva Biological Station, Costa
Rica. In: Jolivet, P., Santiago-Blay, J., Schmitt, M.
(eds). Research on Chrysomelidae 3. ZooKeys, 157:
45–65. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.157.1338
Veenakumari, K., Mohanraj, P. and Ranganath, H.R.
1994. New records of insect and mite pests of spice
crops in Andaman Islands, India. Journal of Spices
and Aromatic Crops, 3: 164–166.
K.D. Prathapan
and A.P. Balan
... But 19 species of insects are known to infest its congener M. fragrans in Asia and the Pacific (Reddy, 1977). Of these, nine insect species have been recorded as pests in India, most of which are bugs (Prathapan and Balan, 2016). Prathapan and Balan (2016) reported Sastroides besucheti Medvedev as a pest of M. fragrans from Idukki district of Kerala. ...
... Of these, nine insect species have been recorded as pests in India, most of which are bugs (Prathapan and Balan, 2016). Prathapan and Balan (2016) reported Sastroides besucheti Medvedev as a pest of M. fragrans from Idukki district of Kerala. It was observed that the eggs are laid in the soil and the larva is a soil dweller that feeds on the roots, as being common with members of Galerucinae. ...
... It was observed that the eggs are laid in the soil and the larva is a soil dweller that feeds on the roots, as being common with members of Galerucinae. Not much work has been done on this sporadic pest of Myristica other than its description based on 15 specimens collected (on 4 th November, 1972) at Periyar in Idukki District, India, by Medvedev (1999) and its record as a pest of M. fragrans (Prathapan and Balan, 2016). ...
Full-text available
This study provides some preliminary details on the biology of the leaf beetle Sastroides besucheti Medvedev (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) occurring on wild nutmeg Myristica malabarica Lam. with damage symptoms. Banana (cv. Jnalipoovan) as a host observed now for the adults is also explained.
... But 19 species of insects are known to infest its congener M. fragrans in Asia and the Pacific (Reddy, 1977). Of these, nine insect species have been recorded as pests in India, most of which are bugs (Prathapan and Balan, 2016). Prathapan and Balan (2016) reported Sastroides besucheti Medvedev as a pest of M. fragrans from Idukki district of Kerala. ...
... Of these, nine insect species have been recorded as pests in India, most of which are bugs (Prathapan and Balan, 2016). Prathapan and Balan (2016) reported Sastroides besucheti Medvedev as a pest of M. fragrans from Idukki district of Kerala. It was observed that the eggs are laid in the soil and the larva is a soil dweller that feeds on the roots, as being common with members of Galerucinae. ...
... It was observed that the eggs are laid in the soil and the larva is a soil dweller that feeds on the roots, as being common with members of Galerucinae. Not much work has been done on this sporadic pest of Myristica other than its description based on 15 specimens collected (on 4 th November, 1972) at Periyar in Idukki District, India, by Medvedev (1999) and its record as a pest of M. fragrans (Prathapan and Balan, 2016). ...
Full-text available
This study provides some preliminary details on the biology of the leaf beetle Sastroides besucheti Medvedev (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) occurring on wild nutmeg Myristica malabarica Lam. with damage symptoms. Banana (cv. Jnalipoovan) as a host observed now for the adults is also explained.
... The leaf beetle Sastroides besucheti (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) was described by Medvedev (1999) based on 15 specimens collected at Periyar in Idukki District in Kerala. Prathapan and Balan (2016) reported S. besucheti as a pest of nutmeg, M. fragrans for the first time, from the same district. They observed heavy leaf shedding and drying up of branches, however, no immature stage of the beetle was observed. ...
... Nutmeg plants, M. fragrans, present amongst the infested Malabar nutmeg trees in the study area also escaped the infestation. Previous report of S. besucheti Medvedev (Prathapan and Balan, 2016) on nutmeg plants in Idukki district may be an example of host shift from a native plant species to an introduced host. This is Fig. 1-14. ...
Full-text available
Massive infestation of Sastroides besucheti Medvedev (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is reported on Malabar nutmeg Myristica malabarica Lam.(Myristicaceae), endemic to south India. All the 25 trees in the study area were infested; however, the intensity was lesser on male plants. Eggs, larvae, prepupae and pupae were observed. Pattern of egg laying, feeding habit of grubs and site of pupation were recorded. Infested female trees shed more than 70 per cent of the leaves and the branches dried up from tip downwards. Survival and regeneration of heavily infested female trees are doubtful. This is the first report of S. besucheti on M. malabarica.
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Each Species with: Habit, References to the best descriptions and illustrations, Distribution in the world, State wise distribution in the Western Ghats, Nativity (Endemic, Indigenous, Exotic), Conservation Status (IUCN categories 2012, Red Data Book of, Indian Plants 1987-1990), Phenology, Uses, Local names in six languages and other important details.
Full-text available
Five new species of Notosacantha are described from Borneo (Sabah): N. flaviventris Borowiec and Takizawa sp. nov. (also described from Sumatra), N. flavosuturata Świętojańska and Takizawa sp. nov., N. minuta Świętojańska and Takizawa sp. nov., N. obscuricornis Borowiec and Takizawa sp. nov. and N. ovoidea Borowiec and Świętojańska sp. nov. New records for nine other species, a check list and key to Bornean Notosacantha are given. Myrsinaceae and Myristicaceae are new host plant families for tortoise beetles and Ardisia elliptica Thunb., Ardisia sp., Embelia sp., Gironiema sp. (all Myrsinaceae) and Knema sp. (Myristicaceae) are new host plants for Notosacantha.
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Laselva, n. gen, and Laselva triplehorni, n. sp., are described and illustrated from the canopy of a lowland Atlantic rainforest in Costa Rica. The genus belongs to the ''Sphaeronychini'' of the Alticinae.
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A literature review of 34 families of flowering plants containing at least one species pollinated primarily by beetles is presented. While the majority of species are represented by magnoliids and basal monocotyledons specialized, beetle-pollinated systems have evolved independently in 14 families of eudicotyldons and six families of petaloid monocots. Four, overlapping modes of floral presentation in plants pollinated exclusively by beetles (Bilabiate, Brush, Chamber Blossom and Painted Bowl) are described. Chamber Blossoms and Painted Bowls are the two most common modes. Chamber Blossoms, found in magnoliids, primitive monocotyledons and in some families of woody eudicots, exploit the greatest diversity of beetle pollinators. Painted Bowls are restricted to petaloid monocots and a few families of eudicots dependent primarily on hairy species of Scarabaeidae as pollen vectors. In contrast, generalist flowers pollinated by a combination of beetles and other animals are recorded in 22 families. Generalist systems are more likely to secrete nectar and exploit four beetle families absent in specialist flowers. Centers of diversity for species with specialized, beetle-pollinated systems are distributed through the wet tropics (centers for Brush and Chamber Blossoms) to warm temperate-Mediterranean zones (centers for Painted Bowls and a few Bilabiate flowers). It is unlikely that beetles were the first pollinators of angiosperms but specialized, beetlepollinated flowers must have evolved by the midlate Cretaceous to join pre-existing guilds of beetlepollinated gymnosperms. The floras of Australia and western North America suggest that mutualistic interactions between beetles and flowers has been a continuous and labile trend in angiosperms with novel interactions evolving through the Tertiary.
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Survey work from 1992-2001 identified 139 species of hispines at the lowland part of La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. The tribe Cephaloleiini was the most speciose with 58 species (41.7%) followed by the Chalepini with 55 (39.5%). The fauna is most closely related to that in South America but with some genera which are more speciose in the Nearctic Region. Plant associations are known for 88 (63.3%) of the species but many of these are merely collecting records, not host plant associations. The first plant associations are reported for Alurnus ornatus, Alurnus salvini, and Acentroptera nevermanni.
New records of insect and mite pests of spice crops in Andaman Islands
  • K Veenakumari
  • P Mohanraj
  • H R Ranganath
Veenakumari, K., Mohanraj, P. and Ranganath, H.R. 1994. New records of insect and mite pests of spice crops in Andaman Islands, India. Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops, 3: 164-166.
Additions to the insect fauna associated with tree spices
  • S Devasahayam
  • K M A Koya
Devasahayam, S. and Koya, K.M.A. 1993. Additions to the insect fauna associated with tree spices. Entomon, 18: 101-102.
Bernhardt (2000) has mentioned chrysomelids as pollinators of Myristicaceae. This is the first report of a host plant of S. besucheti. Total defoliation of trees due to chrysomelid infestation as in this case is unusual. Voucher specimens of S
  • Laselva Furth
, Laselva Furth (Galerucinae: Alticini) (Furth, 2007) and Sceloenopla Chevrolat (Cassidinae: Hispini) (Staines 2011). Bernhardt (2000) has mentioned chrysomelids as pollinators of Myristicaceae. This is the first report of a host plant of S. besucheti. Total defoliation of trees due to chrysomelid infestation as in this case is unusual. Voucher specimens of S. besucheti are deposited in the collections of the National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources (NBAIR), Bengaluru and the National Pusa Collection, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India.