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Schmidt number of bipartite and multipartite states under local projections

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The Schmidt number is a fundamental parameter characterizing the properties of quantum states, and the local projections are a fundamental operation in quantum physics. We investigate the relation between the Schmidt numbers of bipartite states and their projected states. We show that there exist bipartite positive-partial-transpose (PPT) entangled states of any given Schmidt number. We further construct the notion of joint Schmidt number for multipartite states, and its relation with the Schmidt number of bipartite reduced density operators.
Quantum Inf Process (2017) 16:75
DOI 10.1007/s11128-016-1501-y
Schmidt number of bipartite and multipartite states
under local projections
Lin Chen1,2·Yu Yang3·Wai-Shing Tang3
Received: 4 October 2016 / Accepted: 15 December 2016 / Published online: 2 February 2017
© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017
Abstract The Schmidt number is a fundamental parameter characterizing the prop-
erties of quantum states, and local projections are fundamental operations in quantum
physics. We investigate the relation between the Schmidt numbers of bipartite states
and their projected states. We show that there exist bipartite positive partial transpose
entangled states of any given Schmidt number. We further construct the notion of
joint Schmidt number for multipartite states and explore its relation with the Schmidt
number of bipartite reduced density operators.
Keywords Quantum states ·Local projections ·PPT entangled states ·
Schmidt number ·Joint Schmidt number ·Reduced density operators
1 Introduction
The Schmidt number is a parameter characterizing quantum states. A quantum state is
entangled if and only if its Schmidt number is greater than one. Entangled states play the
BYu Yang
Lin Chen
Wai-Shing Tang
1School of Mathematics and Systems Science, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
2International Research Institute for Multidisciplinary Science, Beihang University,
Beijing 100191, China
3Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore, 10 Lower Kent Ridge Road,
Singapore 119076, Republic of Singapore
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... This gives rise to a natural question: Can high-dimensional entanglement occur at all in systems that are noisy enough to be PPT? By letting the local dimensions grow, examples of PPT states with increasingly high Schmidt number have been constructed in [18]. However, their Schmidt number scales only logarithmically in the local dimension. ...
... • In Section III we explicitly construct a general family of PPT states with local dimension d and Schmidt number scaling as d/4. As a byproduct, we also solve a recent conjecture [18,Conjecture 36] by exhibiting PPT states whose Schmidt number increases by an arbitrarily large amount upon partial transposition. ...
... Recently, an explicit construction of a PPT state ρ AB on C dA ⊗ C dB with d = d A = d B and Schmidt number SN(ρ AB ) ∼ log d has been given in [18,Proposition 20]. This is still far away from the linear dependence observed using volume estimates. ...
Genuine high-dimensional entanglement, i.e. the property of having a high Schmidt number, constitutes a resource in quantum communication, overcoming limitations of low-dimensional systems. States with a positive partial transpose (PPT), on the other hand, are generally considered weakly entangled, as they can never be distilled into pure entangled states. This naturally raises the question, whether high Schmidt numbers are possible for PPT states. Volume estimates suggest that optimal, i.e. linear, scaling in local dimension should be possible, albeit without providing an insight into the possible slope. We provide the first explicit construction of a family of PPT states that achieves linear scaling in local dimension and we prove that random PPT states typically share this feature. Our construction also allows us to answer a recent question by Chen et al. on the existence of PPT states whose Schmidt number increases by an arbitrarily large amount upon partial transposition. Finally, we link the Schmidt number to entangled sub-block matrices of a quantum state. We use this connection to prove that quantum states invariant under partial transposition on the smaller of their two subsystems cannot have maximal Schmidt number. This generalizes a well-known result by Kraus et al. We also show that the Schmidt number of absolutely PPT states cannot be maximal, contributing to an open problem in entanglement theory.
... Equivalently, N (ρ) = j |λ − j |, where λ − j are negative eigenvalues of ρ T A . Therefore, if the system is qubit-qubit or qubit-qutrit, nonzero negativity is necessary and sufficient for the state being entangled; for any larger systems, there exist entangled states with zero negativity [43,44]. In the qubit-qubit system we are examining, given a population vector q = eig(σ ), the maximal negativity can be obtained from Eq. (25) as Among all states, two are distinct: when both qubits start in the excited state p 4 and when they start in the ground state (black solid curve) p 1 . ...
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We investigate the thermodynamic constraints on the pivotal task of entanglement generation using out-of-equilibrium states through a model-independent framework with minimal assumptions. We establish a necessary and sufficient condition for a thermal process to generate bipartite qubit entanglement, starting from an initially separable state. Consequently, we identify the set of system states that cannot be entangled, when no external work is invested. In the regime of infinite temperature, we analytically construct this set; while for finite temperature, we provide a simple criterion to verify whether any given initial state is or is not entangleable. Furthermore, we provide an explicit construction of the future thermal cone of entanglement—the set of entangled states that a given separable state can thermodynamically evolve to. We offer a detailed discussion on the properties of this cone, focusing on the interplay between entanglement and its volumetric properties. We conclude with several key remarks on the generation of entanglement beyond two-qubit systems, and discuss its dynamics in the presence of dissipation. Published by the American Physical Society 2024
... In this context, k-positive maps can be considered Schmidt number witnesses [29]. While various attempts have been made to obtain lower and upper bounds for the Schmidt numbers [3,6,11,19,24,27,34,39], accurate computations still pose significant challenges. To the best of our knowledge, there are very few explicit examples where the Schmidt numbers can be precisely calculated in high-dimensional systems. ...
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In this paper, we present a new application of group theory to develop a systematical approach to efficiently compute the Schmidt numbers. The Schmidt number is a natural quantification of entanglement in quantum information theory, but computing its exact value is generally a challenging task even for very concrete examples. We exhibit a complete characterization of all orthogonally covariant k-positive maps. This result generalizes earlier results by Tomiyama (Linear Algebra Appl 69:169–177, 1985). Furthermore, we optimize duality relations between k-positivity and Schmidt numbers under group symmetries. This new approach enables us to transfer the results of k-positivity to the computation of the Schmidt numbers of all orthogonally invariant quantum states.
... No basis transformation can therefore reduce the number of terms used for the representation of Eq. (23) any further [4,64]. One can now define a multipartite entanglement dimension with the properties of an entanglement monotone in analogy to that of bipartite states [65], also with a maximum value of D max ent = dim H A . A generalized GHZ state with equal contributions on all sites given by therefore represents a suitable generalization of the MES [Eq. ...
Quantum entanglement has been identified as a crucial concept underlying many intriguing phenomena in condensed matter systems such as topological phases or many-body localization. Recently, instead of considering mere quantifiers of entanglement like entanglement entropy, the study of entanglement structure in terms of the entanglement spectrum has shifted into the focus leading to new insights into fractional quantum Hall states and topological insulators, among others. What remains a challenge is the experimental detection of such fine-grained properties of quantum systems. The development of protocols for detecting features of the entanglement spectrum in cold atom systems, which are one of the leading platforms for quantum simulation, is thus highly desirable and will open up new avenues for experimentally exploring quantum many-body physics. Here we present a method to bound the width of the entanglement spectrum, or entanglement dimension, of cold atoms in lattice geometries, requiring only measurements in two experimentally accessible bases and utilizing ballistic time-of-flight (ToF) expansion. Building on previous proposals for entanglement certification for photon pairs, we first consider entanglement between two atoms of different atomic species and later generalize to higher numbers of atoms per species and multispecies configurations showing multipartite high-dimensional entanglement. Through numerical simulations we show that our method is robust against typical experimental noise effects and thus will enable high-dimensional entanglement certification in systems of up to 8 atoms using currently available experimental techniques.
... Even more generally, ifX ⊆ m j=1 C d j is (the affine cone over) the set of states with tensor rank at most r, then we still refer to not-X witnesses as r-entanglement witnesses, and the witnessed (mixed) states with support not inX are said to have (multipartite) Schmidt number larger than r [14]. However, a hiccup that occurs in this multipartite case that does not in the bipartite case is that, since the set of states with (multipartite) Schmidt number ≤ r is not closed, it is not true that every mixed state with Schmidt number > r can be detected by some r-entanglement witness. ...
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Walgate and Scott have determined the maximum number of generic pure quantum states that can be unambiguously discriminated by an LOCC measurement [Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 41:375305, 08 2008]. In this work, we determine this number in a more general setting in which the local parties have access to pre-shared entanglement in the form of a resource state. We find that, for an arbitrary pure resource state, this number is equal to the Krull dimension of (the closure of) the set of pure states obtainable from the resource state by SLOCC. Surprisingly, a generic resource state maximizes this number. Local state discrimination is closely related to the topic of entangled subspaces, which we study in its own right. We introduce r-entangled subspaces, which naturally generalize previously studied spaces to higher multipartite entanglement. We use algebraic-geometric methods to determine the maximum dimension of an r-entangled subspace, and present novel explicit constructions of such spaces. We obtain similar results for symmetric and antisymmetric r-entangled subspaces, which correspond to entangled subspaces of bosonic and fermionic systems, respectively.
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Quantum entanglement has been identified as a crucial concept underlying many intriguing phenomena in condensed matter systems, such as topological phases or many-body localization. Recently, instead of considering mere quantifiers of entanglement such as entanglement entropy, the study of entanglement structure in terms of the entanglement spectrum has shifted to a focus leading to new insights into fractional quantum Hall states and topological insulators, among others. What remains a challenge is the experimental detection of such fine-grained properties of quantum systems. The development of protocols for detecting features of the entanglement spectrum in cold-atom systems, which are one of the leading platforms for quantum simulation, is thus highly desirable and will open up new avenues for experimentally exploring quantum many-body physics. Here, we present a method to bound the width of the entanglement spectrum, or entanglement dimension, of cold atoms in lattice geometries, requiring only measurements in two experimentally accessible bases and utilizing ballistic time-of-flight (TOF) expansion. Building on previous proposals for entanglement certification for photon pairs, we first consider entanglement between two atoms of different atomic species and later generalize to higher numbers of atoms per species and multispecies configurations showing multipartite high-dimensional entanglement. Through numerical simulations, we show that our method is robust against typical experimental noise effects and thus will enable high-dimensional entanglement certification in systems of up to eight atoms using currently available experimental techniques.
In this paper, we study k-positivity and Schmidt number under standard orthogonal group symmetries. The Schmidt number is a widely used measure of quantum entanglement in quantum information theory. First of all, we exhibit a complete characterization of all k-positive orthogonally covariant maps. This generalizes the earlier results in [Tom85]. Then, we optimize some averaging techniques to establish duality relations between orthogonally covariant maps and orthogonally invariant operators. This new framework enables us to effectively compute the Schmidt numbers of all orthogonally invariant quantum states.
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In Christandl et al. (Ann Henri Poincaré 20(7):2295–2322, 2019), the authors introduced k-entanglement breaking linear maps to understand the entanglement breaking property of completely positive maps on taking composition. In this article, we do a systematic study of k-entanglement breaking maps. We prove many equivalent conditions for a k-positive linear map to be k-entanglement breaking, thereby study the mapping cone structure of k-entanglement breaking maps. We discuss examples of k-entanglement breaking maps and some of their significance. As an application of our study, we characterize the completely positive maps that reduce Schmidt number on taking composition with another completely positive map. Finally, we extend a spectral majorization result for separable states.
In this semi-expository paper, we first explain key notions from current quantum information theory and criteria for them in a coherent way. These include separability/entanglement, Schmidt numbers of bi-partite states and block-positivity, together with various kinds of positive maps between matrix algebras like entanglement breaking maps, k-superpositive maps, completely positive maps, k-positive maps. We will begin with concrete examples of elementary positive maps given by x↦s⁎xs, and use Choi matrices and duality to explain all the notions mentioned above. We also show that the Choi matrix can be defined free from coordinates. The above notions of positive maps give rise to mapping cones, whose dual cones are characterized in terms of compositions or tensor products of linear maps. Through the discussion, we exhibit an identity which connects tensor products and compositions of linear maps between matrix algebras through the Choi matrices. Using this identity, we show that the description of the dual cone with tensor products is possible only when the involving cones are mapping cones, and recover various known criteria with ampliation for the notions mentioned above. As another applications of the identity, we construct various mapping cones arising from ampliation and factorization, and provide several equivalent statements to PPT (positive partial transpose) square conjecture in terms of tensor products.
We introduce a family of highly symmetric bipartite quantum states in arbitrary dimensions. It consists of all states that are invariant under local phase rotations and local cyclic permutations of the basis. We solve the separability problem for a subspace of these states and show that a sizable part of the family is bound entangled. We also calculate some of the Schmidt numbers for the family in d=3, thereby characterizing the dimensionality of entanglement. Our results allow us to estimate entanglement properties of arbitrary states, as general states can be symmetrized to the considered family by local operations.
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We compute the nuclear dimension of separable, simple, unital, nuclear, ZZ{\mathcal {Z}}-stable C∗C\mathrm {C}^*-algebras. This makes classification accessible from ZZ{\mathcal {Z}}-stability and in particular brings large classes of C∗C\mathrm {C}^*-algebras associated to free and minimal actions of amenable groups on finite dimensional spaces within the scope of the Elliott classification programme.
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We show that any bipartite quantum state of rank four is distillable, when the partial transpose of the state has at least one negative eigenvalue, i.e., the state is NPT. For this purpose we prove that if the partial transpose of a two-qutrit NPT state has two non-positive eigenvalues, then the state is distillable. We further construct a parametrized two-qutrit NPT entangled state of rank five which is not 1-distillable, and show that it is not n-distillable for any given n when the parameter is sufficiently small. This state has the smallest rank among all 1-undistillable NPT states. We conjecture that the state is not distillable.
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Following an idea of Choi, we obtain a decomposition theorem for k-positive linear maps from Mm to Mn, where 2<=k<min{m,n}. As a consequence, we give an affirmative answer to Kye's conjecture (also solved independently by Choi) that every 2-positive linear map from M3 to M3 is decomposable.
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We consider bi-linear analogues of s-positivity for linear maps. The dual objects of these notions can be described in terms of Schimdt ranks for tri-tensor products and Schmidt numbers for tri-partite quantum states. These tri-partite versions of Schmidt numbers cover various kinds of bi-separability, and so we may interpret witnesses for those in terms of bi-linear maps. We give concrete examples of witnesses for various kinds of three qubit entanglement.
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We show that any unitary operator on the dA×dBd_A\times d_B system (dA2d_A\ge 2) can be decomposed into the product of at most 4dA54d_A-5 controlled unitary operators. The number can be reduced to 2dA12d_A-1 when dAd_A is a power of two. We also prove that three controlled unitaries can implement a bipartite complex permutation operator, and discuss the connection to an analogous result on classical reversible circuits. We further show that any n-partite unitary on the space Cd1Cdn\mathbb{C}^{d_1}\otimes\cdots\otimes\mathbb{C}^{d_n} is the product of at most [2j=1n1(2dj2)1][2\prod^{n-1}_{j=1}(2d_j-2)-1] controlled unitary gates, each of which is controlled from n1n-1 systems. We also decompose any bipartite unitary into the product of a simple type of bipartite gate and some local unitaries. We derive dimension-independent upper bounds for the controlled-not gate cost or entanglement cost of bipartite permutation unitaries (with the help of ancillas of fixed size) as functions of the Schmidt rank of the unitary. It is shown that such costs under a simple protocol are related to the log-rank conjecture in communication complexity theory via the link of nonnegative rank.
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This book is a compilation of notes from a two-week international workshop on the "The Functional Analysis of Quantum Information Theory" that was held at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences during 26/12/2011-06/01/2012. The workshop was devoted to the mathematical framework of quantized functional analysis (QFA), and aimed at illustrating its applications to problems in quantum communication. The lectures were given by Gilles Pisier (Pierre and Marie Curie University and Texas A&M), K.R. Parthasarathy (ISI Delhi), Vern Paulsen (University of Houston), and Andreas Winter (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona). Topics discussed include Operator Spaces and Completely bounded maps, Schmidt number and Schmidt rank of bipartite entangled states, Operator Systems and Completely Positive Maps, and, Operator Methods in Quantum Information.
We show that a bipartite quantum state of rank four is distillable if its partial transpose has at least one negative eigenvalue; that is, the state is a non-positive-partial transpose (NPT). For this purpose we prove that if the partial transpose of a two-qutrit NPT state has at least two non-positive eigenvalues, then the state is distillable. We further construct a parametrized two-qutrit NPT state of rank five which is not 1-distillable and show that it is not n-distillable for any given n when the parameter is sufficiently small. This state has the smallest rank among all 1-undistillable NPT states. We conjecture that the state is not distillable.
We show that any dA×dBd_A\times d_B nonlocal unitary operator of Schmidt rank three is locally equivalent to a controlled unitary. This operator can be locally implemented assisted by a maximally entangled state of Schmidt rank min{dA2,dB}\min\{d_A^2,d_B\} with dAdBd_A\le d_B. We further show that any multipartite unitary operator U of Schmidt rank three can be controlled by one system or collectively controlled by two systems, regardless of the number of systems of U. In the scenario of n-qubit, we construct non-controlled U for any odd n5n\ge5, and prove that U is a controlled unitary for any even n4n\ge4.
We investigate relations between the ranks of marginals of multipartite quantum states. We show that there exist inequalities constraining the possible distribution of ranks. This is, perhaps, surprising since it was recently discovered that the α -Rényi entropies for α∈(0,1)∪(1,∞)α∈(0,1)∪(1,∞) satisfy only one trivial linear inequality (non-negativity) and the distribution of entropies for α∈(0,1)α∈(0,1) is completely unconstrained beyond non-negativity. Our results resolve an important open question by showing that the case of α=0α=0 (logarithm of the rank) is restricted by nontrivial linear relations and thus the cases of von Neumann entropy (i.e., α=1α=1) and 0-Rényi entropy are exceptionally interesting measures of entanglement in the multipartite setting. We close the paper with an intriguing open problem, which has a simple statement, but is seemingly difficult to resolve.