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The Impact of Physical Activities on the Academic Performance of Medical Students



Background: Physical activity is considered to be correlated with academic performance of students by many researchers. In recent years this concept is gaining high importance especially in professional education system. Hence the objective of our research was to evaluate the correlation between the effects of physical activities on the academic performance of medical students studying in our college. Methodology: This was a cross sectional study in which 210 medical undergraduate students participated. Ethical clearance was obtained prior to the study. A questionnaire was distributed to the students and the responses given by them were then analyzed. Results: Results showed that most of the students agreed that there exists a correlation between physical activity and academic performance as their scores were higher compared to students who do not involve in physical activities. Conclusion: Findings from our study suggest that physical activities increase student’s focus and might help them to succeed academically.
Original Article:
The Impact of Physical Activities on the Academic Performance of Medical Students
Satheesha Nayak B, Professor,
Sonia Anne Miranda, Medical Student,
Ozri Jon bin Fitzrol, Medical Student,
Lawrence Anthony, Medical Student,
Gowrish Rao S, Selection Grade Lecturer,
Ashwini Aithal P, Lecturer,
Melaka Manipal Medical College (Manipal Campus), Manipal University, Madhav Nagar, Manipal, Karnataka State, INDIA.
Address for Correspondence
Ashwini Aithal P,
Department of Anatomy
Melaka Manipal Medical College (Manipal Campus)
Manipal University
Madhav Nagar, Manipal, Udupi District
Karnataka State, INDIA 576104.
Nayak SB, Miranda SA, Fitzrol OJ, Anthony L, Rao GS, Aithal AP. The Impact of Physical Activities on the Academic Performance
of Medical Students. Online J Health Allied Scs. 2016;15(2):4. Available at URL:
Open Access Archives
Submitted: May 25, 2016; Accepted: Jul 15, 2016; Published: Jul 30, 2016
Abstract: Background: Physical activity is considered to be
correlated with academic performance of students by many
researchers. In recent years this concept is gaining high
importance especially in professional education system.
Hence the objective of our research was to evaluate the
correlation between the effects of physical activities on the
academic performance of medical students studying in our
college. Methodology: This was a cross sectional study in
which 210 medical undergraduate students participated.
Ethical clearance was obtained prior to the study. A
questionnaire was distributed to the students and the
responses given by them were then analyzed. Results:
Results showed that most of the students agreed that there
exists a correlation between physical activity and academic
performance as their scores were higher compared to students
who do not involve in physical activities. Conclusion:
Findings from our study suggest that physical activities
increase student’s focus and might help them to succeed
Key Words: Physical activity, exercise, academic
performance, medical students, learning
Physical activities help students to develop knowledge,
attitudes, motor and behavior skills which are required to
maintain physically active lifestyle.(1) Medical and health
sciences students represent an important segment of our
youth population. Since medical education is considered
stressful due to voluminous academics and demands total
dedication towards studies, it leaves minimal opportunity for
the students to relax and recreate.(2) Because of this students
face social, emotional and physical problems, which in turn,
may affect their learning ability and academic
performance.(3) Health surveys involving population-
representative samples of children and adolescents observed
statistically significant positive correlations between physical
activity participation and academic performance.(4-6)
However, none of these studies assessed academic
performance with standardized educational tests. During our
literature review we found minimal studies which correlate
the involvement of medical students in physical activities and
their academic performance. Slade et al in their study have
found that changes in recreation use before an exam were
positively associated with changes in exam performance.(7)
To our knowledge, no studies have found that physical
activity is unfavorable or adversely affects academic
achievement, even if physical activity is not always found to
improve achievement. Hence the objective of our research
was to evaluate the correlation between the effects of
physical activities on the academic performance of Melaka
Manipal Medical College students. This research was
conducted to examine the effect of physical activities before
and after class on the level of concentration of the students in
class and to evaluate correlation between the frequency of
physical activities performed and its influence on the
academic performance and cognitive activity of students.
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-
No Derivative Works 2.5 India License
Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences
Peer Reviewed, Open Access, Free Online Journal
Published Quarterly : Mangalore, South India : ISSN 0972-5997
Volume 15, Issue 2; Apr-Jun 2016
Sample size: This is a cross sectional study based on random
sampling method. A total of 210 medical undergraduate
students, comprising of 114 male students and 96 female
students aged 17-19 years participated in this study and the
response rate was 100%. The students belonged to three
different Malaysian ethnic races i.e. Malays, Chinese and
Indians (Malaysian Indians) and were chosen randomly.
Ethical clearance was obtained from the institutional research
committee, prior to the study and the students gave their
informed consent before taking part in this study.
Participation was purely on voluntary basis.
Data collection: Questionnaires were used in the study. The
questionnaire was framed with reference to similar previous
studies.(8) The questions were modified according to our
objectives and it included questions which assess the
student’s perceptions regarding the effect of physical
activities on their health and academic performance. This
questionnaire constituted of 11 closed ended questions which
was validated by academic faculty. It also included student’s
demographic data and graded evaluation of their academic
performance during the academic year. This questionnaire
was then distributed to the students and the responses given
by them were then analyzed. The marks obtained by the
students were grouped into 3 categories: Above average
marks (< 70%), average marks (60-70%) and pass marks (50-
Data analysis: All the data which was obtained after
evaluating the questionnaires was segregated according to
gender. Analysis of the data was done using percentage. The
results obtained were represented as tables, bar charts and pie
charts using Microsoft Excel 2007.
Each graph represented here either corresponds to a series or
to a particular question in the questionnaire or represents
important data obtained from the study. Graph 1 shows the
percentage of students who participated in physical activities.
We have found that a majority of the students, 92 (81 %)
male and 71 (74 %) female students took part in various
physical activities like outdoor and indoor sports, walking,
jogging and workouts in fitness centers etc. It was observed
that percentage of male students participating in physical
activities was higher when compared to females. When we
checked the frequency with which the students involved
themselves in various physical activities, we found that most
of the male students carried out physical activities more than
three times a week (34 students). Females however, mostly
participated about twice a week in various physical activities
(Graph 2). According to the results obtained from our study
we found that most students, both male (58%) and female
(35%), preferred to participate in physical activities after
class. They felt that such activities helped them to relax and
they felt revitalized. Students also opined that involvement in
physical activities increased their level of concentration in
class and they were more confident to face academic
challenges (Graph 3). Our next important observation was
that most of the students agreed that there exists a correlation
between physical activity and academic performance which
was evident when we compared the marks between the
students who were involved in physical activities with those
who weren’t. Students who participated in physical activities
scored average (55%) and above average marks (28%) while
students who dint perform any physical activities mostly
scored average (68%) and pass marks (21%) (Graph 4).
Graph 1: Graph showing the percentage of students who
participated in physical activities
Graph 2: Frequency of performing physical activities
among students
Graph 3: Graph showing the effect of physical activities
on concentration and level of confidence among medical
students who were involved in physical activities
Graph 4: Graph showing the academic performance of
students who were involved and who were not involved in
physical activities
Regular physical activity not only reduces the stress level but
also has beneficial effect on body as well as mind. Students
of professional courses especially medical students are under
a lot of stress due to voluminous academics and hence they
dedicate most of their time to academics and very less
importance is given to physical activities. Several studies
have been conducted in the past to assess the relationship
between physical activity and academic performance.
However, these studies focused mainly on the school students
and adolescents.(9-11) The point to be noted here is that in
schools there is a session everyday where children involve
themselves actively in various physical activities. This is the
major differences between the above studies and ours as in
our study the participants are medical college students who
often do not get time to involve themselves in such activities
nor is there regular sports sessions or classes in their
curriculum. There was a similar study conducted in the past
which postulates that physical activities have a positive effect
on academic performance of medical students.(12) Even they
opine that studies involving professional students are very
limited. Based on the results obtained from our study, we
found that a majority of the students took part in physical
activities. This group of students believed that physical
activities have a positive impact on their academic
performance by means of an increase in concentration and
level of cognitive activity. However a minority of students
opposed this fact. Few of these students did not take part in
any activity due to time constraint while few were not
interested as they believed that physical activities does not
have a positive effect on their academic performance. It is
important to note that brain function may indirectly benefit
from physical activity due to increased energy generation.(3)
The examination of the connection between physical activity
and cognitive function is a popular topic of research
nowadays. It is believed that benefits of exercise are not only
physical but integrate connections within the brain to
stimulate new pathways, which inevitably speed up the
learning process.(13) A research was conducted to assess the
concentration level of students after their completion of class
room lesson and again after their participation in sports for
15 minutes. The scores of the concentration tests were then
compared and the results indicated that after their
participation in sports the students obtained better
concentration scores.(14) This finding is similar to ours
wherein students felt that physical activity increased their
level of concentration.
Studies have indicated that cognitive abilities increase
progressively in childhood and improvements peaks during
late adolescence and early adulthood.(15) Similarly, gradual
decline is seen in cognitive abilities after middle
adulthood.(16) Since the medical students are in their peak
phase of cognitive improvement, it is necessary to stress the
importance of physical activities among them so that it can
aid them in academics and in general wellbeing. This fact is
supported by the above studies which suggest that physical
activity and aerobic fitness are associated with better
achievement in academics and present with a lower risk for
cognitive decline and dementia. Future research in this regard
is needed to demonstrate how much and what type of
exercise best improves neurocognitive function. Regular
physical activity for students in the form of sports and
extracurricular activities not only benefit them physically, but
also mentally. It imparts desirable behavior and transforms
them into a successful and responsible adult in the
society.(17) Researchers opine that these findings will
encourage modifications in educational policies that will
increase physical activity during the routine academics (18)
because it has been found that physicians’ personal exercise
practices influence their clinical attitudes and practices.(19)
This new field of research is still in its infancy and many
questions remain unanswered on the positive role physical
activities play for students in a learning environment. Any
demonstrated relationship to academic performance is an
important finding as its effect on students’ academic
achievement is critical and therefore it has been given a lot of
importance in today’s competitive world.
There are few limitations in our study like our study
population was aged between 17-19 years and all were in
their first year of medical education. Their perspective might
change as they proceed to the para clinical and clinical
studies which we could not compare. These findings cannot
be generalized as there are different teaching modules and
exam schedules across different institutions and courses and
hence the results might vary.
Based on the results of the present study, it can be suggested
that professional colleges and universities should focus on
the facilitation of physical activities for students, through
either outdoor or indoor opportunities. This can be
implemented through active recreation and intramural sports
Physical activities and academic performance are related
proportionally and it bears a positive influence on the
education of the youth. We perceive that these activities
increase student’s focus on studies and help them to succeed
academically. The findings of our study suggest that physical
activities may bring about positive changes in student’s
health and behavior.
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... Aktivitas fisik yang jarang dilakukan akan mengakibatkan tingkat kebugaran jasmani seseorang rendah terutama pada golongan siswa akan memungkinkan siswa tidak siap dalam mengikut proses belajar mengajara dan berpengaruh pada capaian prestasi belajarnya (Nayak B et al., 2016). Siswa yang memiliki kebugaran jasmani kurang baik, maka akan mengalami kesulitan pada aktivitas belajarnya (Gu et al., 2016). ...
Latar belakang pada permasalahan ini adalah bagaimana tingkat kebugaran jasmani siswa dan hasil belajar pendidikan jasmani siswa SMP Negeri 7, 8, 11, dan 14 Kota Pekalongan. Tujuan pada penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kebugaran jasmani dan hasil belajar pendidikan jasmani siswa, serta untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat kebugaran jasmani terhadap hasil belajar pendidikan jasmani siswa SMP Negeri 7, 8, 11, dan 14 Kota Pekalongan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 7, 8, 11, dan 14 Kota Pekalongan tahun 2022 yang semuanya berjumlah 828 siswa, dengan sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu menjadi 82 siswa menggunakan teknik proposional random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat kebugaran jasmani dan hasil belajar siswa kelas VIII dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani di SMP Negeri 7, 8, 11, dan 14 Kota Pekalongan tahun 2022 mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan. Untuk besaran nilai korelasi pada SMP Negeri 7 (r=0,676) dan SMP Negeri 8 (r=0,610) Pekalongan menunjukkan kategori kuat, sedangkan SMP Negeri 11 (r=0,551) dan SMP Negeri 14 (r=0,558) Pekalongan menunjukkan kategori cukup. Setiap sekolah mempunya nilai yang berbeda dengan terdapat kategori besaran korelasinya masing-masing, hal tersebut terjadi dengan adanya faktor lainnya dalam mempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa disamping faktor kebugaran jasmani siswa yang mendominasi pada masing-masing sekolah. Saran penulis yaitu diharapkan dari pihak sekolah untuk tetap memperhatikan kondisi kebugaran jasmani siswanya masing-masing, serta kondisi lainnya dimana hal tersebut berpengaruh juga pada hasil belajar siswa itu sendiri. Disamping itu siswa juga harus memahami kondisinya masing-masing, dan tetap harus menyadari aktivitas jasmani masih mempunyai peran sebagai alat untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan yang mencakup fisik, intelektual, emosional, sosial, moral, dan spiritual.
... 33 Such a correlation between PA and academic performance has been reported in other studies as well. [34][35][36][37] Given the vital importance of PA and the significance of the role doctors' and healthcare professionals' advice in health promotion amongst patients, it is important that the medical students and medical college faculty are themselves practicing healthy behaviors. 38 In this context, we have included medical students and faculty members in our survey. ...
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Background Saudi Arabian population has amongst the highest prevalence of obesity globally. Apart from nutritional measures, physical activity is considered a major modifiable risk factor for the prevention of obesity and its consequences. An insight into the physical activity and awareness parameters of healthcare professionals and those in the making can provide an insight into how prepared we are to deal with the epidemic of non-communicable diseases. The aim of this study is to find out about the degree of physical activity undertaken by the medical students, faculty and staff at the College of Medicine, King Khalid University, as well as their awareness regarding physical activity guidelines. Methods This study surveyed 300 adult participants - medical students, faculty and staff - in the College of Medicine, King Khalid University. An international validated questionnaire was used to assess the physical activity profile of participants as well as BMI parameters. Moreover, awareness and knowledge of the recommended physical activity guidelines for adults were also assessed. Results The study participants comprised around 83% students, 9% faculty members, and 7% staff members. Around 55% of the participants were male, while the rest were female. More than 65% of participants across all categories reported low levels of physical activity, with only about 4.5% of participants across various age groups reporting high levels of physical activity. There was no significant difference by gender across the group (P value = 0.227). Only 17% of the study participants were knowledgeable of the recommended physical activity guidelines for adults. Conclusion We found a low level of physical activity as well as inadequate awareness about the physical activity guidelines amongst our study participants. This study reiterates the urgent need for well-researched and well-funded health promoting interventions to promote physical activity, especially in the context of health professions’ education.
... Otro factor que puede influir en el rendimiento académico de los universitarios es la práctica regular de actividad física (13)(14)(15) . Así, la evidencia actual señala la tendencia de que los estudiantes con mayores niveles de actividad física, tienen mejor concentración en los estudios y mejor rendimiento académico que sus compañeros con bajos niveles de actividad física (16,17) . ...
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Introducción: El aumento del uso de teléfono celular y la baja actividad física en universitarios se han asociado a un bajo rendimiento académico. Objetivo: Analizar la relación entre tiempo de uso del teléfono celular, el nivel de actividad física y rendimiento académico en estudiantes universitarios. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de alcance correlacional y temporalidad longitudinal. Participaron 36 estudiantes universitarios, a quienes se evaluó durante un semestre, el tiempo que destinaron al uso de teléfono celular, a través de la aplicación “Moment” y la actividad física mediante la aplicación “Pacer”. Se registró el rendimiento académico con el promedio de notas. Resultados: Durante el semestre, los hombres realizaron mayor actividad física y utilizaron por mayor tiempo el teléfono. En periodos de evaluación, las mujeres tuvieron mayor actividad física y menor uso del teléfono celular (p=0,019 y p=0,033, respectivamente). Además, los hombres que tuvieron mejores notas promedio hacían un menor número de pickups diarios (p=0,032). Conclusiones: Los hombres universitarios son físicamente más activos y usan más el celular durante el semestre, aunque en periodo de evaluaciones las mujeres tienden a ser más activas y usar menos tiempo su celular. Los universitarios que usan menos el teléfono celular tienen mejor rendimiento académico.
... Namun apabila aktivitas fisik jarang dilakukan dan mengakibatkan tingkat kebugaran jasmani rendah mengakibatkan tidak maksimalnya nutrisi dan oksigen yang mengalir ke otak yang mengakibatkan siswa tidak siap dalam melakukan proses belajar mengajar sehingga capaian prestasi belajar tidak maksimal pula, karena aktivitas fisik sangat berperan dalam mendukung pencapaian hasil belajar siswa (Álvarez-Bueno et al., 2017;Nayak B et al., 2016). Pengelolaan proses metakognitif sebagai dasar belajar anak juga harus memperhatikan beberapa hal diantaranya control emosi dengan membuat suasana yang senang dan bersemangat bagi siswa, control kognitif dengan menggunakan metode yang memacu proses berfikir siswa, dan yang terakhir control motoric dengan melibatkan gerak fisik sebagai bagian dalam pembelajaran sehingga juga dapat memberi dampak terhadap kesegaran jasmaninya (Fitri, 2017). ...
Student academic problems have always been a concern of the government and teachers, various methods and design of learning that are used in improving academic achievement and student learning outcomes. This study examines the relationship of physical fitness to student learning outcomes. The number of samples 28 people selected from the population of 35 people with purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques using 5 physical fitness test instruments and for learning outcomes taken from the results of midterm exams. Data analysis techniques used the Kolmogorof Smirnof One Sample Test and Pearson Spearman Correlation Test. The results showed that the highest physical fitness score of 24 was included in the very good category and the lowest score was 13, which means it was still lacking, the highest average student learning outcomes were 79.92 and the lowest average value was 72.28. While the Correlation analysis shows the value (r) 0.304 with a probability level (0.005) <α0.05 so there is a significant relationship between the two variables. Based on the analysis it is concluded that there is a relationship between the level of physical fitness with student learning outcomes, the better the physical fitness, the better the student learning outcomes will be.
... Muchos estudios mencionan que es sumamente importante tener una alimentación balanceada y al mismo tiempo realizar actividad física para poder tener un buen rendimiento académico. De manera interesante Aithal (2016), en una investigación que evaluó el impacto que tiene la actividad física sobre el rendimiento académico en estudiantes de medicina de la India, llegaron a la conclusión que la actividad física aumenta la concentración de los estudiantes y mejora el rendimiento académico. ...
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The objective of this article was to determine the relationship that exists between the lifestyles and the academic performance of the students of the Faculty of Nursing, of the National Hermilio Valdizán University, in Huánuco, Peru in 2019. The type of study used It was descriptive, cross-sectional correlation. The instrument used to evaluate the considered healthy lifestyle is an adaptation of the Inventory of Health Behaviors in Schoolchildren, designed by the World Health Organization. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive statistics and the Chi-square statistical test was used for inferential analysis. All the students enrolled in the academic year, from the first to the fifth year, were used. After the evaluation, 95% of the students had Healthy Lifestyles practices and 5% were Unhealthy, and of these, when correlating with Academic Performance, 25% (63) had a good performance and a 70% (176) their performance was regular. When applying the statistical tests, an X2 = 252 and a P <0.05 were found, which is interpreted to be statistical evidence that the Lifestyles that are practiced are significantly related to the Academic Performance of the students, thus demonstrating the research hypothesis.
... 13 Another study done by Satheesha showed higher percentage of medical students involved in physical activity about 81% of males and 71% of females taking part in physical activity. 17 The present study also shows a statistically significant difference between level of physical activity and anxiety and depressive symptoms. Similar results were obtained from the previous study done by Deepthi where 40.3% of physically inactive medical students were suffering from both anxiety and depressive symptoms. ...
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Background: World Health Organization (WHO) defines physical activity as “any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure. Since medical education is considered stressful due to voluminous academics, it leaves little time for the students to relax and recreate. Hence the present study had been undertaken with an aim to study various trends of physical activity, health status and academic performance among medical students and to find out any association between physical activity and health status, academic performance of medical students.Methods: A cross-sectional study had been undertaken among 2nd and 3rd year MBBS students of our medical college. Physical activity was assessed using GPAQ version 2 questionnaire and mental status of students was measured using hospital anxiety and depression scale. Height, weight, and BMI, of each student along with demographic details were collected. The total percentage of any one of the internal marks of each student was taken for assessing the academic performance.Results: Out of total 150 medical students it was found that 44% of medical students were physically inactive and 40.7% of them were highly active. Majority of female students 70.3% were physically inactive and overweight and obesity were higher among them when compared with male students. But anxiety and depressive symptoms were higher among male students. There was statistically significant difference in association between level of physical activity and mental health. The academic performance also increased with increase in physical activity.Conclusions: Physical activity and mental health are related proportionally and it bears a positive influence on the education of the youth. The regular physical activity improves the mental status and academic performance among students.
... The examination embraced by Aithal, A. P. (2016) uncovered that the accessible wellsprings of physical offices in a school had an outcome effect on understudies' general execution. In the setting to class offices, condition in which the understudies learn is extremely basic and without the fitting condition solid learning can't happen. ...
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Training assumes an imperative part in the improvement of the nation and people. Pakistan is among the most thickly populated countries of the world. Pakistan has a standout amongst the most insignificant capability rates on the planet and as showed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), it is 55 for each penny and stays at 160th in total countries of the world. The target of this examination is to distinguish the reason of low proficiency rate in rustic territories and to recognize physical structure we likewise checkout essential security courses of action in government schools and break down effect of missing offices on youngsters. We likewise discover the reason of dropout youngsters from school and recognize Staff nearness at school. A Situational logical examination was led in region Punjab and in multi arranges testing system was utilized in local Muzaffargarh. Two tehsils from locale were chosen purposively for information accumulation. Tehsil jatoi and Alipur were chosen from locale Muzaffargarh. 150 respondents were selected as a specimen size of the examination. Rate, chi square, gamma, examinations were utilized to investigate the connection between various factors. The outcomes with respect to sexual orientation, age, territory, instruction level, wage level, among various factors are tried by utilizing SPSS for discoveries of the examination. Government should actualize the instructive arrangements from the gross root level. Guys and females ought to incorporate equivalent level for instructive basic leadership process. Conventional esteems, financial obstructions and some other social imperatives ought to be debilitated at all levels in instruction segment particularly in provincial southern Punjab.
... Two studies showed physical activity and recreation increased students' focus and could help them to succeed academically (44,76). One study indicated that a high body mass index in female medical students impaired academic performance (53). ...
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Introduction: Identifying the learners’ problems early enough and providing advice from the beginning is definitely an important investment in the training and progress of future practitioners. The current review aimed at examining factors related to academic failure of the preclinical medical students. Methods: The study was carried out as a systematic search of publications in the following databases published from January 1987 to January 2018: PubMed, Web of Knowledge, Educational Resources, Information Center and Scopus. No language limitation was set for searching the resources. As a comprehensive search, the following keywords were used for the abstract, title and keyword sections: academic performance, academic failure, academic achievement, drop out, academic engagement, learning disorder, medical student, struggle student and problem learner. A valid tool (STROBE) was used to determine the quality of the articles. Results: Most articles discussed personal causes, 7 discussed learning style, 7 discussed personality traits, 6 discussed motivational strategies and self-efficacy, 4 discussed quality of sleep, 4 discussed the effect of stress, 9 discussed demographic factors, 3 discussed physical activity, 1 discussed coping strategies, 2 discussed class attendance and 4 discussed study strategy. Twenty-five articles described instructional design cause, 3 described teaching strategies, 2 described course assessments, 1 described the course structure, 3 described critical thinking, 3 described blended learning, 13 described predictive courses, 14 described admission tests, 1 described the learning environment, 2 described curriculum planning and 3 described the pre-matriculation program. Conclusion: Medical teachers often do not know which students are problem learners or what causes academic failure. The goal of this systematic review was to determine the origin of problems in learning to identify problem learners. The results indicates that managers, policymakers, instructors and counselors can monitor student academic achievement by careful planning of instructional design, attention to an educational environment, use of active teaching methods, continuous assessment of students and consideration of personal factors. Keywords: Academic failure, Medical student, Medical Education Abstract
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Bu araştırmada, BESYO öğrencilerinin zihinsel dayanıklılık ve fiziksel aktivite düzeyleri ile uyku kalitesi arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Nicel araştırma yöntemlerinden biri olan ilişkisel tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak, Sporda Zihinsel Dayanıklılık Envanteri, Uluslararası Fiziksel Aktivite Anketi, Pittsburgh uyku kalitesi indeksi (PUKİ) ve araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan demografik form kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen verilere göre, Sporda Zihinsel Dayanıklılık Envanteri ile Toplam Fiziksel Aktivite arasında pozitif yönlü çok zayıf bir ilişki bulunmaktadır. Sporda Zihinsel Dayanıklılık Envanteri ile PUKİ arasında negatif yönlü çok zayıf bir ilişki bulunmaktadır. 24-25 arası yaşlarda olanların PUKİ puanın, 22-23 yaş arası olanlara göre daha yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Kadınların Oturma alt boyut puanlarının erkeklere göre daha yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Profesyonel veya amatör olarak aktif spor yapanların PUKİ, Sporda Zihinsel Dayanıklılık Envanteri, Şiddetli Fiziksel Aktivite, Orta Düzeyde Fiziksel Aktivite alt boyut puanları yapmayanlara göre daha yüksektir. Yüzme-dalış sporunu yapanların Güven alt boyut puanı, futbol ve diğer takım sporlarını yapanlara göre daha yüksektir. Futbol sporunu yapanların Devamlılık alt boyut puanı, diğer sporları yapanlara göre daha düşüktür. Diğer sporları yapanların Sporda Zihinsel Dayanıklılık Envanteri puanı, futbol ve diğer takım sporlarını yapanlara göre daha yüksektir. Spor yapmayanların Şiddetli Fiziksel Aktivite alt boyut puanı, yüzme-dalış ve diğer sporları yapanlara göre daha düşüktür. Spor yapmayanların Orta Düzeyde Şiddetli Fiziksel Aktivite alt boyut puanı, tenis-badminton ve diğer sporları yapanlara göre daha düşüktür. Spor yapmayanların Oturma Süresi alt boyut puanı, futbol, atletizm, diğer ve diğer takım sporları yapanlara göre daha yüksektir. Spor yapmayanların PUKİ puanı futbol, yüzme-dalış, tenis-badminton, kış sporları, diğer ve diğer takım sporları yapanlara göre daha yüksektir. 7 yaş ve altında spora başlayanların Güven alt boyut puanı, 17 yaş ve üstünde başlayanlara göre daha yüksektir. 8-11 yaş arasında spora başlayanların Orta Düzeyde Şiddetli Fiziksel Aktivite alt boyut puanı, 17 yaş ve üstünde başlayanlara göre daha yüksektir. Haftada 1-2 gün antrenman yapanların Güven alt boyut puanı, haftada 3-4 gün antrenman yapanlara göre daha düşüktür. Ayrıca, haftada 5-6 gün antrenman yapanların Güven alt boyut puanı, diğer tüm gruplara göre daha yüksektir. Haftada 1-2 gün antrenman yapanların Şiddetli Fiziksel Aktivite alt boyut puanı, haftada 3-4 gün ve 5-6 gün antrenman yapanlara göre daha düşüktür. Haftada 1-2 gün antrenman yapanların Orta Düzeyde Şiddetli Fiziksel Aktivite alt boyut puanı, haftada 3-4 gün ve 5-6 gün antrenman yapanlara göre daha düşüktür. Haftada 1-2 gün antrenman yapanların Toplam Fiziksel Aktivite puanı, haftada 3-4 gün ve 5-6 gün antrenman yapanlara göre daha düşüktür. Sigara içme durumu grupları arasında ölçek ve alt boyut puanları bakımından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark saptanmamıştır. Bunun yanı sıra alkol kullananların Yürüme alt boyut puanları kullanmayanlara göre daha düşük olduğu belirlenmiştir.
Phenomenon Medical schools are tasked with selecting applicants who will excel in a rigorous curriculum and successfully perform as future physicians. While many studies have assessed quantitative prematriculation data for predicting success in medical school, fewer studies have assessed for qualitative prematriculation factors influencing medical school performance. A recent study revealed that medical students with at least one year of varsity level college athletics participation outperformed their peers on United States Medical Licensing board exams and clinical clerkships. The current study sought to explore medical student, medical school faculty, and college coach perspectives about factors explaining why medical students with collegiate athletic experience succeed in medical school. Approach: In 2019, the authors conducted semi-structured interviews with medical students with collegiate athletic experience, medical school faculty with experience educating student athletes, and college coaches with experience training student athletes who matriculated into medical school. The interview transcripts were systematically coded and analyzed for themes using a grounded theory approach. Participants were recruited and interviewed until saturation of data was reached. Findings: Fifteen medical students with collegiate athletic experience, five medical school faculty, and three collegiate coaches participated in the study. Six themes were identified as important factors explaining the academic success of these students in medical school and each of these themes appeared in student, faculty, and coach interviews: goal setting, goal pursuit, and performance appraisal; development of time management, planning, and organizational skills; development of team values and teamwork skills; development of communication and interpersonal skills; acceptance of, coping strategies for, and resilient response to stress and adversity; and prioritization of personal wellness. Participants described meaningful connections between these attributes and skills, suggesting the students’ development, transfer, and application of them is interrelated. Insights: In this study, academic success of medical students with collegiate athletic experience was attributed to specific skills and attributes developed during college. The grounded theory life skills transfer model can explain transfer of these attributes and skills from college to the medical school setting. Theoretical frameworks and empirical study findings from the sociology, educational psychology, sports psychology, and medical education literature provide helpful lenses for understanding why these skills and attributes confer success among student athletes in medical school. These findings offer important insights on skill development that may support the academic success of all medical students.
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Physical activity is a crucial component of school curricula as it is suggested to increase the students’ academic performance. This may be applied in the university age group, especially when considering medical and health sciences colleges where higher stress levels are recorded. Aim: To assess the relationship between physical activity and academic performance among medical and health sciences students. Methods: an online questionnaire-based cross sectional study involved 198 students from RAK Medical and Health Sciences University was conducted to identify the level of physical activity and academic performance. Results were tabulated and analyzed using SPSS. Results: there was significant positive correlation between physical activity and academic performance (r = 0.208). However, the correlation was higher for BDS College with no significant difference with regard to nationality, age and gender.
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Lack of physical activity is a contributor to the obesity epidemic and is speculated to relate to reduced academic performance; however, this link has yet to be examined within the college population. The purpose of this study in a group of undergraduate students, was to determine if aerobic exercise activity was related to academic performance. The participants for this study included 740 students at multiple universities enrolled in nursing and kinesiology studies. The participants completed the Leisure and Physical Activity Questionnaire. Pearson's χ(2) analysis revealed differences in grade point average with aerobic activity (χ(2) = 44.29, P ≤ 0.001) as well as a trend toward differences in grade point average with weightlifting activity (χ(2) = 22.69, P = 0.61). Based on these findings it can be suggested that college students engage in greater aerobic exercise.
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Introduction One of the most salient ways in which our behavior changes during childhood and adolescence is that we get better at working towards long-term goals, ignoring irrelevant information that could distract us from these goals, and controlling our impulses – in other words, we exhibit improvements in cognitive control (Casey et al., 2005a; Diamond, 2002; Zelazo, 2004). Cognitive control relies on working memory, or the ability to keep relevant information in mind as needed to carry out an immediate goal. What precisely is changing in a child 's brain over time, enabling him or her to better control his/her thoughts and behavior? To what extent do these neural changes result from experience and practice, and to what extent do they result from predictable developmental changes in brain structure? What are the elemental control processes that develop during childhood? A number of brain imaging studies have been conducted in recent years in an effort to tackle these and other difficult questions about the developing brain (Casey et al., 2005b; Luna and Sweeney, 2004). In comparison to what is known about changes in brain structure over development (see Chapter 1 by Lu and Sowell), far less is known about the resulting changes in brain function. Below, we focus on recent event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies examining age-related changes in cognitive control.
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There are substantial declines in behavioral measures of cognitive function with age, including decreased function of executive processes and long-term memory. There is also evidence that, with age, there is a decrease in brain volume, particularly in the frontal cortex. When young and older adults perform cognitive tasks that depend heavily on frontal function, neuroimaging evidence indicates that older adults recruit additional brain regions in order to perform the tasks. This additional neural recruitment is termed "dedifferentiation," and can take multiple forms. This recruitment of additional neural tissue with age to perform cognitive tasks was not reflected in the behavioral literature, and suggests that there is more plasticity in the ability to organize brain function than was previously suspected. We review both behavioral and neuroscience perspectives on cognitive aging, and then connect the findings in the two areas. From this integration, we suggest important unresolved questions and directions for future research.
Our increasingly inactive lifestyle is detrimental to physical and cognitive health. This review focuses on the beneficial relation of physical activity and aerobic fitness to the brain and cognitive health in a youth and elderly population to highlight the need to change this pattern. In children, increased physical activity and higher levels of aerobic fitness have been associated with superior academic achievement and cognitive processes. Differences in brain volumes and brain function of higher-fit and lower-fit peers are potential mechanisms underlying the performance differences in cognitive challenges. We hope that this research will encourage modifications in educational policies that will increase physical activity during the school day. In addition, older adults who participate in physical activity show higher performance on a variety of cognitive tasks, coupled with less risk of cognitive impairment. The cognitive enhancements are in part driven by less age-related brain tissue loss and increases in the efficiency of brain function. Given the increasing aging population and threat of dementia, research about the plasticity of the elderly active brain has important public health implications. Collectively, the data support that participation in physical activity could enhance daily functioning, learning, achievement, and brain health in children and the elderly.
Physical Education and immediate mental performance of sixth-grade children
  • D Mcnaughton
  • C Gabbard
McNaughton D, Gabbard C. Physical Education and immediate mental performance of sixth-grade children. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 1993;77:1155-1159.
The revolutionary new science of exercise and the brain
  • R J Spark
Spark RJ. The revolutionary new science of exercise and the brain. New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company, 2008.
health sciences students: A Cross sectional study from RAKMHSU -Ras Alkhaimah-UAE
health sciences students: A Cross sectional study from RAKMHSU -Ras Alkhaimah-UAE. International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health. 2015;2(1):92-95.