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Moving beyond the monosyllable in models of skilled reading:
Mega-study of disyllabic nonword reading
Petroula Mousikou
, Jasmin Sadat, Rebecca Lucas, Kathleen Rastle
Department of Psychology, Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom
article info
Article history:
Received 14 December 2015
revision received 6 September 2016
Reading aloud
Computational reading models
Stress assignment
Most English words are polysyllabic, yet research on reading aloud typically focuses on
monosyllables. Forty-one skilled adult readers read aloud 915 disyllabic nonwords that
shared important characteristics with English words. Stress, pronunciation, and naming
latencies were analyzed and compared to data from three computational accounts of disyl-
labic reading, including a rule-based algorithm (Rastle & Coltheart, 2000) and connectionist
approaches (the CDP++ model of Perry, Ziegler, & Zorzi, 2010, and the print-to-stress net-
work of Ševa, Monaghan, & Arciuli, 2009). Item-based regression analyses revealed ortho-
graphic and phonological influences on modal human stress assignment, pronunciation
variability, and naming latencies, while human and model data comparisons revealed
important strengths and weaknesses of the opposing accounts. Our dataset provides the
first normative nonword corpus for British English and the largest database of its kind
for any language; hence, it will be critical for assessing generalization performance in
future developments of computational models of reading.
Ó2016 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC
BY license (
Research on the mental processes involved in visual
word recognition and reading aloud has flourished in the
past 30 years. This advancement is demonstrated most
clearly by the fact that precise accounts of how people rec-
ognize printed words and read them aloud are now avail-
able in the form of computational models that seek to
mimic human reading behavior (Coltheart, Rastle, Perry,
Langdon, & Ziegler, 2001; Perry, Ziegler, & Zorzi, 2007;
Plaut, McClelland, Seidenberg, & Patterson, 1996). These
models have been remarkably successful in explaining
how skilled readers translate print into sound, and have
also offered fresh insights into our understanding of typical
and atypical reading development (e.g., Jackson &
Coltheart, 2001), acquired impairments of reading (e.g.,
Coltheart, 2006), and the genetic and neural basis of read-
ing (Bates et al., 2010; Taylor, Rastle, & Davis, 2013).
However, most empirical and computational work in
this domain has focused on monosyllables, which consti-
tute only a very small minority of the words in English
and are practically absent from many of the world’s other
languages. Moving beyond the monosyllable presents
more than a problem of scale – at least for theories con-
cerned with reading aloud. Indeed, English polysyllables
present not only greater opportunities for inconsistency
in the spelling-to-sound mapping than monosyllables,
but also raise special additional challenges such as syllab-
ification, stress assignment, and vowel reduction that are
not relevant to monosyllables.
This article seeks to advance our understanding of how
skilled readers process letter strings with more than one
syllable. We report a mega-study in which 41 adults read
aloud 915 disyllabic nonwords (yielding over 37,000 read-
0749-596X/Ó2016 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Corresponding author at: Max Planck Institute for Human Develop-
ment, REaD (Reading Education and Development), Lentzeallee 94, 14195
Berlin, Germany.
E-mail address: (P. Mousikou).
Journal of Memory and Language 93 (2017) 169–192
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ing aloud responses). Our analyses seek to identify the cues
to stress assignment in English, and to uncover the factors
that influence pronunciation variability and reading aloud
latencies across adult readers. We also use these data to
assess for the first time the adequacy of opposing compu-
tational accounts of disyllabic reading aloud, namely the
CDP++ model (Perry, Ziegler, & Zorzi, 2010), the rule-
based disyllabic algorithm of Rastle and Coltheart (2000),
and the connectionist print-to-stress network of Ševa,
Monaghan, and Arciuli (2009). In doing so, our data further
offer an insight into the question of whether the print-to-
stress and print-to-sound mapping is best described in
terms of rules or learned statistical relationships. Finally,
we make available this entire database of human and
model data to facilitate rapid theoretical advancement in
the area of reading.
Monosyllabic models of reading aloud
There is now strong agreement among reading theorists
that two kinds of procedures are used in the translation of
orthography to phonology (Taylor et al., 2013; Woollams,
Lambon Ralph, Plaut, & Patterson, 2007). One of these pro-
cedures is particularly important for supporting the read-
ing aloud of irregular/inconsistent words that do not
respect typical spelling-to-sound relationships (e.g., pint,
yacht). The other procedure specializes in the computation
of phonology using sublexical information and is particu-
larly important for supporting the reading aloud of unfa-
miliar words or nonwords (e.g., vib, slint), which are not
stored in lexical memory. There is strong evidence that
both pathways are routinely used in parallel in skilled
reading (Paap & Noel, 1991; Rastle & Coltheart, 1999).
Though all models of reading aloud subscribe to this
general dual-pathway architecture, they differ in impor-
tant ways. The DRC model (Coltheart et al., 2001) proposes
that the lexical pathway consists of local orthographic and
phonological representations of known words, while the
sublexical pathway consists of rules that relate graphemes
to phonemes. Conversely, the ‘triangle model’ (Harm &
Seidenberg, 2004; Plaut et al., 1996) comprises learned
mappings between orthographic, phonological, and
semantic units; lexical knowledge in this model is repre-
sented in a distributed manner and the learned mappings
between representations are probabilistic rather than
rule-based. The more recent CDP+ model (Perry et al.,
2007) combines features of these two types of models. Its
lexical pathway is identical to that of the DRC model while
its sublexical pathway consists of a two-layer network that
learns the mappings between graphemes and phonemes,
as well as a grapheme identification and parsing
Different approaches have been adopted to adjudicate
between these models. One such approach involves inves-
tigating their generalization performance (i.e., the models’
ability to read aloud nonwords). Besner, Twilley, McCann,
and Seergobin (1990) were the first to use this approach
in relation to models of reading, demonstrating that an
early version of the triangle model (Seidenberg &
McClelland, 1989) showed far worse generalization perfor-
mance than human readers. Subsequently, investigating
nonword reading performance has become a key aspect
of model evaluation. Most recently, Pritchard, Coltheart,
Palethorpe, and Castles (2012) used this approach to eval-
uate the reading performance of the sublexical pathways
of the DRC (Coltheart et al., 2001) and CDP+ (Perry et al.,
2007) models. They selected 412 monosyllabic nonwords
for which the models disagreed on pronunciation, and
compared these model responses to the pronunciations
given by 45 adult readers. Results showed that the modal
human pronunciation matched the DRC pronunciation in
74% of cases, whereas it only matched the CDP+ pronunci-
ation in 12% of cases. However, one could argue that mod-
els should not be expected to behave as the average human
participant, but rather as an individual participant within
the normal distribution. This is because many nonwords
yield more than one pronunciation when read aloud by dif-
ferent people (Andrews & Scarratt, 1998; Glushko, 1979;
Masterson, 1985; Seidenberg, Plaut, Petersen, McClelland,
& McRae, 1994). Hence, in considering what counts as an
acceptable response in the models, Pritchard et al. (2012)
took into account not only the most frequent response
given by participants, but also whether the model pronun-
ciations matched any human response. Results showed
that the DRC model produced a response that was unlike
any human response for 2% of the nonwords; for the CDP
+ model, this figure was far higher, at 49% of the nonwords.
Disyllabic models of reading aloud
Rastle and Coltheart (2000) claimed that the dual-
pathway framework is ideally suited to consider the prob-
lem of disyllables, in particular, with respect to the assign-
ment of stress. They argued that there are many examples
in which stress cannot be predicted by rule (e.g., camel
versus canal), and thus, that it must be stored in lexical
memory along the lexical pathway. However, in a small-
scale nonword reading aloud study, they found that indi-
viduals assign quite consistently first- or second-syllable
stress to nonwords – for example, 100% of their partici-
pants gave first-syllable stress to the nonword ‘laifun’
while 93% gave second-syllable stress to the nonword
‘itesque’ – suggesting that stress computation must also
be arising along the sublexical pathway. This dual-
pathway approach to stress assignment is consistent with
previous research on reading aloud in Italian (Colombo,
Rastle and Coltheart (2000) considered how this dual-
pathway theory of disyllabic word reading could be imple-
mented in the DRC model. They argued that while it would
be straightforward to add entries with stress information
for disyllabic words to the lexical pathway, implementing
a set of spelling-to-sound and spelling-to-stress rules suit-
able for disyllables along the sublexical pathway poses a
greater challenge. As an initial step, they proposed a partial
implementation of a rule-based sublexical pathway that
translates printed disyllables to sound and applies a stress
marker. This partial implementation calls on the
grapheme-to-phoneme translation rules used by the DRC
model (Rastle & Coltheart, 1999; and later, Coltheart
et al., 2001), and in addition, identifies orthographic strings
corresponding to prefixes and suffixes to determine stress
170 P. Mousikou et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 93 (2017) 169–192
placement. Evaluation of the algorithm revealed good per-
formance in stressing disyllabic words and nonwords. It
accurately predicted stress for nearly 90% of disyllabic
words in the CELEX database (Baayen, Piepenbrock, & van
Rijn, 1993). Further, in an experiment in which partici-
pants read aloud 210 disyllabic nonwords, the algorithm
accurately predicted modal human stress for 84% of the
items. The algorithm is presented in Fig. 1.
Despite its relative success in predicting stress assign-
ment for words and nonwords, Rastle and Coltheart’s
(2000) algorithm has some substantive limitations. For
example, the algorithm expresses a set of hypotheses
about the rules relating spelling to sound and spelling to
stress for disyllabic letter strings. Yet, in order to be fully
tested, it would need to be implemented as part of a pro-
cessing model (e.g., the DRC model) that produces reaction
times in addition to pronunciations and stress. However,
Rastle and Coltheart (2000) identified significant difficul-
ties in implementing this algorithm as part of the DRC
model. These difficulties arise because the proposed algo-
rithm requires information from all parts of the printed
stimulus, from beginning to end, to compute a pronuncia-
tion and stress marker. For example, the algorithm looks
for a suffix at the end of the word prior to the application
of grapheme-to-phoneme translation rules. However, the
sublexical pathway of the DRC model computes a pronun-
ciation serially, from left to right (Rastle & Coltheart, 1999).
Thus, Rastle and Coltheart (2000) argued that further work
would be required to understand how the hypotheses
advanced in their algorithm could be reconciled with the
serial left-to-right operation of the sublexical pathway of
the DRC model.
In more recent years, researchers have considered the
problem of polysyllabic word reading within models that
consist of a learned mapping of the spelling-to-sound
and spelling-to-stress relationship. The best developed of
these is the CDP++ model (Perry et al., 2010), which is a
dual-pathway model of reading aloud comprising lexical
and sublexical processes for mapping print-to-sound. It is
very similar to the CDP+ model (Perry et al., 2007), except
for a number of minor modifications, including an increase
in the number of letter and phoneme slots to accommo-
date longer words, a change to the input coding template
to accommodate disyllables, the introduction of the schwa
phoneme to deal with vowel reduction, the introduction of
stress nodes to represent the position of stress, and the use
of a far larger training corpus and lexicon. Unlike the algo-
rithm presented by Rastle and Coltheart (2000), the CDP++
model is a full processing model that produces a pronunci-
ation, stress marker, and reaction time. The model is pre-
sented in Fig. 2.
The evaluation of the CDP++ model showed very good
performance against the available datasets on word read-
ing (Perry et al., 2010). The model accurately read aloud
over 32,000 words in its lexicon (with an error rate of less
than 1%), and it simulated a number of key benchmark
effects in the monosyllabic domain. The model also
showed very strong performance in capturing variance in
reading aloud latency in large-scale studies of word read-
ing (e.g., Balota et al., 2007), explaining over 49% of vari-
ance in reading aloud latencies in a selection of
monomorphemic monosyllables and disyllables (e.g., Yap
& Balota, 2009), after variance due to phonetic onset was
taken into account. However, the model’s performance on
reading nonwords aloud appears to be more mixed. Perry
et al. (2010) reported that the model correctly read aloud
approximately 95% of the monosyllabic nonwords in the
corpus of Seidenberg et al. (1994), but this was using a
lenient scoring criterion in which responses were consid-
ered as correct if they contained any grapheme-phoneme
or body-rime response that exists in English words. Evalu-
ating the model’s generalization performance using the
Pritchard et al. (2012) monosyllabic corpus (which offers
the range of possible pronunciations across a sample of
participants) gave a very different picture. Although the
performance of CDP++ was better than that of CDP+ for this
set of nonwords (see above), the CDP++ model gave the
modal human pronunciation in only 38% of cases. Further,
the model gave a pronunciation unlike any human
response in 27% of cases. Robidoux and Pritchard (2014)
further analyzed the Pritchard et al. (2012) dataset using
hierarchical clustering techniques, which involved group-
ing participants on the basis of the overall similarity of
their pronunciations. In particular, they compared individ-
ual subjects’ reading profiles and they then examined
whether the DRC and CDP++ models fitted any of the par-
ticipants’ profiles. They observed that while the DRC model
fitted other participants’ reading profiles at least as well as
participants’ fitted one another, the CDP++ model did not
match the reading profile of any of the 45 participants that
took part in the study. It is worth noting that the CDP++
model has not been tested extensively against disyllabic
nonword reading aloud data, though Perry et al. (2010)
tested the model’s performance on stress assignment
against the small nonword reading aloud dataset of
Rastle and Coltheart (2000). These simulations showed
very good capture of the human data, yet the CDP++ model
was slightly more biased toward first-syllable stress than
was the case for human readers.
Ševa et al. (2009) also investigated whether stress
placement in disyllables could be determined through
orthographic regularities using a distributed-
connectionist framework. They developed a model that
learns to map an orthographic input onto a stress pattern.
However, this model does not provide a pronunciation or
reaction time. The architecture of the model consists of
364 orthographic input units (26 letters ⁄14 slots), 100
hidden units, and 1 output unit. The activation of the out-
put unit is graded, but for the purposes of the simulations
reported by Ševa et al. (2009), activations below 0.5 were
treated as first-syllable stress while activations above 0.5
were treated as second-syllable stress. The network’s per-
formance was tested on the set of words and nonwords
used by Rastle and Coltheart (2000). The model performed
slightly better than the rule-based algorithm on assigning
stress to disyllabic words. However, it showed substantially
inferior performance to the rule-based algorithm when
assigning stress to nonwords. This inferior performance
was due to the model assigning first-syllable stress to non-
words that were given second-syllable stress by a majority
of participants. The model of Ševa et al. (2009) is shown in
Fig. 3.
P. Mousikou et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 93 (2017) 169–192 171
Other connectionist approaches to disyllabic reading
include the Junction model (Kello, 2006; Sibley, Kello, &
Seidenberg, 2010), which was benchmarked against nam-
ing latency data from the English Lexicon Project (Balota
et al., 2007). However, the first of these models showed
very poor generalization performance on the monosyllabic
nonwords used by Seidenberg et al. (1994) and the mono-
syllabic and disyllabic nonwords used by Sibley, Kello,
Plaut, and Elman (2008). The generalization performance
of the second model on the Seidenberg et al. (1994) non-
words was significantly better; however, its ability to read
nonwords decreased substantially as their length
increased. As the authors acknowledge, ‘‘it is likely that
performance would not decrease as much as in the present
simulation if skilled readers were to name bisyllabic pseu-
dowords from our corpus. Thus an important task for
future modeling work will be to investigate methods of
improving pseudoword naming.” (Sibley et al., 2010, p.
664). The multiple-trace memory model (Ans, Carbonnel,
& Valdois, 1998) is another connectionist approach to sim-
ulating polysyllabic reading in French. However, this
model does not have a component in its architecture that
allows it to deal with stress assignment. This is not a prob-
lem in a fixed-stress language like French, in which stress
is always placed on the last syllable; however, this model
cannot offer an account for polysyllabic reading in a lan-
guage with variable stress such as English. For all of the
above-mentioned reasons, we did not consider any of these
models in the present work.
Finally, in order to account for polysyllabic reading in
languages with variable stress patterns, a probabilistic
approach to stress assignment within the Bayesian frame-
work has recently been considered in Russian (Jouravlev &
Lupker, 2015). According to a Bayesian model of stress
Is there a prefix?
-individual context
-orthographic legality test
Is there a suffix?
-individual context
Is there a phonotactically-
illegal cluster in the last
two positions?
Pronounce remaining
portion with nonlexical
Pronounce entire string
by rule.
Look up prefix
pronunciation in
affix lexicon. Give
final stress.
Pronounce remaining
portion with nonlexical
rules. Use vowel-
lengthening procedure.
Look up suffix
pronunciation in affix
lexicon. If suffix is stress-
taking, give final stress. If
not, give initial stress.
Is there a phonotactically-
illegal cluster in the last
two positions?
Put ə between
illegal cluster.
Give initial stress.
Give initial
stress. Vowels
not reduced.
Is there a phonotactically-
illegal cluster in the
Give initial
stress. Reduce
ɒ, æ, and a to
Pronounce entire
string by rule.
Put ə between
illegal cluster. Give
initial stress.
Fig. 1. The rule-based algorithm of Rastle and Coltheart (2000).
172 P. Mousikou et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 93 (2017) 169–192
assignment in reading, readers compute probabilities of
stress patterns by assessing prior beliefs about the likeli-
hoods of stress patterns in a certain language, and combin-
ing this information with sublexical cues to stress that are
language-specific. In this approach then, readers are
thought to be sensitive to the frequency with which vari-
ous stress patterns occur in their language (for example,
in the English language, approximately 75% of disyllabic
words are stressed on the first syllable and 25% are
stressed on the second syllable), and language-specific sub-
lexical cues to stress that are present in the orthographic
input. The idea that skilled readers may integrate sublexi-
cal orthographic cues to stress with prior beliefs about
stress patterns in their language to decide about stress
placement is worth exploring. However, this approach
has not been tested so far in the English language, and
the language-specific sublexical cues to stress in English
are as yet unknown. For this reason, we did not consider
this approach in the present study.
In summary, while most empirical and theoretical work
on reading aloud has been undertaken using monosylla-
bles, there has been some progress in modeling the reading
aloud of disyllables. However, of the three models that pro-
pose to simulate disyllabic reading aloud in English, only
the CDP++ model is a full processing model that provides
a reaction time, pronunciation, and stress marker. The
rule-based algorithm of Rastle and Coltheart (2000) pro-
vides a pronunciation and stress marker, and the
distributed-connectionist model of Ševa et al. (2009) pro-
vides only a stress marker. Similarly, just as the number
of available models of reading aloud that can handle disyl-
lables is small, the empirical database needed to test these
models is very limited. For example, the few large-scale
studies on English disyllabic reading aloud include only
monomorphemic words (Chateau & Jared, 2003; Yap &
Balota, 2009), which constitute less than 30% of disyllabic
words in the English language (CELEX; Baayen,
Piepenbrock, & Gulikers, 1995). Further, neither of these
large-scale reading aloud studies investigated how people
assign stress to disyllables. Most importantly, the only
available dataset of disyllabic nonword reading that can
be used to test generalization performance in models of
reading is that of Rastle and Coltheart (2000). However,
this dataset is small in size, the nonwords used have criti-
cal limitations (as outlined below), and their characteris-
tics are not fully representative of the characteristics of
English disyllabic words.
Fig. 2. The CDP++ model (Perry et al., 2010).
Fig. 3. The Ševa et al. (2009) network of stress assignment.
P. Mousikou et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 93 (2017) 169–192 173
Cues to stress assignment in English
The fact that people are relatively consistent when
assigning stress to disyllabic nonwords (Rastle &
Coltheart, 2000) suggests that stress can be computed
along the sublexical pathway. One possibility that has been
considered is that the sublexical pathway simply assigns a
default stress pattern corresponding to the most frequent
stress pattern in a given language (Colombo, 1992;
Colombo & Tabossi, 1992). For example, because most Ital-
ian words are stressed on the penultimate syllable (e.g.,
tacchina), Italian nonwords may also attract stress on that
syllable; similarly, because approximately 75% of English
disyllabic words are stressed on the first syllable, English
disyllabic nonwords may also attract first-syllable stress.
On this type of distributional rule, words that follow the
rule are considered ‘regular’ while words that do not follow
the rule are considered ‘irregular’. Colombo (1992) and
Colombo and Tabossi (1992) found that Italian words
stressed on the penultimate syllable were read aloud more
quickly than words stressed on the antepenultimate sylla-
ble. However, this effect was limited to low-frequency
words, while Burani and Arduino (2004) failed to observe
such an effect. Other studies in Italian also failed to observe
a reading aloud latency advantage for ‘regularly-stressed’
words compared to ‘irregularly-stressed’ words (see
Colombo & Zevin, 2009; Sulpizio, Job, & Burani, 2012).
Hence, the available empirical evidence from Italian does
not support the notion that knowledge about the distribu-
tion of stress patterns in a language influences stress
assignment (see also review by Sulpizio, Burani, &
Colombo, 2015). Accordingly, Rastle and Coltheart (2000)
did not find support for the distributional rule in English
word reading aloud; English disyllabic words stressed on
the first syllable were read aloud as fast as those stressed
on the second syllable. Further, though most English words
take first-syllable stress, there were instances in which
people routinely assigned second-syllable stress to non-
words (e.g., emvoke ?/em‘vəʊk/), arguing against the
notion that the sublexical pathway implements a default
stress pattern (Rastle & Coltheart, 2000).
Various other kinds of proposals have been put forward
as to the sublexical cues that readers use to assign stress.
These include phonological cues such as vowel length
(i.e., the syllable with the long vowel takes stress; Baker
& Smith, 1976) and phonological weight (i.e., syllables with
more phonemes draw stress; Guion, Clark, Harada, &
Wayland, 2003). Research has also suggested that there
might be strong orthographic cues to stress assignment.
Kelly, Morris, and Verrekia (1998) and Kelly (2004) sug-
gested that syllables with many letters tend to attract
stress, in particular in those cases where these letters are
redundant for pronunciation. For example, the word ‘suc-
cumb’ does not require the final ‘b’, and the word ‘gazelle’
does not require the final ‘le’, because both words would be
pronounced in the same way had they not contained these
‘extra’ letters. Similarly, Arciuli and Cupples (2006) ana-
lyzed 340 orthographic word endings and found clear cor-
relates of stress assignment to which readers appear to be
sensitive. In addition to orthographic cues, Rastle and
Coltheart (2000) have argued that morphological cues pro-
vide an important cue to stress, namely, that prefixes and
suffixes typically repel stress, except for a handful of
‘stress-taking suffixes’ (e.g., –een, –ique, –oo) as defined
by Fudge (1984). Finally, Burani and Arduino (2004)
argued that an important cue to stress assignment is the
stress neighborhood in which a stimulus resides. In Italian,
the stress neighborhood is defined as those words that
share the nucleus of their penultimate syllable and their
final syllable, such as the –ola in ‘pistóla’ (see Sulpizio &
Colombo, 2013). Burani and Arduino (2004) showed that
irrespective of whether an Italian word had the typical
penultimate stress pattern, reading aloud latency was
influenced by the consistency of a stimulus within its
stress neighborhood. Words with many stress ‘friends’
were read aloud more quickly than words with many
stress ‘enemies’. However, these cues have often been con-
founded in investigations of stress assignment in the liter-
ature. Hence, it is unclear whether readers take into
account some or all of these cues when assigning stress
to disyllables. Determining the cues to stress assignment
in English and assessing their relative importance is critical
for understanding how people read the vast majority of
words in the English lexicon, and for evaluating the next
generation of computational models of reading. Our study
is the first to examine the combined influence of several
cues on stress assignment and their relative importance
while taking into account potential confounds of previous
The present study
The present article reports a large-scale study in which
41 participants read aloud 915 disyllabic nonwords. For
each response, we report stress placement, phonemic tran-
scription, and reaction time. One major aim of the study
was to determine the factors that influence stress, pronun-
ciation, and naming latency, and thus to learn more about
the operation of the sublexical pathway in reading disylla-
bles aloud. We anticipated that like similar studies of
monosyllabic nonword reading (Andrews & Scarratt,
1998; Pritchard et al., 2012), we would uncover a range
of permissible responses for each nonword. We quantified
this pronunciation variability using the H-statistic (e.g.,
Shannon, 1949; Treiman, Mullennix, Bijelac-Babic, &
Richmond-Welty, 1995), a measure of entropy that takes
into account the proportion of participants producing each
alternative pronunciation.
The other major aim of the study was to test the ade-
quacy of the three computational models of disyllabic
reading aloud discussed previously – the CDP++ model
(Perry et al., 2010), the rule-based algorithm of Rastle
and Coltheart (2000), and the distributed-connectionist
model of stress assignment (Ševa et al., 2009) – against
the obtained human data. Our study is the first to provide
stress, pronunciation, and naming latency data on a large
number of disyllabic nonwords whose characteristics are
representative of the characteristics of English disyllabic
words in the lexicon. Further, our dataset forms the largest
corpus of nonword pronunciation data generated to date.
Hence, it will be critical for assessing generalization perfor-
174 P. Mousikou et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 93 (2017) 169–192
mance in future developments of computational models of
Forty-one monolingual native speakers of Southern Bri-
tish English (11 males) participated in the study for £20.
Participants were undergraduate students at Royal Hol-
loway, University of London. They were 21 years old on
average (range [19,27], SD = 1.6), had normal or
corrected-to-normal vision, and reported no reading
The experimental stimuli consisted of 915 disyllabic
nonwords. These nonwords were derived by submitting a
subset of disyllabic words from the English Lexicon Project
(Balota et al., 2007) to the Wuggy algorithm (Keuleers &
Brysbaert, 2010), a program that generates nonwords by
maintaining the subsyllabic structure and transition fre-
quencies of the base words. The nonwords that we selected
for the present study were 5–8 letters long, with an aver-
age neighborhood size of 0.5, taking into account substitu-
tion, addition, and deletion neighbors (CLEARPOND
database; Marian, Bartolotti, Chabal, & Shook, 2012). Non-
word stimuli had an average orthographic weight of 0.9
(orthographic weight was defined as a ratio of number of
letters in the first syllable to number of letters in the sec-
ond syllable).
To overcome limitations of previous studies (Pritchard
et al., 2012), we ensured that our stimuli had characteris-
tics that mirrored those of disyllabic English words.
According to the CELEX database (Baayen et al., 1995),
71% of disyllabic words in the English language are mor-
phologically complex. Hence, to approximate the morpho-
logical structure of English disyllables, 60% of our
nonwords contained affixes (546 items, of which 396 were
prefixed and 150 were suffixed). We further ensured that
only genuine affixes were used by (a) selecting from the
ELP (Balota et al., 2007) disyllabic base words that were
denoted as morphologically-complex; (b) verifying the sta-
tus of these stimuli as comprising ‘stem + affix’ or ‘affix
+ stem’ using the CELEX database (Baayen et al., 1995);
and (c) selecting nonwords generated by Wuggy that pre-
served the affix of the base word. The prefixed and suffixed
items in our set are indicated in the supplementary
We subsequently ran the 915 nonwords through the
CDP++ model (Perry et al., 2010), the rule-based algorithm
for pronouncing disyllables (Rastle & Coltheart, 2000), and
the distributed-connectionist network (Ševa et al., 2009).
The CDP++ model and the rule-based algorithm (hereafter
referred to as RC00) agreed on pronunciation and stress
assignment for 21% of the nonwords (N= 192), and dis-
agreed on pronunciation and stress assignment for 20% of
the nonwords (N= 183). These models agreed on pronunci-
ation only for 13% of the nonwords (N= 123), and on stress
assignment only for 46% of the nonwords (N= 417). The
Ševa et al. (2009, hereafter referred to as SMA09) model
produced the same stress as the RC00 algorithm for 83%
of the nonwords (N= 756); it produced the same stress
as the CDP++ model for 77% of the nonwords (N= 702).
The 915 items and their corresponding pronunciations
and stress assignments by the three models are provided
in the supplementary materials.
Design and procedure
Eight experimental lists were created. The order of pre-
sentation of the nonwords in each list was pseudo-
randomised based on the following criteria: (a) nonwords
on two successive trials were not phonologically related
(i.e., they did not share their initial phoneme or rime),
and (b) affixed and non-affixed nonwords were equally
distributed across each experimental list. Participants were
randomly assigned to one of the eight experimental lists.
Participants were tested individually, seated in front of
a CRT monitor in a quiet room. Stimulus presentation and
data recording were controlled via DMDX software (Forster
& Forster, 2003) and verbal responses were recorded by a
head-worn microphone. Each trial started with a fixation
cross displayed at the center of the computer screen for
500 ms. Nonwords were presented in the same position,
in lowercase (Courier New, 14-point font), in white on a
black background, and remained on the screen for
3000 ms or until participants responded, whichever hap-
pened first. The inter-stimulus interval randomly varied
between 400 and 600 ms.
The experiment consisted of five practice trials followed
by five blocks of 183 nonwords each. A break was admin-
istered between the blocks. Participants were instructed
to read aloud the nonwords as naturally as possible, as if
they were real words, at their own pace and without hesi-
tation. An experimenter monitored participants’ perfor-
mance throughout the session. In addition to the main
experiment, we collected demographic information and
standard measures of participants’ vocabulary, spelling,
and reading ability to ensure that participants did not have
language impairments, which could potentially affect their
reading performance. The whole session, including breaks,
lasted approximately 90 min.
Data preparation
Reaction times, stress, and pronunciation
The main experiment generated 37,515 digitized sound
files (915 items ⁄41 participants). If any one of the three
main measures – stress, pronunciation, or reaction times
(RTs) – could not be obtained, then the trial as a whole
was excluded from any further analysis. This process
yielded the exclusion of 693 trials (1.8% of the data).
The acoustic onsets of verbal responses were hand
marked using CheckVocal (Protopapas, 2007), following
the criteria specified by Rastle, Croot, Harrington, and
Coltheart (2005). In addition, the full set of sound files
were phonetically transcribed by one of the authors (R.
L.), who had been trained to use the coding scheme of
the RC00 algorithm and the CDP++ model for expressing
P. Mousikou et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 93 (2017) 169–192 175
English phonemes. To facilitate transcription of this very
large dataset, the transcriber was provided with the pro-
nunciations produced by the CDP++ model and the RC00
algorithm for each item (note that for 315 of the items
the models produced the same pronunciations). The tran-
scriber’s task was to record whether the speaker’s pronun-
ciation matched the pronunciation of the CDP++ model or
that of the RC00 algorithm (or both, in cases where models
agreed on pronunciation), or was a different pronunciation.
In the latter case, the transcriber documented the alterna-
tive pronunciation. The transcriber was naïve to the pur-
poses of the study.
Stress judgements were made by one of the authors (K.
R.) who had previous training and experience in this task
(Rastle & Coltheart, 2000). Responses where primary stress
could not be detected (e.g., where nonwords were given
two stressed syllables) were coded as missing. Such
responses were also non-fluent (i.e., produced with clear
syllabification). Even though the rater was blind to the pre-
dictions of the CDP++ and RC00 models during transcrip-
tion, we sought to verify her judgments using an
independent measure of stress for a proportion of trials.
Stressed syllables have been associated with longer vowel
duration, higher pitch, and greater intensity than
unstressed syllables (Lehiste, 1970), though the relative
importance of each of these cues to stress perception is still
unknown. More recently, Kochanski, Grabe, Coleman, and
Rosner (2005) conducted a study on a large corpus of nat-
ural speech, which demonstrated that prominent syllables
were louder and longer compared to non-prominent sylla-
bles. Of the two acoustic cues, loudness (intensity) was the
stronger predictor. For this reason, a trained research assis-
tant, who was naïve to the purposes of the experiment,
labeled the acoustic boundaries of the vowels in each syl-
lable for a random subset of nonword responses (5.2%,
1932 trials) using the criteria established in the ANDOSL
database (Croot, Fletcher, & Harrington, 1992). The vowel
intensity values were subsequently extracted using Praat
(Boersma, 2001). The syllable with the highest vowel
intensity value within each nonword was assigned primary
stress. When comparing the stress judgements of the rater
to those yielded by the acoustic measure, the match
between the two was 79%. In order to reassure ourselves
of the quality of the human ratings, we inspected all
instances of disagreement between the human ratings
and the acoustic measure. In all of these cases, we judged
that the human ratings provided a better approximation
to the actual stress position.
We also assessed K.R.’s stress judgements against the
stress judgements of 10 undergraduate students who had
no previous training or experience of similar nature. In par-
ticular, these students listened to the reading aloud
responses of 10 out of our 41 participants, with each stu-
dent listening to the responses of a different participant.
Despite the fact that the students were untrained, the
kappa inter-rater reliability between K.R. and the students
(listeners) was very high in most cases, with values
between 0.81 and 1 indicating ‘almost perfect agreement’
(4 cases), values between 0.61 and 0.80 indicating ‘sub-
stantial agreement’ (5 cases), and values between 0.21
and 0.40 indicating ‘fair agreement’ (1 case). All values
were highly significant (p< .001). The kappa inter-rater
reliability values between the stress judgements made by
K.R. and those made by each listener are reported in
Table 1.
Mean reaction time and modal human stress and pro-
nunciation for each of the 915 nonwords, as well as the full
dataset of every response are provided in the supplemen-
tary materials.
We analyzed stress placement, pronunciation, and reac-
tion time for the human data and (where possible) for the
three computational models under investigation: CDP++
(Perry et al., 2010), RC00, and SMA09. These three models
vary substantially in their completeness, with only CDP++
yielding pronunciation, stress assignment, and reaction
time (measured in cycles). The RC00 algorithm outputs
pronunciation and stress assignment but no reaction time,
and the SMA09 network only outputs stress assignment.
Therefore, the analyses that we were able to conduct
on each model varied substantially. The outputs of the
CDP++ model, the RC00 algorithm, and the SMA09
network, for each stimulus, are provided in the
supplementary materials.
Stress assignment
We conducted two sets of analyses on the stress data. In
the first set, we used chi-square analyses to assess the suc-
cess of each model in capturing the modal stress assigned
to each item across participants. In the second set, we con-
ducted logistic regression analyses at the item level to
probe the factors that influence stress assignment in
human readers. These same analyses were then conducted
on the model responses to determine whether the models
were sensitive to the same factors as human readers. Thus,
the analyses allowed us to determine whether the three
models under investigation successfully predicted modal
human stress.
Model performance in capturing human stress assignment
The modal stress produced by human participants was
calculated for each item, and these values were compared
with the stress placements provided by each model. Partic-
ipants produced 77% of the items with first-syllable stress
and 23% of the items with second-syllable stress, thus mir-
roring the distribution of stress in the English language.
Eight items were produced with first- and second-
syllable stress an equal number of times. Table 2 shows
model performance in assigning stress against the modal
human stress. Percentages are derived by dividing counts
by 907 items, in which participants favoured first- or
second-syllable stress.
CDP++. The CDP++ model stressed 81% of the items in line
with the modal stress given by participants, a result that
was highly significant,
(1) = 237.55, p< .001. Impor-
tantly, although the model has a strong bias toward initial
stress, it also performed reasonably well for those items
176 P. Mousikou et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 93 (2017) 169–192
that were given second-syllable stress by most
In addition to reporting the ultimate stress given to a
disyllabic stimulus, CDP++ reports the activation levels of
the stress nodes for the first and second syllables at the
point at which the stimulus is read aloud. Using these acti-
vations, we computed a measure of CDP++ stress certainty,
consisting of the absolute value of the difference between
the activations of the two stress nodes. The higher the
value of this measure the greater the model’s certainty of
the given stress. Similarly, we computed human stress cer-
tainty, expressed as the absolute value of the difference
between the percentage of people that assigned 1st-
syllable stress and 2nd-syllable stress to each item, with
a bigger difference reflecting higher stress certainty for a
certain item. We then compared the CDP++ stress certainty
measure against human stress certainty and found a strong
positive correlation between them, r= .56, p< .001. In
other words, items that yielded high certainty about which
syllable to stress across the 41 participants also yielded
high stress certainty in the model.
RC00. The RC00 algorithm stressed 73% of the items
according to the modal stress given by human participants,
a result that was highly significant,
(1) = 132.98, p< .001.
A close inspection of the stress errors made by the model
revealed that these were mainly due to producing
second-syllable stress in response to prefixed nonwords.
SMA09. The SMA09 network stressed 79% of the items
according to the modal stress given by participants, a
result that was highly significant,
(1) = 227.26, p< .001.
A close inspection of the stress errors made by SMA09
revealed that these were mainly due to incorrectly assign-
ing second-syllable stress to prefixed nonwords.
The SMA09 network outputs both stress placement and
the activation of the stress node scaled between 0 and 1,
with values above 0.5 denoting second-syllable stress
and values below 0.5 denoting first-syllable stress. As for
the CDP++ model, we computed stress certainty in
SMA09 and compared it with stress certainty across partic-
ipants. Model stress certainty for items with second-
syllable stress was the activation value of the stress node;
for items with first-syllable stress, it was 1 minus the acti-
vation value of the stress node. For example, the item
‘abast’ yielded a stress value of 0.998, which denotes high
certainty (in this case, for second-syllable stress). The item
‘burbam’ yielded a stress value of 0.002. We calculated the
network’s stress certainty for this item as
10.002 = 0.998, which denotes high certainty (in this
case, for first-syllable stress). Analyses of the model and
human stress certainty measures revealed a strong positive
correlation between them, r= .44, p< .001; hence, items
that yielded high certainty about which syllable to stress
across participants also yielded high stress certainty in
the SMA09 network.
Factors influencing stress assignment
In order to determine the factors that influence human
stress assignment, we conducted logistic regression analy-
ses at the item level, with modal human stress as the out-
come variable (first- versus second-syllable stress). The
predictors consisted of variables that are thought to influ-
ence stress assignment. These include the orthographic
weight (Kelly, 2004; Kelly et al., 1998) and vowel length
(Baker & Smith, 1976) of a syllable as well as the stress pat-
tern of word neighbors (Burani & Arduino, 2004; Sulpizio &
Colombo, 2013).
Morphology has also been suggested as a cue to stress
assignment in English (Ktori, Tree, Mousikou, Coltheart, &
Rastle, 2016; Rastle & Coltheart, 2000). However, this cue
is unavoidably confounded with other potentially impor-
tant cues to stress, including orthographic and phonologi-
cal weight, and vowel length. In particular, items
containing prefixes tend to have more letters and pho-
nemes in the second syllable than the first, while the vowel
in the second syllable is likely longer than the vowel of the
prefix. Similarly, items containing suffixes tend to have
more letters and phonemes in the first syllable than the
second, while the vowel in the first syllable is likely longer
As we mentioned in the introduction, the phonological weight of a
syllable is also known to influence stress assignment (Guion et al., 2003).
However, we cannot reliably count the number of phonemes in our set of
nonwords, because each nonword may receive a number of alternative
pronunciations, and so the number of phonemes in each syllable varies as a
function of its pronunciation. Also, vowel length is typically confounded
with number of vowel letters in English (i.e., long vowels are usually
spelled with two letters). This was also the case in our study, so it could be
that any observed effects of vowel length on stress assignment denote
effects of number of vowel letters.
Table 1
Kappa (k) inter-rater reliability values between stress judgements of K.R. and stress judgements of 10 listeners.
Listener 12345678910
k.81 .37 .95 .79 .87 .92 .66 .75 .76 .78
Table 2
Counts of items (with percentages in parentheses) that predominantly received first- and second-syllable stress by human readers and were correctly assigned
first- and second-syllable stress by CDP++, RC00, and SMA09.
Human modal stress CDP++ RC00 SMA09
1st syllable 694 (77%) 588 (65%) 508 (56%) 555 (61%)
2nd syllable 213 (23%) 148 (16%) 150 (17%) 161 (18%)
Total model match 736 (81%) 658 (73%) 716 (79%)
P. Mousikou et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 93 (2017) 169–192 177
than the vowel of the suffix. Such confounds were apparent
in the stimuli used by Rastle and Coltheart (2000). For
example, in their study, all prefixed nonwords (49 in total)
had more letters in the second syllable compared to the
first, while the majority of suffixed nonwords (48/88) had
more letters in the first syllable compared to the second.
Because the nonwords in our study were modeled on Eng-
lish disyllabic words, we hypothesized that prefixation and
suffixation were likely confounded with other sublexical
cues to stress. For this reason, we first examined the rela-
tionship between affixation and orthographic weight in
our items. We observed that all except one of our prefixed
nonwords had more letters in the second syllable than the
first while 69% of our suffixed nonwords had more letters
in the first syllable than the second.
Similarly, we exam-
ined the relationship between affixation and vowel length
in our items; while almost half of the prefixed nonwords
(48%) had a long vowel in the second syllable, only 25% of
the suffixed nonwords had a long vowel in the second
To avoid potential confounds in our analyses while still
being able to assess how morphological properties of
printed letter strings may influence stress assignment,
we calculated a graded metric of spelling-to-stress consis-
tency that expressed the consistency with which ortho-
graphic onsets and rimes in the first and second syllable
map to a particular stress pattern in the lexicon. We con-
sidered that this metric would capture morphological
effects on stress because (a) the CELEX database of disylla-
bles that we used to calculate this metric comprises a very
high proportion of morphologically-complex words
(Baayen et al., 1995), and (b) the syllabic units in our
affixed nonwords always corresponded to a prefix or a suf-
fix. Further, the hypothesis that prefixes and suffixes repel
stress (Rastle & Coltheart, 2000) is derived from the obser-
vation that the vast majority of prefixes and suffixes in
English words do not take stress. Thus, we predicted that
the sublexical orthographic units in the first syllable of pre-
fixed items (i.e., the onset and rime units that make up pre-
fixes) would likely map consistently onto second-syllable
stress, while the sublexical orthographic units in the sec-
ond syllable of suffixed items (i.e., the onset and rime units
that make up suffixes) would likely map consistently onto
first-syllable stress.
The calculation of this metric required us to syllabify
our items. There is no consensus on the syllabification of
English words (Treiman & Danis, 1988). However, in our
case, we wanted to derive sublexical units that would
allow us to compare our nonwords to similar words in
the CELEX database (Baayen et al., 1995). For this reason,
we closely followed the method for orthographic syllabifi-
cation used in CELEX. These syllabifications generally fol-
low the Maximum Onset Principle (Kahn, 1976; Selkirk,
1982), whereby the phonological onset of the second sylla-
ble is maximized (e.g., kelvin ?kel-vin instead of kelv-in).
However, orthographic constraints are also respected (e.g.,
afford ?af-ford instead of a-fford). Following these syllab-
ifications allowed us to derive onset and rime units from
our nonwords that matched the onset and rime units of
similar words in CELEX, thus increasing the validity of
our spelling-to-stress consistency metric.
In the following logistic regression analyses, ‘first-
syllable stress’ was considered as the baseline category,
so that regression coefficients reflect the probability of
assigning second-syllable stress.
Accordingly, our predic-
tors included the measure of spelling-to-stress consistency
of the first and the second syllable described above (which
reflects whether the onset and rime units of each syllable
point toward first- or second-syllable stress), the item’s
orthographic weight (expressed as the ratio of number of
letters in the first syllable to the number of letters in the sec-
ond syllable), the vowel length of the second syllable (which
denotes whether the second syllable contains a long vowel),
and the stress pattern of the item’s orthographic neighbors
(which denotes whether an item has any word neighbors
that are stressed on the second syllable). Further, we consid-
ered stress certainty as an additional predictor of stress
In order to determine then whether stress assignment
in the models was sensitive to the same factors as in the
human data, the same logistic regression analyses were
carried out for each model. These analyses treated model
stress as the outcome variable (again, with first-syllable
stress being the baseline category) and used the same pre-
dictor variables as in the human data.
All analyses of stress
placement used the glm function in R (R Core Team, 2015,
version 3.2.3) and the packages car (Fox & Weisberg, 2011)
and mlogit (Croissant, 2013). Further, given that we had
no logical or theoretical basis for considering any variable
to be prior to any other, we entered all of the variables into
the analysis simultaneously. Our predictions about how
each of these variables was likely to influence stress assign-
ment are outlined below:
i. Spelling-to-stress consistency. We calculated two
variables, one for the onset and rime units of the first
syllable and another for the onset and rime units of
the second syllable for all 915 nonwords. These vari-
ables expressed the consistency with which these
units in each syllable map to a particular stress pat-
tern according to the CELEX database (Baayen et al.,
1995). The values for onsets and rimes were then
averaged to form a composite measure of unit con-
sistency within each syllable. Our hypothesis was
that the more consistently the onset and rime units
in a syllable map onto a particular stress pattern, the
more likely it would be for that syllable to have this
Indeed, after extracting all of the disyllabic words in CELEX that had
either a prefix or a suffix contained in one or more of our nonwords, we
observed that 95% of those prefixed words had more letters and phonemes
in the second syllable than the first, while 98% of those suffixed words had
more letters and phonemes in the first syllable than the second.
Eight of the nonwords were assigned first- and second-syllable stress
an equal number of times. These items were excluded from the analyses of
both the human and the model stress data.
Stress certainty in the CDP++ model consisted of the absolute value of
the difference between the activations of the model’s stress nodes. Stress
certainty in the SMA09 network was also calculated on the basis of the
stress node’s activation value (see details of its calculation on p. 19). In both
models, higher values indicated greater stress certainty.
178 P. Mousikou et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 93 (2017) 169–192
stress pattern. Values toward 1 pointed toward first-
syllable stress while values toward 0 pointed toward
second-syllable stress. In line with our predictions,
the average spelling-to-stress consistency of the first
syllable of prefixed items in our set was 0.40 (thus,
showing bias toward second-syllable stress) while
the corresponding value of the second syllable of
suffixed items was 0.80 (thus, showing bias toward
first-syllable stress). The average spelling-to-stress
consistency for non-affixed items in our set was
0.80 for both syllables (indicating strong bias toward
first-syllable stress). Further details on the calcula-
tion of this metric can be found in Appendix A.
ii. Orthographic weight. We calculated a metric express-
ing orthographic weight by dividing the number of
letters in the first syllable by the number of letters
in the second syllable. Values below 1 indicated
more letters in the second syllable, while values
above 1 indicated more letters in the first syllable.
We hypothesized that the more letters a syllable
contained the more likely it would be for that sylla-
ble to attract stress (see Kelly, 2004; Kelly et al.,
iii. Long vowel (second syllable). We created a binary
variable, which expressed for each nonword
whether there is likely to be a long vowel in the sec-
ond syllable. This was based on a rule-based pronun-
ciation of the vowel orthography (e.g., vowel
digraphs and split digraphs would normally yield a
long vowel). In the analysis, the category ‘no long
vowel in the second syllable’ was treated as the
baseline. Our hypothesis was that long vowels in
the second syllable would tend to attract stress
(see Baker & Smith, 1976).
iv. Orthographic neighbor with second-syllable stress.We
created a binary variable, which expressed for each
nonword whether it has an orthographic word
neighbor that is stressed on the second syllable.
The calculation of this metric included addition,
deletion, and substitution neighbors. In this analysis,
the category ‘no neighbor with second-syllable
stress’ was treated as the baseline. We hypothesized
that nonwords that had one or more neighbors pro-
nounced with second-syllable stress would be more
likely to attract second-syllable stress than non-
words with no such neighbors (see Burani &
Arduino, 2004; Sulpizio & Colombo, 2013).
v. Stress certainty. We created a continuous variable by
calculating the absolute difference between the per-
centage of people that assigned 1st-syllable stress
and 2nd-syllable stress to each nonword. A bigger
difference reflected higher stress certainty for a cer-
tain item. We hypothesized that nonwords that
yielded less stress certainty may be more likely to
take 2nd-syllable stress. This is because 2nd-
syllable stress is not the default stress pattern in
English and so readers are likely less exposed to sub-
lexical cues that are typically associated with 2nd-
syllable stress in the English lexicon (and hence
more uncertain when assigning 2nd-syllable stress).
Some general characteristics of the nonwords that are
relevant for the regression analyses on the stress data are
shown in Table 3. The results from the analyses of the
stress data are shown in Table 4.
We further assessed the relative importance of individ-
ual predictors in the model. Relative importance refers to
the quantification of an individual regressor’s contribution
to a multiple regression model. The varImp metric of the
caret package in R (Kuhn, 2015) is a statistical test that
assesses the relative importance of individual predictors
in the model by estimating the absolute value of the t-
statistic for each model parameter. This function automat-
ically scales the importance scores to be between 0 and
100. Table 5 presents the results from this analysis.
Humans. The analyses of the human stress data were all in
the predicted direction. In particular, second-syllable
stress becomes less likely when (i) the onsets and rimes
of both syllables are consistently associated with first-
syllable stress; (ii) the orthographic weight is biased
toward the first syllable; and (iii) there is more stress cer-
tainty. Similarly, second-syllable stress becomes more
likely when (i) there is a long vowel in the second syllable;
and (ii) the nonword has one or more orthographic neigh-
bors with second-syllable stress.
The odds ratios further showed that for a unit increase
in the spelling-to-stress consistency of the onset and rime
units in the first syllable, which indicates more association
with first-syllable stress, there was a 97% decrease in the
odds of 2nd-syllable stress assignment. The equivalent
decrease for the onset and rime units in the second syllable
was 88%. Similarly, for a unit increase in the orthographic
weight, which indicates more letters in the first-syllable,
there was a 99% decrease in the odds of 2nd-syllable stress
assignment. However, for a unit increase in stress certainty
there was only a 1% decrease in the odds of 2nd-syllable
stress assignment. The odds of 2nd-syllable stress assign-
ment for items with a long vowel in the second syllable
were 149% higher than the odds for items without a long
vowel in the second syllable, while the odds of 2nd-
syllable stress assignment for items with 2nd-syllable
stressed neighbors were 193% higher than the odds for
items without such neighbors.
Table 3
Characteristics of nonwords (ranges for means are shown in parentheses).
Prefixed 396
Suffixed 150
Orthographic weight 0.9 (0.2–5)
Long vowel 2nd syllable 314
Neighbors stressed on 2nd-syllable 64
Neighborhood 0.5 (0–12)
Onset and rime spelling-to-stress consistency
(1st syllable)
0.7 (0.1–1)
Onset and rime spelling-to-stress consistency
(2nd syllable)
0.7 (0.2–1)
Alternative pronunciations 5.9 (1–22)
P. Mousikou et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 93 (2017) 169–192 179
The analysis of variable importance further showed that
the most important predictor in the regression model on
the human stress data was orthographic weight, followed
by the spelling-to-stress consistency of the onset and rime
units in the first syllable. Vowel length of the 2nd syllable
was the next most important predictor, followed by the
spelling-to-stress consistency of the onset and rime units
in the second syllable. The stress neighborhood of the sec-
ond syllable was a less important predictor in the model
while stress certainty had no importance. Collinearity was
not an issue as variance inflation factors (VIF) for all predic-
tors in the model were less than 1.14 while the lowest
observed value of the tolerance statistic (1/VIF) was 0.88.
CDP++. The analyses of the CDP++ stress data revealed the
same effects as the human data except that having an
orthographic neighbor with 2nd-syllable stress did not
influence stress assignment in this model. The odds ratios
further showed that for a unit increase in the spelling-to-
stress consistency of the onset and rime units in the first
syllable, which indicates more association with first-
syllable stress, there was a 97% decrease in the odds of
2nd-syllable stress assignment. The equivalent decrease
for the onset and rime units in the second syllable was
90%. Further, for a unit increase in the orthographic weight,
which indicates more letters in the first-syllable, there was
a 92% decrease in the odds of 2nd-syllable stress assign-
ment, while for a unit increase in stress certainty, there
was a 64% decrease in the odds of 2nd-syllable stress
assignment. Also, the odds of 2nd-syllable stress assign-
ment for items with a long vowel in the second syllable
were 472% higher than the odds for items without a long
vowel in the second syllable. The analysis of variable
importance showed that the most important predictor in
the regression model was the vowel length of the 2nd syl-
lable, followed by the spelling-to-stress consistency of the
onset and rime units in the first syllable. Orthographic
weight was the next most important predictor followed
by the spelling-to-stress consistency of the onset and rime
units in the second syllable. Stress certainty was a less
important predictor while the stress neighborhood of the
second syllable had no importance. Collinearity was not
an issue as variance inflation factors (VIF) for all predictors
in the regression model were less than 1.32 while the low-
est observed value of the tolerance statistic (1/VIF) was
RC00. The analyses of the RC00 stress data revealed that
second-syllable stress becomes less likely when the onsets
and rimes of both syllables are consistently associated with
first-syllable stress, and that second-syllable stress
becomes more likely when the nonword has one or more
orthographic neighbors with second-syllable stress. The
odds ratios further showed that for a unit increase in the
spelling-to-stress consistency of the onset and rime units
in the first syllable, which indicates more association with
first-syllable stress, there was a 98% decrease in the odds of
2nd-syllable stress assignment. The equivalent decrease
for the onset and rime units in the second syllable was
91%. Further, the odds of 2nd-syllable stress assignment
for items with 2nd-syllable stressed neighbors were 113%
higher than the odds for items without such neighbors.
The analysis of variable importance showed that the most
important predictor in the regression model on the RC00
stress data was the spelling-to-stress consistency of the
onset and rime units in the first syllable, followed by the
Table 4
Logistic regression analyses on stress data for humans, CDP++, RC00, and SMA09.
Humans CDP++ RC00 SMA09
Spelling-to-Stress Consistency (1st syllable) 3.52
(0.58) 0.03 3.39
(0.54) 0.03 4.11
(0.45) 0.02 3.07
(0.51) 0.05
Spelling-to-Stress Consistency (2nd syllable) 2.15
(0.59) 0.12 2.29
(0.56) 0.10 2.37
(0.49) 0.09 1.61
(0.54) 0.20
Orthographic Weight 4.46
(0.66) 0.01 2.57
(0.53) 0.08 0.24 (0.24) 0.79 3.43
(0.50) 0.03
Vowel Length 0.91
(0.23) 2.49 1.74
(0.22) 5.72 0.02 (0.19) 0.98 0.52
(0.21) 1.68
Neighbors with 2nd syllable stress 1.07
(0.35) 2.93 0.12 (0.34) 1.13 0.76
(0.35) 2.13 2.20
(0.47) 8.99
Stress Certainty 0.01
(0.00) 0.99 1.02
(0.36) 0.36 0.83 (0.64) 0.44
(Hosmer–Lemeshow) .45 .44 .26 .42
Chi-square statistic
(6) = 447.25
(6) = 469.52
(5) = 307.35
(6) = 479.84
Note. B(SE): Unstandardized coefficients with Standard Errors in parentheses; OR: Odds Ratios.
p< .05.
p< .01.
p< .001.
Table 5
Analyses of variable importance on stress data for humans, CDP++, RC00, and SMA09.
Humans CDP++ RC00 SMA09
Spelling-to-Stress Consistency (1st syllable) 83.68 78.18 100.00 86.03
Spelling-to-Stress Consistency (2nd syllable) 29.03 49.16 51.91 30.73
Orthographic Weight 100.00 59.02 9.81 100.00
Vowel Length 37.62 100.00 0.00 21.70
Neighbors with 2nd syllable stress 17.31 0.00 22.84 60.49
Stress Certainty 0.00 32.45 0.00
180 P. Mousikou et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 93 (2017) 169–192
spelling-to-stress consistency of the onset and rime units
in the second syllable. We believe that this effect was
picked up the RC00 algorithm, because the spelling-to-
stress consistency metric captures morphological effects
on stress and prefixation and suffixation are hard-coded
in the model, so that both prefixes and suffixes repel stress.
The stress neighborhood of the second syllable was the
next most important predictor while orthographic weight
and the vowel length of the second syllable had minimal
or no importance. Collinearity was not an issue as variance
inflation factors (VIF) for all predictors in the model were
less than 1.53 while the lowest observed value of the toler-
ance statistic (1/VIF) was 0.65.
SMA09. The analyses of the SMA09 stress data revealed the
same effects as the human data except that stress certainty
in the model did not influence stress assignment. The odds
ratios further showed that for a unit increase in the
spelling-to-stress consistency of the onset and rime units
in the first syllable, which indicates more association with
first-syllable stress, there was a 95% decrease in the odds of
2nd-syllable stress assignment. The equivalent decrease
for the onset and rime units in the second syllable was
80%. Further, for a unit increase in the orthographic weight,
which indicates more letters in the first-syllable, there was
a 97% decrease in the odds of 2nd-syllable stress assign-
ment. The odds of 2nd-syllable stress assignment for items
with a long vowel in the second syllable were 68% higher
than the odds for items without a long vowel in the second
syllable, while the odds of 2nd-syllable stress assignment
for items with 2nd-syllable stressed neighbors were 799%
higher than the odds for items without such neighbors.
The analysis of variable importance showed that similarly
to the human data, the most important predictor in the
regression model was orthographic weight, followed by
the spelling-to-stress consistency of the onset and rime
units in the first syllable. The stress neighborhood of the
second syllable was the next most important predictor fol-
lowed by the spelling-to-stress consistency of the onset
and rime units in the second syllable. Vowel length of
the 2nd syllable was a less important predictor while stress
certainty had no importance. Collinearity was not an issue
in the model as variance inflation factors (VIF) for all pre-
dictors were less than 1.22 while the lowest observed
value of the tolerance statistic (1/VIF) was 0.82.
Taken together, these results show that the SMA09 net-
work was the most successful in predicting modal human
stress assignment, followed by the CDP++ model. The
RC00 algorithm was the least successful model in predict-
ing modal human stress.
Human stress certainty
Considering modal stress belies variability across items
in the consistency with which participants assign stress.
For this reason, we carried out additional analyses on the
stress certainty with which people assigned first- and
second-syllable stress. For each item, we calculated the
percentage of people that assigned 1st-syllable and 2nd-
syllable stress. The absolute difference between the two
percentages reflected stress certainty, with bigger differ-
ences reflecting greater stress certainty. For example, the
item ‘bafeness’ was assigned 1st-syllable stress 100% of
the time and so its stress certainty was 100. The item ‘con-
tonse’ was assigned both 1st- and 2nd-syllable stress 50%
of the time and so its stress certainty was 0. The item
‘abast’ was assigned 1st-syllable stress 17.5% of the time
and 2nd-syllable stress 82.5% of the time, hence its stress
certainty was 65.
The items were then separated into two groups. One
group contained the items that received modal 1st-
syllable stress and the other group contained the items
that received modal 2nd-syllable stress. The items that
did not receive modal stress (N= 8), which were the items
that had stress certainty of 0, were excluded from this
analysis. Four stress certainty levels were then created
(i.e., very low, low, high, and very high stress certainty),
with each level containing the total number of items that
received 1st and 2nd modal stress. Fig. 4 shows that the
vast majority of the items that yielded high stress certainty
tended to be those given 1st-syllable stress, while most
2nd-syllable stressed items yielded lower stress certainty.
This result indicates great consistency across participants
in reading aloud items with first-syllable stress, but lower
consistency across people in producing items with second-
syllable stress.
Two sets of analyses were conducted on the pronuncia-
tion data. In the first set of analyses, we assessed how well
the CDP++ model and the RC00 algorithm captured the
pronunciations given by human readers. In the second
set of analyses, we quantified variability in the pronuncia-
tions given by human readers through a measure of
entropy known as the H statistic (Shannon, 1949). We then
used regression analyses at the item level to determine the
factors that predict variability in pronunciation across par-
ticipants. In all of the analyses in this section, we consider
pronunciation only, without regard to stress assignment.
Thus, the calculation of the modal human response treated
pronunciations stressed on the first and second syllable as
the same, as long as they contained exactly the same pho-
nemes. Similarly, model pronunciations were considered
as matching human pronunciations if the same string of
phonemes was produced, irrespective of stress assignment.
Model performance in capturing human pronunciation
The analyses that we carried out first sought to deter-
mine how well the model pronunciations matched those
given by human readers. Table 6 summarizes how often
the models’ pronunciation matched the 1st most common
pronunciation given by participants, the 2nd most com-
mon, the 3rd most common and so on. However, in the
light of potential difficulty in distinguishing similar-
sounding vowels due to accent, which may have resulted
in some variability in the transcription of human pronunci-
ations, we additionally created a lenient score (see Table 6).
According to this score, all pronunciations of nonwords
containing a vowel that had been transcribed as a schwa
(e.g., d@nEst for ‘danest’) were merged with pronuncia-
tions of the same nonwords containing a vowel in the same
position that had been transcribed as a short vowel (e.g., d
P. Mousikou et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 93 (2017) 169–192 181
{nEst). As is shown in the table, when the lenient scoring
criteria applied, there was an additional 7% of items whose
modal pronunciation the CDP++ model was able to capture
and an additional 14% of items whose modal pronunciation
the RC00 algorithm could capture. The second last column
of the table (titled ‘Absent’) gives the percentage of items
for which the models gave a pronunciation that no human
reader gave. These pronunciations are provided in Appen-
dices B and C for the CDP++ model and the RC00 algorithm,
Typically, models of reading have been assessed relative
to average performance (e.g., Coltheart et al., 2001; Perry
et al., 2007); for example, their match against the most fre-
quent pronunciation (e.g., Andrews & Scarratt, 1998)or
mean reaction time (e.g., Spieler & Balota, 1997). However,
it is also possible to treat models not as the average partic-
ipant, but as an individual participant within the normal
distribution (e.g., Pritchard et al., 2012; Robidoux &
Pritchard, 2014; Zevin & Seidenberg, 2006). One way of
evaluating models within this conceptualization is by
assessing the extent to which their pronunciations accord
with those of at least one human reader in the sample
(Pritchard et al., 2012). Table 6 shows that even when we
used a lenient scoring criterion, a substantial portion of
pronunciations given by CDP++ and RC00 were not given
by any human reader. Close inspection of these pronunci-
ations revealed substantial differences in the kinds of
errors produced by the two models. For the CDP++ model,
most errors were due to:
(a) unusual vowel shortening in the second syllable
(e.g., bomly ?bQmlI; ungourt ?VNg@t). In some
cases, this led to impossible pronunciations, so that
both syllables contained schwa vowels, one of which
was stressed (e.g., adant ?@d@nt);
(b) unlikely print-to-sound mappings (e.g., lictoun ?
lIst6n; bethove ?bITVv);
(c) lexicalisations (e.g., insance ?Inst@ns; leavy ?
(d) assuming the existence of final –e (e.g., astond ?
@st5nd; enmil ?Enm2l);
(e) phoneme deletions (e.g., droseful ?dr5sEf; bafe-
ness ?b{finz);
(f) phoneme additions (e.g., afflave ?@fl1vz; sor-
glom ?s9gl@md).
In contrast, the cases in which the RC00 algorithm pro-
duced a response that no human reader gave could be
more clearly categorized in terms of the application of cer-
tain rules. These included:
(a) reducing an initial vowel to schwa and repelling
stress as a result of the identification of a prefix
(e.g., combal ?k@mb{l; forsive ?f@s2v);
(b) treating two graphemes as one (e.g., pemble ?
pem@l; blingle ?blIN@l);
(c) reducing the second vowel to a schwa (e.g.,
adnarb ?{dn@b; evact ?Ev@kt);
(d) pronouncing silent ‘e’ (e.g., bafeness ?b1fin@s;
droseful ?dr5sifUl);
(e) producing unusual pronunciations (e.g., byfane ?
bIf1n; dakey ?d1k2);
(f) pronouncing c followed by i as /k/ (e.g., bancing ?b
{NkIN; ucide ?Vk2d).
The large number of model pronunciations given by no
human reader would appear to suggest that these models
do not provide good descriptions of sublexical processes
in disyllabic reading. However, human readers also pro-
duce unique pronunciations. If a model is conceptualized
as an individual participant, then perhaps these unique
pronunciations are to be expected. In order to evaluate this
Fig. 4. Number of first- and second-syllable stressed nonwords that
yielded different levels of stress certainty.
Table 6
CDP++ and RC00 pronunciation accuracy against human pronunciation data.
Pronunciations 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Match Absent Total
Strict scoring criteria
CDP++ 44% 17% 9% 4% 2% 0% 0% 76% 24% 100%
RC00 55% 22% 7% 3% 1% 0% 0% 88% 12% 100%
Lenient scoring criteria
CDP++ 51% 15% 8% 4% 1% 0% 0% 79% 21% 100%
RC00 69% 16% 5% 2% 0% 0% 0% 92% 8% 100%
182 P. Mousikou et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 93 (2017) 169–192
possibility, we carried out an analysis that allows us to
visualize in a fine-grained manner the extent to which
the models lie within the distribution of human responses.
We first calculated the similarity of each participant in the
study to every other participant; that is, we compared the
responses of participant 1 to those of every other partici-
pant, the responses of participant 2 to those of every other
participant, and so on. This process yielded 40 similarity
proportions per participant or a total of 820 unique simi-
larity proportions across all participants. We then com-
pared the pronunciations of CDP++ and RC00 to each
individual subject, yielding 41 similarity proportions for
each model. Fig. 5 shows the distribution of similarity val-
ues for human participants, the CDP++ model and the RC00
algorithm. As is shown in the figure, both models show
overall lower similarity to human participants than human
participants show to each other. Further, while the RC00
similarity values overlap the lower third of the values from
human participants, the similarity values from CDP++
overlap only very few of the plotted human similarity val-
ues. We can infer from this analysis that if the models are
treated as if they were individual participants, then they
are certainly not very typical individuals, particularly in
the case of the CDP++ model.
Factors influencing variability in pronunciation
Nonwords attracted an average of 5.9 alternative pro-
nunciations, ranging from 1 to 22 pronunciations. Non-
words that attracted only a single pronunciation and
nonwords that attracted 12 or more pronunciations are
shown in Appendix D. Pronunciation variability across par-
ticipants was quantified using the H statistic.His calcu-
lated using the formula
[pi log
(pi)], where pi is the
proportion of participants giving a certain pronunciation
(see also Andrews & Scarratt, 1998; Zevin & Seidenberg,
2006). For the item ‘amett’, for example, three alternative
pronunciations were given by a total of 41 participants.
The most frequent pronunciation was given by 30 partici-
pants (i.e., a proportion of .732); the second most frequent
was given by 8 participants (i.e., a proportion of .195); and
the third most frequent was given by 3 participants (i.e., a
proportion of .073). Using the above formula, Hwas calcu-
lated as:
a. .732 log
(.732) = .732 0.450 = 0.33 for the
first pronunciation;
b. .195 log
(.195) = .195 2.358 = 0.46 for the
second pronunciation;
c. .073 log
(.073) = .073 3.776 = 0.28 for the
third pronunciation.
The three values were then added up (0.33 + 0.46 +
0.28) to give an Hvalue of 1.07. An Hvalue of 0 denotes
that all participants produced a single pronunciation for a
given item, whereas higher Hvalues indicate pronuncia-
tion variability across participants.
In order to understand the factors that influenced pro-
nunciation variability across participants, we conducted
item-level regression analyses with Has the outcome vari-
able. In line with the stress analyses, we calculated a met-
ric of spelling-to-sound consistency that expressed the
consistency with which orthographic units in the first
and second syllable map to particular sounds. The same
syllabifications as for the analyses on stress were used,
which allowed us to derive onset and rime units from
our nonwords that matched the onset and rime units of
similar words in CELEX, thus increasing the validity of
our spelling-to-sound consistency metric. The factors that
influence the pronunciation of items containing more than
one syllable are not established in the literature. For this
reason, we opted to include in our analyses only variables
whose properties we could reliably calculate or identify in
disyllabic nonwords. Hence, our predictors included the
spelling-to-sound consistency of the first and the second
syllable, the item’s letter length, and the total number of
the item’s orthographic neighbors. Analyses used the lm
function in R and the packages car (Fox & Weisberg,
2011) and QuantPsyc (Fletcher, 2012). All of the variables
were entered into the analysis simultaneously. Our predic-
tions about how each of these variables was likely to influ-
ence pronunciation variability are outlined below:
i. Spelling-to-sound consistency. We calculated two
variables, one for the onset and rime units of the first
syllable and another for the onset and rime units of
the second syllable for each of the 915 nonwords.
These variables expressed the consistency with
which these units in each syllable map to particular
sounds according to the CELEX database (Baayen
et al., 1995). The spelling-to-sound consistency mea-
sure was expressed using the Hstatistic, so that
higher values indicate less consistency in the
spelling-to-sound mapping. Hvalues for onsets and
rimes were then averaged to form a composite mea-
sure of unit consistency within each syllable.
hypothesis was that more consistent mappings
between the spellings of onset and rime units and
their sounds in a syllable would yield more homoge-
neous pronunciations, hence less pronunciation vari-
ability. Details of the calculation of this metric can
be found in Appendix A.
ii. Neighborhood size. This variable refers to the number
of orthographic neighbors that can be obtained by
adding, deleting, or substituting one letter in the
nonword. Our hypothesis was that items with more
word neighbors would yield less pronunciation
During these calculations, we noted that this composite measure of
consistency for items that ended in –ble, –cle, –dle, –fle, etc. did not reflect
accurately the spelling-to-sound consistency of these units in the CELEX
database. This was because –e as a rime in the second syllable is relatively
inconsistent, whereas if such units are considered as a whole, their
pronunciations in CELEX are very consistent (except for the unit –tle whose
spelling-to-sound mappings are rather inconsistent because of the ten-
dency to drop the /t/ sound, as in ‘castle’). These units always corresponded
to the second syllable of real words in CELEX. Hence, for all of our items
that contained these units (e.g., churble, gibtle, steafle, etc.), we calculated
the spelling-to-sound consistency of their second syllable as a whole, and
these were the values that we entered in our analyses on pronunciation and
naming latencies. It is worth pointing out that it was not possible to
calculate whole-syllable spelling-to-sound consistencies for all of our
stimuli, because half of the syllables contained in our nonwords did not
exist as such in CELEX.
P. Mousikou et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 93 (2017) 169–192 183
iii. Item length. This variable refers to the number of let-
ters in each nonword. We hypothesized that longer
items would yield more pronunciation variability.
The results of this regression analysis are shown in
Table 7.
Results revealed that less consistent spelling-to-sound
mappings in the onset and rime units of both the first
and the second syllable induced greater pronunciation
variability. Further, nonwords with more word neighbors
yielded less pronunciation variability. Item length did not
influence pronunciation variability. Collinearity was not
an issue as variance inflation factors (VIF) for all predictors
in the model were less than 1.21 while the lowest observed
value of the tolerance statistic (1/VIF) was 0.83. We further
sought to quantify the relative contributions of the regres-
sors to the model’s total explanatory value. The lmg metric
of the relaimpo package in R (Grömping, 2006) estimates
the importance of each regressor by decomposing R
non-negative contributions that automatically sum to the
total R
. Relative importance estimates are then adjusted
to sum to 100% (see Table 7). The spelling-to-sound consis-
tency of the first syllable contributed the most to the
model, followed by the spelling-to-sound consistency of
the second syllable and neighborhood size.
Similarly as for stress, considering modal pronunciation
belies variability across items in the consistency with
which participants assign pronunciation. For this reason,
we calculated the percentage of responses that corre-
sponded to each given pronunciation across all nonwords.
Nonwords were grouped in terms of the alternative pro-
nunciations they yielded. As is shown in Fig. 6, the vast
majority of the responses that participants gave across all
items corresponded to the most frequent pronunciation
followed by the second most frequent pronunciation. Fur-
ther, we calculated the percentage of items that yielded the
different numbers of alternative pronunciations in order to
gauge the overall pronunciation variability. As can be seen
in Fig. 7, half of the items (51%) received from 1 to 5 alter-
native pronunciations, indicating low pronunciation vari-
ability; another 40% of the items received 6–10
alternative pronunciations, indicating greater pronuncia-
tion variability; 8% of the items received 11–15 pronunci-
ations, and only 1% received over 16 pronunciations.
Fig. 5. Pronunciation similarity between participants and between models and every other participant.
Table 7
Regression analyses on pronunciation variability data for humans.
B(SE)bRelative contributions
Spelling-to-Sound Consistency (1st syllable) 0.45 (0.07) .22
Spelling-to-Sound Consistency (2nd syllable) 0.48 (0.07) .20
Neighborhood size 0.13 (0.03) 0.16
Item length 0.04 (0.03) 0.04 3.91
p< .001.
184 P. Mousikou et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 93 (2017) 169–192
Taken together, the results from these analyses show that
even though the nonwords in our study yielded a number
of alternative pronunciations (M= 5.9, range 1–22), they
were overall pronounced in a relatively consistent manner.
Our analysis of RT first considered how well the CDP++
model’s reading aloud latencies captured human reading
aloud performance. We then conducted regression analy-
ses at the item level to determine the factors that con-
tributed to human and model reading aloud latency.
Latencies in the CDP++ model
Correlational analyses revealed a small but significant
relationship between the model’s RTs and human RTs,
r= .20, p< .001. RTs from the CDP++ model also correlated
significantly with human pronunciation variability (H),
r= .26, p< .001, with longer RTs associated with items that
yielded greater pronunciation variability across partici-
pants. Finally, the model’s RTs correlated significantly with
human stress certainty, r=.15, p< .001, so that longer
RTs were associated with items that yielded lower stress
certainty in human readers.
Factors influencing reading aloud latency
In order to determine the factors influencing reading
aloud latency, we conducted a regression analysis at the
Fig. 6. Percentage of responses given to each alternative pronunciation in items that generated one or more pronunciations.
Fig. 7. Percentage of nonwords that yielded 1–5, 6–10, 11–15, and 16–22
alternative pronunciations.
P. Mousikou et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 93 (2017) 169–192 185
item level with human RT as the outcome variable. On the
basis of previous empirical work (for a review see Perry
et al., 2010), a number of factors were included as predic-
tors. Analyses were undertaken using the lm function in R
and the packages car (Fox & Weisberg, 2011), MASS
(Venables & Ripley, 2002), and QuantPsyc (Fletcher,
2012). Further, the Box-Cox procedure indicated that
inverse RT (1/RT) was the optimal transformation to meet
the precondition of normality. For the analysis, we multi-
plied 1/RT by 1000 (1000/RT) to maintain the direction
of effects, so that a larger inverse RT meant a slower
response. All of the variables were entered into the analy-
sis simultaneously. The predictor variables included:
i. Spelling-to-sound consistency. This is the same vari-
able that we included in the analysis of the pronun-
ciation variability data. Our hypothesis was that
more consistent mappings between the spellings of
onset and rime units and their sounds in each sylla-
ble would yield faster RTs.
ii. Neighborhood size. This variable refers to the number
of orthographic neighbors that can be obtained by
adding, deleting, or substituting one letter in the
nonword. Our hypothesis was that items with more
word neighbors would yield faster RTs.
iii. Item length. This variable refers to the number of let-
ters in each nonword. We hypothesized that longer
items may yield slower RTs.
iv. Onset coding. This variable refers to potential articu-
latory parameters that could influence RTs. On the
basis of previous findings (Rastle et al., 2005), we
considered voicing (with two levels: voiced and
unvoiced) and manner of articulation (with five
levels: stops/affricates, fricatives, nasals, approxi-
mants, and vowels) as potential predictors of nam-
ing latencies. For the voicing factor we treated
voiced initial consonants as the reference level, and
for the manner of articulation factor we treated
stops as the reference level. This is because the
acoustic onset of items that start with voiced conso-
nants and/or a stop consonant is known to occur
later than for other voicing and manner classes of
phoneme (see Table 1,Rastle et al., 2005, p. 1089).
v. Stress certainty. This is the same variable that we
used in the analysis of the stress data and so higher
values indicated greater stress certainty. Our
hypothesis was that greater stress certainty may
be associated with faster RTs.
vi. Stress. This is a binary variable that refers to the
modal stress assigned to each item across partici-
pants (for the analysis of the human RT data) and
the stress assigned to each item (for the analysis of
the CDP++ RT data). The baseline category was
‘first-syllable stress’. First-syllable stress is the most
common stress pattern for disyllables in English,
hence we hypothesized that first-syllable stressed
nonwords may yield faster RTs than second-
syllable stressed nonwords.
Results of the regression analysis are shown in Table 8.
Standardized coefficients for dummy (factor) variables are
meaningless and therefore are not included.
Results showed that nonwords with more word neigh-
bors yielded faster RTs while longer nonwords yielded
slower RTs. The place and manner of articulation of the ini-
tial consonant also influenced naming latencies, so that
items with a voiceless initial consonant yielded faster RTs
and items that started with an approximant, fricative,
nasal, or a vowel produced faster RTs than items with an
initial stop consonant. The stress certainty that an item
yielded and its modal stress did not influence naming
latencies. Collinearity was not an issue as variance inflation
factors (VIF) for all predictors in the model were less than
1.88 while the lowest observed value of the tolerance
statistic (1/VIF) was 0.53. We further sought to quantify
the relative contributions of the regressors to the model’s
total explanatory value using the lmg metric of the
relaimpo package in R (Grömping, 2006). Relative impor-
tance estimates were then adjusted to sum to 100% (see
Table 8). Onset coding followed by item length and neigh-
Table 8
Regression analyses on naming latency data for humans and CDP++.
Humans CDP++
B(SE)bRelative contributions B(SE)bRelative contributions
Spelling-to-Sound Consistency (1st syllable) 0.01 (0.01) 0.04 0.67 8.08
(2.61) 0.11 8.80
Spelling-to-Sound Consistency (2nd syllable) 0.01 (0.01) 0.02 0.41 4.34 (2.73) 0.05 2.57
Neighborhood size 0.03
(0.00) 0.23 26.15 2.74
(0.95) 0.10 19.86
Item length 0.04
(0.00) 0.25 26.97 7.66
(1.23) 0.22 39.72
Onset coding (voicing) 0.03
(0.01) 4.10
Onset coding (manner) 36.66
Approximant 0.06
Fricative 0.10
Nasal 0.07
Vowel 0.05
Stress Certainty 0.00 (0.00) 0.06 4.57 10.63
(3.39) 0.11 19.59
Stress 0.01 (0.01) 0.46 4.49 (2.46) 9.46
.24 .10
p< .01.
p< .001.
186 P. Mousikou et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 93 (2017) 169–192
borhood size were the predictors that contributed the most
to the model’s explanatory value.
In order to determine whether the CDP++ model was
sensitive to the same factors, we conducted a similar
regression analysis using model RTs as the outcome vari-
able. The same predictors as for the analyses of the human
RT data were used except for the onset coding variable that
is not relevant for model RTs. Further, stress certainty in
the model was expressed as the absolute value of the dif-
ference between the activations of the two stress nodes,
with higher values indicating greater stress certainty. In
agreement with the human data, nonwords with more
word neighbors yielded faster RTs and longer nonwords
were associated with slower RTs. However, in contrast to
the human data, the model yielded a spelling-to-sound
consistency effect of the first syllable, so that nonwords
with more inconsistent units in the first syllable were asso-
ciated with slower RTs. Further, greater stress certainty in
the model yielded faster RTs. Collinearity was not an issue
in the regression model as variance inflation factors (VIF)
for all predictors were less than 1.27 while the lowest
observed value of the tolerance statistic (1/VIF) was 0.79.
As for the human data, we sought to quantify the relative
contributions of the regressors to the model’s total
explanatory value. Item length, followed by neighborhood
size and stress certainty were the predictors that con-
tributed the most to the model’s explanatory value. The
results from these analyses are shown in Table 8.
General discussion
Theoretical and empirical work on the cognitive pro-
cesses that underpin reading aloud has flourished over
the past 30 years. Despite this, our understanding of these
processes is largely confined to monosyllables, which form
only a very small part of the English vocabulary and are
virtually absent from many of the world’s languages.
Recent developments in computational models of reading
aloud (Perry et al., 2010) have yielded some theoretical
progress in this domain of research, yet the empirical work
is very limited. The present study provides the first data-
base of stress assignments, pronunciations, and reading
aloud latencies for a variety of monomorphemic and poly-
morphemic disyllabic English nonwords.
Our analyses of over 37,000 reading aloud responses to
915 disyllabic nonwords sought to identify cues to stress
assignment in English, and to uncover the factors that
influence pronunciation variability and reading latency
across skilled adult readers. We also used these data to
evaluate the adequacy of three approaches to disyllabic
reading aloud that have been computationally instanti-
ated: the CDP++ model (Perry et al., 2010), the rule-based
disyllabic algorithm (Rastle & Coltheart, 2000), and the
connectionist print-to-stress network (Ševa et al., 2009).
In addition to revealing new insights about how skilled
English readers process disyllabic letter strings, and evalu-
ating the adequacy of extant computational approaches to
reading aloud, the present database is by far the largest of
its kind for assessing generalization in computational mod-
els of reading. By making the full dataset available with
this article, we hope to foster rapid development of the
next generation of these models, particularly as they move
beyond the monosyllabic domain.
Stress assignment
Our analyses of the most frequent (modal) stress indi-
cated that participants assigned first-syllable stress to
77% of the items, and second-syllable stress to 23% of the
items, thus mirroring the distribution of stress in the lan-
guage (i.e., approximately 75% of English disyllabic words
are stressed on the first syllable). Finer-grained analyses
showed that nearly 40% of items yielded very high cer-
tainty in stress assignment across participants, and that
almost all of these items had modal first syllable stress.
Just over 20% of items had very low certainty in stress
assignment across participants, and a much higher per-
centage of these had modal second syllable stress. Regres-
sion analyses revealed several item-level factors that
influenced participants’ assignment of stress: these
included the spelling-to-stress consistency of the onset
and rime units in the first and the second syllables, the rel-
ative orthographic weight of the two syllables, the second
syllable’s vowel length, the stress pattern of the item’s
orthographic neighbors, as well as the certainty with
which stress was assigned across participants. Several of
these variables are strongly related to the morphological
structure of the English writing system. Because of these
strong intercorrelations (in our stimuli and in the lan-
guage), we cannot determine whether the simple presence
of an affix within a letter string has a direct influence on
stress assignment as postulated by Rastle and Coltheart
(2000). However, we can conclude that morphology likely
has a powerful indirect influence on stress assignment by
virtue of its significance in the nature of the mapping
between sublexical orthographic units and stress, and its
significance in the relative salience of syllables within
words across the English lexicon.
Recently, Ktori et al. (2016) reported that people with
acquired surface dyslexia frequently assign incorrect stress
to prefixed words with a strong-weak stress pattern (e.g.,
reflex). Ktori et al. (2016) argued that these errors provide
strong evidence for the functional role of prefixes in stress
assignment during reading. However, in light of the find-
ings reported in this paper, it is uncertain whether the
patients in this study were indeed sensitive to prefixation
when assigning second-syllable stress to most prefixed
disyllabic words, or whether it was some related factor
that led them to show this stress pattern (e.g., orthographic
weight, spelling-to-stress consistency). Because it is
impossible to find sets of English monomorphemic and
polymorphemic words matched on these factors, it would
be difficult to disentangle experimentally these two possi-
bilities. One possibility may be to conduct factorial exper-
iments with nonwords purposely designed to pull these
interrelated cues apart; this is an approach that we are cur-
rently investigating (Ktori, Mousikou, & Rastle, 2016).
Our analysis of the model data revealed that all models
performed well in producing the modal stress given by
participants, predicting the human response in 81% (CDP
++), 79% (SMA09), and 73% (RC00) of cases. Further analysis
P. Mousikou et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 93 (2017) 169–192 187
revealed that nonwords that yielded high stress certainty
across participants also yielded high stress certainty in
the CDP++ model and the SMA09 network, with the former
model performing slightly better than the latter. However,
when we conducted the same item-level regression analy-
ses as for the human participants, we observed that not all
of the models performed well for the right reasons. While
the CDP++ model and the SMA09 network were successful
in capturing human modal stress, with the SMA09 network
approaching more the human data according to our analy-
ses of the relative importance of the individual predictors
in the regression models, the RC00 algorithm failed to cap-
ture the effects of orthographic weight and vowel length
that human readers showed. However, it is worth noting
that the underlying reason why both the SMA09 network
and the CDP++ model showed a vowel length effect on
stress assignment is likely because vowel length was con-
founded with number of vowel letters in our nonwords,
and so both models may capture this effect on the basis
of orthographic information (as may also be the case for
human readers).
We quantified variability in pronunciation using the H
statistic, a measure of entropy that takes into account the
proportion of participants producing each alternative pro-
nunciation. Lower values of Hdenoted fewer pronuncia-
tions for a given item, whereas higher values of H
denoted more pronunciation variability across partici-
pants. Results showed that the factors that determine vari-
ability in pronunciation are the spelling-to-sound
consistency of sublexical orthographic units in the first
and the second syllable and the orthographic neighbor-
hood in which the items reside in the lexicon. Additional
analyses that we carried out to gauge the overall pronunci-
ation variability across participants showed that even
though the nonwords in our study yielded a number of
alternative pronunciations (ranging from 1 to 22), they
were overall pronounced in a relatively consistent manner.
The analyses of the model pronunciation data revealed
that the CDP++ model produced the modal human pronun-
ciation in 44% of cases while it produced a response given
by no human participant for 24% of the items. The model
responses in these cases reflected a combination of differ-
ent types of errors, which would require intensive study of
the model to understand fully.
Conversely, the RC00 algo-
rithm captured the human modal pronunciation in 55% of
cases, and gave a response produced by no human partici-
pant in just 12% of cases. These were all cases that arose
as a result of individual hard-wired rules in the algorithm;
hence, it is not difficult to envisage how these could be
altered to improve the fit to the human data. Human readers
sometimes produce unique responses, and so we went even
further to assess whether either of the models could be con-
sidered as a typical individual participant. These analyses
revealed that the models showed much lower similarity to
human participants than human participants showed to
each other. In fact, while the RC00 algorithm overlapped
the lower third of the similarity distribution for human
readers, the CDP++ model fell almost totally outside of the
distribution for human readers. These data allow us to infer
that if we treat models as if they were individual partici-
pants, they do not behave like very typical participants.
Though we did not emphasize speed in our instructions
to participants, the average speed with which they
responded was relatively fast (818 ms). In the analyses of
the reaction time data, we observed that onset coding, item
length, and the items’ orthographic neighborhood were all
significant predictors of human naming latencies. How-
ever, the CDP++ model only approached the human data
in terms of the factors that gave rise to its latencies. In
agreement with the human data, item length and ortho-
graphic neighborhood were significant predictors of nam-
ing latencies in the model, yet the model also showed
sensitivity to stress certainty and the spelling-to-sound
consistency of the first syllable, neither of which influ-
enced human RTs.
Model limitations and future directions
One of the aims of the present study was to assess the
reading performance of statistical (CDP++; SMA09) and
rule-based (RC00) computational models of reading
against a large dataset of human reading aloud responses
to disyllabic nonwords. The SMA09 network was the most
successful model in capturing human performance on
stress assignment, followed by the CDP++ model, thus pro-
viding support for a statistical-learning approach to relat-
ing spelling to stress in disyllabic reading aloud.
However, in terms of pronunciation, the CDP++ model per-
formed less well. A close inspection of the different types
of pronunciation errors that the CDP++ model made (see
Appendix B) revealed that these were primarily due to
(a) the way the model assigns graphemes to the different
slots in the graphemic buffer, and (b) the model overgener-
alizing the spelling-to-sound relationships that it learns
during training.
In relation to (a), the CDP++ model uses the Maximum
Onset Principle, according to which consonant graphemes
after the first vowel are placed in all available onset posi-
tions of the second syllable. However, most phoneme
omissions that occurred in the model (e.g., grametul ?gr
{mIt; lafeless ?l{filz) seemed to be due to grapheme
assignment problems that were caused by this principle.
For example, in the case of ‘grametul’, the consonant that
follows the first vowel (i.e., /m/) is activated in the onset
of the second syllable. The vowel that follows this conso-
nant (i.e., /e/) is activated in the second syllable, and so
the following consonant (i.e., /t/) is activated in the coda
of the second syllable. No English word finishes in /tl/, so
/l/ never gets activated in the coda of the second syllable.
It is worth noting here that the CDP++ parser was designed
We also ran these simulations with the CDP++ parser (Perry, Ziegler, &
Zorzi, 2013) and the results were very similar to those obtained with the
CDP++ model. We chose to report the simulations with the CDP++ model
because it has been tested more extensively than the parser
188 P. Mousikou et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 93 (2017) 169–192
to get around the pronunciation problems that were due
to the onset maximization principle implemented in the
CDP++ model. In relation to (b), statistical information
about spelling-to-sound relationships is captured by the
network during training. However, phoneme additions and
unlikely print-to-sound correspondences were often observed
in the model’s pronunciations (e.g., astond ?@st5nd;
bethove ?bITVv; strastle ?str#s@l; arreme ?@r1m),
because the model does not have context-independent
knowledge of spelling-to-sound relationships that seems
to be used by skilled adult readers when they are reading
aloud nonwords. One could argue that some of these errors
may be due to idiosyncracies in the training set (e.g., CELEX
often produces the vowel in ‘golf’ as /5/, hence the model’s
pronunciation of astond as /@st5nd/). However, other sim-
ilar words in CELEX (e.g., pond) are not pronounced in the
same unusual way, and so the few idiosyncracies in CELEX
cannot account for the full range of errors reported in
Appendix B. Therefore, future developments of the model
would need to consider these two points.
Rule-based vs. statistical-learning approaches to reading
Our data provide important insights into the question of
whether sublexical knowledge is best characterized in
terms of rules or in terms of learned statistical mappings.
In order to address this question, we focused on how par-
ticipants stressed and pronounced prefixed nonwords. The
choice of prefixed items was deliberate since a rule-based
approach like that adopted by the RC00 algorithm posits
that all prefixes repel stress and also, that each prefix is
likely to be pronounced in a single manner (e.g., ‘be’ is
always pronounced as /bI/ irrespective of its context). In
contrast, a statistical learning approach like that adopted
by the CDP++ model predicts that the stress pattern and
pronunciation of prefixes depends on the context in which
they occur and the statistical properties of the English
Our analyses of the stress data showed that the RC00
algorithm showed sensitivity to the spelling-to-stress con-
sistency of the first and the second syllable in assigning
stress. Yet we know that this sensitivity must be due to
the model’s implemented rule that prefixes and suffixes
repel stress. In other words, prefixes are associated with
spelling-to-stress consistencies that point toward 2nd-
syllable stress while suffixes are associated with spelling-
to-stress consistencies that point toward 1st-syllable
stress. Could it be then that once people learn the associa-
tions between certain spellings that correspond to affixes
and their stress patterns, they form the general rule that
affixes repel stress? If that is the case we would expect that
participants assign second-syllable stress to prefixed items
in a very consistent manner. A rule of this kind may even
be formed only in those cases where prefixes are strongly
and almost always associated with second-syllable stress
in the lexicon.
We examined this issue by calculating first the spelling-
to-stress consistency of all of the prefix units used in our
study. Similarly to the calculation of the spelling-to-
stress consistency of the onset and rime units, prefix units
with a spelling-to-stress consistency close to 0 pointed
toward 2nd-syllable stress in the CELEX database, whereas
prefixes with a spelling-to-stress consistency close to 1
pointed toward 1st-syllable stress. We identified 5 prefixes
that very strongly pointed toward 2nd-syllable stress
(Mean spelling-to-stress consistency = 0.04). These were
the prefixes ‘be’, ‘un’, ‘ap’, ‘em’, and ‘re’. We then calculated
the percentage of times that each participant assigned 1st-
and 2nd-syllable stress to all of the nonwords in our study
that contained these prefixes and we averaged these per-
centages for each prefix and type of stress (1st vs. 2nd).
Across all five prefixes, 1st-syllable stress was assigned
47% of the time while 2nd-syllable was assigned 53% of
the time. This result shows great inconsistency across par-
ticipants in assigning stress to prefixed items. However,
might it be that some readers use rules in assigning stress
to prefixed items and others do not, depending on the type
of reading instruction they received at school and their
reading skills? If that were the case we should observe
within-participant consistency in assigning second-
syllable stress to prefixed items, at least on some occa-
sions. This was not the case in our data; we could not find
any participants who reliably assigned second-syllable
stress to nonwords with particular prefixes across all items
that contained those prefixes. Hence the results from this
analysis provide strong evidence against a rule-based
approach to stress assignment, at least the one adopted
by the RC00 algorithm.
In terms of pronunciation, we took a quite similar
approach to investigate whether sublexical spelling-to-
sound knowledge is best characterized in terms of rules
or statistics. In particular, we first calculated from CELEX
the spelling-to-sound consistency of each of the prefix
units used in our study and expressed this as an Hvalue.
Hence, a value of 0 corresponding to a certain prefix unit
indicated that this prefix is always pronounced in the same
way in the lexicon, whereas values greater than 0 indicated
pronunciation variability of this prefix across the lexicon.
We then identified seven prefixes with the lowest Hvalues
(mid, mis, out, im, in, fore, dis), indicating high pronuncia-
tion consistency (Mean H= 0.06).
We hypothesized that if
people use rules to translate print to sound, and on the
assumption that these rules might differ across readers
depending on the type of reading instruction they received
at school and/or their reading skills (Mousikou, Coltheart,
Finkbeiner, & Saunders, 2010; Thompson, Connelly,
Fletcher-Flinn, & Hodson, 2009), we may observe within-
participant consistency in the pronunciation of prefixes that
have very consistent spelling-to-sound mappings in the lex-
icon. This is because readers may be more likely to form a
rule when there are strong associations between certain
spellings and their corresponding sounds in the lexicon.
For this reason, we further calculated the consistency with
which participants pronounced the prefixes with the lowest
identified Hvalues. We expressed this consistency as an H
value too. Even though participants were overall consistent
The prefix ‘by’ had an Hvalue of 0; hence it was one of the prefixes with
the lowest Hvalues. However, this prefix occurred only in a single item in
our set, hence the corresponding analyses would not be informative and for
this reason, we did not consider it.
P. Mousikou et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 93 (2017) 169–192 189
in the way they pronounced these seven prefixes (Mean
H= 0.21), only two of them pronounced these prefixes
always in the same manner. Hence, even if we assume that
different people may apply different rules to translate print
to sound depending on their reading instruction and skills,
the results from our analysis show that a rule-based
approach to reading aloud is rather unlikely.
Our data further allowed us to investigate whether
readers are sensitive to the statistics of the lexicon when
they are translating printed letter strings into their corre-
sponding sounds. In particular, in addition to identifying
the prefixes with the lowest Hvalues, we identified seven
prefixes with the highest Hvalues (pre, sur, com, ex, for, ar,
ad), indicating low pronunciation consistency (Mean
H= 1.35).
We then extracted all of the nonwords in our
dataset that contained the identified prefixes with the low-
est and highest Hvalues (N= 144). A statistical learning
approach would predict that items that contain prefixes
with consistent spelling-to-sound mappings in the lexicon
(prefixes with very low Hvalues) may yield less pronuncia-
tion variability across participants than prefixes with incon-
sistent spelling-to-sound mappings in the lexicon (prefixes
with high Hvalues). Thus, we compared pronunciation vari-
ability across participants (H) in the items containing consis-
tent prefixes and the items containing inconsistent prefixes.
We observed that the difference between the two means
(0.80 vs. 1.46) was highly significant (t(65) = 4.91,
p< .001). Thus, this analysis provides support for a statistical
learning approach to reading aloud.
Applied implications
There is now a broad consensus that the acquisition of
sublexical knowledge is critical for the development of
successful reading (Rayner, Foorman, Perfetti, Pesetsky, &
Seidenberg, 2001), and that most children with develop-
mental reading disabilities are characterized by a
phonologically-based deficit (Rack, Snowling, & Olson,
1992) associated with difficulty acquiring sublexical
knowledge (Jackson & Coltheart, 2001). Thus, the assess-
ment of this knowledge is central to diagnosing reading
difficulties or disorders. The present study is the first to
investigate extensively the nature of this sublexical knowl-
edge in disyllabic reading, thus motivating the develop-
ment of new nonword reading tests to assess reading
deficits, and the implementation of a sound and effective
literacy strategy.
Further, our work has important downstream clinical
implications. For example, speech pathologists, clinical
neuropsychologists, and professionals involved in special
needs education all rely significantly on measures of non-
word reading performance to conduct assessments of peo-
ple with acquired and developmental reading disorders.
However, a recognized problem in this area is that there
is a lack of normative data on skilled nonword reading,
thus making it very difficult to determine what constitutes
‘impaired’ or ‘atypical’ (Tree, 2008) and to design suitably
targeted interventions (Colenbrander, Nickels, & Kohnen,
2011). Individuals with acquired phonological dyslexia,
for example, have severe impairments at nonword reading
(Coltheart, 1996), often producing real words in response
to nonwords (i.e., ‘zoo’ or ‘pool’ in response to ‘zool’). Such
errors are typically judged against the ‘modal’ response
that a small sample of typical skilled readers generates;
for example, if the majority of a small group of skilled read-
ers pronounce ‘zool’ to rhyme with ‘pool’ and none of the
individuals with acquired dyslexia pronounces this item
in the same way, it is considered an error. However, non-
words may elicit different responses across normal skilled
readers, as our study demonstrates, and so having a distri-
bution of nonword responses available at the item level
will improve and facilitate the assessment of these individ-
uals. Our dataset provides the first normative nonword
corpus for British English and is the largest database of
its kind, so we believe that it will be particularly useful
to this group of users.
The present paper reports a large-scale study in which
41 participants read aloud 915 disyllabic nonwords, yield-
ing a total of around 37,000 responses. We investigated the
cues to stress assignment and the factors that influence
pronunciation variability and reading latencies in the Eng-
lish language. We also compared human reading perfor-
mance to the reading performance of computational
models of reading that adopt rule-based and statistical-
learning approaches to explaining disyllabic reading. Our
findings provided support for the latter approach, although
we identified important deficiencies with the most fully
developed model of this type. The findings from the pre-
sent study make a critical theoretical contribution to our
understanding of skilled adult reading. Further, this data-
set provides the first normative nonword corpus for British
English and is the largest database of its kind for any lan-
guage, thus being critical for evaluating generalization in
models of reading as they advance into the disyllabic
domain. Finally, our findings have significant applied
implications for the development of evidence-based strate-
gies for literacy education and the clinical diagnosis and
treatment of reading impairments.
This research was supported by a research grant from
the Leverhulme Trust (RPG 2013-024) awarded to Kathleen
Rastle, Max Coltheart, Jeremy Tree, and Petroula Mousikou.
The authors thank Padraic Monaghan for running the 915
nonwords through the Ševa et al. (2009) network, Svetlana
Rodinskaya for her invaluable help with the calculation of
the consistency metrics, Amy Gatton for hand-marking
participants’ response latencies, and Eva Liu for labelling
the acoustic boundaries of the vowels in a subset of non-
word responses to extract vowel intensity. The study was
conceived by P.M. and K.R.; stimuli were selected by P.
M., J.S., and K.R.; the study was run by J.S. and R.L.; tran-
The prefixes ‘al’ and ‘cor’ had among the highest Hvalues, however,
each of these prefixes occurred in a single item in our set, hence the
corresponding analyses would not be informative and for this reason, we
did not consider them.
190 P. Mousikou et al. / Journal of Memory and Language 93 (2017) 169–192
scriptions and stress judgments were conducted by R.L.
and K.R.; analyses were conducted by P.M. and K.R.; and
the manuscript was written by P.M. and K.R.
Appendix A. Supplementary material
Supplementary data associated with this article can be
found, in the online version, at
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