
The theory of planned behavior, organizational behavior and human decision processes

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... Any behavior widely approved by society (Ham, Jeger, & Frajman Ivković, 2015), or the pressure to comply with a supportive behavior (Ajzen, 1991). ...
... The research is focused on the theory of planned behavior along with other factors affecting the intentions to adopt. This psychological theory suggests that the main components to mold the behavioral intentions of an individual are subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and attitudes (Ajzen, 1991). Subjective norms could be explained as the societal pressure that forces an individual to abide by a certain behavior (Saleh et al., 2020). ...
... Allport (1935) defined attitude as an individual's readiness, neural as well as mental, that employs an immediate influence on individual responses in a given situation. Perceived Behavioral Control is referred to as gauging an individual's perception of conducting certain behavior with ease or difficulty (Ajzen, 1991). This will be further touched upon later in the study. ...
... This conceptualization accentuates the pertinence of social pressures, particularly when individuals are engaging in novel actions or activities that fall outside their realm of expertise. It is worth noting that the influence of reference groups varies depending on the context, such as in the realm of leisure services as opposed to obligatory utilization of new services in a workplace setting (Ajzen, 1991). ...
... According to Ajzen (1991, as cited by Schubert, 2008, the concept of perceived behavioral control pertains to individuals' subjective appraisal of the ease or difficulty associated with performing a specific behavior of interest. Huang and Chuang (2004) expound that this perception is influenced by control beliefs, which encompass the salient convictions regarding available resources, opportunities, obstacles, and impediments. ...
... Perceived behavioral control represents a composite construct, which incorporates control beliefs concerning factors that either facilitate or obstruct the behavior, coupled with the extent of control an individual believes they possess over these determinants (Ajzen, as cited in Tsai, 2009). Ajzen (1991) posits that the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) remains amenable to refinement through the incorporation of supplementary determinants, provided that empirical evidence substantiates their capacity to elucidate a substantial proportion of the variance in intention or behavior, even after accounting for the theory's existing variables (Ajzen, 1991). It is on this premise that other variables were included.Awareness and knowledge pertaining to the environmental implications of electronic waste (e-waste) have a profound influence on the disposal and recycling behaviors of individuals and organizations. ...
This study empirically investigates the predictors of electronic waste disposal behavior among young adults in Uyo, Nigeria. Employing a quantitative survey design, data were collected from a population of young adults who have been active users of electronic/electrical gadgets for the past five years. Given the infinite nature of this population, a non-probability sampling method, specifically quota sampling, was adopted. The sample size was determined using the formula for sample size estimation. The research instrument, a questionnaire, underwent validation procedures, including face validity, content validity, and construct validity. Reliability testing was conducted using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, with multiple regressions employed to test the hypotheses. Additionally, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was employed to confirm the results of the multiple regressions and assess the model's fitness for the data. The findings of this study indicate several significant determinants of electronic waste disposal behaviour among young adults in Uyo, Nigeria. Notably, attitude emerges as a pivotal driver of electronic waste disposal behavior, aligning with prior research conducted across diverse geographic and cultural contexts. This highlights the universal importance of cultivating a positive attitude towards responsible e-waste disposal, irrespective of regional disparities. Conversely, the study reveals that subjective norms do not exhibit a positive and significant association with electronic waste disposal behavior. Furthermore, perceived behavioral control is found to have a significant impact on electronic waste disposal behavior. The influence of environmental knowledge, however, is less pronounced than previously suggested. The research also emphasizes the influential role of individual responsibility in shaping electronic waste disposal behavior. The multifaceted nature of electronic waste disposal behavior is underscored, necessitating a context-specific approach to interventions and policies. Based on these findings, it was recommended that the promotion of attitudinal change, context-specific interventions, enhancement of perceived behavioral control, reassessment of environmental knowledge strategies, empowerment of individual responsibility, cross-cultural comparative studies, and the development and implementation of tailored policies to address the unique challenges of this demographic. This research offers valuable contributions to the scholarly discourse on e-waste management and informs strategies for sustainable and environmentally conscious communities.
... To address the above gaps, we propose AgentSociety, a large-scale social generative simulator that incorporates LLM-driven social generative agents, a realistic societal environment, and large-scale interactions both among agents and between agents and the environment. Specifically, following social theories from a broad range of fields, including psychology [68,5], economics [25] and behavioral sciencel [118], we first design a framework for LLM-driven social agents. These agents are endowed with human-like "minds", which include emotions, needs, motivations, and cognition of the external world. ...
... In contrast, others have leveraged established theories, (e.g. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs [68] and Theory of Planned Behavior [5]) to explicitly model how behaviors are driven by minds [101]. This explicit modeling aims to create behaviors that are not only plausible but also more closely aligned with human-like patterns [101]. ...
... This difficulty primarily lies in two aspects. First, human behaviors are inherently motivated by psychological states [32,69,68,5]. However, this crucial connection is largely absent in a vanilla LLM or existing Figure 2: Overview of the proposed social simulator AgentSociety. ...
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Understanding human behavior and society is a central focus in social sciences, with the rise of generative social science marking a significant paradigmatic shift. By leveraging bottom-up simulations, it replaces costly and logistically challenging traditional experiments with scalable, replicable, and systematic computational approaches for studying complex social dynamics. Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) have further transformed this research paradigm, enabling the creation of human-like generative social agents and realistic simulacra of society. In this paper, we propose AgentSociety, a large-scale social simulator that integrates LLM-driven agents, a realistic societal environment, and a powerful large-scale simulation engine. Based on the proposed simulator, we generate social lives for over 10k agents, simulating their 5 million interactions both among agents and between agents and their environment. Furthermore, we explore the potential of AgentSociety as a testbed for computational social experiments, focusing on four key social issues: polarization, the spread of inflammatory messages, the effects of universal basic income policies, and the impact of external shocks such as hurricanes. These four issues serve as valuable cases for assessing AgentSociety's support for typical research methods -- such as surveys, interviews, and interventions -- as well as for investigating the patterns, causes, and underlying mechanisms of social issues. The alignment between AgentSociety's outcomes and real-world experimental results not only demonstrates its ability to capture human behaviors and their underlying mechanisms, but also underscores its potential as an important platform for social scientists and policymakers.
... Es una actitud o motivación que precede la acción de emprender y está influenciada por factores personales, sociales, y contextuales. Esta intención es vista como un indicador clave del comportamiento emprendedor y un paso previo a la creación de una empresa (Ajzen, 1991). ...
... Los factores individuales que promueven el emprendimiento incluyen la autoeficacia emprendedora (Bandura, 1997;Boyd y Vozikis, 1994), que refleja la confianza en la capacidad para gestionar un negocio; la tolerancia al riesgo (Knight, 1921;Lumpkin y Dess, 1996), clave para asumir incertidumbres; y la necesidad de logro (McClelland, 1961), que impulsa a alcanzar metas personales. Otros aspectos son el locus de control interno (Rotter, 1966;Brockhaus, 1982), asociado a la responsabilidad sobre el éxito, y la actitud positiva hacia el emprendimiento (Ajzen, 1991). También destacan la orientación a la innovación (Schumpeter, 1934;Covin y Slevin, 1989), la experiencia previa (Shane, 2000) y la motivación intrínseca (Deci & Ryan, 1985), esenciales para identificar oportunidades, perseverar y diferenciarse en el mercado. ...
... Los factores que afectan directamente a la intención empresarial secuencialmente se estudian desde la perspectiva de los factores psicológicos personales en relación con los rasgos y el comportamiento personales, también se da importancia a la inclusión de otros factores demográficos como la edad, el origen, la religión, el nivel de educación y el empleo (Zanabazar & Jigjiddorj, 2020). Según Fayolle & Liñan (2014) presentan tres modelos que sirven como base para entender la intención emprendedora: la teoría del comportamiento planificado (Ajzen, 1991), el modelo para la implementación de ideas emprendedoras (Bird, 1988) y el modelo del evento emprendedor (Shapero & Sokol, 1982). Ajzen, (1991) afirmó que se pueden predecir diferentes comportamientos con gran precisión a partir de las actitudes hacia ese comportamiento y las normas subjetivas, junto con el control conductual percibido. ...
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Este artículo analiza los factores que influyen en la intención de emprendimiento de los estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, tomando como base la Teoría de la Acción Planificada. La investigación se desarrolla con un enfoque econométrico y de género, permitiendo una comprensión integral de las variables que afectan esta intención. El estudio examina aspectos demográficos como la edad, el género, el semestre que cursan y la carrera que estudian, junto con factores individuales como la autoeficacia, la actitud emprendedora y la tolerancia al riesgo. Asimismo, se evalúan elementos adicionales como la autoestima, las habilidades emprendedoras, el acceso a recursos financieros y el apoyo familiar, buscando determinar su contribución a la decisión de iniciar un negocio. Para recopilar los datos, se realizó un estudio de campo que incluyó encuestas a 371 estudiantes de las carreras de la universidad. Los datos fueron analizados mediante modelos econométricos Logit y Probit ordinal, lo que permitió identificar las relaciones entre las variables estudiadas y la intención de emprendimiento. Los resultados destacan que las variables relacionadas con la carrera, la actitud, la norma subjetiva y la autoeficacia son factores determinantes en la disposición de los jóvenes a emprender, evidenciando diferencias significativas según las características individuales y el entorno socioeconómico. Este trabajo contribuye a la comprensión de los determinantes del emprendimiento y ofrece insumos valiosos para diseñar estrategias que promuevan el espíritu emprendedor entre los estudiantes universitarios.
... Similarly, Anjum et al., (2021) conducted a study on a similar topic at a university in Pakistan. Anjum et al., (2021) implored the theory of planned behaviour by Ajzen, (1991). Their findings concur with those of Bignetti et al., (2021) that entrepreneurial passion positively influenced entrepreneurial intention. ...
... In another study conducted on entrepreneurial passion, to solely understand the role of entrepreneurial passion on the formation of student's entrepreneurial intentions Karimi, (2020) based his study on the Theory of Planned Behaviour by Ajzen, (1991). The study was conducted at a University in Iran and the purpose of this study was to examine whether and how entrepreneurial passion affects entrepreneurship intention formation within the Theory of Planned Behaviour. ...
... Theoretical Framework: The theories that underpinned this study are the Nature and Experience of Entrepreneurial Passion Theory by Cardon et al., (2013) to understand and explain passion, the Theory of Planned Behaviour by Ajzen, (1991) to explain creativity and intentions, and the Theory of the Entrepreneurial Event by Shapero and Sokol, (1982) to explain entrepreneurship intentions. ...
High unemployment rates have recently been reported in South Africa. Graduate unemployment is also reported to be rising, particularly for graduates from Historically Black Institutions (HBIs). It is worrying that the rate of entrepreneurial activity by youths is reported to be low in South Africa when compared to other middle-income countries, yet the nation is battling with rising unemployment. Despite the country’s progress in higher education access, a mismatch persists between the skills graduates acquire and the needs of the labour market, worsening unemployment, particularly among young people. Regional disparities further complicate the issue, with provinces such as the Eastern Cape experiencing disproportionately high levels of unemployment, while urban provinces such as Gauteng and the Western Cape offer more opportunities for employment and entrepreneurial activity. Understanding the impact of entrepreneurial passion and creativity on higher education students’ entrepreneurial intentions may help reduce the effects of unemployment and improve entrepreneurial activity in South Africa. The primary objective of the study was to investigate the effects of entrepreneurial passion and creativity on entrepreneurial intentions of students at a Historically Black University in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The secondary objectives were to investigate the effect of entrepreneurial passion on entrepreneurial intentions of students, and to investigate the effect of creativity on entrepreneurial intentions of students. The theories that underpinned the study are the theory of entrepreneurial event, the theory of Planned Behaviour and the Nature and Experience of entrepreneurial passion theory. These theories provide a unique lens through which it is possible to understand the factors that drive students to pursue entrepreneurial ventures, particularly in relation to the emotional, cognitive, and contextual influences on decision-making. The study followed a positivist approach, using a quantitative research approach and a descriptive research design. A sample of 376 students was drawn from students at a university in the Eastern Cape Province using the convenience sampling method. A structured online questionnaire with four sections was administered through students’ e-mails. To test the hypotheses, simple linear regression and multiple linear regression analyses were used. The results showed that both entrepreneurial passion and creativity have a significant positive effect on the entrepreneurial intentions of students. The findings of the study showed that entrepreneurial passion and creativity positively influence entrepreneurial intentions among students. In educational contexts, these results suggest that incorporating entrepreneurial mentorship, practical business exposure, and creativity-enhancing activities into the curriculum can significantly boost students' entrepreneurial intentions. In policy settings, these findings underscore the importance of creating supportive environments for young entrepreneurs, such as access to funding, training, and mentorship. Tailored policies that promote entrepreneurship through targeted support in both urban and rural regions can help bridge the gap and encourage a more entrepreneurial culture across the country. Based on the findings, recommendations were suggested to the HBIs, students, governments as well as other organisations that support entrepreneurship in higher education institutions. The recommendations to HBIs include that institution management should focus on implementing policies and strategies that foster students’ entrepreneurship intentions and attitudes. Students should also be encouraged to create employment for themselves and others so as to curb the rise in graduate unemployment. Future studies should include more Historically Black Institutions (HBIs) for a more feasible analysis of ways the entrepreneurial passion and creativity of students can be nurtured to positively affect their entrepreneurship intentions. Furthermore, future studies may also look into why students with guardians who own a business or with an entrepreneurial background are more inclined towards starting businesses than those without entrepreneurial backgrounds.
... This theory attempts to explain the relationships between individuals' attitudes toward behavior, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, individuals' motivation, and their behavior. Arguing that first, individuals make their behavioral decisions based on a rational and logical examination of the information available to them and second, they consider the consequences of their actions before making a decision, Ajzen (1991) has proposed a rational behavior model to predict and explain the behavior of individuals. In the theory of planned behavior, a guideline is given for creating perceived behavioral control. ...
... Entrepreneurial intention represents the effort that an individual will make for entrepreneurial behavior in the future; therefore, entrepreneurial intention can be examined through three main constructs: attitude toward behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control (Ajzen, 1991). A number of researchers, including Shapero and Sokol(1982) More than anyone else, they have emphasized the important role of intention. ...
... According to both theories, the most important factor predicting an individual's behavioral management is the individual's intention to perform the behavior, which includes motivational factors affecting a behavior and is directly guided by three factors: 1-Attitude towards the behavior, 2-Mental norms, and 3-Perceived behavioral control. These three factors predict the individual's behavioral intention (behavioral tendency) to perform a desired behavior (Ajzen, 1991). Behavioral intention refers to an individual's decision to perform a behavior, and attitude refers to an individual's positive or negative evaluation of the outcomes of a particular behavior (called behavioral beliefs). ...
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The present study endeavored to examine the impact of personal entrepreneurial orientation on entrepreneurial intention, with psychological capital and planned behavior serving as mediating factors. In this study, a meticulous conceptual model was employed to analyze the intricate relationship between these variables. The statistical population of the study comprised entrepreneurship activists, with a sample size of 416 managers, supervisors, and employees of organizations who were randomly selected. The data collection tool was questionnaires designed to measure each of the research variables and administered to the statistical population. The structural equation modeling method using PLS software was used to analyze the data. This method was selected due to its high power in modeling complex relationships and measuring latent variables, especially in social and behavioral research. The results of the study showed that all hypotheses were confirmed and the effects of independent variables on the dependent variable were significantly proven. Specifically, the findings indicated that personal entrepreneurial orientation exerts a direct and positive influence on entrepreneurial intention, signifying that individuals with higher levels of entrepreneurial orientation are more predisposed to engage in entrepreneurial activities. The study further demonstrated that psychological capital and planned behavior function as crucial mediating variables in the relationship between personal entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial intention. The results of this study hold significant implications for policymakers, educators, and activists in the domain of entrepreneurship. The findings of the study suggest that educational and counseling programs in the field of entrepreneurship should prioritize the enhancement of individuals' psychological capital and the promotion of planned behaviors in the entrepreneurial process. This can help promote entrepreneurial intention and ultimately increase the rate of entrepreneurship. Consequently, the enhancement of individuals' psychological and behavioral capabilities can be regarded as a viable solution within the framework of entrepreneurship development policies.
... A self-administered, semi-structured questionnaire was developed guided by Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) constructs [25]. The researchers utilized findings of a previous qualitative survey of Lesotho community pharmacists' role in preventing and controlling CVDs [17]. ...
... Respondents' attitudes and perceptions were assessed using three TPB constructs: attitude, perceived behavioural control, and subjective norms [25]. The respondents portrayed a positive attitude in support of their role in preventing and controlling CVDs. ...
... The respondents portrayed a positive attitude in support of their role in preventing and controlling CVDs. According to Ajzen [25], attitude is a strong determinant of the intention to perform a certain behaviour [25]. The positive attitude provides the basis for the optimal utilisation of community pharmacists and integration in CVD structures in Lesotho. ...
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Background Cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of mortality globally and impose suffering and economic difficulties, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Community pharmacists present an opportunity for effective prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases. The overarching aim of the study was to evaluate factors associated with the extent of involvement, barriers and facilitators, and perceptions of Lesotho community pharmacists in preventing and controlling cardiovascular diseases. Methods The study utilised a quantitative cross-sectional survey. A semi-structured questionnaire was distributed to licensed community pharmacists across four districts between March and July 2023. Parametric and non-parametric tests were performed for data analysis using a Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 26. Results Apart from medicine dispensing, community pharmacists were mostly involved in hypertension (mean = 4.38±.73) and diabetes (mean = 4.17±.91) screening, weight management advice (mean = 3.81±.87), disease education (mean = 3.93±.83), medication management therapy (mean = 3.74±.99, 3.81±.88), referral of and follow up on patients (mean = 3.70±.98 and 3.87±.92). There was a significant association between the extent of involvement and pharmacy location, experience of community pharmacists, availability of tools, number of patients seen daily, and presence of other healthcare professionals at a community pharmacy (p<0.05). The most common barriers were related to patient factors (>75% agree to strongly agree), such as lack of awareness of community pharmacists’ services. Community pharmacists possessed positive (mean >3) attitudes and perceptions regarding their role in cardiovascular disease management. Conclusions Besides dispensing medicine, community pharmacists had varying extent of involvement in health promotion activities. The provision of these services differed between socio-demographic groups. Community pharmacists possessed good knowledge, positive attitudes towards their cardiovascular disease management role. Thus, they can improve cardiovascular disease outcomes. However, the barriers potentially limit their scope of practice and encourage inconsistent community pharmacy services. The findings present pertinent information to policy-makers, regulators, and pharmacists that can inform the development of frameworks to improve clinical and pharmacy practice in Lesotho and low- and middle-income countries.
... Individuals may feel compelled to avoid polluted destinations in response to social norms, which are the societal expectations regarding eco-conscious behaviour (Ajzen, 1991). Individuals often seek acceptance and respect from others, making social norms a key factor influencing their behaviour and intention (Li et al., 2019). ...
... Attitude refers to an individual's overall assessment of engaging in a particular behaviourobject, people, or situation (Ajzen, 1991). This study adopted attitudes towards air pollution to examine their impact on shaping travel intentions. ...
... The dependent variable, traveller switching intention, was measured using four items adopted from Gitelson and Crompton (1984). For push factors, three items were borrowed from H. Zhang et al. (2018) to measure environmental policy, three items from Quan et al. (2023), and three items from Ajzen (1991) and Han (2015) were adopted to measure social norms. For pull factors, six items from Quan et al. (2023) measured health and well-being benefits, three items from Baloglu and McCleary (1999) and Stylos et al. (2016) measured destination image, and three items borrowed from Han (2015) measured personal norms. ...
... Entrepreneurship is vital for economic development as it stimulates innovation, advances technology, creates jobs, and strengthens economic structures (Giampiccoli & Mtapuri, 2022;Gurel et al., 2010;Soliman, 2011). From the psychological perspective, an individual's involvement in entrepreneurial activity can be best predicted by intention, and it is the driving force behind the formation of a new business (Ajzen, 1991;Carsrud & Brännback, 2011;Guerrero et al., 2008). Ajzen (1991) dened intention as an indicator of an individual's readiness to attempt and the eort a person is ready to make to act in a particular manner. ...
... From the psychological perspective, an individual's involvement in entrepreneurial activity can be best predicted by intention, and it is the driving force behind the formation of a new business (Ajzen, 1991;Carsrud & Brännback, 2011;Guerrero et al., 2008). Ajzen (1991) dened intention as an indicator of an individual's readiness to attempt and the eort a person is ready to make to act in a particular manner. Thus, intention guides the person's willingness to do a specic action and directly predicts the behaviour (Virick et al., 2015). ...
... Thus, intention guides the person's willingness to do a specic action and directly predicts the behaviour (Virick et al., 2015). The more an individual intends to be involved in a particular behaviour, the more the chances to carry out that behaviour (Ajzen, 1991). ...
... Entrepreneurship is vital for economic development as it stimulates innovation, advances technology, creates jobs, and strengthens economic structures (Giampiccoli & Mtapuri, 2022;Gurel et al., 2010;Soliman, 2011). From the psychological perspective, an individual's involvement in entrepreneurial activity can be best predicted by intention, and it is the driving force behind the formation of a new business (Ajzen, 1991;Carsrud & Brännback, 2011;Guerrero et al., 2008). Ajzen (1991) dened intention as an indicator of an individual's readiness to attempt and the eort a person is ready to make to act in a particular manner. ...
... From the psychological perspective, an individual's involvement in entrepreneurial activity can be best predicted by intention, and it is the driving force behind the formation of a new business (Ajzen, 1991;Carsrud & Brännback, 2011;Guerrero et al., 2008). Ajzen (1991) dened intention as an indicator of an individual's readiness to attempt and the eort a person is ready to make to act in a particular manner. Thus, intention guides the person's willingness to do a specic action and directly predicts the behaviour (Virick et al., 2015). ...
... Thus, intention guides the person's willingness to do a specic action and directly predicts the behaviour (Virick et al., 2015). The more an individual intends to be involved in a particular behaviour, the more the chances to carry out that behaviour (Ajzen, 1991). ...
... For example, the idea that implementing contemporary ICT advances one's career can be balanced against the obstacles to learning and the limited resources it presents. Subjective norms comprise one's intention to conform to others' expectations and their perception of these expectations, which are influenced by the behavior's motivation (Ajzen, 1991). According to the theory, behavioral intention is the most important predictor of behavior. ...
... While the technology acceptance model (TAM) was specifically created within the information systems literature for this purpose, Morris et al. (2015) describe the theory of planned behavior (TPB) as a general psychological model that has been adapted for studying technology adoption and use. According to Ajzen (Ajzen, 1991), TPB postulates that behavioral intentions, which have a high accuracy of predicting actual behavior, are influenced by three factors: attitude toward the behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. Taken together, these factors account for a significant portion of the variance in actual behavior. ...
... Taken together, these factors account for a significant portion of the variance in actual behavior. The importance of behavioral dispositions, such as social attitudes and personality traits, in predicting human behavior is highlighted by Ajzen (1991) and others. The intention of an individual to carry out a behavior is fundamental to TPB because it represents the motivational factors that indicate the amount of effort people are willing to put forth to carry out the behavior (Ajzen, 1991). ...
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Cloud-based accounting adoption among accounting professionals in Sri Lanka is influenced by various factors, as explored in this study. With the evolution of technology in the accounting profession, cloud accounting offers significant advantages, including cost savings, scalability, and real-time access to financial data. This research, based on a sample of 100 accounting professionals, employed multiple regression analysis to examine the impact of these determinants on cloud-based accounting adoption. The findings reveal that factors such as IT capability, compatibility, perceived value, relative advantage, top management support, and competitive pressure significantly drive cloud-based accounting adoption in Sri Lanka. Conversely, factors like the innovativeness of senior executives, IT infrastructure, and perceived cost do not show significant effects. These results underscore the importance of aligning technology with organizational needs, highlighting the need for user-friendly interfaces, comprehensive training, and effective marketing strategies to promote adoption. Based on these findings, recommendations are provided to encourage cloud-based accounting adoption, including enhancing compatibility, mitigating complexity, promoting perceived value and relative advantage, leveraging top management support, and capitalizing on competitive pressure.
... In this study, the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) serves as the theoretical foundation to investigate the mechanisms by which greenwashing perceptions influence consumers' purchase intentions. According to Ajzen (1991), TPB posits that an individual's intention to engage in a specific behavior is shaped by three primary factors: attitudes toward the behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. These elements interact to shape behavioral intentions and, consequently, actual behavior. ...
... Firstly, attitude toward the behavior represents an individual's assessment, either favorable or unfavorable, regarding the act of performing that behavior (Ajzen, 1991). When consumers perceive greenwashing, they often feel deceived and develop negative attitudes towards the product and brand (De Jong et al., 2018). ...
... Consequently, such negative attitudes reduce the likelihood of consumers forming positive purchase intentions, as they do not wish to support companies engaged in misleading practices. Secondly, subjective norms pertain to the perceived social pressures that influence an individual's decision to either engage in or refrain from a behavior (Ajzen, 1991), which are adversely affected by greenwashing perceptions. Consumers are influenced by their social environment, including friends, family, and societal expectations (Cialdini & Trost, 1998). ...
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With increasing consumer awareness of environmental issues, green marketing has gained prominence in the fashion industry. However, the rise of greenwashing has raised concerns about its impact on consumer behavior. The study aims to investigate the influence of greenwashing perceptions on consumer purchase intention in the Chinese fashion industry, proposing green skepticism as a mediating factor and brand loyalty as a moderating variable. A moderated mediation model, grounded in the theory of planned behavior, was proposed. Data were collected through an online survey conducted in June 2024, using random sampling to select 350 consumers who interacted with merchants during live-streaming sessions on Douyin in the fast fashion sector. The results largely supported the proposed framework. Specifically, the findings indicate that greenwashing perceptions negatively impact consumer purchase intention (β = –0.43, p < 0.01). Furthermore, green skepticism was found to partially mediate the relationship between greenwashing perception and purchase intention (β = –0.26, p < 0.01). Finally, the moderating role of brand loyalty was confirmed, as it moderates the effect of greenwashing perceptions on green skepticism (β = –0.22, p < 0.01), thereby buffering the indirect effect of greenwashing perceptions on purchase intention through green skepticism (β = 0.06, 95% CI = [0.028, 0.091]). This study contributes to the growing body of green marketing literature by emphasizing the interplay between consumer greenwashing perceptions, green skepticism, and brand loyalty in shaping purchasing behavior in the fashion industry.
... In this regard, the TPB was highly accepted as an extremely effective predictor of a wide range of behaviours, including entrepreneurship (Ajzen 1991; Fatoki 2019). Ajzen (1991) noted the TPB contends that entre-preneurial intention implies the effort the person will make to start a new business venture and therefore, captures the motivational factors that influence this type of behaviour. The three motivational factors include attitude towards start-up, social norms and perceived behavioural control (Prabandari and Sholihah 2015). ...
... This study emphasises attitude toward behaviour as a predictor of intention, because it focuses on assessing the attitudes and development of a positive mindset that entrepreneurship could be a career option for students. Kamau Ajzen (1991) indicated the subjective norm refers to the individual's perception of social pressure to perform the be-haviour under consideration or not. It is, therefore, correct to state that social pressure can influence the extent to which an individual forms an intention to behave in a positive manner. ...
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Several decades of ongoing developments in entrepreneurship education have significantly influenced higher education institutions (HEIs) worldwide. Consequently, there is a growing call for entrepreneurship education to be widely offered to students across various disciplines. Recognized as a key driver of sustainable growth and development, entrepreneurship education plays a crucial role in shaping a country's economic landscape. This study aims to examine the impact of entrepreneurship education on developing entrepreneurial competencies and stimulating entrepreneurial intentions among South African students. Utilizing a quantitative research approach, data were collected from 136 final-year students enrolled in Business and Administration programs at government-funded universities in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, using a non-probability purposive sampling technique. The results indicate that the entrepreneurship education curricula at these universities are still in their developmental stages. Furthermore,
... Diferentes investigadores han presentado resultados sobre la prevalencia entre estos factores, evidenciando la complejidad de las relaciones entre ellos. (Morales-Alonso, et al., 2020;Pinillos & Reyes, 2011) El comportamiento emprendedor es volitivo e impulsado por mecanismos cognitivos Pablo-Lerchundi et al., 2015), por lo que el factor desencadenante de las acciones emprendedoras es el desarrollo de intenciones emprendedoras (Ajzen, 1991). Esto relativiza la importancia de los factores contextuales, los valores sociales y los atributos individuales (Krueger, Reilly, & Carsrud, 2000). ...
... Por ello, la decisión de fundar una empresa se define como un proceso intencionado en el que el individuo tomará una decisión razonada, con el apoyo de su entorno más próximo y con el convencimiento de que posee los conocimientos necesarios para alcanzar el éxito, en base a lo que considera ser un nicho de mercado interesante. Por lo tanto, el espíritu emprendedor se considera un comportamiento planificado y se puede predecir a través de modelos de intención (Ajzen, 1991;Krueger et al., 2000). ...
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El germen del desarrollo económico es la acción humana, que cristaliza en la función empresarial. La voluntad de prosperar del individuo es la que hace que el conjunto de la sociedad prospere, por medio de la coordinación social voluntaria entre individuos. En este trabajo nos centramos en los rasgos cognitivos que dan lugar a la acción humana. En particular, postulamos la importancia que pueden tener la religiosidad, los valores humanos y un positivo posicionamiento hacia el libre mercado en como antecedentes de la intención emprendedora.
... Noteworthy is also that the effect of the intervention in sedentary patients and in patients with poor SRH is comparable to the effect of one antihypertensive medication, which is important from a clinical perspective. Further, evidence suggests that persons with low SRH and those with a sedentary lifestyle are hard to engage in lifestyle changes [22]. As patients with a sedentary lifestyle and low SRH also have a higher cardiovascular risk [23,24] our intervention might be able to contribute to decreased health inequity. ...
... The results from the questionnaire indicate that although the patient has the information and understands the health benefits of good habits, it is hard to convert that information into action. Health professionals could promote lifestyle changes in many ways, but it will not matter if the patients are not motivated to make the changes [22]. The previously published PUSHME interview study regarding patient experiences concluded that timing in relation to diagnosis and tailoring the messages to patients' prior knowledge and habits could increase the effectiveness of the messages [28]. ...
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Due to the high prevalence and great cardiovascular risks of hypertension, we need effective and evidence-based treatment strategies. Health-promoting one-way text messages could be a beneficial complement to antihypertensive drugs. However, this has yet to be proven in a primary healthcare setting. The purpose of this study was to investigate if health-promoting text messages could improve patients’ blood pressure in primary care. The PUSHME (Primary care Usage of Health promoting Messages) randomized controlled trial included 401 patients from 10 primary health care centers in southern Sweden. Patients in the intervention group received four text messages weekly for six months along with treatment as usual. The PUSHME study was registered on (NCT04407962). Patients in both the control group and the intervention group lowered their blood pressure during the study, but there was no significant difference in change between the groups. However, subgroup analyses showed that there was a significantly larger reduction in diastolic blood pressure favoring the intervention for patients with poor self-rated health: -4.5 mmHg vs -1.4 mmHg (p = 0.019), and patients with a sedentary lifestyle: -5.2 mmHg vs -2.4 mmHg (p = 0.034). Our findings indicate that text messages with lifestyle advice to a general hypertensive population do not have any significant effect on blood pressure. However, it could be an effective complement to conventional antihypertensive drug treatment for specific patient groups.
... Purchase behavior can be predicted through intentions (Ajzen, 1991). The purchasing process, as explored by Bhatnagar, Misra, and Rao (2000) encompasses various considerations such as consumption preferences, time, and financial resources. ...
... This influence is particularly pronounced in guiding the final Decision phase, offering a nuanced understanding of the cognitive processes steering online purchase behavior within the dynamic realm of the financial sector (Bleier, Harmeling, & Palmatier, 2019;Izogo & Jayawardhena, 2018). Alternatively, the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) suggests that purchase intentions are primarily driven by attitudes toward the behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control (Ajzen, 1991). This theory highlights that consumers aim to maximize positive outcomes and minimize negative ones in their decision-making process (Kumar & Reinartz, 2016). ...
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This study addresses the gap in understanding the impact of product types on online purchasing decisions in the financial industry. It examines how key factors—product features, financial needs, institutional reputation, and government regulations—affect online purchase intention while also investigating the mediating roles of consumer perceptions. Data from 218 respondents in China was collected via a structured questionnaire distributed across various social media platforms. Quantitative analysis was employed to explore the direct effects of influential factors on online purchase intention, along with the mediating effects of perceived value and purchase risk. The study reveals that product features, financial needs, institutional reputation, and government regulations positively influence online purchase intention in the financial sector. Perceived value amplifies these effects, while purchase risk attenuates them, underscoring the significant mediating role of consumer perceptions. Managers in the financial sector should prioritize brand building and real-time customer engagement to bolster online purchase intentions. Strengthening institutional reputation and highlighting product value can positively sway consumer decisions. Policymakers are advised to enact regulations ensuring e-commerce transaction safety, fostering consumer trust and a secure online purchasing environment.
... To explain a person's behavioral intentions and actual behavior, Ajzen (1985Ajzen ( , 1991) created the TPB model. Based on the framework, attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control all have an impact on an individual's behavioral intentions (Ajzen, 1991). ...
... To explain a person's behavioral intentions and actual behavior, Ajzen (1985Ajzen ( , 1991) created the TPB model. Based on the framework, attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control all have an impact on an individual's behavioral intentions (Ajzen, 1991). Attitude refers to an individual's attitude in their assessment of whether a behavior is positive or negative; subjective norms refer to the extent to which an individual's perception of how important people (e.g., family, friends, etc.) expect him or her to engage in the behavior; and perceived behavioral control refers to an individual's perception of how easy or difficult it is for him or her to engage in a behavior (Ajzen, 2002). ...
... The choice to use technology is significantly driven by an individual's emotions (Beaudry & Pinsonneault, 2010), attitudes (Blut et al., 2022), and perceived social norms (Venkatesh & Morris, 2000). Most research in the field of technology usage predictors is built upon the Theory of Reasoned Action (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975), Technology Acceptance Model and its extensions (Davis, 1989;Marangunić & Granić, 2015), as well as the Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1991). All emphasize the importance of these factors, although to varying degrees. ...
... Respondents ranked the statements "My company expects that I use generative AI for my work", "My leaders think I should use generative AI for my work", and "My colleagues think I should use generative AI for my work" (Cronbach's alpha = .85) (Ajzen, 1991;Davis, 1989). ...
... Internal factors, such as self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation, are recognized in other contexts as key drivers of behavior (Ajzen, 1991;Lee & Lee, 2014;Ryan & Deci, 2000). However, research specifically addressing how these factors shape teachers' adoption of AI in educational settings is limited (Bai et al., 2021). ...
... Addressing this complexity requires consideration of both internal and external factors that affect teacher willingness to adopt AI in their work (Limna et al., 2022). The combination of both kinds of factors is important in the adoption process (Ajzen, 1991;C. Zhang et al., 2023). ...
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This study examines factors influencing teachers' intention to adopt Generative AI technologies in education by extending the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The proposed comprehensive model incorporates both external factors (exposure to AI information, information credibility, and institutional support) and internal factors (intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy). A survey of 400 teachers reveals that teachers’ exposure to credible AI information positively influences perceptions of Generative AI usefulness, which ultimately impacts their intention to use AI. Importantly, institutional support has both direct and indirect effects on teachers' intention to use AI, with the indirect effect mediated by the internal factors of intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy. This research complements TAM theory by integrating psychological and contextual factors, offering a nuanced framework for understanding Generative AI adoption in educational settings. The findings suggest that for educational leaders and policymakers, developing strategies that allocate resources for infrastructure, technical support, and professional development—such as Generative AI training programs—will be crucial in driving Generative AI adoption among teachers. By addressing both external and internal determinants, this study provides a comprehensive perspective of the dynamics behind technology acceptance in the classroom.
... Sehingga dapat mengurangi pembayaran kredit yang macet. Theory of planned behavior atau teori perilaku terencana merupakan teori yang digunakan dalam memprediksi dan menjelaskan mengenai perilaku manusia dalam sebuah konteks (Ajzen 1991). Theory of planned behavior merupakan pengembangan teori dari TRA (Theory of Reasoned Action). ...
KUR Mikro BRI Unit Lelateng merupakan program pemerintah dengan tujuan memberikan bantuan modal kepada UMKM sehingga dapat meningkatkan produktivitasnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kesesuaian jumlah pinjaman, peningkatan omzet usaha dan kesesuaian jangka waktu pengembalian terhadap tingkat kelancaran pengembalian KUR Mikro. Adapun sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni sejumlah 52 sampel yang merupakan debitur yang menunggak KUR Mikro BRI Unit Lelateng. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik sampel jenuh, data yang dikumpulkan melalui metode survey dengan menggunakan instrument kuesioner. Kemudian, data tersebut dianalisis menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar jumlah pinjaman maka tingkat kelancaran pengembalian kredit semakin tinggi. Semakin besar omzet usaha maka tingkat kelancaran pengembalian kredit semakin tinggi pula dan semakin lama jangka waktu pengembalian maka akan semakin tinggi tingkat kelancaran pengembalian kreditnya.
... Essentially, individuals engaging in sustainable purchasing are more likely to harbor favorable attitudes toward sustainability and intend to persist in such behaviors in the future. This observation resonates with the theory of planned behavior (TPB), emphasizing the importance of attitudes and perceived behavioral control in molding behavior (Ajzen, 1991). The literature indicates that personality traits like openness to experience and conscientiousness serve as pivotal predictors of sustainable labeling packaging purchase behavior, and such behavior correlates positively with purchase intention. ...
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The purpose of this paper is to identify and empirically examine the impact of perceived behavior control, openness to experience and conscientiousness on the purchase behavior of sustainable labelling products. Additionally, this study also investigates the role of purchase intention as a potential mediating variable on the relationships between independent and dependant variables. The study develops a set of hypotheses that are tested through a survey of 164 consumers, which are working adults in Malaysia. The hypothesized model is tested through structural equation modelling, using a statistical software, Smart-PLS version 4. The results indicated that perceived behavioral control and conscientiousness significantly influence purchase behavior of the consumers. Moreover, purchase intention is found to be significantly mediated the relationship between openness to experience and purchase behavior as well as conscientiousness and purchase behavior. The study highlights the valuable insights for management by providing recommendations to companies and decision-makers aiming to promote sustainable purchasing.
... The Theory of Reasoned Action proposed by Ajzen and Fishbein (2000), and updated with the Theory of Planned Behavior by Ajzen (1991), has been used in recent decades to study desire and behavior. The theory of reasoned action posits that an individual's intentions dictate their behaviour, whether it involves carrying out a specific action or not. ...
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This study examines the factors influencing tax compliance among small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in West Jakarta. The research analyzes three key factors: quality of tax services, taxpayer knowledge, and taxpayer awareness. Using a quantitative approach, primary data was collected through online questionnaires distributed via Google Forms to 135 MSME taxpayers in West Jakarta. The data was analyzed using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method. The findings reveal that both taxpayer knowledge and awareness have significant positive effects on tax compliance. Specifically, taxpayers with better understanding of tax payment procedures and those with higher awareness of their tax responsibilities demonstrate increased compliance levels. These results align with previous research that established positive relationships between taxpayer knowledge, awareness, and compliance. Notably, the study found that service quality has no significant impact on taxpayer compliance, suggesting that the level of tax services does not influence taxpayers' willingness to fulfill their obligations. These findings contribute to the understanding of tax compliance behavior among MSMEs and have implications for tax policy and administration.
... According to the theory of planned behavior, people's behavior is mainly influenced by their intention, which is a result of individual beliefs. These beliefs are determined by personal antecedents or contextual conditions (Ajzen, 1991(Ajzen, , 2011. Similarly, the decision to settle or return after graduation made by international students may vary due to different individual experiences, abilities, and contextual environments. ...
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With the rapid development of international education, China has become a popular destination for international students. In this context, whether students settle in China or return to their hometowns after graduation is a matter of interest. Based on a recent questionnaire survey circulated among international students in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, and on interviews conducted there, this study applies logistic regression models to examine the determinants of their intentions and the mechanism of their decision to either settle or return. In addition, the gender gap is studied to explore how male and female international students are differently influenced by various determinants. The results show that most international students are satisfied with their experience of studying in China and with their social environment but have less understanding of Chinese policies. The results also indicate that family obligation, social ties, working conditions, and social and policy environment have a significant impact on international students’ intentions. From the gender perspective, family ties and labor market play different roles in the decisions of male and female students, while marital status and policies influence both genders. The results reveal the mechanisms of settling and returning, which may have implications for the Chinese government in its desire to retain foreign talents.
... Según Ajzen, (1991) la actitud hacia la conducta de crear empresa tiene una evaluación que puede ser favorable o desfavorable por parte del mismo emprendedor, es decir, si la persona evalúa favorablemente la acción de crear empresa, tiene uno de los tres determinantes de la intención para convertirse en acción, de acuerdo con la teoría de conducta planificada. La actitud emprendedora puede definirse como una conducta permanente de administrar los recursos para generar resultados según la actividad en que se desarrolla (Quintero, 2007). ...
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En el desarrollo de este trabajo de investigación, se aplicó un instrumento de medición que está estructurado en tres partes y en el cual se describen las variables que tienen un impacto positivo en la generación y desarrollo empresarial en estudiantes universitarios. En la primera parte se describen los datos generales, en la segunda la percepción del estudiante de la carrera de contador público como empresario y en la tercera parte se evalúa la variable independiente Generación y Desarrollo Empresarial y las variables dependientes: Control Percibido Interno, Autoestima, Planeación y Visión de Futuro, Innovación y Motivación de Logro. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos de este trabajo de investigación los factores clave y que tienen un impacto positivo en la generación y desarrollo empresarial son: Por lo que se puede concluir que la Innovación que de acuerdo a este estudio impacta con un 50.9% mientras que la Motivación de Logro con un 38.1%, por lo que se puede demostrar que a mayor innovación y motivación de logro los estudiantes universitarios tienen un efecto positivo en la generación y desarrollo empresarial.
... This research aims to design a model of individual consumer factors that influence the attitudes and purchasing decisions of Vietnamese customers regarding sustainable fashion products. The study references the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) put forward by Ajzen (39) and the Value-Belief-Norm (VBN) developed by Stern et al. (40) The TPB recognizes that even when consumers hold favorable attitudes and face societal pressure regarding sustainable fashion, their ability to translate these intentions into concrete actions may be constrained by factors such as product availability or affordability. The VBN underlines how consumers' values, environmental beliefs, and sense of moral obligation influence their sustainable fashion purchase decisions. ...
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Introduction: The fashion industry is increasingly recognized as a significant contributor to the ongoing ecological and climate crises. As a result, more companies are acknowledging the importance of promoting responsible growth in fashion. This study analyzes different personal factors influencing Vietnamese consumer behaviors, including customer perceptions, customer motivations, financial situations, and environmental concerns; examines how these factors affect customer attitudes and behaviors toward sustainable fashion consumption.Methods: Based on a survey of 363 respondents and using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), the study demonstrates that customer motivation has the most significant impact on attitudes toward sustainable fashion.Results: Environmental concerns significantly impact customers' purchasing decisions; however, consumer perception does not affect the choice to use sustainable fashion products. While consumers show a positive attitude toward sustainable fashion, there remains a gap between this attitude and actual purchasing behavior.Conclusions: Based on these findings, the authors propose relevant and meaningful solutions for sustainable fashion businesses and Vietnamese authorities.
... -Yếu tố "Ảnh hưởng xã hội": Là sức ép xã hội về mặt nhận thức để tiến hành hoặc không tiến hành một hành vi nào đó [8]. Yếu tố này chính là yếu tố chuẩn chủ quan trong mô hình lý thuyết hành vi có kế hoạch TPB. ...
Với sự phát triển của khoa học công nghệ và sự bùng phát của đại dịch Covid-19 từ cuối năm 2019 cho đến nay đã đẩy mạnh sự phát triển của thương mại điện tử, hành vi mua sắm của người tiêu dùng cũng chuyển nhanh sang trực tuyến. Sinh viên là một trong những nhóm đối tượng khách hàng lớn của các doanh nghiệp kinh doanh trực tuyến, họ khá năng động, hiểu và nắm bắt các xu hướng mua sắm trên Internet nhiều hơn các đối tượng khác. Bài báo này do đó tiến hành đánh giá hành vi mua sắm trực tuyến của sinh viên Trường Du lịch – Đại học Huế trong bối cảnh đại dịch Covid-19 xảy ra. Nghiên cứu dựa trên các lý thuyết về nhận thức rủi ro, lý thuyết về hành động hợp lý, lý thuyết hành vi có kế hoạch, mô hình chấp nhận công nghệ để đề xuất mô hình nghiên cứu. Kết quả nghiên cứu đã chỉ ra rằng đại dịch Covid-19 đã khiến sinh viên mua sắm trực tuyến nhiều hơn, các yếu tố “Nhận thức về tính hữu ích” và “Ảnh hưởng kinh nghiệm của những người đã từng mua” là hai nhóm yếu tố có tác động cùng chiều với hành vi mua sắm trực tuyến của sinh viên. Bên cạnh đó, nghiên cứu còn phân tích những vấn đề liên quan đến hành vi mua của sinh viên như tần suất mua hàng, kênh mua sắm, thiết bị sử dụng để mua sắm, sản phẩm, số tiền, yếu tố quan tâm nhất khi mua sắm… Từ đó, đề xuất một số giải pháp nhằm thúc đẩy hành vi mua sắm của sinh viên thuận tiện và phù hợp hơn trong bối cảnh Covid-19.
... Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are hypothesized to predict attitude towards mechanical ventilation systems. Attitudes are generally a good proxy for behavioural intentions -for predicting actual behavior, other aspects also become relevant, for example, the perceived behavioural control over and the costs for the behavior (Ajzen, 1991). We extended the original variables of the TAM by factors that had been identified as relevant to occupants in the qualitative pre-study (see Berneiser et al., 2024) as well as in other previous research described above. ...
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Mechanical ventilation plays an important role in an increasingly energy-efficient building stock by promoting a good indoor air quality, occupant comfort and building protection. It can also reduce energy losses due to suboptimal ventilation behavior during the cold season and increase the overall energy efficiency of the building. However, the effectiveness of mechanical ventilation systems is dependent on appropriate user behavior. Discrepancies between technical requirements and actual user behavior in terms of adequate ventilation system use have been observed in empirical research. This can decrease energy efficiency and potentially negatively impact indoor air quality. The aim of this research was to explore factors that predict occupants’ attitudes towards their ventilation system and their satisfaction with it. We examined self-reported natural ventilation practices of occupants as well as predictors of technology acceptance and user satisfaction with mechanical ventilation. Predictors of these two dependent variables differed slightly in our sample. Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of the ventilation system predicted both attitudes and user satisfaction. In addition, user satisfaction was significantly associated with the perceived cleanliness of the ventilation system. Even though stated as a relevant preference for ventilation systems in our pre-study, satisfaction with control options was not related to attitudes or user satisfaction, neither was the subjective importance of the noise level and energy efficiency. We therefore conclude that it is essential to emphasize the goals and benefits of mechanical ventilation systems, hence their usefulness for comfort, health, building protection, and energy efficiency. Furthermore, it seems crucial to provide detailed explanations on the correct operation of the system to maintain its effectiveness. Ensuring the system’s understandability and ease of use are also vital for aligning technology requirements with user needs. Finally, to increase user satisfaction it may be critical to place importance on the filtering capabilities and cleanliness of the ventilation systems. Highlighting these aspects and explaining what is required of users to maintain hygienic environments in manuals and during installation could be a promising means of ensuring adequate long-term operation by occupants.
... Simon foi laureado em 1978 com o Prêmio Nobel de Economia por sua Teoria das Decisões e suas contribuições à economia comportamental (NOBEL, 2024c). Desde então, surgiram várias teorias com o objetivo de explicar, prever e influenciar o comportamento humano, como a Teoria do Comportamento Planejado (AJZEN, 1991), a Teoria Focal da Conduta Normativa (CIALDINI; RENO; KALLGREN, 1990), o Modelo Transteórico de Mudança de Comportamento (PROCHASKA; VELICER, 1997), o Marketing Social de Base Comunitária (MCKENZIE-MOHR; SCHULTZ, 2014), as Normas Pessoais (SCHWARTZ, 1977) e Estrutura de Estilos de Vida Sustentáveis (THOMPSON et al., 2011). Uma nova abordagem para as ciências comportamentais surgiu com Daniel Khaneman e Amos Tversky e sua Teoria da Perspectiva (ou Teoria do Prospecto), que afirma que as pessoas tomam decisões com base em potenciais valores de perdas e ganhos do que apenas no resultado. ...
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Behavioral sciences have proven effective in promoting behavioral changes in various contexts. With the advancement of digitalization and the constant use of devices connected to the Internet, an opportunity arises to apply these techniques to the human-computer interface (HCI). This study aims to analyze the application of nudges in HCI, seeking to replicate the positive results observed in the real world. For this reason, a review of international scientific literature was carried out in the Scopus and Web of Science databases in two stages: a bibliometric analysis followed by a systematic review. 34 articles were identified that prove the effectiveness of using nudges not developed by HCI, resulting in positive impacts similar to those obtained in offline contexts. Nudge-based interfaces promote the integration of users with different profiles and skill levels in using digital systems. Furthermore, the integration between nudges, artificial intelligence (AI) and HCI enhances managers' decision-making, in addition to encouraging safer and more sustainable behaviors through precise, intuitive and accessible interventions.
... Regarding the attitudes, the lifestyle and the household food waste journey are, as well a much discussed topic in the literature. The main sources of food waste are represented by the shopping, cooking and disposing habits each individual has. the Theory of Planned Behaviour introduced by Ajzen in 1991, which sustains that the most critical aspect is the intention of one individual of changing the behaviour and the harder the intention, the greater the performance of changing the behaviour (Ajzen, 1991), studies show that the behaviour of reducing food waste is influenced by one's attitudes towards food, household habits and intention to change (Quested et al., 2013). However, this theory was extended by Collins and Mullan (2011), who added that for repetitive behaviours, the intention is no longer the only variable to consider, but also the past behaviours as they have a significant role in predicting future behaviours (Collins and Mullan, 2011 (Jörissen et al., 2015) found out that people who are making a shopping list before going shopping waste about 20% less food (Jörissen et al., 2015). ...
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Food Waste has become a significant issue for the 21st century, as it has harmful social, economic, and environmental implications that affect all living beings. Currently, more than half of the total food waste comes from developed countries in the consumption stage, mainly generated by consumers' attitudes and behaviours towards food. In developing countries, the waste is generated in the first stages of the food supply chain due to the lack of technology and infrastructure. This paper aims to develop an in-depth analysis of the phenomenon of food waste seen through the eyes of the sample of Romanian consumers by identifying the principal drivers of residential food waste and the current strategies to impact consumer behaviour, in-home and by the authorities. The results show that the respondents are aware of the food waste phenomenon, and they are concerned about wasting money and about the people that do not have access to healthy food. Besides the existing national policy for diminishing food waste, consumers still reported the need for Government involvement through policies and laws, as these measures are considered as being very impactful in reducing food waste at the consumption stage and that generated from the retail sector.
... Theory of Planned Behavior is a theory developed by Ajzen. The theory emphasizes that targetted behavior does not only depend on one's intentions, but also on other factors which are not under individual control (Ajzen, 1991). From here, Ajzen widened the theory to put emphasis on the role of that ability which later on considered as perceived behavioral control. ...
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The objectives of this research are (1) to analyze whether religiosity is a moderating variable which affects the extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, and perceived risk toward the successes of generation X entrepreneurship, (2) to investigate whether religiosity is a moderating variable which affects the extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, and perceived risk toward the successes of generation Baby Boomer entrepreneurship. This study was conducted in Indonesia with respondents of anyone who has a good business aged over 50 years or often called as baby boomer generation and who are under 50 years or called generation X (Howe and Staruss, 2007). To generation X, religiosity variable is a variable which moderates the effects of the extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, and perceived risk toward the successes of entrepreneurship, while to Baby Boomer generation, it is not a variable which moderates the effects of the extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, and perceived risk toward the successes of entrepreneurship because it is considered as an inherent part of themselves. Those prior studies have tapped on the issues related to business after retirement, challenges of retirement, successful and happy retirement, and retirement preparation yet they have not yet specifically discussed about the true measurement of business after retirement as well as its influential antecedents. In another word, this study is unique in terms of its high relevance and urgency to be analyzed deeper as the reference for workers in facing retirement Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Retirement, Baby Boomer Generation
... This study's discussion centers on the empirical findings represent the impact of financial cognitive ability dimensions on behavioral intention of the investor in Pakistan stock market. It also explored financial capability mediating role within these relationships, drawing on the theory of "planned behaviors" (Ajzen, 1991), "theory of well-being" (Wilson, 1967), and the "theory of financial capability" (Brown, 2020;Johnson and Sherraden, 2007;Sen, 1993). To achieve these objectives, we first focused on the direct effect (path co-efficient) among these variables and then inspect the indirect effect. ...
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This study investigates how financial cognitive abilities influence individual investors’ intentions to engage in the stock market, particularly considering the mediating role of financial capability. It seeks to address the gaps in understanding the factors that drive investors’ participation in emerging markets like Pakistan, highlighting the importance of financial knowledge, financial planning, and financial satisfaction and financial capability. Data were collected from 377 individual investors through a self-administered questionnaire using a cross-sectional design and non-probability convenience sampling approach. Results reveal that financial knowledge affects investors’ intentions both directly and indirectly, with financial capability serving as a partial mediator. Financial planning influences intentions indirectly through complete mediation, while financial satisfaction affects intentions in both direct and indirect ways, with partial mediation. The study provides valuable insights for the researchers, individual investors, governmental officials, policymakers, and stock market regulators in context of emerging economies like Pakistan, highlighting key determinants of stock market participation.
... Rights reserved. (Davis, 1989;Hofstede, 1984) CAT2-Local communities easily utilize digital technologies to improve tourist experiences (Davis, 1989) CAT3-Digital transformation in tourism is compatible with Cambodian cultural values and traditions (Hofstede, 1984;Rogers, 2003) CAT4-I trust digital platforms to represent Cambodia's culture accurately and respectfully (Mayer, 1995) CAT5-Influential figures in my community promote using digital technologies in tourism (Hofstede, 1984;Venkatesh & Davis, 2000) CAT6-I intend to use digital technologies to explore cultural tourism in Cambodia (Ajzen, 1991) Technological readiness and infrastructure (TRI) TRI1-Major tourist destinations in Cambodia have high-speed internet access (Parasuraman, 2000) TRI2-Digital payment systems are reliable and widely accepted in Cambodia's tourism sector (Parasuraman & Colby, 2015) TRI3-Mobile network coverage is extensive, even in remote tourist locations (Parasuraman, 2000) TRI4-Travelers in Cambodia have access to a wide range of digital services (e.g., apps and websites) (Porter & Heppelmann, 2014) TRI5-Local tourism businesses invest in digital technologies to enhance customer experiences (Teece, 2018) TRI6-Government support for tourism technology infrastructure development (Mowery & Rosenberg, 1991) Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved. ...
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This study examines the impact of digital transformation on Cambodia’s tourism industry, focusing on cultural empathy’s role in enhancing the tourist experience. The Digital-Cultural Empathy Model (DCEM) integrates the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Service Quality Model (SERVQUAL), and digital empathy. A survey of 360 participants was analyzed using PLS-SEM, revealing that digital transformation and cultural empathy significantly boost customer satisfaction. The study underscores the importance of cultural acceptance of technology, technological readiness, and digital empathy in creating personalized, culturally immersive experiences. Its implications are relevant beyond Cambodia, suggesting further research in diverse cultural contexts.
... This study is grounded in theories of consumer behavior, particularly intentionbased models such as the Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1991) and the Technology Acceptance Model (Davis, 1989). These frameworks emphasize the influence of attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control on consumer actions, which are critical in understanding the shift to online shopping during the Covid-19 pandemic. ...
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This study examines the determinants of online shopping behavior during the Covid-19 pandemic, with an emphasis on the sustainability of these behavioral shifts and the product categories most significantly impacted. The research employed a convenience sampling approach, utilizing an online survey administered to 463 consumers via Google Forms. Data analysis involved the application of factor analysis, descriptive statistics (means and standard deviations), and participation level assessments to measure Covid-19 purchasing behaviors. Regression analysis and t-tests were further conducted to explore variations across demographic variables. The findings indicate that the pandemic has substantially altered consumer behavior, with approximately 39% of purchases being conducted online. The most frequently purchased items comprised protective equipment, cleaning supplies, and food products. Compared to pre-pandemic consumption patterns, respondents reported increased budgets for cleaning products, enhanced efforts to locate cost-effective options, and elevated expenditures on clothing and personal care. Conversely, spending levels for food, electronics, and small household appliances remained largely unchanged. Moreover, the analysis identified significant variations in purchasing behaviors based on age and income, whereas no significant differences were observed across gender. These results underscore the enduring impact of the pandemic on online shopping practices. This study contributes to existing literature by providing a nuanced understanding of the transformations in consumer behavior prompted by the Covid-19 1
... Intentions motivate individuals and influence their behavior (Ajzen, 1991). Green purchase intention is the possibility and willingness of a consumer who put interest in environmentally friendly issues and is aware of choosing products that are more environmentally friendly compared to current conventional products, which in the production process tend to override the impact and influence on the environment (Ali and Ahmad, 2012). ...
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The increased world population makes the carrying capacity of nature even heavier and leads to various environmental problems. Consumption of green products is one of the solutions to overcome environmental problems. Based on previous research, people still perceive green products as having lower quality with higher prices than conventional products, so it becomes a barrier for companies or industries to identify how to develop marketing strategies for green products. This study aims to determine how consumers, especially Generation Z in Indonesia, construct green purchase intention by examining the impact of consumption value, the mediating effect of utility, and the moderating effect of price-related judgment (materialism and value consciousness). There are 266 Indonesian Generation Z used as respondents in this study. This study is analyzed by using Smart PLS 4.0 application. The results show that functional value, social value, and experiential value positively and significantly affect acquisition utility and transaction utility, acquisition utility positively and significantly affect transaction utility, acquisition utility and transaction utility positively and significantly affect green purchase intention, materialism orientation does not moderate functional value and experiential value on transaction utility, value consciousness moderates social value on transaction utility, and value consciousness does not moderate functional value and experiential value on transaction utility.
... This was followed by opening questions about the participant's professional background and field experience. The core interview questions explored cybersecurity measures for online gaming cyberbullying and their impact on player behavior, using the Theory of Planned Behavior Framework TPB (Ajzen, 1991) and Malaysia Cybersecurity Strategies (MCSS) to examine attitudes, social norms, and behavioral control. In the closing question, the researcher asked if there were any other ideas for improving this study. ...
Cyberbullying is a growing concern, particularly among adolescents and children, with the increased variety of online games available. It has been linked to various mental health problems, including social anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. The purpose of this study is to explore the implementation of awareness and educational strategies within Malaysia's Cyber Security Strategy (MCSS) framework to prevent cyberbullying in online games. A semi-structured interview was conducted with four experts from various fields. The discussion revealed that the government should develop a prevention curriculum that addresses cyberbullying in online games through simulation, using viral short videos as learning materials. The government should strengthen and promote a self-regulation campaign to ensure adolescents' safety while playing online games. The commitment from peer support groups and partnerships with gaming influencers helps raise awareness about cyberbullying in online games. These findings contribute to understanding how educational and awareness strategies can be effectively implemented to combat cyberbullying in online games among Malaysian adolescents.
... This was done primarily for theoretical but also for practical reasons. Intentions are among the best predictors of actual behavior and typically mark the first step in behavior change [38,39]. Intentions may provide a sensitive indicator to investigate the potential effects of age-related norms on older adults' behavior. ...
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Introduction: The idea that older adults should contribute to the common good has become a social normative belief (i.e., social activation). Younger and – even more so – older adults prescribe social activation to the group of older adults. Older adults are assumed to behave in line with what is socially expected of them. However, previous studies did not establish a link between the old-age norm of social activation and older adults’ social engagement. Following the reasoning of stereotype embodiment theory, we investigated the role of self-endorsement of social activation for older adults’ social engagement (i.e., formal volunteering). Method: We conducted two preregistered experiments in which older participants (60 – 90 years, N = 1,463) reflected on agreeing or disagreeing with the norm of social activation. We then assessed endorsement of social activation and intention to engage in formal volunteering. Results: Replicating our previous studies, participants who reflected on agreement with the norm of social activation reported higher endorsement of this norm compared to participants who reflected on disagreement. Endorsing the norm of social activation for (other) older adults translated into endorsing social activation for oneself (internalization). Furthermore, reflecting on agreement with social activation was indirectly related to volunteering intention via endorsement of self-related social activation (embodiment). Conclusion: Our findings elucidate the role of societal normative beliefs for older adults’ behavior and offer insights into the discourse on the continued social participation of older adults.
... The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is a development of the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) which appeared in 1967. According to (Ajzen, 1991), TPB is a theory based on the assumption that humans tend to behave wisely. Humans generally behave in a reasonable manner, considering the consequences of their actions before deciding to do them. ...
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This study aims to explain how Green Marketing influences Green Purchase Intention mediated by Environmental Awareness among Starbucks consumers in Jambi City. The sampling method used is Purposive Sampling with a total of 100 respondents. Primary data were obtained through a questionnaire using a Likert scale. The data analysis method employed Partial Least Square (PLS) with Smart PLS 4.0 software. The results showed that Green Marketing has a positive and significant effect on Environmental Awareness, and Environmental Awareness has a positive and significant effect on Green Purchase Intention. Green Marketing also has a positive and significant impact on Green Purchase Intention mediated by Environmental Awareness. Based on these findings, it is suggested that marketers implement Green Marketing strategies strengthened by enhancing consumer Environmental Awareness, as consumer attitudes and concerns about the environment can increase the intention to purchase environmentally friendly products. Keyword: Green Marketing, Environmental Awarenss, Green Purchase Intention
... Behavioral intention is the subjective probability of an individual engaging in a particular behavior [45]. Parents, as consumers, are bound to generate institutional childcare consumption intentions before engaging in childcare behavior, which is essential to any purchase behavior process. ...
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Background China is actively responding to low birth rates by developing childcare institutions to alleviate the parenting pressures on families. However, despite strong childcare demand, the enrollment rate remains low. Few studies have explored the role of social influence in parents' childcare decisions. Therefore, this study will construct a research model to explore the mechanisms of social influence on parents' intentions to use childcare institutions. Methods This study used parents of infants and toddlers in mainland China as the study population. Questionnaires were collected through electronic surveys created on a professional website, with 554 responses gathered through purposive sampling. The data were analyzed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) and Importance-Performance Map Analysis (IPMA). Results The results indicate that perceived benefits are the significant driving variable for parents' intention to use childcare institutions, while price sensitivity and perceived risk are significant barriers. Normative influence and perceived childcare policy significantly affect perceived benefits and price sensitivity, while informational influence has a significant positive effect on perceived risk. Additionally, the Importance-Performance Map Analysis (IPMA) shows that improvements should focus more on price sensitivity given the current low performance. Conclusions These findings provide insights for childcare policymakers and institutional childcare managers and will generate a management basis for developing China’s childcare service industry.
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This study focuses on key elements impacting consumer decision making as it investigates how consumers buy eco-friendly products. Important factors include perceived product quality, price sensitivity, social effect, brand trust, and environmental consciousness. It looks at secondary data sources like market research and scholarly publications to find out what factors affect consumers' choices for eco-friendly items. Consumers are drawn to eco-friendly items because they want to reduce their environmental impact and align their purchasing behaviours with moral principles. The widespread use of sustainable products is hampered by their exorbitant price and restricted supply. Businesses may gain a competitive edge by using eco-labeling, increasing transparency, and incorporating sustainability into their goods. Building brand credibility and educating customers about the advantages of eco-friendliness are essential to overcoming pricing barriers. Social influence and recommendations from other people both have an impact on green shopping. Marketers and enterprises must all have a thorough understanding of the elements influencing green purchasing decisions. Future research should collect primary data and investigate how advanced technologies such as block chain effect supply chain transparency.
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The research evaluates the impacts of constructive feedback from an external source on the learning environment, and whether the learning environment further influences students’ feelings in urban schools. The ongoing pilot study began in 2016 between two Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) schools and a foreign business community (FBC) as an external feedback provider. Poor learning environment affects students’ learning interests and subsequently their learning behavior. This circumstance has led to the concern about their employability, which nowadays requires learning skill. Most upper secondary students from BMA schools cannot afford to continue their education after completing high school. The survey was completed in late 2023 by 171 current and former upper secondary students who had interacted with FBC for at least two years. Constructive feedback by FBC contributes significantly to a positive learning environment. The positive learning environment also influences students’ feelings at school. Finally, this study highlights the importance of external constructive feedback and gains comprehensive insights into feedback design and delivery in the context of urban education.
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El artículo determina los tipos de fuentes de financiamiento que perciben los potenciales emprendedores económicamente activos en el sector primario. Eso, se logró mediante un análisis factorial confirmatoria (AFC). Entre los principales hallazgos se determinó que el Acceso al Financiamiento Bancario no se reconoce en el contexto estudiado; el Acceso al Financiamiento Gubernamental es una de las principales fuentes, denotando que los sujetos reconocen en esta opción una fuente importante. El presente estudio puede significar un primer paso para comprender y desarrollar programas para fomentar el uso del financiamiento formal por estas personas.
Hiện nay, đại dịch Covid 19 đã và đang diễn ra đã có ảnh hưởng không nhỏ đến việc tuyển sinh của các trường thuộc nhóm ngành du lịch khi số lượng sinh viên đăng ký học đã giảm xuống một cách rõ nét. Vì vậy, nghiên cứu này góp phần xác định các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến việc lựa chọn trường đại học của sinh viên, từ đó có thể nâng cao chất lượng tuyển sinh cũng như đáp ứng được nhu cầu của sinh viên hiện nay khi lựa chọn trường học. Nghiên cứu cũng đã làm rõ việc lựa chọn trường đại học của sinh viên trong một nhóm ngành Du lịch, cụ thể là Trường Du lịch, Đại học Huế. Nghiên cứu xác định các nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến việc lựa chọn trường đại học của sinh viên thông qua phương pháp nghiên cứu định lượng bằng cách phân tích bảng câu hỏi được thu thập từ 150 sinh viên tại trường Du lịch, Đại học Huế. Kết quả cho thấy các yếu tố ảnh hưởng việc lựa chọn trường đại học của sinh viên là: (1) Điều kiện học tập; (2) Danh tiếng của trường đại học và cơ hội việc làm; (3) Truyền thông; (4) Mức học phí và (5) Các yếu tổ chủ quan khác. Trên cơ sở kết quả nghiên cứu, bài báo cũng đề xuất các giải pháp góp phần nâng cao khả năng thu hút sinh viên đến với trường Du lịch, Đại học Huế trong thời gian tới.
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This study examined how female players engage with Honor of Kings (HOK), a mobile Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game, focusing on the facilitating and inhibiting factors shaping their participation in this traditionally male-dominated domain. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 31 female players (aged 18–29). The analysis primarily focused on how social factors, attitudes, and perceived behavioral control influence their gaming experience in HOK. Additionally, thematic analysis was utilized to explore themes related to the experiences of female participation in HOK, societal perceptions of esports, gender biases, and online toxicity. The results indicate that HOK has successfully broadened female participation in esports through social media integration and esthetic appeal. However, traditional cultural norms and masculine gaming culture, manifested in gender discrimination and online harassment, significantly challenge women’s inclusive participation in the esports ecosystem. This study is the first to explore women’s experiences as primary players in mobile esports, providing fresh insights into gender dynamics in esports. The research expands understanding of the relationships between game design, social integration, and cultural barriers in esports participation.
The economic growth of a society is mainly due to the entrepreneurship and innovation developed by its members, and universities play a fundamental role in promoting entrepreneurship and spaces where innovation is developed. Peru is one of the countries with the greatest intention to undertake in Latin America and the world, but it is also characterized by a high rate of discontinuity in entrepreneurship. Therefore, the objective of this study is to determine the level of influence of the innovation climate on the entrepreneurial attitude of students studying Business Administration and International Business at Universidad Continental through a quantitative study of 219 students between 18 and 24 years of age and both sexes. The student’s Entrepreneurial Attitude Scale and the Open Innovation Climate Scale were used. The following results were obtained by applying these instruments: the greater the innovation climate, the greater the entrepreneurial attitude, besides, a degree of influence cannot be considered as representative between the dimensions of each variable. The comparative results between the first and fifth year students showed that the most notable difference is seen in the final year students due to the negative relationship between the outward dimensions’ focus and innovation, and flexibility with some dimensions of the entrepreneurial attitude variable. It was not identified how representative the degree of influence between both variables is. We conclude that students perceive the level of innovation and flexibility, as well as reflexivity, as high, but as low, depending on the outward focus that the university presents; In relation to the entrepreneurial attitude, a representative degree of influence was not identified between the dimensions of each variable.
Socially responsible investing (SRI), also referred to as social investment, involves making investments in businesses that are deemed socially responsible based on their operations (James, 2021). The act of engaging in the financial market by supporting companies and funds with positive social impacts is termed socially responsible investment (SRI), and it has seen a rise in popularity in recent times. It is essential for investors to recognize that socially responsible investments, though aligned with ethical considerations, remain financial undertakings. Therefore, investors should assess the potential for profitability when making investment decisions. Socially responsible investment aims to achieve two primary objectives: making a positive social impact and deriving financial benefits. However, it is important to note that these objectives are not necessarily intertwined. Just because an investment is labeled as socially responsible does not guarantee a high financial return, and the promise of a lucrative return does not guarantee the company's commitment to social consciousness. In evaluating the social worth of an investment, investors must also scrutinize its financial prospects. The study aims to present the antecedents of Socially Responsible Investing behaviour using TPB approach. The study is descriptive in nature using the primary data collected from individuals on their investment behaviour. Correlation analysis produced significant r values and it could be taken support to the hypotheses that attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control are positively related to behavioural intention towards SRI. Behavioural intention has been found to be promising though not really higher values. The positive spirit towards the antecedents and usage intention is expected to persist and contribute towards the widespread and growth in Socially Responsible Investing.
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Introduction: Non-alcoholic drinks brands such as; sodas, juices, beers, gins, wines, stouts, Heinekens, lagers, spirits, sparkling ciders, and pale ales, etc. are the fastest growing area in the industry, and investment has meant the quality of such drinks is improving rapidly. The demand for these beverages is complex and changes over time with the introduction of new brands. However, little is known about consumers’ intention to use these drinks, and very little social research has explored this to date. Recent developments in non-alcoholic drinks markets have heightened the need for research on consumers’ intention to use non-alcoholic drinks and how different attributes influence these behaviours. This study sought to predict consumers’ intention to use non-alcoholic drinks based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Methods: The study adopted a cross-sectional design comprising a quantitative method. Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior is used as a theoretical framework and postulates three components: attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behaviour control. Data were collected online from 200 participants using a self-administered questionnaire. The participants were between 18 and 50 years old and residing in the United Kingdom. Results were presented in frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviation. The multiple regression model was used to predict whether independent variables are associated with the dependent variable. Results: The findings of this study demonstrate that subjective norms predominantly influence the intention to use non-alcoholic drinks. Hence subjective norms ( p <.001) had a significant association with intention. The other covariates were not statistically significant. Conclusion: This study's practical implications contribute knowledge to investors, industries, and manufacturers in expanding their market and to governmental organizations in stimulating non-alcoholic consumption in the country.
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This study aims to determine the level of knowledge among UPI students regarding information on light pollution. The research employs a descriptive survey method by distributing questionnaires to 26 respondents, namely students within the UPI campus environment. Based on the students' level of knowledge, it was found that their understanding of light pollution information falls into the "very good" category. The study shows that the majority of UPI students (88.5%) have understood the concept of light pollution, including its causes and impacts on space research and daily life. However, 11.5% of students still lack an understanding of the concept of light pollution, particularly regarding its impacts on daily life and its causes. This research provides important insights into students' knowledge of light pollution. The findings can serve as a basis for increasing students' awareness of the importance of preserving the quality of the night sky and reducing the negative impacts of light pollution.
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This study examines the factors influencing Generation Y’s intention to adopt ePayment services, using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) framework.The study involved 200 Generation Y respondents. The variables tested includeperceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived risk, and subjectivenorms. Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) analysisrevealed that all variables significantly influence the intention to adopt ePayment. The findings indicate that perceived usefulness and ease of use havethe most substantial impact, reflecting the importance of efficient and accessiblesystems for users. Conversely, perceived risk, particularly concerning securityand privacy, acts as a primary barrier, highlighting the need for more securesystem development. Subjective norms also influence user intentions throughsocial pressures from family, friends, and other significant figures. This studyunderscores the importance of addressing perceived risks, enhancing systemusability, and leveraging social influence to promote e-Payment adoption amongGeneration Y. The findings offer strategic insights for technology developers,policymakers, and marketers to optimise e-Payment implementation and userengagement.
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