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Abstract and Figures

This paper deals with tyre enveloping behaviour on uneven road surface. To build realistic and reliable vehicle dynamics models it is of fundamental importance to study the influence of road obstacles and irregularities on forces and displacements involving a rolling tyre. After a brief review about early studies concerning this phenomenon, the tandem model with elliptical cams is introduced and described, highlighting its hypothesis and the parameters on which it is based, the most important of which are the cams profiles and the distance between them. The main aim of this paper is the executive project of a test rig aimed to carry out an experimental campaign for the identification of the parameters of the tandem cam model and for its validation. The idea is to experimentally acquire the path of the patch centre of a tyre rolling over an obstacle, to define the parameters of the curves employed for the cam profiles and the distance between them in the tandem model. It is important to highlight that these parameters are strictly connected to tyre properties and need tests to be investigated and identified. The design started from a test bench for motorcycles already available at DII’s Tyre Lab, introducing proper changes without compromising original test bench destination. © 2016, International Association of Engineers. All rights reserved.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Abstract This paper deals with tyre enveloping behaviour
on uneven road surface. To build realistic and reliable vehicle
dynamics models it is of fundamental importance to study the
influence of road obstacles and irregularities on forces and
displacements involving a rolling tyre. After a brief review
about early studies concerning this phenomenon, the tandem
model with elliptical cams is introduced and described,
highlighting its hypothesis and the parameters on which it is
based, the most important of which are the cams profiles and
the distance between them. The main aim of this paper is the
executive project of a test rig aimed to carry out an
experimental campaign for the identification of the parameters
of the tandem cam model and for its validation.
The idea is to experimentally acquire the path of the patch
centre of a tyre rolling over an obstacle, to define the
parameters of the curves employed for the cam profiles and the
distance between them in the tandem model. It is important to
highlight that these parameters are strictly connected to tyre
properties and need tests to be investigated and identified.
The design started from a test bench for motorcycles
already available at DII’s Tyre Lab, introducing proper
changes without compromising original test bench destination.
Index Terms — Tyre envelope model, Tyre experimental test
rig, Tyre ride quality
URING its real working life a tyre rolls over uneven
road and the presence of irregularities generates sudden
variations both in tyre position and in interaction forces
direction and modulus. This aspect concerns transient
performances and is usually not taken into account in
vehicle dynamics modelling and simulation [1], [2], [3], [4],
[5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11] despite it has not a negligible
influence on tyre dynamics and then on vehicle behaviour.
Moreover, vehicle dynamics control systems [12], [13],
[14], [15], [16], [17] are usually based on the hypothesis
that the tyre is always in contact with the road and this not
always verified assumption can cause their improper
intervention. Also tyre friction [18], [19], [20], [21], [22],
[23], [24] and thermal modelling [25] are influenced by the
effects of this phenomenon.
For this reasons the development of reliable models able
to take into account tyre enveloping behaviour on road
Manuscript received July 16, 2015; revised February 01, 2016.
Flavio Farroni is with Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università
degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, via Claudio n. 21 80125 Napoli Italy (e-
Francesco Timpone is with Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale,
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, via Claudio n. 21 80125
irregularities is necessary to better understand and simulate
the vehicle real performance.
Research on the excitation of pneumatic tyres caused by
uneven road surfaces started in the 1960s. Since then,
several models have been developed in order to describe the
tyre enveloping behaviour, which consists in the capability
of the tyre to deform when rolling over small road
irregularities. Although many of these models are used as
components in dynamic vehicle models, the development of
these last started from the late 1980s. Many dynamic tyre
models were developed during the last decade as results of
growing interest in virtual prototyping with regard to ride
comfort and durability simulations.
The research in the 1960s was mainly experimental:
Hey [26] stated that little was known about the forces
generated between tyre and road when rolling over
obstacles. Important observations considering the
enveloping behaviour on short obstacle were made by
Gough [27], who indicated that a tyre rolling quasi-statically
at constant velocity and axle height [28] over an obstacle
with characteristic length much smaller than the tyre contact
length, shows three distinct responses: (1) variations in the
vertical force, (2) variations in the longitudinal force and (3)
variations in the spin velocity of the wheel. These responses
are shown in Fig. 1.
Gough's test results showed that the duration of the
three responses is much longer than the time employed to
cross the obstacle. This is due to the visco-elastic properties
and geometry of the tyre [29]: because of its curvature in the
contact zone, the tyre gets in contact with the obstacle
before than the wheel centre overtakes it; vice versa, the
tyre is still in contact with the obstacle after that the wheel
centre has overtaken it.
In the sketched situation, two contact patches exist: this
phenomenon results in a response of the tyre that is much
smoother than the obstacle shape, often described as an
obstacle filtering.
Lippmann et al. [30] studied the responses of both truck and
passenger car tyres rolling over short sharp unevennesses
like cleats and steps of several heights. From their
experiments, they concluded that an almost linear relation
exists between tyre longitudinal and vertical force variations
and step height. Therefore, they proposed that the
superposition principle could be used to calculate the
response of a tyre to any obstacle shape described as the
sum of elementary steps.
Napoli Italy (corresponding author: Francesco Timpone; phone: +39 081 76
83263; fax: +39 081 2394165; e-mail:
A Test Rig for Tyre Envelope Model
F. Farroni, F. Timpone, Member, IAENG
Later researches have been mainly focused on the
development of techniques to model tyre behaviour on road
unevennesses. Bandel and Monguzzi [32] discovered that
the variations of vertical and longitudinal forces for a tyre
rolling quasi-statically over an obstacle could be
transformed into the convolution of two identical basic
functions by means of empirical relations. They showed that
the basic function for a specific obstacle represents a
characteristic of the tyre and is independent on inflation
pressure and deflection (or vertical load). They also showed
the influence of obstacle length and height on the basic
functions. This concept was adopted by Zegelaar [33], who
used half and quarter sine waves for the basic functions of a
cleat and step obstacle. He also introduced an alternative
technique for obtaining the effective road surface using a
single basic curve and a two-point follower. After having
worked with the two-point follower model on quarter sine
waves (Fig. 2) and after having understood its limitations,
the idea was hit upon to generate the elementary basic curve
that holds for a step in road profile with an elliptical cam.
(Fig. 3).
In order to reproduce the experimental double-bump
shaped curve [31], it is necessary to adopt the results
provided by the two-point follower solution. It is however
more convenient to use a full geometrical model that can
move directly over the actual road profile. Since a single
elliptical cam moving over the actual road profile is able to
describe the basis curve, the effective height and slope can
be obtained by moving with two cams in "tandem"
configuration over the actual road surface, as is illustrated in
Figure 4.
The distance between the two elliptical cams ls is equal to
the length of the two-point follower. The effective height w
of the contact patch centre is equal to the height of the
midpoint of the lower tandem rod (fig. 5). Thus, the
equation for the effective height is:
where X is the global wheel centre longitudinal position
and Zf and Zr are the global heights of the front and rear
ellipse centres, respectively. The inclination angle of the
tandem rod corresponds to the effective slope tan(βy):
 
The main goal of the presented activity is to study the
behaviour of a tyre rolling over an obstacle. In order to
reproduce analytically the experimental shapes, a first stage
of the work concerned with the design of the test bench for
the data collection presented in this paper. Further
developments will consist in the parametrical identification
Fig. 1. Variations in the vertical force, variations in the longitudinal
force, variations in the spin velocity of the wheel [31].
Fig. 2. Representation of the basic function
and two-point follower models [31].
Fig. 3. Generation of the elementary basic curve
with an elliptical cam [31].
Fig. 4. Two elliptical cams in "tandem" configuration
used to generate the effective road surface [31].
Fig. 5. The tandem model with elliptical cams [30].
used to generate the effective road surface.
of the tandem cam model and in its validation on the basis
of experimental results.
The idea to assess experimentally the centre’s path of a
tyre rolling over an obstacle represents in the described
activity a preliminary step, useful to define the parameters
of the ellipse employed for the cam profile and the distance
between them in the tandem model.
It is important to highlight that these parameters are
strictly connected to tyre properties, that need tests to be
investigated and identified. In order to carry out these
experiments, it has been necessary to realize a dedicated test
Since in DII’s Tyre Lab a test bench for motorcycles
was already available [34], [35], [36] it has been decided to
modify and to use it to test car tyres. The pre-existing test
bench is shown in Fig. 6. This framework allows to simulate
a motorcycle going on an even road surface. Essentially it is
composed of a driver belt moved by an electrical motor and
of a portal that shores up part of the motorcycle that has to
be tested. The idea is to use the other side of the driver belt
without interfering with the motorcycle experiments, so that
it has been fundamental to build another portal that could
shore up car tyre.
The new test bench (Fig. 7) is composed of a portal, of
a tyre supporting system and of a device able to apply a load
equivalent to the one due to vehicle mass and to load
transfers observable in common working conditions. New
portal is composed of an upper and two lateral crossbars in
Fe510B steel, section bars 60mm x 40mm, fixed to the pre-
existing one with bolted connections.
Simulating tyre motion needs a system that allows the
replication of its real working conditions: in order to make
this possible, the tyre has to be able to rotate around its axis
and to move vertically. For this reason tyre supporting
system is composed by a shaft onto which it is fitted a
flange to fasten the rim of the wheel (Fig. 8a), fixed to the
portal through two linear guideways (Fig. 8b).
To mount different kinds of rims onto the shaft it has
been necessary to realize a proper fitting system, allowing
the flange to be interchangeable. The fitting system is
composed of two adapter sleeves for shafts, two spherical
roller bearings for cylindrical and tapered bore and an axle
box fastened on them. Finally, the mounting flange is bolted
onto the axle box. It is important to point out that the shaft
does not rotate, while the axle box and the flange do. The
system just described is depicted in Fig. 8a.
Shaft has been built in a 39NiCrMo3, surface hardened
(HRC 55-60, hardening depth 2.00 – 5.00 mm), grinded and
chromium plated steel of circular section (Ø 40 mm), for
which a stress verification calculation has been done. In
order to avoid shaft rotation, its ends have been machined in
a square shape (Fig. 9).
The device for load application is composed of two
double hoists depicted in Fig. 10, installed at the shaft ends.
The lower part of the hoist, composed of two pulleys
mounted on a support, is fixed to the base of the structure.
The upper part is composed of two pulleys mounted on a
support and a welding eyebolt hooked on an element fitted
on the shaft.
Since maximum applied load is equal to 6000N on each
side of the shaft, a verification of the strength of the hoist’s
components has been performed.
In order to characterize experimentally the tyre
Fig. 6. Pre existing motorcycle test bench.
Fig. 7. New car tyre test bench.
Fig. 8a. Tyre supporting system.
Fig. 8b. Portal guideways detail.
Fig. 9. View of the shaft square end.
Fig. 10. Double hoist loading system.
enveloping model, it is necessary to estimate the trajectory
of the wheel center and the interaction forces Fx and Fz of
the tyre rolling over an obstacle. For this reason the test
bench has been equipped with a displacement sensor and
eight load cells.
It has been chosen to employ a non-contact laser
displacement sensor. Since the idea is to perform
experiments at high speed, a contact displacement sensor
would have been inaccurate because of the delay related to
the inertia of the sensor’s mobile components at high speed.
Basing on optical triangulation principle, the laser ray has to
point in perpendicular direction to an even surface; for this
reason the best mounting solution is to fix the sensor to one
of the lateral crossbars of the portal and to point the laser
ray to the flange bolted to the guideway’s block.
It has been defined that the optimal procedure to measure
the interaction forces Fx and Fz, according to the position of
all components of the structure, is to insert eight
compression mini-load cells between the square section
faces of the shaft and the square section faces of the flange.
The load cells, sensitive to compression loads, must be
positioned in perpendicular direction so that four cell can
measure the vertical load and the other four the longitudinal
Once defined and tested the optimal rig setup, the system
has been employed with the aim to carry out a wide
experimental campaign, able to investigate the dependence
of tyre enveloping behaviour on several variables, such as
obstacles length and height, load and speed at which the tyre
approaches to the obstacle and tyre structure and dimension.
Standard test procedure consists in: (1) sticking the
testing obstacle (typically, a kerb for motorsport
applications and a step or a rail piece for passenger ones) on
the driver belt, (2) putting tyre in contact with the belt and
applying load by means of the described device, choosing
the proper force on the basis of the nominal load acting on
the tyre in common working conditions employing
calibrated weights, (3) activating the driver belt, selecting
the proper speed, (4) starting data acquisition.
In figure 11 a first experimental result of the wheel centre
vertical displacement as a function of the longitudinal
displacement is reported. The test has been carried out using
a slick high performance tyre with an inflation pressure of
1,85 bar and a vertical load of 4800 N rolling along a flat
surface with a cleat 0,03 m high.
In the figure it is possible to observe the typical
experimental double-bump shaped curve [31]. The profile of
each single bump is linked to tyre stiffness characteristics,
as to inflation pressure. Variations in such quantities
reproduce an immediately visible change in the trend of
each bump, generally quite linear for high stiffness and high
pressure, more curved at lower ones. Curves like the shown
one can be used to identify the parameters of the tandem
cam models.
It has to be highlighted that rig users are able to act on the
test conditions controlling the working variables from a PC
located behind a protective glass shield, built in order to
respect the safety standards adopted in the laboratory.
In this paper the final design and the first experimental
results of an experimental test rig aimed to characterize the
behaviour of a tyre rolling on road obstacles has been
presented together with the description of the adopted
sensors and of the testing methodology. In particular the test
bench is aimed to identify the parameters of tyre envelope
models, among which the tandem model with elliptical cams
has been preferred, being the most reliable and realistic in
this field. Tests are carried out making the tyres roll on a
belt on which different obstacles are applied. The obstacles
produce changes in tyre center position and in its normal
interaction forces, measured by means of displacement and
load sensors and sent to a PC. The acquired data are
employed as an input for an identification procedure aimed
to find out the proper cams profile and distance to reproduce
the experimental results. In this way it is possible to
understand the influence of tyre constructive properties and
of obstacle geometrical dimensions [37] on enveloping
model parameters. Future developments of the study will
deal with the definition of a specific analytical formulation
able to express such influences.
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F. Farroni (Naples, 7th of March 1985) received his
M.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2010
and Ph.D. in Mechanical System Engineering in
2014 at University of Naples “Federico II”. He is
technical consultant for vehicle dynamics at Ferrari
S.p.A. and tyre modeler at GES racing department.
Dr. Farroni's recent work has focused on the
development of interaction models accounting
friction and thermodynamics phenomena and on
experimental activities in the field of contact
mechanics for the optimization of dry and wet grip performances. In
February 2015 he has been awarded as Young Scientist of the Year at Tire
Technology International Conference 2015 in Cologne.
F. Timpone (Naples, 5th of September 1974)
received the M.Sc. degree in Mechanical
Engineering in 1999 and the Ph.D. degree in
Thermomechanical System Engineering in 2004
both from the University of Naples “Federico II”.
He is Assistant Professor at the University of
Naples “Federico II” and his research interests
include the dynamics and the control of
mechanical systems.
Dr. Timpone became a Member (M) of IAENG in
... Note that, as a band-pass filter, a wide FBG with an amplitudefrequency form close to rectangular, superimposed directly after the laser source, can be successfully used. The technical possibility of simulating FBG with a given shape of the spectrum is well described in works [17][18][19][20] . Thus, both method requirements are fulfilled. ...
... The reliability of the optoelectronic measuring circuit and the experimental setup developed allows for the expansion of research directions. For example, to investigate such phenomena as: the dynamics of the impact of the leading edge of a tire against an obstacle 19 ; to evaluate the tire-road dynamics in the presence of intermediate fluids (aquaplaning) 20 ; to develop new systems for monitoring and measuring pressure and temperature. ...
Conference Paper
The article discusses a possibility of using fiber-optic sensors based on addressed fiber Bragg structures (AFBS) to assess tire dynamics in real operating conditions. The presented study is motivated by the fact that vehicle dynamics control systems require reliable and cost-efficient sensors for measuring forces acting in the tire contact patch. In this regard, a description of the new technology of multi-sensor measurements for continuous monitoring of tire state is presented. The experimental sensor prototypes use AFBSs with two identical ultra-narrow-band reflection spectra (2λ-FBG). Information from the sensors is implemented as input parameters of algorithms, which allow to estimate key tire-related characteristics, such as pressure in the contact patch, instantaneous angular velocity and effective wheel radius. One of advantages of this technology as compared to analogous devices is the use of an optical photodetector as an interrogator that greatly simplifies the system.
... Note that, as a band-pass filter, a wide FBG with an amplitude-frequency form close to rectangular, superimposed directly after the laser source, can be successfully used. The technical possibility of simulating FBG with a given shape of the spectrum is well described in works [17][18][19][20]. Thus, both method requirements are fulfilled. ...
... The reliability of the optoelectronic measuring circuit and the experimental setup developed allows for the expansion of research directions. For example, to investigate such phenomena as: the dynamics of the impact of the leading edge of a tire against an obstacle [19]; to evaluate the tire-road dynamics in the presence of intermediate fluids (aquaplaning) [20]; to develop new systems for monitoring and measuring pressure and temperature. ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Abstract— The article discusses a possibility of using fiber-optic sensors based on addressed fiber Bragg structures (AFBS) to assess tire dynamics in real operating conditions. The presented study is motivated by the fact that vehicle dynamics control systems require reliable and cost-efficient sensors for measuring forces acting in the tire contact patch. In this regard, a description of the new technology of multi-sensor measurements for continuous monitoring of tire state is presented. The experimental sensor prototypes use AFBSs with two identical ultra-narrow-band reflection spectra (2λ-FBG). Information from the sensors is implemented as input parameters of algorithms, which allow to estimate key tire-related characteristics, such as pressure in the contact patch, instantaneous angular velocity and effective wheel radius. One of advantages of this technology as compared to analogous devices is the use of an optical photodetector as an interrogator that greatly simplifies the system.
... Rezultatele simulărilor obținute cu acestea au fost confirmate experimental, inclusiv de alți autori [54], [49]. Aceste modele teoretice, precum și altele [20], [55], [56], [49], propun noțiunea de "suprafață înfășurătoare echivalentă ce corespunde obstacolului singular" și apoi, pe baza acesteia, cea de "plan efectiv al solului", a cărui orientare (înclinare longitudinală și laterală) trebuie modificată permanent în funcție de poziția roții față de obstacol. Însă, în cazul trecerii rapide peste obstacole individuale (ca cele din figura 17), dar mai ales la deplasarea pe un sol foarte denivelat (ca în figura 18), pata de contact poate fi alcătuită din mai multe zone disjuncte, eventual cu orientări diferite, iar mărimea ariei de contact se modifică foarte rapid. ...
Prioritizing urban public transport in large urban agglomerations is a requirement for increasing sustainable urban mobility. Our project aimed to develop a dedicated bus lane for an urban area in Romania, Cluj-Napoca city, with a population of over 330,000 inhabitants and an active population of over 400,000 inhabitants, including young people who study in Cluj - Napoca. The introduction of the urban dedicated bus lane required traffic reorganization and optimization of the signalized intersections. A challenge in the development of the project was the variability of the width of the streets, which imposed specific measures to reorganize traffic. Throughout the dedicated bus lane alignment, the streets are one-way but intersect only with two-way streets. In these conditions, it was necessary to identify distinct solutions for harmonizing the dedicated bus lane with the general traffic. We have developed this project from conception and implementation to monitoring the use of dedicated public transport lane. One year after the inauguration of this project, we got the following results: bus travel time decreased, the number of passengers using public transport increased, general traffic flow remained almost within the same values, with a slight decrease. From a traffic safety point of view, during the first year of use of the dedicated public transport lane there was only one light collision. This project was developed at the request of the Cluj - Napoca City Hall, Romania.
... Rezultatele simulărilor obținute cu acestea au fost confirmate experimental, inclusiv de alți autori [54], [49]. Aceste modele teoretice, precum și altele [20], [55], [56], [49], propun noțiunea de "suprafață înfășurătoare echivalentă ce corespunde obstacolului singular" și apoi, pe baza acesteia, cea de "plan efectiv al solului", a cărui orientare (înclinare longitudinală și laterală) trebuie modificată permanent în funcție de poziția roții față de obstacol. Însă, în cazul trecerii rapide peste obstacole individuale (ca cele din figura 17), dar mai ales la deplasarea pe un sol foarte denivelat (ca în figura 18), pata de contact poate fi alcătuită din mai multe zone disjuncte, eventual cu orientări diferite, iar mărimea ariei de contact se modifică foarte rapid. ...
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ABSTRACT: The phenomenon of interaction between the tire and the ground called grip is the main responsible for the generation of forces that allow the movement control of the land vehicles. It is closely related to the rolling resistance and to the way of converting the moment applied to the wheel into propulsive or braking force. If the understanding of these concepts does not seem to raise problems in most conditions specific to traveling on the road, there are still many other situations that can lead to discussions and interpretations. In the following text, these fundamental processes for self-propulsion are presented in a broader perspective, leading to a better understanding of them and thereby to safer and more efficient use of automotive vehicles. ------------- REZUMAT: Fenomenul de interacțiune dintre pneu și sol denumit aderență este principalul responsabil de generarea forțele care permit controlul deplasării vehiculelor terestre. Acesta se află în strânsă legătură cu rezistența la rulare și cu modul în care momentul aplicat roții se transformă în forță de propulsie sau de frânare. Dacă înțelegerea acestor concepte pare a nu ridica probleme în majoritatea condițiilor specifice deplasării pe drum, există totuși numeroase alte situații care pot duce la discuții și interpretări. În textul următor, aceste procese fundamentale pentru autopropulsare sunt prezentate într-o perspectivă mai ampla, care să conducă la o mai bună înțelegere a lor și, prin aceasta, la utilizarea mai sigură și mai eficientă a autovehiculelor.
... Indeed, to calibrate the enveloping tire behavior, both the contact patch and radii data and the data collected through a quasi-static testing methodology, proposed in [50], have been employed. In particular, to reproduce the motion of a tire rolling over an obstacle, the rim's supporting system was constrained to allow only the rotation around the ISO-y axis and the linear movement along the ISO-z axis. ...
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In the development of physical tire models, the complexity of the composite structure and the multiphysical variables require strongly nonlinear mathematical formulations to guarantee a desired degree of accuracy. The aim of the current work is to extend the applicability of the multiphysical magic formula-based tire model, already developed and presented by the authors, within a wider frequency range, interposing a rigid ring body between the contact patch and the wheel hub. The contact patch, varying in terms of size, shape, and relative position, is evaluated using instantaneous cams to define the effective plane. Here the advanced slip model, taking into account thermodynamic and wear effects, is then integrated. The adopted formulations have been mathematically and physically justified. They have been analytically compared to formulations related to the rigid-ring implementation available in the literature. Specific experimental activities concerning both the tire’s vertical kinematics and dynamics have been conducted to demonstrate the model’s improved physical consistency on small wavelength unevennesses.
... After the development of the models, gathered all the possible data from a real existing vehicle (FIAT Multipla) through both ad hoc experiments [14,15], and documentation provided by the manufacturer or specialized magazines, the models have been fed with these data through a dedicated GUI in CarMaker, and by means of specific Matlab scripts in the case of the Single Track. This operation had the purpose to make the models as close as possible to the reality and allowed the validation process by the comparison of some physics parameters with the models. ...
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The main idea of the present work is to define the domain in which it is possible to adopt very simple models of vehicle dynamics for applications in the testing of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) in lieu of complex models. The aim is to reduce the computational burden, and consequently the computing time. In particular, in the paper, the performances of a very simple model of vehicle dynamics, the Single Track with linear tires, have been compared with those of a complex and complete model, with non-linear tires, included in a commercial software (IPG CarMaker). For sake of shortness, the comparison has been carried out focusing on the lateral dynamical behaviour, and consequently the testing of a Lane Keeping Assistant (LKA) system has been carried out. Of course both the vehicle dynamic models, and the ADAS system have been integrated in a common simulation environment (Simulink), and tested in the standard traffic scenarios defined in EuroNCAP test protocols.
... Also the authors of the present paper have developed some theoretical models [9], [10], [11], [12] which, like all theoretical models, require the execution of a series of experimental tests for their validation [13]. ...
This paper deals with the experimental investigation about the sliding contact between tire tread and rough surfaces. To build and to validate reliable tire dynamical behaviour models it is fundamental the knowledge of the local grip in each point of the contact patch since in the contact patch points different conditions arise because of contact pressure, sliding speed, temperature, etc. In the paper after a brief description of the different methods usually adopted to experimentally test the tires with this aim, a new test machine, developed starting from a British pendulum at the Technical Centre Europe Bridgestone, as machine for tribological tests on rubber specimens in sliding contact with rough surface is presented. The scheme of the testing machine and the adopted measurement instruments are illustrated, together with the results of a typical test and the possible interpretations of the obtained results. © 2017, International Association of Engineers. All rights reserved.
The cam dynamic test rig is a device for demonstrating dynamic cam action and testing the dynamics of industrial cam-follower systems. A four-dwell cam profile is a special type and used in many operations where multi dwells are required in the output motion. This cam profile is first modified for the minimum rubbing velocity between cam and follower. The design simulation of a four-dwell cam dynamic test rig to test dynamic properties is the main objective of this study. The design of the test rig's numerous components as well as system design considerations for a dynamically silent operations are considered for this work. Using Hertz contact stress theory the cam disc thickness is determined. The thickness of the cam disc is verified using simulation techniques with ANSYS software. The stress levels obtained from both are found in well agreement. The system is modelled using CATIA software package
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A relatively new technology for the electric vehicles considers the use of brushless permanent magnet motors directly connected to the car wheels (in-wheel motors or hub motors). In order to evaluate the performance that can be obtained, a complete dynamic model of a four-wheel drive (4WD) electric vehicle equipped with four in-wheel motors is developed and a correspondent parametric simulator is implemented in Matlab/SimulinkTM. The simulator is also employed for designing, testing and comparing various control logics which reproduce the handling behavior of a real vehicle.
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Dynamic behaviour of vehicles having castored wheels can be affected by wheel shimmy phenomenon, that is a self-sustained vibration of the whole castor around the steering axis. This article presents a shimmy investigation conducted on a laboratory castor characterized by low lateral stiffness; numerical models show that this characteristics leads to three different stability conditions depending on the forward velocity: at low speeds the system is unstable and the castor is affected by shimmy oscillations; then there is an intermediate speed range in which the system recovers stability; finally, above a threshold speed value, the system returns to be unstable. The experimental investigation mainly aims to compare the numerical results with the experimental ones and to define the steering damping required to stabilize the castor according to its main features.
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Pneumatic tyres are used in vehicles since the beginning of the last century. They generate braking and steering forces for bicycles, motor cycles, cars, busses, trucks, agricultural vehicles and aircraft. These forces are generated in the usually very small contact area between tyre and road and their performance characteristics are of eminent importance for safety and comfort. Much research has been addressed to optimise tyre design with respect to footprint pressure and friction. In this context, the development of virtual tyre prototypes, that is, simulation models for the tyre, has grown to a science in its own. While the modelling of the structural dynamics of the tyre has reached a very advanced level, which allows to take into account effects like the rate-independent inelasticity of filled elastomers or the transient 3D deformations of the ply-reinforced tread, shoulder and sidewalls, little is known about the friction between tread-block elements and road. This is particularly obvious in the case when snow, ice, water or a third-body layer are present in the tyre–road contact. In the present paper, we give a survey on the present state of knowledge in the modelling, simulation and experimental validation of tyre tread-block friction processes. We concentrate on experimental techniques.
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According to the most recent approaches, the friction coefficient arising between tyre rubber and road can be seen as constituted by three components: adhesion, deforming hysteresis and wear. This paper deals with the estimation of the hysteretic component of friction. This component is due to indentation phenomena regarding contact mechanics of deformable bodies sliding on the asperities of a rough substrate, which exert oscillating forces at the interface, leading to cyclic deformations of the rubber and then to energy "dissipation" via its internal damping. To evaluate this component, a physical model able to calculate energy dissipation of a rubber block indented by a rigid asperity in sliding contact has been built. To this aim the visco-elastic characteristics of the material have been taken into account. The road profile has been modelled as the sum of two sinusoidal waves characterizing the macro and the micro roughness scales. The results coming out from the physical model have been validated by means both of FEM models results and of experimental tests carried on a pin on disk tribometer.
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Modern vehicles are equipped with several active and passive devices whose function is to increase active safety. This paper is focused on the anti-roll stiffness influence on vehicle handling, and follows a theoretical approach. The work firstly develops a quadricycle theoretical model, useful to study the influence of anti-roll stiffness on the vehicle local stability. The model, involving non-linear phenomena, is simplified by proper linearizations. This procedure allows local stability analysis with low computational load. At the same time, the linearized model takes into account the dynamic effects induced by load transfers through a tyre-road interaction model sensitive to the vertical load. The study is conducted considering the anti-roll stiffnesses of the two axles as parameters. The proposed model defines the relationship between the anti-roll bars stiffness and the system state. In order to realize an adaptive system able to provide a variable roll stiffness, a semi-active anti-roll bar prototype, employing magnetorheological fluid, is described. Such device gives the possibility to quickly change the roll stiffness, according to the system state, to preserve its stability.
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In this paper the results of an experimental activity carried out with the aim to investigate on the frictional behaviour of visco-elastic materials in sliding contact with road asperities is presented. Experiments are carried out using a prototype of pin on disk machine whose pin is constituted by a specimen of rubber coming from a commercial tyre while the disk may be in glass, marble or abrasive paper. Tests are performed both in dry and wet conditions. Roughness of the disk materials is evaluated by a tester and by a laser scan device. Temperature in proximity of the contact patch is measured by pyrometer pointed on the disk surface in the pin trailing edge, while room temperature is measured by a thermocouple. Sliding velocity is imposed by an inverter controlled motor driving the disk and measured by an incremental encoder. Vertical load is imposed applying calibrated weights on the pin and friction coefficients are measured acquiring the longitudinal forces signal by means of a load cell. As regards to the road roughness, the experimental results show a marked dependence with road Ra index. Dry and wet tests performed on different micro-roughness profiles (i.e. glass and marble) highlighted that friction coefficient in dry conditions is greater on smoother surfaces, while an opposite tendency is shown in wet conditions. Although affected by uncertainties the results confirm the dependence of friction on temperature, vertical load and track conditions.
This paper presents a semi-active differential, called MRF LSD (MagnetoRheological Fluid Limited Slip Differential) that allows to bias torque between the driving wheels. It is based on the magnetorheological (MR) fluid employment, that allows to change, in a controlled manner, the differential locking torque and, consequently, the torque bias ratio. The device is an adaptive one and allows to obtain an asymmetric torque distribution in order to improve vehicle handling. The device modelling and the control algorithm, realized for this activity, are described. The illustrated results highlight the advantages that are attainable regarding directional behaviour, stability and traction for a front wheel drive (FWD) vehicle. A comparison with a traditional passive limited slip differential has been conducted.
The application of the rigid ring tyre model, in combination with a new enveloping model with elliptical cams, mounted in a quarter vehicle system is described for both specific obstacles, like potholes and bumps, and measured road profiles that fit the general category of ''broad-band random signals''. Validation results of both the tyre and vehicle models are presented. In addition, the models are analysed extensively to obtain insight into how the vehicle system behaves and to investigate how the enveloping model that generates an effective road surface contributes to this behaviour.
A key factor to understand the vehicle dynamic behaviour is to know as accurately as possible the interaction that occurs between the tyre and the road, since it depends on many factors that influence the dynamic response of the vehicle. This paper aims to develop a methodology in order to characterise the tyre–road behaviour, applying it to obtain the tyre–road grip coefficient. This methodology is based on the use of dynamic simulation of a virtual model, integrated into a genetic algorithm that identifies the tyre–road friction coefficient in order to adjust the response obtained by simulation to real data. The numerical model was developed in collaboration with SEAT Technical Centre and it was implemented in multibody dynamic simulation software Adams®, from MSC®.
Knowledge of "out of plane" modes is very important when defining the dynamic behavior of a motorcycle and its stability and handling in particular. Several mathematical models are available in the literature to study and preview frequency, damping and stability of these modes but, in order to verify these values, road tests must be performed which are sometimes dangerous for the tester. A test rig to evaluate the possibility of performing a dynamic characterization of the out of plane modes instead of road tests, was developed. The use of a test rig is certainly limited compared with road tests since the physical phenomena are not completely reproduced but allows tests to be extended to low and very high speeds and assures test repeatability. This paper presents the test rig and the results of an experimental investigation conducted on a scooter; the tests were conducted in steer free control condition with different inertia and tire characteristics.