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Content uploaded by Romain Mesnil
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All content in this area was uploaded by Romain Mesnil on Sep 17, 2016
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Content uploaded by Romain Mesnil
Author content
All content in this area was uploaded by Romain Mesnil on Sep 17, 2016
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Marionette Mesh
From Descriptive Geometry to Fabrication-Aware Design
Romain Mesnil, Cyril Douthe, Olivier Baverel, and Bruno Léger
R. Mesnil, C. Deute, O. Baverel
Laboratoire Navier, Champs-sur-Marne, France
B. Léger
Bouygues Construction, France
S. Adriaenssens, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler, A. Menges, M. Pauly (eds.): Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016
© 2016 vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, DOI 10.3218/3778-4_7, ISBN 978-3-7281-3778-4
This paper introduces an intuitive method for the modelling of free-form architec-
ture with planar facets. The method, called Marionette by the authors, takes its
inspiration from descriptive geometry and allows one to design complex shapes
with one projection and the control of elevation curves. The proposed framework
only deals with linear equations and therefore achieves exact planarity, for quad-
rilateral, Kagome, and dual Kagome meshes in real-time. Remarks on how this
framework relates to continuous shape parameterisation and on possible appli-
cations to engineering problems are made.
structural morphology, descriptive geometry, fabrication-aware design
S. Adriaenssens, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler, A. Menges, M. Pauly (eds.): Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016
© 2016 vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, DOI 10.3218/3778-4_7, ISBN 978-3-7281-3778-4
with a plane view, displayed with some elevations. The curve network corresponds to the
horizontal projection of lines of curvature (Leroy,1857).
Figure 1: Lines of curvatures of an ellipsoid with descriptive geometry (Leroy,1857).
Because architectural objects have to deal mainly with gravity and vertical forces, it
makes naturally sense to separate projections in vertical and horizontal planes. The idea to
use these projections to guide structural design was used recently in the framework of the
Thrust Network Analysis where compression-only structures are found from a planar network
at equilibrium (Rippmann et al.,2012;Miki et al.,2015). The objective of this paper is to
show that descriptive geometry can be turned into a general tool for the design of PQ meshes
and their structural optimisation. The method, called Marionette method is presented in
Section 2, where the relation between smooth and discrete geometry for PQ-meshes. Section
3explores then some applications in architecture. Section 4shows finally the generality of
the proposed method, which can be extended to meshes other than the regular quadrilateral
meshes and therefore constitute a promising versatile tool to integrate intuitively fabrication
constraints into architectural design.
Figure 1. Lines of curvatures of an ellipsoid with descriptive geometry (Leroy 1857).
S. Adriaenssens, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler, A. Menges, M. Pauly (eds.): Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016
© 2016 vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, DOI 10.3218/3778-4_7, ISBN 978-3-7281-3778-4
1. Introduction
The design of complex architectural shapes has benefited from great advances
within the computer graphics community in the last decade. For instance, sig-
nificant efforts were made to develop numerical methods for the covering of
free-form surfaces with planar panels. These methods differ from the common
knowledge of architects and engineers, making them hard use for non-specialists
to use. The technique proposed in the present article aims thus at bridging this
gap with a method that takes inspiration from descriptive geometry, a tool used
by architects for centuries, and turns it into a real-time design tool for PQ-meshes.
1.1 Prior Works
Geometrically-Constrained Approach
Planar quadrilaterals have been identified by practicians as an important optimi-
sation target for the construction of double-curved surfaces, as they avoid using
curved panels (Glymph et al. 2004). Previous research identified the need for integra-
tion of geometrical constraints within the design tools themselves and proposed
methods for shape generation of PQ-meshes (Schmiedhofer 2010). Several techniques
for generating exact planar quadrilateral meshes were proposed, mostly rely-
ing on affine transformations, which preserve planarity, a notion illustrated in
Pottmann et al. (2007). For example, scale-trans surfaces, introduced in Glymph et
al. (2004) use composition of two affine transformations: translation and homo-
thetic transformations. The designer control the shape with two curves, making
the process highly intuitive. Despite formal limitations, these shapes have been
used in many projects.
Constrained geometric approaches use shapes that are well known and
can be rationalised efficiently, for example, towards a high repetition of nodes
or panels (Mesnil et al. 2015). They suffer however from a lack of flexibility and form a
restricted design space. This led to the introduction of post-rationalisation strat-
egies in order to cover arbitrary shapes with planar quadrilaterals (Liu et al. 2006).
Optimisation-Based Shape Exploration
Most recent methods propose hence to explore design space of feasible solu-
tions for a given mesh topology with the help of optimisation techniques (Deng et
al. 2015; Yang et al. 2011). The mesh is interactively deformed by the user with the help
of control handles. The overall smoothness is checked with discrete functions
of the vertices. To go further, an efficient solver handling quadratic constraints
was presented in Tang et al. (2014) and used in Jiang et al. (2014). Projections and
subspace exploration are efficiently used for constrained-based optimisation in
Bouaziz et al. (2012), Deng et al. (2013, 2015). These methods provide great design
freedom, but illustrations shown in the cited references are local deformations
S. Adriaenssens, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler, A. Menges, M. Pauly (eds.): Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016
© 2016 vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, DOI 10.3218/3778-4_7, ISBN 978-3-7281-3778-4
of meshes. Design space exploration with exact PQ-meshes was also proposed
by composition of compatible affine maps assigned to each mesh face and al-
lowed for handle-driven shape exploration (Vaxman 2012). This strategy was extend-
ed to other maps that preserve facet planarity by construction in Vaxman (2014).
The idea of this paper is to use the notion of projection, which is commonly
used in architecture, especially with plane view and elevations, and to link sub-
space exploration techniques with representation techniques based on projec-
tions in architecture.
Descriptive Geometry
Descriptive geometry is a technique of shape representation invented by the
French mathematician Gaspard Monge (Monge 1798; Javary, 1881). It is based on planar
orthogonal projections of a solid. The planes in which the projections are done
are usually the horizontal and vertical planes. Figure 1 is a typical drawing of de-
scriptive geometry: It describes an ellipsoid with a plane view, displayed with
some elevations. The curve network corresponds to the horizontal projection of
lines of curvature (Leroy 1857).
Because architectural objects have to deal mainly with gravity and vertical
forces, it makes naturally sense to separate projections in vertical and horizontal
planes. The idea to use these projections to guide structural design was used re-
cently in the framework of the thrust network analysis, where compression-only
structures are found from a planar network at equilibrium (Rippmann et al. 2012; Miki et
al. 2015). The objective of this paper is to show that descriptive geometry can be
turned into a general tool for the design of PQ meshes and their structural opti-
misation. The method, called the Marionette method, is presented in Section 2,
where the relationship between smooth and discrete geometry for PQ-meshes
is explained. Section 3 explores then some applications in architecture. Section4
shows finally the generality of the proposed method, which can be extended to
meshes other than the regular quadrilateral meshes and therefore constitute a
promising versatile tool to integrate intuitively fabrication constraints into archi-
tectural design.
S. Adriaenssens, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler, A. Menges, M. Pauly (eds.): Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016
© 2016 vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, DOI 10.3218/3778-4_7, ISBN 978-3-7281-3778-4
2. Marionette Meshes
2.1 Marionette Quad
The principles of descriptive geometry can be transposed to architectural shape
modelling. The use of appropriate projections provides a simple interpretation of
the problem of meshing with flat quadrilaterals. For simplification, we discuss
the case of a projection in the (X Y ) plane in this section; the generalisation to
other projections is illustrated in Section 4.
Consider first Figure 2: four points have a prescribed plane view A B C D in the
horizontal plane (P1). Three points A', B', and D' have prescribed altitudes zA , zB
and zD . In general, there is only one point C' with the imposed projection C so
that A', B', C', D' is planar.
The planarity constraint reads:
The principles of descriptive geometry can be transposed to architectural shape modelling.
The use of appropriate projections provides a simple interpretation of the problem of meshing
with flat quadrilaterals. For simplification, we discuss the case of a projection in the (XY )
plane in this section: the generalisation to other projections is illustrated in Section 4.
Consider first Figure 2: four points have a prescribed plane view ABCD in the horizontal
plane ( ). Three points A,Band Dhave prescribed altitudes zA,zBand zD. In general,
there is only one point Cwith the imposed projection Cso that ABCDis planar.
Figure 2: Creation of a Marionette Quad with a plane view and two elevations.
The planarity constraint reads:
det (
) = 0 (1)
Expressing coordinates in a cartesian frame of (P1), and writing dBC =det (AB,AC),
) and dDC =det (AD,AC), if the points A,Band Dare not aligned,
then, one gets:
dBD ·(zD−zA)+dDC
dBD ·(zB−zA) (2)
Figure shows vertical lines used for construction, recalling the strings of a marionette,
which gives the name marionette quad. Note that the system is under-constrained if the
points are aligned, which corresponds to vertical a quad. A projection in the
horizontal plane thus allows only for the modelling of height fields. This limitation can be
overcome by using other projections, (see Section 4).
2.2 Regular Marionette Meshes
Consider now a quadrangular mesh without singularity as depicted in Figure 3. The plane
view in the horizontal plane is fixed, and the altitude of two intersecting curves is prescribed.
Expressing coordinates in a cartesian frame of (
), and writing
AC), dBD = det (AB, AD) and dDC = det (AD, AC), if the points A, B, and D are not
aligned, then, one gets:
The principles of descriptive geometry can be transposed to architectural shape modelling.
The use of appropriate projections provides a simple interpretation of the problem of meshing
with flat quadrilaterals. For simplification, we discuss the case of a projection in the (XY )
plane in this section: the generalisation to other projections is illustrated in Section 4.
Consider first Figure 2: four points have a prescribed plane view ABCD in the horizontal
plane ( ). Three points A,Band Dhave prescribed altitudes zA,zBand zD. In general,
there is only one point Cwith the imposed projection Cso that ABCDis planar.
Figure 2: Creation of a Marionette Quad with a plane view and two elevations.
The planarity constraint reads:
det (AB,AC,AD) = 0 (1)
Expressing coordinates in a cartesian frame of (P1), and writing dBC =det (AB,AC),
det (AB,AD) and dDC =det (AD,AC), if the points A,Band Dare not aligned,
then, one gets:
dBD ·(zD−zA)+dDC
dBD ·(zB−zA
) (2)
Figure 2shows vertical lines used for construction, recalling the strings of a marionette,
which gives the name marionette quad. Note that the system is under-constrained if the
points Band Dare aligned, which corresponds to vertical a quad. A projection in the
horizontal plane thus allows only for the modelling of height fields. This limitation can be
overcome by using other projections, (see Section 4).
2.2 Regular Marionette Meshes
Consider now a quadrangular mesh without singularity as depicted in Figure 3. The plane
view in the horizontal plane is fixed, and the altitude of two intersecting curves is prescribed.
Figure 2 shows vertical lines used for construction, recalling the strings of a mar-
ionette, which gives the name marionette quad. Note that the system is under-
constrained if the points A, B, and D are aligned, which corresponds to vertical a
quad. A projection in the horizontal plane thus allows only for the modelling of height
fields. This limitation can be overcome by using other projections (see Section 4).
2.2 Regular Marionette Meshes
Consider now a quadrangular mesh without singularity as depicted in Figure 3. The
plane view in the horizontal plane is fixed, and the altitude of two intersecting
curves is prescribed. Then, provided that the planar view admits no ’flat’ quad
(i.e. quad where three points are aligned), equation(2) can be propagated through
a strip, and by there through the whole mesh. Indeed, on the highlighted strip
S. Adriaenssens, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler, A. Menges, M. Pauly (eds.): Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016
© 2016 vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, DOI 10.3218/3778-4_7, ISBN 978-3-7281-3778-4
Figure 2. Creation of a Marionette Quad with a plane view and two elevations.
Figure 3. Two elevations and a planar view define a unique Marionette Mesh.
S. Adriaenssens, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler, A. Menges, M. Pauly (eds.): Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016
© 2016 vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, DOI 10.3218/3778-4_7, ISBN 978-3-7281-3778-4
of Figure 3, the first quad (top left) has three prescribed altitudes, and equation(2)
can be used. The same applies for all the quads of the strip.
For a N × M mesh, the propagation requires N M applications of equation(2),
the memory is 3N M. The marionette technique guarantees hence that the num-
ber of operations varies linearly with the number of nodes within a structure. The
method performs thus in real time even for meshes with thousands of nodes,
as discussed in Section 3.1.
2.3 Link with Smooth Geometry
The proposed method has some interesting relations with smooth geometry.
The problem of covering curved shapes with planar panels is linked with the in-
tegration of conjugate curves networks (Liu et al. 2006; Bobenko & Suris 2008). Conjugate net-
works correspond to parameterisations (u, v) satisfying the following equation
(Bobenko & Suris 2008):
Figure 3: Two elevations and a planar view define a unique Marionette Mesh.
For a mesh, the propagation requires NM applications of equation (2), the memory
is 3 . The marionette technique guarantees hence that the number of operations varies
linearly with the number of nodes within a structure. The method performs thus in real
time even for meshes with thousands of nodes, as discussed in Section 3.1.
2.3 Link with smooth geometry
The proposed method has some interesting relations with smooth geometry. The problem of
covering curved shapes with planar panels is linked with the integration of conjugate curves
networks (Liu et al.,2006;Bobenko and Suris,2008). Conjugate networks correspond to
parameterisations ( ) satisfying the following equation (Bobenko and Suris,2008):
= 0 (3)
Consider now that the components in xand yare fixed, like in the problem solved by the
Marionette technique. We are looking for the height functions fzsatisfying equation 3.
Adopting the notation futo denote differentiation of fwith respect to u, equation (3) is
reformulated into:
= 0 (4)
Equation ( ) is defined if the parameterisation in the plane (XY ) is regular, which means
if the study is restricted to height fields. An expansion of the determinant shows that the
Consider now that the components in x and y are fixed, as in the problem solved
by the Marionette technique. We are looking for the height functions f z satisfying
equation 3. Adopting the notation fu to denote differentiation of f with respect to
u, equation(3) is reformulated into:
Figure 3: Two elevations and a planar view define a unique Marionette Mesh.
For a mesh, the propagation requires NM applications of equation (2), the memory
is 3 . The marionette technique guarantees hence that the number of operations varies
linearly with the number of nodes within a structure. The method performs thus in real
time even for meshes with thousands of nodes, as discussed in Section 3.1.
2.3 Link with smooth geometry
The proposed method has some interesting relations with smooth geometry. The problem of
covering curved shapes with planar panels is linked with the integration of conjugate curves
networks (Liu et al.,2006;Bobenko and Suris,2008). Conjugate networks correspond to
parameterisations ( ) satisfying the following equation (Bobenko and Suris,2008):
det ∂uf,∂
uvf= 0 (3)
Consider now that the components in xand yare fixed, like in the problem solved by the
Marionette technique. We are looking for the height functions fzsatisfying equation 3.
Adopting the notation futo denote differentiation of fwith respect to u, equation (3) is
reformulated into:
= 0 (4)
Equation ( ) is defined if the parameterisation in the plane (XY ) is regular, which means
if the study is restricted to height fields. An expansion of the determinant shows that the
Equation(4) is defined if the parameterisation in the plane (X Y ) is regular, which
means if the study is restricted to height fields. An expansion of the determinant
shows that the equation is a second-order linear equation in f
(u, v). The only
term of second order is f z
u v : the equation is thus hyperbolic.
Hyperbolic equations often correspond to the propagation of information
in a system (think of the wave equation). It is thus no surprise that the mari-
onette method corresponds to a propagation algorithm. Loosely speaking, it
can be shown that solutions of hyperbolic equations retain discontinuities of
initial conditions. The smoothness of the shape obtained by the marionette
method is thus dependent on the smoothness of the input data (plane view
and elevation curves).
S. Adriaenssens, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler, A. Menges, M. Pauly (eds.): Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016
© 2016 vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, DOI 10.3218/3778-4_7, ISBN 978-3-7281-3778-4
one singularity: the central node has a valence of six. The mesh can be subdivided into
six patches with no inner singularity (in blue and white). This kind of procedure can be
applied to any quad-mesh. Each patch is a regular mesh, and the Marionette technique
can be applied. There are however restrictions on the curves used as guide curves due to
compatibility between patches. For example, in Figure 4a, it is clear that the six curves
attached to the singularity can be used as guides for the six patches, whereas choosing the
12 curves on the perimeter over-constrain the problem.
(a) Decomposition of a complex mesh into
simple patches.
(b) The corresponding lifted mesh
Figure 4: A Marionette Mesh with a singularity.
For an arbitrary quad-mesh, it is possible to compute the number of guide curves that
can be used to generate a Marionette Mesh. The mesh can be decomposed into simple quad
domains without any singularity, for example by using the methods described in Tarini et al.
(2011) or Takayama et al. (2013). For example, Figure 4a has six domains, the mesh in Figure
5a has nine domains. These domains are four sided, and it is possible to extract independent
families of strip-domains, like displayed in Figure 5. Depending on the n-colorability of the
mesh, the number of families varies. The example showed is two-colorable. As a result, two
Figure 4. A Marionette Mesh with a singularity.
families of strips can be found and are shown in Figure 5b and 5c. Exactly one curve can
be chosen across each strip-domain. Since strips are independent, the height of these nine
curves can be chosen independently and will not over-constrain the problem.
(a) Initial mesh (b) Family of four strip-domains (c) Family of five strip-domains
Figure 5: Decomposition of a mesh into 2 families of strip-domains. Marionette Meshes can
be generated by choosing one guide curve across each strip-domain.
2.5 Closed Marionette Meshes
Closed strips
Marionette Meshes create PQ-meshes by propagation of a planarity constraint along strips.
One can easily figure that if the strip is closed, the problem becomes over-constrained.
Indeed, consider Figure 6: the plane view of a closed strip and the altitude of the points (Pi)
of one polyline are prescribed. If the altitude of the first point used for the propagation P∗
chosen, the planarity constraint can be propagated along the strip. The points of the outer
line are therefore imposed by the method, and the designer has no control on them. The last
point P∗
Nis therefore generally different from the initial point P∗
0, leading to a geometrical
incompatibility of PQ-meshes.
Figure 5. Decomposition of a mesh into 2 families of strip-domains. Marionette Meshes can be generated by choosing
one guide curve across each strip-domain.
Figure 6. Closed Marionette Strip with incompatible closing condition induced by the prescription of the plane view of
the whole strip (orange) and the altitudes of the inner curve (blue).
S. Adriaenssens, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler, A. Menges, M. Pauly (eds.): Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016
© 2016 vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, DOI 10.3218/3778-4_7, ISBN 978-3-7281-3778-4
2.4 Marionette Meshes with Singularities
The modelling of complex shapes requires the introduction of vertices with a dif-
ferent valence, called singularities in the following. For example, the mesh dis-
played in Figure 4a has one singularity: the central node has a valence of six. The
mesh can be subdivided into six patches with no inner singularity (in blue and
white). This kind of procedure can be applied to any quad mesh. Each patch is a
regular mesh, and the Marionette technique can be applied. There are, however
restrictions on the curves used as guide curves due to compatibility between
patches. For example, in
Figure 4a
, it is clear that the six curves attached to the
singularity can be used as guides for the six patches, whereas choosing the 12
curves on the perimeter over-constrain the problem.
For an arbitrary quad mesh, it is possible to compute the number of guide
curves that can be used to generate a Marionette Mesh. The mesh can be de-
composed into simple quad domains without any singularity, for example, by
using the methods described in Tarini et al. (2011) or Takayama et al. (2013). For ex-
ample, Figure 4a has six domains and the mesh in Figure 5a has nine domains. These
domains are four sided, and it is possible to extract independent families of strip
domains, like displayed in Figure 5. Depending on the n-colourability of the mesh,
the number of families varies. The example showed is two-colourable. As a re-
sult, two families of strips can be found and are shown in Figure 5b and 5c. Exactly
one curve can be chosen across each strip-domain. Since strips are indepen-
dent, the height of these nine curves can be chosen independently and will not
over-constrain the problem.
2.5 Closed Marionette Meshes
Closed Strips
Marionette Meshes create PQ-meshes by propagation of a planarity constraint
along strips. One can easily figure that if the strip is closed, the problem be-
comes over-constrained. Indeed, consider Figure 6: The plane view of a closed strip
and the altitude of the points (Pi ) of one polyline are prescribed. If the altitude
of the first point used for the propagation P
0 is chosen, the planarity constraint
can be propagated along the strip. The points of the outer line are therefore im-
posed by the method, and the designer has no control on them. The last point
0 is therefore generally different from the initial point P
0, leading to a geomet-
rical incompatibility of PQ-meshes.
In the following, we develop a strategy to deal with the geometrical com-
patibility of closed strips. The results, however, can then be extended to general
Marionette Mesh with closed strips. Suppose that the two prescribed curves
are defined as the inner closed curve and one radial curve (see Figure 6). By propa-
gation of equation(2), we easily see that the altitude of the last point z*
N depends
S. Adriaenssens, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler, A. Menges, M. Pauly (eds.): Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016
© 2016 vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, DOI 10.3218/3778-4_7, ISBN 978-3-7281-3778-4
Figure 7. Architectural design with a closed Marionette Mesh, the altitude of the inner curve is prescribed, the designer
does not have control on the outer curve.
Figure 8. Some shapes with planar faces and a closed mesh generated with the method proposed in this paper.
S. Adriaenssens, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler, A. Menges, M. Pauly (eds.): Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016
© 2016 vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, DOI 10.3218/3778-4_7, ISBN 978-3-7281-3778-4
linearly on the altitude of the first point z
0 and on the altitudes of the points on
the inner curve Z. It also depends on the in-plane projection of the strip. Formally,
there exists a vector V and a scalar a, both functions of the plane view so that:
In the following, we develop a strategy to deal with the geometrical compatibility of
closed strips. The results however can then be extended to general Marionette Mesh with
closed strips. Suppose that the two prescribed curves are defined as the inner closed curve
and one radial curve (see Figure 6). By propagation of equation (2), we easily see that the
altitude of the last point ∗
Ndepends linearly on the altitude of the first point z∗
0and on the
altitudes of the points on the inner curve Z. It also depends on the in-plane projection of
the strip. Formally, there exists a vector Vand a scalar a, both functions of the plane view
so that:
We are interested in the case where z∗
N. There are two possibilities:
1. = 1, in this case, the condition restricts to V·Z= 0 and does not depend on z∗
The vector is in the hyperplane of V, which leaves N−1 degrees of freedom.
2. = 1: there is only one solution for z∗
0. This is the most constrained case: the designer
can only control the inner curve of the strip.
The meshes with one solution are less flexible, but they can still generate interesting shapes,
like the one displayed on Figure 7, which recalls the examples of Figure 6. The designer has
a total control on the altitude of the inner curve and the plane view, but cannot manipulate
freely the outer curve. Note that the strings of the marionette are here materialised as
columns in the rendering, illustrating the geometrical interpretation of the method.
Figure 7: Architectural design with a closed Marionette Mesh, the altitude of the inner curve
is prescribed, the designer does not have control on the outer curve.
The most interesting case occurs when the designer has potentially the control of two
curves. It relies on a condition on the planar view explained above. A simple case where this
We are interested in the case where z
0 = z*
N . There are two possibilities:
1. a = 1, in this case, the condition restricts to V · Z = 0 and does not depend
on z
0. The vector z is in the hyperplane of V, which leaves N − 1 degrees of
2. a ≠ 1: there is only one solution for z
0. This is the most constrained case: the
designer can only control the inner curve of the strip.
Closed Meshes
The meshes with one solution are less flexible, but they can still generate inter-
esting shapes, like the one displayed on Figure 7, which recalls the examples of
Figure 6. The designer has a total control on the altitude of the inner curve and the
plane view, but cannot manipulate freely the outer curve. Note that the strings
of the marionette are here materialised as columns in the rendering, illustrating
the geometrical interpretation of the method.
The most interesting case occurs when the designer has potentially the con-
trol of two curves. This relies on a condition on the planar view explained above.
A simple case where this condition is fulfilled is when it has a symmetry. In this
case, there is a N −1 parameters family of solutions for the altitude of the inner
curve. The elevation of a closed guide curve can be chosen arbitrarily and pro-
jected into the hyperplane of normal V, keeping the notations of equation(5). This
operation is straightforward and allows one to control the elevation of a second
curve, like for open meshes. An example of this strategy is displayed in Figure8,
where all the meshes have the same planar view.
S. Adriaenssens, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler, A. Menges, M. Pauly (eds.): Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016
© 2016 vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, DOI 10.3218/3778-4_7, ISBN 978-3-7281-3778-4
Figure 9. A non-smooth mesh with planar facets generated with the Marionette method.
Figure 10. A plane view (thin lines) with a prescribed boundary (thick blue lines).
Figure 11. A result of an optimisation procedure: the shell structure is a Marionette Mesh (top view and prescribed
curves on the middle) minimising total elastic energy. On the right: red areas indicate compression.
S. Adriaenssens, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler, A. Menges, M. Pauly (eds.): Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016
© 2016 vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, DOI 10.3218/3778-4_7, ISBN 978-3-7281-3778-4
3. Architectural Design with
Marionette Meshes
3.1 Computational Set-up
The algorithms described in this paper have been implemented in the visual-scripting
plug-in GrasshopperTM for the modelling software RhinoTM. This allows inter-
action with other numerical tools necessary for architectural design, like finite-
element analysis software. An example of interaction between fabrication-aware
shape generation and structural analysis is shown in Section 3.3.
Marionette Meshes only require the solution of a linear system. The com-
putation time is thus low; typically, it takes 3 ms to lift a mesh of 10,000 faces,
with no pre-factorisation involved. Real-time computation provides great design
flexibility, even for large meshes.
In our framework, the planar views are generated with NURBS patches, and
the elevation curves are drawn as Bézier curves. The smoothness of the final
mesh depends thus on the smoothness of the in-plane parameterisation. A C 0
projection yields a C 0 solution to the hyperbolic equation(4), so that shape func-
tions with creases can easily be propagated through the mesh. Figure 9 shows a
corrugated shape generated from a
planar view and smooth guide curves.
Such corrugations can be used in folded plate structures, and could extend the
formal possibilities of methods developed in Robeller et al. (2015).
3.2 Shape Exploration with Marionette Meshes
The framework introduced here intrinsically accounts for the planarity of panels.
Its mathematical formulation is, however, suited for many architectural constraints.
Hard constraints must be fulfilled exactly, whereas soft constraints are included
into the function to minimize (Nocedal & Wright, 2006). Since the planarity constraint is
linear, soft constraints expressed as linear or quadratic functions can easily be
included in the objective function. In this case, the optimisation problem will be
similar to a classical least square problem and can be solved efficiently.
Hard constraints defined by linear equations are treated effectively within the
proposed framework. Examples of linear constraints are prescribed volume or a
maximal allowable altitude. The marionette method imposes N M − (N + M − 1)
out of N M parameters, this means that another N + M − 1 linear constraints can
be applied without over-constraining the optimisation problem.
Perhaps the most common application of hard constraint in architecture is the
prescription of a boundary, as depicted in Figure 10. In this figure, the planar view is
imposed and the user prescribes the altitude of some points of the mesh along a
curve (white circles). In this case, the number of prescribed points is superior to
S. Adriaenssens, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler, A. Menges, M. Pauly (eds.): Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016
© 2016 vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, DOI 10.3218/3778-4_7, ISBN 978-3-7281-3778-4
the number of degrees of freedom, and the problem might be over constrained.
It might hence be preferable to turn this problem into a soft constrained prob-
lem with a quadratic function to minimize. In the same way, for really complex
shapes with many singularities or highly constrained boundary, other methods
will probably be more efficient, more relevant, and maybe more intuitive, like for
example Jiang et al (2014).
3.3 Case Study: Fabrication-Aware Structural
The formal possibilities offered by Marionette Meshes are broad enough to offer
an interesting design space for engineering problems. Among them, structural
optimisation is a particularly relevant. The quick generation of a parameterised
design space and the coupling with advanced analysis software seems particu-
larly promising (Preisinger & Heimrath, 2014). Indeed, non-linear criteria, like the buckling
capacity, are of high importance for practical design of thin shell or grid shells
(Firl & Bletzinger, 2012).
An illustration of the potential of Marionette Meshes for a structurally in-
formed architectural design is proposed in Figure 11: The shell is a Marionette mesh
spanning over an ellipse. The plane view is inspired by Figure 1. The mesh is consti-
tuted of six NURBS patches and has two singularities (white dots in the image);
guide curves are found with the method proposed in this paper. The boundary
curve is constrained in the horizontal plane (blue curve on Figure 11). One curve
in the other direction (orange curve in
Figure 11
) defines the whole elevation of
the dome. The shell is submitted to gravity load. All the translations at the outer
boundary are restricted, and rotations at the supports are allowed (hinges). The
model is computed with Finite Element software Karamba3D™. The shape gen-
eration of a 1000 faces mesh requires less than 1 ms with the Marionette tech-
nique, far less than the assembly and computation of a shell model with FEM.
The structure is optimised towards a minimum of the total elastic energy
by means of genetic algorithms. The design parameters are the four altitudes
of the control points controlling the shape of the guide curve. It is noticed that
tension areas, depicted in blue in Figure 11, are almost non-existent on the inner
and upper face of the shell. Hence, if defined properly with an accurate number
of singularities, the design space offered by Marionette Meshes is wide enough
to find compression-dominant shapes by the means of structural optimisation.
S. Adriaenssens, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler, A. Menges, M. Pauly (eds.): Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016
© 2016 vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, DOI 10.3218/3778-4_7, ISBN 978-3-7281-3778-4
4. Generalisation of the Method
4.1 General Projections
It appeared that prescribing a horizontal view and applying the propagation
technique presented here only allows for the modelling of height fields. This is
a limitation of this method, although height fields surfaces are commonly used
for roof covering. Other projections can be used for more shape flexibility. The
planarity constraint for a quad can be extended to the case of non-parallel pro-
jections, like in Figure 12.
Some projections are of practical interest for archetypal projects. Towers and
facades can be modelled with cylindrical projections. Stadia can be designed
using projections on torus or on moulding surfaces, the offset directions cor-
responding to the normals of the smooth surface. Moulding surfaces fit natu-
rally the geometry of stadia (see Figure 13a) and have some interesting features,
discussed in Mesnil et al. (2015) :
• Their natural mesh contains planar curves, which are geodesics of the
surface: The planarity is preserved by the marionette transformation.
• They are naturally meshed by their lines of curvatures, which gives a
torsion-free beam layout on the initial surface, and on the final shape.
4.2 Extension to Other Patterns
The method proposed in this paper can be extended to other polyhedral patterns.
As noticed by Deng et al. (2013), tri-hex meshes (also known as Kagom lattices)
have the same number of degrees of freedom as quad meshes. There is there-
fore a straight forward way to lift Kagome lattices with the marionette technique.
Figure 14a shows the guide curves for the Kagome pattern. Other isolated points
are required to lift the mesh. The altitude of these points can be chosen in or-
der to minimise the fairness energy introduced in Jiang et al. (2014), which is not
difficult under linear constraints. Figure 14c shows a pattern introduced in Jiang et
Figure 12. A Marionette quad with non-parallel guide lines.
S. Adriaenssens, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler, A. Menges, M. Pauly (eds.): Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016
© 2016 vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, DOI 10.3218/3778-4_7, ISBN 978-3-7281-3778-4
(a) Reference moulding surfaces (b) Non-symmetrical design (c) Symmetrical design
Figure 13: Design of stadia obtained from a projection on a moulding surface: the prescribed
curves are the inner ring and a section curve.
4.2 Extension to other patterns
The method proposed in this paper can be extended to other polyhedral patterns. As noticed
by (Deng et al.,2013), tri-hex meshes (also known as Kagom lattices) have the same number
of degrees of freedom as quad meshes. There is therefore a straight forward way to lift
Kagome lattices with the marionette technique. Figure 14a shows the guide curves for the
Kagome pattern. Other isolated points are required to lift the mesh. The altitude of these
points can be chosen in order to minimise the fairness energy introduced in (Jiang et al.,
2014), which is not difficult under linear constraints.. Figure 14c shows a pattern introduced
in (Jiang et al.,2014): the mesh is derived from an hexagonal pattern and three guide curves
can be used to lift the mesh.
(a) Kagome lattice (b) Dual Kagome lattice (c) Hex pattern
Figure 14: Marionette method applied to several patterns, white dots correspond to pre-
scribed altitudes.
For example, Figure 15 shows a Kagome lattice covered with planar facets generated with
the marionette method. The design started from a planar view generated with a NURBS
Figure 13. Design of stadia obtained from a projection on a moulding surface: the prescribed curves are the inner ring and
a section curve.
(a) Reference moulding surfaces (b) Non-symmetrical design (c) Symmetrical design
Figure 13: Design of stadia obtained from a projection on a moulding surface: the prescribed
curves are the inner ring and a section curve.
4.2 Extension to other patterns
The method proposed in this paper can be extended to other polyhedral patterns. As noticed
by (Deng et al.,2013), tri-hex meshes (also known as Kagom lattices) have the same number
of degrees of freedom as quad meshes. There is therefore a straight forward way to lift
Kagome lattices with the marionette technique. Figure 14a shows the guide curves for the
Kagome pattern. Other isolated points are required to lift the mesh. The altitude of these
points can be chosen in order to minimise the fairness energy introduced in (Jiang et al.,
2014), which is not difficult under linear constraints.. Figure 14c shows a pattern introduced
in (Jiang et al.,2014): the mesh is derived from an hexagonal pattern and three guide curves
can be used to lift the mesh.
(a) Kagome lattice (b) Dual Kagome lattice (c) Hex pattern
Figure 14: Marionette method applied to several patterns, white dots correspond to pre-
scribed altitudes.
For example, Figure 15 shows a Kagome lattice covered with planar facets generated with
the marionette method. The design started from a planar view generated with a NURBS
Figure 14. Marionette method applied to several patterns, white dots correspond to prescribed altitudes.
Figure 15. Free-form design covered by planar Kagome lattice.
S. Adriaenssens, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler, A. Menges, M. Pauly (eds.): Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016
© 2016 vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, DOI 10.3218/3778-4_7, ISBN 978-3-7281-3778-4
al. (2014): The mesh is derived from an hexagonal pattern and three guide curves
can be used to lift the mesh.
For example, Figure 15 shows a Kagome lattice covered with planar facets
generated with the marionette method. The design started from a planar view
generated with a NURBS patch, a Kagome was then generated following the
isoparametric lines and lifted with the marionette technique. One of the guide
curve is the parabolic arch of the entrance, the other is an undulating curve fol-
lowing the tunnel. Like for PQ-meshes, the computation is done in real time.
5. Conclusion
We have introduced an intuitive technique for interactive shape modelling with
planar facets. It is based on descriptive geometry, which is used by architects and
engineers. The concept has many applications, in particular the modelling of PQ
meshes with or without singularity. Some examples show the formal potential
of our method. The framework was also extended to Kagome and dual-Kagome
lattices. It is likely that other polyhedral patterns can be treated with the Mario-
nette technique. The generality of the method has also been demonstrated by
changing the projection direction, a method with large potential if used on mesh
with remarkable offset properties. The choice of appropriate projections, while
obvious for many shapes of relatively low complexity, is a limitation to the gen-
erality of the method compared to previous methods developed in the field of
computer graphics. The Marionette technique should be seen as an intuitive way
to model shapes, and is complementary with other less-intuitive methods that
perform well on surface-fitting or local exploration problems.
We made a comment on the smooth problem solved by the method, which
gives indications on the smoothness of the shapes arising from this framework.
We have seen that this smoothness depends on the smoothness of both the
planar projection and the guide curves, which can be generated with any usual
modelling tool based on NURBS, T-spline and Bézier curves. Moreover, it was
shown that marionette meshes give an intuitive illustration on the principle of
subspace exploration, a powerful tool for constrained optimisation of meshes.
The underlying smooth parameterisation of marionette meshes could hence open
new possibilities for efficient parameterisation of fabrication-aware design space
in structural optimisation problems.
S. Adriaenssens, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler, A. Menges, M. Pauly (eds.): Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016
© 2016 vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, DOI 10.3218/3778-4_7, ISBN 978-3-7281-3778-4
This work was done during Mr. Mesnil doctorate within the framework of an industrial agreement for training through re-
search (CIFRE number 2013/1266) jointly financed by the company Bouygues Construction SA and the National Association
for Research and Technology (ANRT) of France.
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© 2016 vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, DOI 10.3218/3778-4_7, ISBN 978-3-7281-3778-4