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Manuka honey in wound management: greater than the sum of its parts?

  • DDRC Wound Care


Few involved in wound care will have escaped the considerable interest which has been generated by the resurgence in honey. Equally, there will be many clinicians around the globe who are wondering why all the fuss, as they will have been using honey all along. However, even with the advent of ‘medical-grade’ honey, combined with considerable research into the numerous potential modes of action, there remains a lingering scepticism regarding the value of honey as a justified, modern intervention in wound care. The purpose of this brief review is to summarise the ongoing chemical, biochemical and microbiological research and to correlate it with clinical outcomes. The purpose being to present the enquiring clinician with an evidence summary with which clinical choices may be made. While much of the early research was into generic honeys, one particular source, manuka, appears especially effective, and as such this has been the focus of recent studies.
Few involved in wound care will have escaped the considerable interest which has been generated by the
resurgence in honey. Equally, there will be many clinicians around the globe who are wondering why all the
fuss, as they will have been using honey all along. However, even with the advent of ‘medical-grade’ honey,
combined with considerable research into the numerous potential modes of action, there remains a lingering
scepticism regarding the value of honey as a justied, modern intervention in wound care.
The purpose of this brief review is to summarise the ongoing chemical, biochemical and microbiological
research and to correlate it with clinical outcomes. The purpose being to present the enquiring clinician with
an evidence summary with which clinical choices may be made. While much of the early research was into
generic honeys, one particular source, manuka, appears especially effective, and as such this has been the focus
of recent studies.
Declaration of interest: RJW was commission by MA Healthcare and Advancis Medical to write this article.
Honey has been used to treat wounds for
millennia.1,2 Indeed, until the modern
age of evidence-based medicine, honey
was so highly regarded as a treatment for
wounds that it was accepted as a rst-line
intervention. It is, however, the scientic and clinical
focus on honey which has come about in the past 30
years that has led to the classication of medical-
grade honey and the commercial availability of highly
regulated products.
Biological research into honey
The literature includes reports on numerous honeys,
from different oral sources, for in vitro antimicrobial
activity in particular. Due to the pioneering work of
the late Peter Molan3 in New Zealand over the past 25
years, it has emerged that of the range of honeys
tested, those from one source, manuka, has
particularly high antimicrobial activity.4 Subsequently
many other reports have supported and claried this
activity this is summarised in a review by Carter et
al.5 It is owing to a series of seminal articles by Molan6
and colleagues7,8 in 1999 that the modern approach
to honey in wound can be traced. Until that time
there had been debate as to the clinical effects of
honey being largely osmotic.9 Molan, based upon the
considerable evidence available, identied a number
of distinct actions of honey (primarily manuka) on
the wound, namely:
honey wound care anti-inflammatory antimicrobial debridement manuka
Exudate control.
In addition Molan6 has listed the numerous
advantages of honey based upon the available evidence:
Provides a protective barrier to prevent
Creates an antibacterial moist healing environment
Rapidly clears infecting bacteria including
antibiotic-resistant strains
Has a debriding effect
Rapidly removes malodour
Hastens healing through stimulation of tissue
Prevents scarring and hypertrophication
Minimises the need for skin grafting
Is non-adherent and therefore minimises trauma
and pain during dressing changes
Anti-inammatory action reduces oedema
Has no adverse effect on wound tissues.
Reduced costs of dressing materials and anti-
bacterial agents
More rapid healing
Less need for surgical debridement
Less need for skin grafting.
Given that this list is substantiated by numerous
publications at the time of publication, and that
numerous additional studies have been added since, it
is evident that honey offers considerable advantages.
Manuka honey in wound management:
greater than the sum of its parts?
R. White,1 PhD, Professor of Tissue Viability, Director DDRC Wound Care Plymouth
© 2016 MA Healthcare ltd
© MA Healthcare Ltd. Downloaded from by Richard White on October 1, 2016.
Use for licensed purposes only. No other uses without permission. All rights reserved.
Manuka honey
When considering which oral source honey to
research and develop for commercial purposes, a
number of important considerations must be made.
Accepted that clinical and scientic evidence are
essential, it is vital that the honey be available from a
sustained, consistent source such that the specications
and quality assurance consistent with a regulated
medical product be maintained.10,11 It is important that
all clinicians using honey, or any other medical device,
be aware of the requirements demanded by current
regulations. It is in this respect that manuka honey is
the current ‘standard’ in wound care and thus the focus
of this review.
Antimicrobial action
To some degree all honeys have an antimicrobial action
as an evolutionary adaptation to prevent spoilage. In
many honeys this is based on peroxidise activity.
However, this has been attributed to the content of
methyl glyoxal (MGO) in manuka honey.12,13 The
activity of manuka honey is not inhibited by catalase
whereas peroxide activity is.14 The evidence for all
antimicrobial activity in vitro is extensive and well
established. In vivo, in the wound itself, manuka has
been shown to be clinically effective in reducing
bioburden.15–18 Additionally, manuka has been shown
to be effective against organisms, which are known to
be involved in malodour as well as those, in biolm
colonies.19–23 The action of the honey on various
organisms, including antibiotic resistant species15,24,25
has been evaluated in vitro14 and the extensive list of
susceptible organisms published.5 The mechanisms for
this action, including a synergy, have also been
reported.13,26 This aspect of manuka action has recently
been examined using 83clinical isolates of six genera
of wound pathogens.3,27 The study involved
measurement of both minimum inhibitory
concentrations (MICs) and minimum bactericidal
concentrations (MBCs) and electron microscopy for
evidence of cell lysis. The authors concluded that
‘the ndings provide optimism that topical manuka
honey might have a role to play in limiting multidrug
resistant Gram-negative bacteria’.
Indeed, the action of antibiotics against wound
pathogens has been shown to be enhanced by the
presence of sub-lethal manuka).28 The question whether
or not resistance might become a problem has been
addressed and dismissed at present.29
Clinical impact of manuka honey
Healing of chronic wounds
‘Chronicity’ has been attributed to an uncontrolled
inammation in the wound tissues and to pathogenic
organisms. In order to redress the balance, some form
of anti-inammatory, or immunomodulatory action30
is indicated in conjunction with an antimicrobial. The
immunomodulatory effect is stimulation or inhibition
of the release of cytokines TNFa, Il-1β and Il-6, from
monocytes and macrophages depending on the
condition of the wound. The combination of the anti-
inammatory, immunomodulatory and antimicrobial
actions of manuka honey has proven effective in the
kick-start of delayed healing wounds. The effective use
of manuka honey in a range of chronic wounds has
been reported in a number of reviews.31–35 The clinical
research in this area is growing, recent studies have
shown that in diabetic foot ulcers manuka honey
‘represents an effective treatment for NDFU [neuropathic
diabetic foot ulcers] leading to a signicant reduction in
the time of healing and rapid disinfection of ulcers’.36
Needless to say, further randomised controlled trials
are required to provide substantive evidence. In the
meantime there is substantial ‘weak’ evidence and
sufcient support from expert clinicians to indicate the
value of manuka honey in chronic wound management.
This action has been reported over the past 20 years
and is hypothesised to be owing to a stimulation of
plasmin activity in the wound, so denaturing the
brin which attaches slough to the wound bed. This
theory is based upon the known effects of plasminogen
activator inhibitor.14 This mechanism is consistent
with autolysis, where the creation of a moist wound
environment at the appropriate pH leads to the
removal of slough.
Anti-inammatory action
By concentrating on the known inflammatory
mediators active in wounds,37–39 researchers have
discovered that manuka honey is effective in reducing
inammation,40,41 oedema,6,42 and exudate levels via
antimicrobial and anti-inammatory actions. The
clinical manifestations of these actions also include
pain reduction, reported in many clinical studies.43,44
In addition to overt anti-inammatory action, manuka
honey has been shown to exert an immunomodulatory
effect, for example the stimulation of TNFa, IL-1β and
TGFa a by monocytes.30,45,46
Exudate interaction
It is now known that honey is a biologic wound
dressing,14 which has been claimed by Molan and
Rhodes to have:
'multiple bioactivities that work in concert to expedite the
healing process. The physical properties of honey also
expedite the healing process: its acidity increases the
release of oxygen from haemoglobin thereby making the
wound environment less favourable for the activity of
destructive proteases, and the high osmolarity of honey
draws uid out of the wound bed to create an outow of
lymph as occurs with negative pressure wound therapy'.
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© MA Healthcare Ltd. Downloaded from by Richard White on October 1, 2016.
Use for licensed purposes only. No other uses without permission. All rights reserved.
In some respects the chemical process of pH lowering
attributed to manuka and other honeys is responsible
for inuencing the dissociation of oxygen from
haemoglobin as Molan has stated. The reduction of the
pH to an acid milieu also reduces the activity of MMPs:
these have an alkalines pH optimum.
The secondary dressing effects
Needless to say, the activity of honey in the wound is
dependent to a large degree to its duration in situ. This
can be prolonged by having an impregnated dressing,
or by use of an appropriate secondary dressing, the
choice of which will vary according to the degree of
exudate, location and projected wear time. Thus before
selecting a honey-based wound treatment, it is essential
that these considerations be acknowledged and the
appropriate product or combination be used.
Characterisation of manuka honey
Pure manuka honey is produced by introduced
European honey bees (Apis mellifera) from the manuka
or tea tree (Leptospermum scoparium) which grows in
New Zealand and southeastern Australia. Qualitative
tests have been developed for the identication of
honey which is claimed to be pure manuka. For
example, MGO can be assayed to give a broad
indication of identity of floral source.47 More
specically, lepteridine can be isolated, characterised
and quantied.48 In his review of 2015, Molan points
to the bee-derived protein apalbumin-1 (also known
as MRJP-1) and its glycated form, make good
candidates to develop a purity assay for manuka
honey.24,49 The quality and purity has been
questioned,50 it is thus necessary that medical
products claiming to be ‘manuka’ be veried and
certicated following valid assays. It is only then that
clinicians can be assured that the products they are
using will perform consistently, and be t for purpose.
Systematic reviews
Clinical studies on honey in wound management have
been subject to systematic reviews in recent years. The
conclusions in the most recent51 state that: 'It is
difcult to draw overall conclusions regarding the
effects of honey as a topical treatment for wounds due
to the heterogeneous nature of the patient populations
and comparators studied and the mostly low-quality of
the evidence. The quality of the evidence was mainly
downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision. Honey
appears to heal partial-thickness burns more quickly
than conventional treatment and infected
postoperative wounds more quickly than antiseptics
and gauze. Beyond these comparisons any evidence
for differences in the effects of honey and comparators
is of low or very low quality and does not form a
robust basis for decision making'. However, these are
the subject of considerable dispute, many of which
are documented at the end of the report. As the
reviews have included studies on all qualifying
studies, and that the use of medical-grade honey has
not been a prerequisite for selection, analyses and
conclusions are based on generic honey. Given that
we are now in the age of regulated, quality assured
product which has been standardised, it is
inappropriate (and not scientic) to include other
honeys in such an analysis. These have not been
standardised to any degree, are not at all quality-
assured and not commercially available.
Given that no single intervention provides a panacea
for wound care, medical-grade manuka honey goes a
considerable way towards that status. Equally, as no
one dressing or topical application is suited to all
wounds and all patients, honey must also be regarded
as an option, to be targeted to the appropriate wound
and patient. Given that systematic reviews have
‘diluted’ the manuka effect by the inclusion of other,
non-specic or generic honeys, the clinical outcomes
achieved in many indications are impressive. This is
also complemented by the proven effects on multi-
resistant bacteria, a feature which, in the
post-antibiotic age, becomes priceless. For a natural
product, used for millennia and now developed into
a regulated medical device, honey has shown its real
value. Given that research is still uncovering new
aspects of the biological performance, it is
extraordinary how subtly evolution has led to such an
ex–quisite material. More that the sum of its parts,
certainly, but what more remains to be discovered?
Honey is a valuable option in wound management.
More specifically pure manuka honey, with its
considerable evidence base, is pre-eminent among
honeys for multifunctional activity in wound
management. For something which has been long used
to treat ‘purulent’ wounds, research has shown the
further capacity to reduce inflammation, affect
debridement, and promote healing. JWC
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© 2016 MA Healthcare ltd
© MA Healthcare Ltd. Downloaded from by Richard White on October 1, 2016.
Use for licensed purposes only. No other uses without permission. All rights reserved.
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© 2016 MA Healthcare ltd
© MA Healthcare Ltd. Downloaded from by Richard White on October 1, 2016.
Use for licensed purposes only. No other uses without permission. All rights reserved.
... [10,12,13] Pure Manuka honey is produced by European honey bees (Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758) from the Manuka or tea tree (Leptospermum scoparium J. R. Forst and G. Forst) which grows in New Zealand and southeastern Australia. [14] However, there is a lack of studies where it has been used on humans. [8,14] This case report presents the successful management of a DFU using Manuka honey combined with Panchavalkala Kashaya. ...
... [14] However, there is a lack of studies where it has been used on humans. [8,14] This case report presents the successful management of a DFU using Manuka honey combined with Panchavalkala Kashaya. [15] Case history A 62-year-old male patient, who worked as a street vendor came to the health-care unit. ...
Full-text available
Diabetic wound management using panachavalkala decoction and Manuka honey.
... In comparison, the selection of honey samples tested directly on MRC5 cells showed IC 50 values of 10-50 mg/mL [75]. Previous studies have shown that the MHo component improves wound healing through the stimulation of cytokine induction [76,77]. material for tissue regeneration. ...
... Neverthe the MHo component showed a beneficial effect on the proliferation of both cell line comparison, the selection of honey samples tested directly on MRC5 cells showed values of 10-50 mg/mL [75]. Previous studies have shown that the MHo componen proves wound healing through the stimulation of cytokine induction [76,77]. ...
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Scaffolding biomaterials are gaining great importance due to their beneficial properties for medical purposes. Targeted biomaterial engineering strategies through the synergy of different material types can be applied to design hybrid scaffolding biomaterials with advantageous properties for biomedical applications. In our research, a novel combination of the bioactive agent Manuka honey (MHo) with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate/gelatin (HG) hydrogel scaffolds was created as an efficient bioactive platform for biomedical applications. The effects of Manuka honey content on structural characteristics, porosity, swelling performance, in vitro degradation, and in vitro biocompatibility (fibroblast and keratinocyte cell lines) of hybrid hydrogel scaffolds were studied using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, the gravimetric method, and in vitro MTT biocompatibility assays. The engineered hybrid hydrogel scaffolds show advantageous properties, including porosity in the range of 71.25% to 90.09%, specific pH- and temperature-dependent swelling performance, and convenient absorption capacity. In vitro degradation studies showed scaffold degradability ranging from 6.27% to 27.18% for four weeks. In vitro biocompatibility assays on healthy human fibroblast (MRC5 cells) and keratinocyte (HaCaT cells) cell lines by MTT tests showed that cell viability depends on the Manuka honey content loaded in the HG hydrogel scaffolds. A sample containing the highest Manuka honey content (30%) exhibited the best biocompatible properties. The obtained results reveal that the synergy of the bioactive agent, Manuka honey, with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate/gelatin as hybrid hydrogel scaffolds has potential for biomedical purposes. By tuning the Manuka honey content in HG hydrogel scaffolds advantageous properties of hybrid scaffolds can be achieved for biomedical applications.
... Mh inhibits in ammatory cell production and proliferation, allowing normal wound healing and stimulating broblast and epithelial cell growth. Moore concluded after reviewing a large body of literature that Manuka honey possesses extraordinary therapeutic properties and is the world's greatest natural antibiotic [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]. Mh's antibacterial properties are non-peroxide based, owing to its high methylglyoxal (MGO) content; heating manuka honey at a moderate temperature modi es the chemical composition of its constituents which affect nutrient activity of honey and thus affecting its healing enhancement and antibacterial properties and crystallinity as it may change to caramel [18]; MGO forms a covalent bond with the amines in the honey matrix during heating [19,20]. ...
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The major challenge in skin tissue engineering is the creation of physically and functionally suitable extracellular matrix (ECM) scaffolds. Inspired by ECM macromolecular components, we suggest a new hybrid scaffold. Nanocarriers for drug delivery have been successfully created utilizing an electrospinning approach for a manuka honey treated polyvinyl pyrrolidine (Mh@PVP) hybrid composite. Different characterizations tools, including SEM, XRD, TEM, and FTIR. have been utilized to elucidate the fabricated electrospun nanofibrous scaffolds (ENS). The polyvinyl pyrrolidine (PVP) solutions' mechanical, tensile, and conductivity characteristics were greatly enhanced by adding increasing concentrations of Mh to the formula (15%, 20%, 25%). The width and direction of the ENS produced changed as the honey concentration increased. For wound healing, honey's ability to heal wounds faster may be boosted by a higher PVP concentration, which makes honey more easily incorporated. In an XRD investigation, honey and CT-TiONTs had a minor influence on the overall crystallinity of the ENS sample. Because of its burst-and-continuous methylglyoxal release patterns, which may last for up to seven days, manuka honey is an excellent choice for helping the body's healing process. The invivo assessment of the Mh@PVP nanocomposite nanofiber mat demonstrated a rapid and substantial increase in keratinocyte expression, reflecting great ability for high regenerative wound healing. Most significantly, there is no scarring associated with hair regrowth. This scaffold can mimic skin characteristics and stimulate keratinocyte development and act as a growth factor.
Currently, the therapeutic effect of appropriate wound dressings in the clinical management of wounds is widely accepted. Indeed, it is well established that no wound will heal if the factors that inhibit tissue repair in each stage are not addressed by selecting the appropriate dressing. To do this, clinicians need a good knowledge of the differences between products based on their physicochemical properties and their effective mechanism of action. However, traditional dressing classifications based on product ingredients or guided by TIME concepts are only partially applicable and there is clearly a need to classify dressings based on their function. To date no successful attempt has been made to implement this new classification. This article would like ti present a classification of wound dressings based on their functions.
Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are a common complication faced by 15% of diabetic patients throughout the world. Diabetic ulcers often contribute to the annual amputation incidence globally. Timely detection of DFU and proper medication, along with right education, is essential in saving a limb of the patient. Among a number of other medicinal choices to tackle this condition, Manuka honey and Panchavalkala decoction provided promising results within 11 weeks. The combination was successful in treating a gangrenous diabetic ulcer with pain and pus discharge affecting the left second toe in a diabetic patient, leading to a complete cure without recurrence.
This study evaluated the antibiofilm activity of promethazine, deferiprone and Manuka honey against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in vitro and ex vivo in a wound model on porcine skin. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) and the effects of the compounds on biofilms were evaluated. Then, counting colony-forming units (CFUs) and confocal microscopy were performed on biofilms cultivated on porcine skin for evaluation of the compounds. For promethazine, MICs ranging from 97.66-781.25 µg/mL and minimum biofilm eradication concentration (MBEC) values ranging from 195.31-1562.5 µg/mL were found. In addition to reducing the biomass of both species’ biofilms. As for deferiprone, the MICs were 512 and >1024 µg/mL, the MBECs were ≥1024 µg/mL, and it reduced the biomass of biofilms. Manuka honey had MICs of 10-40%, MBECs of 20->40% and reduced the biomass of S. aureus biofilms only. Concerning the analyses in the ex vivo model, the compounds reduced (P<0.05) CFU counts for both bacterial species, altering the biofilm architecture. The action of the compounds on biofilms in in vitro and ex vivo tests raises the possibility of using them against biofilm-associated wounds. However, further studies are needed to characterize the mechanisms of action and their effectiveness on biofilms in vivo.
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Background Inflammatory interdigital nodules (IIN) affecting the paws of dogs is a multifactorial and painful condition. Surgery using carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) laser has been shown to be helpful in the management. Hypothesis/Objectives To assess a postoperative treatment protocol without use of antibiotics following CO2 laser surgery for IIN treatment. Animals Forty‐seven paws, in 30 client‐owned dogs, with IINs affecting the interdigital web between the 4th and 5th digits of the forepaws, surgically treated using CO2 laser, were included. Materials and Methods Medical records were reviewed for demographic details, medication use and wound healing using a set wound care protocol. Time to resolution of the surgical wounds and the postoperative outcome were assessed. Results The mean healing time was 34 days. Resolution was seen in 42 of 47 paws with complications in five paws (11%), including development of new fistulae or nonhealing granulation tissue. Surgery was repeated in those five cases. Relapse occurred during the follow‐up period of five–19 months in six paws (13%). Conclusions and Clinical Relevance This study shows that surgical treatment with CO2 laser for interdigital nodules is successful in most cases. The postoperative outcome using a wound‐healing protocol avoiding use of antimicrobials can be used without compromising patient care whilst following antimicrobial stewardship guidelines.
Understanding cellular processes involved in wound healing is very important given that there are diseases, such as diabetes, in which wounds do not heal. To model tissue regeneration, we focus on two cellular processes: cellular proliferation, to replace cells lost to the wound, and cell motility, activated at the wound edges. We address these two processes in separate, drug responsive, in vitro models. The first model is a scaffold-free three-dimensional (3D) spheroid model, in which spheroids grow larger - to a certain extent - with increased time in culture. The second model, the scratch wound assay, is focused on cell motility. In conjunction with collagen staining, it analyzes changes to the coverage of the wound edge and wound bed. Our workflow gives insights into candidate compounds for wound healing as we show using manuka honey (MH) as an example. Spheroids are responsive to oxidative damage by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) which affects viability but mostly produces disaggregation. Conversely, MH supports spheroid health, shown by size measurements and viability. In two-dimensional scratch wound assays, MH helps close wounds with relative less collagen production and increases the loose cellular coverage adjacent to and within the wound. We use these methods in the undergraduate research laboratory as teaching and standardization tools, and we hope these will be useful in similar settings.
The integumentary system consists of the skin, hair, mammary glands, adnexal glands, and toenails. Hair quality may be modified by such environmental factors as day length, temperature, elevation, and general nutrition, but the dominant factor in determining quality is heredity. Parasitic diseases of the skin include mange, pediculosis, and myiasis. Fungal dermatitis is uncommon in camelids, but can occur in both South American Camelids (SACs) and Old World Camels. Overgrowth of the toenail is the most common disorder of the SACs foot. Camelid mastitis occurs in the same forms as seen in dairy cattle, namely, subclinical, peracute, acute and chronic. The goals of the proliferative phase are to form granulation tissue and an epithelial covering over the wound. There is a dearth of veterinary research regarding wound healing in camelids, yet a plethora of literature involving research on small laboratory animals and humans exist.
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Medicinal honey research is undergoing a substantial renaissance. From a folklore remedy largely dismissed by mainstream medicine as “alternative”, we now see increased interest by scientists, clinical practitioners and the general public in the therapeutic uses of honey. There are a number of drivers of this interest: first, the rise in antibiotic resistance by many bacterial pathogens has prompted interest in developing and using novel antibacterials; second, an increasing number of reliable studies and case reports have demonstrated that certain honeys are very effective wound treatments; third, therapeutic honey commands a premium price, and the honey industry is actively promoting studies that will allow it to capitalize on this; and finally, the very complex and rather unpredictable nature of honey provides an attractive challenge for laboratory scientists. In this paper we review manuka honey research, from observational studies on its antimicrobial effects through to current experimental and mechanistic work that aims to take honey into mainstream medicine. We outline current gaps and remaining controversies in our knowledge of how honey acts, and suggest new studies that could make honey a no longer “alternative” alternative.
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The increased incidence of bacterial resistance to antibiotics has generated renewed interest in “traditional” antimicrobials, such as honey. This paper reports on a study comparing physico-chemical, antioxidant and antibacterial characteristics (that potentially contribute in part, to the functional wound healing activity) of Cameroonian honeys with those of Manuka honey. Agar well diffusion was used to generate zones of inhibition against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus while broth dilutions were used to study the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs). Non-peroxide activity was investigated by catalase for hydrogen peroxide reduction. The Cameroonian honeys demonstrated functional properties similar to Manuka honey, with strong correlations between the antioxidant activity and total phenol content of each honey. They were also as effective as Manuka honey in reducing bacteria load with an MIC of 10% w/v against all three bacteria and exhibited non-peroxide antimicrobial activity. These Cameroon honeys have potential therapeutic activity and may contain compounds with activity against Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. Antibacterial agents from such natural sources present a potential affordable treatment of wound infections caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria, which are a leading cause of amputations and deaths in many African countries.
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Honey has been used as a wound dressing for thousands of years, but only in more recent times has a scientific explanation become available for its effectiveness. It is now realized that honey is a biologic wound dressing with multiple bioactivities that work in concert to expedite the healing process. The physical properties of honey also expedite the healing process: its acidity increases the release of oxygen from hemoglobin thereby making the wound environment less favorable for the activity of destructive proteases, and the high osmolarity of honey draws fluid out of the wound bed to create an outflow of lymph as occurs with negative pressure wound therapy. Honey has a broad-spectrum antibacterial activity, but there is much variation in potency between different honeys. There are 2 types of antibacterial activity. In most honeys the activity is due to hydrogen peroxide, but much of this is inactivated by the enzyme catalase that is present in blood, serum, and wound tissues. In manuka honey, the activity is due to methylglyoxal which is not inactivated. The manuka honey used in wound-care products can withstand dilution with substantial amounts of wound exudate and still maintain enough activity to inhibit the growth of bacteria. There is good evidence for honey also having bioactivities that stimulate the immune response (thus promoting the growth of tissues for wound repair), suppress inflammation, and bring about rapid autolytic debridement. There is clinical evidence for these actions, and research is providing scientific explanations for them.
This review is written in memory of Professor Peter Molan, who published a paper in the Journal of Wound Care in 1999 describing the therapeutic properties of honey in relation to wound care. It provides an update to show how our understanding of the mode of action of honey has changed within the past 17 years. Declaration of interest: No conflict of interest to declare.
Mānuka honey, made from the nectar of Leptospermum scoparium, has garnered scientific and economical interest due to its non-peroxide antibacterial activity. Biomarkers for genuine mānuka honey are increasingly in demand due to the presence of counterfeit mānuka honey. This work reports the identification of a compound previously unreported in mānuka honey by HPLC, and determination of the structure of the as 3,6,7 trimethyllumazine using NMR, MS, IR and UV/Vis spectroscopy. This assignment was confirmed by total synthesis. The natural product, renamed lepteridine, was only observed in mānuka honeys and could potentially serve as a biomarker for genuine mānuka honey.
Antibacterial activity of honey is due to the presence of methylglyoxal (MGO), H2O2, bee defensin as well as polyphenols. High MGO levels in manuka honey are the main source of antibacterial activity. Manuka honey has been reported to reduce the swarming and swimming motility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa due to de-flagellation. Due to the complexity of honey it is unknown if this effect is directly due to MGO. In this ultrastructural investigation the effects of MGO on the morphology of bacteria and specifically the structure of fimbriae and flagella were investigated. MGO effectively inhibited Gram positive (Bacillus subtilis; MIC 0.8 mM and Staphylococcus aureus; MIC 1.2 mM) and Gram negative (P. aeruginosa; MIC 1.0 mM and Escherichia coli; MIC 1.2 mM) bacteria growth. The ultrastructural effects of 0.5, 1.0 and 2 mM MGO on B. substilis and E. coli morphology was then evaluated. At 0.5 mM MGO, bacteria structure was unaltered. For both bacteria at 1 mM MGO fewer fimbriae were present and the flagella were less or absent. Identified structures appeared stunted and fragile. At 2 mM MGO fimbriae and flagella were absent while the bacteria were rounded with shrinkage and loss of membrane integrity. Antibacterial MGO causes alterations in the structure of bacterial fimbriae and flagella which would limit bacteria adherence and motility.
Background Corneal oedema is a common post-operative problem that delays or prevents visual recovery from ocular surgery. Honey is a supersaturated solution of sugars with an acidic pH, high osmolarity and low water content. These characteristics inhibit the growth of micro-organisms, reduce oedema and promote epithelialisation. This clinical case series describes the use of a regulatory approved Leptospermum species honey ophthalmic product, in the management of post-operative corneal oedema and bullous keratopathy.MethodsA retrospective review of 18 consecutive cases (30 eyes) with corneal oedema persisting beyond one month after single or multiple ocular surgical procedures (phacoemulsification cataract surgery and additional procedures) treated with Optimel Antibacterial Manuka Eye Drops twice to three times daily as an adjunctive therapy to conventional topical management with corticosteroid, aqueous suppressants, hypertonic sodium chloride five per cent, eyelid hygiene and artificial tears. Visual acuity and central corneal thickness were measured before and at the conclusion of Optimel treatment.ResultsA temporary reduction in corneal epithelial oedema lasting up to several hours was observed after the initial Optimel instillation and was associated with a reduction in central corneal thickness, resolution of epithelial microcysts, collapse of epithelial bullae, improved corneal clarity, improved visualisation of the intraocular structures and improved visual acuity. Additionally, with chronic use, reduction in punctate epitheliopathy, reduction in central corneal thickness and improvement in visual acuity were achieved. Temporary stinging after Optimel instillation was experienced. No adverse infectious or inflammatory events occurred during treatment with Optimel.Conclusions Optimel was a safe and effective adjunctive therapeutic strategy in the management of persistent post-operative corneal oedema and warrants further investigation in clinical trials.
Significance: Impaired wound healing leading to chronic wounds is an important clinical problem that needs immediate attention to develop new effective therapies. Members of the chemokine family seem to be attractive and amenable to stimulate the healing process in chronic wounds. Targeting specific chemokines and/or their receptors has the potential to modify chronic inflammation to acute inflammation, which will hasten the healing process. Recent Advances: Over the years, expression levels of various chemokines and their receptors have been identified as key players in the inflammatory phase of wound healing. In addition, they contribute to regulating other phases of wound healing making them key targets for novel therapies. Understanding the signaling pathways of these chemokines will provide valuable clues for modulating their function to enhance the wound healing process. Critical Issues: Inflammation, an important first-stage process in wound healing, is dysregulated in chronic wounds; emerging studies show that chemokines play a crucial role in regulating inflammation. The knowledge gained so far is still limited in understanding the enormous complexity of the chemokine network during inflammation not just in chronic wounds but also in acute (normal) wounds. A much better understanding of the individual chemokines will pave the way for better targets and therapies to improve the healing efficiency of chronic wounds. Future Directions: Effective understanding of the interaction of chemokines and their receptors during chronic wound healing would facilitate the design of novel therapeutic drugs. Development of chemokine-based drugs targeting specific inflammatory cells will be invaluable in the treatment of chronic wounds, in which inflammation plays a major role.
Background: Honey is a viscous, supersaturated sugar solution derived from nectar gathered and modified by the honeybee, Apis mellifera. Honey has been used since ancient times as a remedy in wound care. Evidence from animal studies and some trials has suggested that honey may accelerate wound healing. Objectives: The objective of this review was to assess the effects of honey compared with alternative wound dressings and topical treatments on the of healing of acute (e.g. burns, lacerations) and/or chronic (e.g. venous ulcers) wounds. Search methods: For this update of the review we searched the Cochrane Wounds Group Specialised Register (searched 15 October 2014); The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2014, Issue 9); Ovid MEDLINE (1946 to October Week 1 2014); Ovid MEDLINE (In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations 13 October 2014); Ovid EMBASE (1974 to 13 October 2014); and EBSCO CINAHL (1982 to 15 October 2014). Selection criteria: Randomised and quasi-randomised trials that evaluated honey as a treatment for any sort of acute or chronic wound were sought. There was no restriction in terms of source, date of publication or language. Wound healing was the primary endpoint. Data collection and analysis: Data from eligible trials were extracted and summarised by one review author, using a data extraction sheet, and independently verified by a second review author. All data have been subsequently checked by two more authors. Main results: We identified 26 eligible trials (total of 3011 participants). Three trials evaluated the effects of honey in minor acute wounds, 11 trials evaluated honey in burns, 10 trials recruited people with different chronic wounds including two in people with venous leg ulcers, two trials in people with diabetic foot ulcers and single trials in infected post-operative wounds, pressure injuries, cutaneous Leishmaniasis and Fournier's gangrene. Two trials recruited a mixed population of people with acute and chronic wounds. The quality of the evidence varied between different comparisons and outcomes. We mainly downgraded the quality of evidence for risk of bias, imprecision and, in a few cases, inconsistency.There is high quality evidence (2 trials, n=992) that honey dressings heal partial thickness burns more quickly than conventional dressings (WMD -4.68 days, 95%CI -5.09 to -4.28) but it is unclear if there is a difference in rates of adverse events (very low quality evidence) or infection (low quality evidence).There is very low quality evidence (4 trials, n=332) that burns treated with honey heal more quickly than those treated with silver sulfadiazine (SSD) (WMD -5.12 days, 95%CI -9.51 to -0.73) and high quality evidence from 6 trials (n=462) that there is no difference in overall risk of healing within 6 weeks for honey compared with SSD (RR 1.00, 95% CI 0.98 to 1.02) but a reduction in the overall risk of adverse events with honey relative to SSD. There is low quality evidence (1 trial, n=50) that early excision and grafting heals partial and full thickness burns more quickly than honey followed by grafting as necessary (WMD 13.6 days, 95%CI 9.82 to 17.38).There is low quality evidence (2 trials, different comparators, n=140) that honey heals a mixed population of acute and chronic wounds more quickly than SSD or sugar dressings.Honey healed infected post-operative wounds more quickly than antiseptic washes followed by gauze and was associated with fewer adverse events (1 trial, n=50, moderate quality evidence, RR of healing 1.69, 95%CI 1.10 to 2.61); healed pressure ulcers more quickly than saline soaks (1 trial, n= 40, very low quality evidence, RR 1.41, 95%CI 1.05 to 1.90), and healed Fournier's gangrene more quickly than Eusol soaks (1 trial, n=30, very low quality evidence, WMD -8.00 days, 95%CI -6.08 to -9.92 days).The effects of honey relative to comparators are unclear for: venous leg ulcers (2 trials, n= 476, low quality evidence); minor acute wounds (3 trials, n=213, very low quality evidence); diabetic foot ulcers (2 trials, n=93, low quality evidence); Leishmaniasis (1 trial, n=100, low quality evidence); mixed chronic wounds (2 trials, n=150, low quality evidence). Authors' conclusions: It is difficult to draw overall conclusions regarding the effects of honey as a topical treatment for wounds due to the heterogeneous nature of the patient populations and comparators studied and the mostly low quality of the evidence. The quality of the evidence was mainly downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision. Honey appears to heal partial thickness burns more quickly than conventional treatment (which included polyurethane film, paraffin gauze, soframycin-impregnated gauze, sterile linen and leaving the burns exposed) and infected post-operative wounds more quickly than antiseptics and gauze. Beyond these comparisons any evidence for differences in the effects of honey and comparators is of low or very low quality and does not form a robust basis for decision making.