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Performance Appraisal and a Field Study



Performance is a systematic management process. In order the process to be successful, the management ought to adopt a strong administrative mentality. During this process, the phases of planning, appraisal and development to be actuated significantly. Strong human resources in the managements can only be achieved through a strong performance appraisal. In today's competitive markets, when the performance appraisals of the managements are oriented to the marketing and the sales, the motivation of the employees will be focused on the profit targets. Here, the most significant variables e.g. “time, amount, quality, costing, health and security standards” shall be implemented according to the requirements of the performance management systems and organisations. The purposes, the principles, the traditional and contemporary methods of the performance appraisal methods have been examined in the theoretical section of the study. The employee and customer satisfaction has been measured in the implementation section of the survey, which comprises a customer satisfaction survey conducted in the scope of a performance appraisal system on the employees of an airport management. Furthermore, the survey also comprises the satisfaction degree in respect to the employee education and the impacts to the degree of the customer satisfaction. Hence the contribution of the education process to the employee behaviour has been provided. The questionnaire articles of the study has been prepared, the responses obtained, their assortment done, passed through the statistical programs and SPSS for Windows 15.0 program has been utilised for the obtained findings. Descriptive statistical methods (e.g. frequency, average, standard deviation) has been utilised during the appraisal of the data. Results and proposals are brought forward by the matched t-test, independent sample t-test, anova, pearson and correlation used as the hypothesis tests.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 229 ( 2016 ) 104 – 114
Available online at
1877-0428 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the International Conference on Leadership, Technology, Innovation and Business Management
doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.07.119
5th International Conference on Leadership, Technology, Innovation and Business Management
Performance appraisal and a field study
Sudi Apaka , Sefer Gümüşb , Gökhan Önerc , Hande Gülnihal Gümüşd
a,b,c,d Beykent University, Istanbul, 34433, Turkey
Performance is a systematic management process. In order the process to be successful, the management ought to adopt a strong
administrative mentality. During this process, the phases of planning, appraisal and development to be actuated significantly.
Strong human resources in the managements can only be achieved through a strong performance appraisal. In today’s competitive
markets, when the performance appraisals of the managements are oriented to the marketing and the sales, the motivation of the
employees will be focused on the profit targets. Here, the most significant variables e.g. “time, amount, quality, costing, health and
security standards” shall be implemented according to the requirements of the performance management systems and organisations.
The purposes, the principles, the traditional and contemporary methods of the performance appraisal methods have been examined
in the theoretical section of the study. The employee and customer satisfaction has been measured in the implementation section of
the survey, which comprises a customer satisfaction survey conducted in the scope of a performance appraisal system on the
employees of an airport management. Furthermore, the survey also comprises the satisfaction degree in respect to the employee
education and the impacts to the degree of the customer satisfaction. Hence the contribution of the education process to the
employee behaviour has been provided. The questionnaire articles of the study has been prepared, the responses obtained, their
assortment done, passed through the statistical programs and SPSS for Windows 15.0 program has been utilised for the obtained
findings. Descriptive statistical methods (e.g. frequency, average, standard deviation) has been utilised during the appraisa l of the
data. Results and proposals are brought forward by the matched t-test, independent sample t-test, anova, pearson and correlation
used as the hypothesis tests.
© 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection.
Peer-review under responsibility of the International Conference on Leadership, Technology, Innovation and Business
Keywords: Performance management, Performance appraisal, Customer relations
Corresponding author. Tel. + 90-533-436-7258
Email address:
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the International Conference on Leadership, Technology, Innovation and Business Management
Sudi Apak et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 229 ( 2016 ) 104 – 114
1. Introduction
Lately, the changing economical conditions, the high-speed acceleration of the globalisation, constantly
changing technology, self-awareness of the consumers and nonetheless the concept of quality gaining importance are
the most significant impacts, which increased and strengthen the competition in the markets. Especially, another
development causing some structural and managerial changes in the businesses are being experienced in the field of
the information technologies. It is much easier to reach the information through the information technologies and the
usage of the information enhances. Therefore, the managements have been the first affected by these developments
and nowadays the information became a major advantage of competition for the businesses. However, it is also
observed that the businesses merely reach to these information and/or use the advanced technologies is not sufficient
for this competition advantage to be continuous. Because, in order to achieve a competition advantage, it is now
understood that the production of the information to be in line with the development of the advanced technologies and
these produced information required to be processed and used by the businesses on their decision making and
implementation periods. All these developments reveal the importance of the cooperation with these competent
persons, able to use this information properly. In other words, the resources of qualified persons have been brought
into prominence and also necessitated the continuity of the education. Therefore, in order to comply with these
developments and to be successful, the businesses nowadays attach more importance to their human resources they
possess and let the implementations of education and development become one of the most significant investment
factor on their human resources.
2. Literature Review And Hypotheses
2.1. Performance Management
Performance is to fulfil a duty in a style to meet the predetermined criteria and the realisation ratio of the
objective as a requirement of the duty. On the other hand the performance management is a systematic management
tool, which consists of phases like the agreed objectives, performance standards, targets, and appraisals,
measurements, feedbacks, rewarding in order to achieve more efficient results from the organisations, teams and
individuals by motivating the individuals to be aware of their own potentials. (Kırbaş, 2010). The growth of the
corporations and the continuity of their entity depend on the management skills, which shall provide the continuous
development of the employee performance (Baltaş, 2002). The concepts of a duty being fulfilled by the employees or
not and the idea requiring the determination of the work-efficiency and the performance and the performance
management are gaining major importance nowadays. The employee performance is a human resources management
process oriented to determine the performance degree of the employee, how good the expected duties have been
performed. In other words, the performance management means to manage the performance of an organisation or an
employee. (Court of Accounts, 2002). Performance management is an approach of a systematic management, which
provides more efficient results from the employee potentials by motivating them to reveal these potentials. ğüt,
106 Sudi Apak et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 229 ( 2016 ) 104 – 114
Akgemici and Demirsel, 2004). Therefore, the data obtained from the performance management system, which forms a
part of the human resources management system are being used as a strategic tool with the intention of the
achievement of competition superiority and continuous development of the organisations. (Waldman, 1997). An
employee of every level will take place in the organisation in order to fulfil a certain activity and the employee is
executing this activity for the organisation with the help of his/her physical and mental abilities, knowledge and
personality. (Erdoğan, 1991). The most common performance scale is the time, amount, quality, costing and material,
health and security standards. (Clayton, 2000). The organisations prepare and implement their performance
management systems in accordance with their requirements and the specifications of their organisation.
2.2. Performance Planning
It is the most significant and the first step of the performance management. The objective is the aims expected
to be realised by the employee and the organisation within a certain period of time. (Kırbaş, 2010). The first phase of
the performance management system should be the targeting and planning; accordingly, it is mandatory that the
relevant duty/work analysis and descriptions had to be completed. (Işığıçok, 2007). In order the employees to be able
to understand their responsibilities and the expectation of the management from them, the manager has to explain the
context of every work to the employee in details. (Grote, 2002).
2.3. Performance Appraisal
The interest aimed at the formation of the performance management systems in the organisations has started
to be adopted within the last 30 years especially upon the implementation of the human resources, however the request
and the process of the employee appraisal has been going on since many centuries. (Camgöz and Alperten, 2006).
Performance appraisal is a process comprising the feedback of any appraisal result determining the performance of the
employee at work and the establishing a development plan ideal for the employee. (Kaynak and Bülbül, 2008).
2.4. Purposes of the Performance Appraisal
The information obtained as a result of performance appraisal are materialised at the organisations through
establishment of systems such as strategic planning, wage increases, promotion decisions, job enrichment,
determination of education requirements, selecting of reliable personnel and similar purposes. (Erdil, Alpkan and
Biber, 2004). Despite the fact that it is not specified by the organisations openly, another purpose of the performance
appraisal is to reduce “the favouritism” and to project an image of an objective and unbiased management to the
employees. (Dilsiz, 2006). In general the organisations are using the performance appraisal for three purposes:
Managerial Purposes, Development Oriented Purposes and Educational Purposes.
Sudi Apak et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 229 ( 2016 ) 104 – 114
3. Method of the Survey
This survey is a study conducted on the employees within the performance appraisal system of an airport
management and a questionnaire form has been issued and applied to the employees of the airport management in
order to measure the employee and customer satisfaction. The appliance and method of the survey has been conducted
under different headings. These headings respectively are: the region of the survey, population and sampling of the
survey, acquisition of the data and analysis of the data.
3.1. Population and Sampling of the Survey
The population of the survey comprises the security personnel commissioned at an airport, the airport
employees, passengers and their companions. The sampling is conducted by random sampling selection among the
passengers and their companions and the airport employees.
3.2. Acquisition of the data
As an instrument of data acquisition to be used in the survey, two forms have been issued. The first form has
been prepared for the use of the security personnel. The security personnel are asked to evaluate themselves and their
colleagues. The second form has been prepared aiming for the use of the passengers and their companions and the
airport employees and they have been asked to evaluate the security personnel. The questions on the appraisal of
satisfaction have been mutual in both forms. The Likert Scale used in the survey has been preferred due to its
simplicity. Responders to the questionnaire have been asked to give their respective opinions from the choices listed in
a scale between very favourable and very unfavourable, which is as follows:
(5) I am very satisfied
(4) I am satisfied
(3) Neither satisfied, nor not
(2) I am not satisfied
(1) I am not very satisfied
The results of the scale are distributed to a width of 5.00 1.00 = 4.00 points. The satisfaction level intervals
have been specified by this width to be divided into five. Accordingly it is evaluated as follows:
1.00 1.79 score interval = “very low”
1.80 2.59 = “low”
2.60 3.39 = “average”
108 Sudi Apak et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 229 ( 2016 ) 104 – 114
3.40 4.19 = “high”
4.20 5.00 = “very high”
3.3. Analysis of the Data
During the appraisal of the findings obtained in the survey, SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for
Windows 15.0 program has been utilised for the statistical analysis. During the appraisal of the study data, descriptive
statistical methods (e.g. Frequency, Percentage, Average, Standard Deviation) has been utilised. Matched t-test,
independent sample t-test, anova, pearson and correlation used as the hypothesis tests has been conducted for the
hypothesis tests.
3.4. Findings and Comments
Table 1. Distribution of the groups participated in the survey according their ages
of the
of the
of the
Airport Employee
Age 20
and under
Age 51
and above
According to the above table, the number of the security officers evaluated their friends, participated in the
survey are in the age range of as follows:
16 of them [2.2%] age 20 and under;
591 of them [80.8%] age 21 30;
120 of them [16.4%] age 31 40;
4 of them [0.5%] age 41 50.
The number of the customers participated in the survey are in the age range of as follows:
11 of them [9.6%] age 20 and under;
32 of them [27.8%] age 21 30;
36 of them [31.3%] age 31 40;
24 of them [20.9%] age 41 50;
Sudi Apak et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 229 ( 2016 ) 104 – 114
12 of them [10.4%] age 51 and above.
The number of the airport employees participated in the survey are in the age range of as follows:
7 of them [8.5%] age 20 and under;
27 of them [32.9%] age 21 30;
25 of them [30.5%] age 31 40;
17 of them [20.7%] age 41 50;
6 of them [7.3%] age 51 and above.
of the Friend
of the Customer
of the Airport Employee
Age 20 and under /age 21-30 / age 31 40 / age 41 50 / age 51 and above
Figure 1. The graphics for the distribution of the groups participated in the survey according their ages
Table 2. Distribution of the groups participated in the survey according their sexes
of the Friend
of the Customer
of the Airport
According to the above table, the number of the security officers evaluated their friends, participated in the
293 of them [40.1%] are female;
438 of them [59.9%] are male...
The number of the customers participated in the survey:
40 of them [34.8%] are female;
75 of them [65.2%] are male...
The number of the airport employees participated in the survey:
37 of them [45.1%] are female;
45 of them [54.9%] are male...
x Female
x Male
Figure 2. The graphics for the distribution of the groups participated in the survey according their sexes
110 Sudi Apak et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 229 ( 2016 ) 104 – 114
Table 3. Distribution of the groups participated in the survey according their educational status
of the Friend
of the Customer
of the Airport
Primary School
Gymnasium / Vocational
High School
Master /
According to the above table, the number of the security officers evaluated their friends, participated in the
634 of them [86.7%] are gymnasium/vocational school graduate;
77 of them [10.5%] are high school graduate;
19 of them [2.6%] are university graduate;
1 of them [0.1%] has master and/or doctorate degree.
The number of the customers participated in the survey:
7 of them [6.1%] are primary school graduate;
53 of them [46.1%] are gymnasium/vocational school graduate;
1 of them [0.9%] is high school graduate;
36 of them [31.3%] are university graduate;
18 of them [15.7%] have master and/or doctorate degree.
The number of the airport employees participated in the survey:
7 of them [8.5%] are primary school graduate;
33 of them [40.2%] are gymnasium/vocational school graduate;
10 of them [12.2%] are high school graduate;
32 of them [39.0%] are university graduate.
of the Friend
of the Customer
of the Airport Employee
Primary School / Gymnasium-Vocational School / High School / University / Master-Doctorate
Sudi Apak et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 229 ( 2016 ) 104 – 114
Figure 3. The graphics for the distribution of the groups participated in the survey according their educational status
Table 4. Matched group t-tests results obtained between the satisfaction scale averages of the security employee (him/herself) and (his/her) friends
His/her satisfaction on the attention and friendliness
His/her friends’ satisfaction on the attention and friendliness
His/her satisfaction on the holding time
His/her friends’ satisfaction on the holding time
His/her satisfaction on the seriousness and professionalism
His/her friends’ satisfaction on the seriousness and professionalism
His/her Satisfaction on the application of standards for all
His/her friends’ Satisfaction on the application of standards for all
His/her satisfaction on the general airport security services
His/her friends’ satisfaction on the general airport security services
As to be seen on the above table and with reference to this satisfaction scale of the airport security personnel
participated in the survey in order to determine the appraisal points of satisfaction on “the attention and friendliness”
of the security employee him/herself and his/her friends, whether there is any significant differences or not, a matched
group t-test has been conducted. As a result the following difference between the arithmetical averages has been found
statistically significant (t=3,495; p<0,05). According to the difference between the averages, the appraisal points of
satisfaction on “the attention and friendliness” of the security employee him/herself are higher than his/her friends’
appraisal points of satisfaction on “the attention and friendliness”.
With reference to this satisfaction scale of the airport security personnel participated in the survey in order to
determine the appraisal points of satisfaction on “the holding time” of the security employee him/herself and “the
holding time” of his/her friends, whether there is any significant differences or not, a matched group t-test has been
conducted. As a result the following difference between the arithmetical averages has not been found statistically
significant (t=-0,098; p>0,05).
As to be seen on the above table and with reference to this satisfaction scale of the airport security personnel
participated in the survey in order to determine the appraisal points of satisfaction on “the seriousness and
professionalism” of the security employee him/herself and his/her friends, whether there is any significant differences
or not, a matched group t-test has been conducted. As a result the following difference between the arithmetical
averages has been found statistically significant (t=6,724; p<0,05). According to the difference between the averages,
the appraisal points of satisfaction on “the seriousness and professionalism” of the security employee him/herself are
higher than his/her friends’ appraisal points of satisfaction on “the seriousness and professionalism”.
With reference to this satisfaction scale of the airport security personnel participated in the survey in order to
determine the appraisal points of satisfaction on “the application of standards for all” of the security employee
him/herself and “the application standards for all” of his/her friends, whether there is any significant differences or
112 Sudi Apak et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 229 ( 2016 ) 104 – 114
not, a matched group t-test has been conducted. As a result the following difference between the arithmetical averages
has not been found statistically significant (t=-0,368; p>0,05).
With reference to this satisfaction scale of the airport security personnel participated in the survey in order to
determine the appraisal points of satisfaction on “the general airport security services” of the security employee
him/herself and “the general airport security services” of his/her friends, whether there is any significant differences or
not, a matched group t-test has been conducted. As a result the following difference between the arithmetical averages
has not been found statistically significant (t=1,091; p>0,05).
Satisfaction on the
attention and friendliness
Satisfaction on the
holding time
Satisfaction on the
seriousness and
Satisfaction on the
application of
standards for all
Satisfaction on the
general airport security
- Him/herself - His/her friend
Figure 4. The graphics for the matched group t-tests results obtained between the satisfaction scale averages of the security employee (him/herself)
and (his/her) friends
4. Conclusion
In recent years, the changes experienced by the managements on social, economical, cultural, communal and
especially technological fields have been affecting the lives of the individual and the community on a large scale and
also enforcing the structures of these managements and their functions to comply with these changes in order to meet
the requirements of these conditions. Therefore, the managements have to try to achieve employments consisting of
workers and administrators who are eager to learn, welcome the changes, develop him/her constantly and work hard to
develop within the management continuously. Hence, they have to attach importance to the education and
development in regard of the implementation of the human resources.
The managements in general regard the educational implementations as an unprofitable costing factor and
consider that the education is not much contributory for their businesses. Essentially, in case the managements are not
directed to the education and/or still maintain the education notwithstanding the errors within the process of education,
this will cause much higher costing in the management compared with a regular and systematic education. Meanwhile
referring to the managements, the performance appraisal became to be one of the indispensible processes of the
modern human resources management and consequently the organisations.
The organisations in our country tend to direct themselves principally towards the most common and easy
one of this system. The purpose of the human resources management in general and the performance management in
private sector is to determine the objectives of the employees together, to develop their abilities to take responsibility
Sudi Apak et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 229 ( 2016 ) 104 – 114
and to resolve problems, to be the motivation tool, to establish prospective development and to form the career plans;
therefore the performance information should not to be obtained from one source, but the principle of to collect the
performance information from all environment in which the employee has been interact with should be implemented.
Due to the fact that the 360 degrees performance appraisal method is a method which gathers from more information
sources than traditional methods which reduces the errors to minimum, it shall be more rational, that this method to be
utilised by the organisations.
As a result of the survey conducted on the airport security personnel when the security personnel evaluate
themselves and their friends from the point of the customer satisfaction it is revealed that they considered the
satisfaction on “the attention and friendliness” of themselves higher than their friends’ satisfaction on “the attention
and friendliness”. Again, according to the responses given by the security personnel, who refer to their satisfaction on
“the holding time”, satisfaction on “the application of standards for all” and the satisfaction “in the general sense”, it is
revealed there have been no differences with their friends.
Referring to the appraisals of the airport security personnel on their friends and comparing the airport
employees as interior customer and the passengers and their companions as exterior customer on their satisfaction of
the security services, the airport security officer finds the satisfaction on “the attention and friendliness” of their
friends and customers higher than the satisfaction on “the attention and friendliness” of the airport employee.
The airport security officer finds the satisfaction on “the holding time” of his/her friend higher than the
satisfaction on “the holding time” of the customers and the airport employee; the satisfaction on “the holding time” of
the customers higher than the satisfaction on “the holding time” of the airport employee.
It is revealed that the airport security officer finds the satisfaction on “the seriousness and professionalism” of
his/her friend higher than the satisfaction on “the seriousness and professionalism” of the customers and the airport
employee; the satisfaction on “the seriousness and professionalism” of the customers higher than the satisfaction on
“the seriousness and professionalism” of the airport employee.
It is revealed that the airport security officer finds the satisfaction on “the application of standards for all” of
his/her friend higher than the satisfaction on “the application of standards for all” of the customers and the airport
employee; the satisfaction on “the application of standards for all” of the customers higher than the satisfaction on “the
application of standards for all” of the airport employee.
It is revealed that the airport security officer finds the satisfaction on “the general airport security services” of
his/her friend higher than the satisfaction on “the general airport security services” of the customers and the airport
114 Sudi Apak et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 229 ( 2016 ) 104 – 114
employee; the satisfaction on “the general airport security services” of the customers higher than the satisfaction on
“the general airport security services” of the airport employee.
As a result of this survey it is observed that the satisfaction degree of the airport employees is quite low. In
order to improve this situation and to bring a friendlier, more communicational, more understanding approach to the
matter, the airport employees may be subject to some educational and/or updated programs and also assist the security
personnel to earn some abilities on developing empathy and internal business studies may be conducted, thereto.
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... Evaluation is used for maturation and innovation sustainability performance (Salvador, Søberg, Jørgensen, Schmidt-Kallesøe, & Larsen, 2023;Trivellato, Martini, & Cavenago, 2021). Performance is a systematic management process (Apak, Gümüş, Öner, & Gümüş, 2016). Performance evaluation can lead the innovation process (Dereli, 2015;Şimşit, Vayvay, & Öztürk, 2014). ...
... According to Kaynak and Bülbül, performance appraisal is a process consisting of feedback from each appraisal that influences the determination of hand performance at work, and establishing an ideal development plan for the hand (Apak et al., 2016). The performance of innovation follows the innovative conditioning of the company. ...
... According to Apak, there are three purposes using performance appraisal: Managerial Purposes, Development Oriented Purposes and Educational Purposes (Apak et al., 2016). The mediating role of organizational commitment on performance appraisal of nursing showed at Sobel test, that organizational commitment is significant as mediating on performance nursing in the relationship between competence to performance appraisal of nursing, but insignificance as mediating in relationship motivation variable on performance appraisal of nursing at Jasmine room RSST Klaten. ...
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Background: Attention to open innovation is more important for future research. The impact of the globalization era in health care means that nursing staff are required to be competitive and more professional with the use of increasingly developing technology. Innovation performance is an important determinant of organizational success. Objective: The substantial for this study is analysing key factors which effect the relationship between competence, motivation to innovate the performance of nursing with organizational commitment as mediating. Method: This research adopted cross-sectional research. The total respondents in this study was 60 nurses at Jasmine Room RSST Klaten with a census. This study used a hypothesis for applying path analysis, validity reliability for questioner, Statistic-test, and also coefficient determination with correlation. Results: Path 1 show that competence (Co) and motivation (Mt) have positive significance on organizational commitment (Z). Path 2 shows that competence (Co), motivation (Mt), and organizational commitment (Z) have positive significance. Highlighting the findings, nurse behaviour in innovation is based on competence. The support of hospital organizational commitment has an impact on strengthening nurses' ability in innovation behaviour. Improving the behaviour of nursing personnel in innovating will realize public health needs, and the need for understanding in healthy behaviour. In nursing staff, both those at a young or old age who will retire, competence becomes a factor that cannot be ruled out by funds to innovate. For the motivation, it does not have much meaning for nursing personnel who are old and about to retire. Conclusion: The spotlight on findings shows the behaviour of nurses in innovation is based on competence. The support of hospital organizational commitment has the impact of strengthening the ability of nurses in innovation behaviour. Increasing the behaviour of nursing personnel in innovating will realize public health needs, and the need for understanding healthy behaviour. Keywords: Innovation performance, multicultural competence, motivation, organizational commitment.
... Moreover, performance appraisal feedback is beneficial for employees, who can discover personal strengths and weaknesses. This discovery could lead to work enhancement, development, and immersion (Apak et al., 2016). The current study posited as follows: ...
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Enhancing employee loyalty to the company is essential to maximize corporate ability and achieve respective goals, as employees are the most valuable resource. Hence, managing human resources in organizations is key to achieving contemporary business success. The current study aims to assess the impact of human resource management practices (HRM) on organizational performance with employee engagement as a potential mediator. This study was conducted on Jordanian tourism projects. A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed with 237 returned. The data were analyzed through the partial least squares (PLS) software. Resultantly, performance appraisal and employee engagement significantly and positively impacted organizational performance. Recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation, and performance appraisal also significantly and positively impacted employee engagement. Employee engagement significantly mediated the impact of performance appraisal on recruitment, selection, and compensation with organizational performance.
... Performance management affects the firm's performance on three levels, organization, team and individual level (Tseng & Levy, 2018). In contrast to the firm level, where the performance is financial results, individual's performance is evaluated based on predefined criteria how much the given employee fulfills her duties described as job specification (Apaka et al., 2016) or it may be seen as productivity (Delery and Shaw, 2001). Performance has outcome and behavioral aspects (Sonnentag & Frese, 2005 Stanciu, 2014). ...
Conference Paper
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The development of the Internet preceded significant changes in the environment that have drastically affected behaviour of individuals. In order to achieve competitive advantage in the current hyper-competitive market, the products and services are becoming increasingly customized. Marketing as a strategic function in a company has become one of the imperatives of modern business, and the development of communication technology has given marketing activities a new framework. With the evolution of social networks, a brand new concept of marketing, e-marketing, is rapidly developing. Social networks have changed the way we communicate and individuals have become active content creators on social networks. This fact used to be frightening because companies would lose control over their own communication, but today companies encourage users to actively participate in social media communication. In this new marketing concept, "influencers" have a much more significant market impact on individuals. The focus of this paper is the impact of “influencers” on consumer behaviour. The paper analyses how consumers perceive “Influencers”, and whether they affect their decisions. Therefore, the aim of the paper is to show the results of the “Influencer’s” impact on consumer behaviour and to determine their impact on consumers’ buying decisions.
... Several studies propose that managers identify the company's most important criteria because these criteria significantly affect employee performance [12][13][14][15]. As it is known that performance appraisal is inseparable from the subjective appraisal, the fairness of performance appraisal will be positively related to motivation to improve employee performance [16][17][18]. Therefore, decision-makers must use valid methods for decision-making. ...
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Companies with assessment criteria often consider only the leader's subjectivity and ignore other criteria. Limited appraisal criteria result in shortcomings in the decision-making process. This study examines the performance appraisal in a plastic manufacturing company's production floor and develops a multi-criteria decision-making model for performance appraisal by considering company criteria. We propose a qualitative approach using the analytic network process to determine the weighted criteria and sub-criteria to evaluate performance by involving all criteria. The results show that qualitative performance criteria yield higher scores for workers than the quantitative performance criteria, thereby confirming that subjectivity and qualitative criteria influence performance appraisal in the manufacturing industry. A multi-criteria decision-making model is required in performance appraisals to determine the overall measurable criteria. Moreover, this study contributes to an empirical solution for achieving an effective human resource management system.
... It is a prerequisite for many other activities of HRM such as performance feedback, employee training, and employee development (Fashoto et al., 2018). EPA is also a basis for improving employee performance and, if conducted correctly, would affect the scope and quality of employees' responsibility and responsiveness (Apak et al., 2016). The performance appraisal could be a self-control and assessment system for the employees playing a significant role in the improvement and development of the employees and their organization (Baird et al., 2020). ...
... Con los resultados obtenidos de una evaluación de desempeño, la organización puede establecer programas, tales como: planeación estratégica, compensación salarial, promociones, distribución de carga laboral, planes de formación, selección de personal y proyección de una imagen objetiva e imparcial hacia sus empleados. De esta manera es posible agrupar las motivaciones para realizar una evaluación de desempeño en razones gerenciales, desarrollo profesional y formación [4]. ...
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The purpose of the performance evaluation is to measure the degree in which an employee of an organization adjusts or complies with the desired profile. The results of this measurement allow generating recommendations to improve the performance of the functions by the employee. Moreover, the results favor the human talent management, related to professional growth, bonuses, compensations, and candidate selection. In this paper, an analysis, comparing, and characterization process of the performance evaluation methods are presented. This process was realized to take advantage of the benefices of performance evaluation and identify which methods of performance evaluation are most used in software development teams. This analysis allows us to characterize these methods and identify the factors that determine their usage, as well as the criteria that allow them to specify and differentiate their application in the software industry. A methodology is integrated into three phases to carry out the purpose of this work. Through this methodology, it was possible to conduct the characterization of performance evaluation methods for software development teams. We identified 11 conventional performance evaluation methods and 10 approaches to performance evaluation for software development teams. We included conventional methods because the particular proposals for software development teams use some of them. From this set of studies, the analysis of characterization and comparison factors was established. This characterization shows that the evaluation of technical competences takes precedence, over generic, psychological, or experience competences.
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Purpose: Airport privatisation is rapidly gaining ground, leading to a significant increase in research interest. Amid rapid airport privatisation, Indian airports offer a unique lens to study the impact of work practices on productivity and performance mediated by motivation. Theoretical Framework: The study draws upon relevant theories including high-performance work systems (HPWS) and motivation theories impacting productivity and performance. Method: This study investigates the detailed thematic analysis and self-administered surveys (Likert scale) collected from 50 professionals in 9 major Public-Private Partnership (PPP or 3Ps) airports in India on various aspects of work practices which includes work design, digitisation, and flexibility, with motivation mediating productivity and performance including effectiveness, efficiency, and quality outcomes. Their reliability and validity were analysed using Cronbach's alpha, Pearson correlation, and Mediating analysis using Process 4.2. Purposive sampling is employed in this study. Result: The study finds a positive impact of work practices on employee productivity and performance through motivation. Importantly, it reveals motivation as a key mediator, offering valuable insights for aviation professionals. The analysis confirms model accuracy by representing strong prediction and regression value alignment.
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Purpose: Airport privatisation is rapidly gaining ground, leading to a significant increase in research interest. Amid rapid airport privatisation, Indian airports offer a unique lens to study the impact of work practices on productivity and performance mediated by motivation. Theoretical Framework: The study draws upon relevant theories including high-performance work systems (HPWS) and motivation theories impacting productivity and performance. Method: This study investigates the detailed thematic analysis and self-administered surveys (Likert scale) collected from 50 professionals in 9 major Public-Private Partnership (PPP or 3Ps) airports in India on various aspects of work practices which includes work design, digitisation, and flexibility, with motivation mediating productivity and performance including effectiveness, efficiency, and quality outcomes. Their reliability and validity were analysed using Cronbach's alpha, Pearson correlation, and Mediating analysis using Process 4.2. Purposive sampling is employed in this study. Result: The study finds a positive impact of work practices on employee productivity and performance through motivation. Importantly, it reveals motivation as a key mediator, offering valuable insights for aviation professionals. The analysis confirms model accuracy by representing strong prediction and regression value alignment.
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En la actualidad, las empresas están en constantes cambios debido a la competitividad por la globalización y las empresas de Tecnologías de Información no son ajenas al mismo, por lo tanto, es importante reconocer cuales son los factores que indicen en los equipos, por la naturaleza del desarrollo de Software, es relevante resaltar que en su mayoría todo el trabajo se realiza por medio de equipos de trabajo que incluso en ocasiones no se encuentran en el mismo sitio. Así pues, el objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar la asociación que existe entre la confianza y la coordinación con el desempeño de equipos de trabajo de desarrollo de Software en el Sur de Sonora, México. El estudio fue descriptivo-correlacional con diseño cuantitativo, se aplicó un instrumento para medir los tres factores del estudio, se comprobó la consistencia interna y la validez de contenido de la encuesta para la aplicación a la población estudio. Se confirmó la relación mediante el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson con un estadístico de .674 entre la confianza-desempeño de equipos y en coordinación con .726 que indican una correlación fuerte positiva entre las variables independientes y el desempeño de equipos de trabajo, por lo tanto, se concluye que ambos factores son importantes para las empresas de desarrollo de Software.
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Introduction: Performance appraisal is a formal process to review and improve the organizational performance of employees regularly. Despite the appropriate organizational frameworks for performance appraisal, they are not apparently addressing the operational realities of health care organizations. This study thus aimed to examine the effectiveness of the current performance appraisal system of employees at Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) from the perspective of employees. Methods: The data were collected from 504 TUMS employees using researcher-developed questionnaire following the validation. It consisted of 46 questions covering such various dimensions as performance expectations, communication of performance objectives to employees, self-assessment, performance metrics, surveyors, and performance appraisal results. ANOVA, t-test, Post hoc and Tukey statistical tests were used during analysis process by SPSS 22. Results: The performance appraisal system was not found as effective as expected from the employees’ perspective and the scores for all its dimensions dropped below the average. The overall performance appraisal score was 2.71 (out of 5). There was also a significant correlation between the employees’ education and organizational job group and the score of performance appraisal (p
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Performance management is a sure top seller in the contemporary public and for-profit management systems (Lee and Kim, 2012). There is enough evidence to believe that well performing organizations excel at getting better performance out of available resource, and that they have considerably less knowing-doing gap when compared to their lagging competition. (DuFour, Eaker and DuFour, 2005). Growing ferocity of competitiveness and pressure on public resources is also ensuring that performance management standards are getting ever more rigorous to eke out more from less (Moynihan, 2008). A recent Gallup study (GI, 2013) of more than 50,000 business units across USA indicated a clear relationship between employee engagement and healthy balance sheets of organizations, though the study chose to remain short of actually ascertaining the direction of this relationship. Extensively cited researches and texts such as Moynihan (2008), Aguinis (2012) and Metzenbaum (2009) suggest that active engagement of employee with the business can be measured through: (a) An employee's perception of the performance management system through which she is evaluated, or evaluates her subordinates; along with: (b) The perception of relationship between the performance management system and reward system including promotions, awards, raises etc. If your workforce believes they are being evaluated fairly and reward system is linked with evaluation, the likelihood of their engagement with the organization increases. Add another construct of the organization-wide (depth & width) of communication of business strategy and you may well be able to measure your ability to achieve your strategic goals through an engaged workforce (Lee and Kim, 2012). Let's try to construct a logical sequence from it (Fig 1). Fairly simple, isn't it? Let's have a look at the outcomes of some of the recent research on performance management systems. Despite all the focus on performance management and seemingly simple constructs of ensuring organizational success, many US government reports indicate serious problems with capacity of different organizations in setting clear goals, producing valid information (GOA 1999, 2005) and linking employee performance and rewards (MPSB, 2007). Only 30% of US workforce is engaged in their work and active disengagement of employees is costing the US economy up to US $ 550 billion per year (GI, 2013).
The performance appraisal is a vital and integral part of managing people. Every manager, in every organization, consciously or unconsciously evaluates and makes judgements on an employee’s performance of a task. This evaluation is a key function of supervision. The performance appraisal system in an organization can vary from an internal undocumented process, to a documented management by objectives system which has been integrated with the corporate planning process, and requires comprehensive support systems.
This study conceptualizes and measures user preferences for 360-degree appraisals and group-level performance management (PM). Users are defined as either recipients of PM processes or those whose job it is to administer the process. Aspects of individual users, their work design, and current appraisal context were used to predict preferences. Two studies were conducted involving data collection in a large Canadian telecommunications conglomerate and a department of the Canadian government, respectively. Predictors explained significant amounts of variance in user preferences, especially those pertaining to group-level PM. Practical implications are suggested with regard to collecting and using user preferences. In addition, suggestions for future research are offered concerning the need to examine a broad range of users in different organizational settings and to measure actual system design features and their effectiveness.
360 Degree Performance Appraisal and Feedback: Pilot Application Sample on the Appraisal of Unit Manager's Managerial Competence in a University Medico-Social Centre
  • S M Camgöz
  • İ N Alperten
Camgöz, S. M. and Alperten, İ. N. (2006), "360 Degree Performance Appraisal and Feedback: Pilot Application Sample on the Appraisal of Unit Manager's Managerial Competence in a University Medico-Social Centre" Celal Bayar University Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences [Management & Economics Periodical], 13,2, 191-212.
Process of Employee Motivation in Organisations in the context of Strategic Human Resources Management
  • A Öğüt
  • Akgemci T Demirsel
Öğüt, A, Akgemci T. And Demirsel M. T. (2004), " Process of Employee Motivation in Organisations in the context of Strategic Human Resources Management" Selçuk University Institute of Social Sciences Periodical, 12, 277-290.
The Performance Appraisal Question and Answer Book: A Survival Guide For Managers
  • D Grote
Grote, D. (2002), The Performance Appraisal Question and Answer Book: A Survival Guide For Managers, USA -NewYork: American Management Association.
Management in Improving Your Teams Abilities
  • S Clayton
Clayton, S. (2000), "Management in Improving Your Teams Abilities" (Supervision). (Translation: Mehmet Zaman), Istanbul: Hayat Periodical.
Performance Measuring, Management and Statistical Analysis" (Econometric Periodical)
  • E Işığıçok
Işığıçok, E. (2007), "Performance Measuring, Management and Statistical Analysis" (Econometric Periodical).
Performance Appraisal Methods in the Human Resources Management": A Study of Furniture Sector in the City of Ankara
  • Y F Dilsiz
Dilsiz, Y. F. (2006), "Performance Appraisal Methods in the Human Resources Management": A Study of Furniture Sector in the City of Ankara. Unpublished Master's Thesis / Ankara: Gazi University Institute of Social Science.