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Surviving in Europe: Geopolitics of biodiversity conservation illustrated by a proxy species Viola uliginosa


Abstract and Figures

Building strategies for continental-scale conservation is challenging due to evolutionary and geopolitical problems. How do policy choices arise from this setting? In this study, we integrate ecological research with policy analysis to examine the problem field with a case study research. We use a violet species endemic to Europe, Viola uliginosa, as a proxy for a significant European Union (EU)–Russian biodiversity pattern and its conservation. The violet's core populations locate in Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia, and all populations in the EU are peripheral. The species is endangered in 12 EU member states and in decline in many places elsewhere. To analyze the choices of conservation, we gathered data on its ecology, distribution, and conservation mechanisms across Europe, putting additional emphasis on the EU enlargement and long-term site histories in Finland. We found that the survival of the species in the EU depends on the enlargement negotiations, conflicts between the EU biodiversity and agricultural policies, selection of the species to national Red Lists and the Habitats Directive, and contingent site histories depending on the conservation activities by civic actors and the member states. While the evolutionary aspect emphasizes the genetic differentiation potential of peripheral populations, the geopolitical aspect characterizes the EU as simultaneous spaces of a monotopia, borderlands, and polycentric development. We conclude that intersections between these geopolitical spaces can be used with evolutionary perspectives to identify local, European, and network-driven policy choices of conservation.
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v vv
Viola uliginosa
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 65, Viikinkaari 2A, Helsinki 00014 Finland
School of Management, University of Tampere, Tampere 33014 Finland
3LUOMUS Botany Unit, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 7, Helsinki 00014 Finland
Citation:              
Viola uliginosa
Viola uliginosa
    
      
Key words:
Viola uliginosa
Received                 
Copyright:       
   
       
     
Cricetus crice-
tusPteromys volans
  Viola uliginosa 
 
     
     
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    
 
 
      
     
       
   
     Viola uligino-
sa  
   
 
     
V. uligino-
  
    
     
     
  
    
    
  
      
       
  
  
 
     
    
 
     
      
     
         
      
 
    
 
  
   
      
       
       
      
       
Viola ulig-
       
  
 
V. uliginosa
the Model SpecIeS, data, and MethodS
Viola uliginosa     
      
      Alnus glutinosa
       
       
     Viola uliginosa 
     
      
      
      
     
 
     
   
     V. ulig-
inosa       
    
   
   
     
        
    
       
 
V. uliginosa
    
    V. uliginosa  
      
 
  
      
 
       
      
 
     
     
V. ulig-
     
  
        Viola uliginosa  
 
     
     
    
        
     
    
The distribution of Viola uliginosa and its national
conservation status across Europe
Viola uliginosa     
    
       
      
     
        
      
     
        
      
    V. uliginosa   
     
        
      
   
       
    
  
     V. uliginosa
 
   
       
       
      
     
   
     
      
      
      
     
       
   
  
       
 
V. uliginosa
Viola uliginosa     
   
      
        
   
Site histories in Finland
Viola uliginosa
       
       
 
        
      
  
       
       
       
       
     
      
    
 
       
   
   
V. uliginosa.
V. uliginosa
     
     
Viola uliginosa    
     
Viola uliginosa
  
       
  
           
    
 
  
       
V. uliginosa
      
      
V. uliginosa       
     
The shifting context of conservation due to
EU enlargement
   
   V. uliginosa 
     
    
      
      
   V. uliginosa   
   
      
  V. uliginosa   
     
      
     
  V. uliginosa    
        Viola uliginosa      
 
  
     
   
V. uligino-
 
       
   
favorable conservation status
 
    
   
    
        
V. uliginosa
 
 
     
 
  
       
        
Viola uliginosa
         
     
V. uliginosa
Reasons for the rarity and decline of
Viola uliginosa
      
   Viola uliginosa    
     
      
     
    
      
    
      
      
       
      
    
  
       
      
V. uliginosa
   
       
     
  
       
     
      
   
     
Viola uliginosa
       
 
   
    
V. uliginosa
  
     
        
      
 
      
        
      
V. uliginosa
      
    
       
  
       
     
    
V. uliginosa
    Alnus glutinosa
Conservation across changing borders
     
      
       
   
     
       
      
      
  V. uliginosa     
 
       
  
        
     
     
      
     
        
  V. uliginosa   
         
   
      
       
   
     
     
   
      
      
 
   
  
V. uliginosa
    
    
     
      
     
      
     
 
      
       
 
        
 V. uliginosa  
 
    
V. uliginosa
 
      
  
 
     
        
      
V. uliginosa
      
The evolutionary potential of peripheral populations
       
V. uliginosa       
     
       
    
     
      
     
 
     
  
       
      
     
      
V. uliginosa       
    
  
      
       
V. uliginosa
     
   
V. uliginosa
  
 
     
   
    
 
V. ulig-
inosa       
    
      
     
  V. uliginosa    
   
V. uliginosa  
        
V. uliginosa
       
   
     
     Ulmus laevis
 
    
   
 V. uliginosa  
     
     V. uliginosa
     
     
      
 
V. uliginosa
 
        
   
     
V. uliginosa
  
The geopolitical spaces of conservation
      
  V. uliginosa    
       
      
       
      
    
 
      
      
  monotopia     
      
     
   
      
     borderland  
      
        
 
 V. uliginosa    
        
    
 polycentric development 
       
      
      
  
 
    
      
     
      
      
   
     
    
     
     
     
      
       
        
     
  
      
       
Viola uliginosa
 
     
     
      
    
      
      
V. uliginosa
      
       
     
    
      
    
     
V. uliginosa
    
     
  
  
    
   
V. ulig-
inosa        
    
  
       
      
       
        
       
         
 
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       
  
 Pteromys volans 
    
 
      
        
 in  
      
     
        
   
      
      
     
       
    
     
 
        
   now
   
      
   
  
     
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 
    
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    
Viola ulig-
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     
Genista legionensis
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        
 
       
   
     
     
   
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       
     
 
    
    
 
    
  
   
    
 in
 
  
       
  
      
        
     
      
    
         
 
      
    
   
      
     
      
     
    
     
   
     
     
      
Viola uliginosa
     
     
  
      
   
      
 
         
       
    
      
    
      
        
     
     
        
 Viola uliginosa    
     
  Viola uliginosa  in
  
      
      
  
        
        
     
    
 
     
  
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       
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       
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        
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     
 
   
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   
   
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         
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    
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      
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    
  in     
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   
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     
      
         
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        
       
Viola uliginosa
     
   
     
       
     
         
Lestes sponsa
   
          
   
      
        
       
        
       
          
 
 
       
     
    Ulmus laevis
       
     
     
   
  
     
   
        
     
     
     
     
        
     
       
        
    
   
 in  
      
        
      
Scirpus georgianus
Dactylorhizo majalis-Scirpetum georgiani
       
Cricetus cricetus
    
     
      
   
... As it occupies rare eutrophic swamp forests and flooded meadows, it can be considered as an indicator species for these habitats (Kuris & Ruskule, 2006). The species also has been classified as near-threatened, vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered in many other parts of its range, primarily because of the habitat type (e.g., temporal flooding mostly at springtime), habitat loss, and human disturbance (Ranta, Jokinen, & Laaka-Lindberg, 2016). ...
... Pollination in this species has not been studied in detail, but cross-pollination occurs by several species of bees, hoverflies, and flies, as in other Viola species, in addition to self-pollination (Beattie, 1971). Even though reproduction is thought to be mostly clonal, seeds have a high germination capacity, putatively allowing rapid adaptation to changes in the habitat (Ranta et al., 2016). Local-level seed dispersal by snails and ants has been observed to occur, and long-distance dispersal can occur by floating in water currents (P. ...
... The ddRADseq library was implemented following protocols described in Peterson, Weber, Kay, Fisher, and Hoekstra (2012) and Lee et al. (2018) with the following modifications. Briefly, gDNA was digested at 37°C for 3 hr using the restriction enzymes PstI and Ranta et al. (2016) with slight modifications according to Matulevičiūté (2015) ...
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Species occupying habitats subjected to frequent natural and/or anthropogenic changes are a challenge for conservation management. We studied one such species, Viola uliginosa, an endangered perennial wetland species typically inhabiting sporadically flooded meadows alongside rivers/lakes. In order to estimate genomic diversity, population structure, and history, we sampled five sites in Finland, three in Estonia, and one each in Slovenia, Belarus, and Poland using genomic SNP data with double digest restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD-seq). We found monophyletic populations, high levels of inbreeding (mean population FSNP = 0.407–0.945), low effective population sizes (Ne = 0.8–50.9), indications of past demographic expansion, and rare long-distance dispersal. Our results are important in implementing conservation strategies for V. uliginosa, which should include founding of seed banks, ex situ cultivations, and reintroductions with individuals of proper origin, combined with continuous population monitoring and habitat management.
... Besser is a species of flowering plant belonging to the family Violaceae, the swamp violet, is native to Europe (Fig. 3) [33].The main range of distribution of this species was in the Baltic Sea region. This species is considered an endangered or even threatened with extinction in the countries of Poland, Germany, Sweden, Russia and is declining throughout its range [34]. Viola utiginosa produces cyclotides, which are cyclic polypeptides that serve as defense agents against insect pest [35]. ...
Many rare and endangered plant species possess valuable secondary metabolites with pharmacological applications. These bioactive compounds are often integral to traditional medicine systems, highlighting the cultural significance of these plants. The health benefits of many medicinal species are not fully validated by contemporary scientific research, and some may be facing extinction due to habitat loss, overharvesting or climate change. This situation highlights the urgent need for effective conservation strategies of the species and sustainable cultivation methods. Micropropagation is a valuable technique for producing large numbers of plants from a single explant, significantly aiding in the conservation and commercial cultivation of rare species. Among the various types of explants, shoot tips and nodal segments have been identified as the most effective explants for micropropagation. These explants can be induced to generate multiple shoots in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing Benzyl aminopurine (BAP). Thidiazuron (TDZ), Kinetin (KIN), or 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) are commonly used in MS medium to promote shoot and root development in both direct and indirect organogenesis processes. Rooting of the plantlets was typically achieved using MS medium either supplemented with Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) or devoid of auxins, depending on the species and the specific requirements for rooting.
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The empirical evidence in the papers in this special issue identifies pervasive and difficult cross-scale and cross-level interactions in managing the environment. The complexity of these interactions and the fact that both scholarship and management have only recently begun to address this complexity have provided the impetus for us to present one synthesis of scale and cross-scale dynamics. In doing so, we draw from multiple cases, multiple disciplines, and multiple perspectives. In this synthesis paper, and in the accompanying cases, we hypothesize that the dynamics of cross-scale and cross-level interactions are affected by the interplay between institutions at multiple levels and scales. We suggest that the advent of co-management structures and conscious boundary management that includes knowledge co-production, mediation, translation, and negotiation across scale-related boundaries may facilitate solutions to complex problems that decision makers have historically been unable to solve.
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This book analyses the Habitats Directive; one of the most prominent piece of EU environmental legislation of the past decades. Seen by some as the cornerstone of Europe’s nature conservation policy, among other measures the Directive established the so-called "Natura 2000" ecological network, which covers more than 18% of the surface of the EU. However, despite the fact the Directive was adopted over twenty years ago only 17% of the protected habitats and species in Europe are being adequately protected while 10-60 % of animal species remain under threat. In light of the limited success and the contested nature of the Habitats Directive so far this book examines the successes and failures of the Habitats Directive from a legal and political angle. The book brings together international experts to consider the application, implementation and future of the Habitats Directive in order to assess whether the Habitats Directive is resilient enough to tackle biodiversity loss in the twenty- first century. Particular emphasis is put on the legal regime attached to the Natura 2000 network and its possible impact on land development and the relationship between the Habitats Directive and other topics including liability for ecological damage and transboundary nature conservation. *********** ***************
Vegetation and ecology of wet meadows of south-eastern Slovenia were studied in this work. The soil water-level was measured and representative soil samples from specific associations were analysed. Those stands were classified into seven associations. After the comparisons with relevés of other authors, on the base of distinct group of relevés a new association was described. Associations Gentiano pneumonanthes-Molinietum litoralis Ilijanic 1968 and Junco conglomerati-Betonicetum officinalis ass. nova were classified into alliance Molinion. Associations Angelico-Cirsietum oleracei Tüxen 1937, Scirpetum sylvatici Ralski 1931, Dactylorhizae-Scirpetum georgiani Zelnik 2004, Agrostio-Juncetum conglomerati Segulja 1974 were classified into alliance Calthion and suballiance Calthenion. Association Succisello-Deschampsietum cespitosae (Horvatic 1930) Ellmauer & Mucina 1993 was classified into alliance Deschampsion.
The Finnish Red List 2010 is publicly available:
We analyze EU biodiversity policy as a way of building a coherent Europe, using the contextual conservation problems of an endangered species of violet Viola uliginosa as a proxy for scalar practices. The material consists of an extensive review of the literature on the existence, ecology and conservation of the species on both sides of the EU eastern border as well as biological field data gathered where it occurs in Finland. The case study shows that the scalar practices exercised in conservation create two geopolitical spaces over Europe through which the EU defines its geo-power over member and non-member states. The case also brings out the importance of human-non-human constellations in the geopolitics of nature emerging from field inventories, data gathering, site management and genetic analyses with separate violet populations. Altogether, the paper emphasizes the crucial role of practices and political processes in understanding the influence of scales in biodiversity policy.