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Daily stress and the benefits of mindfulness: Examining the daily and longitudinal relations between present-moment awareness and stress responses


Abstract and Figures

Theories of mindfulness claim that a state of present-moment awareness enhances self-regulation in the presence of negative emotion. However, very little research has tested this claim in relation to daily stressors. This paper examined whether present-moment awareness during daily stressful events predicted enhanced responding to a) the same day’s event, b) a stressful event on the subsequent day and c) stressful events on average, among a sample of adults (N = 143) over 20 days. We found support for these predictions, controlling for negative affect and stress-related appraisals. These novel findings extend the personality literature by showing that present-moment awareness facilitates adaptive stress-responses, independent of an individual’s affective state and the severity of threat experienced.
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Daily stress and the benefits of mindfulness: examining the
daily and longitudinal relations between present-moment
awareness and stress responses
James N Donalda
Paul W B Atkinsa
Philip D Parkera
Alison M Christieb
Richard M Ryana
aInstitute for Positive Psychology and Education, Australian Catholic University,
25A Barker Rd, Strathfield, NSW, 2135, Australia
bResearch School of Psychology, Australian National University, ACT, 0200, Australia
Corresponding author:
James N Donald
Institute for Positive Psychology and Education
Australian Catholic University
25A Barker Road, Strathfield
NSW, 2135, Australia
Theories of mindfulness claim that a state of present-moment awareness enhances self-
regulation in the presence of negative emotion. However, very little research has tested this
claim in relation to daily stressors. This paper examined whether present-moment awareness
during daily stressful events predicted enhanced responding to a) the same day’s event, b) a
stressful event on the subsequent day and c) stressful events on average, among a sample of
adults (N = 143) over 20 days. We found support for these predictions, controlling for negative
affect and stress-related appraisals. These novel findings extend the personality literature by
showing that present-moment awareness facilitates adaptive stress-responses, independent of
an individual's affective state and the severity of threat experienced.
Keywords: mindfulness; present-moment awareness; daily stress; coping; valued action;
coping self-efficacy; threat appraisal; negative affect
Daily stressors and hassles such as being stuck in traffic, losing keys or arguing with
family may seem relatively benign. But there’s evidence that these relatively minor stressors
have a more negative impact on well-being than bigger life events because of their regularity
and cumulative effects (Almeida, 2005; Chamberlin, & Zika, 1990; Serido, Almeida, &
Wethington, 2004). Oftentimes, people respond to these stressors by seeking to suppress
thinking (Gross & John, 2003), by denying them (Brown & Locker, 2009), or by distracting
themselves (Wilson et al., 2014). While these avoidant strategies often serve short term
adaptive functions (van ‘t Riet & Ruiter, 2013), when used repeatedly they undermine well-
being and behavioural effectiveness (Hayes, Luoma, Bond, Masuda, & Lillis, 2006).
Several individual-difference (e.g., personality, social support, health and
socioeconomic) and intra-individual (e.g., mood, self-efficacy and physical symptoms)
variables have been found to predict reactivity to daily stressors (Affleck, Tennen, Urrows, &
Higgins, 1994; Almeida, 2005; Chamberlin, K. & Zika, 1990; Tennen, Affleck, Armeli, &
Carney, 2000). However, very little research has examined the role of a state of present-
moment awareness (as opposed to somatic or affective states) in predicting responses to daily
stress. Being psychologically present connects an individual to the opportunities available in
any situation, and is therefore likely to broaden the range of possible responses to stress,
meaning that such responses are more adaptive (Brown & Ryan, 2003; Hayes, Luoma, Bond,
Masuda, & Lillis, 2006; Shapiro, Carlson, Astin, & Freedman, 2006).
Present-moment awareness has been defined as the “continuous monitoring of
experience with a focus on current experience rather than preoccupation with past or future
events” (Cardaciotto, Herbert, Forman, Moitra, & Farrow, 2008, p. 205). Research into the
effects of maintaining a state of present-moment awareness has increased rapidly in recent
decades, as a part of the growing research (e.g., Brown, Ryan, & Creswell, 2007) and
practical (e.g. Reb & Atkins, 2015) interest in mindfulness. Dozens of studies have reported
that present-moment awareness as a general disposition is associated with a host of
psychological benefits, such as reduced anxiety and depressive symptoms, lowered perceived
stress, increased mood and improved well-being (Brown et al., 2007; Weinstein, Brown, &
Ryan, 2009). However, much less research has explored how changes in state attention and
awareness predict enhanced responses to stress (Keng, Smoski, & Robins, 2011; Tanay &
Bernstein, 2013).
We are only aware of one study directly examining the relations of state present-
moment awareness and coping with stress (Weinstein et al., 2009, Study 3). Participants in that
study were prompted to report their momentary level of present-moment awareness three times
per day, and these assessments predicted less avoidance coping measured at the end of each
day over a seven-day period. Several other studies have examined whether state present-
moment awareness positively influences different outcome variables. For example, state
mindfulness (measured with versions of the state Mindful Attention and Awareness Scale
(MAAS); Brown & Ryan, 2003) has been found to predict greater post-conflict commitment,
respect and support of a romantic partner (Barnes, Brown, Krusemark, Campbell, & Rogge,
2007) and improved insight problem solving (Ostafin & Kassman, 2012). More recently,
Hülsheger et al., (2012; Study 2), found that state mindfulness (measured using the state
MAAS) predicted less emotional exhaustion, measured daily over 10 working days, among a
sample of professionals. Taken together, this research suggests that present-moment awareness
should enhance the effectiveness of individuals’ responses to daily stressors as they occur.
The present study examined the effects of present-moment awareness on three stress-
response variables: values-consistent responding, coping self-efficacy and avoidance coping
(following Weinstein et al., 2009). By examining three stress-response variables, we were able
to corroborate findings across outcome variables and therefore draw more robust conclusions
than would be possible by measuring a single outcome alone (Weinstein & Ryan, 2011). The
relations between present-moment awareness and each of values-consistent responding, coping
self-efficacy and avoidance coping are reviewed next.
Present-moment awareness and values-consistent responding to stress
Values-consistent behaviour is freely-chosen behaviour that is consistent with how an
individual wishes to respond within the broader context of their life and long-term goals, rather
than being unduly influenced by the short-term contingencies of the immediate environment
(Smout, Davies, Burns, & Christie, 2014). Values-consistent action predicts less psychological
distress and enhanced well-being (Ciarrochi, Fisher, & Lane, 2011; Ferssizidis et al., 2010;
Smout et al., 2014) and in the context of stressful experiences predicts greater pain tolerance
(Páez-Blarrina et al., 2008) and less defensiveness (Crocker, Niiya, & Mischkowski, 2008).
When an individual is psychologically present, they are more aware of their options as
well as their values, and are therefore more likely to respond in autonomously-motivated and
values-consistent ways (Hayes et al., 2006; Weinstein & Ryan, 2011). Several studies have
demonstrated this. For example, Brown & Ryan (2003; Study 4) found that state present-
moment attention and awareness, measured three times per day over 14 consecutive days,
predicted greater momentary autonomy, controlling for covariates such as gender and time of
day. Autonomy is defined as behaviour that is self-endorsed and volitional (Ryan & Deci,
2000) so it is indicative of values-consistent behaviour. Another study found that trait
mindfulness (measured using the trait MAAS; Brown & Ryan, 2003) predicted more
autonomously motivated behaviour (Levesque & Brown, 2007). More recently, present-
moment awareness has been found to be positively associated with values-consistent behaviour
(Smout et al., 2014; Trompetter et al., 2013).
In the context of every-day stressful events, we therefore expected that present-moment
awareness would predict more values-consistent responses to such events. Consistent with
previous research (e.g., Arch & Craske, 2006; Britton, Shahar, Szepsenwol, & Jacobs, 2012;
Hülsheger et al., 2012; Reber et al., 2012), we expected that present-centred individuals would
be less reactive to negative emotion, and that this in-turn would enable more values-consistent
responses to stressful experiences.
Present-moment awareness and coping self-efficacy
In addition, we expected that present-moment awareness would predict greater
perceived self-efficacy in coping with daily stressful events. Coping self-efficacy describes the
perceived competence the individual has for dealing with a stressor (Schwarzer & Renner,
2000) and has been consistently found to predict greater resilience and less trauma following
stressful events (Benight & Bandura, 2004; Luszczynska, Benight, & Cieslak, 2009).
Conversely, low self-efficacy in relation to challenging experiences is associated with
depression, anxiety and a loss of well-being (Karademas, 2006). Coping self-efficacy is
therefore an important measure of an individuals’ ability to effectively respond to stressful
events (Benight & Bandura, 2004).
In the context of daily stressors, we expected that higher levels of present-moment
awareness would be associated with enhanced coping self-efficacy, as increased present-
moment awareness widens the range of response options available to the person (Hayes et al.,
2006; Shapiro et al., 2006), meaning that an individual’s perception of their ability to influence
such situations should increase. Several studies provide support for this prediction. For
example, a study of post-graduate counselling students found that present-moment attention
(specifically, the ability to sustain and switch attention) predicted greater counselling self-
efficacy (Greason, & Cashwell, 2009). More recent studies of mothers and prospective mothers
found that mindfulness-based interventions resulted in significantly greater maternal self-
efficacy, relative to controls (Byrne, Hauck, Fisher, Bayes, & Schutze, 2014; Perez-Blasco,
Viguer, & Rodrigo, 2013).
Present-moment awareness and avoidance coping with stress
Finally, we expected that present-moment awareness would predict less avoidance
coping with daily stressful events. Avoidance coping has been associated with greater
psychological distress and reduced well-being across the life-cycle and across a range of
stressors (for reviews, see Duangdao & Roesch, 2008; Nicholls & Polman, 2007; Roesch et al.,
2005). As discussed, Weinstein et al (2009; Study 3) found that state present-moment
awareness predicted less avoidance (but not more approach) coping with daily stressful events,
over a seven-day period. Other studies have sought to manipulate present-moment awareness
via mindfulness interventions, and have found reductions in avoidance behaviours (Bergomi et
al., 2013), and greater willingness to be exposed to unpleasant stimuli (Arch & Craske, 2006).
These findings suggest that being in a state of present-moment awareness should be associated
with less avoidance coping with daily stressors.
Controlling for the effects of threat appraisals and negative affect
Being psychologically present is claimed to facilitate more adaptive and less defensive
responses to stressful situations, independent of how much negative emotion such situations
elicit (Brown & Ryan, 2003; Hayes et al., 2006; Weinstein & Ryan, 2011). To test this claim,
the present study controlled for the effects of two affect-related variables, threat appraisal and
daily negative affect, on stress responses. Perceptions of threat have been consistently shown
to predict more avoidant and defensive responding to stressful events (Park, Armeli, & Tennen,
2004; Sherman & Cohen, 2006; Stowell, Kiecolt-Glaser, & Glaser, 2001). When an
individuals’ self-concept is threatened, defensive and avoidant responses are a way of
protecting self-esteem (Sherman & Cohen, 2006). In addition, negative affect has been
associated with less flexible and adaptive responses to stressful events (Fresco, Williams, &
Nugent, 2006) including daily stressors (Affleck et al., 1994; Park et al., 2004). In the present
study, we therefore expected that present-moment awareness would facilitate more effective
responses to daily stressors, independent of an individual’s level of perceived threat associated
with the stressor, and the degree of general negative affect the person experiences on a given
The model we tested in the present study is displayed in Figure 1. Each of these
variables was measured at the end of each day over a 20 day period, using retrospective recall
of daily events.
Figure 1. Flow chart showing basic relationships tested in this study. Note: The solid lines with arrows
were the relationships tested for in this study. The dashed lines with arrows were the relationships we
controlled for in this study. The ‘+’ sign indicates that a positive relationship was predicted; the -‘ sign
indicates a negative relationship was predicted.
We tested the above model in three ways: a) as between-subjects effects, exploring
whether higher average present-moment awareness during daily stressful events was associated
with enhanced responses to daily stressors on average; b) as within-subjects effects, testing
whether within-subject increases in present-moment awareness were associated with enhanced
responses to daily stressful events; and c) as lagged effects, examining whether present-
moment awareness on one day predicted responses to a stressful event on a subsequent day.
Regarding between-subjects effects, our first hypothesis was that differences in present-
moment awareness during daily stressful events will predict more values-consistent
responding, less avoidance coping and greater coping self-efficacy in relation to such events,
independent of individual differences in daily negative affect and event-related stress
Within-subjects analyses enabled the examination of within-day, intra-individual
associations between present-moment awareness in relation to daily stressful events and the
three dependent variables (see Bolger & Laurenceau, 2013). This approach treats each
individual as his or her own control, by assessing whether being above one’s own average level
of present-moment awareness on any given day is associated with enhanced coping responses,
with each days’ association for each individual then averaged across days and individuals
(Bolger & Laurenceau, 2013). Our second hypothesis, in relation to these within-subjects
relationships, was that within-subjects variation in present-moment awareness during a daily
stressful event will predict more values-consistent responding, less avoidance coping and
greater coping self-efficacy in relation to that event, independent of within-subjects variation
in daily negative affect and event-related stress appraisals.
Regressing predictors lagged by a meaningful time-period (e.g., one day) upon relevant
outcome variables enables one to draw stronger inferences about the temporal relations
between variables than the cross-sectional analyses described above (Kleiber & Zeileis, 2008).
This approach has been used in the study of daily stress previously (e.g., Affleck et al., 1994;
Caspi, Bolger, & Eckenrode, 1987; DeLongis & Holtzman, 2005), but not to our knowledge in
relation to present-moment-awareness and stress-responses. In the present study, we tested
whether the effects of present-moment awareness during a stressful event ‘spilled over’ to
influence responses to a separate stressful event the following day. Consistent with the
conservation of resources model of stress (Hobfoll, 1989), we expected that greater present-
moment awareness in relation to a stressor on one day would conserve coping resources (via
less rumination and avoidance), meaning that the individual is better placed to respond to a
subsequent but proximal stressor more effectively. Consistent with previous research on daily
stress responses, we expected this effect to be relatively short-lived, predicting changes in
stress-responses on the subsequent day but not further (Affleck et al., 1994; Bolger, DeLongis,
Kessler, & Schilling, 1989; Tennen et al., 2000). Our third and final hypothesis was therefore
that an individual’s levels of present-moment awareness during a stressful event yesterday will
predict more values-consistent responding, less avoidance coping and greater response self-
efficacy in relation to a stressful event today, independent of negative affect and event-related
stress appraisals yesterday.
Participants were 143 undergraduate and post-graduate students, and university staff
(76.3 per cent female; mean age 33.7). Around 74 percent identified as Caucasian, 14 percent
as East or South Asian and 11 per cent as ‘other’. Ninety five per cent of participants held an
undergraduate diploma or degree and 37 per cent held a master’s or PhD degree.
Participants for the present study were recruited as a part of a larger, multi-purpose
study that included a randomised controlled mindfulness intervention. Students and staff at
three Australian universities were recruited via online advertising for a mindfulness course for
which they paid AUD 100 and were randomly allocated to one of three conditions (mindfulness
(n = 59), mindfulness-plus-values (n = 60), and a waitlist control condition (n = 80)) for the
separate randomised controlled study. This research was approved by the ethics committee of
first authors’ institution.
Consenting individuals in the mindfulness and mindfulness-plus-values conditions
received an AUD 100 refund for the course upon completion of 20 daily surveys described
below. Individuals in the waitlist condition (n=80) were not provided with a financial incentive
to complete the daily surveys. A total of 22 participants from the waitlist condition completed
the daily surveys (27% of the waitlist condition), while all participants in the treatment
conditions completed at least one daily survey, so were all included in this study. Those in the
treatment conditions completed the daily surveys approximately four months prior to those in
the waitlist condition.
Participants completed the 20 daily surveys in four separate weekly-bocks: five daily
surveys over the five working days in the week preceding their first mindfulness training
session; five daily surveys over the five working days in the week immediately following their
second training session (four weeks after the first set of daily surveys); five surveys over the
five working days in the week following their third and final mindfulness training session (four
weeks after the second set of daily surveys); and a final set of five surveys over five working
days, four weeks after their final mindfulness training session. Participants received each daily
survey at 4 pm and were given until 10 am the following morning to complete it. Piloting (n =
15) indicated that each daily survey took approximately 2 minutes to complete. Each daily
survey included eleven items, six of which were for the present study and are described below.
Consenting participants also completed a 10-15 minute baseline survey (linked to the AUD
100 refund for all participants), the responses to which were used to validate the single-item
measures in the present study and are described below.
As this was a daily-diary study, single-item measures were used so as to minimise the
non-response rate across the 20 daily surveys. Although common in daily-diary and experience
sampling research (Fuchs & Diamantopoulos, 2009), the use of single-item measures is a
potential limitation (Cohen, Cohen, West & Aiken, 2003). To address this, several steps were
taken. First, wherever possible, we used single-item measures that had been validated in
previous research (i.e., the measures of threat-appraisal and coping self-efficacy). Second,
where such measures did not exist, we adapted single-item measures from multi-item scales
that have displayed acceptable validity and reliability (i.e., the negative affect (Diener et al.,
2009), valued-action (Smout et al., 2014) and avoidance coping (Carver, 1989) measures).
Third, the constructs measured in this study were relatively concrete, conceptually simple and
unidimensional in nature, making them well-suited to single-item measurement (Fuchs &
Diamantopoulos, 2009). Finally, we validated the single-item measures against multi-item
versions of each construct, and assessed the internal as well as the test-retest reliability of each
single-item measure (see Supplemental Material).
For each daily survey, participants were asked to reflect on their most stressful or
challenging situation of the past day, consistent with previous studies of daily stress to have
done this (e.g., Park, Armeli, & Tennen, 2004; Todd, Tennen, Carney, Armeli, & Affleck,
2004; Weinstein, Brown, & Ryan, 2009), and respond to the following items:
Present-moment awareness. A single-item measure of was adapted from the ‘Act with
awareness’ subscale of the Five Facets of Mindfulness Questionnaire (Baer, Smith, Hopkins,
Krietemeyer, & Toney, 2006), which focuses on awareness of actions, thoughts and feelings
and has 8 items. The single item created for the present study was: Reflecting on this situation,
how aware were you of your actions, thoughts and feelings at the time?”
Threat appraisal: A single item measure of stress appraisal was taken from Hodgins et
al., (2010) and Tomaka et al. (1993), on a 1 (not at all) to 5 (extremely) Likert scale: “How
threatening was this experience for you?”
Negative affect was measured using a single item adapted from the Scale or Positive
and Negative Emotions (Diener et al., 2009), which asks individuals to rate the frequency of a
range of positive and negative emotions. The item was: “How often did you
experience negative emotions today? (e.g. Unpleasant, sad, angry, upset, bored, disappointed,
nervous)” on a 1 (very rarely or never) to 5 (very often) Likert scale.
Perceived self-efficacy: A single item measure of perceived self-efficacy was taken
from Chwalisz, Altmaier & Russell, (1992): “How confident did you feel about your ability to
deal with this situation?” Subjects rated themselves on a 1 (not at all) to 5 (extremely) Likert
Avoidance coping: Avoidance coping was measured using the item: “To what degree
did you turn to other activities to take your mind off this situation?” on a 1 (not at all) to 5
(completely) Likert scale. The item was taken from the behavioural disengagement subscale of
the Brief COPE Inventory (Carver, 1997).
Values-consistent responding. This item was adapted from the Values-Progress
subscale of the Valuing Questionnaire (Smout, Davies, Burns, & Christie, 2014): Did you
respond to the situation in a way that you would generally like to respond?” on a 1 (not at all)
to 5 (completely) Likert scale.
Statistical analyses
As discussed, relatively minor nuisances and hassles can have a larger effect on well-
being than more major life-stressors, due to their cumulative effects across time (Almeida,
2005; Chamberlin, K. & Zika, 1990; Serido, Almeida, & Wethington, 2004). We therefore
included all reports of individuals’ most stressful daily events in our analyses, even those that
were appraised as relatively unthreatening, consistent with similar approaches elsewhere (Park
et al., 2004, Todd et al., 2004, Weinstein et al., 2009).
Two sets of analyses were conducted in this paper: a) between- and within-subjects
analyses (conducted simultaneously); and b) lagged analyses. In multi-level modelling, level 1
variables include both within- and between-subjects variance and this needs to be appropriately
accounted for, otherwise effects at one level confound effects at the other (Bolger &
Laurenceau, 2013; Preacher, Zhang, & Zyphur, 2015). Multi-level power calculations, based
on the effects obtained by Weinstein et al (2009, Study 3) on avoidance coping (β = -.42),
indicated a sample size of N = 108 was required to achieve power of .90 for the within-subjects
anlayses. Brief descriptions of the approach taken for the between- and within-subjects
analyses, as well as the lagged analyses, are provided next, following methods outlined in
Preacher et al. (2015) and Bolger and Laurenceau (2013).
Between- and within-subjects analyses
The between- and within-subjects analysis used in the present study is illustrated in
Equation 1. Here, between-subjects variation in present-moment awareness, γ10 (X.j), and
within-subjects deviations from each subjects’ mean awareness score, γ10 (Xij X.j), were
regressed on the three dependent variables in this study (i.e., values-consistent action,
avoidance coping and coping self-efficacy), denoted as Yij. We controlled for day, γ20Dij
(1 to 20 days across the study period, median-centred), and ‘week’, γ30Wij (four, one-week
blocks across the study period, also median-centred), as well as experimental condition, γ04C.j,
and financial incentive, γ05F.j. Lastly, we controlled for threat appraisal and negative affect,
with between-subjects variation in these covariates denoted, respectively, as γ02(TA.j) and
γ03(NA.j), and within-subjects deviations from these individual-means denoted as γ40(TAij
TA.j) and γ50(NAij NA.j). These were the fixed effects terms. The remaining five terms were
random effects, where u0j is a random intercept term for each individual, u1j(Xij) is a term for
the random slope of present-moment awareness for each subject, u2j(TAij) is a term for the
random slope of threat appraisal for each subject, u3j(NAij) is a term for the random slope of
negative affect for each subject, and εij is a random residual component, specific to each
 
00 01 10 20 30 40 50
02 03 04 05 0 1 2 3
. . . .( ) (
. . . .
) ( )
( ) ( )
ij j ij j ij ij ij j ij j
j j j j j j ij j ij j ij ij
TA NA C F u u X u TA u NA
 
 
 
 
Lagged analyses
In order to assess lagged effects of present-moment awareness on the three dependent
variables across time, we lagged present-moment awareness by a single-day (Kleiber & Zeileis,
2008; γ10(X(i-1)j) in Equation 2). In addition, we controlled for the autoregressive effects of the
previous day’s levels of each dependent variable upon levels of the same variable today
(γ20(Y(i-1)j) in Equation 3). We also controlled for experimental condition (γ01C.j), whether or
not participants received a financial incentive (γ02F.j), both level 2 variables, and lagged threat
appraisal γ30(TA(i-1)j) and negative affect (γ40NA(i-1)j), both level 1 variables. Lastly, to control
for the fact that days were clustered within weekly blocks, we included ‘week’ as a fixed effect
control variable, γ50Wij. These were the fixed effects terms. The random effects terms were: u0j,
a random intercept term; three random slope terms for lagged present-moment awareness,
u1j(X(i-1)j), threat appraisal, u2j(TA(i-1)j), and negative affect, u3j(NA(i-1)j), and εij, a random
residual term.
   
 
 
 
     
00 10 1 20 30 40 50 01 02
1 1 1
0 1 2
1 1 1
. .
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
ij i ij j j
i j i j i j
j j j j ij
i j i j i j
u u X u TA u NA
 
 
 
 
 
The above analyses were conducted using the lmeTest (Kuznetsova, Brockhoff, &
Christensen, 2015), ‘lme4’ (Bates, Maelcher, Bolker, & Walker, 2015) and the ‘Hmisc’
packages (Harrell, et al., 2015) in R 3.2.3 (R Core Team, 2015). For these analyses, p-values
were calculated using the ‘lmerTest’ package (Kuznetsova et al., 2015) and all continuous
variables (i.e., predictors and outcomes) were standardized. Missing data were minimal in this
study, ranging from 0.59% for threat appraisal to 0.97% for coping self-efficacy.
We first tested whether there were differences in the dependent variables between those
who volunteered to participate in the study and those who received a financial incentive to do
so. We found significant differences between the two groups on coping self-efficacy (Mpaid =
3.22; Munpaid = 3.04; t = 2.75, p-value = 0.006), though not on any of the other study variables.
We therefore included ‘financial incentive’ as a covariate in subsequent analyses.
In addition, we did not find significant effects of either intervention on values-
consistent action, coping self-efficacy or avoidance coping over time, either as main effects or
as interactions with present-moment awareness. We therefore did not further analyse
experimental effects in this study, though we included ‘experimental condition’ as a covariate
in all inter- and intra-individual-difference analyses.
Consistent with our first hypothesis, higher average present-moment awareness
between individuals was associated with significantly higher values-consistent responding and
self-efficacy in relation to daily stressful events, on average (see Table 1). That is, across
stressful events, having higher levels of present moment awareness means individuals are more
likely to feel they can successfully influence such events, and their responses are more likely
to be consistent with their personally-held values. However, we did not find that higher average
present-moment awareness predicted less avoidance coping on average.
Regarding within-subjects effects (our second hypothesis), an individual being above
his or her own average level of present-moment awareness in relation to a daily stressful event
was associated with more values-consistent responding to this event and greater coping self-
efficacy (see Table 1). These effects occurred after controlling for between- and within-subjects
variation in both threat appraisal and daily negative affect, as well as other control variables.
Notably, within-subjects variation in present-moment awareness was not a statistically-
significant predictor of less avoidance coping, though this effect was close to the p = .05 level.
Table 1
Between- and within-subjects effects of present-moment awareness predicting values-consistent action, coping self-efficacy and avoidance coping
Values-consistent action
Avoidance coping
< .001
< .001
Threat appraisal (between)
Threat appraisal (within)
< .001
< .001
< .001
Negative affect (between)
< .001
< .001
< .001
Negative affect (within)
< .001
< .001
< .001
Awareness (between)
< .001
Awareness (within)
< .001
< .001
Note. * p < .05, *** p < .001. There were N = 143 individuals (level 1) and N = 2332 observations (level 2) in the above models.
Lastly, to test the possibility that there were maturation effects that occurred between
weekly blocks that may have masked or amplified within-subjects effects in the above results
(for example, due to the interventions), we calculated between-week average scores on the
predictor variables (present-moment awareness, threat appraisal and daily negative affect), and
their within-person, within-week deviations. The pattern of results from this sensitivity analysis
were consistent with the above findings and are reported in Supplemental Material.
The above pattern of results was replicated when we tested the lagged effects of present-
moment awareness upon the three dependent variables. Consistent with our third hypothesis,
we found significant effects of present-moment awareness on both values-consistent
responding and coping self-efficacy, controlling for the autoregressive effects of each
dependent variable and the lagged effects of threat appraisal and negative affect (see Table 2).
Notably, the effect sizes for present-moment awareness predicting coping self-efficacy were
similar to the within-day analyses above (.09 versus .08), while it decreased somewhat for
values-consistent action (.16 versus .06). However, present-moment awareness did not predict
reduced avoidance coping across a one-day lag (although this effect was very close to p = .05).
Also of note, neither threat appraisal nor negative affect predicted either of the three
outcomes across a one-day lag. Random effects from both the within-day and lagged analyses
are reported in the Supplemental Material. Due to issues of misspecification in the lagged
models, we took the more conservative approach of running random intercept-only (rather than
random slope and intercept) models for the lagged analyses.
Table 2
Lagged present-moment awareness predicting outcome variables, controlling for lagged threat appraisal and negative affect
Values-consistent action
Avoidance coping
Dependent variable (lagged)
< .001
Threat appraisal (lagged)
Negative affect (lagged)
Awareness (lagged)
Note.* p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001. There were N = 143 individuals (level 1) and N = 2199 observations (level 2) in the above models.
Theories of mindfulness claim that in the presence of an aversive experience such as
stress, being psychologically present broadens one’s options for responding and facilitates
more adaptive responses to such experiences, independent of how much negative affect the
person experiences (Brown et al., 2007; Hayes et al., 2006; Shapiro et al., 2006). However very
few studies have tested this proposition in the context of daily stressful experiences. There is
evidence that daily stressors, even relatively minor hassles, have a bigger impact on well-being
than acute stressors (Almeida, 2005; Serido et al., 2004), underscoring the practical value of
this line of inquiry.
We expected that present-moment awareness during a daily stressful event would be
associated with more values-consistent responding, greater coping self-efficacy and less
avoidance coping at three levels of analysis: on average, across days; within-subjects, within
the same day; and lagged across a one-day period. We expected each of these effects to be
independent of how threatening the individual appraised the event as being and how much daily
negative affect they experienced.
We found partial support for all three hypotheses. Regarding our first hypothesis, we
found that higher average present-moment awareness during daily stressful experiences was
associated with more values-consistent responding and greater self-efficacy in relation to such
experiences. Regarding our second hypothesis, we found the same pattern of results: for any
given individual, being above their own average level of present-moment awareness on any
one day was associated with more values-consistent responding and greater self-efficacy in
relation to a stressful event on that day. These findings suggest that daily stress responses are
influenced by both general levels of present-moment awareness and also by event-specific
levels of present-moment awareness on any given day. Moreover, at both the between- and
within-subjects levels, the above effects were independent of threat appraisal and daily negative
affect. This suggests that higher present-moment awareness predicts enhanced responses to
stress independent of an individuals’ affective state, consistent with the theoretical predictions
outlined above (Brown et al., 2007; Hayes et al., 2006; Shapiro et al., 2006).
To draw stronger inferences regarding the direction of these effects, we conducted
lagged analyses, which revealed a pattern of results that was consistent with those discussed
above: Present-moment awareness in relation to a stressor on one day predicted more values-
consistent and self-efficacious coping responses to a different stressor the subsequent day.
These effects were again independent of lagged threat appraisals and daily negative affect. We
expect that these effects occurred because greater present-moment awareness regarding a
stressor on one day conserves valuable coping resources which can then be used in responding
to similar, subsequent stressful events, consistent with the conservation of resources model
(Hobfoll, 1989). Of particular note, the effect of present-moment awareness on coping self-
efficacy was similar in size within-days as it was across days. This may be because coping self-
efficacy is a coping resource that is readily conserved (see Hobfoll, 1989 for discussion of self-
efficacy as a stress-response resource) meaning that it is influenced both within- and across
days to a similar degree.
Notably, we did not find within-day or lagged effects of present-moment awareness on
avoidance coping in this study (although the lagged effects were very close to the p = .05
significance level). Mindfulness research suggests that reductions in avoidance behaviours,
especially in the context of stress, may be most effectively targeted by acceptance
manipulations, and that manipulations of present-moment awareness are less efficacious in this
regard (Donald & Atkins, 2016; Levin, Hildebrandt, Lillis, & Hayes, 2012). The findings of
the present study are consistent with this. We expect that this is because acceptance directly
targets the tendency toward avoidance of present-moment expereince, which in-turn is linked
to avoidant coping behaviours, whereas enhancing present-moment awareness less directly
inhibits the avoidance of difficult or unwanted internal states (Cardaciotto et al., 2008; Hayes
et al., 2006).
The relative effects of present-moment awareness and the affective predictors (threat
appraisal negative affect) were also noteworthy in this study. Threat appraisal and daily
negative affect predicted the dependent variables in this study within but not across days. This
suggests that their effects on stress-responses are limited to the context in which they occur. In
contrast, present-moment awareness had small-but-positive effects on stress-responses across
days. This in-turn suggests that remaining psychologically present when faced with a stressor
may be a better ‘investment’ in future responses to similar stressors than seeking to dampen
appraisals of stress-related threat, such as through cognitive reappraisal, or by seeking to
control or inhibit negative emotions. This finding is consistent with the predictions of third-
wave behaviour therapies that the relationship individuals have with their stress-related
thoughts and feelings (i.e., present-moment awareness) matters more than the form or
frequency of such thoughts and feelings (i.e., appraisals and affect; Hayes et al., 2006). It is
also consistent with self-determination theory, which suggests that awareness conduces to
higher quality self-regulation and coping (Ryan, Deci & Vansteenkiste, 2016; Schultz & Ryan,
This study has a number of limitations. First, it used single-item measures of constructs.
While studies have found that single-item measures, such as those used in this study, can
perform as well as multiple-item scales on a range of constructs (Gardner, Cummins, Dunham,
& Pierce, 1998), there are limitations to their use, including in relation to reliability, convergent
validity and discriminant validity (Fuchs, & Diamantopoulos, 2009). Information regarding the
validation of the present study’s measures is in the Supplemental Material.
Second, although this study demonstrated longitudinal effects of present-moment
awareness upon stress responses, and controlled for the autoregressive effects of the dependent
variables in each model, future research could test the effects of manipulations of present-
moment awareness upon such responses, to allow stronger inferences of causality.
Notwithstanding these limitations, the present study makes a novel contribution to our
understanding of the personality factors that enhance individual responses to stressful events
as they occur in daily life. Our findings suggest that simply being psychologically present in
the face of daily stressful events enhances a person’s response to such events, but also buffers
the individual from the harmful effects of similar stressors on subsequent days, above and
beyond the effects of emotional states such as the person’s threat-related appraisals and levels
of negative affect. Given the adverse impacts of daily stress on individual well-being
(Chamberlin & Zika, 1990; Tennen et al., 2000), these findings make an important contribution
to this literature.
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... We developed a narrative empathy game, Mindful Fido, that actively engages players with 3 mindfulness techniques in the form of mini-games while encountering various types of stress factors faced in adolescence. These mini-games consist of a breathing exercise [26][27][28], an exercise to ground the player in the present moment [29][30][31], and a mindful eating exercise [32][33][34]. Each of these exercises offers a different approach to learning and practicing mindfulness, with the main goal being to encourage player engagement and interaction in an authentic context with real-life exercises. ...
... Being aware of the present moment is the core aspect of mindfulness [29]. Cardaciotto et al. introduced an assessment measurement of present-moment awareness and acceptance in 2008 [30]. ...
... Cardaciotto et al. introduced an assessment measurement of present-moment awareness and acceptance in 2008 [30]. Past studies have also reported the effectiveness of present-moment awareness in reducing perceived stress and improving well-being [29,[47][48]. Here and now is another mini-game that allows players to be aware of the present moment by focusing on physical sensations. ...
Conference Paper
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The importance of coping with stress for adolescents is well documented. Various approaches to providing stress-coping strategies have been proposed, and mindfulness has been one of the commonly introduced techniques. It has shown clinical evidence of effectiveness, and questionnaires measuring its efficiency have been developed as well. However, the majority of current methods take a conventional approach of involving verbal or text-based explanations of mindfulness practices, which suffer from a distinct lack of engagement and long-term adherence. However, there are still limited methods for introducing mindfulness to adolescents. In order to make mindfulness not only more accessible for teens but also more engaging and effective, we introduce Mindful Fido, an interactive narrative empathy game that involves players in three different mindfulness techniques, making the learning process more enjoyable and relatable to their daily experiences. In Mindful Fido, players follow the story of a teenage student who faces common stress factors of adolescence. The game is designed to keep players engaged and present mindfulness techniques as game mechanics that naturally allow players to practice mindfulness.
... For example, being in traffic can have differential effects on individuals, based on personality, social support, health and socioeconomic status. It is also dependent on individual conditions such as mood, self-efficacy and physical symptoms [20][21][22][23] A study suggests that daily stressful events enhance one's response to difficult events, it also buffers one from future harmful effects of similar stressor [24]. ...
Uncontrolled population growth has raised serious concerns among future policymakers. Although fertility rate has declined substantially over time, in developing countries the rate is still very high. Most of these countries face serious issues such as; severe poverty, malnutrition, unemployment, homelessness, financial insecurity, and medical insufficiency, leading to psychological distress. This article explores the mechanisms of psychological stress and its potential effects on human fertility. An attempt is made to differ from the existing claim that stress is anti-steroidogenic. This counter was based on earlier studies on adaptation of acute stress and overcoming stress stimuli. Which have asserted that individual adaptive abilities can alter the negative outcome of psychological stress depending on genetic, environmental, and behavioural factors. One of such adaptations comes from mitochondrial efficiency. An extensive energy demand during stress is achieved through competitive mitochondrial biogenesis. Earlier studies have noted that psychological stress triggers mitochondrial biogenesis. Thus, theoretically, mitochondrial biogenesis may also contribute in augmenting quality of sperm. In conclusion, stress induced biogenesis of mitochondria may contribute in enhancing fertility. Future studies on the degree of psychological stress and its possible retaliation through mitochondrial biogenesis, and subsequent responses to metabolic, and mechanical pathways, would open new avenues in understanding human fertility.
... As Wilber explains, "the more one goes within, the more one goes beyond, and the more one can thus embrace a deeper identity with a wider perspective" (Wilber, 1995, p. 257). Dozens of studies have shown that present moment awareness, which is focusing on current experience versus being preoccupied with past or future experiences -is associated with reduced anxiety and depressive symptoms, lowered perceived stress, increased mood, and improved well-being (Donald, et al, 2016). ...
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Policing in the United States is facing trials and tribulations like never before in its history. Its problems are highlighted in every media form, creating demands for reform, defunding, and even abolition. Police are under extreme stress and the inability to fill vacant police officer positions has become a crisis. From assassinations of police officers to police officers being arrested for unjust killings of unarmed people, the problems facing U.S. police are complex and seemingly intractable. Competing worldviews that have created the culture wars are adding to the intensity of the problem, with different factions seeing the problem through different lenses. This theoretical thesis examines the history of U.S. policing and the issues that brought U.S. policing to its current state. It then introduces the elements of Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory and AQAL Framework and applies it to U.S. policing, examining the problems and potential solutions via the five elements of the AQAL Framework (quadrants, levels, lines, states, and types). The criminal justice system, police reform, and police leadership are all examined through the Integral lens. Based on these analyses, a transformational model of policing is offered: Integral Policing. Intentions and principles of Integral Policing are proposed, to include the potential for transformation of the individual police employee, police leaders, and policing agencies. This thesis concludes with a summary of the need for Integral Policing, an acknowledgement of limitations within this thesis, as well as recommendations for future research. The author’s subjective, first-person personal reflections are included with objective, third-person content in the thesis.
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Article type: Research Article The purpose of this study was to present a structural model for predicting psychological well-being in entrance exam students, which was based on mindfulness and mediated by the cognitive regulation of emotion and the meaning of life. It was of the structural equation modeling type in terms of the fundamental intent and the method of collecting correlational data. The statistical population consisted of female students attending secondary institutions in Tehran from 2022 to 2023. These students were selected using the available sampling method, and a total of 271 subjects participated in the research. Psychological well-being scale (PWS), cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire (CERQ), meaning in life questionnaire (MLQ), and five-dimensional mindfulness questionnaire (FFMQ) are included in the research instruments. SPSS24 and AMOS24 software were employed to conduct data analysis using the Pearson correlation and structural equation methods. The results indicated a positive and significant relationship between psychological well-being, mindfulness, the meaning of life, and the cognitive regulation of emotion (P<0.01). Furthermore, the research findings indicated that the mediating role of cognitive regulation of emotion and meaning in life in the relationship between mindfulness and psychological well-being was both positive and significant (P<0.01). The results suggest that mindfulness facilitates positive re-evaluation and increases self-awareness, which contribute to the improvement of psychological well-being and the attainment of meaning in life for students who are experiencing the pressures of the entrance exam period.
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Objective To evaluate the acceptability of and engagement with an undergraduate human physiology course embedded with mindfulness practice. To assess its preliminary efficacy on student mindfulness and wellbeing. Methods Students (N = 36, 17% freshman, 33% sophomore, 22% junior, and 28% senior) answered online surveys at course completion. Primary outcomes were course ratings, assignment and assessment completion rates, minutes, types of mindfulness practice, changes in trait mindfulness (Mindful Attention Awareness Scale, MAAS), and self-reported wellbeing outcomes. We ran Chi-square goodness of fit tests and paired Wilcoxon signed-rank tests to decide if the outcomes differed significantly post-class. We tested the dose-response relation between mindfulness practice time and trait mindfulness and whether the out-of-class practice time was consistent across the weeks with generalized linear mixed-effect models. Results All participants reported finding the course enjoyable and that they would recommend it to their friends. They practiced for an average of 66 (SD = 27) min per week in the class and 112 (SD = 59) min on their own. The most common out-of-class practices were mindful movements, sitting meditation, and breathing. Per self-reports, the course increased student understanding of specific mindfulness practices and appreciation for their body. It improved wellbeing and trait mindfulness (MAAS mean within-person change = 1.2, SD = 0.8, p < 0.00001). We found no does-response relation between practice time and trait mindfulness. Conclusions This pilot study supports that incorporating mindfulness practice into college-level courses may promote student wellbeing and such approaches warrant further investigation.
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Background In this study, we re‐examined data from a previous randomized controlled trial investigating ‘technology supported mindfulness’ (TSM)—an 8‐week treatment intervention for individuals experiencing OCD. The current analysis involves an examination of the longitudinal relationships between rumination, worry and OCD symptom changes during mindfulness treatment, in comparison to a waitlist control. Methods Participants experiencing OCD ( n = 71) were randomly assigned to 8 weeks of (1) TSM or (2) waitlist control. We tested the extent to which rumination (using the Ruminative Response Scale) and worry (using the Penn State Worry Questionnaire) are associated with OCD symptom changes during the acute phase of treatment, concurrently (i.e., within the same longitudinal model). Results Generalized linear model (GLM) results indicated a significant time (week 1 vs. week 8) by condition interaction involving decreased rumination in the TSM condition: F (1, 61) = 13.37, p = 0.001, partial η ² = 0.18 and observed power = 0.94. A second GLM demonstrated decreased worry in the TSM condition: F (1, 69) = 37.34, p = 0.001, partial η ² = 0.35 and observed power = 0.83. Longitudinal ‘latent difference’ structural equation analyses demonstrated a cross‐lagged association between worry (but not rumination) and OCD symptom changes. Conclusions Individuals in the TSM condition experienced greater reductions in rumination and worry during 8 weeks of TSM treatment compared to the waitlist control, and reduced worry predicted subsequent OCD symptom reduction.
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One of the frequent questions by users of the mixed model function lmer of the lme4 package has been: How can I get p values for the F and t tests for objects returned by lmer? The lmerTest package extends the 'lmerMod' class of the lme4 package, by overloading the anova and summary functions by providing p values for tests for fixed effects. We have implemented the Satterthwaite's method for approximating degrees of freedom for the t and F tests. We have also implemented the construction of Type I - III ANOVA tables. Furthermore, one may also obtain the summary as well as the anova table using the Kenward-Roger approximation for denominator degrees of freedom (based on the KRmodcomp function from the pbkrtest package). Some other convenient mixed model analysis tools such as a step method, that performs backward elimination of nonsignificant effects - both random and fixed, calculation of population means and multiple comparison tests together with plot facilities are provided by the package as well.
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Few studies have explored whether mindfulness facilitates more adaptive coping with stress, and the evidence for this is mixed. It may be that mindfulness influences coping responses only among relatively stressed individuals, but this has not been tested. Two randomized controlled experiments (Study 1, N = 204; Study 2, N = 202) tested whether a brief mindfulness induction enhances coping among adults and whether perceived stress moderates these effects. In Study 1, we found that a mindfulness induction produced less self-reported avoidance coping but only among relatively stressed individuals. In Study 2, a mindful acceptance induction produced more approach and less avoidance coping than relaxation and self-affirmation controls, and these effects were strongest among individuals reporting high levels of perceived stress. These findings suggest that perceived stress is an important moderator of the influence of mindfulness upon coping responses.
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Social scientists are increasingly interested in multilevel hypotheses, data, and statistical models as well as moderation or interactions among predictors. The result is a focus on hypotheses and tests of multilevel moderation within and across levels of analysis. Unfortunately, existing approaches to multilevel moderation have a variety of shortcomings, including conflated effects across levels of analysis and bias due to using observed cluster averages instead of latent variables (i.e., "random intercepts") to represent higher-level constructs. To overcome these problems and elucidate the nature of multilevel moderation effects, we introduce a multilevel structural equation modeling (MSEM) logic that clarifies the nature of the problems with existing practices and remedies them with latent variable interactions. This remedy uses random coefficients and/or latent moderated structural equations (LMS) for unbiased tests of multilevel moderation. We describe our approach and provide an example using the publicly available High School and Beyond data with Mplus syntax in Appendix. Our MSEM method eliminates problems of conflated multilevel effects and reduces bias in parameter estimates while offering a coherent framework for conceptualizing and testing multilevel moderation effects. (PsycINFO Database Record
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This article modeled the relations between causal attributions, self-efficacy cognitions, and coping using data from a study of teacher burnout among 316 public school teachers. It tested a model in which self-efficacy mediates the relationship between attributions and coping against a model in which attributions and self-efficacy simultaneously affect coping.
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Don't leave me alone with my thoughts Nowadays, we enjoy any number of inexpensive and readily accessible stimuli, be they books, videos, or social media. We need never be alone, with no one to talk to and nothing to do. Wilson et al. explored the state of being alone with one's thoughts and found that it appears to be an unpleasant experience. In fact, many of the people studied, particularly the men, chose to give themselves a mild electric shock rather than be deprived of external sensory stimuli. Science , this issue p. 75
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Maximum likelihood or restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimates of the parameters in linear mixed-effects models can be determined using the lmer function in the lme4 package for R. As for most model-fitting functions in R, the model is described in an lmer call by a formula, in this case including both fixed- and random-effects terms. The formula and data together determine a numerical representation of the model from which the profiled deviance or the profiled REML criterion can be evaluated as a function of some of the model parameters. The appropriate criterion is optimized, using one of the constrained optimization functions in R, to provide the parameter estimates. We describe the structure of the model, the steps in evaluating the profiled deviance or REML criterion, and the structure of classes or types that represents such a model. Sufficient detail is included to allow specialization of these structures by users who wish to write functions to fit specialized linear mixed models, such as models incorporating pedigrees or smoothing splines, that are not easily expressible in the formula language used by lmer.
College students ( N = 173) provided daily coping reports for 7 days prior to the 1st class exam. Five days after the exam, Ss were asked to report on their exam-related coping. By combining daily and retrospective measurement procedures, the authors were able to examine the degree of correspondence between retrospective self-reports and reports made during the time the event was unfolding. A notable decrement in correspondence was observed in comparison with a condition in which the 2 measures (the Coping Strategy Indicator and the Definitional Coping Inventory) were used retrospectively to assess coping with a prior stressful event. In the best case (Problem Solving), the correlation between daily and retrospective measures was .58, indicating that Ss were only moderately accurate in their coping strategy recall. Several possible biasing mechanisms were tested to determine the extent to which they could account for the obtained results.
This study examined the predictive relationship between mindfulness and counseling self-efficacy and the potential mediating effects of attention and empathy. Master's-level counseling interns and doctoral counseling students (N = 179) were surveyed to determine levels of mindfulness, attention, empathy, and counseling self-efficacy. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients revealed significant pairwise relationships between the 4 variables of interest. A multiple-mediator path analysis supported the hypotheses that mindfulness is a significant predictor of counseling self-efficacy and that attention is a mediator of that relationship. Results suggest that mindfulness may be an important variable in the development of key counselor preparation outcomes.