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Muskeldysmorfi - en utfordring for mange unge menn


Abstract and Figures

Denne powerpoint presentasjonen er basert på min bacheloroppgave. Presentasjonen ble holdt for Antidoping Norge i forbindelse med deres fagdag i Oslo.
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en utfordring for mange unge menn
Sebastian S. Sandgren, BA
Universitetet i Stavanger
Oslo 8. September, 2016
Introduksjon - muskeldysmorfi
1993 ! 1997 ! 2000
Reverse Anorexia(Pope et al., 1993)
”Muscle dysmorphia(Pope et al., 1997)
- en form for kroppsbildeforstyrrelse der en blir
sykelig opptatt med grad av muskelmasse
2000 ! 2016
Kroppspress og kroppsidealer
Uenighet rundt klassifiseringen av tilstanden
Ingen formell diagnose per dags dato (Dos Santos
Filho et al., 2015)
Sebastian S. Sandgren
Definert gjennom tre hovedkriterier
(Pope et al., 1997; Hildebrandt et al., 2004)
Sebastian S. Sandgren
1.Lysten til å bli større
- Større og mer markerte muskler.
- Sykelig opptatthet med muskelmasse.
2. Utseende intoleranse
- Negative holdninger og tanker om egen kropp.
- Angst, stress og gjemmer kroppen sin.!
3. Funksjonell svekkelse
- Fungerer dårlig i dagliglivet.
- Skole, jobb, familie, venner og sosiale settinger blir nedprioritert til
fordel for trening.
Kjennetegn ved muskeldysmorfi
Sebastian S. Sandgren
Utløsende faktorer
Negative konsekvenser
Kosttilskudd og
Stress og angst
Figure A. 1. Psycho-behavioral model of muscle dysmorphia (Lantz et al., 2001)
Muskeldysmorfi og doping
Personer som bruker anabole androgene steroider (AAS) for å
forbedre utseende, viser signifikante tegn på muskeldysmorfi
sammenlignet med de som hevder det er for prestasjon (Murray, S.B
et al., 2016)
55% av 86 menn på treningsstudio brukte AAS og kosttilskudd
i håp om å nå sine mål om større muskelmasse (Segura-Garcia et al.,
Treningsmiljøer og forbilder
Sebastian S. Sandgren
Sykelig opptatt
Hva med norske menn som trener på
Undersøke utbredelsen av muskeldysmorfi, se på forskjeller i henhold til sub-
kategorier og BMI og undersøke forhold mellom muskeldysmorfi og timer
trening i uken blant menn på helsestudio (Sandgren, 2016)
5 helsestudioer i Stavanger regionen deltok i studien
156 menn (alder: M = 25.3, SD = 6.9 år; treningsvarighet: M = 6.9, SD =
3.5 t/uken)
Muscle Dysmorphic Disorder Inventory” (Hildebrandt et al., 2004)
Sebastian S. Sandgren
Sebastian S. Sandgren
40 av 156 (25%) hadde
muskeldysmorfi eller var i
faresonen for å utvikle
(Sandgren, 2016)
Forskjeller mellom gruppene (dysmorphic / non-dysmorphic):
BMI (WHO; kg/m2):
Sebastian S. Sandgren
(Sandgren, 2016)
(Sandgren, 2016)
Sebastian S. Sandgren
(Sandgren, 2016)
DFS = drive for size; AI = appearance intolerance; FI = functional impairment; ** = P < 0.01; * = P < 0.05.
Sebastian S. Sandgren
(Sandgren, 2016)
(Sandgren, 2016)
Utbredelsen er relativ høy i forhold til hva andre studier har
funnet og antyder et samfunnsproblem
Lysten til å bli større i muskelmasse var den faktoren som
best kunne predikere muskeldysmorfi (Robert, Munroe- Chandler, &
Gammage, 2009)
Muskeldysmorfi er mer relatert til en normalvektig BMI og
ikke en overvektig BMI (Martínez Segura et al., 2014)
Resultatene viser at jo flere timer trening, jo høyere er
symptomene på funksjonell svekkelse
Sebastian S. Sandgren
Er muskeldysmorfi blitt et
Hva vil det si å være fysisk attraktiv?
(Dawes & Mankin, 2004)
Reklame av den ”ideale” mannskroppen
Flere trener med mål om å oppnå den
”ideale” mannskroppen ! trolig flere
tilfeller av muskeldysmorfi (Choi et al., 2002)
Performance vs. Appearance
Hvordan man ser ut har lite med helsen
å gjøre
Sebastian S. Sandgren
Hovedsakelig lysten og ”drivenfor større muskler som er den sterkeste
faktoren når man undersøker muskeldysmorfi i menn
Misbruk av dopingmidler og kosttilskudd er antatt å være stort i denne
Muskeldysmorfi sammen med et generelt kroppspress er blitt et stort
samfunnsproblem med antatt høy utbredelse som trenger betraktelig mer
Muskeldysmorfi er et tema som trenger mer fokus for å utvikle flere
forebyggende tiltak, samt effektive behandlingstilbud i fremtiden
Fremdeles ingen formell diagnose i motsetning til Anorexia Nervosa
Sebastian S. Sandgren
Sandgren, S. S. (2016). Muskeldysmorfi i et norsk utvalg fysisk aktive menn som trener på helsestudio.
Bacheloroppgave, Universitetet i Stavanger.
Dos Santos Filho, C. A., Tirico, P. P., Stefano, S. C., Touyz, S. W., & Claudino, A. M. (2015). Systematic review of
the diagnostic category muscle dysmorphia. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 50(4), 322-333.
Pope, H. G., Jr, Katz, D. L., & Hudson, J. I. (1993). Anorexia nervosa and "reverse anorexia" among 108 male
bodybuilders. Comprehensive psychiatry, 34(6), 406-409.
Pope, H. G., Jr., Gruber, A. J., Choi, P., Olivardia, R., & Phillips, K. A. (1997). Muscle dysmorphia. An
underrecognized form of body dysmorphic disorder. Psychosomatics, 38(6), 548-557.
Hildebrandt, T., Langenbucher, J., & Schlundt, D. (2004). Muscularity concerns among men: development of
attitudinal and perceptual measures. Body Image, 1(2), 169-181.
In press: Murray, S.B., et al., Anabolic steroid use and body image psychopathology in men: Delineating between
appearance- versus performance-driven motivations. Drug Alcohol Depend. (2016).
Martinez Segura, A., Rizo Baeza, M. M., Sánchez Ferrer, M., Reig Garcia-Galbis, M., & Cortes Castell, E. (2014).
Relationship between anthropometric variables and muscle dysmorphia in gymnasts in the province of Alicante.
Nutrición Hospitalaria, 30(5), 1125-1129.
Segura-Garcia, C., Ammendolia, A., Procopio, L., Papaianni, M. C., Sinopoli, F., Bianco, C., . . . Capranica, L.
(2010). Body uneasiness, eating disorders, and muscle dysmorphia in individuals who overexercise. Journal of
Strength and Conditioning Research, 24(11), 3098-3104.
Lantz CD, Rhea DJ, Mayhew JL. (2001). The drive for size: a psycho-behavioral model of muscle dysmorphia.
International Sports Journal, 71–86.
Dawes, J., & Mankin, T. (2004). Muscle Dysmorphia. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 26(2), 24-25.
Choi, P. Y., Pope, H. G. Jr., & Olivardia, R. (2002). Muscle dysmorphia: a new syndrome in weightlifters. British
Journal of Sports Medicine, 36(5), 375-376; discussion 377.
Robert, C. A., Munroe-Chandler, K. J., & Gammage, K. L. (2009). The relationship between the drive for
muscularity and muscle dysmorphia in male and female weight trainers. Journal of Strength & Conditioning
Research, 23(6), 1656-1662.
Sebastian S. Sandgren
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Objective: It shows a new study that examines if the anthropometric measurements can be used to classify the muscle dysmorphia (MD), in gymnasts who attend fitness room. Methodology: Gymnasts were analyzed several weights rooms of Alicante (urban area of southeastern Spain), where the measurements were 141 males aged between 18-45 years, aiming to enhance their muscle mass. We had in mind the calculation of BMI (kg/m2), the somatotype (endomorphy, mesomorphy and ectomorphy) and have been classified potential cases of muscle dysmorphia, using the Muscle appareance satisfaction escale. Results: The sample was composed of 68 normoweight; 66 overweight and 7 obese, classified as MD in a 25.0% the normoweight, 33.3% overweight and 85.7% of the obese (p=0.004 ). On the somatotype, the only component that presents differences between non-MD and MD is mesomorphy (p=0.024). Conclusion: Muscle dysmorphia is a concept clearly difficult psychological diagnosable using anthropometric measures. Mesomorphy is the only measure that is increased in the MD, and may be a parameter to aid in the diagnosis and follow-up to the MD. In addition, the risk of developing MD is increase with the degree of obesity.
Objective: Anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) use has been robustly associated with negative body image, and eating- and muscularity-oriented psychopathology. However, with AAS being increasingly utilized for both appearance and athletic performance-related purposes, we investigated whether comorbid body image psychopathology varies as a function of motivation for usage. Method: Self-reported motivation for current and initial AAS use was recorded amongst 122 AAS using males, alongside measures of current disordered eating and muscle dysmorphia psychopathology. Results: Those reporting AAS for appearance purposes reported greater overall eating disorder psychopathology, F(2, 118)=7.45, p=0.001, ηp(2)=0.11, and muscle dysmorphia psychopathology, F(2, 118)=7.22, p<0.001, ηp(2)=0.11, than those using AAS primarily for performance purposes. Additionally, greater dietary restraint, F(2, 116)=3.61, p=0.030, ηp(2)=0.06, functional impairment, F(2, 118)=3.26, p=0.042, ηp(2)=0.05, and drive for size, F(2, 118)=10.76, p<0.001, ηp(2)=0.15, was demonstrated in those using ASS for appearance purposes. Discussion: Motivation for AAS use may be important in accounting for differential profiles of body image psychopathology amongst users. Men whose AAS use is driven primarily by appearance-related concerns may be a particularly dysfunctional subgroup.
This study aimed to investigate exercise dependence, body and eating concerns of active individuals in relation to muscle dysmorphia (MD) and eating disorders (EDs). One hundred and thirty-four active individuals (86 men, 48 women) and 20 ED women were divided into 4 groups according to their sex and the difference between their actual and desired body weight (group A: men who wanted to gain weight; group B: men who wanted to lose weight; group C: women who wanted to lose weight; group D: ED women). The Eating Disorder Inventory 2, Body Uneasiness Test, and Muscle Dysmorphia Inventory questionnaires were administered. All women desired to reduce their body weight, whereas 55% of men wanted to increase their muscle mass, also using anabolic steroids and food integrators. All groups showed a similar use of diuretics and laxatives (range 10-21%). The findings highlighted the presence of minor body image disorders in groups B and C. Conversely, body image was remarkably altered in groups D and A. Recognizing main MD traits, physical trainers should recommend further psychological counseling. Information should also be provided to gym clients regarding the health risks associated with purgative behaviors, use of steroids, and abuse of food supplements.
Muscle dysmorphia is a form of body dysmorphic disorder in which individuals have a pathological preoccupation with their muscularity and, more specifically, an extreme fear that their bodies are too small. Relatively few empirical studies have been completed on muscle dysmorphia, and even fewer studies on the relationship between the drive for muscularity and muscle dysmorphia in men and women. The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between the drive for muscularity and muscle dysmorphia in male (n = 55) and female (n = 59) recreational weight trainers. Results revealed that the behavior and diet subscales of the drive for muscularity significantly predicted muscle dysmorphia in males and females accounting for 69% and 46% of the total variance, respectively. Although the overall scores of muscle dysmorphia do not indicate clinical levels, these findings suggest that behaviors such as arranging one's schedule around his/her training regimen and dieting in order to gain muscle predict characteristics of muscle dysmorphia in men and women.
Muskeldysmorfi i et norsk utvalg fysisk aktive menn som trener på helsestudio
  • S S Sandgren
Sandgren, S. S. (2016). Muskeldysmorfi i et norsk utvalg fysisk aktive menn som trener på helsestudio.
Muscularity concerns among men: development of attitudinal and perceptual measures
  • H G Pope
  • Jr
  • A J Gruber
  • P Choi
  • R Olivardia
  • K A Phillips
  • T Hildebrandt
  • J Langenbucher
  • D Schlundt
• Pope, H. G., Jr., Gruber, A. J., Choi, P., Olivardia, R., & Phillips, K. A. (1997). Muscle dysmorphia. An underrecognized form of body dysmorphic disorder. Psychosomatics, 38(6), 548-557. • Hildebrandt, T., Langenbucher, J., & Schlundt, D. (2004). Muscularity concerns among men: development of attitudinal and perceptual measures. Body Image, 1(2), 169-181.