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Enhancing indoor positioning based on filter partitioning cascade machine learning models


Abstract and Figures

This paper proposes the method, called the Filter Partitioning Machine Learning Classifier (FPMLC). It can enhance an accuracy of indoor positioning based on fingerprinting by using machine learning algorithms and prominent access points (APs). FPMLC selects limited information of groups of the signal strength and combines a clustering task and a classification task. There are three processes in FPMLC, i.e. feature selection to choose prominent APs, clustering to determine approximated positions, and classification to determine fine positions. This work demonstrates the procedure of FPMLC creation. The results of FPMLC are compared with those of a primitive method by using real measured data. FPMLC is compared with well-known machine learning classifiers, i.e. Decision Tree, Naive Bayes, and Artificial Neural Networks. The performance comparison is done in terms of accuracy and error distance between classified positions and actual positions. The appropriate number of selected prominent APs and the number of clusters, are assigned in the clustering process. The result of this study shows that FPMLC can increase performance for indoor positioning of all classifiers. In addition, FPMLC is the most optimized model while having Decision Tree as its classifier.
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doi: 10.14456/kkuenj.2016.21
KKU ENGINEERING JOURNAL July September 2016;43(3):146-152 Research Article
KKU Engineering Journal
Enhancing indoor positioning based on filter partitioning cascade machine learning
Shutchon Premchaisawatt and Nararat Ruangchaijatupon*
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand.
Received January 2016
Accepted April 2016
This paper proposes the method, called the Filter Partitioning Machine Learning Classifier (FPMLC). It can enhance an
accuracy of indoor positioning based on fingerprinting by using machine learning algorithms and prominent access points
(APs). FPMLC selects limited information of groups of the signal strength and combines a clustering task and a classification
task. There are three processes in FPMLC, i.e. feature selection to choose prominent APs, clustering to determine approximated
positions, and classification to determine fine positions. This work demonstrates the procedure of FPMLC creation. The results
of FPMLC are compared with those of a primitive method by using real measured data. FPMLC is compared with well-known
machine learning classifiers, i.e. Decision Tree, Naive Bayes, and Artificial Neural Networks. The performance comparison
is done in terms of accuracy and error distance between classified positions and actual positions. The appropriate number of
selected prominent APs and the number of clusters, are assigned in the clustering process. The result of this study shows that
FPMLC can increase performance for indoor positioning of all classifiers. In addition, FPMLC is the most optimized model
while having Decision Tree as its classifier.
Keywords: Indoor positioning, Machine learning, Wireless device, Filter selection
1. Introduction
Nowadays, the location positioning system becomes
increasingly important as it can improve business
management or increase convenience in regular life [1]. The
Global Positioning System (GPS) technology is widely
accepted and used in positioning. However, GPS cannot
operate in indoor areas due to various causes, including
multipath and signal blockage. Many researchers attempt to
invent the new way to position in indoor areas. Several
methods, such as triangulation and pseudo GPS [1-4], are
proposed. However, none of them are acceptable for indoor
positioning in the term of accuracy and cost [1]. Among
those proposed methods, one is called the fingerprinting
technique, which is more accurate and cost-effective in a real
environment [2-3]. The fingerprinting technique collects the
received signal strength (RSS) of wireless devices in the
indoor area beforehand. Then, the machine learning model is
employed to predict the position by relying on the knowledge
obtained from the observed RSS data that was collected from
the indoor area. However, the performance of classifying
depends on training data in the training process.
Occasionally, if the collected data cannot provide enough
information to classify positions, the result of prediction is
unacceptable in terms of accuracy [4].
Practically, there are many access points (APs) in
observed locations. These APs can increase performance of
positioning by providing more RSS information. However, a
large number of APs is not always lead to high performance
positioning. In some situation, RSSs from APs can cause
miss prediction because noise data is added into the
positioning system. The approach to improve performance is
increasing information in the system. If the system can find
prominent APs that provide informative RSSs, its
performance can be increased. In addition, it will also take
less time to process.
This research proposes the method called the Filter
Partitioning Machine Learning Classifier (FPMLC). FPMLC
consists of three processes. The first process is a feature
selection that selects prominent APs from several APs. The
second and third processes are clustering and classification
processes that consist of two cascaded machine learning
models for enhancing accuracy. The first model is a
clustering model for rough position estimation, i.e. to
estimate partitioning areas. The second model is a classifying
model to classify a precise position. The performance of
FPMLC is compared with conventional methods, such as
Decision Tree, Naive Bayes, and Artificial Neural Network.
Performance comparison is done in terms of accuracy and
error distance. These parameters are widely used as the
performance indicators of positioning algorithms.
2. Related works
Several methods for indoor positioning rely on
infrastructures and sophisticated hardware. RADAR [5] is
147 KKU ENGINEERING JOURNAL July September 2016;43(3)
the positioning system by Microsoft that finds positions by
using average RSS from many APs. Place lab [6] calculates
positions by using average RSS and APs coordinate. Both
systems use measured RSS to create the radio map. The
machine learning algorithms estimate the location by using
the dataset in the radio map [7-9]. Commonly, these methods
rely on collected RSS of Wi-Fi AP’ reference points in the
interested area. The machine learning algorithms learn the
relation between RSS and position. Therefore, the machine
learning model can predict the position by relying on
knowledge which obtained from the training phase. In
traditional finger printing method, the standalone
conventional machine learning algorithm is used to predict
position [1, 2, 4]. Several experimental results provide
accuracy and error distance of different algorithms i.e., Naive
Bayes [7, 9], Decision Tree [8], and Artificial Neural
Network [11]. However, the accuracy of the aforementioned
methods is similar with limited accuracy [9]. Some
researchers try to enhance the performance of machine
learning models for the indoor positioning problem. The
example of such research is the Cascade Correlation
Networks, which combines two cascaded artificial neural
network to improve accuracy [10]. Another one is
positioning cascade artificial neural networks, which utilizes
space partitioning to increase accuracy [11]. In addition, the
fingerprinting method depends on appropriate collected data.
In [12], researchers show that appropriate RSS can affect
performance of positioning. Consequently, it is necessary to
have RSS selection method in order to obtain the finest RSS
3. Proposed method
There are many components in the proposed Filter
Partitioning Machine Learning. The detail of each
components as follows.
3.1 Filter selection
Filter [13] is the algorithm for selecting features; i.e.
selecting access points, before process with machine learning
algorithms. Filter relies on information gain theory [14],
which is used in a decision tree to measure good features for
decision making. Filter can determine the prominent access
points, which are the access points that provide useful
information for positioning. Therefore, the prominent access
points lead to correct predictions. Let D be the set of all
samples that obtained from the measurement. These samples
contain relation between RSS from all access points and each
position m from all M positions. The number of samples
measured at each position m is equal. The information gain
of each access point  can be calculated by using
equation (1).
))(log()( 12
apgain j
Let APs be the set of all access points whose RSS can be
measured and  is an access point in the set APs.
Let V be the set of non-duplicated RSS values measured
from  and is each value in the set V.
is the subset of D, in which the RSS obtained from
 equals and is the probability of a position m
obtained from the access point .
is calculated by dividing the number of samples in
subset which associated to position m by the number of
all samples in .
After information gain of all access points in the set APs
is obtained, these access points are sorted by their values of
information gain. The access points with high information
gain illustrate that they are significant to predict the correct
positions. These access points are called the prominent
access points. In brief, the information gain of the particular
AP differ from RSS of the particular AP. The information
gain of the AP is used to evaluate effect of this AP to the
answer of positioning for all positions. The AP with higher
information gain can provide more helpful information, and
hence, reduce calculation. Then, the RSS from selected APs
is used to determine the specific position. The next step is
providing data from the prominent access points to machine
3.2 Clustering model
The clustering model identifies groups of positions
divided by similar RSS in that area. This is done without the
prior knowledge about the RSS data’s characteristics. Such
models are often mentioned as unsupervised learning models
[15]. There is no external standard to evaluate clustering
model’s performance. Hence, there are no right or wrong
answers for clustering models. Their performance is
determined by their ability to merge interesting positions
together and to provide descriptions of those groupings. In
this work, the K-Means algorithm is selected for clustering
The Figure 1 shows the procedure of K-Means
clustering. The K-Means clustering [16] divides positions set
into K distinct area or clusters. Firstly, the K number of
clustering centers or the centroid points are assigned. Next,
the algorithm iteratively assigns data to clusters by the
measuring distance from the closest centroid points, and
adjusts the centroid points by comparing the distances from
each data until further refinement can no longer give the
improvement. The K-Means algorithm uses a process known
as unsupervised learning [13] to discover patterns in the set
of input data. In this work, the clustering model is used for
dividing the partitioned areas in order to approximate the
rough position of the object of which RSSs are related to the
partitioned area.
Figure 1 Flowchart of K-Means
KKU ENGINEERING JOURNAL July September 2016;43(3) 148
3.3 Classifying model
The classification is the problem of identifying to which
of a set of positions a new RSS data belongs, based on the
observed RSS data and partitioned area data whose positions
are known. The classifying model provides the values of
positions under prediction, inferred from the value of the
class positions [15]. In this work, class variables are the
positions in the specific area and the classifying model is the
tool to indicate position from the RSS data. The classifying
models such as Decision Tree, Artificial Neural Network and
Naive Bayes are performed by using WEKA [17], which is
the open source software. Their brief details are as follows.
Decision Tree (DT) is a classification algorithm which
maps observation data to conclusions about that data's target
value or output with these trees’ structures [14]. This
algorithm, data is split into two or more sets based on the
information of gain input attributes. Decision Tree has
illustrating ability; e.g. humans can understand the procedure
of decision to obtain the output. It requires less data cleaning
because it can handle with null value, and it is not influenced
by outliers. However, over fitting is one of the most practical
problems for Decision Tree.
Naive Bayes (NB) is a probabilistic classifier based on
Bayes' theorem with attribute’s independence assumed by
classifying the class as the one that maximizes the
subsequent probability [9]. The main task is estimation the
joint probability density function for each class. Naive Bayes
is less complex classifier. When attributes are independence,
Naive Bayes performs the decent performance. However, in
real world problem, it is almost impossible to find
completely independent attributes in dataset.
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a mathematic model
that is represent complex input/output relationships by using
learning method similar to a human brain [11]. There are the
input layer, hidden layer, and output layer. The hidden nodes
are in the hidden layer. The pattern of classification is learned
from the training data. The hidden nodes are adjusted to catch
that the pattern. Artificial Neural Network is slow algorithms
due to large number of hidden nodes. In this work, the multi-
layer perceptron neural network is used in the experiment.
Each of algorithms is a component of the proposed Filter
Partitioning Machine Learning Classifier. Both of clustering
algorithms (K-Means) and classification algorithms (DT,
NB, and ANN) perform their task in the process of
3.4 Filter partition machine learning classifier (FPMLC)
The purposed FPMLC method consists of the feature
selection method combined with cascading two components
of the machine learning models. The procedure is illustrated
in Figure 2. Feature selection is a method that is used to filter
informative APs. Then, RSSs of informative APs are fetched
to the cascaded model for classification. Positions are
classified by two cascading machine learning models. First,
the clustering machine learning model divides partitioned
areas by using characteristics of RSS data. The partitioned
area data can increase information in order to find the
position. After partitioned areas or cluster groups are
obtained, the classifier determines a position by utilizing the
RSS data and the partitioned area.
4. Experiment
In order to evaluate the performance of FPMLC, the
experiment is set up in the 30x10 m2-sized area with the
ceiling height of 2.8 m as illustrated in Figure 3. The distances
between measured points, i.e. mark points, are one meter grids
with 69 reference points (69 classes for classification) from
33 APs. There are 3 APs on this floor and the others are not
on this floor. The RSS data was measure by laptop computer,
LENOVO Y550/P8800, with the wireless Intel 5100 agn Wi-
Fi module. For each reference point, RSS is measured 20
times with 2-second delay. The measuring process is repeated
11 times to create 11 datasets. Hence, this created 69*20*11
= 15,180 samples for measured data.
For standalone models, all 33 APs are included in
calculation. For FPMLC, all APs are filtered. After that, top
three informative APs are selected for clustering. For
comparing with standalone models, i.e. Decision Tree,
Artificial Neural Network, and Naive Bayes, three APs that
give the strongest RSSs are used in calculation. The
experiment is done by using JAVA and the machine learning
library from weka software to determine performance before
the implementation.
In order to obtain the best performance of FPMLC, data
from all APs have to be filtered to discover prominent APs
before performing in clustering and classification process.
Filtering is done by calculating information gain from APs
and sorting order of them from low level to high level. The
number of top informative APs which provide more accuracy
whereas require a minimum number of APs, are selected for
Figure 2 Procedure of Filter Partitioning Machine Learning Classifier
149 KKU ENGINEERING JOURNAL July September 2016;43(3)
Figure 3 The experimental area
In a clustering process, the appropriate number of clusters
has to be discovered. In this work, the numbers of clusters
vary from 5 to 10. Then, information of RSSs and clusters
are sent to the classification model to figure out the position.
In the classifying process, there are three machine
learning algorithms to be employed. Before each
classification algorithm is employed, the configuration
parameters have to be tuned. In Decision Tree and Naive
Bayes, no parameter configuration is necessary. On the other
hand, Artificial Neural Network with 4 hidden layers is used.
The numbers of hidden node on each hidden layer are 67, 33,
39, and 102 respectively. It must be tuned to find the
appropriate parameters. In this experiment, the multi-layer
perceptron ANN which has hidden layers is used with the
configuration of the learning rate of 0.2, the momentum of
0.2, and the learning cycle of 500 epochs. In addition, every
algorithms are trained and test by using 10 fold cross-
validation method [18].
After each of the aforementioned classification
algorithms is integrated into FPMLC, RSS dataset is used as
the training data. Then, FPMLC with different classification
algorithms are evaluated by using testing data. Factors of
evaluation are used to evaluate the performance. The process
of the experiment is shown in Figure 4. The experiment is
repeated 10 times to obtain the average result.
Figure 4 The experimental process
Factors of evaluation are the performance indicators to
estimate whether a model is appropriate for positioning. In
this work, accuracy and error distance are used as
performance indicators.
Accuracy refers to rate of correct positioning. In this
work, percent of accuracy is calculated from results of
classification that are the identical to reference position. Thus,
percent of accuracy is calculated by using equation (2). The
number of correct positioning is NC and the number of faulty
positioning is NF.
Error distance of positioning is evaluated by measuring
the Euclidean distance between classified positions and
reference positions. A very precise positioning would be less
distributed. In this work, error distance is expressed by using
standard deviation of error positions and maximum error
In addition, performance in terms of computational
complexity is analyzed by using big-O analysis. Cost of each
algorithm is calculated by using parameters form the real
5. Experimental results
In this section, abbreviations are used. Decision Tree is
denoted by “DT”. Naive Bayes is denoted by “NB”. Artificial
Neural Network is denoted by “ANN”.
The radio map was measured from 33 APs in
experimental area. The data contains 1000 samples per
measured position. The strongest RSS is -46 dBm and the
weakest RSS is -100 dBm. The example of distribution and
of RSSs in the study area is shown in Figure 5. The filter in
FPMLC filters informative APs by ranking information gain.
The first process is discovering an appropriate number of
informative APs. The number of the highest information gain
AP is varied to obtain the best accuracy of classifying models.
Figure 6 illustrates the relation between the number of
informative APs and accuracy. We can see from Figure 6 that
5 is the minimum number of informative APs that provides
the highest accuracy. This reason leads to less computation in
the classification. Therefore, 5 APs are selected in the
Table 1 is the example of information gain of the
informative APs. This shows how to arrange APs from
information gain. This table shows information gain of the top
ten informative APs from all APs. The top five informative
APs have explicitly higher information gain than the others.
The data from informative APs is selected to cluster in the
next process.
After FPMLC obtains the appropriate number selected
APs, the number of appropriate clusters needs to be
discovered. The number of clusters is varied in the
The number of clusters obtained from the clustering phase
affects positioning accuracy. Table 2 compares percent of
accuracy obtained from various numbers of clusters when
each of the classifying algorithms is employed in FPMLC.
The best accuracy is obtained when 7 clusters are assigned.
When 8 clusters are assigned, there is a slightly decline in
accuracy. However, accuracy is drastically declined when 5,
6, and 9 clusters are assigned. Hence 7 clusters are the most
appropriate number of clusters because it provides the highest
accuracy. After that, the cluster information will be provided
to the classifier part in FPMLC.
Figure 5 Distribution of RSS in the study area
KKU ENGINEERING JOURNAL July September 2016;43(3) 150
Figure 6 The accuracy compares with the number of
informative APs sorted by information gain
Table 1 Samples of the top information gain from the data
The Order of
Information Gain
The Value of
Information Gain
Table 2 Percent of accuracy obtained from different numbers
of clusters
Accuracy [%]
Table 3 Percent accuracy of each classification algorithm,
averaged from 10 repeated experiments
Accuracy [%]
Table 4 Standard deviations and maximum error distances
Max.Error [m]
Figure 7 CDF of error distance
Table 3 shows percent of accuracy of FPMLC with
different classification algorithms. In comparison with
individual classification algorithms, FPMLC can increase
accuracy of every classification algorithm around 5 to 10
percent. When FPMLC is built with DT, the accuracy is
improved around 4.91 percent compared with the standalone
DT. In addition, FPMLC with ANN and FPMLC with NB can
increase accuracy around 6.38 percent and 10.03 percent
respectively compared with their standalone counterparts.
In terms of error distance, standard deviations (StdDev.)
and maximum error distance (Max. Error) are used to
consider the error. These values are averaged from 10
repeated experiments. From accuracy evaluation, ANN and
NB give almost similar accuracy. However, their standard
deviations and maximum error distances are significantly
different, as shown in Table 4. Furthermore, it shows that
FPMLC can reduce the standard deviations and the maximum
error distances of DT and ANN. For FPMLC-NB case, the
proposed algorithms can provide useful information that
makes learning mechanic of NB improved. However StdDev.
and Max.Error of FPMLC-NB is not much better than NB
compared with the other FPMLCs. The MAX.Errors of them
are the same. The StdDev. of FPMLC-NB is slightly
improved from NB. There is some improvement of FPMLC-
NB that is discussed in the error distance result.
Figure 7 shows the CDF of error distance. The result
shows performances which agree with accuracy and error
distance that are mentioned earlier. The algorithms with the
higher value of CDF and the smaller error distance would be
preferred because it is more possible that small error distance
will be obtained. Before FPMLC is applied, all of the
standalone algorithms show the value of CDF around 0.9
within 2 meters of error distance except ANN that shows the
value of CDF around 0.8 within 2 meters of the error distance.
In addition, CDF of ANN reports that the ANN algorithm
reaches almost 100 percent probability within 8 meters of the
error distance while the others are around 5 meters. After
FMLC is applied, FPMLCs can improve positioning
performance of their standalone counterparts. Their
probability of error distance are higher compared to those of
the standalone algorithms. All of FPMLC algorithms show
performance with 90 percent probability within 2 meters of
the error distance except that FPMLC-DT shows probability
around 93 percent. CDF of FPMLC algorithms reports that
the probability of FPMLC algorithms reaches almost 100
percent within 5 meters of the error distance. Moreover,
151 KKU ENGINEERING JOURNAL July September 2016;43(3)
FPMLC-ANN is better than standalone ANN around 2
meters. For FPMLC-NB, CDF within 2 meters error distance
is better than that of NB. It corresponds to the accuracy of
FPMLC-NB, which is improved from NB. However, the
FPMLC-NB’s probability is slightly lower than NB when the
error distance is around 2 to 5 meters.
The computation complexity of FPMLC and the other
algorithms are compared as shown in Table 5.
In offline phase, each algorithm is trained by the data. Let
N be the number of samples and F be the number of APs.
the number of APs after filtering. For K-Means, K is the
number of clusters. For ANN, I is the number of calculating
iterations and M is the number of hidden nodes. The number
of hidden nodes is calculated from the total number of hidden
nodes in architecture.
Table 5 Big-O notation and computation cost
Big-O notation
Form Table 5, in normal condition, the computational
cost of ANN is the worst because of the effect from a large
number of hidden nodes. The NB’s computational cost is
always less than that of Decision Tree. In fact, if the number
of APs are very high, the computation cost of Decision Tree
is drastically increased. Therefore, the prominent AP
selection in the proposed method helps reducing is the
number of APs, and hence, helps reducing computational
complexity. However, the complexity of proposed method
includes computation of K-Means and AP filtering. In table
5, parameters from real experiment are applied (N = 15,180,
F = 33,
= 5, K = 7, I = 500, M = 241). Since Figure 6
illustrates that 5 is the minimum number of informative APs
that provides the highest accuracy.
is 5. By reducing the
number of APs, computational cost is reduced. From Table 5,
costs of the proposed FPMLCs are lower than those of the
standalone counterparts. Even though, the computational cost
of FPMLC-NB is a little higher than that of NB, the accuracy
of FPMLC-NB is much higher as shown in Table 3.
In online phrase, the positions are predicted from the
trained algorithm. The RSS data is scanned from mobile node.
Then the sample is classified, where the position of the mobile
node should be. This computation of every algorithm is O(1).
In practical, the finger printing positioning is used in the
online phase. The energy consumption of this classified
process is very low as its big-O is O(1). The energy of the
mobile node is used for Wi-Fi scanning to collect sample data.
Then, mobile node, which obtained the positioning algorithm,
uses that sample for the position prediction.
Overall, the experiment can illustrate that FPMLCs can
improve performance for indoor positioning compared with
their standalone counterparts. The improvement comes from
the information partitioning and the prominent APs selection.
The algorithms with better information sources can provide
better positioning results.
6. Conclusion
This paper proposes the Filter Partitioning Machine
Learning Classifier algorithms for indoor location
positioning. FPMLC consists of 3 phases. The first phase is
choosing prominent AP by filtering. The second phase is the
clustering phase, which employs the K-Means algorithm in
order to obtain the appropriate number of clusters. The last
phase is the classification phase. Three difference
classification algorithms, i.e. Decision Tree, Naive Bayes,
and Artificial Neural Network, are used in the comparison.
The real data set from an experimental site is used in the
performance evaluation. The experimental results show that
FPMLC improves each individual classifier in terms of
accuracy and error distance. In addition, FPMLC shows the
best performance when Decision Tree is employed as the
Our future work is aimed to improve the algorithm and
extend the area of experiment including the multi-floor
condition. Due to multi-floor, the RSS is more fluctuated.
Hence, the algorithm will be more complex.
7. Acknowledgment
This research is financially supported by Khon Kaen
University under the Incubation Research Project.
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... The famous data mining algorithms that have the most utilization in healthcare works are Artificial Neural Networks [12], Decision Trees [13], Bayesian Networks [14], Support Vector Machines [15], Regression (Linear [16] and Logistic [17]), and K-Nearest Neighbor [18] which are the supervised models and Clustering (K-means [19] and Hierarchical [20]) and Association Rules [21] models which are unsupervised ones. In order to prevent an inessential increase in the volume of the article, it has been avoided to explain these algorithms one by one; so, the necessary information can be obtained by referring to the mentioned sources [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21]. ...
... The famous data mining algorithms that have the most utilization in healthcare works are Artificial Neural Networks [12], Decision Trees [13], Bayesian Networks [14], Support Vector Machines [15], Regression (Linear [16] and Logistic [17]), and K-Nearest Neighbor [18] which are the supervised models and Clustering (K-means [19] and Hierarchical [20]) and Association Rules [21] models which are unsupervised ones. In order to prevent an inessential increase in the volume of the article, it has been avoided to explain these algorithms one by one; so, the necessary information can be obtained by referring to the mentioned sources [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21]. ...
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Data mining is the modern way of discovering knowledge among databases that leads to statistical analysis, pattern recognition, and information prediction. Today, one of the most important applications of data mining is in the healthcare field which leads to many advances in this area in order to increase the effectiveness of treatments, reduce the risks, decrease the costs, better patient relationships, early disease diagnosis, and etc. This article attempts to provide a comprehensive overview with a new classification of services that data mining has created or facilitated in the healthcare field. It includes disease diagnosis, early detection of diseases, managing pandemic diseases, dimension reduction, health monitoring, treatment effectiveness, system biology, management of hospital resources, hospital ranking, customer relationship management, public health policy planning, fraud and abuse detection, and control data overload. Furthermore, the strengths and weaknesses of data mining in the healthcare field are discussed and future directions in this area are mentioned. Finally, it can be concluded that although data mining has abundant applications in the healthcare area, especially in the diagnosis and prediction of diseases and healthcare business, medical data mining is still young and needs more attention.
Hospital medical records with health examination findings can be integrated to assist in uncovering the link between aberrant test results and illness. It is possible to establish a disease-preventive knowledge center using these integrated data by performing associated rule mining on the results. In order to integrate data, sensitive patient information must be shared. Patients’ privacy may be violated by the disclosure of sensitive information. Thus, privacy-preserving associated rule mining in physically partitioned healthcare data is addressed in this article. The suggested technique is further evaluated in terms of data protection, transmission, and computing costs.
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We review accuracy estimation methods and compare the two most common methods: crossvalidation and bootstrap. Recent experimental results on arti cial data and theoretical results in restricted settings have shown that for selecting a good classi er from a set of classiers (model selection), ten-fold cross-validation may be better than the more expensive leaveone-out cross-validation. We report on a largescale experiment|over half a million runs of C4.5 and a Naive-Bayes algorithm|to estimate the e ects of di erent parameters on these algorithms on real-world datasets. For crossvalidation, we vary the number of folds and whether the folds are strati ed or not � for bootstrap, we vary the number of bootstrap samples. Our results indicate that for real-word datasets similar to ours, the best method to use for model selection is ten-fold strati ed cross validation, even if computation power allows using more folds. 1
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Precise positioning in indoor environments faces different challenges the outdoor ones. While indoor environments are limited in size to rooms and buildings, outdoor positioning capabilities require regional or even global coverage. Secondly, the difficulty of receiving satellite signals indoor has triggered the development of high sensitive and AGNSS receivers – with many issues remaining unsolved. Thirdly, the accuracy requirements are dissimilar between indoor and outdoor environments – typically there is a higher demand for relative accuracy indoors. This paper should be regarded as an overview of the current and near future positioning capabilities for indoor and outdoor environments. However, it does not lay claim to completeness. Focus is given on various novel position systems that achieve cm-level accuracy or better, which is a requirement for most geodetic applications. Article in English Dabartinės pozicionavimo sistemos patalpose Santrauka. Nustatant įrenginių padėtis patalpoje susiduriama su visiškai kitomis problemomis nei atvirame lauke. Pirma, kai patalpos aplinka yra ribota kambario ar pastato dydžio, pozicionavimas atvirame lauke turi būti atliekamas regioniniu ar net pasauliniu mastu. Antra, palydovų signalų priėmimo patalpoje sunkumai lėmė didesnio jautrumo bei AGNSS imtuvų kūrimą. Jų veikimo problemos dar nėra galutinai išspręstos. Trečia – patalpos vidaus bei išorės pozicionavimo tikslumo reikalavimai labai skirtingi – pavyzdžiui, patalpoje labai svarbu užtikrinti didelį santykinį pozicionavimo tikslumą. Šiame straipsnyje apžvelgiamos dabarties bei artimiausios ateities patalpų vidaus bei atviro lauko pozicionavimo galimybės. Ši apžvalga negali būti visiškai išsami. Daugiausia dėmesio straipsnyje skiriama įvairioms modernioms pozicionavimo sistemoms, galinčioms pasiekti centimetrų ar geresnį tikslumą, kuris yra būtinas daugumai geodezinių matavimų.
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Short range wireless technologies such as wireless local area network (WLAN), Bluetooth, radio frequency identification, ultrasound and Infrared Data Association can be used to supply position information in indoor environments where their infrastructure is deployed. Due to the ubiquitous presence of WLAN networks, positioning techniques in these environments are the scope of intense research. In this paper, the position determination by the use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) is explored. The single ANN multilayer feedforward structure and a novel positioning technique based on cascade-connected ANNs and space partitioning are presented. The proposed techniques are thoroughly investigated on a real WLAN network. Also, an in-depth comparison with other well-known techniques is shown. Positioning with a single ANN has shown good results. Moreover, when utilising space partitioning with the cascade-connected ANNs, the median error is further reduced for as much as 28%.
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Variable and feature selection have become the focus of much research in areas of application for which datasets with tells or hundreds of thousands of variables are available. These areas include text processing of internet documents, gene expression array analysis, and combinatorial chemistry. The objective of variable selection is three-fold: improving the prediction performance of the predictors, providing faster and more cost-effective predictors, and providing a better understanding of the underlying process that generated the data. The contributions of this special issue cover a wide range of aspects of such problems: providing a better definition of the objective function, feature construction, feature ranking, multivariate feature selection, efficient search methods, and feature validity assessment methods.
The proliferation of mobile computing devices and local-area wireless networks has fostered a growing interest in location-aware systems and services. In this paper we present RADAR, a radio-frequency (RF) based system for locating and tracking users inside buildings. RADAR operates by recording and processing signal strength information at multiple base stations positioned to provide overlapping coverage in the area of interest. It combines empirical measurements with signal propagation modeling to determine user location and thereby enable location-aware services and applications. We present experimental results that demonstrate the ability of RADAR to estimate user location with a high degree of accuracy.
The technology for building knowledge-based systems by inductive inference from examples has been demonstrated successfully in several practical applications. This paper summarizes an approach to synthesizing decision trees that has been used in a variety of systems, and it describes one such system, ID3, in detail. Results from recent studies show ways in which the methodology can be modified to deal with information that is noisy and/or incomplete. A reported shortcoming of the basic algorithm is discussed and two means of overcoming it are compared. The paper concludes with illustrations of current research directions.
In this paper, techniques and algorithms developed in the framework of Statistical Learning Theory are applied to the problem of determining the location of a wireless device by measuring the signal strength values from a set of access points (location fingerprinting). Statistical Learning Theory provides a rich theoretical basis for the development of models starting from a set of examples. Signal strength measurement is part of the normal operating mode of wireless equipment, in particular Wi–Fi, so that no special-purpose hardware is required.The proposed techniques, based on the Support Vector Machine paradigm, have been implemented and compared, on the same data set, with other approaches considered in scientific literature. Tests performed in a real-world environment show that results are comparable, with the advantage of a low algorithmic complexity in the normal operating phase. Moreover, the algorithm is particularly suitable for classification, where it outperforms the other techniques.
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Location awareness is an important capability for mobile computing. Yet inexpensive, pervasive positioning—a requirement for wide-scale adoption of location-aware computing—has been elusive. We demonstrate a radio beacon-based approach to location, called Place Lab, that can overcome the lack of ubiquity and high-cost found in existing location sensing approaches. Using Place Lab, commodity laptops, PDAs and cell phones estimate their position by listening for the cell IDs of fixed radio beacons, such as wireless access points, and referencing the beacons' positions in a cached database. We present experimental results showing that 802.11 and GSM beacons are sufficiently pervasive in the greater Seattle area to achieve 20-30 meter median accuracy with nearly 100% coverage measured by availability in people's daily lives.
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The k-means method is a widely used clustering technique that seeks to minimize the average squared distance between points in the same cluster. Although it offers no accuracy guarantees, its simplicity and speed are very appealing in practice. By augmenting k-means with a very simple, randomized seeding technique, we obtain an algorithm that is Θ(logk)-competitive with the optimal clustering. Preliminary experiments show that our augmentation improves both the speed and the accuracy of k-means, often quite dramatically.
Conference Paper
In the recent year, the position location system with ubiquitous computing has become very important, and the use of technology in the position location system has increasingly become the object of study and enterprise applications. One of the rapidly advancing technologies of position location system research is the global positioning system (GPS) but in indoor environments, the receiver may not receive the signal because the signal is subject to the building's impact. This congenital limitation renders the GPS unusable for the indoor position location system. In this paper, we will use cascade correlation network for an indoor position location system, and provide location service for user. In the first part, we will collect the RSS information of reference point to train the hybrid neural network models, and input the RSS information of track object to the model, and the model will provide the location of track object according to the RSS information. In the second part, we will calculate the performance of each neural network models and their weights were modified according to performance of each neural network. We will test the accuracy of location system again, and will use this system for patient care, smart home, and smart space.