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S Afr Optom 2013 72(2) 61-70
The South African Optometrist ISSN 0378-9411
The effect of tinted spectacle lenses on contrast
sensitivity and colour vision
M Shaik, PD Majola, LM Nkgare, NB Nene, C Singh, R Hansraja and N Rampersadb
Discipline of Optometry, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of KwaZulu Natal, Private Bag
X54001, Durban, 4000 South Africa
a<hansrajr@ukzn.ac.za> and b<rampersadn@ukzn.ac.za>
Received 21 October 2012; revised version accepted 17 June 2013
Aim: Spectacle wearers often prefer tinted
lenses to clear or non-tinted lenses for their pro-
tection against harmful radiation, improved cos-
mesis, enhancement of visual performance and ef-
fects on colour vision. Among the available tinted
lenses on the market blue, brown and grey tinted
spectacle lenses are popular with varying grades
ranging from A to D. Due to reduced transmission
of light through such lenses, the optical system
of the eyes and the environmental vision may be
temporarily altered. Colour vision (CV) and con-
trast sensitivity (CS) are important aspects of this
altered visual world. This study investigated the
effect of spectacle lenses of varying grades of tint
on CS and CV.
Method: The study adopted a pre- and post-
test research design and a sample of 90 participants
were selected from the University of KwaZulu-
Natal student population using convenience sam-
pling. Each participant was screened for pathol-
ogy, dyschromatopsia, severe dry eyes (TBUT<5
seconds), and the presence of any more than low
ametropia. Thereafter each successful participant
was tested for CS and CV with their habitual pre-
scription and then tested randomly with a white
(clear) lens (placebo) and tinted (blue, brown,
and grey) spectacle lenses made of CR39 mate-
rial each having grades A, B and C over their ha-
bitual state. Light transmission was 85%, 75%,
and 50% for grades A, B, and C respectively. The
Functional Acuity Contrast Test (FACT) chart and
American Optical Hardy, Rand, and Rittler (AO
HRR) were used for the assessment of CS and CV
Results: The data was analysed using the Sta-
tistical Package of Social Science (SPSS) version
18. Compared to the habitual state, contrast sen-
sitivity was enhanced with all the tinted lenses.
The greater enhancement was for low spatial
frequencies (LSF) and least for high spatial fre-
quencies (HSF). With all tints Grade C had the
least enhancement for very HSF. Many subjects
showed no change in CV with any of the lenses
used. The grey tint showed greater enhancement
of CV as the density increases. Blue and brown
tints showed a similar trend with grade B enhanc-
ing CV the most while grade C resulted in the
least reduction of CV.
Conclusion: Grade A, B, and C of blue, brown
and grey tinted spectacle lenses do not alter colour
vision signicantly but for the selected levels of
transmission of the tints used, contrast sensitivity
can be improved to some extent.
Key words: Contrast sensitivity, colour vision,
FACT chart, AO Hardy Rand Rittler colour test,
spatial frequency, tinted spectacle lenses
a, bMembers of Faculty
S Afr Optom 2013 72(2) 19-24 M Shaik et al - The effect of tinted spectacle lenses on contrast sensitivity and colour vision
The South African Optometrist ISSN 0378-9411
many people in South Africa are at a high risk for
ocular complications such as pingueculae, pterygia,
dry eyes, cataracts, et cetera3, 6. This results in peo-
ple using tinted lenses for proper eye care protection.
But, due to the socio-economic status of many South
Africans, they may not be able to afford photochro-
mic or transition lenses and thus may rely on more
conventional (xed) tints.
Currently there is an increase in usage of tinted
lenses in the form of sunglasses and tinted spectacle
lenses7. Besides traditional grey, green, and brown
tinted lenses other colours such as blue, violet and
yellow are used7. In this study, only the more com-
monly used tints (blue, brown and grey) were evalu-
ated. With an increase in the use of tinted lenses, vari-
ables of visual performance like contrast sensitivity,
colour vision and visual acuity should preferably not
be affected negatively7. The two components of visu-
al performance evaluated in this research study were
contrast sensitivity and colour vision.
Contrast sensitivity can be dened as “the degree
of blackness to whiteness of a target or the luminance
level of an object when compared with the luminance
of its surrounding background”8. The normal eye is
maximally sensitive to 2-5 cycles per degree (cpd)
of spatial frequency and less sensitive to frequencies
in the extremities8. The high frequencies cut-off/ex-
tremity is associated with the packing density of the
retinal photoreceptors cells therefore a ner matrix
can resolve a ner grating, while the low frequency
cut-off is due to lateral inhibition within the retinal
ganglion cells9. Contrast sensitivity can be impaired
without there being any abnormal results in tradi-
tional acuity tests, that is measured using the Snellen
chart8. Thus, testing contrast sensitivity is an impor-
tant tool for measuring functional visual changes as it
assesses the quality of a patient’s available vision8. It
is also important to note that contrast sensitivity var-
ies between individuals and also gradually declines
with age6. Furthermore, other ocular abnormalities
such as cataracts and glaucoma may also inuence
contrast sensitivity6.
Colour vision is another important aspect of vi-
sual performance. Colour vision is the “sense of sight
which provides an appreciation of the difference in
the physical composition of wavelengths of light that
excite the retina”10. Colour vision is also different for
every individual as it involves the complicated pro-
Vision is an asset to all (creation) and even though
visual impairment is not necessarily life threatening,
it can be disabling in certain daily activities. Visual
impairment due to refractive error is often compen-
sated for by a variety of ophthalmic devices but most
often with spectacle lenses. Thus, it is of utmost im-
portance to be well aware of how any ophthalmic de-
vice may inuence visual performance. Tinted spec-
tacle lenses are the most common type of ophthalmic
device aside from clear spectacle lenses. The purpose
of tinted spectacle lenses is to reduce the transmission
of light1. However, it is essential that such lenses do
not hinder a person’s visual performance.
Spectacle lens tints are prescribed by optometrists
for many reasons. According to Ramkissoon et al2 the
purpose of tints are mainly to provide protection from
exposure to high levels of ultraviolet radiation (UV)
and infrared radiation (IR), improve colour percep-
tion in colour decient individuals, decrease glare
from reective surfaces such as snow, sand, and wa-
ter, decrease illumination and thereby decrease sen-
sitivity to light, decrease light scatter in conditions
such as cataract, albinism and retinitis pigmentosa
and improve cosmesis in disgurements such as stra-
bismus and decrease asthenopia. Tints are also used
in patients with severe dry eyes (tear break up time
(TBUT) < 5 seconds) 3.
Tinting a spectacle lens reduces transmission of
light passing through the lens and striking the retina1.
The percentage of incident light that is transmitted
through the lens is called transmittance4. For a tinted
lens, the wavelength of light which the lens reduces
transmittance is actually the opponent colour of that
tinted lens1. For example, a strong yellow tint reduces
the transmittance of blue light (its opponent colour).
Thus all the different colours (or wavelengths of
light) would have different transmittance values. The
density of the tint can be varied as well to produce
different grades of the tint, which in turn have their
separate transmittance values. Furthermore, different
lenses from different companies have different trans-
mittance values for their lenses, which can be meas-
ured by using a spectrophotometer5.
In South Africa and areas with warmer climates
elsewhere, tinted lenses are of utmost importance.
Due to the climate and harmful UV and IR exposure,
S Afr Optom 2013 72(2) 19-24 M Shaik et al - The effect of tinted spectacle lenses on contrast sensitivity and colour vision
The South African Optometrist ISSN 0378-9411
S Afr Optom 2013 72(2) 19-24 M Shaik et al - The effect of tinted spectacle lenses on contrast sensitivity and colour vision
cess of perception. Colour perception in humans is
due to the presence of three different cone photore-
ceptors (that are sensitive to long, medium, and short
wavelengths of light), all of which are functioning
in the trichromatic human retina. Any deciency or
malfunctioning of these photopigments will affect a
person’s colour perception.
Many occupations such as ying an aircraft, cap-
taining a ship or some areas of engineering require
normal colour vision. Good colour vision is also im-
portant in driving, to properly see road signs and trafc
signals11. Sportsmen also require adequate colour vi-
sion and Williams et al12 have shown that tinted lenses
improve a dyslexic child’s reading performance and
ocular comfort. Many of these children were found
to have certain vision anomalies such as accommo-
dative, binocular and ocular motor dysfunctions and
tinted lenses may improve children’s reading ability
and perception, increase periods of sustained reading
time and reduce or remove visual symptoms such as
headaches, eyestrain, blurring of print, light sensitiv-
ity and watery eyes.
A study done by de Fez et al7 compared the per-
formance in contrast detection and colour discrimi-
nation tasks of a set of tinted lenses (blue, green,
brown and yellow) with that of grey lters of equal
luminance. The results showed that yellow lenses
slightly enhanced the contrast of a scene. Dain et al11
showed the effect of different sunglass tints on traf-
c signal detection and recognition for colour normal
and colour decient observers. They found that many
sunglass tints permitted for drivers and riders cause
a more measurable decrease in detecting and recog-
nising trafc signals for colour decient observers as
opposed to colour normals. Diego et al13 studied the
inuence of luminance level on visual performance
with disposable soft cosmetic tinted contact lenses
(blue, blue topaz, green, green amazon, grey, hazel,
and violet) by Bausch & Lomb (Optima Colors®).
Their results showed abnormal contrast sensitivity
function and higher error scores in colour vision test-
ing at lower luminance levels. However, there was
no statistically signicant difference in participants’
visual performances between wearing the coloured
or clear contact lenses. The change in luminance was
important, as with a decrease in luminance levels, the
pupil size enlargened to a size greater than the clear
centre of the tinted contact lens.
The purpose of this study therefore was to inves-
tigate the effect of tinted spectacle lenses and their
grades on contrast sensitivity and colour vision. The
ndings of this study could be used to raise aware-
ness among optometrists of which tints might have
the best outcome on visual performance.
Patients might choose tinted lenses for cosmetic
reasons but may not necessarily be aware of the effect
of these tints on visual performance. Thus, another
important rationale for this study is to inform optom-
etrists of the possible inuence tints could have on
the daily activities or occupations of their patients and
thereby guide them in choosing the tint with the least
adverse effects and also make them aware of any pos-
sible changes to the perception of their environment.
Study design and sample
A pre- and post-test study design was used. Ethical
clearance was obtained from the Faculty of Health
Sciences at the University of Kwazulu Natal prior
to commencement of the study (FECHSC 019/11).
Once ethical clearance was obtained a pilot study was
conducted to rene the study procedure. Informed
consent was obtained from all participants prior
to data collection. Thereafter a questionnaire was
administered and visual acuity (VA), ophthalmoscopy,
TBUT and the American Optical Hardy Rand Rittler
colour vision test were used in screening participants
to ensure that they met the inclusion criteria. In
the case of ametropes, refractive error for each
participant was compensated for with trial lenses
before either contrast sensitivity or colour vision
testing was performed. Refractive compensation was
determined according to the participant’s spectacle
prescription. All tests were performed monocularly
including the screening tests. Both the lenses and tests
(contrast sensitivity and colour vision) were presented
randomly to the participants. This method was
adopted to ensure randomisation of clinical tests and
presentation of the lenses to minimize any learning or
fatigue effects. For each test, instructions, recording,
and interpretations was standardised amongst the
researchers. A single researcher captured results for
contrast sensitivity while another conducted the test
on each participant. The same applied for colour
vision testing. No calibration was required for either
S Afr Optom 2013 72(2) 19-24 M Shaik et al - The effect of tinted spectacle lenses on contrast sensitivity and colour vision
The South African Optometrist ISSN 0378-9411
the screening or main tests. All tests were conducted
in the same environment for each participant.
The study population comprised of all students at
the University of KwaZulu Natal-Westville campus
who were registered for the academic year 2011.
Convenience sampling was employed to select ninety
participants. Participants were chosen using the
criteria outlined in Table 1.
Table 1: Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Emmetropes and low am-
etropes (0.25 to –3.00 D) Ocular pathology
Compensated VA of 6/6 or
better Colour vision defects
Trichromats Ocular or systemic medica-
Age 18-30 years Systemic diseases
Either gender Contact lens wearers
All races Severe dry eye (Schirmer’s
<10mm, TBUT<5 sec)3
All tests were conducted on one eye only includ-
ing the screening tests. Emmetropes as well as those
classied as low ametropes (myopia or hyperopia),
were included in the study. Ametropes were com-
pensated for, using the participant’s spectacle pre-
scription determined from a vertometer. The Snellen
chart, American Optical Hardy Rand Rittler test, an
ophthalmoscope and a slit lamp were the instruments
used in testing VA, colour vision, ocular pathology
and TBUT respectively.
Study procedure
The three main data gathering instruments used
in this study were the Functional Acuity Contrast
Test (FACT) chart for contrast sensitivity testing, the
American Optical Hardy Rand Rittler (AO HRR) test
for colour vision testing and a set of three tinted lens-
es of three different grades each together with a clear
The lenses used were made of CR39. The tints
used were grey, blue and brown with grades A, B and
C of each colour as well as a white (clear) lens, result-
ing in ten lenses in total. Light transmission for the
grades A, B, and C were 85%, 75%, and 50% respec-
tively. All the lenses were plano, at form with the
same thickness. The lenses were cut and tted into
lens holders for ease of use with a trial frame.
Contrast sensitivity was tested using the Functional
Acuity Contrast Test (FACT) chart. Participants were
tested monocularly, under standard room illuminaton,
with the chart placed 3 m away from the participant
and 1 m above the ground. The FACT chart has been
established by previous studies as a suitable test to
measure contrast sensitivity function14-16. A study by
Pesudovs et al15 to investigate the repeatability and
sensitivity of the FACT revealed that test-retest in-
tra-class correlation coefcients varied from 0.18 to
0.45. Bland-Altman limits of agreement across spa-
tial frequencies were between ±0.30 to ±0.75 log CS
for FACT15. These values indicate poor repeatability
of the FACT chart, however, that study was done on
post-LASIK and pre-cataract subjects in whom the
optical system may be altered. No other study was
found that investigated the repeatability of the FACT
chart on normal subjects. When performing the test,
the last correct response for each row was recorded
on the recording sheet, where the contrast sensitivity
function curve was plotted. The contrast sensitivity
values obtained were used to interpret the ndings.
Colour vision was tested using the AO HRR pseu-
doisochromatic plate test. This test was conducted
monocularly under normal room illumination (≈300
lux) with the booklet 75 cm away from the partici-
pant17. The correct responses were marked with a tick
on the recording sheet. On the rst time the test was
done, plates 1-4 were used to demonstrate how the
test works. Plates 5-10 were used for screening and
plates 11-24 were used for diagnosis. According to
the National Research Council18 in 1981 many au-
thors have compared the AO HRR test to other plates
and lanterns and it has been found that this test de-
tects at least 85 to 90% of colour-defective observ-
ers who were classied by the Nagel Anomaloscope,
which is regarded as the gold standard for colour vi-
sion assessment.
The entire testing procedure including the screen-
ing tests took an average of 45 minutes per participant.
Two participants were examined simultaneously, one
starting at contrast sensitivity and the other at colour
vision. Five lenses were presented to the participant at
contrast sensitivity and results recorded. The partici-
pant then moved to colour vision, being tested with
the other ve lenses and returned to contrast sensi-
tivity to be examined with the remaining ve lenses.
S Afr Optom 2013 72(2) 19-24 M Shaik et al - The effect of tinted spectacle lenses on contrast sensitivity and colour vision
The South African Optometrist ISSN 0378-9411
Testing concluded with the assessment of colour vi-
sion with the remaining ve lenses. The same pro-
cedure was performed for the participant starting at
colour vision.
Data was captured and analysed using the Statisti-
cal Package for Social Sciences (SPSS, version 18.0)
with the guidance of the faculty statistician. The data
collected was described in terms of frequencies and
means, and the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test was used
to investigate correlations. Statistical signicance
was set at the 95% condence level.
Contrast sensitivity
Figure 1 shows the effect that each study lens had
on contrast sensitivity when compared to the habitual
situation shown in red. The mean values (N = 90 par-
ticipants) of contrast sensitivity were used to plot the
various curves on the graph. The habitual curve (red
curve) is an average for the 90 participants wearing
their habitual compensations (with BCVA of 6/6) al-
though some were emmetropes.
For most spatial frequencies (< ≈9 cpd), but es-
pecially the lower frequencies, all the tinted lenses
enhanced the participants’ contrast sensitivity when
compared to their habitual conditions. When com-
pared to the habitual state, the degree of improvement
was the greatest at low spatial frequencies, followed
by the middle spatial frequency and the least enhance-
ment was at the higher spatial frequencies.
The Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test revealed that
when compared to the habitual situation, for all the
lenses at 1.5 and 3 cpd there was a statistically sig-
nicant improvement at the 95% condence interval
(Table 2). There was also no signicant difference
between habitual conditions and all C tints and the
blue B at 6 cpd. While at 12 and 18 cpd, against the
habitual situation there was a statistically signicant
improvement for the white lens and blue A, whereas
grey C showed a statistically signicant reduction at
12 cpd. The Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test was used
as opposed to the dependant t-test as this research
did not assume normality in the data, hence the t-test
proved to be inappropriate19.
Figures 2, 3 and 4 demonstrate how varying densities
Figure 1: Comparison of the mean values of contrast sensitivity between different lters and their grades at
varying spatial frequencies to the habitual situations
S Afr Optom 2013 72(2) 19-24 M Shaik et al - The effect of tinted spectacle lenses on contrast sensitivity and colour vision
The South African Optometrist ISSN 0378-9411
for the same colour tint affect contrast sensitivity.
Figure 2: Contrast sensitivity functions for the varying densi-
ties (A, B and C) of the grey tint
Table 2: Mean contrast sensitivity scores for various spatial frequencies and the signicance values when compared to habitual condi-
FILTERS N 1.5 cpd 3 cpd 6 cpd 12 cpd 18 cpd
Mean Sign. Mean Sign. Mean Sign. Mean Sign. Mean Sign.
Habitual 90 46.89 66.44 71.26 38.96 18.98
White 90 63.33 0.00 78.61 0.00 78.81 0.02 44.04 0.00 21.13 0.02
Grey A 90 61.46 0.00 78.29 0.00 81.12 0.00 43.91 0.01 19.70 0.36
Grey B 90 60.22 0.00 75.38 0.00 77.17 0.04 41.90 0.24 19.14 0.92
Grey C 90 64.84 0.00 72.98 0.02 74.14 0.47 39.33 0.86 17.19 0.02
Brown A 90 61.34 0.00 75.32 0.00 79.13 0.02 46.27 0.00 19.63 0.36
Brown B 90 60.20 0.00 77.61 0.00 78.50 0.01 43.24 0.06 20.87 0.05
Brown C 90 63.64 0.00 75.04 0.00 75.56 0.32 41.20 0.23 17.61 0.10
Blue A 90 62.81 0.00 77.52 0.00 79.26 0.01 45.41 0.00 20.79 0.04
Blue B 90 62.33 0.00 80.70 0.00 77.97 0.11 42.93 0.03 19.43 0.42
Blue C 90 62.76 0.00 76.07 0.00 74.91 0.27 42.34 0.09 19.27 0.72
The A tints revealed the highest contrast sensitivity
function at 6, 12 and 18 cpd. Grade B produced
the lowest contrast sensitivity function at 1.5 cpd.
However, contrast sensitivity function was the highest
at 3 cpd with this grade for the brown and blue tints
only. Grade C tints appeared to have the highest
contrast sensitivity function for 1.5 cpd, however,
contrast sensitivity reduced as spatial frequency
In comparing how the three colours of tint for a
specic density may affect contrast sensitivity, results
showed that statistically signicant difference were
only found among all the colours in comparison to
each other for the highest density (Grade C) at 18 cpd.
Figure 3: Contrast sensitivity functions for the varying densities
(A, B and C) of the brown tint
Figure 4: Contrast sensitivity functions of the varying densities
(A, B and C) of the blue tint
S Afr Optom 2013 72(2) 19-24 M Shaik et al - The effect of tinted spectacle lenses on contrast sensitivity and colour vision
The South African Optometrist ISSN 0378-9411
Colour vision
The results depicted in Figure 5 shows the effect
of the tints grey, brown, blue and the white lens on
colour perception. All responses were compared to the
participants’ habitual lens prescriptions, which served
as the control. The data was collected and categorised
as either being the same, which meant that there was
no change from the habitual, enhanced, that is, the
participant could identify more plates correctly or
reduced where Sthe participant identied less plates
correctly. The majority of the participants (more than
70% of the sample) experienced no change in colour
perception with all tints including the white lens.
In 21.1% of the sample, the greatest enhancement
achieved was with the grey tint followed by the blue
tint (20%), brown (15.9%) and white (12.2%).
The greatest reduction in the colour vision test was
observed with the white lens (8.9%), followed
by blue (7%), brown (6.7%) and grey (5.2%). When
comparing the different colours of the tinted spectacle
lenses, blue tints were found to distort results in the
colour vision test the most.
The effect of the varying grades of tints on colour
perception was also assessed, as is illustrated in Figure
6. When comparing the grades of tints to the habitual
situation, the highest enhancement was found with
blue B (26.7%) while the greatest reductions was with
the white lens, brown B and blue A tints (8.9%). The
grey tints showed a pattern whereby as the density
increased from grade A to C, there was a greater
enhancement in participants’ colour perception
(18.9%, 21.1% and 23.3% respectively). Brown and
blue tints showed a similar trend with the varying
grades, where the greatest enhancement was by grade
Figure 5: The effect of tinted spectacle lenses on results from the colour vision test that was applied
Figure 6: Effect of the varying grades of tinted spectacle lenses on colour vision
S Afr Optom 2013 72(2) 19-24 M Shaik et al - The effect of tinted spectacle lenses on contrast sensitivity and colour vision
The South African Optometrist ISSN 0378-9411
B and the least reduction was by grade C.
Contrast sensitivity
A critical advantage of tinted lenses is their
ability to decrease glare from reective surfaces. In
decreasing glare, objects on a surface become more
clearly noticeable, thus improving contrast. This was
found to be the case with the study lenses at spatial
frequencies of 1.5, 3 and 6 cpd. Similar ndings were
reported by Lee et al20 who attributed the increase in
contrast sensitivity threshold at low to middle spatial
frequencies to the tints decreasing glare. Outdoor
occupations as well as piloting and sports require
optimum contrast sensitivity function at low to middle
spatial frequencies. Hence, tints may be considered in
these occupations or sports.
At high spatial frequencies, however, the contrast
sensitivity function decreases due to the optical
imperfections of the human eye and the size of
individual foveal cones21. This explains the minimal
improvement on average that the study lenses had at
spatial frequencies 12 and 18 cpd when compared to the
habitual condition. Many indoor occupations, such as
surgeons, computer-involved tasks, household crafts,
require adequate contrast sensitivity at high spatial
frequencies and it is recommended that the white or
blue A lter be used. Furthermore, it is noted that the
white (clear) lens and blue A (85% transmission) were
favourable among all spatial frequencies and perhaps
could be recommended for any task.
A change in the illumination level, however, tends
to create variation in contrast sensitivity7. One of the
purposes of tinted lenses is to decrease illumination
and thereby decrease sensitivity to light22. Darker
tints tend to decrease illumination more than lighter
tints. Furthermore, darker tints cause pupil dilation
allowing for a greater degree of aberrations23. Since
high spatial frequencies are associated with more
detailed tasks, these are perhaps the reasons why
darker tints have reduced contrast sensitivity function
at high spatial frequencies. Alternatively, darker tints
improve contrast at low spatial frequencies possibly
due to the tints decreasing glare, thus having the
highest contrast sensitivity function at low spatial
With lighter tints however, the illumination
reaching the retina is neither decreased as much
and nor does the pupil size change as much as with
darker tints, which is probably why lighter tints allow
for better contrast sensitivity function at high spatial
frequencies. An inverse relationship is conrmed,
where, if there is an increase in the density of the
tint, there is a decrease in illumination and also glare.
However, rather importantly, it should be noted that
the varying tints and their densities affect different
spatial frequencies differently. Ramkissoon and
Ferreira22 found similar results in 2002. Hence, when
prescribing tints the spatial arrangement of the tasks
must be considered.
Colour Vision
Using the American Optical Hardy Rand Rittler
test, the different colour tints and their varying
grades did not cause a colour deciency in any of
the participants. Although there was some deviation
from the habitual, it was minimal. According to
Cohen24, this can be explained by the theory of colour
constancy, where our perception of colour remains
constant when viewing an illumination independent
object. The white lens was found to cause some
form of enhancement or reduction in some of the
participants, this is perhaps explained by Grifths25
who stated that, an enhancement or reduction in
colour perception may be due to distortion of light by
the lens.
Grey lenses were found to have a positive effect
on more of the sample when compared to brown and
blue. This could be related to the fact that such tints
do not distort colour much since their transmission
is roughly constant throughout the visible spectrum1.
The greatest reduction in colour perception was
experienced with blue tints as they distort visible
light by allowing greater transmission of shorter
wavelengths of the spectrum. Furthermore, blue
tints were also found to cause greater pupil dilation23,
which may result in chromatic aberrations. Therefore
blue tints are contra-indicated for outdoor use.
The ndings for the grade A tints were similar to
those of Ramkissoon and Ferreira22 who explained
that lighter tints result in the less deviation from the
habitual condition. The trends found by the blue and
brown lenses were different from those of de Fez et
al7 and Ramkissoon and Ferreira22 in that they found
greatest distortion with higher densities and less with
S Afr Optom 2013 72(2) 19-24 M Shaik et al - The effect of tinted spectacle lenses on contrast sensitivity and colour vision2
The South African Optometrist ISSN 0378-9411
lower density tints. This may be attributed to the
fact that the previous studies 7,22 used the Farnsworth
Munsell 100 Hue to test colour perception. For
further studies though, it is recommended that a
more quantitative test for colour vision be used, as
colour vision results in this study could not be directly
quantied. The results found in this study may be
contrary to what may be expected, in that darker tints
may be avoided due to assumption that it may hinder
colour perception. Therefore, the grade of the tint
must be looked at in conjunction with the colour of
the tint when prescribing.
When prescribing tinted spectacle lenses regard-
less of the reason, one must consider the effect they
may have on the person’s visual performance. The re-
sults of this research indicated that the white (clear),
grey, brown and blue spectacle lenses and their vary-
ing grades do not cause any marked alteration in col-
our vision though they may inuence contrast sensi-
tivity, which may affect image quality. The ndings
showed that the different tints and their grades affect
different spatial frequencies differently therefore, the
spatial detail of the tasks must be acknowledged. Fur-
thermore, different tasks may necessitate prescribing
different tints and/or grades in the same patients. On
the other hand, it is also important to advise patients
choosing tinted lenses (for cosmetic purposes) of their
effects. Information herein should assist the optom-
etrist when managing patients, with different require-
ments for tinted spectacle lenses, as it is essential that
optical devices do not have any adverse effects on a
person’s visual performance.
We thank Mr I Niemand from Focus Network
Laboratory in corporation with Genop for kindly sup-
plying us with the study lenses. We would also like
to thank Ms F Nkwanyana for assistance with the sta-
tistical analysis.
1. Jalie MO. Ophthalmic Lenses and Dispensing. 2nd ed.
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