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Let q be a prime number, k an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0, and H a non-trivial semisimple Hopf algebra of dimension 2q

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Weak effect algebras were introduced by the author as a generalization of effect algebras and pseudoeffect algebras. It was shown that having a basic algebra, we can restrict its binary operation to orthogonal elements only and what we get is just a weak effect algebra. However, the converse construction is impossible due to the fact that the underlying poset of a basic algebra is a lattice which need not be true for weak effect algebras. Hence, we found a weaker structure than a basic algebra which can serve as a representation of a weak effect algebra.
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We define the crossed product of a C*-algebra by a hypergroup via a group coaction. We generalize the results on Hecke C*-algebra crossed products to our setting.
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Let p, q be prime numbers with p(4) < q, and k an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0. We show that semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension p(2)q(2) can be constructed either from group algebras and their duals by means of extensions, or from Radford biproduct R#kG, where kG is the group algebra of group G of order p(2), R is a semisimple Yetter-Drinfeld Hopf algebra in (kGYD)-Y-kG of dimension q(2). As an application, the special case that the structure of semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension 4q(2) is given.
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We give an algebraic version of a result of G. I. Kac, showing that a semisimple Hopf algebra A of dimension pn ,w here pis a prime and n> 0, over an algebraically closed eld of characteristic 0 contains a non-trivial central group-like. As an application we prove that, if n =2 , Ais isomorphic to a group algebra.
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We show that semisimple Hopf algebras having a self-dual faithful irreducible comodule of dimension 2 are always obtained as abelian extensions with quotient Z_2. We prove that nontrivial Hopf algebras arising in this way can be regarded as deformations of binary polyhedral groups and describe its category of representations. We also prove a strengthening of a result of Nichols and Richmond on cosemisimple Hopf algebras with a 2-dimensional irreducible comodule in the finite dimensional context. Finally, we give some applications to the classification of certain classes of semisimple Hopf algebras. Comment: 38 pages, amslatex
The Silences of the Archives, the Reknown of the Story. The Martin Guerre affair has been told many times since Jean de Coras and Guillaume Lesueur published their stories in 1561. It is in many ways a perfect intrigue with uncanny resemblance, persuasive deception and a surprizing end when the two Martin stood face to face, memory to memory, before captivated judges and a guilty feeling Bertrande de Rols. The historian wanted to go beyond the known story in order to discover the world of the heroes. This research led to disappointments and surprizes as documents were discovered concerning the environment of Artigat’s inhabitants and bearing directly on the main characters thanks to notarial contracts. Along the way, study of the works of Coras and Lesueur took a new direction. Coming back to the affair a quarter century later did not result in finding new documents (some are perhaps still buried in Spanish archives), but by going back over her tracks, the historian could only be struck by the silences of the archives that refuse to reveal their secrets and, at the same time, by the possible openings they suggest, by the intuition that almost invisible threads link here and there characters and events.
The smash product algebra and the smash coproduct coalgebra are well known in the context of Hopf algebras [ 1,5], and these notions can be viewed as being motivated by the semidirect product construction in the theory of groups and in the theory of afIine group schemes, respectively. Let
Let p and q be distinct prime numbers. We prove a result on the existence of nontrivial group-like elements in a certain class of semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension pq r . We conclude the classification of semisimple Hopf algebras A of dimension pq 2 over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic zero, such that both A and A * are of Frobenius type. We also complete the classification of semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension pq 2<100.
Let H be a cosemisimple Hopf algebra over an algebraically closed field k. We show that if H contains a simple subcoalgebra of dimension 4, then H contains either a Hopf subalgebra of dimension 2, 12, or 60, or a simple subcoalgebra of dimension n2 for each positive integer n. In particular, if H is finite dimensional, then it has even dimension.
We introduce two new classes of fusion categories which are obtained by a certain procedure from finite groups – weakly group-theoretical categories and solvable categories. These are fusion categories that are Morita equivalent to iterated extensions (in the world of fusion categories) of arbitrary, respectively solvable finite groups. Weakly group-theoretical categories have integer dimension, and all known fusion categories of integer dimension are weakly group-theoretical. Our main results are that a weakly group-theoretical category C has the strong Frobenius property (i.e., the dimension of any simple object in an indecomposable C-module category divides the dimension of C), and that any fusion category whose dimension has at most two prime divisors is solvable (a categorical analog of Burnside's theorem for finite groups). This has powerful applications to classification of fusion categories and semsisimple Hopf algebras of a given dimension. In particular, we show that any fusion category of integer dimension <84 is weakly group-theoretical (i.e. comes from finite group theory), and give a full classification of semisimple Hopf algebras of dimensions pqr and pq2, where p,q,r are distinct primes.
Masuoka proved that for a prime p, semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension 2p over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic 0, are trivial (i.e. are either group algebras or the dual of group algebras). Westreich and the second author obtained the same result for dimension 3p, and then pushed the analysis further and among the rest obtained the same result for semisimple Hopf algebras H of dimension pq so that H and H^* are of Frobenius type (i.e. the dimensions of their irreducible representations divide the dimension of H). They concluded with the conjecture that any semisimple Hopf algebra H of dimension pq over k, is trivial. In this paper we use Theorem 1.4 in our previous paper q-alg/9712033 to prove that both H and H^* are of Frobenius type, and hence prove this conjecture.
We prove that every semisimple Hopf algebra of dimension less than 60 over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic zero is either upper or lower semisolvable up to a cocycle twist.
In this paper we completely classify nontrivial semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension 16. We also compute all the possible structures of the Grothendieck ring of semisimple non-commutative Hopf algebras of dimension 16. Moreover, we prove that non-commutative semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension p^n, p is prime, cannot have a cyclic group of grouplikes.