... Preferences, interests, lifestyle, as well as personality traits, are often inferred from the products and services one uses (Arsena, Silvera, & Pandelaere, 2014, Experiment 1;Callison, Karrh, & Zillmann, 2002;Haire, 1950;Holman, 1980;Solomon, 1983;Vrij, 1997; see also Belk, 1978). It is not surprising that consumers tend to select and use brands as a way to reinforce, extend and express the self (Aaker, 1997(Aaker, , 1999Belk, 1988;Kleine, Kleine, & Kernan, 1993;Malhotra, 1988;Sirgy, 1982; see also Govers & Schoormans, 2005). ...