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Resistance training for kids: Right from the Start



Learning Objectives 1. Understand the importance of enhancing muscular fitness early in life. 2. Dispel the myths associated with youth resistance training. 3. Describe the PROCESS [Progression, Regularity, Overload, Creativity, Enjoyment, Socialization, and Supervision] of developing a youth resistance training program.
Right from the Start
by Avery D. Faigenbaum, Ed.D., CSCS, FACSM and James E. McFarland, Ed.M., CSCS
Learning Objectives
1. Understand the importance of
enhancing muscular fitness
early in life.
2. Dispel the myths associated
with youth resistance training.
3. Describe the PROCESS [Pro-
gression, Regularity, Overload,
Creativity, Enjoyment, Socializa-
tion, and Supervision] of develop-
ing a youth resistance training
Key words: Children, Motor Skills,
Strength Training, Physical
Development, Youth Fitness
Global recommendations on youth physical activity suggest that children
and adolescents should accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate to
vigorous physical activity (MVPA) daily in the context of family, school,
and community activities (33). In addition to active games and aerobic
exercise, regular participation in strength-building activities also should
be incorporated into the weekly routine of school-aged youth (21,33). Despite traditional
fears and misinformed concerns associated with youth resistance training, a compelling
body of evidence has found that participation in a supervised resistance training program
can be a safe, effective, and worthwhile method of conditioning for children and adoles-
cents (5,14,21). Nowadays, a growing number of fitness centers and sport training clubs
offer youth fitness programs that include various forms of resistance exercise.
Many of the benefits associated with adult resistance training programs are attainable
by children and adolescents (21,29). However, youth resistance training programs should
be supervised by qualified fitness professionals and consistent with the needs, interests,
and abilities of younger populations. This is where the art of youth resistance training
comes into play because the physical demands of training need to be balanced with ef-
fective instructional strategies that maximize enjoyment, foster socialization, and spark
an ongoing interest in daily MVPA. That is, the most effective youth fitness professionals
are able to use different pedagogical approaches to address individual learning styles
and developmental needs. Notwithstanding the importance of improving muscular fit-
ness (i.e., muscular strength, muscular power, and muscular endurance), youth fitness
professionals should provide an opportunity for all participants to have fun, make
friends, and learn something new.
In this article, a review of troubling trends in muscular fitness among modern-day
youth will highlight the need for planned resistance training early in life. Myths associated
with youth resistance training will be addressed and the potential benefits of integrating
strength-building exercises into youth fitness programs will be discussed. Ideas for enhanc-
ing resistance training skill competency will provide fitness professionals with information
that can be used to design training programs that are safe, effective, and progressive. For
Photo courtesy of Avery D. Faigenbaum.
16 ACSMsHealth & Fitness Journal
September/October 2016
Copyright © 2016 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
ease of discussion, the terms youth and young athletes refer to both
children and adolescents.
Although the enduring impact of daily MVPA on the health and
well-being of youth continues to be advanced in the literature
(33), these benefits will be realized only if youth have developed
adequate levels of muscular fitness and movement skill compe-
tency (4,6,16). A certain level of force production and force at-
tenuation is needed to perform movement skills, and therefore,
the importance of enhancing muscular fitness should be consid-
ered foundational to long-term physical development (12,20).
Youth who do not become proficient movers early in life will be
less likely to participate in diverse physical activities as adults
(27,30). This idea relates to Seefeldtsoriginalnotionofaprofi-
ciency barrier whereby children who do not surpass a critical
threshold of motor skill proficiency early in life will be less likely
to engage in sports and physical activities later in life (28). Just
like the skills of reading and writing, interest and aptitude in
physical activity should begin early in life with a strong focus
on movement skills and physical abilities.
Epidemiological findings from an international sample of
children indicate that a growing number of youth are not meet-
ing physical activity recommendations (31), and those with
lower levels of MVPA are at increased risk of obesity (18). With-
out opportunities to develop the prerequisite levels of muscular
fitness and motor skill proficiency early in life, youth are less
likely to participate in games and activities with confidence
and vigor later in life (16,22). Secular trends in measures of mus-
cular fitness in English children indicate declines in bent arm
hang, sit-up performance, and hand grip strength during a
10-year period (7). Similar observations were reported in se-
lected measures of muscular power (e.g., long jump and vertical
jump) in Spanish adolescents (23) and fundamental movement
skills (e.g., jumping and kicking) in Australian youth (17). Al-
though many factors influence time spent in MVPA during
the growing years (18), the global pandemic of physical inactivity
may be due, at least in part, to a deficiency of muscular fitness
and motor skill performance in modern-day youth.
In support of this view a 2-year study of children between 6
and 10 years ofage found that those with low motorcompetency
participated less in sports and had fewer opportunities for devel-
oping motor abilities and physical fitness (16). Other re-
searchers noted an increasingly widening gap in gross motor
coordination between normal-weight and overweight children
(10). Unfortunately, the divergence in performance between
children with low and high levels of muscular fitness seems
to persist across developmental time in the absence of targeted
interventions. Without regular opportunities to enhance their
muscular strength and motor skill abilities early in life, youth will
be less likely to engage in the recommended amount of daily
MVPA and more likely to experience negative health outcomes
(12). Of note, recent increases in the waist circumference of ad-
olescents during periods of bodyweight stabilization suggest that
modern-day youth have more fat and less muscle than previous
generations (15).
The first few years of life are characterized by rapid changes in
the myelination of the central nervous system, and the effects of
a well-designed resistance training program can be long lasting
(24). Similar to learning a new language or playing a musical in-
strument, there is a unique opportunity to target strength devel-
opment early in life to set the stage for greater gains in physical
fitness later in life. Research findings indicate that children show
greater training-induced gains in various motor performance
skills (e.g., jumping, running, and throwing) after resistance train-
ing than adolescents (4). Furthermore, training programs that
target sports-related injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament are
more effective if they start earlier in life before the onset of neuro-
muscular deficits that may increase injury risk (25). Collectively,
these observations underscore a potential synergist adaptation
whereby participation in strength-building activities early in life
compliments naturally occurring changes in muscular fitness (11).
New insights into the design of long-term physical develop-
ment programs have highlighted the importance of enhancing
muscular strength during childhood and continuing participa-
tion in resistance training activities throughout adolescence
(12,20,21). Indeed, resistance training should be a priority in
youth fitness programs because muscular strength is the driving
force toward performance enhancement and injury prevention
(11,21). Although the need for individualization should not be
overlooked when designing programs for youth of different
sex, maturity status, and training experience, the formation of
a long-term plan that maximizes strength development is critical
for the promotion of daily physical activity as an ongoing life-
style choice. As such, the concept of long-term physical devel-
opment should be viewed as a structured, progressive, and
informed approach for enhancing health, fitness, and perfor-
mance in children and adolescents (20).
Years ago, some observers had concerns that resistance train-
ing would be unsafe or ineffective for youth (see side bar). How-
ever, a compelling body of research indicates that a systematic
approach to long-term physical development grounded in resis-
tance training offers observable health and fitness value to chil-
dren and adolescents (21,29). In addition to enhancing muscular
fitness and motor skill performance, various forms of resistance
training can increase bone mineral density, improve cardiovas-
cular risk factors, facilitate weight control, and prepare inactive
youth for the demands of physical activity and sport (11,21,29).
The American College of Sports Medicine suggests that in the
early stages of an exercise program, muscle-strengthening exer-
cises may need to precede aerobic training activities in frail se-
niors (1). In the same light, targeted interventions that include
strength-building exercises and directed-movement practice
may be needed to activate inactive youth right from the start.
Volume 20 | Number 5 17
Copyright © 2016 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Education and instruction on proper resistance training tech-
niques and procedures should begin early in life to optimize
training adaptations and spark an ongoing interest in resistance
exercise. Although there is no minimum age for participation in
a supervised resistance training program, most healthy 7- and
8-year-olds are ready to follow instructions and adhere to safety
rules (11). Well-designed resistance training programs provide a
needed opportunity for boys and girls toenhance their muscular
fitness while improving their resistance training skill competency
(RTSC). The construct of RTSC refers to the technical ability of
performing a resistance exercise and involves the evaluation of
movement patterns that are considered essential for the mastery
of a particular exercise (2). Notwithstanding the importance of
prescribing the right dose (i.e., intensity and volume) of resistance
training, it is equally important to provide meaningful feedback
on the quality of the exercise performance. Consequently, RTSC
relates to ones physical development as well as onesabilityto
focus, follow instructions, and execute a task properly.
To improve RTSC, fitness professionals should provide con-
sistent feedback on the technical performance of every exercise.
Because most youth have limited experience in resistance train-
ing, the importance of assessing exercise technique using accepted
commonalities of resistance exercise performance should not be
overlooked. The perception of RTSC as opposed to the amount
of weight lifted may help to reinforce the importance of main-
taining proper exercise technique and illustrates the significance
of movement pattern efficiency as the criterion measure (13). In
addition, by assessing performance and recording component
scores, fitness professionals can identify skills that need more in-
structional time, and youth can monitor their own progress as
they work toward clearly defined goals.
An example of an RTSC checklist for the back squat exercise
is outlined in the Table. During training sessions, youth are
given specific feedback related to their technical performance
and general demeanor. Consequently, they become aware of
their strengths and weaknesses and address areas in need of im-
provement. The four levels used to assess RTSC performance
are advanced (3 points), basic (2 points), capable (1 point), and
developing (0 point). The advanced level is indicative of skilled
lifting performance and a genuine interest in improving per-
sonal fitness. The developing level indicates that the participant
performed a skill improperly or displayed behavior that was
disrespectful or uncooperative. By recording the component
scores and tallying up the total points for all phases of a spe-
cific exercise, fitness professionals can identify skills that need
Sidebar: Myths That WontQuit
Myth: Resistance training will stunt the growth of children
No scientific evidence indicatesthat participation in a supervised resistance training program will stunt the growth of children or damage
developing growth plates (21). Childhood may actually be the opportune time to engage in weight-bearing activities that enhance bone
mineral content and density (3). In all likelihood, regular participation in a well-designed resistance training program during the growing
years will have a favorable influence on bone growth and development.
Myth: Resistance training is unsafe for children
The risks associated with youth resistance training are not greater than other recreational and sport activities in which youth regularly
participate (14,21). Although accidents can happen, the key is to provide qualified instruction in a safe training environment and sensibly
progress the program based on resistance training skill competency. In addition, basic education on weight training room etiquette, in-
dividual goals, and realistic outcomes should be part of youth resistance training programs.
Myth: Youth need to be at least 12 years old to life weights
Although there is no evidence-based minimum age for participation in a youth resistance training program, all participants should be
able to accept directions and follow safety rules. Boys and girls younger than 12 years old have participated safely in supervised resis-
tance training programs (14). Generally, when youth are ready for sport participation, approximately ages 7 or 8, they are ready for some
type of resistance training as part of a well-rounded fitness program.
Myth: Girls will develop bulky muscles if they lift weights
Training-induced gains in muscular strength during childhood are primarily due to neuromuscular adaptations and skill develop-
ment. Although boys may develop bigger muscles during the growing years because the effects of anabolic hormones would be op-
erant, girls can get stronger throughout childhood and adolescence while gaining all the benefits from resistance training without
developing bulky muscles (21).
Myth: Resistance training is only for young athletes
Regular participation in a well-designed resistance training program offers observable health and fitness value for all children and ado-
lescents (21). In addition to performance enhancement and injury reduction, resistance training can improve musculoskeletal health,
enhance metabolic function, and increase daily physical activity. Resistance training may be particularly beneficial for overweight youth
who often are unwilling and unable to perform prolonged periods of aerobic exercise (29).
18 ACSMsHealth & Fitness Journal
September/October 2016
Copyright © 2016 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
more instructional time and effort. The back squat RTSC check-
list can be used as a framework for developing rubrics for
other exercises.
The ability to perform multijoint resistance exercises with
proper technique requires adequate levels of muscular strength
along with the coordinated integration of different physical,
emotional, and cognitive abilities that evolve during the growing
years (24). With regular exposure to resistance training early in
life, children will have an opportunity to enhance their RTSC
and muscular strength on a variety of exercises. Although youth
with poor muscular strength and low RTSC may have difficulty
performing basic resistance exercises, those with higher levels of
muscular strength and skill competency will be better prepared
to learn more advanced skills because they can use developing
pathways that influence motor control and movement profi-
ciency (11,24).
If qualified fitness professionals assess movement mechanics
and provide constructive feedback during training sessions,
youth will have a unique opportunity to learn task-related activ-
ities and enhance their RTSC. If participants are beginners (low
muscle strength and low RTSC), fitness professionals should
prescribe a range of basic resistance exercises (e.g., squatting,
pushing, or pulling movements) that enhance muscular strength
while improving ones competence to perform a variety of exer-
cises. As youth gain competence and confidence in their ability
to perform basic exercises, their capacity for resistance exercise
can be improved with more advanced training programs
(Figure 1). For technically competent youth with high levels of
muscular strength, more advanced programs will be needed to
optimize training adaptations (11,19). An example of a youth re-
sistance training program with exercise progressions will be pro-
vided in a future issue of ACSMs Health & Fitness Journal
Youth resistance training programs need to be evidence-based
and carefully prescribed to optimize training outcomes,
TABLE: Back Squat Resistance Training Skill Competency Checklist
Phase Desired Action Common Breakdown
Max Earned
Check point 1. Safe exercise area Inadequate space 3
2. Correct starting weight Incorrect weight selection
3. Collars on bar (if plates are used), and well-positioned
safety rails
Lack of collars & poorly positioned
safety rails
Ready position 4. Bar on shoulders and upper back Bar positioned on neck 3
5. Head neutral & eyes forward Head facing downward
6. Feet wider than shoulder width Feet position too narrow
Downward phase 7. Flex hips and knees Thighs not at proper depth 3
8. Thighs parallel to floor Trunk begins to flex forward
9. Elbows under bar, knees over feet & behind toes,
torso erect, and feet flat
Knees inward or forward
Heels rise
Upward phase 10. Extend hips and knees Trunk begins to round forward 3
11. Torso upright, elbows under bar, knees over feet
& behind toes
Elbows drift behind bar, knees move
12. Maintain bar control with firm grip until bar is racked Firm grip is not maintained
General demeanor 13. Responsibility Does not follow safety rules 3
14. Resourcefulness Unwilling to solve simple problems
15. Respect Does not cooperate with others
Tota l Po int s 15
The back squat resistance training skill competency checklist can be used to assess exercise performance and communicate the specific actions and behaviors that are
required for this exercise.
*3 points, advanced; 2 points, basic; 1 point, capable; and 0 point, developing.
Volume 20 | Number 5 19
Copyright © 2016 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
maximize exercise adherence, and reduce the risk of unto-
ward events. Although factors such as heredity, training expe-
rience, and health habits (e.g., nutrition and sleep) will
influence the rate and magnitude of adaptation that occurs,
seven fundamental principles that determine the effectiveness
of youth resistance training programs are the principles of
(a) the Progression, (b) Regularity, (c) Overload, (d) Creativity,
(e) Enjoyment, (f) Socialization, and (g) Supervision. These basic
principles can be remembered as the PROCESS of youth resis-
tance training. Although the principles of progression, regularity,
and overload are well-established tenets of resistance training (26),
the concepts of creativity, enjoyment, socialization, and super-
vision are particularly applicable to the design of sustainable
youth fitness programs. When working with children and ado-
lescents, it is important to remember that the goal of the program
should not be limited to increasing muscular strength. Improving
motor skills, fostering new social networks, and promoting healthy
behaviors in a supportive environment are equally important.
This is where the art and science of youth resistance training
come into play because the principles of pediatric exercise
science need to be balanced with effective teaching and ongoing
instruction that is developmentally appropriate for children
and adolescents.
Principle of Progression
The principle of progression refers to the fact that the demands
placed on the growing body must be increased gradually
through time to achieve long-term gains in muscular fitness.
This does not mean that heavier weights should be used every
workout, but rather, that through time, the stress placed on
the body should progressively become more challenging to con-
tinually stimulate adaptations and maintain interest in the pro-
gram. Without a more challenging stimulus that is consistent
with each individuals needs and abilities, additional training-
induced adaptations are unlikely. Although increasing the train-
ing load or performing additional sets are common methods of
progression, performing novel exercises or more complex move-
ment patters also are beneficial.
Principle of Regularity
Although the optimal resistance training frequency may depend
on each participants training goals, two to three training ses-
sions per week on nonconsecutive days are reasonable for most
youth (21). Inconsistent training will result in only modest train-
ing adaptations, and periods of inactivity will result in a loss
of muscular strength and power. The adage use it or lose it
is appropriate for resistance exercise because training-induced
adaptations in muscular fitness cannot be stored. The principle
of regularity states that long-term gains in physical development
will be realized only if the program is performed on a consistent
basis throughout childhood and adolescence.
Principle of Overload
The overload principle is a fundamental tenet of all resistance
training programs. The overload principle simply states that to
enhance muscular fitness, the body must exercise at a level be-
yond that at which itis normally stressed. Otherwise, if the train-
ing stimulus is not increased beyond the level to which the
muscles are accustomed, the participant will not maximize
Figure 1. Youth resistance training guidelines with progression based on each participant's resistance training skill
competency and muscular strength.
Photo courtesy of Avery D. Faigenbaum.
20 ACSMsHealth & Fitness Journal
September/October 2016
Copyright © 2016 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
training adaptations. Training overload can be manipulated by
changing the intensity, volume, frequency, or choice of exercise.
Principle of Creativity
The creativity principle refers to the imagination and ingenuity
that can help to optimize training-induced adaptations and en-
hance exercise adherence. By sensibly incorporating novel exer-
cises and new training equipment into the program, fitness
professionals can help youth overcome barriers and maintain in-
terest in resistance exercise. Creative thinking is particularly
valuable when designing resistance training programs for youth
with special needs or those with high levels of RTSC. The fun-
damental principles related to the prescription of sets and repe-
titions should be balanced with imagination and creativity. For
example, youth can create new resistance exercises with light-
weight medicine balls or find a solution on their own to a chal-
lenging task that requires balance and coordination.
Principle of Enjoyment
Enjoyment is an important determinant of participation in
youth fitness and sport programs (32). The principle of enjoy-
ment states that participants who enjoy the experience of partic-
ipating in exercise or sports activities are more likely to adhere to
the program and achieve training goals. Although encourage-
ment from fitness professionals and support from family and
friends can influence exercise adherence, the enjoyment a child
feels during and after an exercise session can facilitate the sus-
tainability of the desired behavior. Enjoyment can be defined as
a balance between skill and challenge (9). If the resistance train-
ing program is too advanced, youth may become anxious and
lose interest. Conversely, if the training program is too easy, then
youth may become bored. Youth resistance training programs
should be matched with the physical abilities of the participants
for the training experience to be enjoyable.
Principle of Socialization
Participation in a resistance training program can help youth in-
teract with others in a positive and supportive manner. The
principle of socialization states that gains in muscular fitness will
be optimized if participants make new friends, meet other peo-
ple, and work together toward a common goal. Participating
in a resistance training program can help youth feel connected to
other participants as they gain confidence and competence in
their physical abilities and work toward a common goal. By pay-
ing more attention to the importance of socialization, fitness
professionals will likely boost participantsexercise performance
and enjoyment of the training experience.
Principle of Supervision
The principle of supervision states that the safety and efficacy of
exercise programs are maximized when qualified fitness profes-
sionals supervise activities and provide meaningful feedback
throughout the training session. Not only does supervised resis-
tance training reduce the risk of injury, but youth who partici-
pate in supervised resistance training programs are likely to
make greater gains in muscular fitness (8). Indeed, qualified su-
pervision is a critical component of any youth resistance training
program, particularly for beginners who need to develop com-
petence on basic exercises before progressing to more complex
movements. Youth fitness specialists should be well versed in the
principles of pediatric exercise science and should know how
to teach, progress, and modify skill-based exercises (Figure 2).
Troubling trends in muscular fitness among modern-day youth
have created an immediate need to implement safe, effective,
and enjoyable resistance training programs for children and
adolescents. New insights into the design of long-term physical
development programs have highlighted the importance of en-
hancing muscular fitness and resistance training skill compe-
tency early in life to set the stage for more advanced training
later in life. Fitness professionals who genuinely appreciate the
uniqueness of younger populations and who understand the
PROCESS of youth resistance training are best prepared to de-
sign, supervise, and instruct sustainable programs that spark an
ongoing interest in health and fitness.
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Recommended Reading:
Faigenbaum AD,Westcott W.YouthStrengthTraining. Hum an Kinetics: Champ aign
(IL); 2009.
Lloyd RS, Oliver JL. Strength and Conditioning for Young Athletes: Science and
Application. New York (NY): Routledge; 2014. 232 p.
Mediate P, Faigenbaum AD. Medicine Ball for All Kids. Monterey (CA): Health
Learning; 2007.
Disclosure: The authors declare no conflict of interest and do not have any
financial disclosures.
Avery D. Faigenbaum, Ed.D., CSCS, FACSM, is a
full professor in the Department of Health and Exer-
cise Science at The College of New Jersey. His re-
search interests focus on pediatric exercise science,
resistance training, and preventive medicine.
James E. McFarland, Ed.M., CSCS, is a health and
physical education teacher at Hillsborough High School
in New Jersey. He is a USA Weightlifting Senior Level
Coach and has presented on youth strength and condition-
ing at national conferences. He also is an adjunct instruc-
tor in the Department of Health and Exercise Science at
The College of New Jersey.
Despite traditional fears and misinformed concerns
associated with youth resistance training, new insights
into the designof youth fitness programs have highlighted
the importance of enhancing muscular fitness during
childhood and continuing participation in strength-building
activities throughout adolescence. Although factors such as
heredity, training experience, and health habits (e.g., nutrition
and sleep) will influence the rate and magnitude of adaptation,
seven principles that determine the effectiveness of youth
resistance training are the principles of (a) Progression,
(b) Regularity, (c) Overload, (d) Creativity, (e) Enjoyment, (f)
Socialization, and (g) Supervision. These basic principles can
be remembered as the PROCESS of youth resistance training.
22 ACSMsHealth & Fitness Journal
September/October 2016
Copyright © 2016 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
... Clemente Afonso Matsinhe, pp. prevenção de lesões e contribui para um crescimento e desenvolvimento harmonioso das crianças e jovens (Raposo, 2005;Fleck & Kraemer, 2006;Cunha, 2014;Faigenbaum et al., 2016). ...
... É de realçar que, para além do bom desempenho desportivo providenciado pelo treino de força, a participação regular de crianças em programas de treino de força pode resultar em alterações significativas da composição corporal. A melhoria da força muscular pode diminuir a circunferência da cintura e o percentual da gordura corporal, melhorando-se os níveis de manutenção da saúde, sem afetar a estatura e a maturação (Fleck y Kraemer, 2006;Cunha et al., 2014;Faigenbaum et al., 2016). ...
... Portanto, durante e após a puberdade, há influência das hormonas como a testosterona, gerando ganhos de força que estão relacionados com o aumento da espessura muscular de indivíduos do sexo masculino, principalmente dos 11 aos 18 anos de idade (Saranga, 2007). Outrossim, o Treino Pliométrico pode resultar em alterações significativas da composição corporal, melhoria da força muscular, pode diminuir a circunferência da cintura e o percentual da gordura corporal, melhorando os níveis de manutenção de saúde, sem afetar a estatura e a maturação (Fleck y Kraemer, 2006;Cunha, 2014;Faigenbaum et al., 2016). ...
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As principais controvérsias relacionadas à participação de crianças e jovens em programas de treinamento de força estão relacionadas à falta de adaptação desses programas de treinamento, supervisão qualificada e ensino correto das técnicas. Essa lacuna científica refere-se ao uso do modelo pliométrico de iniciação esportiva. Para o contexto de Maputo, Moçambique; e com o objetivo de buscar modelos de intervenção que influenciem o desenvolvimento da força explosiva: analisa-se o efeito do programa de treinamento pliométrico de 8 semanas no desenvolvimento da força explosiva em crianças púberes. O estudo envolveu 60 crianças púberes, divididas em dois grupos com base na faixa etária e sexo. Essas crianças foram submetidas a testes antropométricos. A força explosiva foi avaliada usando baterias de testes de salto horizontal, testes anaeróbicos baseados em corrida e salto vertical; com o método de salto de contramovimento. Os dados foram analisados com o programa estatístico SPSS, 21.0, com nível de significância de 5%. Adicionalmente, testes t de Student inferenciais de medidas pareadas e Análise de Variância foram aplicados para avaliar os resultados das variáveis somáticas e parâmetros de força explosiva, no Pré e Pós-teste. Como resultado, observou-se efeito significativo do programa de treinamento pliométrico, com resultados estatisticamente significativos em todos os parâmetros de avaliação de força no grupo experimental. Ao mesmo tempo, proporcionou uma melhora nas variáveis de aptidão somática, sem expor crianças pequenas a lesões. Palavras-chave: treino pliométrico, força explosiva, Maputo-Moçambique.
... Furthermore, molecular biophysics studies suggest that hormonal fluctuations can influence the expression and activity of integrins and other cell-adhesion molecules in fibroblasts, the cells responsible for collagen production and maintenance [181]. These molecular changes can lead to variations in the mechanical properties of the ACL over the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. ...
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Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries rank among the most prevalent and severe types of injuries, significantly impacting both athletes and non-athletes alike. These injuries not only result in immediate physical impairment, such as intense pain, substantial swelling, and a marked loss of mobility, but also carry long-term health consequences that can alter a person’s quality of life. Chronic pain, persistent instability, and an increased risk of developing osteoarthritis are among the lasting effects that can follow an ACL injury. An in-depth understanding of the biophysics behind ACL injuries is paramount for devising effective prevention and treatment protocols. Biophysics, which combines principles from physics with biological systems, provides crucial insights into the mechanical and structural integrity of the ACL and its susceptibility to injury under various conditions. This systematic review aims to collate and synthesize the current knowledge surrounding the biophysical mechanisms that underlie ACL injuries. The review encompasses a range of factors, including the biomechanical forces that place stress on the ligament, anatomical structures that may predispose individuals to injury, and physiological conditions that affect ligament health and resilience. Each of these factors plays a crucial role in the incidence and severity of ACL injuries. Biomechanical forces, for example, can involve sudden changes in direction or impact during physical activity, leading to excessive stress on the ACL. Anatomical factors might include variations in bone structure or ligament alignment that inherently increase the risk of injury. Additionally, physiological conditions such as muscle strength, flexibility, and overall ligament health can influence the likelihood and extent of an ACL injury. The findings of this review underscore the necessity of adopting integrated approaches in both injury prevention and rehabilitation. Such approaches must consider the multifaceted nature of ACL injuries, involving not only mechanical and anatomical aspects but also physiological and possibly even genetic factors. By emphasizing a multi-faceted understanding, interventions can be more effectively tailored to address the complex interplay of elements that contribute to ACL injuries. This holistic approach can lead to better outcomes for those at risk of or recovering from ACL injuries, enhancing the efficacy of prevention strategies and rehabilitation protocols.
... Interval training, resistance training with high repetitions, and circuit training are effective methods for building muscular endurance. Additionally, incorporating plyometric and neuromuscular training can improve the muscles' ability to generate force quickly and maintain stability under fatigue [226]. ...
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Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries rank among the most prevalent and severe types of injuries, significantly impacting both athletes and non-athletes alike. These injuries not only result in immediate physical impairment, such as intense pain, substantial swelling, and a marked loss of mobility, but also carry long-term health consequences that can alter a person's quality of life. Chronic pain, persistent instability, and an increased risk of developing osteoarthritis are among the lasting effects that can follow an ACL injury. An in-depth understanding of the biophysics behind ACL injuries is paramount for devising effective prevention and treatment protocols. Biophysics, which combines principles from physics with biological systems, provides crucial insights into the mechanical and structural integrity of the ACL and its susceptibility to injury under various conditions. This systematic review aims to collate and synthesize the current knowledge surrounding the biophysical mechanisms that underlie ACL injuries. The review encompasses a range of factors, including the biomechanical forces that place stress on the ligament, anatomical structures that may predispose individuals to injury, and physiological conditions that affect ligament health and resilience. Each of these factors plays a crucial role in the incidence and severity of ACL injuries. Biomechanical forces, for example, can involve sudden changes in direction or impact during physical activity, leading to excessive stress on the ACL. Anatomical factors might include variations in bone structure or ligament alignment that inherently increase the risk of injury. Additionally, physiological conditions such as muscle strength, flexibility, and overall ligament health can influence the likelihood and extent of an ACL injury. The findings of this review underscore the necessity of adopting integrated approaches in both injury prevention and rehabilitation. Such approaches must consider the multifaceted nature of ACL injuries, involving not only mechanical and anatomical aspects but also physiological and possibly even genetic factors. By emphasizing a multi-faceted understanding, interventions can be more effectively tailored to address the complex interplay of elements that contribute to ACL injuries. This holistic approach can lead to better outcomes for those at risk of or recovering from ACL injuries, enhancing the efficacy of prevention strategies and rehabilitation protocols.
... Además del ejercicio y la actividad aeróbica (natación y ciclismo), algunos estudios indican que el entrenamiento de fuerza proporciona beneficios particulares para niños y adolescentes, cuando está correctamente prescrito y supervisado (Eustace, et al., 2020;Asadi, et al., 2017;Jon, et al., 2014;Vaughn, 2008;Malina, 2006). Actualmente, un número cada vez mayor de centros deportivos y escuelas ofrecen programas de preparación física para jóvenes, que incluyen diversas formas de ejercicios de fuerza (Faigembaum, McFarland, 2016;Faigenbaum, Kraemer, Blimkie, et al., 2009;). La prescripción y supervisión del entrenamiento de la fuerza debe realizarse en forma adecuada, por personal que cuente con una instrucción calificada (Faigenbaum, et al., 2016;Lloyd et al., 2014;Lloyd y Oliver, 2012, Faigenbaum, Kraemer, Blimkie, et al., 2009Behm, et al., 2008), con el fin de disminuir los riesgos de lesiones. ...
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En la última década, se ha observado un importante incremento de la implementación de programas de entrenamiento de la fuerza en la práctica deportiva en niños y adolescentes. En esta revisión del entrenamiento de la fuerza, se incluyen los potenciales beneficios en la salud, en el acondicionamiento físico, los riesgos y recomendaciones para la población sana, con sobrepeso, obesidad o sedentaria en niños de 7 a 19 años. Las pautas corrientes envuelven la supervisión, la planificación y el correcto aprendizaje de la técnica. Los resultados revelaron que el niño es, desde el punto de vista metabólico, un organismo no especializado, donde las adaptaciones ocurren sin necesidad de un alto nivel de estimulación. La evidencia científica y la experiencia clínica del entrenamiento de la fuerza en niños y adolescentes, como parte de un programa de entrenamiento, manifiestan que es útil, eficaz y seguro si está prescrito y supervisado adecuadamente, con beneficios potenciales para la salud a nivel físico, psicológico y social. Datos recientes indican que los programas de entrenamiento de fuerza, bien estructurados y adecuadamente supervisados por especialistas capacitados, son seguros para los jóvenes y ofrecen beneficios únicos para niños y adolescentes, como aumento de la fuerza y potencia muscular, disminución del riesgo cardiovascular, ayuda al control de peso, fortalece los huesos, aumenta el bienestar psicosocial, mejora las habilidades de rendimiento motor y reduce el riesgo de lesiones en atletas jóvenes.
... However, an increase in jumping ability in girls was identified in STPs of less than 8 weeks. Numerous studies indicate that between 8 and 12 weeks, muscle strength increases are mainly produced by neural adaptations, especially due to the high neural plasticity and rapid myelination changes that occur in prepuberty [32][33][34]36,80]. However, Vingren et al. [81] pointed out that small morphological adaptations also occur during this time interval, although they are probably not significant for strength gain due to the lack of androgenic hormone production. ...
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Strength training in prepubertal children is one of the topics that has aroused the most interest and controversy among training professionals in recent years. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to analyze the available scientific evidence on the influence of strength training variables on morphological and/or neuromuscular adaptations in healthy prepubertal populations with no previous experience in this type of training according to the descriptive sample characteristics. According to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis, 22 studies were selected after a systematic search and selection process using four electronic databases: Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus, and SPORT Discus. Furthermore, the internal validity of the studies included was assessed using the modified PEDro scale. The sample consisted of 604 prepubertal children (age, 10.02 ± 0.75 years), of whom 473 were boys and 131 were girls, with 104 strength training programs recorded. Strength training resulted in a significant increase in jumping (n = 29) and sprinting (n = 13) abilities. Moreover, muscle strength was increased in 100% of the cases. Morphologically, strength training resulted in a decrease in body fat percentage (n = 19) and an increase in lean body mass (n = 17). With regard to gender, increases in general sport skills and basic physical abilities were significant in males but not in females. Thus, the results are more heterogeneous in girls due to the small number of studies carried out. Therefore, this research provides practical applications for coaches to design and implement more effective training programs to maximize adaptations, enhance physical performance, and reduce injury risk.
... Movement quality criteria should be broadened and greater caution should be exercised in the technical aspects during strength training sessions. For this reason it would recommended that these factors were responsible for expanding the checklist associated with the exercise execution (Faigenbaum & McFarland, 2016) and the test included in the FMS TM . ...
Introduction: There is a high prevalence of "motor illiteracy" among the pediatric population. This situation can exert a negative influence on the amount and quality of physical activity, as well as the development of subsequent physical condition. The quality of movement can be known by applying the Functional Movement Screen (FMSTM). However, there are few studies using FMSTM in preadolescent population. Objective: Therefore, the objective of the present study was to examine the scores obtained with the FMSTM by subgroups in preadolescents. Methods: FMSTM was administered according to standard procedures which consist in seven movements and scores (0-3) of each exercise were recorded in 213 preadolescents (13.47±1.9 years). The sample was divided by quartiles of age for analysis [(Q1 N = 53, from 0 to 11.79 years); (Q2 N = 54, from 11.79 to 13.59 years); (Q3 N = 53, from 13.59 to 14.91 years); (Q4 N = 53 over 14 years old). Results: There are differences in the final score between Q1 vs Q3 and Q1 vs Q4 (p <0.05). In the in line lunge the score differences obtained by Q4 are higher than Q1 (-0.58, p≤ 0.001) and Q2 (-0.65, p≤ 0.001). In trunk stability Q4 gets a score higher than Q1 (-0.88) (p≤ 0.001). In leg raising, Q1 scored lower (p <0.05) than Q4 (-0.45). Conclusions: Chronological age can influence the ability to move and the scores on in line lunge, trunk stability and leg raising tests in preadolescents. In addition, Q4 scores better than Q1 and could be associated with the maturational status.
... Schools are suitable settings to promote MF activity and develop MF (Cohen et al., 2015;Cox et al., 2020;Faigenbaum and McFarland, 2016;Lloyd et al., 2014;Pichardo et al., 2019;Ten Hoor et al., 2016). Schools have the facilities and the PE curricula to embed health promotion programmes irrespective of students' backgrounds (CDC, 2012;Love et al., 2019). ...
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Muscular fitness (MF) is an important modifiable factor to improve overall health. Schools offer a unique opportunity to deliver MF activity during physical education (PE) and develop competence to engage in various activities across the life course. However, the implementation of school-based MF activity may be impaired by some teachers reporting a lack of expertise and low confidence in the delivery of MF activity. Understanding teachers' thoughts and perceptions regarding the delivery of MF in schools may help guide future research and policy to support MF delivery in UK schools. Following ethical approval, a survey of secondary school PE teachers across the UK was distributed via Twitter. Survey responses were analysed and reported descriptively and thematically. Completed surveys were returned by 194 teachers (61.9% male) from England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Relative to less experienced teachers, those with at least five years' service were 2.2 times more likely to have completed continued professional development (CPD) in MF activity (OR = 2.16; ß = 0.77; 95% CI: 1.25-3.74; p < 0.01), and 1.8 times more likely to use assessments of MF to inform PE programme decision-making (OR = 1.83; ß = 0.60; 95% CI: 1.18-2.82; p < 0.01). Despite the promising contribution school-based PE may have to developing MF, we report a poor understanding of MF activity amongst UK-based PE teachers. CPD is warranted to deliver successful MF interventions in a school setting.
Objectives This study aimed to identify and synthesize online information/resources related to resistance training provided by governing bodies of the ten most popular youth sports in Australia. Design A scoping review. Methods The top 10 organised out-of-school sports were eligible for the review. A systematic search of national sporting organisation and associated websites was conducted, using key search terms. Data were extracted regarding information and/or resources aligning with current international youth muscle-and-bone strengthening activity guidelines (i.e., 5–17 years, three days per week). Results For all ten sports, information/resources on resistance training were provided for athletes or coaches, however the type of information and level of detail varied. There was lack of consistency between guidelines and information provided by sports. Age of commencement recommendations ranged from four years (athletics) to 14 years (Australian football), whilst others suggested resistance training for all ages (gymnastics) or did not provide an explicit age range (tennis and cricket). Regarding frequency, few sports organisations provided a recommendation for how many days per week resistance training should be performed. Some sports alluded to the need for youth to develop muscular fitness to enhance fitness and performance, whilst others focused primarily on the need for resistance training as an injury prevention tool. Conclusions Our findings highlight the gap that exists in the provision of information in relation to resistance training in Australian sports. It is important that national sporting organisations look to educate athletes and coaches (and parents) from grassroots levels on the need for muscular fitness.
This chapter examines the decline in muscular fitness among youth, highlighting its importance for physical and mental health. Over the last five decades, developed countries have seen a worrying decrease in children’s muscular fitness levels associated with poor motor skills, functional limitations, and adverse health outcomes. Despite its significance in overall physical activity (PA), muscular fitness, which includes muscle strength, endurance, and power, is often neglected in PA guidelines. We discuss muscular fitness dimensions, assessment methods suitable for schools, and the challenges of integrating muscular fitness activities into educational settings. These challenges stem from unclear terminology and guidelines, complicating teachers’ efforts to implement muscular fitness activities. The synergy between muscular fitness and aerobic activity is crucial for addressing exercise deficit disorders in youth. The chapter stresses the need for specific muscular fitness assessment methods and the role of schools in muscular fitness interventions. It highlights the potential benefits of muscular fitness activities on psychosocial health, motor skills, and lifelong PA habits, advocating for better implementation in school curriculums. Additionally, it outlines the obstacles teachers face, such as a lack of confidence and resources, underscoring the importance of professional development to enhance muscular fitness activity integration into whole school and physical education programs.
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El desarrollo de enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV) ateroscleróticas comienza en edades tempranas y está influenciado por factores genéticos y ambientales. La literatura actual propone el entrenamiento de fuerza (EF) como un medio para reducir el riesgo de ECV y mejorar el perfil lipídico en niños y adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad. Con el objetivo de examinar los efectos de un programa de EF en este grupo de población, se realizó una revisión sistemática utilizando el protocolo PRISMA y se buscaron estudios en cinco bases de datos (Pubmed, Scopus, the Cochrane Library, Embase y Web of Science). Un total de 11 estudios cumplieron los criterios finales de inclusión. Los resultados de esta revisión indicaron que las intervenciones de EF supervisadas y realizadas al menos 3 días a la semana con una duración de 8 semanas, mejoraron significativamente los parámetros lipídicos del colesterol (CT) y las lipoproteínas de baja densidad (LDL). Los programas de EF pueden ser considerados como un tratamiento no farmacológico adecuado para mejorar el perfil lipídico y la salud cardiovascular de niños y adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad.
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There has recently been a growing interest in long-term athletic development for youth. Due to their unique physical, psychological and social differences, children and adolescents should engage in appropriately prescribed exercise programs that promote physical development to prevent injury and enhance fitness behaviours that can be retained later in life. Irrespective of whether a child is involved in organized sport or engages in recreational physical activity, there remains a need to adopt a structured, logical and evidence-based approach to the long-term development of athleticism. This is of particular importance considering the alarmingly high number of youth who fail to meet global physical activity recommendations and consequently present with negative health profiles. However, appropriate exercise prescription is also crucial for those young athletes that are physically underprepared and at risk of overuse injury due to high volumes of competition and an absence of preparatory conditioning. Whether the child accumulates insufficient or excessive amounts of exercise, or falls somewhere between these opposing ends of the spectrum, it is generally accepted that the young bodies of modern day youth are often ill-prepared to tolerate the rigors of sports or physical activity. All youth should engage in regular physical activity and thus should be viewed as 'athletes' and afforded the opportunity to enhance athleticism in an individualized, holistic and child-centred manner. Due to the emerging interest in long-term athletic development, an authorship team was tasked on behalf of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) to critically synthesize existing literature and current practices within the field and to compose a relevant position statement. This document was subsequently reviewed and formally ratified by the NSCA Board of Directors. Figure 1 provides a list of the 10 pillars of successful long-term athletic development, which summarize the key recommendations detailed within the consensus statement. With these pillars in place, it is believed that the NSCA can (i) help foster a more unified and holistic approach to youth physical development, (ii) promote the benefits of a lifetime of healthy physical activity, and (iii) prevent and/or minimize injuries from sports participation for all boys and girls. Copyright (C) 2016 by the National Strength & Conditioning Association.
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Objectives To quantify age, sex, sport and training type-specific effects of resistance training on physical performance, and to characterise dose–response relationships of resistance training parameters that could maximise gains in physical performance in youth athletes. Design Systematic review and meta-analysis of intervention studies. Data sources Studies were identified by systematic literature search in the databases PubMed and Web of Science (1985–2015). Weighted mean standardised mean differences (SMDwm) were calculated using random-effects models. Eligibility criteria for selecting studies Only studies with an active control group were included if these investigated the effects of resistance training in youth athletes (6–18 years) and tested at least one physical performance measure. Results 43 studies met the inclusion criteria. Our analyses revealed moderate effects of resistance training on muscle strength and vertical jump performance (SMDwm 0.8–1.09), and small effects on linear sprint, agility and sport-specific performance (SMDwm 0.58–0.75). Effects were moderated by sex and resistance training type. Independently computed dose–response relationships for resistance training parameters revealed that a training period of >23 weeks, 5 sets/exercise, 6–8 repetitions/set, a training intensity of 80–89% of 1 repetition maximum (RM), and 3–4 min rest between sets were most effective to improve muscle strength (SMDwm 2.09–3.40). Summary/conclusions Resistance training is an effective method to enhance muscle strength and jump performance in youth athletes, moderated by sex and resistance training type. Dose–response relationships for key training parameters indicate that youth coaches should primarily implement resistance training programmes with fewer repetitions and higher intensities to improve physical performance measures of youth athletes.
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In 2008, Stodden and colleagues took a unique developmental approach toward addressing the potential role of motor competence in promoting positive or negative trajectories of physical activity, health-related fitness, and weight status. The conceptual model proposed synergistic relationships among physical activity, motor competence, perceived motor competence, health-related physical fitness, and obesity with associations hypothesized to strengthen over time. At the time the model was proposed, limited evidence was available to support or refute the model hypotheses. Over the past 6 years, the number of investigations exploring these relationships has increased significantly. Thus, it is an appropriate time to examine published data that directly or indirectly relate to specific pathways noted in the conceptual model. Evidence indicates that motor competence is positively associated with perceived competence and multiple aspects of health (i.e., physical activity, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and a healthy weight status). However, questions related to the increased strength of associations across time and antecedent/consequent mechanisms remain. An individual's physical and psychological development is a complex and multifaceted process that synergistically evolves across time. Understanding the most salient factors that influence health and well-being and how relationships among these factors change across time is a critical need for future research in this area. This knowledge could aid in addressing the declining levels of physical activity and fitness along with the increasing rates of obesity across childhood and adolescence.
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Current recommendations for physical activity in children overlook the critical importance of motor skill acquisition early in life. Instead, they focus on the quantitative aspects of physical activity (eg, accumulate 60 min of daily moderate to vigorous physical activity) and selected health-related components of physical fitness (eg, aerobic fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and body composition). This focus on exercise quantity in youth may limit considerations of qualitative aspects of programme design which include (1) skill development, (2) socialisation and (3) enjoyment of exercise. The timing of brain development and associated neuroplasticity for motor skill learning makes the preadolescence period a critical time to develop and reinforce fundamental movement skills in boys and girls. Children who do not participate regularly in structured motor skill-enriched activities during physical education classes or diverse youth sports programmes may never reach their genetic potential for motor skill control which underlies sustainable physical fitness later in life. The goals of this review are twofold: (1) challenge current dogma that is currently focused on the quantitative rather than qualitative aspects of physical activity recommendations for youth and (2) synthesise the latest evidence regarding the brain and motor control that will provide the foundation for integrative exercise programming that provide a framework sustainable activity for life. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to
Developed by the American College of Sports Medicine, this text offers a comprehensive introduction to the basics of strength training and conditioning based on the latest research findings. ACSM's Foundations of Strength Training and Conditioning is divided into four parts: Foundations, Physiological Responses and Adaptations, Strength Training and Conditioning Program Design, and Assessment. The text focuses on practical applications, enabling students to develop, implement, and assess the results of training programs that are designed to optimize strength, power, and athletic performance. Moreover, the text's clear, straightforward writing style makes it easy to grasp new concepts. © 2012 by American College of Sports Medicine. All rights reserved.
Background: Obesity is a global health concern but the United States has reported a leveling in obesity rates in the pediatric population. Objective: To provide updated waist circumference (WC) percentile values, identify differences across time and discuss differences within the context of reported weight stabilization in a nationally representative sample of American children. Methods: Percentiles for WC in self-identified African Americans (AA), European Americans (EA) and Mexican Americans (MA) were obtained from 2009-2014 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data (NHANES2014). Descriptive trends across time in 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 90th percentile WC distributions were identified by comparing NHANES2012 with previously reported NHANESIII (1988-1994). Results: WC increased in a monotonic fashion in AA, EA and MA boys and girls. When compared with NHANESIII data, a clear left shift of percentile categories was observed such that values that used to be in the 90th percentile are now in the 85th percentile. Differences in WC were observed in EA and MA boys during a reported period of weight stabilization. Conclusion and relevance: WC has changed in the US pediatric population across time, even during times of reported weight stabilization, particularly among children of diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds.
To determine the relationships between moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), vigorous physical activity (VPA), sedentary time and obesity in children from 12 countries representing a wide range of human development. The sample included 6,539 children aged 9-11 years. Time in MVPA, VPA and sedentary behaviors were assessed by accelerometry. The body mass index (BMI; kg/m) was used to classify children as obese based on z-scores (>+2 SD) from World Health Organization reference data. The mean (SD) times spent in MVPA, VPA and sedentary behavior were 60 (25) min/day, 18 (11) min/day and 513 (69) min/day, respectively. The overall proportion of the sample that was obese ranged from 5.2% to 24.6% across sites. The odds ratios for obesity were significant for MVPA (0.49; 95% CI: 0.44 - 0.55), VPA (0.41; 0.37 - 0.46) and sedentary time (1.19; 1.08 - 1.30) in the overall sample. The associations of MVPA and VPA with obesity were significant in all 12 sites, whereas the association between sedentary time and obesity was significant in 5 of the 12 sites. There was a significant difference in BMI z-scores across tertiles of MVPA (P<0.001) but not across tertiles of sedentary time in a mutually adjusted model. The results of receiver operating characteristic curve analyses for obesity indicated that the optimal thresholds for MVPA (AUC = 0.64), VPA (AUC = 0.67) and sedentary behavior (AUC = 0.57) were 55 (95% CI: 50-64) min/day, 14 (11-16) min/day and 482 (455-535) min/day, respectively. Greater MVPA and VPA were both associated with lower odds of obesity, independent of sedentary behavior. Sedentary time was positively associated with obesity, but not independent of MVPA. Attaining at least 55 min/day of MVPA is associated with lower obesity in this multi-national sample of children, which supports current guidelines.
This important handbook provides a comprehensive, authoritative review of achievement motivation and establishes the concept of competence as an organizing framework for the field. The editors synthesize diverse perspectives on why and how individuals are motivated in school, work, sports, and other settings. Written by leading investigators, chapters reexamine central constructs in achievement motivation; explore the impact of developmental, contextual, and sociocultural factors; and analyze the role of self-regulatory processes. Focusing on the ways in which achievement is motivated by the desire to experience competence and avoid experiencing incompetence, the volume integrates disparate theories and findings and sets forth a coherent agenda for future research.