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Norton and the Logic of Thought Experiments



John D. Norton defends an empiricist epistemology of thought experiments, the central thesis of which is that thought experiments are nothing more than arguments. Philosophers have attempted to provide counterexamples to this claim, but they haven’t convinced Norton. I will point out a more fundamental reason for reformulation that criticizes Norton’s claim that a thought experiment is a good one when its underlying logical form possesses certain desirable properties. I argue that by Norton’s empiricist standards, no thought experiment is ever justified in any deep sense due to the properties of its logical form. Instead, empiricists should consider again the merits of evaluating thought experiments more like laboratory experiments, and less like arguments.
Norton and the Logic of Thought Experiments
Michael T. Stuart
Received: 5 August 2016 / Accepted: 16 August 2016 / Published online: 23 August 2016
ÓSpringer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2016
Abstract John D. Norton defends an empiricist epistemology of thought experi-
ments, the central thesis of which is that thought experiments are nothing more than
arguments. Philosophers have attempted to provide counterexamples to this claim,
but they haven’t convinced Norton. I will point out a more fundamental reason for
reformulation that criticizes Norton’s claim that a thought experiment is a good one
when its underlying logical form possesses certain desirable properties. I argue that
by Norton’s empiricist standards, no thought experiment is ever justified in any deep
sense due to the properties of its logical form. Instead, empiricists should consider
again the merits of evaluating thought experiments more like laboratory experi-
ments, and less like arguments.
Keywords Empiricism Experimentalism John D. Norton Material theory of
induction Thought experiments
1 Introduction
Thought experiments seem to play a genuine role in scientific progress. However,
the precise nature of that role, and how thought experiments play it, remain unclear.
James R. Brown claims that some thought experiments, including Galileo’s falling
bodies thought experiment, can provide scientists with fallible a priori knowledge of
laws of nature through direct rational perception (1991, 2). John D. Norton attempts
to explain away the rationalist flavour of thought experiments by identifying them
with arguments. The epistemic import of a thought experiment comes in this case
from an inductive or deductive inference that only preserves or extends existing
&Michael T. Stuart
Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh, Cathedral of Learning, Room 817Q,
Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
Axiomathes (2016) 26:451–466
DOI 10.1007/s10516-016-9306-2
empirical knowledge and does not require rational insight (Norton
1991,1996,2004a,b). Such a defense assumes that the justificatory force of those
preservations or extensions can also be reduced ultimately to experience. This latter
assumption, concerning the empirical foundations of logic, has received little or no
attention in the discussion of Norton’s view. Yet when we focus on it, serious
internal tensions appear.
In Sect. 2, I present Norton’s account of thought experiments, and show that the
justification of thought experiments by appeal to their logical form is in tension with
Norton’s own work on the nature and power of logic. In Sect. 3, I argue that when it
comes to identifying the source of their epistemic value, empiricists like Norton
should focus on the experimental aspect of thought experiments instead of their
logical aspects.
2 The Argument View
Norton is an empiricist who claims that thought experiments are nothing more than
arguments (1991,1996,2004a,b). It is an attractive view. After all, thought
experiments are presented to us in sentences, some of which are premises, and
they try to convince us of a conclusion, just like arguments. Nevertheless, most
philosophers in the literature reject it. Some argue that the best explanation for the
success of scientific thought experiments requires that we allow for the possibility
of a direct rational grasp of relations between universals (Brown
1986,1991,1992,2004), while others portray thought experiments as mental
models, fictions, exemplifications, or conditions for the possibility of empirical
experiments (see, e.g., Bishop 1999; Davies 2007; Gendler 2004; Gooding
1992,1994; Mis
´2007; Nersessian 1991,1992,1993,2007; Elgin 2014;
Sorensen 1992; Bokulich 2001; Buzzoni 2008). Norton easily reconstructs all the
counterexamples the above authors present to his view. And in any case,
philosophers do admit that many thought experiments are nothing more than
arguments. In other words, the above writers disagree primarily with the scope of
Norton’s claim: that all thought experiments are arguments. Despite the relative
unpopularity of the view with philosophers in the literature on thought experiments,
it is still very popular with philosophers in general, and continues to deserve
discussion. Here are the relevant particulars of Norton’s account.
According to Norton, the only ‘‘non-miraculous’’ way to get new information
about the mind-independent world without empirical investigation is by performing
logical manipulations on existing knowledge. If thought experiments produce new
information about the world it is because they bring to light the hidden
consequences of and relations between facts that we already know. Thus, if we
wish to eliminate any appeal to ‘‘epistemic magic’’ (Norton 2004b, 45) we must
accept that thought experiments are arguments; the only empiricist-friendly way of
reasoning to new knowledge from old.
For this view to be substantial, we must be able to pinpoint what Norton means
by ‘‘argument.’’ Norton counts any inference that is licensed by a deductive,
inductive, abductive or informal logic as an argument (2004b, 64), and he allows
452 Axiomathes (2016) 26:451–466
diagrams to be steps in arguments (2004b, 58). He claims that we can be pretty sure
of the presence of an argument when a piece of reasoning is convincing (1996, 353),
and that the arguments underlying thought experiments will always be identifiable
(1991, 129) even though they may employ tacit premises (1996, 339) and tacit
inferences (1991, 142–3 note 2). Finally, the defining ‘‘mark’’ that tells us whether a
thought experiment or argument is justified is something completely internal; it is a
structural feature shared by other similarly successful inferences, something we get
by ‘‘merely reading its text’’ (2004a, 1143). Since Norton’s notion of argument is
tied to his notion of logic, it is important to mention that by logic Norton means any
systematization that respects the distinction between form and content. It need not
preserve truth, likelihood or even be formal (2004b, 53). Arguments are things that
are ‘‘governed’’ by such logics (2004a, 1140), and good arguments are those whose
forms are approved by their logic.
This is a very broad notion of argument. There are several reasons to worry about
it. First, it’s not clear what it means to be ‘‘governed’’ by a systematization whose
only feature is that it respects the distinction between form and content. Second, if
being an argument depends on the state of logic, and logic evolves, then Norton is
allowed to claim that the underlying argument of a thought experiment might only
be revealed by future logicians (2004b, 64). This makes the impressive coincidence
that thought experiments always happen to be reconstructible as arguments (Norton
1996, 339; 2004a, 1142) a good deal less impressive. This ‘‘coincidence’’ was
supposed to motivate us to believe that all thought experiments are arguments, but if
Norton’s claim includes the additional premise that all good reasoning will
eventually be formulated by future logicians, this means that there can be no true
counterexamples to his hypothesis until we have reached the end of logic. Or worse,
it defines all possible counterexamples away as instances of bad reasoning. Another
way to put this is that every inference we count as successful will necessarily be an
argument since we are assuming that logic will eventually get around to formalizing
all successful inference forms. I believe this is behind rejoinders like the following
from Brown: ‘‘Norton says that thought experiments are often disguised, not explicit
arguments. So the real claim is that they can be reconstructed along his empiricist
lines. Existence claims like this are devilishly difficult to defeat. I doubt that an
actual refutation could ever be delivered’’ (Brown 1992, 275).
These charges deserve consideration. For the purposes of this paper, however, I
will assume some non-trivial notion of argument can be specified so we can move
on to the more fundamental issue, which concerns the claim that we can justify
cognitive activities that produce epistemologically desirable changes in our overall
doxastic states by reference to the logical properties of those activities (or
propositional reconstructions of those activities). This obviates the need to discuss
arguments by focusing on the source of their justification: approved logical form.
Thus, whether the set of cognitive activities we call arguments and those we call
thought experiments are actually identical doesn’t matter for present purposes,
although it does for Norton’s account. I want to focus on the more fundamental
assumption that drives Norton’s view: that we can justify the output of thought
experiments by reference to the logical properties of the inferences that make up
those thought experiments.
Axiomathes (2016) 26:451–466 453
A natural way to begin an inquiry into empiricist accounts of logical justification
is by distinguishing deductive and inductive justification. I begin with deduction,
about which Norton writes: ‘‘Deductive inferences merely restate what we have
already presumed or learned. There is no mystery in what powers the inference and
permits the conclusion. We are just restating what we already have in the premises.
The warrant lies fully within the premises. If we know all winters are snowy, it
follows deductively that some winters are snowy’’ (Norton forthcoming, Chapter 2,
2.1 Deductive Thought Experiments
Let’s take a case. Galileo invents a now-infamous thought experiment to criticize
the Aristotelian theory of motion according to which heavier bodies fall faster than
light ones. Here is Norton’s reconstruction (1996, 341–342):
1. Assumption for reductio proof: The speed of fall of bodies in a given medium is
proportionate to their weights.
2. From 1: If a large stone falls with 8 degrees of speed, a smaller stone half its
weight will fall with 4 degrees of speed.
3. Assumption: If a slower falling stone is connected to a faster falling stone, the
slower will retard the faster and the faster speed the slower.
4. From 3: If the two stones of 2 are connected, their composite will fall slower
than 8 degrees of speed.
5. Assumption: the composite of the two weights has greater weight than the
6. From 1 and 5: The composite will fall faster than 8 degrees.
7. Conclusions 4 and 6 contradict.
8. Therefore, we must reject Assumption 1.
9. Therefore, all stones fall alike.
Gendler (1998) provides excellent criticism of this reconstruction. But for the
sake of argument let’s assume that it is both historically faithful to Galileo and his
contemporaries, as well as logically valid. Why should we believe its conclusion?
Since the mark that tells us whether a thought experiment is justified ‘‘is just that the
thought experiment either uses an argument form licensed by a logic or can be
reconstructed as one’’ (2004b, 54; my emphasis), and since we’re assuming this
thought experiment can be reconstructed as a reductio ad absurdum, we should
conclude that it is a good thought experiment.
But validity is not soundness; we can still deny a premise in the reconstruction of
the thought experiment. This is an obvious point, but it means that Norton’s claim
that a thought experiment is justified ‘‘just’’ when it can be reconstructed as a good
(valid, cogent, etc.) argument is actually the claim that a thought experiment is
justified when it has true (or likely) premises and can be reconstructed as a good
argument. This means that reference to the logical features of a thought
experiment’s reconstruction is never going to provide all of a thought experiment’s
justification, even for Norton. And so in the remainder of this paper I will focus on
454 Axiomathes (2016) 26:451–466
the weaker claim that reference to the logical features of a thought experiment can
provide some of its justification. The new question is: do deductive thought
experiments provide some (any) justification for their conclusions that is not already
to be found in the premises and our background beliefs?
It is important that we look closely at what Norton says, since the quotation with
which I ended the last section claims that the warrant for a deductive conclusion
‘lies fully within the premises,’’ yet Norton claims that ‘‘the mark [of a good
thought experiment] is just that the thought experiment either uses an argument
form licensed by a logic or can be reconstructed as one’’ (2004b, 54). This latter
claim says that possessing a certain logical mark just is what justifies a thought
experiment. How do we navigate between these two claims? The natural thing to do
is deny this apparent dichotomy: what makes a deductive conclusion justified is
having true premises and instantiating an approved logical schema. Such an
interpretation goes against some of Norton’s more radical remarks. For example,
Norton writes that inferring with a logical license is justified because there is
‘something in the logic that evidently confers the power of a thought experiment to
justify its conclusion’’ (Norton 2004b, 54). Interpreting statements like these so that
logic confers only part of the total justification (to respect the point above
concerning soundness), we now want to know what it is about instantiating an
approved logical form that adds justification to an inference.
Reconstructing a thought experiment as an argument allows us to see whether it
is of an approved sort. But this act of checking a reconstruction against a list of
approved logical schemas is only justification by categorization, or justification by
proxy. Reconstructing a thought experiment as an instance of modus ponens is
nothing more than saying that it is relevantly similar to other inferences that we also
take to be justified. And this is not what we want from a normative theory. And
Norton seems to agree: ‘‘the mark [of a good thought experiment] must be
something that we can recognize in the thought experiment itself. It cannot merely
be that the thought experiment is found in an approved list; that would be an
external mark’’ (2004a, 1143; my emphasis). If resulting from the use of a
deductively valid schema is a fact that adds justification, we must find something
about that schema that justifies using it. The fact that such schemas help to
categorize inferences that we already recognize as justified is not enough. With this
we decide the logical Euthyphro problem: Logical forms are not good because
logicians say they are good. Logicians say they are good because they are good.
But what about a good logical form tells a logician that it is good? For an
empiricist, it cannot be that the good-making properties of abstract logical forms
exist and are ‘‘seen’’ in the rationalist’s sense. If instantiating an approved logical
form is going to add justificatory power, therefore, we need logical approval to be
more than what logicians happen to like, and less than direct perception of features
of abstract logical forms. Two empiricist strategies (taken from philosophy of
mathematics) might be useful here. An empiricist can portray logical form as real
only in the sense of 1) relations abstracted from experience or 2) as useful
Let’s begin with the first strategy, according to which logical form is abstracted
from experience (and logical approval attaches to features of those abstractions).
Axiomathes (2016) 26:451–466 455
Approval of logical form in this sense could not provide the ultimate justification for
inferences, precisely because such form arises as a representation of something non-
formal which must already be approved. For example, we discover that inferences
of a certain type are successful. Logicians abstract their logical form and approve of
it. But approval of the abstract reconstruction of good inferences is only justificatory
in so far as it is shorthand for approval of the inferences themselves (I take this to be
a form of the point made in Carroll 1895). Approval of logical form (where logical
form is thought of as a set of relations abstracted from experience) is again only
approval by proxy, and can therefore be justification only by proxy. Properties of
logical form thus conceived cannot serve as the ‘‘internal mark’’ of a good thought
experiment (or argument) at a fundamental level.
The other empiricist strategy listed above portrays logical form as a system of
conventional but useful tautological relations, ‘‘a convenient fiction that is very
helpful for purposes of calculation, and helpful too as providing a vocabulary with
which to express our scientific theories’’ (Bostock 2009, 226). This quotation
concerns empiricist accounts of mathematics, but the point translates. Tautological
systems like mathematics and logic are useful because they allow us to make
extremely subtle distinctions in our concepts, draw new inferences, display the
consequences of our commitments, point out contradictions, and so on. However,
when we conceive of mathematics and logic as conventional languages, we face the
problem that such languages only ever express and never justify truths about the
non-linguistic world.
In this sense, approved logical form would again be unable to provide any of the
ultimate justification for the conclusion of a thought experiment. Of course, the
same conclusion holds mutatis mutandis for empiricist accounts of mathematics. An
empiricist who claimed that our knowledge of a real-world system was justified in a
fundamental sense by that system’s instantiating a certain kind of approved
mathematical form would be estranging her own empiricism.
Returning to the question we asked above: despite his remarks to the contrary,
perhaps the best interpretation of Norton’s view would claim that instantiating
approved deductive logical form does not confer any additional justificatory power.
That is, no new justification is provided to a proposition by being the result of a
sound deduction. Norton’s account would therefore imply that we never gain new
knowledge from a thought experiment that is deductive. This is somewhat
surprising, however, given Norton’s deductive reconstructions of many of the most
powerful thought experiments in science, including the one above by Galileo,
Einstein’s magnet and conductor (1991, 135–136), Einstein’s elevator (1991,
136–138), Einstein’s two fluid bodies (1991, 138–139), Einstein’s falling bodies
thought experiment (1993, 6–8), Einstein’s spinning top (1993, 8–12), Einstein’s
stressed rod (1993, 12–15), Einstein’s radiation in a mirrored box (1991, 133–134;
1993, 15–19), Einstein’s lowering and raising a stressed rod (1993, 19–24),
Einstein’s moving rod and slot thought experiment in special relativity (2004a,
1145), Einstein’s rotating disk (2004b, 50–51), and Einstein’s clock in the box
(2004b, 63–64).
Either none of these thought experiments increase our knowledge, or despite their
deductive reconstructions by Norton, they are inductive. Norton admits that some of
456 Axiomathes (2016) 26:451–466
them do provide knowledge, since he grants it in the case of Einstein’s mirrored box
(1993, 17), Einstein’s rod and the slot (2014, 1148) and he allows in several places
that thought experiments can produce knowledge (2004a, 1140; 2004b, 44, 49–50)
justification (1991, 142; 1996, 339, 354; 2004a, 1143; 2004b, 53–54) and new
information about the empirical world (1991, 129; 1996, 333). So perhaps we
should conclude that despite their deductive-looking reconstructions, the logical
form that enables these thought experiments to produce new knowledge is actually
inductive. And we should then say in general that any thought experiment that
increases our knowledge is inductive.
Once we turn to inductive thought experiments, however, the plot thickens.
2.2 Inductive Thought Experiments
Norton is explicit that his account is intended to capture inductive as well as
deductive thought experiments (Norton 2004b, 64; see also 49). However, it is not
clear that inductive inferences have logical form, and this is something emphasized
by Norton himself. In recent years Norton has developed a new theory of induction
(covering abduction, informal and probabilistic reasoning) according to which
inductive arguments do not admit of a distinction between form and content.
Norton’s new theory of inductive inference is called the ‘‘material theory of
induction’’ (Norton 2003,2005,2010,2011,2014, forthcoming), which is meant as
an alternative to formal theories of induction. Formal theories of induction attempt
to provide rules of inductive inference, whether in natural language or using a
formal calculus such as Bayesian probability theory. These attempts separate the
material of an inductive inference from its form, in order to isolate what is common
to the form of successful inductive inferences. According to formal theories of
induction, ‘‘valid inductive inferences are distinguished by their conformity to
universal templates. They may be simple, such as the template that licenses an
inference from some past A’s being B to the conclusion that all A’s are B. Or they
may be more complicated, such as the requirement that degrees of inductive support
conform to the probability calculus’’ (Norton 2014, 673).
The endeavour to find the approved logical schemas for good inferences is
precisely what Norton applauded earlier, and now rejects for induction: ‘‘If one
adopts a material theory of induction, one no longer separates factual content from
the rules of inductive inference. The problem of justifying some particular induction
is replaced by the straightforward task of justifying the facts that warrant it’’ (2014,
If we stop separating the rules of inference from the ‘‘factual content’’ as Norton
recommends, then we eliminate the distinction between the form and the content of
inductive inferences. This means that according to Norton’s own definition of a
good argument, which requires ‘‘the familiar distinction between the form and
content’’ and instantiating ‘‘an argument form licensed by a logic’’ (2004b, 53),
inductive arguments are not arguments, and inductive thought experiments are not
either. A fortiori, inductive thought experiments will not be individuated or
evaluated based on their formal features, since they do not admit of a form/content
distinction that can be used by logic to identify good inferences.
Axiomathes (2016) 26:451–466 457
Norton argues that individual inductive inferences do follow local rules, so he
might try to escape this criticism by saying that the mark of a good inductive
thought experiment is to be found in the local logical form of the reconstructed
inductive argument. This won’t do, however, since the power of those local forms
must still ultimately derive from facts concerning the material invoked by the
inductive inference. It would be strange if Norton’s material theory of induction was
only material at the most general level, and fell back on formal inductive theories
everywhere else, since the heart of the material theory of induction is the claim that,
‘what separates the good from the bad inductive inferences are background facts,
the matter of the inference, as opposed to its form’’ (forthcoming, chapter one, page
4). The rule ‘‘fire causes smoke’’ locally justifies the inference from ‘‘there is
smoke’’ to ‘‘there is fire.’’ That is, ‘‘fire causes smoke’’ is a rule that is only
applicable to a certain (local) class of phenomena. Still, this rule is justified by and
inseparable from facts about smoke and fire, for Norton. We can appeal to the rule
that fire causes smoke as a justification for our alarm when seeing a great deal of
smoke, given that we find ourselves in a domain in which that rule applies (there are
flammable objects as well as oxygen and the possibility of sparks or heat). But when
we ask what justifies that rule, we cannot answer with reference to any of the purely
formal properties of our inference. Perhaps we could appeal to some formal
properties of fire or smoke themselves, but those formal properties are not what
justify our inference from smoke to fire. It’s the causal properties of fire and smoke
we learn through experience (and testimony) that do this, not formal ones. To
repeat, our experience with the material-causal relations is what justifies our ability
to make inductive inferences using them, not any logical-formal properties those
relations may have.
There is therefore a serious internal tension between Norton’s account of thought
experiments according to which thought experiments are filled with irrelevant but
picturesque details on the one hand, and his account of induction according to which
the particular details are crucially important for justification, on the other. Having
considered both deduction and induction, then, an empiricist like Norton cannot
consistently hold the following three claims: that thought experiments provide
knowledge, that thought experiments are justified by properties of their logical
forms, and that induction is material.
This is because if thought experiments provide knowledge, they are inductive.
And if inductions are justified by the properties of their logical forms, the material
theory of induction is mistaken. Next, if thought experiments provide knowledge
and the material theory of induction is correct, this contradicts the heart of Norton’s
argument view: that thought experiments receive their ultimate justification from
appeal to their logical-formal properties. Finally, if thought experiments are justified
by properties of their logical forms and the material theory of induction is correct,
then no thought experiment provides knowledge, and Norton claims in many places
that they do.
In sum, Norton must give up the claim that thought experiments provide
knowledge, or his account of thought experimental justification, or his material
theory of induction.
458 Axiomathes (2016) 26:451–466
With that I conclude my criticism of Norton’s view that thought experiments are
arguments. Since my criticisms have been specific to the combination of views held
by Norton, it would be instructive to consider whether another empiricist or
naturalist account of thought experiments can be created that explains their ultimate
source of justification in a way that is consistent with the empiricism of someone
like Norton.
If someone was tempted to go in this direction, they might start by going back to
the basic tenants of empiricism to decide which of the three claims to reject. The
fundamental source of justification for empiricists like Norton are facts about
experience. So perhaps it is facts about experience that justify inferences. And
indeed this is precisely what Norton is committed to with respect to his material
theory of induction. All an empiricist needs to do is extend the material theory of
inference to thought experiments, which, if we accept that they can provide new
knowledge when they are inductive, requires us to leave behind the commitment to
logical form as a justifying mark on the fundamental level.
To see how this might go, let’s consider a simple example. We ask someone
whether square objects can fit through circular holes. This person cuts a square of
paper and drops it into our mug of coffee, annoyed by the absurdity of our question.
She has answered by direct reasoning. Alternatively, she could imagine cutting a
square of paper and dropping it into our coffee mug, infer that there is nothing to
prevent her from doing this, and provide the following report: ‘‘I could fit a square
object through a circular hole, and if I can do that, then there are at least some
square objects that fit through circular holes. So yes, square objects can fit through
circular holes.’’ Consider one final strategy, where the subject performs the same
mental actions as in the second case, but then also presents her reasoning in a
formally reconstructed manner.
In the first case, what made our subject’s action possible was the absence of any
physical law-like connection between the areas of everyday squares and the
diameters of everyday circles. This exact same fact is what justifies the argument
provided in the words of the second case, and the symbols of the third case. At least,
this is what an empiricist should claim.
The same is true of inductive thought experiments and arguments. Suppose we
could and did reconstruct all inductive thought experiments as arguments. Because
the same facts about experience are what justify thought experiments and
arguments, they will always enjoy exactly the same degree of justification. This
would satisfy both Norton’s ‘‘reconstruction’’ and ‘‘reliability’’ theses: that all
thought experiments are reconstructible as arguments and that all thought
experiments are equally justified as their reconstructed arguments (e.g., 1996, 339
and 2004b, 52 respectively). These are supposed to be surprising facts that warrant
the equation of thought experiments and arguments. However as we have seen, even
if both of these were true, we would still have no reason to believe that a given
thought experiment was justified by appeal to its reconstructed argument, or that it
was identical to its reconstructed argument.
In sum, if facts about experience are the ultimate ground for knowledge, and if
thought experiments sometimes produce new knowledge, then we should look at the
various ways we can generate new facts from old experience through thought.
Axiomathes (2016) 26:451–466 459
Perhaps the most epistemologically interesting and relevant of these is the running
and interpretation of experiments. So let us turn to thought experiments both as
interpretations of experiments, and as experiments themselves.
3 Material (As Opposed to Formal) Accounts of Thought Experiments
Experiments begin with a question concerning a system of interest, proceed through
a controlled intervention on or observation of that system (or a representation of that
system), and end with an interpretation of what transpired that hopefully addresses
our original question. To emerge with a high degree of confidence in the conclusion
of an experiment, we sometimes discuss our confidence in each of these stages: we
want to be confident that our question is the right one, that our representations are
accurate, that our manipulations target the right parts of the system, that our
observations are precise, and that our interpretations are free of bias.
If this is correct, then perhaps the ultimate justification of a thought experiment
that produces new knowledge lies with whatever makes experiments and their
interpretations reliable in general. Let’s start with five criteria for a good
experiment, drawn from the classic Franklin (1986).
1. The system to be investigated must be well-isolated, abstracting away irrelevant
features of the surrounding environment.
2. Experimental bias must be eliminated.
3. Sources of error must be understood and accounted for.
4. Instruments should be calibrated as well as possible.
5. We should have a theory of our instruments.
These criteria may be applied to thought experiments where we understand the
instrument of observation to be the mind, broadly construed. Here is an extremely
brief sketch of how this might go.
1. We can isolate the relevant features of interesting systems in our imaginations
through abstraction and idealization. Isolation of properties and processes in the
imagination is easier to do than the material equivalent, and this is likely one
reason thought experiments are so ubiquitous: they are economical when it
comes to this first requirement. There is a large and rapidly expanding literature
on how we perform these tasks (e.g., Giere 1988; Godfrey-Smith 2009; Laymon
1980; Matthews 2004; Portides 2011; Weisberg 2007).
2. We must eliminate experimental bias. In the case of thought experiments,
experimental bias is cognitive bias, and especially confirmation bias, which is a
fairly well-understood phenomenon. One way to keep confirmation bias in
check is by discussing thought experiments with others who do not share our
Several other philosophers have discussed the relationship between thought experiments and
experiments more generally, especially Buzzoni (2008), Gooding (1992,1994) and Sorensen (1992).
But none have tried to make this connection within the context of an empiricist account of thought
experiments. While I am not committed to empiricism, I think this is an important and interesting project,
and an extension of Nersessian’s ‘‘empiricism without logic’’ (Nersessian 2007).
460 Axiomathes (2016) 26:451–466
expectations, and this is partially what we see in classrooms, seminars,
conferences and journals, and confirmed as a desideratum by the growing
corpus in experimental philosophy. We have learned that as much as possible
we should present imaginary scenarios in different words, orders and using
different contents, to isolate for priming effects.
3. There are many sources of error in thought experiments, including inaccurate
representations of the target system and weak imaginations. These problems
must be appreciated, but they are not reasons to be skeptical about thought
experiments in general. Laboratory experiments can also fail when their
representations are inaccurate, or when their instruments have powers of
resolution that are too weak to yield a single conclusion on interpretation. One
might object that laboratory experiments have better ways of checking their
representations for accuracy, but if this is true it seems to be a matter of degree,
as coherence is our main check in both cases: laboratory experiments require
coherence between theories, experience and across experimental repetition.
Thought experiments require coherence with all of our knowledge, including
that which derives from experience, as well as coherence across repetition by
dissenting scientists (Popper 1935, 464–480). This is not to say that coherence
guarantees success, merely that the method for error checking is relevantly
similar in both cases.
4. Our imaginations must be calibrated. And they are, through years of practice
with hypothetical reasoning. In all skilled positions from electrician to tennis
player, we will have considered abstract cases almost every day as part of our
education and work. This is not to say that thought experiments are always
justified when they are performed by someone who has spent years working in
the subject area of the thought experiment. For example, the recent objections
against the use of philosophical imagination might be more worrying than the
same objection applied to the use of thought experiments in other fields like
engineering or mathematics (Thagard 2014, and see Buzzoni, forthcoming).
Still, we care about philosophical intuitions. Here are two reasons for optimism.
First, there are methods for resolving conflict. This is again the same as in the
case of laboratory experiments. If two well-calibrated experiments provide
robust and conflicting outcomes, the reaction is either to make a theoretical
change or perform more experiments. If the theoretical change is not ad hoc, it
will have empirical consequences that can be tested. It is therefore ultimately to
experience that we make recourse. Second, intuitions in philosophy and science
work in similar ways—mostly as hypotheses. In this case, they do not bear
evidential weight, and in fact they can be quite mistaken and still lead
eventually to epistemologically warranted outcomes (Buzzoni, forthcoming,
also argues that scientific and philosophical thought experiments will be
evaluated in the same way, despite their different ‘‘directions of fit’’ to the
world. For more discussion on philosophical reasoning as experimental see
Stuart 2015).
5. To have a theory of our instrument we need a theory of inference-making. Much
work in this direction has been carried out in psychology, sociology,
phenomenology, philosophy of mind, neuroscience, and more broadly speaking,
Axiomathes (2016) 26:451–466 461
the arts and humanities. It would be difficult to deny that these projects have
provided any insights into how we make (good) inferences. Studies in logic,
informal reasoning, and work on cognitive biases alone represent important
strides in the last century.
In sum, whether thought experiments are reconstructed as arguments or not,
applying the norms of laboratory practice seems prima facie to be a good way to
evaluate their level of justification for an empiricist. And there are myriad resources
from which to build such an account, not least including cognitive science, which
recognizes and explains how to avoid some of the pitfalls of using imaginary
scenarios in certain contexts.
I leave the full explication of such an account for future work. For now, I want to
deal with two objections concerning the differences between thought experiments
and laboratory experiments. The first claims that thought experiments cannot
intervene on extra-mental systems, which is one of the most important features of a
laboratory experiment. Here are two replies to such an objection.
Intervention—while important—is not a necessary condition for experimenta-
tion. There are many examples in science where an experiment does not intervene.
A classic example concerns peppered moth camouflage (Kettlewell
1955,1956,1958). There were several colourings of peppered moths in England,
and it appeared that the darker (and rarer) forms were becoming more common in
areas downwind of factories responsible for industrial pollution that darkened the
trees and killed much of the lichen cover. To see if the spread of the melanic gene
was due to the inability of predators to spot the darker moths against the darkened
trees, Henry Kettlewell collected moths of different colours and placed them on
different coloured tree barks in a laboratory setting. Predators were then brought
into see which moths were preyed upon. Kettlewell found a significant advantage
for the darker moths when darkened tree bark was used: they were more than twice
as likely as the paler moths to avoid predation. This was well-prepared observation
of natural processes, not intervention. Nevertheless, it has all the trappings of a
controlled experiment, and it established a historically important result.
Another example is Pasteur’s famous set of experiments in which he showed that
spontaneous generation (of insects, rats, etc.) does not occur when soiled rags or
dead flesh are kept away from circulating air. He established this result simply by
watching rags and meat kept under limited air circulation (see Conant 1953). Again,
we shouldn’t describe Pasteur’s experiments as interventions, because we wouldn’t
be able to say on what he intervened. The life cycles of hypothetical houseflies that
might have lived if their progenitors had been able to lay eggs on a particular piece
of meat hardly forms a system on which we could intervene. Like Kettlewell, what
Pasteur did was create a new and different system, one in which there were no
housefly eggs, and observed it, finding that a state without houseflies begets no
The second response to the charge that thought experiments cannot intervene is
to affirm that thought experiments can intervene, by making an analogy to other
homomorphic representations (like material models). When a scientist aims to learn
about a given natural system, she primarily does her intervening on idealized
462 Axiomathes (2016) 26:451–466
versions of these systems. We can map the strengths of different representational
relations on a continuum that runs from direct material reasoning (like putting
square objects through circular openings), to scientific field experiment, laboratory
experiment, material modelling, computer simulation, thought experiment, all the
way to reasoning with representations that have almost nothing in common with
what they represent (like the dots and dashes of Morse code, or binary
representations in a computer). When we consider this continuum, we notice that
direct intervention is an ideal that typically goes unachieved. Almost always, we
intervene on abstracted and idealized versions of natural systems, not on the systems
themselves. And thought experimental scenarios in science are abstracted or
idealized versions of natural systems. It is true that we cannot be sure that a
mentally represented system will react as a natural system would, but this problem
is only gradually more severe than it is for material models, computer simulations
and laboratory experiments. In all these cases, we hope that our representations of
natural systems preserve enough of the relevant structure of the natural systems that
something new can be learned from them. This hope is grounded in the quality of
our assumptions, confidence in our background theory, and understanding of our
But how do we intervene on a representation? To intervene experimentally is to
interrupt or otherwise tamper with the time-evolution of a process. When done
properly, we are able to gauge counterfactually how the trajectory of the process
compares pre- and post-intervention using a control. There are several authors who
point out the dynamic aspects of thought experiments (Mis
´1992, 220;
Nersessian 2007, 143, and forthcoming). According to an interpretation of thought
experiments which portrays them as dynamic, we can take the control case to be the
evolution of the system according to the rules and constraints we build into the
scenario without an intervention. The rules and constraints that determine the time-
evolution of a system come partially from representational conventions, partially
from background knowledge. Just as with all systems of representation, there are
conventions governing acceptable sets of outcomes for imagined scenarios. The
constraints in a scientific thought experiment will often be more flexible than the
constraints on say, Euler circles or Venn diagrams, but this is not to say they don’t
exist. Looking at the way we reason with fiction might reveal some general types of
constraint (Ichikawa and Jarvis 2009), and common sense tells us that particular
scenario types will have specific rules that vary with the content (for example,
Sherlock Holmes can only do what a human can do). Given that there are rules and
constraints that we use to imagine the evolution of a system, there will be
interventions we can perform on the control case by altering the initial conditions or
the constraints themselves, and then ‘‘seeing’ how it plays out (see Nersessian,
forthcoming). And this is exactly what we find in cognitive science studies of how
students create and interact with thought experiments in the classroom (Ko
¨sem and
¨zdemir 2014).
Finally, we might worry that the imagined results of a thought experiment thus
conceived will be hopelessly indeterminate compared to a laboratory experiment
since we can imagine any outcomes to a given scenario that we want, and real-world
systems only evolve in only one way. But this is not necessarily true. Real-world
Axiomathes (2016) 26:451–466 463
systems often have as many or more degrees of freedom than a thought experiment
does—consider all the possible outcomes of a social or psychological experiment,
for instance. And we have greater control over the constraints involved in a thought
experiment, which we can tighten as we see fit. In any case, the real concern is
whether the constraints we place in our imaginations for a given scenario reliably
track the constraints present in a system of interest, to some degree. The answer to
this question will depend on the system, the quality of our imagined scenario, and
our training; it cannot be determined in advance.
4 Conclusion
Norton argues that thought experiments are arguments. According to Norton,
arguments are inferences governed by logic, and their conclusions are justified by
logic. For an empiricist, logical justification must boil down to empirical
justification. According to Norton, deduction merely rearranges what we already
know, but it does not provide any new justification. And according to Norton’s
account of induction, inductive inferences are justified because of the real-world
relations between the material of the premises of the argument, and not their logical
Therefore, deductive thought experiments say nothing new, and inductive
thought experiments are not justified by appeal to logic. If new knowledge results
from a thought experiment, which Norton allows, then Norton’s account is
incapable of explaining it by reference to features of logical form. This is
problematic because it is a desideratum of any epistemological account of thought
experiments that it provide some explanation of the source of thought experimental
That said, we are not about to stop representing thought experiments logically as
arguments; doing so is a helpful clarificatory exercise that provides a quick means of
separating good from bad inferences. But for a complete epistemology of thought
experiments, we need more than handy heuristics. We must identify the fount of
justification, and for an empiricist, reference to logical form will not do. This
seemingly minor point is crucial when applied to the literature on thought
experiments, because with it, we remove a fundamental component of Norton’s
account, which has been very influential in the literature.
Empiricists may still claim that thought experiments are regular inferences that
are justified when that particular sort of inference is justified, but they will need a
story about how those inferences themselves are justified, and it will not proceed by
appeal to logical schemas if we accept the material theory of induction. In light of
this problem, I have suggested an alternative source for a thought experiment’s
justification: experimental interaction and interpretation, whose epistemic evalua-
tion would follow similar criteria as in other sorts of experiments and interpreta-
tions. This might be a preferable direction for empiricists in the ongoing discussion
of the epistemology of thought experiments, although it is equally open to
naturalists and rationalists as well.
464 Axiomathes (2016) 26:451–466
Acknowledgments I’d like to thank John D. Norton, Nancy Nersessian, Yiftach Fehige, James R.
Brown, Marco Buzzoni, Joseph Berkovitz, Catherine Elgin, So
¨ren Ha
¨ggqvist, Elke Brendel, Geordie
McComb and an anonymous referee for comments and discussion, as well as audiences at the University
of Toronto, Bonn and Pittsburgh. This research was supported by an Ontario Graduate Research
scholarship, the Germany/Europe fund from the University of Toronto, and a postdoctoral fellowship at
the Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh.
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466 Axiomathes (2016) 26:451–466
... In a non-formal, but material theory of induction, like Norton's (2021), the dichotomy between premises and rules of inference may disappear. If the justification provided by a thought experiment is regarded as relative to the premises and the rules of inference, Stuart's (2016) worries about a tension between the argument view and a material theory of induction are nevertheless mitigated. 23 One could argue that scientific utopianism is merely a form of engineering, a form of intervening in the world, not of learning about it. ...
... He proposed a revision of an overly constricted subject matter of economics by extending its "conceptual structure" (Neurath 1917(Neurath /2004. Among other things, Neurath advocates a recollection and advancement of the broad notions of "wealth" and "happiness" common to classical economists and Carl Menger (Neurath 1911(Neurath /1998, but foreign to 28 Note that the wide conception of 'logic' employed by Norton in this context does not strictly require propositional form but merely some type of objects to which rules of inference are applicable (Norton 2004a;Stuart 2016). Other objects than sentences, e.g. ...
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Otto Neurath’s empiricist methodology of economics and his contributions to political economy have gained increasing attention in recent years. We connect this research with contemporary debates regarding the epistemological status of thought experiments by reconstructing Neurath’s utopias as linchpins of thought experiments. In our three reconstructed examples of different uses of utopias/dystopias in thought experiments we employ a reformulation of Häggqvist’s model for thought experiments and we argue that: (1) Our reformulation of Häggqvist’s model more adequately complies with many uses of thought experiments, especially with the open-ended discussions of utopias and dystopias in thought experiments. (2) As a strict logical empiricist, Neurath is committed to a strictly empiricist account of thought experiments. John Norton’s empiricist argument view can indeed account for the justifications of empirical beliefs and genuine discoveries targeted by scientific utopianism in three distinct (yet connected) ways, all of which Neurath already contemplated: (2.I) Dealing with utopias and thought experiments on a regular basis increases creativity and inventiveness. (2.II) Particular ways of presenting knowledge facilitate scientific discovery and social progress. (2.III) The use of utopias in thought experiments can prompt conceptual change and allow access to new phenomena. We conclude by highlighting that, even though thought experiments support a positive attitude for exploring new social possibilities, Neurath points out that active decisions are unavoidable. The exploration of alternatives and the awareness of a need for decisions in policy discussion avert a technocratic outlook in social science.
... The core thesis of the empiricist epistemology of mental simulations as introduced by Norton (2004) is that they are nothing more than picturesque arguments, as per the statement of Stuart (2016). Philosophers have tried to refute such assertion with counterexamples, but Norton has not been persuaded. ...
... Philosophers have tried to refute such assertion with counterexamples, but Norton has not been persuaded. However, Stuart (2016) pointed out a more basic reason for reformulation that challenges Norton's argument that a good mental simulation is one that has certain desired features in its underlying logical structure. No mental simulation is ever justified in any fundamental sense by the empiricist criteria of Norton because of the features of its logical construction. ...
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Due to the issues that revolve around the usage of virtual simulations in distance learning, such as poor internet connectivity, scarcity of necessary resources, and technological and digital illiteracy among adult teachers and unprivileged learners, this study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of collaborative mental simulation-based activities (CMSbA), which do not necessarily involve internet-based learning, as an alternative to PhET interactive simulation-based activities (PhETISbA) in teaching Physics concepts, specifically Newton's laws of motion.
... Gooding (1992) emphasizes the embodied nature of thought expeirments, in order to explain a sense in which they are like real experiments. And Stuart (2016b) argues that the epistemology of laboratory experiments can be used to evaluate the epistemic value of thought experiments: specifically, the principles for effective laboratory experiments can also be usefully applied to thought experiments. Finally, Marco Buzzoni has pointed out that there are different senses in which thought experiments can relate to laboratory experiments (Buzzoni 2008(Buzzoni , 2018b: in one sense, thought experients are necesssary for laboratory experiments, because an imagined experiment must always precede a laboratory experiment. ...
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... Finally, it is worth noticing that my proposal is in line with other authors' concerns about Norton's account. For example, Stuart (2016) argues that Norton seems forced to renounce at least one of following: (i) TEs provide knowledge, (ii) an empiricist theory of TEs justification, or (iii) Norton's material theory of induction (Norton, 2021): ...
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Philosophers have debated at length the epistemological status of scientific thought experiments. I contend that the literature on this topic still lacks a common conceptual framework, a lacuna that produces radical disagreement among the participants in this debate. To remedy this problem, I suggest focusing on the distinction between the internal and the external validity of an experiment, which is also crucial for thought experiments. I then develop an account of both kinds of validity in the context of thought experiments. I show that we can naturally conceptualise internal validity in terms of games of make-believe. Then, I argue that external validity is best defined as accurate representation of a target system. Finally, I turn back to the current debate on thought experiments and show that my diarchic account provides a general framework that can be shared by the competing philosophical views, as well as a fruitful guide for their reconciliation.
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The New Experimentalism, given its opposition between experimental practices and fundamental theories, has had to address the problem of the relationship between the particularity of the former and the generality of the latter. Some other authors (from Charles A. Baylis and Nelson Goodman to Catherine Elgin) have used the concept of exemplification to clarify the relationship between particular and universal/general concepts or laws. But one may ask whether, while hinting at a point of view that can illuminate new aspects of the problem, they have not ultimately left the problem itself unresolved. This article, on the basis of considerations developed elsewhere and following a suggestion found in Aristotle, proposes to link the concept of exemplification to the problem of induction and abduction, both understood here as the name for a multiplicity of methodical procedures aimed at establishing a cognitive relationship between the reproducibility of scientific concepts or laws and the concreteness, locality, and situated character of experimental practices. A necessary prerequisite for the solution of the problem raised by this relationship is the distinction between two senses – one reflexive-transcendental, the other genetic-methodological – of the discovery/justification pair of concepts. This will shed light, at the same time, on the long-standing problem of induction and on the problem of the relationship between the claimed universality of scientific laws and the always local and situated character of experimental practices. The last part of the article shows how these conclusions also apply to thought experiments, briefly discussing John Norton’s account.
This first chapter aims to start putting the subject matter, the nature and epistemic status of intuitions, into perspective. Intuition forms a central aspect of contemporary theories in epistemology. Thought experiments are often used to elicit intuitions and arrive at judgments that support philosophical theories of one hue or the other. However, the problem is with establishing the claims made using intuitions. Epistemologists just take them for granted without offering a characterization of what it is to intuit. The nature of intuitions is not clear, and neither is it beyond doubt. I will articulate the nature of intuitions by investigating a number of paradigmatic thought experiments from various written texts of contemporary epistemology that would be indicative of an appeal to intuition.
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Those who wish to defend the role of aesthetic values in science face a dilemma: Either aesthetic language is used metaphorically for what are ultimately epistemic features, or aesthetic language is used literally but it is difficult to see the importance of such values in science. I introduce a new account that gets around this problem by looking to an overlooked source of aesthetic value in science: the relation between form and content. I argue that a fit between the content of a thought experiment, and the way in which that content is formulated, can have important epistemic pay offs through contributing to scientific understanding.
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While discussions of the imagination have been limited in philosophy of science, this is beginning to change. In recent years, a vast literature on imagination in science has emerged. This paper surveys the current field, including the changing attitudes towards the scientific imagination, the fiction view of models, how the imagination can lead to knowledge and understanding, and the value of different types of imagination. It ends with a discussion of the gaps in the current literature, indicating avenues for future research.
Entende-se que os experimentos mentais são dispositivos da imaginação que podem nos fornecer crenças que constituem conhecimento. John D. Norton apresentou uma abordagem que se tornou influente para explicar como os experimentos mentais científicos podem produzir novos conhecimentos sobre o mundo. Ele afirma que não há nada distintivo nos experimentos mentais, uma vez que sustenta que eles funcionam exatamente como argumentos. Neste artigo, contestamos sua abordagem. Examinamos aspectos essenciais de sua abordagem, que envolvem as noções de “argumento” e “inferência” para mostrar que um sujeito que chega a saber algo através da execução ou condução de um experimento mental dificilmente será considerado como tendo efetivamente executado um argumento ou um processo de raciocínio inferencial.
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The problem of the nature of thought experiments was generally ignored in the epistemological tradition until about twenty years ago (the first monograph appeared in 1991). Since then, the fast-growing literature on the subject has generated a large number of contrasting opinions. However, there is agreement on one point: the basic problem is to explain how thought experiments, not based upon any new empirical material, can lead to new and unexpected conclusions, often creating serious difficulties even for well confirmed empirical theories. From a methodological point of view, this explanation presupposes that the relation between thought experiment and real experiment be explained; and this is possible only if both terms are explicitly thematised. In this respect, there is a serious gap in the literature, which has hardly tackled the question of the nature, function and validity of real experiments. The increasing number of studies on this topic shows that this problem is far from solved. The first part of my book studies the concept of real experiment. I examine the relevant theses proposed by exponents of the new experimentalism, as well as of other important trends, such as the German methodical constructivism. Even today, attempts to solve the basic problem of thought experiments (as this problem is defined in the first paragraph) must take as their starting point the theory formulated by Ernst Mach, the first to tackle this subject explicitly and systematically. Mach’s theory, however, is fundamentally ambiguous. On the one hand, he connects the contents of real and thought experiments, claiming that any thought experiment must ultimately lead to a real one. On the other hand, the structural features shared by the two kinds of experiment (mainly because of the common “method of variation”) cause him to uphold their mutual independence. This ambiguity affects all subsequent theories of thought experiment, be they Platonist (such as Brown’s, empiricist (such as Sorensen’s, Norton’s, and Gooding’s), or sociological-constructivist, a trend initiated by Thomas Kuhn’s subtle and complex analysis, and developed by McAllister and Gendler. Brown remarked that a Kantian perspective is absent from the critical literature on thought experiment. Literally, this is false. The term “thought experiment” was not introduced by Mach (as believed until recently), but by Hans-Christian Ørsted in a discussion on the relation between mathematical and physical knowledge in Kant. However, Ørsted’s interpretation of thought experiments and of their relation with real ones has had virtually no influence, and so the spirit of Brown’s claim is correct. In a sense, the present work attempts to fill this gap. It aims to overcome the main limit of previous theories of thought experiment by means of a reflexive-transcendental and operational account that maintains the mutual independence of thought and real experiments, and clarifies conceptually the necessary link between them. To understand the reciprocal autonomy and complementarity of thought and real experiment, it is necessary to distinguish between an empirical (or formal) and a transcendental perspective. Empirically (or formally), real and thought experiment are indistinguishable. From a reflexive-transcendental viewpoint however, thought experiment is irreducible to real experiment. This is due to the fact that the hypothetical-anticipatory moment is in principle irreducible to physical reality – even though it refers to physical reality and is bound with the empirical use of our understanding. Indeed, the hypothetical character of thought experiments binds them to real ones: if in formulating and evaluating thought experiments, we did not assume that they refer (at least implicitly) to real ones, the former would have no empirical meaning and could not belong to empirical science. The presence of counterfactual assumptions in thought experiments does not make it impossible to carry them out, obtaining from them concrete empirical information that strengthens our control on reality. On the contrary, the presence of counterfactuals is the condition of the possibility for thought experiments to become in principle real ones. Real experimentation can then be perfected so as to approximate gradually the ideal conditions postulated in thought experiment. Thus counterfactual assumptions make their own operational application possible, by means of a series of technical realisations that gradually approximate the idealisations that they contain.
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Philosophical conceptual analysis is an experimental method. Focusing on this helps to justify it from the skepticism of experimental philosophers who follow Weinberg, Nichols & Stich (2001). To explore the experimental aspect of philosophical conceptual analysis, I consider a simpler instance of the same activity: everyday linguistic interpretation. I argue that this, too, is experimental in nature. And in both conceptual analysis and linguistic interpretation, the intuitions considered problematic by experimental philosophers are necessary but epistemically irrelevant. They are like variables introduced into mathematical proofs which drop out before the solution. Or better, they are like the hypotheses that drive science, which do not themselves need to be true. In other words, it does not matter whether or not intuitions are accurate as descriptions of the natural kinds that undergird philosophical concepts; the aims of conceptual analysis can still be met.
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The first, critical part of the paper summarizes J. R. Brown's Platonic view of thought experiments (TEs) and raises several questions. One of them concerns the initial, particular judgments in a TE. Since they seem to precede the general insight, Brown's Platonic intuition, and not to derive front it, the question arises as to the nature of the initial particular judgment. The other question concerns the explanatory status of Brown's epistemic Platonism. The second, constructive descriptive-explanatory part argues for an alternative, i.e. the view of TE as reasoning in, or with help of, mental models which can accommodate all the relevant data within a non-aprioristic framework (or, at worst, within a minimally "aprioristic", nativist one). The last part turns to issues of justification and argues that the mental model proposal can account for justification of intuitional judgments and can also support the view of properly functioning intuition as an epistemic virtue, all within a more naturalist framework than the one endorsed by Brown.
I explore the possibility that there are interesting and illuminating parallels to be drawn between issues central to the philosophical literature on scientific thought experiments (TE's) and issues central to the philosophical literature on standard fictional narratives. I examine three related questions: (a) To what extent are TE's (like) standard fictional narratives? (b) Is the understanding of TE's like the understanding of standard fictional narratives? (c) Most significantly, are there illuminating parallels to be drawn between the 'epistemological problem' of TE's in science, and epistemological problems that attend some of the cognitive claims made for standard works of fiction? If so, are strategies used to defend the epistemic virtues of TE's equally available to defend the cognitive claims of works of fiction? In addressing the third of these questions, I spell out the range of responses elicited by the epistemological problem of TE's in science and suggest that at least one of this responses might bear upon the credibility of the cognitive claims of fiction.
This collection of specially commissioned essays puts top scholars head to head to debate the central issues in the lively and fast growing field of philosophy of biology. Brings together original essays on ten of the most hotly debated questions in philosophy of biology. Lively head-to-head debate format sharply defines the issues and paves the way for further discussion. Includes coverage of the new and vital area of evolutionary developmental biology, as well as the concept of a unified species, the role of genes in selection, the differences between micro- and macro-evolution, and much more. Each section features an introduction to the topic as well as suggestions for further reading. Offers an accessible overview of this fast-growing and dynamic field, whilst also capturing the imagination of professional philosophers and biologists