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Abstract and Figures

Agile development requires a highly iterative and collaborative design process, which relies on the successful interpretation of software development activities amongst team members throughout the overall process. However, contemporary methods and tools that support agile efforts provide little help in addressing context-specific tacit knowledge, which is difficult to externalize without a shared method of interpretation. Without a continuously updated interpretation of the project vision, it is difficult to claim a shared mental model, while this is actually vital for the success of an agile process. In this paper, we address this issue and seek guidance in an approach that is commonly used in film storycraft. Film production has ample experience with externalizing experiences with the help of visual planning tools and related techniques to orchestrate the creative efforts of vast interdisciplinary production teams. We therefore propose that methods and tools from visual storycrafting can be adapted to assist software developers, not only with externalizing and discussing context-specific tacit knowledge but also to keep them creatively engaged in the development process.
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Software Developer’s Journey
A Story-Driven Approach to Support
Software Practitioners
Murat Yilmaz1,2, Berke Atasoy3, Rory V. O’Connor4,5(B
Jean-Bernard Martens3, and Paul Clarke4,5
1Virtual Reality Laboratory, C¸ ankaya University, Ankara, Turkey
2Department of Computer Engineering, C¸ ankaya University, Ankara, Turkey
3Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Eindhoven, The Netherlands,
4Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
5Lero, The Irish Software Engineering Research Center, Limerick, Ireland
Abstract. Agile development requires a highly iterative and collabo-
rative design process, which relies on the successful interpretation of
software development activities amongst team members throughout the
overall process. However, contemporary methods and tools that support
agile efforts provide little help in addressing context-specific tacit knowl-
edge, which is difficult to externalize without a shared method of inter-
pretation. Without a continuously updated interpretation of the project
vision, it is difficult to claim a shared mental model, while this is actu-
ally vital for the success of an agile process. In this paper, we address
this issue and seek guidance in an approach that is commonly used in
film storycraft. Film production has ample experience with externalizing
experiences with the help of visual planning tools and related techniques
to orchestrate the creative efforts of vast interdisciplinary production
teams. We therefore propose that methods and tools from visual sto-
rycrafting can be adapted to assist software developers, not only with
externalizing and discussing context-specific tacit knowledge but also to
keep them creatively engaged in the development process.
Keywords: Agile software development ·Story-driven software
development ·Storycrafting ·Software development process
1 Introduction
While agile methodologies have recently been proposed as a way to overcome
challenges in the software development process, integrating agile approaches suc-
cessfully into an existing company culture is actually a very challenging task.
Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
C. Kreiner et al. (Eds.): EuroSPI 2016, CCIS 633, pp. 203–211, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44817-6 16
204 M. Yilmaz et al.
Agile software development consists of a set of iterative software methodolo-
gies. Team-based production is advanced through collaborations of team mem-
bers on the requirements that are collected from stakeholders [1].Itcanbechar-
acterized by incremental development cycles, lightweight documentation, and
face-to-face communication between team members. It requires teams that are
capable of organizing themselves around cross-functional development activities
by means of effective tacit knowledge sharing sessions. The basic assumption
of agile methodologies is that effective software development relies on context-
specific tacit knowledge that is at times hard to make explicit and share. The
success of sharing such knowledge is affected by practitioners viewpoints, beliefs
and value systems [2], as well as by their personalities [3]. Many development
methodologies aim to support the conversion of tacit knowledge into formal and
explicit system requirements that can in turn be converted into technical soft-
ware specifications [4].
Many proponents of agile software development argue that it is more effec-
tive when a shared mental model [5] is developed by a team of practitioners who
also have the technical skills to subsequently convert the shared objectives into
technical specifications and implementations. Recent evidence suggests that this
process of formulating and sharing (i.e. externalizing) tacit knowledge is actu-
ally much more difficult than the reverse transformation of explicit knowledge
into tacit understanding (i.e. internalization). This latter method of knowledge
transfer is known as hands on experience or learning by doing [6].
In storycraft there is a well-established tradition in representing and sharing
tacit knowledge about human experiences by capturing such experiences in both
textual and visual form (e.g., using storyboards). This tradition builds on the
ability of most people to quickly sympathize, i.e., develop an emotional relation-
ship, with the context and characters in a story, even in cases where this story
has only been sketched in rudimentary form and has not been worked out in
detail. Stories do not only convey functional information, such as the features
of a new software program, but also propose contexts and users that can give
meaning to such features. Stories can also assist in orchestrating team efforts,
as team members develop an understanding of how they can contribute with
their specific skills to the overall team objective, and possibly provide end-user
value [7].
A quick, inexpensive and flexible parallel process to continuously translate
tacit knowledge into explicit conversation can assist in capturing the essence
of the motivation, and in understanding the impact of the actions taken by
individual team members. The ability to think in terms of stories can help with
externalizing context specific tacit knowledge and with coordinating the software
developers’ creative efforts.
From a software development point of view, storycrafting may assist the agile
approach in several ways: (1) providing insight into the progress of the strategy
behind the development process by visualizing not only actions and accomplish-
ments but also the underlying reasoning and mindset, (2) providing engagement
by visually capturing an explicit representation of the strategic moves between
actions, (3) motivating and engaging team members into the overall process not
Software Developer’s Journey 205
just as task responsibles but also as creative contributors, (4) providing a com-
mon awareness of the impact of individual contributions throughout the whole
process, (5) establishing a visual structure that engages practitioners not only
practically but also emotionally in the task at hand.
The aim of the exploratory study that we report here was to assess the use-
fulness of storycrafting for improving the communication during an agile devel-
opment processes. The more specific research question was whether or not we
could improve an agile software development process by enhancing the visual
communication process using story crafting techniques.
The remainder of the paper is organized in the following manner. Section 2
reviews relevant literature. Section 3describes the details of our proposed app-
roach. In the final section, we discuss the potentials and benefits of this approach.
2 Background
Agile development proposes the notion of user stories which describe planned
features of the software artifact within a context, so that an understanding can
be developed of the resulting customer experience (See Fig. 1). it has been empir-
ically observed that this is an approach that is quite effective for capturing soft-
ware requirements [8]. An important reason for this is that stories are an effective
way of communicating a demand and hence an efficient way to exchange tacit
knowledge [9].
Fig. 1. User story cards.
While the introducing user stories into an agile process has proven to be
valuable, the full potentials of narrative imagining has not yet been accom-
plished. We are convinced that visual storycraft has much more to offer to an
agile development process than is currently the case.
Storytelling is an explanatory activity that aims at providing a symbolic
representation of a range of interactions and consequent emotions that an indi-
vidual may experience with the software service under development. on one or
206 M. Yilmaz et al.
more subjects. The contextual information within a story is important tacit
knowledge that assist in developing a more explicit awareness of consumer value
and the relevance of specific software requirements. Kalid and Saifullah [10]for
instance proposed to use narratives as a way of capturing the tacit knowledge
in a project, while Linde [11] argues that social knowledge can be transmitted
effectively by using a narratives. Narratives provides a way to share tacit knowl-
edge on socially relevant aspects such as lessons learned from previous projects,
alternative ways of executing specific tasks, ways of resolving conflicts, etc.
Imagining in the form of stories is a rational thinking tool for looking into
the future, predict, plan, and explain situations that do not yet exist [12]. All of
the above are cognitive efforts and they require a common ground and a shared
process to explicitly discuss, assess and decide. From a storycrafting perspective,
agile efforts do not only promote interdisciplinary communication and process
management of software development but also help to coordinate co-creative
efforts towards innovative software design.
2.1 Storycrafting
Storycrafting takes various forms such as oral, written, theater and film [13].
Crafting a story does not entirely rely on the creative intuition of artistic minds.
It relies on a well-established tradition in translating tacit knowledge into every-
day thinking through structural frameworks and pre-defined guidelines and tech-
niques. Aristotle maps the structure of actions in a story as a unified plot with a
beginning, middle and end [14]. Propps Morphology of the Folktale establishes
31 commonly occurring themes that are called story functions which are classi-
fiable actions that a protagonist can take in a story [15]. Campbell points out a
common structure called Hero’s Journey in every great story that has resonated
through history [16]. Freytag describes a five-act structure to build a story that
mostly applies to ancient Greek and Shakespearean drama [17]. Field’s Paradigm
establishes a three-act structure in which definitive moments called plot points
control the change in direction of a story from the beginning till the end [16].
Certain forms of storycraft such as feature film-making have a proven record
in managing and orchestrating highly complex production processes by interdis-
ciplinary teams that passionately work and share an extremely complex process.
Their process requires an interpretation of the tacit knowledge embedded in
the scripts to be shared with a vast crowd of interdisciplinary workers. Visual
planning such as story, e.g. through continuity boards, provides an efficient inter-
face to explore options, reflect, discuss and detect problems and make changes
quickly, easily and inexpensively [18].
2.2 Stories as Developer Experiences
Agile development is an exploratory process, which starts with a prioritization
of aspects such as required collaboration and interaction in the software develop-
ment process. Consequently, recent development and design challenges in soft-
ware development require more human-centered approaches and the software
Software Developer’s Journey 207
industry is shifting its demands on software practitioners towards soft skills. In
order to achieve sustainability in software decision making, practitioners should
understand their dependence on their teammates, respect skills and approaches
that they do not master themselves, and be able to cope with personality
In this paper, we suggest that we should more rigorously organize software
development experiences in terms of stories that can be used for communicating
our development experience to other software practitioners. Furthermore, we
suggest that agile software development demands a concrete but flexible way
with a quick and inexpensive interface to externalize and capture the fleeting
moments of discussion and decision-making in order to improve the quality of
the design and development processes.
3 Software Developer’s Journey
We propose a novel approach to assist teams in coordinating software devel-
opment tasks by using a visual externalization process. The goal is to reveal
important aspects of the software development progress in a visual environment
with the intention to promote transfer of tacit knowledge. Software practition-
ers’ experiences can be in the form of code snippets that solve a known issue,
or propose an alternative approach towards resolving previously encountered
Firstly, based on the notion of a shared metaphor that is one of the twelve
practices in agile development [19], the second step in the process is to inter-
pret the project tasks jointly with team members by exploring the potential
statements in which such a metaphor is invoked. Here, we interpret software
development as a theory building activity, which aims to bridge the gap between
tacit knowledge and software project documentation by effectively capturing the
design knowledge from an experience-focused perspective.
Secondly, a software team assesses the collected software development expe-
riences into story elements such as actors,domains and artifacts in order to
utilize them in the software design process. The tacit knowledge consists of a set
of rules and procedures that can assist in reaching decisions on specific develop-
ment tasks [20], and hence guides the overal software development process.
Thirdly, a software team identifies the key stakeholder(s), i.e., relevant per-
sonas and contexts as well as the intended experience. The demographics of the
persona and his relationship to the software development tasks are essential for
understanding what defines successful use of the software. Identifying stakeholder
conflicts at an early stage can provide a software team with an understanding of
the emotional consequences that completing or failing software tasks may have.
There is evidence to suggest that such an understanding can have influence the
success of a software project [21].
Fourthly, the projected experience can be contextualized through a visual
representation of all actions that can shared, e.g., by means of an agile
208 M. Yilmaz et al.
Fig. 2. The enhanced agile task-board.
task board1, which may in turn help to coordinate the software development
process (see Fig. 2).
To explore the feasibility of our approach, we initially subscribed to the
guidance of a method called Storyply. This method explores the application of
storycraft in user experience design in order to improve the focus of interdisci-
plinary design teams on the targeted end-user experience [22]. We appropriated
certain stages of Storyply Method in order to test some of our claims on a senior
graduation project conducted by a team of three novice researchers at Cankaya
University Computer Engineering Department (see Fig. 3). The project group
was developing a VR-based application for creating a virtual storytelling expe-
rience about GobekliTepe, which is a pre-historic site about 12000 years old at
SanliUrfa, Turkey. The project lasted for a year and it was supervised by two of
the authors.
The team used Scrumban, which is a combination of Kanban and Scrum, in
their development process. We added two phases from the Backstage of Story-
ply, i.e., Insploration and Categorizing Story Elements, as well as a condensed
version of the On-Stage phase. We were interested in observing the effects of
the Storyply activities on the Scrumban methodology and on the team process
and outcomes. Our preliminary results indicate the effectiveness of the proposed
approach in several respects. Firstly, it helped the development team to build
a shared metaphor. Secondly, the visual progress in the development phase was
1The task board is a visual display of the software development progress.
Software Developer’s Journey 209
Fig. 3. Testing how storycraft resonates with software developers while conducting a
scrumban process with support from storyply.
visible to all team members so that it could be used as a reference in the discus-
sions. Thirdly, this approach helped the team to reveal already at an early stage
the potential problems that needed to be resolved in the software development
4 Discussions
A story is a structural artifact which can effectively be used in software develop-
ment. Software practitioners should focus on software development tasks where
stories can act as a narrative asset that may improve visual planning of soft-
ware development and to keep team motivation alive. Stories can guide software
teams to give priority to the experiences of targeted customers already in the
early stages of the design process.
Stories guide us to create a personal interpretation of a system metaphor,
which is valuable for self-reflection of the software practitioners. A shared
metaphor can help a software team explore the diversity of different perspec-
tives and formalize a shared vision in very early stages of the development. This
is inline with Beck [23] who already suggested that a team should simplify a soft-
ware artifact to fit a a single metaphor. Software practitioners might agree that
the design of a particular software service is similar to an assembly or product
line or it may look like a coffee shop with service personnel and chiefs and cus-
tomers. As it follows a storified life-cycle, the proposed approach also promotes
that software teams may more easily claim ownership of the software artifacts.
An important goal of this preliminary study is to demonstrate the benefits
of a story-driven software development. In fact it is important to capture and
store the excessively valuable tacit knowledge using a rich story-based approach.
Consequently, we claim the need for an emerging skill called creatively engaged
210 M. Yilmaz et al.
software practitioners who also master the process of capturing software develop-
ment experiences. Software practitioners will hopefully recognize the importance
of such an approach and the potential benefits that it can bring.
Although this research envisions a preliminary framework that utilizes sto-
ries in an agile development, more qualitative and quantitative data should be
collected on the proposed approach. In particular, this approach needs further
testing with software teams conducting agile processes and experts should iterate
on the apprach based on such observations. Most importantly, a future cross-
national study involving various software development teams from different coun-
tries is essential. There is, therefore, a definite need for a complementary study
that could also assess the long-term effects of using stories in agile software
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... Liskin (2015) Propuseram uma abordagem para auxiliar as equipes ágeis na coordenação de tarefas de desenvolvimento de software usando um processo de externalização visual, via técnicas de design, com a intenção de promover a transferência de conhecimento tácito por meio de metáforas, e seleção de personas que fazem parte da experiência pretendida. Yilmaz et al. (2016) que forneça um resumo de uma perspectiva do produto mais baseada no mercado. Esse "Documento Visão" (com 5 a 10 páginas) desempenha um papel na agilidade, pois a equipe irá interpretar essas informações para desenvolver as iterações, dado que atualizar este documento não é uma sobrecarga onerosa (Leffingwell, 2010). ...
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Na prática das equipes de projeto de software é comum observar o uso de métodos ágeis com técnicas adicionais, por exemplo o Design Thinking. O que existe em comum entre estas técnicas e a criação de Visões de Produto? Este artigo investiga os paradigmas na contextualização das propriedades de um conceito de produto criadas por meio dos princípios do DT e das Visões de Produto dentro da conjuntura do desenvolvimento de software. A análise foi realizada em duas etapas. Primeiro, por meio de uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre o relacionamento entre esses dois termos na área de tecnologia da informação (TI), focando a importância de que a geração de conceitos iniciais de produtos, guiadas por equipes, devem ser executadas por meio de ferramentas do design e pela criação de Visões de Produto. E segundo, através da apresentação de um estudo de caso, que mostra como esses princípios se integraram no processo de tradução das necessidades dos usuários em requisitos funcionais. Os resultados mostram que existem limitações na integração do DT e da Visão de Produto em práticas da gestão ágil, e que esses métodos podem se complementar e proporcionar o aprendizado coletivo dependendo da estratégia da equipe.
... (Stubblefield & Rogers, 2002). Finally, Yilmaz et al. (2016) report a preliminary study to demonstrate the benefits of story-driven software development: ". . . it is important to capture and store the excessively valuable tacit knowledge using a rich story-based approach." Significantly, none of these papers consider the cognitive processes that occur with story; in other words, none of the papers consider story in the way we approach it here. ...
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Working with stories and working with computations require very different modes of thought. We call the first mode "story-thinking" and the second "computational-thinking". The aim of this curiosity-driven paper is to explore the nature of these two modes of thinking, and to do so in relation to programming, including software engineering as programming-in-the-large. We suggest that story-thinking and computational-thinking may be understood as two ways of attending to the world, and that each both contributes and neglects the world, though in different ways and for different ends. We formulate two fundamental problems, i.e., the problem of "neglectful representations" and the problem of oppositional ways of thinking. We briefly suggest two ways in which these problems might be tackled and identify candidate hypotheses about the current state of the world, one assertion about a possible future state, and several research questions for future research.
... The notion of the Agile philosophy and its practices embrace the social aspects of software development 26 . While the Scrum methodology is based on iterative and incremental development, and concrete organizational roles 27 , a suitable measurement approach reveals the level of productivity in a target sprint. ...
Although Scrum is one of the most preferred agile development frameworks that guide the development process, measuring sprint productivity is still challenging. In fact, it is hard to provide a continuous measurement during consecutive Scrum sprints, especially selecting the optimal metrics that fit better for real industrial applications. To bridge this gap, we conducted an industrial case study within the TÜBİTAK SAGE software development group to demonstrate the performance and applicability of a systematic selection process for fitting add-on components using various scrum metrics tools. Next, we analyzed the combination of software developers' preferences of process metrics concerning their characteristics and their defense industry compatibility. Consequently, we assessed the metrics that might likely integrate into the Scrum development using the analytic hierarchy process. The results indicated that the Actionable Agile Add-on scored the highest, followed by the Screenful Add-on. Ultimately, this contemporary study presented a novel approach that has increased individuals' participation in metric planning, implementation, and monitoring, therefore moving towards more achievable software development goals.
... The industry-focused research discussed in this paper looks to DGBL to improve the educational experience of SAFe. In general, the goal for designing a DGBL approach to train on SAFe practices is to establish the experiences of participants, such as learning experience [7], gamified interaction [8], and enjoyment, to satisfy the desired conditions (knowledge gained or reinforced on the SAFe framework). ...
A common strategy to train software practitioners in agile frameworks is to have employees undertake classroom-based training. However, due to its nature, participants are lectured for a scheduled time-line with little necessity to interact. In particular, classroom-based training often might not provide substantial trainee interaction, which could result in apathy. To tackle this issue, we conducted empirical research to investigate the role of digital game-based learning (GBL) in employees’ training on the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). To figure out whether gameplay was a preferable training method, PlaySAFe (i.e., a 3D game) was developed within the study’s scope and tested with nine active SAFe practitioners from an industrial setting. Restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic have forced many to seek alternative means of teaching and learning. In particular, the findings obtained from the tests illustrate that PlaySAFe can be effectively used as a complementary tool that supports SAFe classroom-based training. This study has highlighted numerous benefits of GBL, such as allowing newcomers a quick and efficient means to learn and understand the practical groundwork of SAFe in advance of learning more theoretical concepts in conventional training.
... Agile development practices enable self-development and ultimately embrace the human experience [12]. Scrum methodology consists of iterative and incremental sprint structures, and software development roles [13] with the target determined prior to a sprint being started. ...
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Scrum is the most widely used agile development framework that guides the development process with its ability to create customer-valued software artifacts iteratively and incrementally, whilst seeking best practices to provide continuous measurement during production. However, measuring success in Scrum can be a challenging endeavor. In particular, it is hard to select the best fitting agile metrics during consecutive Scrum sprints. The goal of this industrial case study was to utilize a systematic selection process for identifying the appropriate scrum metrics tools addon component within the TBİTAK SAGE software development group. Moreover, the distribution of software developers’ preferences of process metrics were analyzed according to their characteristic features and defense industry structure, and are presented using various distribution charts. Finally, alternatives to the software development process measurement component, which was integrated into the agile software process tool employed by the TBİTAK SAGE software development group, were efficiently determined by using the Analytic Hierarchy Process approach. Among the options discussed, our results suggest that the Actionable Agile Addon scored the highest followed by the Screenful Addon. The present study presents a rigorous approach that ultimately have improved community participation in metric planning, implementation and monitoring, thus moving towards sustainable software development goals.
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Storytelling has always been a crucial, perhaps constitutive part of our lives. All communities have told stories. In recent years, software development is becoming increasingly recognized as a creative process that has a lot in common with the process of writing or telling a story. Aim: The objectives of this paper are: (a) to review and aptly classify current principles and approaches that describe software development as a form of storytelling; (b) to describe and understand the heuristic function of storytelling in software development; and (c) to discuss and single out the principles of storytelling that may play a role, hence constitute significant improvements to the practices of software developers. Method: To achieve these goals and objectives we conducted a systematic literature review of relevant scientific papers and subsequently analyzed them by means of a textual narrative synthesis. Results: More specifically, we retrieved, screened and examined 51 relevant publications. The synthesis we conducted allowed us to understand and better visualize the many interesting correspondences and analogies between those two seemingly different processes, namely storytelling and software development. In particular, in our work, we focused on describing and analyzing how certain principles underlying storytelling can be adapted and applied in current practices of software engineering. Conclusion: This paper presents and re-elaborates in a critical fashion and from a different angle a substantial body of knowledge and research recently carried out in the software development literature.
The social aspects of software development encompass concerns such as motivating practitioners, building effective teams, and developing personal relations. Not surprisingly, perhaps, many software projects fail due to personality conflicts within team members. This study investigates the personality traits of 132 software practitioners by employing a tailored interactive assessment that was specifically developed for software development organizations. To assess the personality characteristics of the software teams as a whole, the results of 20 project teams were visualized by using personality–team radar charts. The validity part of the study was performed through validation interviews with experts from the field, discussing their experiences using the interactive assessment. The findings of this investigation complement those of earlier studies that suggest that productive team members who were working on social isolation showed higher introversion. In particular, this study strengthens the idea that agreeableness was observed in agile teams. Ultimately, the present data also highlight the existence of conscientiousness personalities in agile software development.
Driven the necessity of providing alternative approaches to the traditional pedagogical teaching process, the use of gamification and serious games has become a successful approach to motivate, engage and be effective for the current generation of learners. Considering the advantages of serious games, our work describes the experience of using a serious game to make aware learners about the relevance of measuring to improve the quality of the processes and help learners to make contact with software process improvement field. The empirical evaluation was conducted within the Software Quality course at the University of Cádiz using the MEEGA+ evaluation model to assess the player experience and the perceived learning of learners during the experience. The results provide valuable information to accept the feasibility of the serious game to be integrated as a learning resource within the course and also to contribute new insights to mature and consolidate the field of serious games for software process education.
Conference Paper
We propose a new design methodology to maximize the training effect in a corporate education and training for professional software engineers. Conventionally, the education and training programs have been designed in a top-down manner based on the long-term strategy on the business and engineering resources development. However, to draw out the learners' high performance from the education and training programs, we need to have an empathy with the learners, and to analyze their expectations and emotions in order to motivate them. Therefore, this paper proposes the learner-centered design methodology of the corporate education and training programs inspired by the design thinking and lean start-up concepts. We define the learning processes in the education and training programs as LX (Learner eXperience), and propose LJM (Learning Journey Map) as the LX evaluation method as an extension of CJM (Customer Journey Map) in UX (User eXperience) design. The LJM enables to evaluate training effect and communicate with stakeholders in the training design expressing the LX quantitatively in a visual form. We applied the proposed design methodology to the education and training programs for professional software engineers in a company to evaluate LX and elicit learner requirements to the programs. We applied the proposed LJM to the education and training program of two levels of the whole program and its LUs (Learning Units), and identified problems in the LX. From the empirical study, we confirm the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.
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This thesis applies concepts from Vladimir Propp’s model of the narrative structure of fairy tales (Propp’s morphology) to a story authoring tool for children. A computer story authoring application based on Propp’s morphology is developed and evaluated through empirical studies with children. Propp’s morphology is a promising model of narrative for a children’s story authoring tool, with the potential to give children a powerful mental model with which to construct stories. Recent research has argued for the use of computer-based interactive narrative authoring tools (which enable the construction of interactive narrative computer games in which the player can affect or change the plot) to support children’s narrative development, and a number of interactive narrative systems use Propp’s morphology as their underlying model of narrative. These interactive narrative tools have many potential learning benefits and a powerful motivational effect for children, who enjoy using them to create narrative games. The potential of an interactive narrative system based on Propp’s morphology to support children’s construction of narratives seems great, combining Propp’s rich narrative model with the motivational benefits of interactive narrative. Before the application of Propp’s morphology in an interactive narrative game creation tool to support children’s writing could be pursued, it was necessary to study children’s story writing with Propp’s morphology. How can Propp’s morphology be represented in a story authoring tool for children? Can children apply Propp’s abstract narrative concepts to the task of creating their own original stories? How does using Propp’s morphology affect the stories written by children? Using the Propp-based authoring tool that is presented in this thesis children were able to grasp Propp’s abstract concepts and apply them to their own story writing. The use of a story authoring tool based on Propp’s morphology improved some aspects of the narrative structure of the stories written by children, and children reported that they enjoyed using the tool and felt it was helpful to their story writing. This thesis lays the foundation and identifies the methods for further study of children’s appropriation of narrative structure by constructing stories using a story authoring tool based on Propp’s morphology.
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Studies have shown that one of the failures of government projects in Malaysia is the lack of necessary knowledge among project team members. Therefore, knowledge management in project environment is seen as important because it enables project team members to perform project activities and make informed decisions more effectively. While knowledge in government projects are made explicitly through project reports, standard operating procedures, guidelines, policies, and others, the capture of tacit knowledge such as project team members' experience, insights, and judgments are less emphasized. One of the tools to capture tacit knowledge is storytelling. This chapter presents a video-based storytelling system that enables project related tacit knowledge to be captured, stored, and circulated.
How has Japan become a major economic power, a world leader in the automotive and electronics industries? What is the secret of their success? The consensus has been that, though the Japanese are not particularly innovative, they are exceptionally skilful at imitation, at improving products that already exist. But now two leading Japanese business experts, Ikujiro Nonaka and Hiro Takeuchi, turn this conventional wisdom on its head: Japanese firms are successful, they contend, precisely because they are innovative, because they create new knowledge and use it to produce successful products and technologies. Examining case studies drawn from such firms as Honda, Canon, Matsushita, NEC, 3M, GE, and the U.S. Marines, this book reveals how Japanese companies translate tacit to explicit knowledge and use it to produce new processes, products, and services.
How digital visual effects in film can be used to support storytelling: a guide for scriptwriters and students. Computer-generated effects are often blamed for bad Hollywood movies. Yet when a critic complains that "technology swamps storytelling" (in a review of Van Helsing, calling it "an example of everything that is wrong with Hollywood computer-generated effects movies"), it says more about the weakness of the story than the strength of the technology. In Digital Storytelling, Shilo McClean shows how digital visual effects can be a tool of storytelling in film, adding narrative power as do sound, color, and "experimental" camera angles—other innovative film technologies that were once criticized for being distractions from the story. It is time, she says, to rethink the function of digital visual effects. Effects artists say—contrary to the critics—that effects always derive from story. Digital effects are a part of production, not post-production; they are becoming part of the story development process. Digital Storytelling is grounded in filmmaking, the scriptwriting process in particular. McClean considers crucial questions about digital visual effects—whether they undermine classical storytelling structure, if they always call attention to themselves, whether their use is limited to certain genres—and looks at contemporary films (including a chapter-long analysis of Steven Spielberg's use of computer-generated effects) and contemporary film theory to find the answers. McClean argues that to consider digital visual effects as simply contributing the "wow" factor underestimates them. They are, she writes, the legitimate inheritors of film storycraft.
Francis Glebas, a top Disney storyboard artist, shows how to reach the ultimate goal of animation and moviemaking by showing how to provide audiences with an emotionally satisfying experience. Directing the Story offers a structural approach to clearly and dramatically presenting visual stories. With Francis' help you'll discover the professional storytelling techniques which have swept away generations of movie goers and kept them coming back for more. You'll also learn to spot potential problems before they cost you time or money and offers creative solutions to solve them. Best of all, it practices what it preaches, using a graphic novel format to demonstrate the professional visual storytelling techniques you need to know. © 2009, Francis Glebas. Published by Taylor & Francis. All rights reserved.
It is commonly accepted that an individual's beliefs and actions are based on his or her assessment and perceptions of the world. In order to determine what practices an individual is likely to follow at any given time, it is necessary to understand the individual's behavioral intention in a given circumstance. From an Information Technology perspective, a software development professional's belief systems are potentially the basis for the adoption and implementation of new and innovative work practices and processes. In this article, we explore the belief systems of software development professionals in order to understand the beliefs underlying intention and practice, and we seek answers about how they adopt or reject new and innovative software development processes and practices. The results point out a strong influence of past experiences, personality types, and repeated behavior on current software development processes and practices in industrial settings.