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International Journal on Information Technologies & Security, № 4, 2014 65
Radi Romansky
Technical University of Sofia
Abstract: The Information Society has created different possibilities for
remote access to distributed information resources and communications
between users (virtual environments, cloud services, social media, etc.).
All these aspects of the globalization make users create their own profile
with personal data and publish personal information. Are this data
protected in a reliable way? This is an important question that every user
should ask oneself. The answer is related to the privacy and the principles
of personal data protection. The main goal of this article is to discuss the
challenges of social media for data protection as a component of privacy.
In this reason a brief review of social media is made and a formal
description of global communications by using discrete structures is
proposed. Main principles of personal data protection are presented on the
base of organizational scheme, life cycle and data protection policy in the
frame of security policy and in particular related to the information and
communication security policy.
Key words: Information Society, Social Media, Data Protection, Security
Policy, Privacy
The modernization and the improvement of the Information Society (IS)
determine new requirements to the contemporary information and communication
technologies (ICT) for solution of different problems with globalization [1], remote
access to information resources and cloud computing [2], distributed information
servicing and virtual environments [3] and determination of adequate information
security policy in enterprises [4]. Social networks and social media should be
included in this group too because the contemporary ICT permit extension of social
relationships and confirmation of the field “social computing” connected with
building of networks of web sites (MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, XING, LinkedIn,
YouTube, Pinterest, Foursquare, Newshub, e-Britanica, etc.) [5]. Users are not only
passive participants in social media and consumers of information, but they could
International Journal on Information Technologies & Security, № 4, 2014
realize different forms of direct communications, including companies and other
The new ICT and distributed environments make users create their own profile
with personal data and publish personal information, available to other users via
the global network. This is an opportunity to extend the social contacts but it could
cause undesirable effects on privacy of the registered user [6]. In this respect the
protection of personal information is an important problem at the distributed
services and network communications [7], including cloud services [8]. Therefore,
special technological and organization measures for personal data protection (PDP)
should be applied. These measures must protect every user’s profile with personal
data against illegal access, dissemination and using of information for other goals
different from the defined. A new point of view about the rules for the
authorization and authentication in social environments must be formulated.
The need of PDP is determined by the fact that the privacy is an important
human right that combines a complex of separate individual rights – correct and
adequate processing of personal data, different form of personal communication
(by post, by Internet, etc.), secure maintain of personal profiles in the social forums
and groups, etc. The traditional definition of the term “privacy” is “the right to be
alone” and this sense should be preserved in all social contacts via global network.
This could be realized on the base of strong security policy defined for each special
purpose of personal communications and support of profiles of individuals,
because the using of contemporary ICT puts new requirements to the PDP policy
and changes the understanding of privacy in the global society. This policy should
increase the effectiveness of the means and tools for PDP in the new network
society and in particular in social media and networks for keeping the privacy [9,
10, 11]. The main problem is that the existing procedures for PDP are not adequate
to the real communications in the global society and they must be actualized. Some
challenges of network communications including cloud services and distributed
information service are discussed in [12, 13].
Privacy rights are connected to the personal information that could be gathered
in the process of using social media. It is possible to collect and capture any
personal information without user knowing and, moreover the personal data could
be disseminated legally or illegal to any third person. More companies and
institutions prefer to use social media to promote their services and products and
the employees could post their personal data. A survey from different universities
shows that the users are inclined to misrepresenting themselves online [14]. For
that reason, the employers must have a strong policy for using social networks and
sites by employees to protect personal data and must draw a line between personal
and professional life. In other hand, the employers could use the social network and
social media profiles to select promising employees and this issue raises different
ethical questions.
International Journal on Information Technologies & Security, № 4, 2014 67
The term ‘social media’ describes a complex of different web-based and
mobile technologies that permits to transform the communication in an interactive
conversation and it is used to share pictures, audio and video information,
experience, etc. The social media ensure access of people to network resources for
creating, editing and complementing content, but this content will be accessed if it
respects several standards. Here are some popular social media: the social networks
(Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Friendster, MySpace, Black Planet, etc),
blogs (Twitter, etc.), web sites for sharing video contents (YouTube, VBOX7,
Flickr, etc.), Internet forums, wiki-applications, virtual social sites (Second Life)
and virtual sites for games (World of Warcraft), etc [15]. The social media have
changed the understanding of communication via Internet and have created new
dialog methods. The expansion of social media has created new opportunities for
marketing specialists for direct communication with millions potential consumers.
Different services (e-mail, voice over IP, crowd-sourcing, music sharing, banking,
etc.) could be integrated in the social media by using aggregation platforms.
The traditional definition defines the social media as a group of Internet
applications based on Web 2.0 that permits developing and exchanging content
generated by user. Software engineers and users use the global network as a
platform for sharing published content and new type of social interactions between
organizations, communities, business companies and individuals. Contemporary
technologies make the process for developing and publishing content very simple –
each person could use any application at server and it is not necessary to know
special program languages. In other hand, some IT specialists affirm that Web 2.0
is not effective and it will be transformed to next version Web 3.0 (a modern
platform for media developing). This platform will be oriented to knowledge
accumulation, semantic structures and ontology.
Seven functional blocks of the framework of social media are determined in
[16]: identity (about the extent of disclosing information in a social media settings);
conversations (about the extent of communications between users in a social
media); sharing (about the extent of exchanging, distribution and receiving content
by users); presence (about the extent to which users can know if other users are
accessible); relationships (it represents the extent to which users can be related to
other users); reputation (it represents the extent to which users can identify the
standing of others, including themselves, in a social media setting); groups (it
represents the extent to which users can form communities and sub communities).
These functionalities permit each user to regulate your identity, relationships and
reputation on the base of basic elements.
The interest of users and their activity to access and use different social media
is investigated by Pew Research Center in the survey for year 2013 [17] – Fig. 1.
International Journal on Information Technologies & Security, № 4, 2014
20% 15% 16% 13%
22% 21% 18% 17%
Facebook LinkedIn Pinterest Twitter Instagram
2012 2013
Fig. 1. Percentage of online adults who use the social sites per year (source [17])
The results determine Facebook as the most used social media and the sum of
all statistics shows that some adults use multiple social networks. The authors
affirm that the margin of error is 2,9%. Other interesting conclusion of the
research is that Facebook is popular for different users (“mix of demographic
groups”), Pinterest is preferred by female users, LinkedIn is especially popular
among college graduates and internet users in higher income households, Twitter
and Instagram are accessed by younger adults, urban dwellers, and non-whites.
The frequency of social media using obtained by the research in [17] is shown
on Fig. 2. The assessments present the part of users (in %) who visit the
investigated social media in three categories – daily using, weekly using and less
often using. The leader is Facebook with 63% of users that access the social media
site on a daily basis. The second place is occupied by Instagram (57% for daily
using). LinkedIn and Pinterest are visited less than once per week.
34 30
21 20
Facebook LinkedIn Pinterest Twitter Instagram
Daily Weekly Less often
Fig. 2. Frequency of social media using in [%] (source [17])
“Growing Social Media” presents some statistical data about social media
using. For example, Facebook is the biggest social network with 665 millions daily
International Journal on Information Technologies & Security, № 4, 2014 69
users and 1,1 milliard monthly users. Google+ takes second place with 359 million
active monthly users and the number of users of Google+ increases with 33% from
June 2012 to March 2013. The growth of Twitter is 44% for the same period and it
has about 288 million active monthly users (21% of the World population). This is
the fastest growing network.
Another investigation carried out in the middle of year 2012 is presented in
[18] and consists of some different statistics about social media. An interesting
statistic is about the geographic distribution of the social media access (Fig. 3). It
shows that most of the social media users are located in Asia Pacific.
Asia Pacific
Nor th Ame ric a
Latin America
Midle East & Africa
Fig. 3. Using social media in different zones of the World in 2012 (source [18])
The social networks are very popular and give useful opportunities for
contacts and exchange of information between different users by the resources of
global network and web environment. This is valid no only for the individuals but
also for business organizations, managers, traders, etc. For example, the business
and commercial relations (including the e-commerce models B2B and B2C)
determine a specific direction of the social media using. It is a fact that more
dealers search their potential clients by using social networks. The most
widespread social networks as YouTube, Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn and
Twitter are preferred by online traders working on B2C and B2B models. Different
statistical data obtained by investigations of social media show that the retail
dealers prefer Facebook for their contacts but the most part of specialized
tradesmen in USA (about 90%) are oriented use Pinterest. Another investigation
shows that near 50% of the technological companies find their clients on Twitter.
In other hand, the individuals upload a profile in different social network sites
and this information could be used by traders, managers, employers, etc. to select
potential clients or job candidates. In this respect the social communication and
profiles created and stored in the social media could create a problem for privacy of
individuals. The popularity of social media makes easier the access to personal
data. For example, Facebook is one of the most popular social networks preferred
International Journal on Information Technologies & Security, № 4, 2014
by traditional college-age students. The young people communicate with friends,
family, colleagues and upload different information (personal information, photos,
video, etc.). In regard to this the number of employers that use this social network
to assess job candidates increases [19]. This fact raises the ethical side of the
relations because the employers use the global network that is a public forum as an
instrument to decide their private problem without the individuals knowing.
Confidentiality is an important problem for social networking and adequate
organizational and technical measures should be applied. The European
Commission informs that three-quarters of Europeans think that the disclosure of
personal data is an increasing problem of global IS [20] and 72% of Internet users
consider that too much personal data are collected for online registration.
Communications in the global environment (particularly in the web space)
could be described by using discrete structure of elements (nodes) V = {V1, …, Vn},
V and relations between them Rij: Vi Vj. Each node Vi presents a physical
participant in global communication and it could be regarded as an independent
distributed unit with own internal functionality. An abstract model built on the base
of this concept is presented in Fig. 4.
User 2
User N
User 1
Users (U)
Communication medium
point Internal
Information Environments (IE)
Fig. 4. Abstract model of communications
The participants in the communications form two groups:
(a) individuals determined as a set of users U = {U1, U2,…, UN}, U, that
could initialize the remote access via Internet;
(b) information environments IE = {IE1, …, IEM}, IE, with specific
technological components for determining the specific structure and purpose of the
space, including a module for preliminary registration and personal data collecting
in own database (DBforPD).
Organization of all processes for global communication is made by the
resources of ‘communication medium’ that could be described as transmitters T =
{T1, …, TK}, T. Each transmitter consists of hardware and software tools for
International Journal on Information Technologies & Security, № 4, 2014 71
distribution of requests for access to the information objects req:{U}{IE} and
returning information content inf:{IE}{U} to the clients.
The formalization permits to describe the elements of global communications
by ordered triplet (U, IE, T) with two types relations req:{U}{IE} and
inf:{IE}{U} for IEIEUU ji
Let it us define a distance dij (ij; i,j{1n}) between each couple of nodes
(Vi, Vj). This permits to construct a matrix of distances DM with dimension n and
elements dii = 0 (i=1, …, n) and to determine the minimum length of paths between
nodes in the structure.
Let us present two binary parameters uik{0,1} (user UiU location in node
VkV) and rjk{0,1} (environment IEjIE location in node VkV ):
otherwise ,0
node thein located is user if ,1 iVVUU
ik (1)
otherwise ,0
node thein located is if ,1 VVIEIE
jk (2)
In the general case, it is possible that two participants from different type (user
and information environment) are physically allocated together in common node Vk
and this could be described by the expressions (Fig.5):
(Type 1) )(&)( IEVUVVV kkk
(Type 2) )](&)[()](&)[( IEVUVorIEVUVVV kkkkk
(2) User location
Environment location
Fig. 5. Two possible types of communication
This assumption determines power (number of elements) n N+M of the set V.
Two binary matrixes with components uik (Nn) and rjk (Mn) could be constructed
for investigation physical allocation of participants in global communications. The
logical processing based on
1],[&1],[ THEN vk = 1 ELSE vk = 0 (5)
International Journal on Information Technologies & Security, № 4, 2014
(for k=1n) will define a new vector for determining common nodes for allocation
of participants with different type. This formalization permits to make a
deterministic describing of communications by couples of two elements (the first
from U, the second from IE) and to carry out an investigation of processes in global
The term “personal data” determines the information that permits to identify a
person directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number
or to one or more factors specific to his physical, physiological, mental, economic,
cultural or social identity. Any operation or set of operations with personal data
(using automatic or not-automatic means) is called “processing of personal data”.
The main principles of personal data processing require strong rules for personal
data protection (PDP).
The organization of personal data processing is summarized in Fig. 6. The
participants in this process are “data subject” (the owner of personal data), “data
controller” (determines the purpose and the means of processing and it is
responsible for all procedures with personal data), “data processor” (real processing
of personal data on the base of agreement with the data controller), “receiver of
personal data” (the giving of personal data could be on the base of lawful reason
in other
Data Controller
Data Processor
Data Subject
Giving of
personal data
Processing by
Consent of the
Data subject
Access right to
own personal data
Personal Data
Transfer of
personal data
Fig. 6. Organization of personal data processing
A graphical interpretation of the life cycle of personal data processing is
proposed in Fig. 7. This model of life cycle describes the traditional processing of
personal data by a sequence of phases beginning from giving of personal data by
individual and finishing with personal data destroying (by the data controller) after
the goal realization. The purpose of the phases is listed below:
The collection of personal data must be made based on a legitimate reason
only and with the consent of the individual.
International Journal on Information Technologies & Security, № 4, 2014 73
The preserving of collected data should be realized in the registers based on
preliminary defined goal and criteria.
The using must be made by legitimate persons on the base of principles of
information security: authentication (by using username, password, digital
certificate, personal identification number, and biometric means); authorization (on
the base of developed digital right management system); accountability
(personalisation of the access to the data structures and registration of users’
Actualization – the personal data must be correct, full and actual;
The transfer to other country and the giving to other person must be realized
on the base of strong rules only;
Archiving could be made if it is required by law but for a limited period
Destroying of personal data must be made after realization of the goal.
Individual (owner
of personal data)
Fig. 7. Life cycle of personal data processing
Some different models of PDP exist in the World [13] – model of centralized
legislation, model of joint regulation, model of sector legislation, model of self
regulation and model of personal (individual) protection. The last model shows that
most users of information services via global network have no confidence in the
applied policy for information security and PDP at distributed information
servicing. This requires the PDP policy to be coordinated with the measures of ICT
Security policy in the frame of the general Security policy (Fig. 8).
The first standard for Security Policy titled “Department of Defence Trusted
Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC)” is accepted at 1985 in USA.
TCSEC describes the security policy as a collection of rules, standards, procedures
and practical instructions for regulation of the management, protection and
dissemination of the information. This document gives rules for a control of access
to the information resources. In this reason, the ICT Security Policy is an important
component of the security policy and defines some important levels that must be
discussed at the process of Data Protection Policy realization.
International Journal on Information Technologies & Security, № 4, 2014
Legislative and normative documents
ICT Security
Data Protection
Legislative Level
Administrative Level
Technical Level
Computer Level
Administrative Level
Physical Level
Hardware Level
Software Level
Network Level
Control Policy
Reaction Policy
Instruments Policy
Practical Procedures
Security Rules
Organizational rules and means for
administrative control
sical means and tools
Embedded instruments
(hardware, software,
cryptographic, biometric)
Personal Data Structures
Fig. 8. Relation of the data protection policy with the general frame of the security
policy and structural levels of the Personal Data Security System (PDSS)
The users of social media give their personal data to make registration and
upload personal information about your private life. This information is accessible
and could be used by other persons (including dissemination to third party) without
the consent of the owner. This requires a general harmonization of Data Protection
Policy with the principles of the ICT Security Policy on all levels and to build
useful Personal Data Security System (PDSS) in the frame of Personal Data
Protection Policy (Fig.8).
PDSS is a collection of technical and organizational means and tools for
realization of the protection of the personal data structures by data controller. All
procedures for personal data processing that use ICT instruments should be
analysed in details during the determination of Data Protection Policy for social
networks and protecting the personal data.
PDP is an important component of the privacy of individuals and this is
determined in different international agreements and documents. The growth of
possibilities for automated information processing, the using of remote access to
International Journal on Information Technologies & Security, № 4, 2014 75
different information resources and the extension of network communications
(including social networking) change the technological aspects of personal data
processing. The new forms of communication in the global IS as information
sharing, social media, cloud services, etc., create barriers for enforcing basic
directives for PDP. It is needed to apply stronger requirements to data protection
policy and information security for all Internet communications and using of social
media. The initial step in this direction is the proposal of European Commission to
change the old paradigm “to leave alone” with a new one “to be forgotten” [20] –
this means the personal data of the individuals should be processed only for the
short period and must be removed after finishing the legitimate reason for
processing. The main responsibility of data controllers is to ensure reliable
protection of collected and processed personal data in social media and providers
must apply the principle “privacy by default” because only a quarter of social
networks users feel in complete control of their personal data.
Privacy in social media concerns with protection of user’s information and
securing the user’s rights. The media must tray to prevent different incidents with
user’s data as unauthorized access, viruses, illegal transfer to third party, etc. Some
challenges of social media to PDP are summarized below.
An important obligation of data controllers is to build a reliable PDSS for
realization the principles of all structural levels (see Fig. 8) and to inform clearly,
understandably and transparently each user for using of personal data. This
requires as an initial step to identify the roles of “data controller”, “data processor”
and “data subject” in the social media and to determine the responsibility for data
protection procedures (rules, measures, privacy and rights of data subjects, etc.).
According to the definitions of Directive 95/46/EC the data controller determines
purposes and means of the processing of personal data. The problem in social
media is that the functions of customer, vendor and provider and the relation
between them could be defined for concrete case only. The service providers have
no legal obligation to protect personal data if they are not defined as controllers or
processors. The different opportunities to determine the provider’s status (and the
possibility to change it) make very hard the solution of this problem. This
characterization will permit to ignore the data protection obligations at the cases of
personal data outsourced or transferred to a third party for processing. In this
respect European Commission has proposed a new regulation that will extend the
frame of the Directive 95/46/EC and will respond to the new challenges of Internet
society [21].
Another problem that could be determined in social networks is the data
subject’s right to be informed. This is an integrated problem because the
individuals have different rights during the personal data processing. As a first one
there is a risk for user’s privacy during the registration (more personal data could
be required for registration and identification) and using resources of social media.
The level of privacy in social networking is very different – some social
International Journal on Information Technologies & Security, № 4, 2014
networking sites collect limited personal data in the page known as a “profile”
(names, birth date, address, phone number), but other sites require additional
information about social life, gender, country, hobbies, relationships, etc. These
pieces of data personalize the users in major level and the individuals must know
the purpose of these data and reason for processing.
An obligation of the controllers is to guarantee easy access to the own
personal data of users. This will permit to realize the user’s rights to revise, access,
block or delete their personal data in the profile (which is a fundamental right
guaranteed by data protection laws). Another side of the problem is the access to
the information in the profile – the controller must guarantee that each user could
define restriction for the own profile accessing. This will prevent unauthorized
access and incorrect dissemination of personal information. This action could be
realized by making the profile private from the user by selection of these who can
visit the page. Traditional manner for authentication at the access to the profile is
by username and password and this will ignores any operation with stored
information (adding, removing, modification, changing, including pictures, etc.). In
this case the privacy in social media will be assured for the user.
International data transfer could be determined as the next eventual problem
of the privacy in social media. According the main principles of PDP personal data
could be transferred to another country if their level of PDP is adequate. The data
transfer between different service providers is typical procedure in the social
networks because the nodes (servers, clients, storages, etc,) could be located
anywhere in the world. If any personal information is uploaded to social media it
must be protected according to the rules of PDSS and the individual (social media
user) must be informed for all transfers of their data from one service provider to
another in the frame of the country or outside.
Data deletion. If any user wants to delete data in his/her profile he/she must
be sure that these data will be really deleted. In some cases, data could be
transferred to other service provider and a copy of data could be stored in different
place(s). This will be a problem of privacy for the individual. Another case is when
the information that was deleted or removed by the user is passed to third party
before deletion. Data protection legislation gives strong rules for deletion of
personal data in the traditional cases, but for the social media this is not clearly
Shared information – the social networking is realized on Internet and all
information resources could be accessible from different points in the world. This
provokes the traditional danger in the global network (loss of data, destroying the
integrity, problems with accountability, hackers’ attacks, etc.). Each user uploads
information that will be shared between a set of users of social network and it
could be disseminated to different locations. In this case the data subject does not
know what policy and measures are used for counteraction to eventual attacks.
International Journal on Information Technologies & Security, № 4, 2014 77
Technical and organizational measures for data protection – to implement
appropriate measures for information security is an important obligation for the
data controllers. These measures should be a counteraction to all forms of
destruction or loss of personal data, to an unauthorized access (during the personal
data processing or transmission via communication links), and to all illegal forms
of processing. The service providers should guarantee an effective protection of
data integrity and data availability. It is known that more data security measures
will increase the cost of PDP procedures and this will be a reason for ignoring
some of the measures.
Privacy in social media can be undermined by many factors determined by
incorrect using of personal data. Fact is that the young people prefer to
communicate by social networks and these forums are easy to access. However, the
access to the users’ personal data should be restricted.
After summarizing the main challenges of social media for the privacy in the
previous section, we should note the interesting point of view that is presented in
[22]. The author reveals 12 myths for privacy in social networks concerning rights
of individual users to own their data, treating the user’s privacy by social media
companies and technologies, enforcement of law and paradigm “right to be
forgotten”, anonymous using, etc. Yes, some of the examples and conclusions
about information posted in the social media platforms by users could be accepted
after discussion, but the problem of privacy (and the obligations of social media
companies) is related to the profiles that the users must create at the registration. In
this respect, an activity for modernization of data protection rules on European
level is realized. An example is the document “Proposed Regulation” of the
European Commission (January 2012) that proposes new rules to strengthen online
data protection rights. The reason for these draft amendments is the fact “that rapid
technological development and globalization have profoundly changed the world
and brought new challenges to the protection of personal data…” [21]. This
document discuses the paradigm “right to be forgotten” (Article 17) and the data
subject rights to data portability (Article 18) – transfer between different electronic
processing systems.
The European Parliament has determined (12 March 2014) architecture and
fundamental principles of the data protection reform for improving user protection
and security in cyberspace [23]. The conclusion is that the further development and
exploitation of cyber space could not be realized without an adequate and strong
protection of the rights of individual users [24]. Four pillars have been determined:
Pillar (1): “One continents one law” – a requirement about the regulation and
sanctions in private and public sectors.
International Journal on Information Technologies & Security, № 4, 2014
Pillar (2): “Strong regulation of European digital industry” – a requirement for
the non-European companies, when offering services to European consumers, to
apply the European rules and level of data protection.
Pillar (3): “The right to be forgotten / The right to be erased” – this is the right
of an individual to remove own personal data from the system if she/he no longer
want to use the online services or there is no legitimate reason for keeping it in this
online system. This regulation will permit the individuals to control own online
identify and to require the personal profile to be removed from the system
(including social media platforms).
Pillar (4): A "One-stop-shop" for businesses and citizens – a regulation for the
personal data processing by controller or processor established in more that one
country of European Union.
The new principles of regulation must extend the PDP frame determined by
the previously directives, and to propose adequate solutions for all problems of
PDP in social environments.
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Information about the author:
Radi Romansky – Doctor of Science in Informatics and Computer Science; Full Professor
on Computer Systems, Complexes and Networks at the Department of Electronics,
Computer Systems and Technologies (College of Energy and Electronics, Technical
University of Sofia); Head of the Department; Vice Chairman of the General Assembly and
Member of the Academic Council of the Technical University of Sofia. Areas of scientific
interests: information and computer technologies, computer architectures, data protection
and information security, e-governance, etc.
Manuscript received on 10 September 2014