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Fungal community composition in soils subjected to long-term chemical fertilization is most influenced by the type of organic matter: Fertilizer organic matter influences soil fungal community


Abstract and Figures

Organic matter application is a widely used practice to increase soil carbon content and maintain soil fertility. However, little is known about the effect of different types of organic matter, or the input of exogenous species from these materials, on soil fungal communities. In this study, fungal community composition was characterized from soils amended with three types of organic matter over a 30-year fertilization experiment. Chemical fertilization significantly changed soil fungal community composition and structure, which was exacerbated by the addition of organic matter, with the direction of change influenced by the type of organic matter used. The addition of organic matter significantly increased soil fungal richness, with the greatest richness achieved in soils amended with pig manure. Importantly, following addition of cow and pig manure, fungal taxa associated with these materials could be found in the soil, suggesting that these exogenous species can augment soil fungal composition. Moreover, the addition of organic matter decreased the relative abundance of potential pathogenic fungi. Overall, these results indicate that organic matter addition influences the composition and structure of soil fungal communities in predictable ways. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Fungal community composition in soils subjected to
long-term chemical fertilization is most influenced by
the type of organic matter
Ruibo Sun,
Melissa Dsouza,
Jack A. Gilbert,
Xisheng Guo,
Daozhong Wang,
Zhibin Guo,
Yingying Ni
and Haiyan Chu
State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable
Agriculture, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, East Beijing Road 71, Nanjing 210008,
Marine Biological Laboratory, University of Chicago,
Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA.
Department of Surgery, University of Chicago,
Chicago, IL 60637, USA.
Argonne National Laboratory, Institute for Genomics
and Systems Biology, Argonne, IL 60439, USA.
Key Laboratory of Nutrient Cycling and Resources
Environment of Anhui Province, Soil and Fertilizer
Research Institute, Anhui Academy of Agricultural
Sciences, South Nongke Road 40, Hefei 230031,
Organic matter application is a widely used practice
to increase soil carbon content and maintain soil fer-
tility. However, little is known about the effect of
different types of organic matter, or the input of exog-
enous species from these materials, on soil fungal
communities. In this study, fungal community com-
position was characterized from soils amended with
three types of organic matter over a 30-year fertiliza-
tion experiment. Chemical fertilization significantly
changed soil fungal community composition and
structure, which was exacerbated by the addition of
organic matter, with the direction of change influ-
enced by the type of organic matter used. The
addition of organic matter significantly increased soil
fungal richness, with the greatest richness achieved
in soils amended with pig manure. Importantly, fol-
lowing addition of cow and pig manure, fungal taxa
associated with these materials could be found in the
soil, suggesting that these exogenous species can
augment soil fungal composition. Moreover, the addi-
tion of organic matter decreased the relative
abundance of potential pathogenic fungi. Overall,
these results indicate that organic matter addition
influences the composition and structure of soil fun-
gal communities in predictable ways.
Soil organic carbon (SOC), which is the main constituent of
soil organic matter (SOM), forms the basis of soil fertility and
sustainable agriculture. Therefore, it is one of the most
important indicators of soil quality and productivity (Reeves,
1997; Chan, 2008; Victoria et al., 2012). Intensive agricultur-
al activity greatly reduces SOC content, which in turn leads
to soil degradation (Gami et al., 2009; Victoria et al., 2012;
Olson, 2013; Stockmann et al., 2013). Many modern agri-
cultural practices encourage the increase of SOC content
by either increasing carbon inputs or by lowering losses
(Chan, 2008; Victoria et al., 2012). For this, a wide range of
organic materials such as straw, compost, organic waste,
biochar, and manure are applied to soils to increase carbon
input (Chan, 2008; Bo _
zena Cwalina-Ambroziak, 2009;
Victoria et al., 2012). But the formation of SOM depends
on the biological, chemical, and the physical decay of these
materials (Victoria et al., 2012; Stockmann et al., 2013).
Fungi are one of the most abundant soil microbes. They
serve as important decomposers in soil ecosystems, and
are typically associated with carbon sequestration in agro-
ecosystems (Hoorman, 2011; Jones et al., 2011). Studies
have shown that the diversity and distribution of soil fungal
communities are significantly related to the soil carbon
content, and that fertilization could impact soil fungal com-
munities by changing soil nutritional status and plant
biomass and physiology (Allison et al., 2007; Bo_
Cwalina-Ambroziak, 2009; Weber et al., 2013; Liu et al.,
2015; Song et al., 2015; Zhou et al., 2016). For example,
N amendments decreased the relative abundance of Basi-
diomycota in an alpine tundra soil, but increased the
relative abundance of Ascomycota by 30% (Nemergut
Received 15 April, 2016; revised 17 July, 2016; accepted 26
August, 2016. *For correspondence. E-mail;
Tel. 86-25-86881356; Fax 86-25-86881000.
C2016 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Environmental Microbiology (2016) 00(00), 00–00 doi:10.1111/1462-2920.13512
et al., 2008). A similar result was observed in a silty-clay
loam in Australia, wherein applying large quantities of N
fertilizer resulted in the high relative abundance of Asco-
mycota (Paungfoo-Lonhienne et al., 2015). The overall
diversity of soil fungal communities decreased on amend-
ment with chemical fertilizers (Allison et al., 2007;
Beauregard et al., 2010; Kamaa et al., 2012). Like chemi-
cal fertilizers, the application of organic matter can also
impact soil fungal communities, with their application fre-
quently causing increased soil fungal diversity (Cwalina-
Ambroziak and Bowszys, 2009; Kamaa et al., 2012; Song
et al., 2015). These changes to soil fungal communities
are associated with the alteration of soil nutrients and plant
carbon inputs (Allison et al., 2007; Song et al., 2015). For
example, Yu and colleagues (2013) found that amendment
with Protamylasse altered pea root-fungal community
structure by favoring obligate biotrophic fungi such as Olpi-
dium brassicae, and reducing the abundance of facultative
biotrophs such as Fusarium oxysporum.
Soil fungi also play an important role in plant health.
Over 90% of all plant species can form a mycorrhizal sym-
biosis, and plant–fungus association can greatly contribute
to plant growth, persistence, community diversity, and pro-
ductivity in ecosystems (Bonfante, 2003; Lin et al., 2012).
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are frequently associ-
ated with plants, and play essential roles in nutrient
uptake, especially phosphorus. Studies have found that
chemical fertilizers decreased the diversity and coloniza-
tion rate of AMF (Lin et al., 2012; Sheng et al., 2013; Chen
et al., 2014; Song et al., 2015), while organic matter indu-
ces greater diversity and the development of external AMF
mycelium (Gryndler et al., 2006; Wu et al., 2010; Sousa
et al., 2012). The addition of nitrogen always enhances the
growth of saprotrophic fungi, and stimulates the decompo-
sition of organic substrates by saprotrophic fungi (Allison
et al., 2009; Rousk and Baath, 2011). Song and col-
leagues (2015) also found that chemical fertilization
significantly increased the diversity of saprotrophic fungi.
Hyphael extension and their ability to translocate carbon,
nitrogen and phosphorus are part of the important role of
saprotrophic fungi in nutrient and water redistribution in soil
(Crowther et al., 2012; Guhr et al., 2015), thus the growth
of plants may be supported by increasing the soil nutrient
pool and soil moisture levels (Ellouze et al., 2014). Howev-
er, chemical fertilizers have been linked to an increase in
the proportion of fungi that are pathogenic to plants
(Cwalina-Ambroziak et al., 2010; Paungfoo-Lonhienne
et al., 2015). In contrast, the application of organic matter
can suppress pathogenic fungal growth, and enhances the
growth of fungi that antagonize these pathogenic species
(Hoitink and Fahy, 1986; Gamliel and Stapleton, 1993;
Bulluck et al., 2002; Zinati, 2005; Bo_
zena Cwalina-
Ambroziak, 2009; Cwalina-Ambroziak et al., 2010; Mokhtar
and El-Mougy, 2014; Saxena et al., 2015). For example,
Cwalina-Ambroziak and Bowszys (2009) found that the
aqueous extracts from compost inhibited mycelium growth
in pathogens such as Botrytis cinerea,Colletotrichum
coccodes, and those of the genus Fusarium.
The changes of fungal community caused by organic
fertilization are due not only to the input of substrates, but
also the existing microorganisms present in the organic
matter. The latter could result in biological invasion, which
is a great threat to biodiversity and ecosystem processes
(Charles and Dukes, 2008; Ehrenfeld, 2010; Ziska et al.,
2011; Powell et al., 2013; Walsh et al., 2016). Invasive
plants and animals have been extensively studied, and
recently research has started to focus on invasive
microbes, especially fungi, which are extremely important
in driving plant diversity and productivity (van der Heijden
et al., 2008). Non-indigenous fungal pathogens have great-
ly reduced the population sizes of several native tree
species in North America (Loo, 2008). Day and colleagues
(2015) revealed that the fungi associated with non-native
plants could benefit the growth of these plants by causing
disease in native plants and thereby affecting their growth.
Additionally, invasive fungi have a significant detrimental
effect on agricultural ecosystems (Rossman, 2009). Man-
ures used for agricultural production may also contain
microbial pathogens that pose a threat to human health
(Unc and Goss, 2004; Gerba and Smith, 2005; Mosadde-
ghi et al., 2010; Bradford et al., 2013).
Although the impact of fertilization on soil fungal commu-
nities has been extensively studied, the long-term effects
of different types of organic matter remain unknown. Previ-
ous research provided evidence for differing carbon
sequestration efficiencies for soils amended with wheat
straw, and cow and pig manure (PM) (Hua et al., 2014),
which is likely to be mediated by different fungal taxa tar-
geting different organic compounds (Hanson et al., 2008).
We hypothesize that different organic matter will select for
different soil fungal communities. In addition, multiple fungi
have been detected in organic material, but the impact of
exogenous fungi associated with the organic material on
native soil fungal communities is rarely explored (Anastasi
et al., 2005; Fliegerov
aet al., 2010; Lopez et al., 2014). To
address this gap, we utilized high-throughput amplicon
sequencing to compare fungal communities of soils sub-
jected to long-term chemical fertilization (NPK) amended
with low- or high-levels of wheat straw residues (S), cow
manure (CM), and PM together with the fungal community
associated with this manure.
Changes in soil fungal community under different
fertilization regimes
Approximately 1.2 million raw internal transcribed spacer
region 1 (ITS1) amplicon reads were obtained for 24 soil
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samples and 2 manure samples. After quality filtering,
812,748 (20,277–51,140 reads per sample) reads were
used for all downstream analysis. These high-quality reads
were clustered in to 997 non-singleton operational taxo-
nomic units (OTUs), with a large majority being assigned
to the phylum Ascomycota (80.7% of all reads). Basidio-
mycota and Zygomycota accounted for 13.8% and 3.1% of
reads respectively (Fig. 1A).
Fungal a-diversity was determined by the Chao1 rich-
ness index and the Heip’s evenness index, both calculated
with 20,000 rarefied sequences per sample (Heip, 1974;
Gotelli and Colwell, 2011). Good’s coverage was deter-
mined to estimate sampling completeness (Good, 1953;
Rea et al., 2011). Good’s coverage values (at the 97% sim-
ilarity level) were greater than 0.995 for all treatment types,
indicating that the vast majority of the fungal community
was captured at this sequencing depth (Table 1). The
lowest Chao1 richness index was observed for control
soils. No significant difference for Chao1 was observed
between NPK and control soils (Mann-Whitney U57.00,
P>0.05). However, significant differences were observed
between control soils and those amended with different
organic materials (Value of Mann-Whitney U was 0
between organic material amended treatments and control
treatment, P<0.05). The amended soils showed signifi-
cantly higher fungal richness compared to controls. In
contrast, Heip’s evenness was greatest in control soils,
although not significantly so. Of all treatment types, the
NPK 1PM soils showed the highest fungal richness and
the lowest fungal evenness (Table 1).
Fertilization greatly influenced the soil fungal community
structure. The taxonomic distribution of soil fungi changed
under different treatment types. At the phylum level, NPK,
NPK 1LS, and NPK 1HS fungal profiles were more
Fig. 1. Taxonomic composition of soil fungal communities by the different treatment regimes at the phylum (A) and the class level (B). PCoA
plot depicts the Bray–Curtis distance of fungal communities in 24 soil samples under the six treatment regimes (C). The red ellipses in this
plot represent the confidence areas (0.95) of the treatment. The blue dotted lines enclose the convex hull for the samples in the same
treatment. The blue lines combine samples to their class centroid. Control, non-fertilization; NPK fertilization; NPK with low-level wheat straw
(NPK1LS); NPK with high-level wheat straw (NPK1HS); NPK with PM (NPK1PM); and NPK with CM (NPK1CM).
Fertilizer organic matter influences soil fungal community 3
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similar to the control samples than NPK 1PM and
NPK 1CM samples. The fungal community composition
was significantly different between NPK 1PM, NPK 1CM
and the control samples (Fig. S2). NPK1PM and
NPK 1CM samples had a greater relative abundance of
Zygomycota as compared to the control samples (Fig. 1A).
The relative abundance of dominant taxa also changed
under the different treatments regimes (Fig. 1B and Sup-
porting Information Fig. S1). Three taxa were closely
related to Stagonosporopsis crystalliniformis (OTU3406),
Alternaria alternate (OTU5521), Fusarium circinatum
(OTU2170), which are known plant pathogens (Supporting
Information Table S1) (Peever et al., 2002; Wingfield et al.,
2008; Vaghefi et al., 2012). The relative abundance of
these OTUs were much greater in the control and/or NPK
samples compared to those amended with organic materi-
als, and in particular those samples amended with cow
and PM (Supporting Information Fig. S1). The changes in
soil fungal communities were further depicted in the two-
dimensional principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) plot
using Bray-Curtis distance (Fig. 1C). Soils that were only
subjected to chemical fertilizers (NPK) clustered with con-
trol soils that received no treatment (Fig. 1C). In contrast,
soils amended with the different organic materials clus-
tered away from the control soils. While separate clusters
were observed for NPK 1PM and NPK 1CM samples,
the two wheat straw treatment types, NPK 1LS and
NPK 1HS clustered together. These results indicated that
long-term chemical fertilization describes less of the vari-
ance in soil fungal community structure than the
amendment of soil with different organic materials. Addi-
tionally, soil fungal communities tended to distribute
according to the type of organic material added (Fig. 1C).
This was confirmed by analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) cal-
culation (Supporting Information Table S3). Similar
observations of clustering by treatment type were made by
the hierarchical clustering tree method (Supporting Infor-
mation Fig. S2A).
Indicator species by treatment type
Indicator species were determined by the Dfrene-
Legendre indicator species analysis method (Dufrene and
Legendre, 1997) to identify fungal OTUs that are specifi-
cally associated with the different treatment regimes.
Indicator species (OTUs) for each treatment type are pre-
sented in Fig. 2. Additional information on taxonomic
assignment of indicator species by treatment type is pre-
sented in Supporting Information Table S1.
OTU3406 was the most abundant indicator species in
the control samples with a relative abundance of 8.42%,
and was most closely related to Stagonosporopsis crystal-
liniformis CBS 713.85, which is a foliage pathogen of
potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) and tomatoes (S. lycoper-
sicum), causing ‘black potato blight’ and ‘carate’ on
tomatoes (de Gruyter et al., 2012).
The most abundant indicator species in the NPK sam-
ples was OTU2166, which was most closely related to a
Hypocreales sp. It accounted for approximately one fifth of
the soil fungal community in this treatment type. Hypo-
creales spp. are widespread in moist forests, and many
Hypocreales species grow on wood rather than herba-
ceous substrata, and parasitize other fungi, such as
Ascomycota, resupinate Basidiomycetes, and perennial
bracket fungi (Chaverri and Samuels, 2003). Hypocreales
spp. have antifungal activity, thus making them potentially
valuable in the biological control of fungal diseases (Cha-
verri and Samuels, 2003). The high relative abundance of
these pathogen-antagonists is usually indicative of the
presence of the pathogens themselves. This was sup-
ported by the high relative abundance of another indicator
species, OTU2170 (8.52%), which was most closely relat-
ed to Fusarium circinatum (Supporting Information Table
S2), which is known to cause a destructive disease of
pines - pitch canker (Wingfield et al., 2008). A similar result
was observed for the control samples where OTU2166
(Hypocreales sp.) and OTU3406 (Stagonosporopsis
Table 1. Fungal diversity by treatment type and manure.
Diversity index
Chao1 richness index Heip’s evenness index Good’s coverage
Control 300(13)c 0.134(0.021)a 0.997(0.000)a
NPK 313(33)bc 0.105(0.013)ab 0.997(0.001)ab
NPK1LS 348(50)ab 0.102(0.018)ab 0.996(0.001)c
NPK1HS 380(45)ab 0.12(0.02)a 0.996(0.001)c
NPK1PM 388(22)a 0.08(0.02)b 0.995(0.000)d
NPK1CM 344(11)b 0.124(0.009)a 0.997(0.000)b
Pig manure 284 0.098 0.998
Cow manure 193 0.009 0.998
The diversity indices were calculated using 20,000 randomly selected sequences per sample. Means of four replicates per treatment are pre-
sented (with standard deviation).
Data containing the same letter within a column indicate no significant difference between treatments detected by Mann-Whitney U test
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crystalliniformis CBS 713.85) were abundant (Supporting
Information Fig. S1).
The most abundant indicator species in the wheat straw
amendment samples was OTU5031, which was most
closely related to Chaetomium globosum (Supporting
Information Table S2), a saprophytic fungus primarily resid-
ing on plants, soil, straw, and dung. It possesses a
cellulose-degrading system (Longoni et al., 2012) and can
produce antifungal compounds to antagonize spot blotch
(Cochliobolus sativus) and leaf rust (Puccinia recondita)of
wheat, as well as rice blast (Magnaporthe grisea)(Aggar-
wal et al., 2004; Park et al., 2005).
OTU3457 (most closely related to Pseudaleuria sp.) with
a relative abundance of 17.07% was the most abundant
indicator species in the NPK 1PM samples. Xu and col-
leagues (2012) demonstarted that Pseudaleuria were
dominant in healthy soils, and were negatively correlated
with the disease severity index of pea roots. Finally, indica-
tor species OTU1561, which accounted for one tenth of
the community in the NPK 1PM treatment type, had no
close match in these databases and as such may repre-
sent a novel fungal taxon.
For the NPK 1CM treatment type, OTU5240, which
was most closely related to Mortierella sp. was the most
abundant indicator (8.04%). Members of this genus pri-
marily serve as saprotrophs in soil ecosystems, typically
living on decaying leaves, fecal pellets, and other organic
material (Webster and Weber, 2007). Studies have found
that some species of Mortierella have the ability to degrade
chitin and hemicellulose (Raudonien_
e and Varnait _
e, 2008;
Young-Ju et al., 2008). Moreover, as a phosphate-
solubilizing fungus, they could help with the colonization of
AMF and alleviate the deleterious effects of salt on plant
growth and soil enzyme activities (Zhang et al., 2011).
Fig. 2. Indicator species by treatment regime. Circles represent OTUs, and the other shapes represent the different treatment regimes. The
size of each circle represents its relative abundance.
Fertilizer organic matter influences soil fungal community 5
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Fungal community composition of livestock manures
The fungal communities in pig and CMs were also charac-
terized and were largely different to those observed for
soils. Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes were the most
abundant phyla in pig and CM samples respectively (Sup-
porting Information Fig. S3a/b). Fungal communities in
PM were dominated by seven OTUs (relative
abundance >5%), of which the most abundant (20%) was
closely related to Cladorrhinum bulbillosum.OTUsmost
closely related to Agaricales sp. (relative abundance of
85.17%) dominated CM (Supporting Information Fig. S3c).
Overall, the fungal diversity of manure was lower than that
of soil (Table 1), and both richness and evenness were
lowest in CM.
Correlations between environmental factors and fungal
community structure
Redundancy analysis explained approximately 70% of the
total variation in the soil fungal community structure, and
the first two components explained 48.96% of the variation
(Fig. 3, Supporting Information Table S6). Soil fungal com-
munities formed clusters by treatment type on the RDA
plot (Fig. 3A). Through canonical variation partitioning, it
was observed that the organic material utilized for soil
amendment was the major contributor to fungal community
variation, explaining 16.8% of the variation in soil fungal
communities (Fig. 3B).
We compared the fungal community in cow and PM to
those found in amended soils to investigate the potential
for invasion. Results showed that 113 OTUs were shared
between pig manure and soils amended with pig manure
(NPK 1PM). This accounted for 24.9% of the NPK 1PM-
associated OTUs, and of these, 28 OTUs (5.9%) were
detected in pig manure and the amended soils but not in
the control soils (Fig. 4A). These 28 OTUs accounted for
about 1% relative abundance of the NPK 1PM community.
Likewise, 76 OTUs were shared between CM samples and
soils amended with CM (NPK 1CM), which accounted for
16.4% of the total NPK 1CM-associated OTUs; and of
these, 24 OTUs were not detected in the control soils (Fig.
4B). These 24 OTUs accounted for about 0.7% relative
abundance of the NPK 1CM community. Ternary plots
showed the distribution of OTUs detected in both control
and manure-amended soils (NPK 1PM and NPK 1CM)
(Fig. 4C and D). A total of 29 OTUs were enriched in the
NPK 1PM samples as compared to the control soils, and
nine OTUs were diluted in these samples. Likewise, 23
OTUs were enriched in the NPK1CM samples and five
were diluted compared to controls. Some of the
NPK 1PM-associated enriched OTUs were abundant in
PM (Fig. 4C), suggesting the strong possibility of PM as a
source of these OTUs. In contrast, most of the NPK 1CM-
associated, enriched OTUs were not abundant in CM (Fig.
Predicted sources of fungal communities in manure
amended soils
A Bayesian probability tool, SourceTracker, was used to
predict the sources of OTUs found in manure-amended
soils. Most of the fungal community was likely sourced
from native soil (Fig. 5), which contributed between
57.93% and 78.55% on average to NPK1PM and
NPK 1CM samples respectively. Fungi in PM contributed
17.62% to the fungal community in NPK 1PM samples,
which was much greater than the contribution made by
fungi in CM to NPK1CM samples (0.54%) (Fig. 5).
Several different types of chemical fertilizers and organic
materials have been added to soils to increase its nutrient
Fig. 3. Redundancy analysis plot depicting the correlation between fungal communities and soil properties (A), and the percentages of
variance explained by each factor (B). TOM, type of organic material; NO2
3-N, nitrate, NH1
4-N, ammonium; TN, total Nitrogen; AP, available
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Fig. 4. Venn diagrams showing the distribution of OTUs in non-fertilization treatment soils (control), soils subjected to long-term application of
NPK with pig manure (NPK1PM), and pig manure (PM) (A); and non-fertilization treatment soils (control), soils subjected to long-term
application of NPK with cow manure (NPK1CM), and cow manure (CM) (B). Ternary plots of OTUs shared between Control and NPK 1PM
(C) and OTUs shared between Control and NPK 1CM (D). The grey circles represent OTUs with no significant differences in relative
abundance between manure-amended and control soils, represents OTUs that had a significantly higher relative abundance in manure-
amended soils than control soils, and represents OTUs that had a significantly lower relative abundance in manure-amended soil than
control soils.
Fertilizer organic matter influences soil fungal community 7
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and carbon content, and particularly to improve soil fertility
and agricultural production. The impact of fertilization on soil
microbial communities is of growing concern due to the
importance of microbes in soil ecosystems. Here we
revealed that the addition of organic material had a greater
impact on fungal composition and can result in increased
fungal richness as compared to chemical fertilization. Addi-
tionally, soil amendment with different types of organic
material resulted in significantly different fungal communities.
One of the most important services performed by fungi
in a soil ecosystem is decomposition – converting various
organic materials into bioavailable forms (Hoorman, 2011).
Fungi secrete enzymes to digest complex organic com-
pounds and absorb the breakdown products. Chemical
fertilizers do not serve as a direct carbon source, but can
impact soil fungal communities by altering the amount and
quality of plant carbon inputs (Allison et al., 2007; Weber
et al., 2013). However, the impact of plant carbon inputs
was far less than that observed as a result of soil amend-
ment with organic materials. Thus, we observed a greater
shift in fungal communities in soils amended with organic
materials than those solely treated with chemical fertilizers
(Supporting Information Fig. S2b). In addition, soils
amended with the different organic materials (including
wheat straw, PM, and CM) contained different fungal com-
munities. One possible reason may be the differences in
the carbon composition of the three types of organic mate-
rial. Fungal communities are regulated by resource type
and availability (Moll et al., 2015). Although tens of thou-
sands of fungi species live in soil, different fungal taxa
possess different resource utilization capabilities, and
some of them target particular organic compounds (Hanson
et al., 2008). Fungal taxa occupy different ecological
niches according to the available carbon source. Resource
partitioning among soil fungi is considered to be an impor-
tant mechanism for the maintenance of fungal diversity in
soil ecosystems (Hanson et al., 2008). For example,
Deacon and colleagues (2006) found that fungi isolated
from grassland soils had significant variability in resource
use; 83% utilized starch, 63% pectin, 63% cellulose, and
only 27% could use lignin, while 8% used chitin. Hoppe and
colleagues (2015) found significantly different fungal com-
munity structures in the deadwood of different tree species,
and attributed these differences to the varying physiochemi-
cal properties of the deadwood substrates. In this study, we
observed that the variance in fungal communities associated
with the different treatments was best explained by the
type of organic material, suggesting differential resource
utilization capabilities. In soils amended with organic mate-
rial, the enriched OTUs were closely related to fungal taxa
that are known to possess the ability to biodegrade and
decompose organic residues. For example, the most abun-
dant indicator species in NPK 1wheat straw samples,
OTU5031 (Supporting Information Fig. S1), was closely
related to Chaetomium globosum, which degrades cellu-
lose (Longoni et al., 2012), the main component of wheat
straw (Kabuyah et al., 2012).
The application of organic material is also known to sup-
press plant pathogenic fungi. Possible suppression
mechanisms include antibiosis, competition, hyperparasit-
ism, and induced systemic resistance (Bailey and
Lazarovits, 2003; Zinati, 2005; Walters and Bingham,
2007; Mokhtar and El-Mougy, 2014). We also observed a
reduced abundance of OTUs closely related to known
plant pathogens in soils amended with organic materials.
The presence of OTUs related to Chaetomium globosum
Fig. 5. The sources of fungal community in PM (A) and CM (B) amended soils as predicted by SourceTracker.
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in wheat straw ammended soils, could suggest a potential
mechanism, as this organism can produce antifungal com-
pounds (Aggarwal et al., 2004; Park et al., 2005). A similar
observation was made by Yu and colleagues (2013)
wherein the presence of bacterial phyla including the Acid-
obacteria, Gp14, and Actinobacteria and the fungal class,
Cystobasidiomycetes played a more important role than
abiotic factors in the suppression of Pythium wilt disease.
The maintenance of high soil microbial diversity and
functional redundancy has been suggested to be a useful
for maintaining soil ecosystem health (Allison and Martiny,
2008; Sharma et al., 2011; Bhat, 2013; Miki et al., 2014).
In this study, an increase in fungal richness was observed
in soils amended with the different organic materials thus,
which could suggest that organic materials improved soil
‘health’ when compared to chemical fertilizers. Soils
amended with PM were more diverse than CM or wheat
straw amendments. The greater diversity observed in
manure amended soils may be due to the introduction of
exogenous fungi. Exogenous microbes introduced to soil
from manure have been shown to impact soil microbial
communities (Guan and Holley, 2003; Unc and Goss,
2004). While we were able to amplify ITS1 sequences
from cow and PM samples, we failed to produce any ampli-
fication in wheat straw. This could be because of PCR
amplicifcation inhibitors in the extract, or because of low
fungal biomass in wheat straw. If the latter then this would
suggest that there is limited impact of exogenous fungi
from wheat straw. Conversely, the manure-associated taxa
had an observed influence on soil fungal communities, but
for unknown reasons this was greater for pig-manure (Fig.
5, Supporting Information Tables S4 and S5). Some of
these taxa may influence soil ecological functions. For
example, OTU29 from PM was most closely related to
Acremonium alcalophilum (OTU29), which can degrade
both cellulose and xylan at temperatures as low as 08C
(Hayashi et al., 1996; Hayashi et al., 1997; Kasana and
Gulati, 2011). Additionally, OTU2781 was most closely
related to an anaerobic fungus, Buwchfawromyces eastonii
(Callaghan et al., 2015). These non-native fungi may
enhance nutrient transformation and the degradation of
organic materials under different environments including
frost and flooding. Meanwhile some OTUs were related to
taxa that could influence plant health. For example,
OTU989 from CM was closely related to Ophiocordyceps
lanpingensis, which can parasitize larval pathogens that
affect plants (Chen et al., 2013). Therefore the introduction
of this taxon could act to reduce the burden of insect
attacks. We were able to identify close relatives for many
OTUs, yet some remain unidentified; even so the ecologi-
cal role and impact of all of these organisms needs to be
characterized and validated in different ecosystem
Fungi play an essential role in soil ecological processes,
especially in the degradation of organic materials. The
results from this study revealed that soil amendment with
organic materials explained patterns in soil fungal commu-
nity diversity and composition better than the use of
chemical fertilizers. The addition of organic materials
increased soil fungal richness, and lowered the relative
abundance of potentially pathogenic fungi. Interestingly
some fungi introduced to the soil from manure were closely
related to pathogen-antagonists, suggesting a potential
mechanism for pathogen suppression. Like previous
reports on long-term, chemical and organic fertilization
experiments, we also reported that cow and PMs were bet-
ter than wheat straw in improving soil physiochemical
properties, increasing crop yields, and preventing the loss
of microbial diversity (Sun et al., 2015b). This study sug-
gests that adding the type of organic matter influences the
structure and composition of the soil fungal community in
predictable ways. Understanding these influences further
could be crucial for sustainable agriculture.
Experimental procedures
Experimental design, soil sampling, determination of soil
properties, and DNA extraction
The experimental site is located at the Madian Agro-
Ecological Station in Mengcheng county, Anhui province,
China (N338130,E1168350). The experiment was started in
1982 and includes six treatments with four replicate plots for
each treatment-type. These include: (i) control (no fertiliza-
tion), (ii) chemical NPK fertilizers only (NPK), (iii) chemical
NPK fertilizers added with low amount (3750 kg ha
wheat straw (NPK 1LS), (iv) chemical NPK fertilizers added
with high amount (7500 kg ha
) of wheat straw
(NPK 1HS), (v) chemical NPK fertilizers added with fresh PM
(NPK 1PM), and (vi) chemical NPK fertilizers added with
fresh CM (NPK 1CM). In October 2012, 12 soil cores (5 cm
in diameter) from the surface layer (0–10 cm) were collected
from each plot, and mixed thoroughly as a single sample. Soil
pH, total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN), nitrate (NO2
ammonium (NH1
4-N), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dis-
solved organic nitrogen (DON), available potassium (AK), and
available phosphorus (AP) were measured. DNA was
extracted from 0.5 g of fresh soil using a FastV
(MP Biomedicals, Santa Ana, CA) according to manufacturer’s
instructions. Detailed information on experimental design, soil
sampling, determination of soil properties, and soil DNA
extraction is as described previously by Sun et al. (2015b) and
Chu and Grogan (2010). Ten replicate samples (about 30 g
per sample) of wheat straw were collected prior to its applica-
tion. The wheat straw samples were cut into pieces and
ground using a ball mill (Emax, Retsch, Germany). DNA was
extracted from 0.2 g of disrupted wheat straw tissue using a
Dneasy plant kit (Qiagen, Germany) according to manufac-
turer’s instructions. Likewise, 10 replicate samples each of
cow and PMs were collected from different positions within the
Fertilizer organic matter influences soil fungal community 9
C2016 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Environmental Microbiology,00, 00–00
manure piles and mixed as a single sample separately before
their application. Manure samples were mixed by sterile
homogenate machine, and DNA was extracted from 0.5 g of
manure using a PowerFecalV
RDNA Isolation Kit (MO BIO,
USA) according to manufacturer’s instructions. Three repli-
cates of DNA extracts from wheat straw, pig and CM samples
were selected and pooled separately for PCR amplification.
PCR amplification and high throughput sequencing
ITS2 (50-GCTGCGTTCTTCATCGATGC-30) (Ghannoum et al.,
2010) were used to amplify the ITS1 region, which is the uni-
versal DNA barcode marker for the molecular identification of
fungi (Schoch et al., 2012; Blaalid et al., 2013). PCR was per-
formed in 50 ll reaction volumes containing 25 ll of Premix
Taq DNA polymerase, 0.5 ll of forward primer (20 mM), 0.5
ll of reverse primer (20 mM), 23 ll of double distilled water
O), and 1 ll DNA template (20 ng total soil DNA). The
PCR cycling conditions were 948Cfor5min,35cyclesof948C
for30s,at508C for 30 s, and 728C for 30 s. Illumina libraries
were constructed using the MiSeq Reagent Kit v3 according to
manufacturer’s instructions. High-throughput, paired-end
sequencing was performed on the Illumina MiSeq PE250 plat-
form. Sequencing data were deposited in the European
Nucleotide Archive under the accession number PRJEB12829.
Analysis of sequencing data
Sequencing data were processed using the QIIME software
package (version 1.9.0) (Caporaso et al., 2010). Briefly, for-
ward and reverse reads were joined using fastq-join with a
minimum of 10 bp overlap. Low quality sequences (Phred
quality score Q <20 or sequences shorter than 200 bp) were
discarded, and chimeras were filtered by the UCHIME algo-
rithm (Edgar et al., 2011) in the USEARCH tool (Edgar, 2010)
using the UNITE fungal ITS reference data set (Version 7.0)
(Nilsson et al., 2015). High-quality sequences were assigned
to OTUs using UCLUST with a similarity threshold of 97%
(Edgar, 2010). Taxonomy was assigned using the UCLUST
consensus taxonomy assigner and the UNITE fungal ITS
database (QIIME release, version 7.0) (Bengtsson-Palme
et al., 2013). OTUs with no taxonomic assignment from QIIME
were identified using blastn and the internal transcribed spac-
er region (ITS) from fungi type and reference material
database (Johnson et al., 2008; Schoch et al., 2014). Single-
tons and non-fungal OTUs were removed and all samples
were rarefied to 20 000 sequences per sample for further
Statistical analyses
Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) was used to compare
the beta diversity between samples based on the Bray-Curtis
distance matrix. This was performed in the R software pack-
age (version 3.1.2) using the ape library (Paradis et al., 2004).
Hierarchical clustering was determined by unweighted pair
group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) (Milligan, 1985)
in R using the vegan library (Oksanen, 2015). Mann-Whitney
U test was used to compare diversity indices between
treatments, as the data were not randomly distributed. ANO-
SIMs (Clarke, 1993; Warton et al., 2012) based on Bray-
Curtis distances was performed using vegan in R. Heatmaps
were drawn using gplots (Warnes et al., 2016) in R. Indicator
analysis was done using labdsv (Roberts, 2012.) in R, and
visualized using the Cytoscape package (Version 3.2.1)
(Shannon et al., 2003). Redundancy analysis (RDA) was car-
ried out to determine the effect of soil properties on the fungal
community in R using vegan. Only environmental variables
that were significantly (P<0.05) correlated with the RDA mod-
el were selected (calculated based on 999 permutations), and
the respective effects of different explanatory variables were
calculated by canonical variation partitioning (Borcard et al.,
1992; Sun et al., 2015a). The significance of RDA models
were tested by ANOVA based on 999 permutations. Ternary
plots were drawn in R using the vcd package (Meyer et al.,
2015). SourceTracker (Version 0.9.5) (Knights et al., 2011)
was used to predict the source of fungal communities in
manure-amended samples (NPK 1PM and NPK 1CM).
NPK 1PM and NPK 1CM samples were set as sink, and the
control (used as native soil) and the manure samples were set
as sources. Source predictions were run with 100 burnins, 10
random restarts, and rarefaction depth of 20 000.
We thank Congcong Shen, Xingjia Xiang and Yuntao Li for
assistance in soil sampling, and Keke Hua for the manage-
ment of the experimental field. We also thank Rong Huang for
assistance in sequencing. This work was funded by the Strate-
gic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sci-
ences (XDB15010101), the National Program on Key Basic
Research Project (2014CB954002) and the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (41371254). The authors
declare no conflicts of interest.
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Supporting information
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the
online version of this article at the publisher’s web-site:
Fig. S1. Heatmap illustrating the distribution of the most
abundant soil OTUs (relative abundance 1.5% in any of
the treatment) by treatment type. * indicates plant patho-
genic fungi. Control, no fertilization; NPK, application of
chemical fertilizers; NPK1LS, application of chemical fertil-
izers with low amounts of wheat straw; NPK1HS, applica-
tion of chemical fertilizers with high amounts of wheat
straw; NPK1PM, application of chemical fertilizers with pig
manure; NPK1CM, application of chemical fertilizers with
cow manure. Taxonomic levels: p, phylum; c, class; o,
order; f, family; g, genus; s, species.
Fig. S2. Hierarchical Clustering of fungal communities by
treatment type (a). Bray-Curtis dissimilarity of fungal com-
munities between treatments (b). Percentage bootstrap val-
ues obtained from 1000 trials are shown on branches. *
indicates that the fungal communities were significantly dif-
ferent between treatments as detected by analysis of simi-
larities (ANOSIM) using the Bray-Curtis distance. The R
values of ANOSIM results, which were calculated based on
999 permutations, can be observed under the dissimilarity
Fig. S3. Fungal community composition of pig manure (a)
and cow manure (b). Relative abundances of abundant
OTUs (relative abundance 5%) for cow and pig maure (c).
PM, pig manure; CM, cow manure.
Table S1. Indicator species of the treatments.
Table S2. BLAST results of the dominant species.
Table S3. Result (R value) of analysis of similarities (ANO-
SIM) between the different organic material treatments.
Table S4. The relative abundance of indicator species of in
NPK1PM, pig manure and control samples.
Table S5. The relative abundance of indicator species in,
NPK1CM, cow manure, and control samples.
Table S6. Results of redundancy analysis.
14 R. Sun et al.
C2016 Society for Applied Microbiology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Environmental Microbiology,00, 00–00
... Further research directly linking soil type differences to specific P-related effects on observed microbial composition is needed. Furthermore, studies like Sun et al. [72] demonstrated how organic matter type could influence soil fungal communities [72]. Similarly, we hypothesize that distinct plant communities associated with carbonate and silicate soils might contribute varying organic matter compositions, indirectly affecting microbial communities on leaves and flowers through resource availability and plant-microbe interactions. ...
... Further research directly linking soil type differences to specific P-related effects on observed microbial composition is needed. Furthermore, studies like Sun et al. [72] demonstrated how organic matter type could influence soil fungal communities [72]. Similarly, we hypothesize that distinct plant communities associated with carbonate and silicate soils might contribute varying organic matter compositions, indirectly affecting microbial communities on leaves and flowers through resource availability and plant-microbe interactions. ...
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Background While substantial research has explored rhizosphere and phyllosphere microbiomes, knowledge on flower microbiome, particularly in wild plants remains limited. This study explores into the diversity, abundance, and composition of bacterial and fungal communities on leaves and flowers of wild flowering plants in their natural alpine habitat, considering the influence of environmental factors. Methods We investigated 50 wild flowering plants representing 22 families across seven locations in Austria. Sampling sites encompassed varied soil types (carbonate/silicate) and altitudes (450–2760 m). Amplicon sequencing to characterize bacterial and fungal communities and quantitative PCR to assess microbial abundance was applied, and the influence of biotic and abiotic factors assessed. Results Our study revealed distinct bacterial and fungal communities on leaves and flowers, with higher diversity and richness on leaves (228 fungal and 91 bacterial ASVs) than on flowers (163 fungal and 55 bacterial ASVs). In addition, Gammaproteobacteria on flowers and Alphaproteobacteria on leaves suggests niche specialization for plant compartments. Location significantly shaped both community composition and fungal diversity on both plant parts. Notably, soil type influenced community composition but not diversity. Altitude was associated with increased fungal species diversity on leaves and flowers. Furthermore, significant effects of plant family identity emerged within a subset of seven families, impacting bacterial and fungal abundance, fungal Shannon diversity, and bacterial species richness, particularly on flowers. Conclusion This study provides novel insights into the specific microbiome of wild flowering plants, highlighting adaptations to local environments and plant–microbe coevolution. The observed specificity indicates a potential role in plant health and resilience, which is crucial for predicting how microbiomes respond to changing environments, ultimately aiding in the conservation of natural ecosystems facing climate change pressures.
... Soil fungi are abundant and diverse in all terrestrial ecosystems both natural and managed, with multiple key ecosystem functions as saprotrophs, mycorrhizal, and/or pathogens (Zanne et al., 2020), which in agroecosystems determine soil (Frac et al., 2018) and crop health (Xu et al., 2012). Most common and abundant soil fungi in agroecosystems include Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Mucoromycota, and Chytridiomycota, with a common species richness of approximately 1000 taxa (Xu et al., 2012;Sun et al., 2016;Xu et al., 2020), which however is a small part of the total of 100,000 described fungal species (James et al., 2020). ...
... The higher number of fungal ASVs associated with the compost fertilization, may also be the result of improvement of chemical and physical soil conditions for fungal development along with increased fungal C sources from the higher level of root biomass in the compost treatments. Increased soil fungal diversity after compost amendment has been reported in similar studies on compost and plant growth promotion due to compost application (Sun et al., 2016;Ye et al., 2020). However, the disease suppressive effect of the compost may also be related to other microbiota in the compost not examined in the present study such as bacteria or related to changes in abiotic characteristics of the compost. ...
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Soil fungi are diverse and common in crop systems with important ecological function such as saprotrophs, symbionts, and pathogens, all of which are key components for soil fertility and health. Agricultural practices including tillage, crop rotation, fertilization and pest management with pesticides and microbial biocontrol agents are known to affect the abundance and composition of soil fungi, but these factors are seldom integrated and studied in combination. The objective of this study was to examine the influence of mineral and organic (compost) fertilization, and soil inoculation with the biocontrol fungus Trichoderma harzianum individually and in combination on the resident soil fungal communities and plant performance in a greenhouse pot experiment with chili pepper grown in a disease-infested agricultural soil. Soil fungal communities were studied using Illumina MiSeq sequencing and taxonomic assignment using the UNITE database in terms of amplicon sequence variants (ASV). Main results showed that the combination of compost and T. harzianum inoculation completely controlled chili pepper wilt, which coincided with alterations in soil fungal diversity. The root pathogen Fusarium equiseti was the most abundant fungus (in relative terms) in all treatments and the ASV Trichoderma sp. was only found in the treatments in which T. harzianum had been applied. Soil application with T. harzianum at sowing also reduced chili pepper damping-off in non-sterile disease-infested soil, which coincided with a reduction of the relative abundance of F. equiseti. However, several other known Fusarium spp. pathogens were present in the natural disease infested agricultural soil and could also have been involved in the chili pepper wilt observed. In conclusion, our results show promising biocontrol traits of T. harzianum against chili pepper damping off and wilt most likely caused by Fusarium spp. The observed alterations in soil fungal diversity with T. harzianum and compost were probably involved in the reduction of chili pepper wilt but needs to be further studied.
... The soil nutrient status is widely recognized as a critical determinant influencing the composition of soil fungal communities [75,76]. Research indicates that the use of external fertilizers can alter the environmental ecological niche of soil and drive the evolution of soil fungal communities [13,77]. In line with these findings, our study demonstrates that soil organic carbon (SOC), pH, total phosphorus (TP), and total nitrogen (TN) are key environmental factors shaping the composition and structure of fungal communities postcompost application ( Figure 3A). ...
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Soil salinization is considered a major global environmental problem due to its adverse effects on agricultural sustainability and production. Compost is an environmentally friendly and sustainable measure used for reclaiming saline–sodic soil. However, the responses of the physiological characteristics of alfalfa and the structure and function of rhizosphere fungal communities after compost application in saline–sodic soil remain elusive. Here, a pot experiment was conducted to explore the effect of different compost application rates on soil properties, plant physiological traits, and rhizosphere fungal community characteristics. The results showed that compost significantly increased soil nutrients and corresponding soil enzyme activities, enhanced leaf photosynthesis traits, and ion homeostasis compared with the control treatment. We further found that the rhizosphere fungal communities were dominated by Sodiomyces at the genus level, and the relative abundance of pathogenic fungi, such as Botryotrichum, Plectosphaerella, Pseudogymnoascus, and Fusarium, declined after compost application. Moreover, the α-diversity indexes of the fungal community under compost application rates of 15% and 25% significantly decreased in comparison to the control treatment. The soil SOC, pH, TP, and TN were the main environmental factors affecting fungal community composition. The leaf photosynthetic traits and metal ion contents showed significantly positive correlations with Sodiomyces and Aspergillus. The fungal trophic mode was dominated by Pathotroph–Saprotroph–Symbiotroph and Saprotroph. Overall, our findings provide an important basis for the future application of microbial-based strategies to improve plant tolerance to saline-alkali stress.
... Several management techniques, such as the application of organic and inorganic amendments, have been used to reduce the toxicity of heavy metals in plants (Adrees et al. 2015;Rizwan et al. 2016;Sun et al. 2016). Organic amendments have advantages over most inorganic supplements when applied to soil due to their greater biodegradability, enhanced soil qualities and cost-effectiveness (Putwattana et al. 2015). ...
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Metals contaminated dust alongside the roads caused toxicity in agriculture soils and crops which is an extensive problem. Therefore, a pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the different organic and inorganic amendments to alleviate dust-induced metal toxicity in soil and plants. For this purpose, dust was collected for 12 weeks (39 g per week) from 10-m distance along the M4 motorway. The dust rate of 39 g was applied foliarly to plants in pots having treatments namely silicon foliar spray 50% and 100%, biochar, and farm manure 0.5% and 1%, gypsum and rock phosphate 125, 250 and 500 mg kg −1 except for control (no dust). The results revealed that utilizing farm manure at a rate of 1% significantly improved plant growth and physiological parameters. The biochar application at a rate of 1% reduced metal contents in soil, roots and shoots of plants while enhancing antioxidant enzyme efficiency. Furthermore, the foliar application of silicon foliar spray reduced metal toxicity, particularly in plant leaves, by immobilizing metals on their leaf surfaces. Therefore, it is concluded that the use of biochar and farm manure has the potential to reduce metal toxicity in soil and plants while silicon foliar spray was effective on plant leaves. ARTICLE HISTORY
... In addition, soil organic matter also significantly impacts (p < 0.05) soil microorganisms, primarily because it serves as a major carbon, nitrogen, and energy source. Abundant organic matter promotes microbial growth and reproduction [56] and significantly affects the composition and structure of soil fungal and bacterial communities [57]. By stimulating beneficial microorganisms, organic matter enhances disease suppression and plant growth promotion, which is vital for sustainable agricultural practices [58]. ...
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Soil salinization, a significant global challenge, threatens sustainable development. This study explores the potential of magnetized ionized water irrigation and Bacillus subtilis application to mitigate this issue. The former method is hypothesized to enhance soil salt leaching, while the latter is expected to improve soil nutrient availability, thereby increasing microbial diversity. To address the unclear impact of these interventions on soil quality and cotton productivity, this study employs four different experimental methods: magnetized ionized water irrigation (M), application of 45 kg ha−1 B. subtilis (B), a combination of 45 kg ha−1 B. subtilis with magnetized ionized water irrigation (MB), and a control treatment with no intervention (CK). This study aims to clarify the effects of these treatments on soil bulk density (BD), field capacity (FC), salinity and alkalinity, nutrient content, microbial activity, and cotton crop yield and quality. Additionally, it aims to evaluate the efficacy of these methods in improving saline soil conditions by developing a soil quality index. The results showed that using magnetized ionized water for irrigation and applying B. subtilis, either alone or together, can effectively lower soil pH and salt levels, enhance microbial diversity and abundance, and improve the yield and quality of cotton. Notably, B. subtilis application significantly decreased BD and enhanced FC and nutrient content (p < 0.05). A correlation was found where soil nutrient content decreased as pH and salt content increased. Furthermore, a strong correlation was observed between the major soil bacteria and fungi with BD, FC, and salt content. Comparatively, M, B, and MB significantly boosted (p < 0.01) the soil quality index by 0.21, 0.52, and 0.69 units, respectively, and increased (p < 0.05) cotton yield by 5.7%, 14.8%, and 20.1% compared to CK. Therefore, this research offers eco-friendly and efficient methods to enhance cotton production capacity in saline soil.
... It plays an essential role in nutrient supply, improving plant stress tolerance, and facilitating pollutant degradation within the plantsoil-microbial system (Bonkowski et al., 2009;Mendes et al., 2013). Pesticide residues modify soil conditions, thereby altering the microbial community composition in the inter-root zone and indirectly affecting plant health through changes in the root system (Sun et al., 2016;Huang et al., 2021). This study observed an increased diversity and abundance of bacteria and fungi in the inter-root zones of two alfalfa varieties treated with atrazine compared to controls, consistent with previous findings. ...
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Atrazine, a commonly employed herbicide for corn production, can leave residues in soil, resulting in photosynthetic toxicity and impeding growth in subsequent alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) crops within alfalfa-corn rotation systems. The molecular regulatory mechanisms by which atrazine affects alfalfa growth and development, particularly its impact on the microbial communities of the alfalfa rhizosphere, are not well understood. This study carried out field experiments to explore the influence of atrazine stress on the biomass, chlorophyll content, antioxidant system, and rhizosphere microbial communities of the atrazine-sensitive alfalfa variety WL-363 and the atrazine-resistant variety JN5010. The results revealed that atrazine significantly reduced WL-363 growth, decreasing plant height by 8.58 cm and root length by 5.42 cm (p < 0.05). Conversely, JN5010 showed minimal reductions, with decreases of 1.96 cm in height and 1.26 cm in root length. Chlorophyll content in WL-363 decreased by 35% under atrazine stress, while in JN5010, it was reduced by only 10%. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation increased by 60% in WL-363, compared to a 20% increase in JN5010 (p < 0.05 for both). Antioxidant enzyme activities, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), were significantly elevated in JN5010 (p < 0.05), suggesting a more robust defense mechanism. Although the predominant bacterial and fungal abundances in rhizosphere soils remained generally unchanged under atrazine stress, specific microbial groups exhibited variable responses. Notably, Promicromonospora abundance declined in WL-363 but increased in JN5010. FAPROTAX functional predictions indicated shifts in the abundance of microorganisms associated with pesticide degradation, resistance, and microbial structure reconstruction under atrazine stress, displaying different patterns between the two varieties. This study provides insights into how atrazine residues affect alfalfa rhizosphere microorganisms and identifies differential microbial responses to atrazine stress, offering valuable reference data for screening and identifying atrazine-degrading bacteria.
Plants are constantly confronted with both abiotic and biotic stresses, significantly affecting plant growth, development, and ultimately reducing crop yield. These complex and dynamic stress factors constitute a significant challenge to global food security. Harnessing plant-associated microbiomes represents a key strategy for enhancing agricultural sustainability. In the current era, the field of plant microbiome engineering has acquired significant attention and holds vast potential to revolutionize novel agricultural management practices. Yet, many studies have primarily focused on addressing individual stressors, leaving the intricate interactions largely unexplored. Therefore, this work inquires into the classical and biotechnological and/or ¨omic¨ techniques to engineer plant microbiomes to overcome multiple stressors. Traditional methods such as soil amendments, selective substrates and organic agricultural practices for plant microbiome engineering, are evaluated. Other more direct and advanced multi-omics approaches, such as computational and synthetic biology, host genome manipulation, microbiome breeding and microbiome transplantation, are discussed. The combined effects of pathogen infections and abiotic stresses, with particular emphasis on drought stress, are also reviewed. In addition, the imperative role of plant-growth-promoting microorganisms (PGPM) as part of the resilient plant microbiome is also highlighted. Lastly, this work sheds light on the interplay between different organic agricultural and high-throughput advanced strategies, with the final goal of reshaping the plant microbiome and pave the way for sustainable agricultural practices.
Agroecosystem biodiversity and soil microbiome activity are important natural indicators of soil health and overall sustainability. Soil microbial functional and structural diversity are highly sensitive to management practices and anthropogenic activities. Conventional agriculture relies heavily on chemical pesticides and fertilizers for crop growth and protection. However, the practice of chemical fertilizers has raised alarming concerns due to increased soil degradation, erosion, and nutrient depletion. Organic fertilizers (OFs) are being used as an alternative to chemicals. Unlike inorganic fertilizers, OFs are categorized by a C-H linkage that plays a critical role in controlled nutrient release, in addition to being a good source of organic compounds. Natural OFs, such as animal manure, crop residue, and fish manure, and processed OFs, such as compost, meat bone meal, and fish meal, are already used in agriculture and have been shown to significantly alter soil microbial communities. This chapter addresses the significance of various organic fertilizers on soil microbial communities’ diversity, richness, and abundance as well as their effects on nutrient cycling, particularly carbon, and other microbial processes. Finally, it emphasizes suitable organic fertilizers for enhancing environmental and agricultural sustainability.
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Fritillaria cirrhosa, an endangered medicinal plant in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, is facing resource scarcity. Artificial cultivation has been employed to address this issue, but problems related to continuous cultivation hinder successful transplantation. Imbalanced microbial communities are considered a potential cause, yet the overall changes in the microbial community under continuous cropping systems remain poorly understood. Here, we investigated the effects of varying durations of continuous cropping on the bacterial and fungal communities, as well as enzymatic activities, in the rhizospheric soil of F. cirrhosa. Our findings revealed that continuous cropping of F. cirrhosa resulted in soil acidification, nutrient imbalances, and increased enzyme activity. Specifically, after 10 years of continuous cropping, there was a notable shift in the abundance and diversity (e.g., Chao1 index) of soil bacteria and fungi. Moreover, microbial composition analyses revealed a significant accumulation of harmful microorganisms associated with soil-borne diseases (e.g., Luteimonas, Parastagonospora, Pseudogymnoascus) in successively cropped soils, in contrast to the significant reduction of beneficial microorganisms (e.g., Sphingomonas, Lysobacter, Cladosporium) that promote plant growth and development and protect against diseases such as Fusarium sp.These changes led to decreased connectivity and stability within the soil microbial community. Structural equation modeling and redundancy analysis revealed that alkaline hydrolytic nitrogen and available phosphorus directly influenced soil pH, which was identified as the primary driver of soil microbial community changes and subsequently contributed to soil health deterioration. Overall, our results highlight that soil acidification and imbalanced rhizosphere microbial communities are the primary challenges associated with continuous cropping of F. cirrhosa. These findings establish a theoretical foundation for standardized cultivation practices of F. cirrhosa and the bioremediation of continuously cultivated soils.
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Significance Invasive species represent a largely unquantified threat to ecosystem services. Although investment in the prevention of species invasions may sustain ecosystem services, these effects of invasions are rarely measured in monetary terms useful to decision makers. We quantify the economic damages of the degradation of an important ecosystem service, water clarity, caused by invasion by the spiny water flea. We find that the costs of restoring this service, US86.5millionUS86.5 million–US163 million, are comparable with the willingness to pay for the service itself: US$140 million. This finding highlights the severity of invasive species’ impacts when their damages to ecosystem services are considered. Costs of invasive species’ secondary spread aggregated across many invasive species and ecosystem services may be large.
This new edition of the universally acclaimed and widely-used textbook on fungal biology has been completely re-written, drawing directly on the authors' research and teaching experience. The text takes account of the rapid and exciting progress that has been made in the taxonomy, cell and molecular biology, biochemistry, pathology and ecology of the fungi. Features of taxonomic relevance are integrated with natural functions, including their relevance to human affairs. Special emphasis is placed on the biology and control of human and plant pathogens, providing a vital link between fundamental and applied mycology. The book is richly illustrated throughout with specially prepared drawings and photographs, based on living material. Illustrated life-cycles are provided, and technical terms are clearly explained. Extensive reference is made to recent literature and developments, and the emphasis throughout is on whole-organism biology from an integrated, multidisciplinary perspective.
This research illustrates the qualitative and quantitative composition of the mycoflora of both a green compost (thermophilically produced from plant debris) and a vermicompost (mesophilically produced by the action of earthworms on plant and animal wastes after thermophilic preconditioning). Fungi were isolated using three media (PDA, CMC, PDA plus cycloheximide), incubated at three temperatures (24, 37 and 45 C). Substantial quali-quantitative differences in the species composition of the two composts were observed. The total fungal load was up to 8.2 × 10⁵ CFU/g dwt in compost and 4.0 × 10⁵ CFU/g dwt in vermicompost. A total of 194 entities were isolated: 118 from green compost, 142 from vermicompost; 66 were common to both. Structural characterization of this kind is necessary to determine the most appropriate application of a compost and its hygienic quality.
A fungus which produced alkaline cellulase was isolated from soil in Kanagawa prefecture, Japan, using cellulose as a substrate, under alkaline conditions. The fungus was identified as Acremonium sp. [Acremonium sp. (A. sp.) was reported as a new species by Okada et al. (Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan, 34, 171-185 (1993)), and given the name Acremonium alcalophilum JCM 7366.] The characteristics of crude cellulase of A. sp. were studied. The fungus produced CMCase and xylanase, whose activities were found even at 0°C and under both alkaline and acidic conditions. The maximal activities of the low-temperature-active CMCase and xylanase were obtained at 40°C and pH 7.0, the maximal pH at 0°C being the same as at 40°C, At 0°C, the activities of these enzymes were retained at more than 20% in the case of CMCase, and more than 40% in the case of xylanase, the activities at 40°C. Low-temperature-active CMCase and xylanase were induced in the presence of glucose as a carbon source, but not in the presence of cellobiose and sophorose as carbon sources.
Black soil is one of the main soil types in northeast China, and plays an important role in Chinese crop production. However, nitrogen inputs over 50 years have led to reduced black soil fertility. It is unclear how N affects the fungal community in this soil type, so a long-term fertilizer experiment was begun in 1980 and we applied 454 pyrosequencing and quantitative PCR to targeted fungal ITS genes. There were five treatments: control (no fertilizer), N1 (low nitrogen fertilizer), N2 (high nitrogen fertilizer), N1P1 (low nitrogen plus low phosphorus fertilizers) and N2P2 (high nitrogen plus high phosphorus fertilizers). Soil nutrient concentrations (Total N, Avail N, , , etc.) and ITS gene copy numbers increased, whereas soil pH and fungal diversity decreased in all the fertilized treatments. Relationships between soil parameters and fungal communities were evaluated. Dothideomycetes, Eurotiomycetes, Leotiomycetes, Sordariomycetes, and Agaricomycetes were the most abundant classes in all soils. Principal coordinates analysis showed that the fungal communities in the control and lower-fertilizer treatments clustered closely and were separated from communities where more concentrated fertilizers were used. Fungal diversity and ITS gene copy number were dependent on soil pH. Our findings suggested that long-term nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizer regimes reduced fungal biodiversity and changed community composition. The influence of the more concentrated fertilizer treatments was greater than the lower concentrations.
A low-temperature-active CMCase from Acremonium alcalophilum JCM 7366 was purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation, QAE-Toyopearl 650c column chromatography, TSKgel ether-5PW high performance liquid column chromatography, and TSKgel G3000SWxl high performance liquid column chromatography. The molecular weight of the purified enzyme was estimated to be 46,000 and 48,000 by SDS-PAGE and TSKgel G3000SWxl gel filtration, respectively. The isoeletric point was 4.4. The purified enzyme hydrolyzed CMC, Avicel, and xylan. The main product after 24-h digestion of CMC or xylan was cellobiose or xylobiose. The maximal CMCase and xylanase activities of the purified low-temperature-active enzyme were obtained at 40°C and pH 7.0. CMCase and xylanase activities at 0°C were retained at more than 25.0 and 48.8% of the activities at 40°C, respectively. Both these enzyme activities were stable at pHs from 5.5 to 10.0 and at 50°C for 10 min.
Soil fertility decline is increasingly leading to reduced food production worldwide. Over 70% of small holder farmers in the central highlands of Kenya are using crop manure, animal wastes and inorganic fertilizers to increase their farms' fertility and subsequent productivity the dilemma with these practices is that less is known on the impact of these resources on the below ground biodiversity particularly the microbial communities which play a key role in determining soil quality. A study was carried out on a 32 year old long-term trial in Kabete, Kenya these soils were treated with organic (maize stover at 10 t ha-, farmyard manure at 10 t ha-) and inorganic fertilizers (120 kg N, 52.8 kg P plus farmyard manure at 10 t ha-1 (N2P2 + FYM), 120 kg N, 52.8 kg P plus maize stover at 10 t ha-1 (N2P2 + R), 120 kg N, 52.8 kg P (N2P2), and a control (Nil and fallow) for over 30 years. We examined 16S rRNA gene and 28S rRNA gene fingerprints of bacterial and fungal communities, respectively, by PCR amplification and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) separation. Bacterial community structure and diversity were negatively affected by N2P2, as evidenced by changes in the PCR-DGGE banding patterns. Bacterial community structure in the N2P2-treated soil was more closely related to the bacterial structure in the untreated soil (fallow and Nil) than that in soils treated with a combination of inorganic and organic or inorganic fertilizers alone. For the fungal community the negative effect of N2P2 alone was not as adverse as for the bacterial community structure since the soils treated with N2P2 were closely related to those treated with N2P2 + FYM and N2P2 + maize stover. However, soils treated with organic inputs clustered away from soils amended with inorganic inputs. Organic inputs had a positive effect on both fungal and bacterial community structures with or without chemical fertilizers. Results from this study suggested that bacterial and fungal community structure was closely related to agro-ecosystem management practices conducted for over the past 30 years. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media B.V. All rights reserved.