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Users require navigation for many location-based applications using moving sensors, such as autonomous robot control, mapping route navigation and mobile infrastructure inspection. In indoor environments, indoor positioning systems using GNSSs can provide seamless indoor-outdoor positioning and navigation services. However, instabilities in sensor position data acquisition remain, because the indoor environment is more complex than the outdoor environment. On the other hand, simultaneous localization and mapping processing is better than indoor positioning for measurement accuracy and sensor cost. However, it is not easy to estimate position data from a single viewpoint directly. Based on these technical issues, we focus on geofencing techniques to improve position data acquisition. In this research, we propose a methodology to estimate more stable position or location data using unstable position data based on geofencing in indoor environments. We verify our methodology through experiments in indoor environments.

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... Sistem ini umumnya digunakan dalam industri seperti perawatan kesehatan, logistik, dan manufaktur untuk meningkatkan keselamatan, mengoptimalkan operasi, dan meningkatkan keamanan. RTLS dapat memberikan visibilitas real-time ke dalam pergerakan dan status aset, memungkinkan organisasi melacak aliran barang, mengelola inventaris, dan memastikan keselamatan dan kesejahteraan personel (Chang et al., 2012;Nakagawa et al., 2016;Qian, 2022). ...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan eksplorasi potensi penggunaan teknologi Blockchain dalam optimalisasi manajemen pelabuhan di Indonesia. Pelabuhan merupakan salah satu elemen penting dalam rantai pasok global, dan efisiensi operasionalnya sangat mempengaruhi kinerja keseluruhan sistem logistik. Namun, manajemen pelabuhan di Indonesia masih menghadapi beberapa tantangan, termasuk kompleksitas proses, kurangnya transparansi, serta risiko keamanan dan integritas data. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah tinjauan literatur. Berdasarkan literatur yang relevan, penelitian ini menyajikan analisis dan sintesis informasi yang ditemukan untuk memahami bagaimana teknologi Blockchain dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam memperbaiki manajemen pelabuhan di Indonesia. Tinjauan literatur yang dilakukan telah mengidentifikasi beberapa potensi penggunaan Blockchain dalam manajemen pelabuhan, termasuk pelacakan dan pemantauan logistik secara real-time, validasi dan otentikasi data, peningkatan transparansi dan kepercayaan, serta efisiensi proses pelabuhan. Penelitian ini juga mengidentifikasi penggunaan smart technology dan penerapan smart contract dalam manajemen pelabuhan. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga akan mengidentifikasi tantangan-tantangan yang dihadapi dalam mengadopsi dan menerapkan teknologi Blockchain pada manajemen pelabuhan. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini juga menyajikan berbagai kerangka konseptual yang dapat memandu penelitian masa depan dan upaya implementasi di bidang ini. Indonesia sebagai negara berkembang menghadapi berbagai tantangan dalam manajemen pelabuhan. Penelitian ini mengusulkan suatu kerangka konseptual yang komprehensif tentang bagaimana Blockchain dapat digunakan dalam industri maritim di Indonesia. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengusulkan kerangka analisis kelayakan untuk menilai kesiapan implementasi Blockchain pada manajemen pelabuhan di Indonesia. Hasil tinjauan literatur ini diharapkan dapat memberikan wawasan mendalam tentang tren penggunaan Blockchain dalam optimalisasi manajemen pelabuhan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini juga dapat menjadi landasan untuk penelitian lebih lanjut dan membantu para pemangku kepentingan di Indonesia dalam mengambil keputusan terkait penerapan teknologi Blockchain dalam konteks manajemen pelabuhan.
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This paper investigated the travel patterns of 1.7 million shared E-scooter trips from April 2018 to February 2019 in Austin, TX. There were more than 6000 active E-scooters in operation each month, generating over 150,000 trips and covered approximately 117,000 miles. During this period, the average travel distance and operation time of E-scooter trips were 0.77 miles and 7.55 min, respectively. We further identified two E-scooter usage hotspots in the city (Downtown Austin and the University of Texas campus). The spatial analysis showed that more trips originated from Downtown Austin than were completed, while the opposite was true for the UT campus. We also investigated the relationship between the number of E-scooter trips and the surrounding environments. The results show that areas with higher population density and more residents with higher education were correlated with more E-scooter trips. A shorter distance to the city center, the presence of transit stations, better street connectivity, and more compact land use were also associated with increased E scooter usage in Austin, TX. Surprisingly, the proportion of young residents within a neighborhood was negatively correlated with E-scooter usage.
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With the development of the wireless communication technology and intelligent mobile phone, the positioning services based on Wi-Fi and mobile phone are increasingly demanded. In this paper, a Wi-Fi fingerprint localization method is proposed on the basis of important access points (IAP). For the Wi-Fi fingerprint, Wi-Fi access point with the highest received signal strength (RSS) is denoted as the important access point. At the localization stage, the fingerprints are chosen with the same IAP as the estimated fingerprint from the database. Then, the distance and the AP repetition of the fingerprints are used to calculate the similarity degree. The location of the fingerprint which matches the estimated fingerprint well can be regarded as the estimated location. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can achieve high accuracy in indoor environment.
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Highly accurate indoor localization of smartphones is critical to enable novel location based features for users and businesses. In this paper, we first conduct an empirical investigation of the suitability of WiFi localization for this purpose. We find that although reasonable accuracy can be achieved, significant errors (e.g., 68m6\sim8m) always exist. The root cause is the existence of distinct locations with similar signatures, which is a fundamental limit of pure WiFi-based methods. Inspired by high densities of smartphones in public spaces, we propose a peer assisted localization approach to eliminate such large errors. It obtains accurate acoustic ranging estimates among peer phones, then maps their locations jointly against WiFi signature map subjecting to ranging constraints. We devise techniques for fast acoustic ranging among multiple phones and build a prototype. Experiments show that it can reduce the maximum and 80-percentile errors to as small as 2m and 1m, in time no longer than the original WiFi scanning, with negligible impact on battery lifetime.
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Time-of-flight cameras constitute a smart and fast technology for 3D perception but lack in measurement precision and robustness. The authors present a comprehensive approach for 3D environment mapping based on this technology. Imprecision of depth measurements are properly handled by calibration and application of several filters. Robust registration is performed by a novel extension to the Iterative Closest Point algorithm. Remaining registration errors are reduced by global relaxation after loop-closure and surface smoothing. A laboratory ground truth evaluation is provided as well as 3D mapping experiments in a larger indoor environment.
Location awareness and navigation are becoming one of the most important features in mobile phones and smartphones. Personal navigation and location based services are enlarging the scope of mobile applications. GPS is the most efficient positioning technology. Thanks to the reduction in the size of the GPS receivers and the integration of GPS with mobile phones, GPS is one of the most important service providers in LBS. By the way, since mobile phones and smartphones usually have relatively low cost GPS chips, the performance of locating accuracy is highly dependent on environmental factors. In addition, the accuracy of GPS varies depending on the number of GPS satellites and is reduced in GPS interfering spots such as in a forest or around buildings. This paper proposes a localization improvement algorithm in GPS interfering spots by integrating information of multiple sensors in smartphones. The proposed algorithm is implemented in a smartphone and the performance is evaluated on a campus. The proposed algorithm has better performance than only the GPS location information in GPS interfering spots and maintains reasonable performance in open spaces where the GPS receiver is accurate.
In this paper, we present a novel semi-passive radio-frequency identification (RFID) system for accurate indoor localization. The system is composed of a standard ultra high frequency (UHF) ISO-18000-6C compliant RFID reader, a set of standard passive RFID tags whose locations are known, and a newly developed tag-like RFID component, which is attached to the items that need to be localized. The new semi-passive component, referred to as sensatag (sense-a-tag), has a dual functionality: it can sense and decode communication between the reader and standard tags in its proximity, and can communicate with the reader like standard tags using backscatter modulation. Based on the information conveyed by the sensatags to the reader, localization algorithms based on binary sensor principles can be developed. We conduct a number of experiments in a laboratory to quantify the performance of our system, including two real applications, one finding the exact placement of items on shelves, and the other estimating the direction of item movement.
Wireless local area network (WLAN) location is the perfect complement to global positioning system (GPS) receivers for providing users with location information. WLAN operates in many areas in which GPS receivers cannot establish a lock, such as in indoor environments and metropolitan (obstruction by tall buildings) areas. There are many references to WLAN location in scientific literature. Most of this literature concentrates on signal-strength-based approaches. The advantage of signal strength approaches is that they are easy to implement, usually only requiring software modifications. In this paper, we discuss a novel time of arrival (TOA) approach that Intel research has developed. Although this approach typically requires minor silicon or firmware modifications to implement, it can deliver significant performance improvements over signal-strength-based measurements, as shown in this paper. Currently, Intel is introducing this method as an approach to add fine-accuracy location into the IEEE WLAN standard, 802.11 v.
This paper discusses the recursive Bayesian formulation of the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) problem in which probability distributions or estimates of absolute or relative locations of landmarks and vehicle pose are obtained. The paper focuses on three key areas: computational complexity; data association; and environment representation
Indoor/outdoor determination method using various sensors for the power saving of terminals in Geo-fencing
  • Y Nakamura
  • M Ono
  • M Sekiya
  • K Honda
  • O Takahashi
Nakamura, Y., Ono, M., Sekiya, M., Honda, K., Takahashi, O., 2015. Indoor/outdoor determination method using various sensors for the power saving of terminals in Geo-fencing, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Informatics (IWIN2015), pp.23-29.
Position location methodology based on RSSI using RFID
  • A Vaidya
  • A Meshram
  • A Sakhare
Vaidya, A., Meshram, A., Sakhare, A., 2014. Position location methodology based on RSSI using RFID, International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM), Volume 3, Issue 1, pp.370-375.
Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM): part I, Robotics & Automation Magazine
  • H Durrant-Whyte
  • T Bailey
Durrant-Whyte, H., Bailey, T., 2006. Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM): part I, Robotics & Automation Magazine, IEEE, Vol. 13, Issue: 2, pp. 99-110.
Push the limit of WiFi based localization for smartphones
  • H Liu
  • Y Gan
  • J Yang
  • S Sidhom
  • Y Wang
  • Y Chen
  • F Ye
Liu, H., Gan, Y., Yang, J., Sidhom, S., Wang, Y., Chen, Y., Ye, F., 2012, Push the limit of WiFi based localization for smartphones, Mobicom '12 Proceedings of the 18th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking, pp. 305-316.
Positioning in Bluetooth networks using lateration approach -a comparative study
  • N Ahmed
  • F Subhan
  • S Haider
  • N Ahmed Khan
  • S Ahmed
  • K Saleem Alimgeer
Ahmed, N., Subhan, F, Haider, S., Ahmed Khan, N., Ahmed, S., Saleem Alimgeer, K., 2014. Positioning in Bluetooth networks using lateration approach -a comparative study, Science International; 2014, Vol. 26 Issue 5, p.2077-2081.