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Abstract and Figures

Pollination success of highly specialised flowers is susceptible to fluctuations of the pollinator fauna. Mediterranean Aristolochia rotunda has deceptive trap flowers exhibiting a highly specialised pollination system. The sole pollinators are kleptoparasitic flies in search of food. This study investigates these pollinators on a spatio‐temporal scale and the impact of weather conditions on their availability. Two potential strategies of the plants to cope with pollinator limitation, i.e . autonomous selfing and an increased floral life span, were tested. A total of 6156 flowers were investigated for entrapped pollinators in 10 Croatian populations. Availability of the main pollinator was correlated to meteorological data. Artificial pollination experiments were conducted and the floral life span was recorded in two populations according to pollinator availability. Trachysiphonella ruficeps (Chloropidae) was identified as dominant pollinator, along with less abundant species of Chloropidae, Ceratopogonidae and Milichiidae. Pollinator compositions varied among populations. Weather conditions 15–30 days before pollination had a significant effect on availability of the main pollinator. Flowers were not autonomously selfing, and the floral life span exhibited considerable plasticity depending on pollinator availability. A. rotunda flowers rely on insect pollen vectors. Plants are specialised on a guild of kleptoparasitic flies, rather than on a single species. Pollinator variability may result in differing selection pressures among populations. The availability/abundance of pollinators depends on weather conditions during their larval development. Flowers show a prolonged trapping flower stage that likely increases outcrossing success during periods of pollinator limitation.
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Spatio-temporal patterns in pollination of deceptive
Aristolochia rotunda L. (Aristolochiaceae)
B. Oelschl
, M. von Tschirnhaus
, M. Nuss
, T. Nikoli
, S. Wanke
C. Neinhuis
1 Institut f
ur Botanik, Technische Universit
at Dresden, Dresden, Germany
2 Fakult
at Biologie, Universit
at Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany
3 Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden & Museum f
ur Tierkunde, Dresden, Germany
4 Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
5 Department of Ecology & Evolution, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria
Aristolochia rotunda; autogamy; Chloropidae;
deceptive pollination; floral life span; flower
biology; pollinator variability.
B. Oelschl
agel, Institut f
ur Botanik, Technische
at Dresden, Zellescher Weg 20b,
01062 Dresden, Germany.
Authors contributed equally to this study.
A. Dafni
Received: 16 March 2016; Accepted: 22
August 2016
Pollination success of highly specialised flowers is susceptible to fluctuations of the
pollinator fauna. Mediterranean Aristolochia rotunda has deceptive trap flowers
exhibiting a highly specialised pollination system. The sole pollinators are kleptopara-
sitic flies in search of food. This study investigates these pollinators on a spatio-tem-
poral scale and the impact of weather conditions on their availability. Two potential
strategies of the plants to cope with pollinator limitation, i.e. autonomous selfing and
an increased floral life span, were tested.
A total of 6156 flowers were investigated for entrapped pollinators in 10 Croatian
populations. Availability of the main pollinator was correlated to meteorological data.
Artificial pollination experiments were conducted and the floral life span was recorded
in two populations according to pollinator availability.
Trachysiphonella ruficeps (Chloropidae) was identified as dominant pollinator, along
with less abundant species of Chloropidae, Ceratopogonidae and Milichiidae. Pollina-
tor compositions varied among populations. Weather conditions 1530 days before
pollination had a significant effect on availability of the main pollinator. Flowers were
not autonomously selfing, and the floral life span exhibited considerable plasticity
depending on pollinator availability.
A. rotunda flowers rely on insect pollen vectors. Plants are specialised on a guild of
kleptoparasitic flies, rather than on a single species. Pollinator variability may result in
differing selection pressures among populations. The availability/abundance of polli-
nators depends on weather conditions during their larval development. Flowers show
a prolonged trapping flower stage that likely increases outcrossing success during peri-
ods of pollinator limitation.
Deceptive pollination has evolved several times independently
in flowering plants (Proctor et al. 1996; Renner 2006). Decep-
tive flowers advertise a reward to their pollinators that they do
not provide in the end, and exploit the instinctive behaviour of
often non-typical flower visitors (e.g. Brodmann et al. 2008;
okl et al. 2010). This results in highly specialised pollination
that is usually mediated by only one to a few pollinator species
(Dafni 1984; Proctor et al. 1996). Highly specialised plants (in-
dependent of whether deceptive or not) benefit from highly
specific pollen delivery and high outcrossing rates compared to
less specialised rewarding species (Scopece et al. 2010). How-
ever, they are counter-balanced by a high dependence on spa-
tiotemporal fluctuation of the pollinator fauna (Waser et al.
1996; Armbruster et al. 2000) and overall lower reproductive
success (Scopece et al. 2010). The Mediterranean climate is
characterised by strong seasonality and high variability of
short-term weather conditions (D
unkeloh & Jacobeit 2003;
Martin-Vide & Lopez-Bustins 2006). It has been reported that
weather conditions during flowering influence the frequency of
pollinator visits and therefore pollination success (Baker et al.
2000; Jacquemyn et al. 2009). Such strong variability of polli-
nator abundance has earlier been shown for Mediterranean
Aristolochia species (Berjano et al. 2009).
The genus Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae) comprises over
450 species and is distributed in the tropics and in temperate
regions (Wagner et al. 2014). In the Mediterranean about 60
species are known, representing a diversity hotspot for the
genus (Wanke 2007). Virtually all Aristolochia species exhibit
deceptive pollination strategies and it was assumed that flowers
mimic the brood sites of their fly pollinators (Vogel 1978;
Proctor et al. 1996). However, detailed knowledge on the
mechanism of pollinator attraction and deception is presently
only available for A. rotunda.A. rotunda flowers are klepto-
myiophilous, a pollination strategy recently described
Plant Biology 18 (2016) 928–937 ©2016 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands928
Plant Biology ISSN 1435-8603
agel et al. 2015). Representatives of Chloropidae and
Ceratopogonidae were found pollinating this species
agel et al. 2015), and members of these families are
known kleptoparasites, stealing food of invertebrate predators
(e.g. Sivinski et al. 1999). The flowers of A. rotunda employ an
olfactory mimicry of the heteropteran prey to attract and
deceive their kleptoparasitic pollinators (Oelschl
agel et al.
2015). Due to this particular attraction mechanism, A. rotunda
is a highly specialised plant species that could make the plant’s
reproductive success susceptible to fluctuations in pollinator
Known strategies of plants to cope with pollinator limitation
and increase reproductive fitness are autonomous selfing and
increased floral longevity (e.g. Ashmann & Schoen 1994, 1996;
Fenster & Mart
ıguez 2007; Castro et al. 2008).
Although flowers of Aristolochia show strong adaptations for
cross-pollination, the ability for delayed autonomous selfing
has been proven for several of its species (Razzak et al. 1992;
Hall & Brown 1993; Sakai 2002; Berjano et al. 2006; Bliss et al.
2013). However, it is yet unknown if A. rotunda is outcrossing
or selfing. Aristolochia flowers possess an elaborated perianth
morphology evolved for trapping, retention and release of pol-
linators (Correns 1891; Oelschl
agel et al. 2009; Fig. 1A). The
perianth consists of three main parts: the limb, the tube and
the utricle that contains the gynostemium. The flowers show
pronounced protogyny, with functional adaptations in the dif-
ferent sexual stages. Erect and receptive stigmas, closed pollen
sacks (Fig. 1B) and functional trapping devices characterise the
female flower stage (i.e. bendable trichomes inside the flower
tube; Fig. 1C). Pollinators are attracted and trapped during this
stage. During the interphase stigmas wilt and bend together
while pollen sacs open (Fig. 1D). The trapping devices remain
turgescent, enabling the flower to cover the trapped flies with
its pollen. During the male flower stage, the trapping devices
wilt (Fig. 1E) and enable the flies, loaded with pollen, to leave
the flower (Correns 1891; Daumann 1971; Gonz
alez & Steven-
son 2000; Oelschl
agel et al. 2009).
Stotz & Gianoli (2013) hypothesised an adaptation of the
floral longevity within the genus to pollinator limitation fac-
tors. Species in habitats with low net primary productivity and
low precipitation that are more affected by pollinator limita-
tion evolved longer-living flowers compared to species in habi-
tats of high net primary productivity and high precipitation
(Stotz & Gianoli 2013). Longer floral lifespan increases floral
fitness as longer-lived flowers have a higher likelihood for polli-
nator visitation than shorter-lived flowers. In contrast to tropi-
cal Aristolochia species with a typical 1 day female flower stage
(Cammerloher 1923; Hall & Brown 1993; Sakai 2002; Burgess
et al. 2004; Trujillo & S
ersic 2006), a prolonged duration of the
female flower stage has been observed in A. baetica (3.5
4.2 days), A. chilensis (23 days) and A. paucinervis (5.3 days),
all of which occur in Mediterranean and/or arid climates (Ber-
jano et al. 2009; Stotz & Gianoli 2013). A prolonged female
flower stage may be constrained by an increase in insect mor-
tality within the flowers, especially in hot and dry climates
(Stotz & Gianoli 2013). Besides the matter of whether the
flower is pollinated or not, the maximum duration of the trap-
ping flower stage is therefore also likely limited by the surviva-
bility of the pollinators (Stotz & Gianoli 2013).
The present study focuses on the pollinators of A. rotunda
(Fig. 1F) and their spatio-temporal variability among multiple
populations and years. The impact of weather conditions on
A. rotunda’s highly specialised pollination system is discussed
and potential mechanisms promoting reproductive success
during pollinator limitation are evaluated. With respect to the
highly specialised pollinator attraction we test the following
hypothesis: (i) A. rotunda flowers are pollinated by the same
pollinator species in different populations; (ii) pollinator avail-
ability is strongly influenced by weather conditions during
flowering of A. rotunda, and unfavourable weather conditions,
such as high precipitation or low temperatures, result in peri-
ods with pollinator absence; (iii) autonomous selfing is a strat-
egy of A. rotunda to ensure reproductive success in periods of
pollinator limitation; and (iv) flowers of A. rotunda show a
prolonged trapping flower stage (female stage and interphase)
as compared to tropical Aristolochia species.
Sampling sites
Aristolochia rotunda is endemic to the northwestern Mediter-
ranean region and occurs from western Turkey to eastern
Spain. It colonises damp grassy areas in woodlands, on river-
banks and boulders (Nardi 1984, 1991). The study was
performed at ten localities along the Croatian coast (Fig. 1G):
Dragonja (45°27051.7N, 013°37020.3E, 0 m a.s.l.), Most Ra
(45°03046.5N, 014°02044.4E, 2 m a.s.l.) both Istria;
Caska (44°32059.7N, 014°55016.3E, 2 m a.s.l.), Dinji
polje (44°23.5940N, 015°07.9120E, 73 m a.s.l.), Mt. Sveti
Vid (44°30045.6N, 014°57025.6E, 40 m a.s.l.), Stari
grad (44°25048N, 015°03052), Vla
ci’ (44°19021.5N,
015°12031.7E, 20 m a.s.l.) all Isle of Pag; Omisalij lake
(45°10022.3N, 14°34027.3E 6 m a.s.l., Isle of Krk), Veli
sinj (44°31017.1N, 014°30059.8E, 5 m a.s.l., Isle of Los-
inje) and Dra
cevac Ninski (44°10054.9N, 015°18036.6E,
49 m a.s.l., Ravni Kotari, Croatia mainland coast). Climate of
the study region corresponds to the typical seasonal climate of
the Mediterranean, with dry summer and wet winter seasons.
Collection of flower visitors and pollinators, pollinator
The different stages of anthesis were determined in all investi-
gated flowers based on the current state of the gynostemium
and the turgescence of trapping trichomes. Insects that carried
pollen and were trapped in a female stage flower must have pre-
viously been trapped in another flower. Only these insects have
proven to repeatedly visit Aristolochia flowers and thus are
potential pollinators (Rulik et al. 2008). Therefore, only arthro-
pods found in the utricle of female stage flowers were subject to
subsequent analysis. Potential pollinators, henceforth for sim-
plicity of reading called ‘pollinators’, were discriminated from
accidental flower visitors through the presence of a pollen load.
Flowers were collected during annual field trips in May
20092012, the main flowering period of A. rotunda. In 2009
to 2011 collections were conducted once per population and
year; in 2012 populations were sampled twice or three times to
observe changes in pollinator abundance during the flowering
period. Flowers were either frozen and dissected during the
field trip or preserved in 100% ethanol for later laboratory
investigation. All pollinators were identified to species level,
Plant Biology 18 (2016) 928–937 ©2016 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands 929
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otterl & Neinhuis Spatio-temporal patterns in pollination
and in the case of Ceratopogonidae to family level (Collin
1946; Dely-Draskovits 1981; Beshovski 1985; Narchuk et al.
1989; Oosterbroek 2006; Nartshuk & Andersson 2013). To con-
firm that pollen load was indeed Aristolochia pollen, 49% of all
pollen samples were subject to scanning electron microscopy
using a Supra 40 VP SEM (Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany).
Meteorological data
The Meteorological and Hydrological Service Croatia (DHMZ)
provided meteorological data for April and May 20092012.
Daily data of mean, minimum and maximum temperature,
precipitation, sunshine hours and wind velocity were collected
from two meteorological stations close to the study localities:
station Zadar (44°080N, 15°130E; 5 m) and station Pula air-
port (44°540N, 13°550E; 63 m). As data were not normally dis-
tributed KruskalWallis test (software SigmaPlot 12; Systat
Software, San Jose, CA, USA) was employed to test for differ-
ences of the single parameters among years and stations. In
case of statistical significance, the StudentNewmanKeuls
method (SigmaPlot 12) was used for pair-wise comparisons.
Monthly precipitation was compared to a reference period
(19612000) using the online facility of DHMZ (http://kli-; DHMZ starting page Climate
Drought monitoring, accessed 10/23/2014).
Coupling meteorological data with pollinator availability
During our fieldwork we observed high variability in pollina-
tor availability and abundance during the flowering period in
May as well as among years. The observed variation could be
potentially explained by fluctuations in weather conditions.
To test for a possible correlation, meteorological data were
analysed in dependence to temporary availability of the main
pollinator, Trachysiphonella ruficeps (Macquart, 1835)
agel et al. 2015), in all investigated populations where
T. ruficeps occurred (Tables 1 and S1). Other pollinators were
not included because of the limited number of collected speci-
mens. The irresistible nature of pollinator attraction and
deception of A. rotunda flowers has been shown in a previous
study (Oelschl
agel et al. 2015). We therefore assumed that the
pollinators start visiting A. rotunda flowers as soon as they are
(A) (B) (C)
(F) (G)
Fig. 1. Aristolochia flower morphology and study sites. A: Floral morphology and characteristics of the female and male flower stage. B: Female stage gynos-
temium showing receptive stigmata and closed pollen sacs. C: Trapping trichomes at the junction between tube and utricle during the female flower stage. D:
Male stage gynostemium showing dried stigmata and open pollen sacs. E: Wilted trapping trichomes at the junction of tube and utricle in the male flower
stage. F: Flower of A. rotunda. G: Study sites in Croatia (dots) and position of meteorological stations used (asterisks).aanther, g gynostemium, l limb,
ppeduncle, s stigma, t tube, tr trapping trichome, u utricle. Images (C) and (E) are from Oelschl
agel et al. (2009).
Plant Biology 18 (2016) 928–937 ©2016 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands930
Spatio-temporal patterns in pollination Oelschl
agel, Tschirnhaus, Nuss, Nikoli
c, Wanke, D
otterl & Neinhuis
available and conditions allow it. As for the majority of
dipterans, the biology and ecology of T. ruficeps,i.e. duration
of larval stages, the occurrence of imagines during the year,
preconditions to complete the life cycle, the substrate of larval
development, etc., remain unknown. We therefore linked
meteorological data to periods of trapping events within Aris-
tolochia flowers (see Collection of flowers visitors and pollina-
tors, pollinator identification) and up to 1 month before
pollinator collection. The following time spans were analysed:
(a) the day of collection in a flower, (b) the day before the
collection date, (c) days 15 before collection, (d) days 515
before collection, and (e) days 1530 before the collection
date. Time spans (a) and (b) represent the period of attraction
to and trapping in the investigated flower. Time span (c)
likely fits the period when the pollinators were attracted,
trapped, covered with pollen and released by (an)other flower
(s). Hence the chosen time spans are based on the variable
floral trapping stage, as outlined in the Results section.
Finally, time spans (d) and (e) represent most likely weather
conditions during periods of pollinator development (i.e. lar-
val and pupal s stages).
For all collection dates of the populations
Caska and Vlasici
(Isle of Pag) meteorological data were obtained from station
Zadar. Meteorological data for the Istrian populations Dra-
gonja and Most Ra
sa were obtained from the station Pula air-
port. Data on daily precipitation, daily sunshine hours, average
daily temperature, maximum daily temperature and minimum
daily temperature were recorded for the time spans (a) to (e),
and data on wind velocity for the time spans (a) to (c). For the
time spans (a) and (b) absolute daily values were used. For the
time spans (c) to (e) cumulative values for precipitation
and sunshine hours and average daily values for temperature
and wind velocity were calculated for subsequent analyses,
Scatter plots were drawn on the individual meteorological
parameters using R 3.1.1 (R Core Team 2014) and RStudio
0.98.978 (RStudio 2014). Normalised values of meteorological
parameters underwent principal components analysis (PCA)
as implemented in the software Primer 6 (version 6.1.15) and
Permanova+(version 1.0.5; Clarke 1993; Clarke & Gorley
2006) to visualise similarities and differences in meteorologi-
cal parameters among the collected samples and according to
pollinator availability. The contribution of single meteorologi-
cal parameters to the ordination of the samples is plotted.
Permutation test (PERMANOVA) as implemented in Primer 6
and the Permanova+add on was conducted on Euclidean dis-
tances of normalised meteorological parameters of individual
time spans using the factor pollinator availability (presence/
absence) and controlling for year. Additional two-way Simi-
larity percentages (SIMPER) analyses (Primer 6) using the fac-
tor pollinator availability, and again controlling for year, was
performed to determine the contribution of individual meteo-
rological parameters to the differences among pollinator avail-
ability groups.
Breeding system
Aristolochia rotunda’s ability for autonomous selfing, geitonoga-
mous and xenogamous pollination was tested on 24 plants col-
lected from 15 natural populations in France, Italy and Croatia.
To avoid resource limitation that has been reported for natural
Aristolochia populations in the Mediterranean (e.g. Berjano et al.
2006, 2010) pollination experiments were conducted under
greenhouse conditions. Flower buds were enclosed with small
gauze bags to exclude visitors. Test for autonomous autogamy
was performed on 15 plants employing up to nine replicates
(flowers) per plant. For this experiment, flowers were left
untreated within the gauze bags. Artificial geitonogamous polli-
nation was performed on 15 plants with up to 13 replicates, and
artificial xenogamous pollination on 17 plants with up to 13
replicates. At the beginning of anthesis the perianth was cut in
the middle of the utricle and pollen from the same or another
plant was transferred to the stigmatic lobes using a toothpick.
Subsequently, flowers were re-bagged till abortion to exclude fur-
ther pollination. Fruit and seed set were recorded for each flower.
Average fruit and seed set per plant were calculated. Kruskal
Wallis rank sum test was employed for global and Wilcoxon rank
Table 1. Number of pollinators entrapped in Aristolochia rotunda flowers at female flower stage in seven Croatian populations on the Isle of Pag and in Istria.
total (%)
Pag Istria
Caska Dinji
sko polje Mt. Sveti Vid Stari Grad Vla
ci Dragonja Most Ra
no. flowers
4424 375 74 895 173 1777 377 753
no. pollinators 303 12 6 6 2 20 96 161
no. pollinators/100 flower 6.8 3.2 8.1 0.7 1.2 1.1 25.5 21.4
Aphanotrigonum femorellum
2(<1%) 1 ––1
Oscinimorpha koeleriae 2(<1%) –– 2––
Oscinimorpha minutissima
14 (5%) 2 1 4 1 24
Trachysiphonella ruficeps
242 (80%) 9 ––16 61 156
Tricimba humeralis 6 (2%) 5––1––
35 (12%) –– 1 1 32 1
Leptometopa niveipennis 1(<1%) –– 1––
Neophyllomyza acyglossa 1(<1%) –– 1––
Only pollinator-bearing collections considered (see Table S1).
Taxa revealed as pollinators by Oelschl
agel et al. (2015).
Plant Biology 18 (2016) 928–937 ©2016 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands 931
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otterl & Neinhuis Spatio-temporal patterns in pollination
sum test for pair-wise comparisons of fruit set among treatments
(both executed in R 3.1.1 and RStudio 0.98.978).
Duration of trapping stage
The trapping flower stage is characterised as the ability to trap
and retain flower visitors by means of fully turgescent trapping
trichomes within the floral tube (Oelschl
agel et al. 2009). This
stage includes the female flower stage and the interphase. As
flower damage might shorten the floral lifespan (Berjano et al.
2009), the turgescence of the trapping trichomes, which were
visible from the entrance of the floral tube, was used as indica-
tor of the trapping stage in order to avoid flower damage dur-
ing the investigation. Investigations were performed in Vla
(2010/05/092010/05/18) and Most Ra
sa (2012/05/272012/
06/01). A total of 64 and 27 flower buds, respectively, were
labelled and, following flower opening, the flower stage was
recorded daily in the morning. Flowers that did not enter the
male stage during the observation period (30 in Vla
ci and
one in Most Ra
sa) were excluded from statistical analysis. Wil-
coxon rank sum test (R 3.1.1) was employed to compare trap-
ping flower stages among sites and years.
Flower visitors, pollinators and pollinator variability among
Altogether 6156 female-stage flowers were investigated on 31
different collection dates and sites. Arthropods were found
entrapped in about 9% of the flowers, but only 3% contained
arthropods carrying pollen. A total of 1081 arthropods was
found, 84% of which were Diptera. Among the arthropods,
303 individuals (28%) carried Aristolochia pollen and thus
proved to have repeatedly visited A. rotunda flowers. All polli-
nators were Diptera belonging to the families Chloropidae
(88%), Ceratopogonidae (12%) and Milichiidae (<1%;
Table 1). Chloropid pollinators were: Aphanotrigonum femorel-
lum Collin, 1946 (2), Oscinimorpha koeleriae Narchuk, 1970
(2), Oscinimorpha minutissima (Strobl, 1900) (14), Trachysi-
phonella ruficeps (22120, 1 unknown sex) and Tricimba
humeralis (Loew, 1858) (6). Milichiid pollinators were identi-
fied as Leptometopa niveipennis (Strobl, 1898) (1) and Neo-
phyllomyza acyglossa (Villeneuve, 1920) (1). Among the
Ceratopogonid pollinators were 26 females, and nine individu-
als of unknown sex.
In seven out of 10 sampled populations, pollinators were
found (Fig. 2, Table S1). Chloropid pollinators were found in
all pollinator-bearing populations, but ceratopogonid and mili-
chiid pollinators in only four and one of the populations,
respectively (Table 1). Throughout the study period pollinators
were found more consistently in Istrian than in the Pag popu-
lations (Fig. 2). The pollinator with overall highest numbers of
individuals trapped in flowers, T. ruficeps, was found in only
four populations (Table 1).
Despite the well-defined pollinator guild, the spectrum of
flower visitors is much broader (Table S1). Dipterans of alto-
gether ten families were identified: besides Chloropidae, Cer-
atopogonidae and Milichiidae, non-pollinating representatives
of Cecidomyidae, Chironomidae, Hybotidae, Phoridae, Psy-
chodidae, Scatopsidae as well as Sciaridae. However, with an
abundance of 68%, Chloropidae represented both the main
flower visitors and pollinators of A. rotunda. Additionally, a
diverse set of other arthropods (e.g. Acari, Aphididae, Collem-
bola, Colleoptera, Formicidae, Lepidoptera), mostly larvae, was
also found trapped within the flowers (Table S1).
Weather conditions during the study years
Main weather trends were similar between meteorological sta-
tions Pula airport and Zadar, although minor differences were
found in temperature (slightly lower monthly mean values in
Pula airport; Table S2), wind velocity (variation in daily values)
and precipitation (stations show similar precipitation pattern
over time, but considerable differences in daily precipitation
rates; Fig. 2). In contrast, considerable variation in weather
conditions was detected among years (Table S2). Total
monthly precipitation values varied strongly among the study
years (Table S2). In comparison to the reference period 1961
2000 (data not shown) extremely wet periods were observed in
May 2010 for both stations and April 2012 in station Zadar
only (outside 90% percentile), and very dry periods in May
2009 and April 2011 for both stations (outside 10% percentile).
Both 2009 and 2011 were characterised by a significantly war-
mer May than the other years (Table S2). May 2012 showed
alternating sunny weather and rainfall events, in contrast to the
more steady weather conditions of the remaining years that
were mostly sunny (2009 and 2011) or very wet (2010; Fig. 2).
Temporal pollinator variability and dependence on climate
The period of pollinator availability and the pollinator abun-
dance varied strongly among years, populations and in the course
of May (Fig. 2). In general, pollinator collections were most suc-
2009 and 2011 were characterised by predominantly warm and
sunny weather conditions and abundant T. ruficeps pollinators in
early May, although in considerably different amounts between
years. In contrast, frequent rainfall and relatively low tempera-
tures characterised the field period in 2010, during which over
1250 investigated flowers revealed no T. ruficeps pollinators. Year
2012 showed alternating sunny weather and rainfall with abun-
dant T. ruficeps pollinators in the second half of May.
Overall, a significant effect of weather conditions on the
availability of the main pollinator was found in a period 15
30 days before pollinator collection (Pseudo-F
P=0.02; Fig. 3B). This effect was dependent on the year stud-
ied (pollinator 9year: Pseudo-F
=4.29, P=0.002). Struc-
ture of data allowed only for 2012 to test for a weather effect
on pollinator availability (>100 permutations possible), and
this test revealed a highly significant effect (Pseudo-
=15.73, P=0.005). SIMPER analysis of meteorological
parameters during this time span, controlling for factor year,
revealed a contribution of nearly 80% by maximum tempera-
ture, sunshine hours and average temperature to the differences
in samples with pollinators present versus absent.
In all other time spans weather conditions did not explain
the availability of pollinators (PERMANOVA,P>0.10), although
scatter plots point towards a negative correlation between pre-
cipitation and the occurrence of the main pollinator on the col-
lection day (Fig. 3).
Plant Biology 18 (2016) 928–937 ©2016 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands932
Spatio-temporal patterns in pollination Oelschl
agel, Tschirnhaus, Nuss, Nikoli
c, Wanke, D
otterl & Neinhuis
Breeding system
Pollination experiments revealed significant differences in fruit
set among autogamic, geitonogamic and xenogamic experi-
ments (KruskalWallis v
=7.97, df =2, P=0.02). All flowers
that were not hand-pollinated yielded no fruits. Hand-pollina-
tion experiments yielded fruit sets of 18.4% by geitonogamic
and 12.7% by xenogamic pollination. No significant difference
was found between geitonogamic and xenogamic hand-pollina-
tion treatments (W=130, P=0.93), and both treatments
yielded an average of 11 seeds per fruit.
Variability of the trapping flower stage
In Vla
ci in 2010 the trapping flower stage averaged 6.1
1.6 days (mean SD; min =2 days, max =8 days, n =34).
However, 12 flowers were observed as being in the trapping
stage for at least 9 days. Their total lifespan could not be
recorded as the observation period ended at day 9. A signifi-
cantly shorter trapping stage of 2.3 0.6 days on average
(min =1, max =3, n =26) was observed in Most Ra
sa 2012
(W=17, P<0.001). One flower was recorded in the trapping
stage for 3 days but did not enter the male stage during the
observation period. Pollination conditions differed consider-
ably among sites and years. In Vla
ci in 2010 pollinators were
absent (534 investigated flowers), whereas in Most Ra
sa in
2012 a high pollinator frequency was observed (74 pollinators
per 100 flowers, 86 investigated flowers; Fig. 2, Table S1).
Pollinators of Aristolochia rotunda
Employing a broad sampling spanning 10 populations
throughout Croatia, this study reveals kleptoparasitic T. rufi-
ceps being the most important pollinator of A. rotunda in the
study region, thus confirming findings of Oelschl
agel et al.
(2015). The data presented here however complement the
previously identified pollinator guild by adding the species
Oscinimorpha koeleriae,Tricimba humeralis (Chloropidae),
Leptometopa niveipennis and Neophyllomyza acyglossa (Milichi-
idae) (Table 1). Nevertheless, T. ruficeps was the only species
that at least temporarily occurred in high abundance. Addi-
tionally and in contrast to the other chloropid pollinators that
are geographically more restricted (Nartshuk 2013), T. ruficeps
has a wide western Mediterranean distribution range, including
Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily (Nartshuk 2013), where A. rotunda
also occurs (Nardi 1984). Therefore, we assume T. ruficeps is
the most important pollinator throughout the whole distribu-
tion area of the plant, even though this species was not found
in all investigated populations.
It is most likely that the newly found pollinator species are
also deceived by the flower’s kleptomyiophilous pollination
strategy. Representatives of both milichiid genera and the
chloropid genus Oscinimorpha sp. are known to be attracted by
hexyl butyrate and other aliphatic esters (Sugawara & Muto
1974; Zhang & Aldrich 2004; Heiduk et al. 2010), the key
temperature (°C)
Precipitation (mm)
temperature (°C)
5 101520253035
0 5 10 15 20 25
Precipitation (mm)
0 5 10 15 20 25
April 20
April 25
April 30
May 05
May 10
May 15
May 20
May 25
May 30
April 20
April 25
April 30
May 05
May 10
May 15
May 20
May 25
May 30
April 20
April 25
April 30
May 05
May 10
May 15
May 20
May 25
May 30
April 20
April 25
April 30
May 05
May 10
May 15
May 20
May 25
May 30
April 20
April 25
April 30
May 05
May 10
May 15
May 20
May 25
May 30
April 20
April 25
April 30
May 05
May 10
May 15
May 20
May 25
May 30
April 20
April 25
April 30
May 05
May 10
May 15
May 20
May 25
May 30
April 20
April 25
April 30
May 05
May 10
May 15
May 20
May 25
May 30
46 SV
67 MR
Minimum temperature
Maximum temperature
Meteorological parameter
Study sites
DP - Dinjiško polje (Pag)
Va - Vlašići (Pag)
Ca - Časka (Pag)
SV - Mt. Sveti Vid (Pag)
St - Stari grad (Pag)
VL - Veli Lošinj (Losinje)
DN - Dračevak Ninski (Ravni Kotari)
MR - Most Raša (Istria)
Dr - Dragonja (Istria)
O - Omisalij lake (Krk)
not determined
Present, but
Pollinators per 100 flowers
Study site
Chloropidae pollinators
Pollinators absent
No. female-stage flowers
Sample details
Ceratopogonidae pollinators
Milichiidae pollinators
Fieldwork period
2009 2010 2011 2012
Fig. 2. Pollinator collection, pollinator abundance and weather conditions during April and May 2009 to 2012. Daily minimum and maximum temperature
and daily amount of precipitation are shown for the periods 20 April to 31 May every year recorded by the weather stations (A) Pula airport in Istria and (B)
Zadar in Ravni Kotari. Aristolochia rotunda populations are assigned to the nearest weather station. For each collection event from top to bottom the amount
of pollinators per 100 flowers and dipteran family, the locality and the sample size (number of investigated female-stage flowers) are given. Samples of several
days’ duration (Table S1) are assigned to the latest collection date. Fieldwork periods are highlighted with pale green bars. For ease of comparison among
years. the periods 1 May to 15 May are highlighted in grey.
Plant Biology 18 (2016) 928–937 ©2016 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands 933
agel, Tschirnhaus, Nuss, Nikoli
c, Wanke, D
otterl & Neinhuis Spatio-temporal patterns in pollination
0 50 100 150
Precipitation (mm)
0 50 100 150
Precipitation (mm)
0 50 100 150
Cum. prec. (mm)
0 50 100 150
Cum. prec. (mm)
0 50 100 150
Cum. prec. (mm)
0 50 100 150
Sunshine hours (h)
0 50 100 150
Sunshine hours (h)
0 50 100 150
Cum. sun. hours (h)
0 50 100 150
Cum. sun. hours (h)
0 50 100 150
Cum. sun. hours (h)
0 50 100 150
Tmean (°C)
0 50 100 150
Tmean (°C)
0 50 100 150
Av. Tmean (°C)
0 50 100 150
Av. Tmean (°C)
0 50 100 150
Av. Tmean (°C)
0 50 100 150
Tmax (°C)
0 50 100 150
Tmax (°C)
0 50 100 150
Av. Tmax (°C)
0 50 100 150
Av. Tmax (°C)
0 50 100 150
Av. Tmax (°C)
0 50 100 150
Tmin (°C)
0 50 100 150
Tmin (°C)
0 50 100 150
Av. Tmin (°C)
0 50 100 150
Av. Tmin (°C)
0 50 100 150
Av. Tmin (°C)
Wind velocity (m s–1)
0 50 100 150
Wind velocity (m s–1)
0 50 100 150
Av. wind vel. (m s–1)
Pollinators absent
Pollinators present
(A) Coll. day One day
before coll.
Days 1 to 5
before coll.
Days 5 to 15
before coll.
Days 15 to 30
before coll.
(B) Coll. day One day
before coll.
Days 1 to 5
before coll.
Days 5 to 15
before coll.
Days 15 to 30
before coll.
PC1: 44.8 %
PC2: 26.1 %
PC1: 48.6 %
PC2: 22.2 %
PC1: 55.3 %
PC2: 28.8 %
PC1: 45.2 %
PC2: 31.5 %
PC1: 60.4 %
PC2: 24.8 %
–4 –2 0 2 4
–4 –2 0 2 4
–4 –2 0 2 4 6
–4 –2 0 2 4
–4 –2 0 2 4
Fig. 3. Variability of meteorological parameters during and up to 30 days before pollinator collection from 2 009 to 2012. Absolute values of mete orological parameters
are drawn on the collection day and the day before the collection day, whereas for the remaining time spans cumulative values (sunshine hours and precipitation) and
averages (windvelocity andtemperature) of parameters wereused. Samplesare discriminatedby colour according to presence andabsence of Trachysiphonella ruficeps
pollinators. A: Scatter plots of meteorological parameters in relation to pollen-carrying T. ruficeps individuals per 100 investigated female stage flowers. B: PCA con-
ducted on normalised meteorological parameters of collection samples.Variation explained by first two principal components (PC) is given and thecontribution of indi-
vidual parameters to ordination is plotted in the diagrams. P - daily precipitation, Sh - daily sunshine hours, SumP - cumulative precipitation, SumSh-cumulative
sunshine hours, Tmax - maximum daily temperature, Tmean - average daily temperature, Tmin - minimum daily temperature, W - wind velocity.
Plant Biology 18 (2016) 928–937 ©2016 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands934
Spatio-temporal patterns in pollination Oelschl
agel, Tschirnhaus, Nuss, Nikoli
c, Wanke, D
otterl & Neinhuis
compounds of the kleptomyiophilous pollination system of
A. rotunda (Oelschl
agel et al. 2015). Additionally, kleptopara-
sitism is a common phenomenon in Milichiidae and was
reported for female Neophyllomyza sp. on heteropteran prey
(Coreidae and Pentatomidae; Eisner et al. 1991) as well as for
N. acyglossa on beetle prey (Brake 2015). Knowledge about the
habit of the chloropid genus Tricimba is currently unavailable.
Although A. rotunda flowers show low ecological specialisa-
tion (several pollinator families and species), these findings
substantiate the high functional specialisation of the flowers
attracting kleptoparasites through olfactory mimicry of their
heteropteran prey. In scent-based pollination systems, com-
plex composition of the floral scent may promote the attrac-
tion of several pollinator species, as different scent
compounds or differences in their quantity may attract differ-
ent insect taxa. The flower scent of A. rotunda is composed of
numerous aliphatic esters and hydrocarbons, many more
compounds than were shown to be crucial for attraction of
the main pollinator T. ruficeps (Oelschl
agel et al. 2015). It
needs to be shown in future studies whether these compounds
are involved in attraction of pollinators other than T. ruficeps.
Complex blends of floral scent are also known from other
deceptive pollination systems (Brodmann et al. 2008; St
et al. 2010). It has been shown that different pollinator species
detect different compounds of complex scent blends (St
et al. 2010). Consequently, it is likely that different pollinator
taxa of the same plant species are attracted to different com-
pounds of the floral scent.
High pollinator variability among populations
In contrast to our hypothesis that A. rotunda flowers trap the
same pollinator species among different populations, we
detected considerable variability of its pollinator composition
on a spatial scale. The occurrence of individual pollinator spe-
cies and their relative abundance varied strongly among popu-
lations (Table 1). This might give rise to different selection
pressures on floral traits among populations (Fenster et al.
2004; G
omez et al. 2009). The reason for the differing pollina-
tor guilds remains unknown but might be caused by differences
in habitat-based biotic and/or abiotic conditions (i.e. humidity,
salinity, vegetation) or floral traits (i.e. scent).
The existence of geography-related, community-based dif-
ferences in the pollinators has also been shown in other decep-
tive plants, such as Arum maculatum (Esp
ındola et al. 2010).
A. rotunda plants tolerate highly anthropogenic environments
such as field margins and dykes. We assume that the original
habitat of the species might have been grassy border areas of
the Mediterranean sclerophyll forests, i.e. treefall gaps, clearings
derived from forest fires, open areas along rivers or the coast.
Such habitats typically underlie constant modifications that
might lead to varying pollinator climates. We hypothesise that
a pollination system that is able to attract a functional group of
pollinators, i.e. carnivorous kleptoparasites, instead of a single
pollinator species is more likely able to adapt to altering and
unpredictable environmental conditions.
Another reason for the different pollinator guilds could be a
hitherto not studied variability of floral scent among popula-
tions. A scent-driven pollinator variability among conspecific
populations has been shown for deceptive Ophrys spp. in
southern Italy (Mant et al. 2005). Especially in highly
specialised pollination systems even small changes in qualita-
tive and/or quantitative floral traits (i.e. scent chemistry) may
provoke pollinator-induced reproductive isolation (Schiestl &
Ayasse 2002; Peakall et al. 2010). This may be the case in Din-
sko polje where A. rotunda is almost exclusively pollinated by
Tricimba humeralis (Table 1). However, we do not know,
whether the absence of a specific pollinator species in a popula-
tion is due to the general absence of this species in the respec-
tive locality or is due to different scent traits. This still needs to
be tested and is the subject to on-going studies.
Temporal pollinator variability and dependence on climatic
During the study period considerable inter-annual variations
of meteorological conditions were found along with differences
in pollinator availability and abundance. Similar variations in
pollinator availability were reported in other Mediterranean
Aristolochia species (Berjano et al. 2009) and are likely also
common outside the Mediterranean region.
Contrary to our expectations, no statistically significant cor-
relation between meteorological data and pollinator availability
was found during the flowering period. However, the collected
data are biased because observations were mainly performed
under dry weather conditions, and potentially differing micro-
climatic conditions of individual populations could not be
considered. However, a significant correlation was found
between the availability of the main pollinator T. ruficeps and
the weather conditions 1530 days before pollinator collection
(Fig. 3B). Unfavourable weather conditions in this period, i.e.
low values for temperature and sunshine hours, lead to strong
pollinator limitation and failure of reproductive success of the
flowers later on. This period is assumed to include at least
some developmental stages of the flies, and most probably
occurs ahead of the flowering period of the plants. It is well
known that insects strongly depend on weather conditions dur-
ing development (e.g. Coulson et al. 1976; Tolley & Niemczyk
1988) and our results show that a high number of sunshine
hours, and high daily maximum and average temperatures
favour the appearance of T. ruficeps 2 or 3 weeks later.
Breeding system
We reject our hypothesis that autonomous selfing is a strategy
to ensure reproduction in A. rotunda flowers, as autonomous
selfing was not observed. A. rotunda flowers consequently rely
on insects as pollen vectors for successful sexual reproduction.
The inability for autonomous selfing, together with the
observed periods of pollinator absence during flowering, might
strongly decrease the reproductive success of the plants. Artifi-
cial pollination of the flowers yielded relatively low numbers of
ripe fruits (1218%) independent of whether the pollen origin
was from a different flower of the same or another plant. We
assume that inefficient transfer of pollen to the stigmatic lobes
using a toothpick or damage to the stigmatic lobes might be
the reason for the low fruit set (Bliss et al. 2013), as well as pos-
sible resource limitation in the greenhouse. Quantitative data
under natural conditions are not available for A. rotunda.
However, in most studied Aristolochia species artificial pollina-
tion resulted in considerably higher fruit set than natural polli-
nation (Sakai 2002; Berjano et al. 2006; Murugan et al. 2006;
Plant Biology 18 (2016) 928–937 ©2016 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands 935
agel, Tschirnhaus, Nuss, Nikoli
c, Wanke, D
otterl & Neinhuis Spatio-temporal patterns in pollination
Trujillo & S
ersic 2006). Fruit set of artificial-pollinated flowers
ranges from 719% in A. baetica (Berjano et al. 2010) up to
94% in A. tagala (Murugan et al. 2006). Fruit set of open-polli-
nated flowers, in contrast, ranges from 2% in A. maxima (Sakai
2002) to about 40% in A. chilensis and A. gigantea (Hip
et al. 2012; Stotz & Gianoli 2013), but in most investigated spe-
cies a fruit set <20% was found (Sakai 2002; Berjano et al.
2006, 2010; Murugan et al. 2006; Trujillo & S
ersic 2006). Sev-
eral factors were suggested as promoting pollen limitation and
consequently low fruit set in the genus: scarcity of pollinators,
limited ability of small dipterans to cover larger distances,
insufficient amount of pollen grains transported by single polli-
nators, the need for several pollen grains to fertilise one ovule
(e.g.A. baetica 2.75 pollen grains per seed, A. paucinervis
4.5 per seed), short pollen viability, and a rapid decline in
stigma receptivity after anthesis (Sakai 2002; Berjano et al.
2006, 2010; Murugan et al. 2006; Trujillo & S
ersic 2006).
Variability of the trapping flower stage
Flowers of A. rotunda show a significantly longer trapping
flower stage compared to short-lived tropical species (e.g. Bur-
gess et al. 2004; Trujillo & S
ersic 2006) and similar floral long-
evity as other Mediterranean species (Berjano et al. 2009).
These findings substantiate the hypothesis of Stotz & Gianoli
(2013). Additionally, high plasticity of the duration of the trap-
ping flower stage was observed. The trapping phase of flowers
in the Vla
ci population in a period with virtually no pollina-
tors lasted significantly longer compared to the trapping phase
of flowers in the Most Ra
sa population experiencing a period
with high pollinator frequency. A possible influence of weather
conditions on the duration of the flower trapping stage in
A. rotunda also cannot be excluded. However, we assume that
successful pollination, instead of weather, might be the major
influencing factor on the floral life span (Berjano et al. 2009).
A prolonged trapping flower stage enhances both, the female
and male fitness of a flower, as the chance to trap scarce polli-
nators and, hence, to receive foreign and distribute own pollen
increases. Bliss et al. (2013) showed, for two tropical
Aristolochia species, that fruit set is possible in flowers polli-
nated on day 2 or 3 of anthesis. In contrast, it has been shown
for at least one Aristolochia species that stigmata receptivity
decreases rapidly during the first day of anthesis (Murugan
et al. 2006). In this case, prolongation of the trapping stage of a
flower would increase its male rather than its female fitness.
Additionally, by contributing to a flower surplus in the popula-
tion, an expanded lifespan of a flower may increase the female
fitness of neighbouring, younger flowers, as flower surplus in a
population is assumed to attract pollinators more efficiently
(Podolsky 1992; Berjano et al. 2010).
We dedicate this publication to the late Professor Dr Stefan
Vogel. We thank Monika
Skegro (University Zagreb), Anna
Magdalena Barniske (University Kassel), Markus G
Cindy Thomas, Claudia P
atzold and Sarah Wagner for their
valuable assistance during fieldwork, and Katharina Doll for
assistance in pollination experiments. Dirk Pavlik and Thomas
Pluntke (all TU Dresden) gave valuable advice for analysis of
meteorological data. The identification of flower visitors by
Frauke Nielsen and Andr
e Reimann (Senckenberg Museum f
Tierkunde, Dresden) and of milichiid pollinators by Irina
Brake (Burgdorf) is acknowledged. Aristolochia plants used for
pollination experiments are cultivated in the Botanical Garden
Dresden. Meteorological data were provided by the Meteoro-
logical and Hydrological Service Croatia. The Croatian author-
ities issued the collection permit (UP/I-612-07/12-33/0292,
Additional Supporting Information may be found online in the
supporting information tab for this article:
Table S1. Arthropods entrapped in female stage A. rotunda
flowers in Croatia.
Table S2. Analysis of meteorological data for the months
April and May 2009 to 2012.
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Plant Biology 18 (2016) 928–937 ©2016 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands 937
agel, Tschirnhaus, Nuss, Nikoli
c, Wanke, D
otterl & Neinhuis Spatio-temporal patterns in pollination
... For instance, in A. beatica, female phase was shorter in December, when pollinator availability was higher, and longer in March, when pollinator availability was lower (Berjano et al., 2009). In A. rotunda, female phase was longer in a natural population without pollinators than in other populations with pollinators (Oelschlägel et al., 2016). In these cases, however, the effect of weather conditions could not be dissociated from the effect of pollinators. ...
... It has a single, relatively short, flowering season, peaking from April to June. Pollinators are small Diptera of the families Chloropidae and Ceratopogonidae (Oelschlägel et al., 2015;2016). Autonomous selfing does not seem to occur (Oelschlägel et al., 2016). ...
... Pollinators are small Diptera of the families Chloropidae and Ceratopogonidae (Oelschlägel et al., 2015;2016). Autonomous selfing does not seem to occur (Oelschlägel et al., 2016). The experiments took place in the field (N 43.7514, E 3.72194, 244 m asl, Viols-en-Laval, France), on one patch of 150 m 2 , where more than 220 individuals of A. rotunda (most with several stems) naturally occur. ...
Floral longevity is a selected trait that shows plasticity, allowing plants to balance resource allocation and reproduction. In dichogamous flowers—in which female and male functions are decoupled in time—the duration of the female phase is expected to vary according to pollination status. We used Aristolochia rotunda as a model to test the hypothesis that the female phase should be shortened following pollen deposition on the stigma, and to identify the signal for phase switching. Aristolochia flowers are protogynous (female phase first) and trap pollinators for several days (trap flowers). The four experimental treatments we applied to flowers, i.e. hand pollination, presence of pollinators with or without pollen load in the flower, and deposition of a nylon thread on the stigma, shortened the female phase to a similar extent, demonstrating that the duration of the female phase depended on the presence of pollinators, independently of whether or not they carried pollen, and that mechanical stimulation of the stigmas was the signal for phase switching. Temperature was also shown to shorten the female stage. This mechanism of post-anthesis floral changes is original because usually such changes are triggered by chemical interactions between pollen and stigmas. We interpret the mechanical signal used in A. rotunda for phase switching to be adaptive when pollinators are limiting, because switching to the male phase even if the trapped pollinator does not bring pollen would ensure fulfilling the flower’s male function.
... The poor fruit set observed in certain Aristolochia species can be attributed to multiple factors. One significant factor is the intricate timing and coordination required for successful pollination, with protogyny and specific interactions with insect pollinators playing a crucial role (Razzak et al., 1992;Oelschlägel et al., 2016). Furthermore, the availability and effectiveness of pollinators, particularly small flies, can influence the pollination process and lead to reduced fruit set (Rulik et al., 2008;Aliscioni et al., 2017). ...
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Insects are vital pollinators for angiosperms, playing a crucial role in their reproductive success and fruit production. Aristolochia contorta is a perennial herbaceous vine that occurs in fragmented populations across East Asia. One notable feature of this plant is its trap flower, which employs a unique mechanism to attract, trap, retain, and release insects, ensuring effective pollination. The presence of this trap flower significantly influences the pollination system of A. contorta. Field surveys and pollination experiments were conducted to understand the processes and effectiveness of its pollination mechanism. It was allogamous and was pollinated by the species from Ceratopogonidae. During the insect attraction stage, 11.57% of the flowers contained insects, primarily Ceratopogonidae spp. Most Ceratopogonidae spp. concentrated in few flowers, indicating that although overall attraction might be modest, specific flowers acted as significant focal points for gathering. Trichomes effectively trapped Ceratopogonidae spp. inside flower tubes. In the retention stage, 26.16% of Ceratopogonidae spp. were loaded with pollen grains, but only 7.91% of those exited the flowers in the release stage. The sticky texture of the perianth’s internal cavity posed challenges during this release, leading to adhesion and clogging of the narrow perianth tube. Consequently, a significant portion of Ceratopogonidae spp. became trapped on the perianth wall and perished. This highlights that despite the significant energy and resources invested in flower development, the perianth contributes to the low pollination effectiveness. This study revealed additive factors with negative effects on pollination, including the densely clustered distribution of its pollinators within only a few flowers, insufficient pollen loading onto pollinators, hindered release of entrapped pollinators due to the perianth adhesive surface, and a high rate of defective pollen grains in A. contorta. These factors account for the observed phenomenon of low fruit set (7.7%) and contribute to the diminished rate of sexual reproduction in A. contorta populations. This might lead the species to heavily rely on asexual reproduction, which could potentially lead to gene erosion within populations. The implications of these findings extend to the ecological and conservation aspects, emphasizing the need to understand and conserve the unique pollination system of A. contorta.
... Piperales have been the subject of extensive studies in a broad range of scientific fields, including pharmacological investigations of Aristolochia (Sati et al., 2011), Piper (Zaveri et al., 2010;Ahmad et al., 2012;Shah et al., 2016), Peperomia (Hamid et al., 2007), and Thottea (Raju and Ramesh, 2012), and investigations into the repelling properties of essential oils of certain Piper species to fire ants (Souto et al., 2012), the cattle tick (Silva et al., 2009), and other arthropods (Mamood et al., 2017). Other studies have focused on their conservation biology (Stuessy et al., 1992;Ricci, 2001), pollination biology (Oelschlägel et al., 2016), floral development (Jaramillo et al., 2004;Samain et al., 2010;Pabón-Mora et al., 2015, the evolution of epiphytism and fruit traits (Frenzke et al., 2016), and ecological interactions between Piper and ants (Wisniewski et al., 2019). A recent study on Aristolochiaceae and other host plants of butterflies (Allio et al., 2021) suggests that the evolutionary success of insects may be linked to recurrent changes in host plants (food sources); these changes have left traces of genetic adaptations in their genomes and are also associated with accelerated diversification. ...
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Phylogenetic relationships within the magnoliid order Piperales have been studied extensively, yet the relationships of the monotypic family Lactoridaceae and the holoparasitic Hydnoraceae to the remainder of the order remain a matter of debate. Since the first confident molecular phylogenetic placement of Hydnoraceae among Piperales, different studies have recovered various contradictory topologies. Most phylogenetic hypotheses were inferred using only a few loci and have had incomplete taxon sampling at the genus level. Based on these results and an online survey of taxonomic opinion, the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group lumped both Hydnoraceae and Lactoridaceae in Aristolochiaceae; however, the latter family continues to have unclear relationships to the aforementioned taxa. Here we present extensive phylogenomic tree reconstructions based on up to 137 loci from all three subcellular genomes for all genera of Piperales. We infer relationships based on a variety of phylogenetic methods, explore instances of phylogenomic discordance between the subcellular genomes, and test alternative topologies. Consistent with these phylogenomic results and a consideration of the principles of phylogenetic classification, we propose to exclude Hydnoraceae and Lactoridaceae from the broad circumscription of Aristolochiaceae, and instead favor recognition of four monophyletic and morphologically well circumscribed families in the perianth-bearing Piperales: Aristolochiaceae, Asaraceae, Hydnoraceae, and Lactoridaceae, with a total of six families in the order.
... The floral features of sapromyophily can be identified as follows: the brightly coloured inner side of perianth and the discrete (or dim) colouring of the outer side (dark brown, purple, or green); a perianth with a window area; the presence of osmophores (odorous glands); the missing nectar paths and nectar; etc. (Faegri & van der Pijl 1979;Vogel 1990;Proctor et al. 1996;Burgess et al. 2004). Aristolochia species have peculiar, protogynous flowers which can temporarily trap their pollinators, small dipteran insects from different families (Wolda & Sabrosky 1986;Razzak et al. 1992;Sakai 2002;Burgess et al. 2004;Murugan et al. 2006;Trujillo & Sérsic 2006;Valdivia & Niemeyer 2007;Rulik et al. 2008;Berjano et al. 2009;Hipólito et al. 2012;Stotz & Gianoli 2013;Oelschlägel et al. 2015Oelschlägel et al. , 2016Aliscioni et al. 2017;Martin et al. 2017). These flowers attract flies primarily by their specific scent (Vogel 1990) and by mimicking sex-specific pheromones (Wolda & Sabrosky 1986) or the same scent components that insects (chloropids) use to find their food sources (Oelschlägel et al. 2015). ...
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Background and aims – Interactions of insects with trap flowers of Aristolochia manshuriensis, a relic woody liana with fragmented natural populations from south-eastern Russia, were studied. Pollination experiments were conducted to identify the causes of the poor fruit set in this plant.Material and methods – The study was carried out at two ex situ sites within the natural range of A. manshuriensis in the suburban zone of the city of Vladivostok (Russia). The floral morphology was examined to verify how it may affect the process of pollination in this species. To test for a probability of self-pollination, randomly selected flowers at the female phase of anthesis (day 1 of limb opening) were hand-pollinated with pollen from the same plant. The daily insect visitation was studied. The pollen limitation coefficient and the number of visitors to the flowers were determined. To identify insects that lay eggs on the flowers, the insects were reared from eggs collected from fallen flowers. Both caught and reared insects were identified.Key results – The floral morphology and the colour pattern of A. manshuriensis are adapted to temporarily trap insects of a certain size. The hand-pollination experiment showed that flowers of this plant are capable of self-pollination by geitonogamy and require a pollinator for successful pollination. The positive value (2.64) for the pollen limitation coefficient indicates a higher fruit set after hand-pollination compared to the control without pollination. The number of visitors to the flowers was low (0.17 visitors per flower per day). Insects from three orders were observed on the flowers: Diptera (up to 90.9%), Coleoptera (8.3%), and Hymenoptera (0.8%). Four species of flies (Scaptomyza pallida, Drosophila transversa (Drosophilidae), Botanophila fugax, and Botanophila sp. 1 (Anthomyiidae)) are capable of transferring up to 2500–4000 pollen grains on their bodies and can be considered as pollinators of A. manshuriensis. Data of the rearing experiment indicate that flies of the families Drosophilidae (S. pallida, D. transversa), Chloropidae (Elachiptera tuberculifera, E. sibirica, and Conioscinella divitis), and Anthomyiidae (B. fugax, B. sp. 1) use A. manshuriensis flowers to lay eggs. Beetles were also collected from the flowers, but they were probably not involved in pollination, because no pollen grains were observed on them during our study.Conclusions – Pollinators of A. manshuriensis include mainly Diptera that lay eggs on the flowers. The poor fruit set (2%) in A. manshuriensis is associated with pollen limitation due to the lack of pollinators, as the number of visitors to flowers was extremely low. This may be due to the fact that the flowers of this species are highly specialized on insects of a certain size for pollination.
... The number of n-specialist (specialists), n-pspecialist (pseudospecialists), n-pgeneralist (pseudo-generalists) and n-generalist (generalists) variables (Table 1), associated with pollinators that visit one, two, all but one and all plant species, respectively, was introduced manually in the beginning of every simulation and remained constant during the simulation period. We have considered abundances of pollinators ranging from 5 to 200 within the overall landscape ( Fig. 1), to reflect the influence of diverse biological and environmental/meteorological conditions on the abundances of pollinators (Dupont et al., 2009;Hegland et al., 2009;Moquet et al., 2015;Oelschlägel et al., 2016;Vicens and Bosch, 2000). Specifically, we have considered two combinations of abundances: an abundance gradient associated with the specialists-generalists continuum, i.e. the abundances decrease as pollinators become more specialised (Forister et al., 2012) (number of individuals: specialists, 5 or 10; pseudospecialists, 20 or 40; pseudo-generalists, 50 or 100; generalists, 100 or 200) and, relaxing this assumption, we have simulated equal abundances for all guilds (30 individuals) (Appendix 1). ...
Despite the relevant services associated with insect pollinators, several species are considered to have undergone severe and widespread declines, which raise concerns about the future sustainability of ecosystems. Reliable estimates of pollinators' visitation rates to flowers are thus fundamental for supporting management and mitigation actions. A spatially explicit agent-based model was developed to investigate how plant species richness and pollinators' specialisation degree, within a gradient of pollinators abundance and landscape types, might influence accuracy of estimates of visitation rates. Visitation of plants by a generalist-specialist continuum within variable conditions was simulated with the purpose of reproducing pollination studies. Our results indicate that the accuracy of estimates of pollinators' visitation rates is influenced by the interplay between pollinators' specialisation, pollinators' abundances and type of landscape. We highlight the importance of fieldwork investigation to complement our results and compute adjustments in sampling effort for comparable estimates of pollinators' visitation rates from different landscapes and pollinator communities.
... transferred pollen, but they probably differ in pollination efficiency. Members of both families do visit flowers (Primack 1983;Sharma & Shivanna 2011;Oelschl€ agel et al. 2016). Members of the Hybotidae family have been documented as pollinators in generalised pollination systems (Okuyama et al. 2004;Ollerton et al. 2009a,b). ...
Cockroaches have rarely been documented as pollinators. In this paper we examine whether this is because they might be inefficient at pollination compared to other pollinators. Clusia blattophila, a dioecieous shrub growing on isolated rocky outcrops in French Guiana, is pollinated by Amazonina platystylata cockroaches and provides a valuable system for the study of cockroach pollination efficiency. We examined the species composition of the visitor guild and visitation rates by means of camcorder recordings and visitor sampling. Then, we investigated the capacity for pollen transfer of principal visitors and found correlations between visitation rates and pollen loads on stigmas. In an exclusion experiment we determined the contributions of individual species to pollination success. Amazonina platystylata, crickets and two species of Diptera transferred pollen, but the number of transferred pollen grains was only related to visitation rates in the case of cockroaches. Crickets visited and carried pollen rarely. Dipterans were as frequent as cockroaches, carried similar pollen loads, but transferred much less pollen. An estimated 41% and 17% of ovules were pollinated by cockroaches and dipterans, respectively. The remaining ovules were not pollinated. There was no spatial variation in pollinator guild composition, but cockroaches visited flowers less frequently at the smaller study site. We demonstrate that cockroaches pollinate a large proportion of ovules. Their pollination service is not confined to one study site and, unlike that provided by dipterans, is not limited to certain years. We suggest that cockroach pollination has been overlooked and that cockroach‐pollinated plants, which share certain floral features, possess adaptations to pollination by cockroaches. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... These two phylogenetically closely related fly families share some morphological similarities and are distributed worldwide (Brake 2000). They are also known to pollinate other trap flowers, such as several species of Aristolochia (Sakai 2002;Oelschlägel et al. 2016). Adult chloropid and milichiid flies appear to have more or less similar foraging ecologies and nutritional requirements (Yeates and Wiegmann 2005). ...
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Although Ceropegia species are well known for their complex pitfall flowers that temporarily imprison their pollinators, various aspects of their pollination ecology are still unknown. This study investigated flowering phenology, functional floral traits, and insect visitation in a natural population of a rare endemic lithophyte, Ceropegia thaithongiae Kidyoo. Flowering of C. thaithongiae was not synchronous but staggered. Anthesis lasted mostly 1–2 days, but its duration was shorter in flowers with a pollinium inserted into the stigmatic chamber. Several different insects visited flowers, but only chloropid and milichiid flies were effective pollinators. At anthesis, the epithelial osmophores on the corolla lobes emitted a floral scent that was simple in composition. Nectar of high viscosity was exuded from the nectaries hidden behind the guide rails. When transported by an insect, the pollinarium was attached to bristles on the mouthparts. Size and shape of the thin pellucid margin of the pollinium enable it to fit into the stigmatic chamber in a lock-and-key arrangement. The pollen transfer efficiency was 6.8%. The plant’s staggered flowering and pollination-induced ending of anthesis are advantageous in decreasing competition for pollinators when flower-visiting insects are scarce.
Most Aristolochiaceae species studied so far are from temperate regions, bearing self-compatible protogynous trap flowers. Although self-incompatibility has been suggested for tropical species, the causes of self-sterility in this family remain unknown. To fill this gap, we studied the pollination of the tropical Aristolochia esperanzae, including the physical and physiological anti-selfing mechanisms. Floral visitors trapped inside flowers were collected to determine the pollinators. Protogyny was characterized by observing the temporal expression of sexual phases and stigmatic receptivity tests. The breeding system was investigated using hand-pollination treatments. Pollen tube growth was observed using epifluorescence to identify the self-incompatibility mechanism. Flies were the most frequent visitors found inside A. esperanzae trap flowers, with individuals from the family Ulidiidae being potential pollinators since they carried pollen. The characteristic flower odour and presence of larvae indicate that A. esperanzae deceives flies through oviposition-site mimicry. Although this species showed incomplete protogyny, stigmatic receptivity decreased during the male phase, avoiding self-pollination. Fruits developed only after cross- and open pollination, indicating that the population is non-autonomous, non-apomictic, and self-sterile. This occurred through a delay in the growth of geitonogamous pollen tubes to the ovary and lower ovule penetration, indicating a late-acting self-incompatibility mechanism. Our findings expand the number of families in which late-acting self-incompatibility has been reported, demonstrating that it is more widespread than previously thought, especially when considering less-studied tropical species among the basal angiosperms.
• Deceptive pollination has been reported in the genus Aristolochia, but the floral biology and pollination strategy of Aristolochia bianorii, an endemic species to the Balearic Islands, have not been studied yet. Here, we aimed to investigate the floral anthesis, the mating system, the pollinators and the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by its flowers. • Flower buds were marked and monitored daily to define floral stages and their duration. Experimental bagging and hand pollination treatments were performed to test for autonomous self-pollination, induced self-pollination, and cross-pollination. Flowers were collected to analyse the presence of entrapped pollinators. VOCs emitted by flowers were evaluated by means of a solid phase microextraction followed by immediate gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. • Anthesis lasted between 63 and 96 hours, and the species exhibited autonomous self-pollination with a moderate inbreeding depression. Pollinators were mainly females of Oscinomorpha longirostris (Diptera; Chloropidae), and the number of pollinators inside flowers was affected by the floral stage and the time of flowering. The most common VOCs were alkanes, oximes, esters, alkenes, cyclic unsaturated hydrocarbons, isocyanates, amides and carboxylic acids. • Aristolochia bianorii can set seeds by autonomous self-pollination, in contrast to other Aristolochia species in which both protogyny and herkogamy prevent from autonomous self-pollination. However, the species may encourage cross-pollination by attracting female chloropid flies though the emission of floral scents that may mimic an oviposition site and possibly, freshly killed true bugs (i.e., Heteroptera). In conclusion, A. bianorii promotes cross-pollination but delayed autonomous self-pollination assures the reproductive success in putative absence of pollinators.
Objectives To validate the concept of abadāl-i-adwiya (drug substitution) by evaluation of physicochemical standardization and hepatoprotective activity of Aristolochia rotunda & its substitute, Curcuma Zedoaria in albino Wistar rats. Methods Physicochemical standardization by estimation of moisture content, ash values and extractive values were carried out using standard methods. Hepatotoxicity was induced in albino Wistar rats using CCl 4 1 mL/kg s. c. on alternate day for 14 days. Group I was served as Plain control and Group II as Negative control. Group III was administered silymarin 50 mg/kg p. o. while Group IV received HAE of A. rotunda 89.64 mg/kg p. o., and Group V was administered HAE of C. Zedoaria 45.73 mg/kg p. o. At the end of the study, serum bilirubin, AST (SGOT), ALT (SGPT) and ALP were estimated. The histopathology of liver was also carried out. Results The physicochemical parameters of both test drugs viz. moisture content, total ash, acid insoluble ash and water soluble ash were found within normal limit. The total serum bilirubin, direct bilirubin, AST (SGOT), ALT (SGPT) levels were significantly decreased in Test groups A and B when compared to the Negative and Standard controls. The microscopic examination of liver collected from animals of Group IV and Group V revealed significant recovery from hepatic toxicity compared to the Negative control. Conclusions The study experimentation has revealed that C. Zedoaria may be used as a substitute for A. rotunda in the treatment of liver diseases. However, the outcome has to be further corroborated with phytochemical evaluation and clinical trials of both the drugs. Furthermore, the concept of drug substitute in Unani system of medicine is also validated in the light of above study.
One hundred sixteen species of Chloropidae (Diptera) are recorded from several Mediterranean islands: 66 on Sardinia, 46 on Sicilia, 45 on the Balearic Islands, 39 on the Maltese Islands, 31 on Corsica, 22 on Cyprus and 6 on Crete. The number of species recorded depends more on the level of knowledge of fauna than on the area of the islands. The recorded species belong to no less than ten chorotypes, most of them, to Euro-Mediterranean, Macaronesian-Mediterranean or Mediterranean chorotypes. Two species, Lasiambia aterrima (Duda) and Oscinimorpha tenuirostris (Duda), are known on islands and in North Africa (Tunisia) but not recorded from mainland Europe. Two species are East Mediterranean, Tricimba meridian Dely-Draskovits and Trachysiphonella pori Harkness et Ismay. Scoliophthalmus trapezoids Becker and Anacamptoneurum obliquum Becker, which are recorded only from Cyprus, are distributed also in Africa, Arabia and the Oriental Region. Five species are up-to now found only on islands. This review includes 22 species (16 valid), which have type localities on the islands.
The enticement of several dipterous insects to straight chain aliphatic esters was tested under field conditions by means of a filter paper trap permeated with an ascending flow of chemicals. The structurally related compounds were simultaneously exposed in a group and their activities were mutually compared by the numbers of trapped insects. Four insect species respectively gave a precise choice to chemical structures within a limited range, which shifted gradually from species to species; the favored comounds were hexyl butanoate for Neophyllomyza sp. (Milichiidae), octyl butanoate for Siphonella sp. (Chloropidae), hexyl hexanoate for Forcipomyia sp. A (Ceratopogonidae) and decyl hexanoae for Forcipomyia sp. B. The attracting activity of the compounds to the insect species varied, in different ways according to the responding species, wit respect to the total chain length as well as the length of either the alcohol or acid moiety and the position of the functional group in molecules of the same length. The results are discussed in the light of the current conception on the mechanism of insect olfaction. © 1974, JAPANESE SOCIETY OF APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY. All rights reserved.
Observations covering a period of several years have shown that Asarum caudatum is regularly pollinated by fungus gnats. Thereby attention was directed to certain appendages resembling mushrooms or parts thereof, occurring on perianths, axes, or bracts of ecologically related flowers.
Floral longevity (the period of time from anthesis to floral senescence) plays an important role in the reproductive ecology of plants. As noted by Primack (1985), the length of time a flower is open can influence its total number of pollinator visits, which, in turn, can affect the amount and diversity of pollen a flower receives, and the amount of pollen it disseminates. Additionally, floral longevity contributes to determining the number of flowers open at any given time (floral display size), the duration of floral display, and the total number of flowers per plant. Ultimately, floral longevity influences many factors that determine the quantity and quality of progeny a plant produces. Over the period of time that a flower functions and contributes to plant fitness, it receives resources to remain alive and attractive to pollinators. Such floral maintenance expenditures may compete with future flower production or other plant functions if plant resources are limited. From an adaptive perspective, therefore, the plant’s floral longevity should reflect the balance between fitness consequences and maintenance costs.
A comparative study of the development and morphology of the perianth in 42 species of Aristolochia is presented. These species represent all the subgenera, sections, and subsections formally proposed within this genus. Additional observations on the perianth of Asarum, Saruma and Thottea are also included because perianth morphology has been crucial for the classification of the Aristolochiaceae. The results support the interpretation of the perianth of Aristolochia, Euglypha and Holostylis as a trimerous calyx. Five main types of perianth development were found in Aristolochia which differ in the degree of fusion between the perianth lobes, the direction of floral curvature, and the symmetry of the perianth limb. The interpretation of the perianth of Aristolochia as a calyx is supported in terms of position, morphology, development, and comparison to related taxa.