
Smart Infrastructure Development Makes Smart Cities—Promoting Smart Transport and ICT in Dakar

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A smart city is viewed as a sustainable, inclusive and prosperous city that promotes a people-centric approach based on three core components and seven dimensions. The three core components are Smart City Foundation, Smart ICT and Smart Institutions and Laws, which in turn are the pillars of the seven dimensions of a smart city: Infrastructure Development, Environmental Sustainability, Social Development, Social Inclusion, Disasters Exposure, Resilience, and Peace and Security. The three components together with the seven dimensions make a Smart Economy. Infrastructure development has several elements across various social, economic and environmental dimensions. Here, our analysis focuses on those connecting people to several categories of services, particularly transport and ICT infrastructures. The first section analyses the classical option of connecting people to services through non-motorized means or motorized means of transport. The interaction between the development of urban spatial patterns and transport is thus a key factor shaping accessibility in cities both in physical and in socioeconomic terms. To access to services such as work, to the health centers, to the school or to the market among several other destinations, the share of motorized means is 40 % (public an private) compared to 60 % for the non-motorized means, mainly by walking. The public transport sector is predominantly informal (95 % against 5 % for the formal sector). Turning informal transport sector challenges to opportunities in the smart city making is a call along with the enhancement of the public sector with the introduction of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and other higher efficient means of public transport. In the absence of affordable, reliable public transport, the poor are no choice rather walking to access to services. It is urgent to make streets friendly to pedestrians with sufficient public spaces for social interactions. Today, it is recognized that the information and communication technology (ICT) development is an important enabler of accessing to services and must be integrated in the planning and management of transport systems. For these past 15 years, the Senegalese government has taken various steps to create an environment favorable to the development and use of ICT at all levels. It has created legal institutional framework to support regulatory mechanisms on the development and use of ICT and has also introduced ICT platforms such as E-Governance, E-Education, E-infrastructure and supports education and training on ICT. The second presents different forms of ICT infrastructures in the creation of smart, digital city.

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... It's not that the concept of digitalization was unfamiliar to individuals. So, it serves as a reminder that in this fast-changing world, we must be prepared for any such circumstances that might appear in the future, and we must make significant changes to our traditional learning approach [7][8][9][10]. The Education 4.0 concept is relatively new, and after COVID-19, the entire scenario of the learning process has been going through a new phase. ...
... Number of Internet users per 10,000 people © 2022 by MIP (Park et al., 2020;Yu et al., 2019) Accessibility and convenience of information education (Kwon et al., 2012) A well-educated workforce and flexible system (Commission, 2019) Broadband Internet users per 100 inhabitants (Mboup, 2017) Prosperity of the urban business environment (Ingrams, 2019) Use of public data by residents (Lombardi et al., 2012) University rankings (iCity, 2016) Support the experience of citizens' space (Grupp & Schubert, 2010); Li et al. (2015) Annual number of patents granted per million residents (Heitlinger et al., 2019) Smart property rights (Li et al., 2015) Science and technology progress award at or above the provincial level (Rodríguez-Pose et al., 2014) R&D investment (Anttiroiko, 2015;Komninos, 2009) Internationalisation of inventions (Wesseling et al., 2019) Smart data and implementation of the platform (Commission, 2019) ...
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Revamping infrastructure development with the best-emerging technologies and innovative procurement initiatives is seen as the optimal way forward to sustainable development, improved safety and health, performance and management of built infrastructure. The global COVID-19 pandemic has amplified these imperatives highlighting the global need for ‘smart infrastructure’. The needs for overcoming resource constraints suggest the increased potential for Public-Private Partnership (PPP) procurement strategy worldwide. Thus, this study aims to assess the potential for successful partnering between the public and private sectors in developing and sustaining ‘smart infrastructure’ in Hong Kong (HK). A qualitative research design was adopted, leading to ten expert interviews after a comprehensive literature review. The findings unearthed the potential enablers, barriers and enhancing factors, which were built upon regulatory, social, technical and political factors, affecting the adoption and success of PPP in delivering smart infrastructure in HK. An indicative framework was developed to illustrate the fundamental causal relationships of these factors. Through the findings, managing stakeholders, citizen-centric approach and maintaining transparency throughout the project, were identified as significant for the success. The research findings facilitate further studies along with pilot-applications of better-informed approaches to derive enhanced perceived benefits from PPP under appropriate conditions for smart infrastructure in HK.
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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), also known as Smart Transportation, is an infusion of information and communication technologies into transportation. ITS are a key component of smart cities, which have seen rapid global development in the last few decades. This has in turn translated to an increase in the deployment and adoption of ITS, particularly in countries in the Western world. Unfortunately, this is not the case with the developing countries of Africa and Asia, where dilapidated road infrastructure, poorly maintained public/mass transit vehicles and poverty are major concerns. However, the impact of Westernization and “imported technologies” cannot be overlooked; thus, despite the aforementioned challenges, ITS have found their way into African cities. In this paper, a systematic review was performed to determine the state of the art of ITS in Africa. The output of this systematic review was then fed into a hybrid multi-criteria model to analyse the research landscape, identify connections between published works and reveal research gaps and inequalities in African ITS. African peculiarities inhibiting the widespread implementation of ITS were then discussed, followed by the development of a conceptual architecture for an integrated ITS for African cities.
... In [32], the author highlights the factors that link citizens to different facilities, especially mobility and ICT frameworks in the Senegalese city of Dakar. It is observed that motorized methods amount to 40% while non-motorized methods amount to 60% of the overall mobility, and the public mobility sector is largely informal. ...
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The increasing population across the globe makes it essential to link smart and sustainable city planning with the logistics of transporting people and goods, which will significantly contribute to how societies will face mobility in the coming years. The concept of smart mobility emerged with the popularity of smart cities and is aligned with the sustainable development goals defined by the United Nations. A reduction in traffic congestion and new route optimizations with reduced ecological footprint are some of the essential factors of smart mobility; however, other aspects must also be taken into account, such as the promotion of active mobility and inclusive mobility, encouraging the use of other types of environmentally friendly fuels and engagement with citizens. The Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain and Big Data technology will serve as the main entry points and fundamental pillars to promote the rise of new innovative solutions that will change the current paradigm for cities and their citizens. Mobility-as-a-service, traffic flow optimization, the optimization of logistics and autonomous vehicles are some of the services and applications that will encompass several changes in the coming years with the transition of existing cities into smart cities. This paper provides an extensive review of the current trends and solutions presented in the scope of smart mobility and enabling technologies that support it. An overview of how smart mobility fits into smart cities is provided by characterizing its main attributes and the key benefits of using smart mobility in a smart city ecosystem. Further, this paper highlights other various opportunities and challenges related to smart mobility. Lastly, the major services and applications that are expected to arise in the coming years within smart mobility are explored with the prospective future trends and scope.
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In recent years, there has been significant focus on smart cities, on how they operate and develop, and on their technical and social challenges. The importance of infrastructure as a major pillar of support in cities, in addition to the rapid developments in smart city research, necessitate an up-to-date review of smart cities' infrastructure issues and challenges. Traditionally, a majority of studies have focused on traffic control and management, transport network design, smart grid initiatives, IoT (Internet of Things) integration, big data, land use development, and how urbanization processes impact land use in the long run. The work presented herein proposes a novel review framework that analyzes how smart city infrastructure is related to the urbanization process while presenting developments in IoT sensor networks, big data analysis of the generated information, and green construction. A classification framework was proposed to give insights on new initiatives regarding smart city infrastructure through answering the following questions: (i) What are the various dimensions on which smart city infrastructure research focuses? (ii) What are the themes and classes associated with these dimensions? (iii) What are the main shortcomings in current approaches, and what would be a good research agenda for the future? A bibliometric analysis was conducted, presenting cluster maps that can be used to understand different research trends and refine further searches. A bibliographic analysis was then followed, presenting a review of the most relevant studies over the last five years. The method proposed serves to stress where future research into understanding smart systems, their implementation and functionality would be best directed. This research concluded that future research on the topic should conceptualize smart cities as an emergent socio-techno phenomenon.
... A trolibusz esetében még kisebb a környezet át- alakításából adódó problémák száma. 14 Elővárosi közlekedés is fontos eleme az okos város közlekedésének. Több vezető okos város projekt elemeként jelenik meg a városi gyorsvasút (S-bahn). ...
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Smart, sustainable and safe cities. But how can a traditional metropolis achieve this complex aim? What facts are go handed together with the sustainability and the safety expected by the townsmen? How could we improve our city better all by ourselves? What kinds of technological side has got a smart city’s construction and development? We could easily illustrate the answers several numbers from among the urban infrastructures. At the same time in our sight the urban traffic infrastructure in the city's fabric such as the vascular system which encompassed human bodies. The vehicular traffic in cities is almost look likes the flow of the blood in our body. Accordingly, we will point out the local transport system of the city only subjective way. The reason of the above applied method is that we would like to analyze the main qualities of the clever city transport subsystem.
... In the case of trolleybuses, there's an even lower number of problems, deriving from the conversion of the environment. [26] Suburban traffic is also an important part of smart city transport. Urban high speed trains (S-bahn) are occuring as a part of many leading smart city projects. ...
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Nowadays the world’s population grows exponentially and urbanizes larger and larger areas, thereby producing new and previously unknown problems and tasks for the people operating cities. Creating more sustainable and livable urban systems is vitally important in the long run, thus improving the standard of living of city residents. There are a number of studies with different viewpoints being published on „smart” cities these days. However, not many of those deal with creating a smart city in a complex, people-centered aspect. In our study, we concentrate on one of the sub-systems of the smart city, as a complex system. And that is smart transport. One of the addressed challenges in cities is the transportation of the growing population. Current city transportation systems were implemented with different principles in mind at the time. Due to the development of cities, a public transportation reform is needed as well, in order for people to get to their destination safer, faster and easier. The basic concept of designing smart systems is creating a comprehensive, communication-based operation between different units, and this communication ultimately has to have a unified format. A couple of possibilities for us, concerning the development of transportation systems, could be communication technologies, such as 5G or V2X.
An important driver of smart urban mobility is represented by Information and Communication Technologies. This is particularly relevant to tackle the issues represented by increasing economic societal and environmental pressure. A report by the EU Commission (ICT concepts for optimization of mobility in smart cities. EU Commission, 2012) has listed the possible dimensions in which ICTs can strategically be used to facilitate more efficient mobility patterns towards an overall smart development of cities: (a) new trends and policy changes in urban environments; (b) accessibility of transport systems; (c) improved safety and security of the users of urban transport networks; (d) reduced energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and air and noise pollution; (e) improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the transportation of persons and of goods; (f) enhancement of the attractiveness and quality of the urban environment. In order to fulfil the above-mentioned objectives of smart mobility, several aspects of urban mobility can benefit from ICTs. Some of them are related to public management of transport, while others attain the private dimension. The present paper aims at reviewing the main theoretical models and practical solutions that have been proposed in each of the possible dimensions where ICT interacts with smart mobility. The last section is comparative, and it proposes a discussion of the main similarities and heterogeneities that characterize the various models and solutions and of the possible future developments of the issues discussed in the chapter.
This chapter articulates the relevance of smart Economy in Smart Cities in the African context marked by rapid urbanization. A smart city is conceptualized as a sustainable, inclusive, resilient and prosperous city that promotes a people-centric approach based on three core components—Smart City Foundation, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Smart Institutions and Laws. These three core components are the pillars of the seven dimensions of a smart city: Infrastructure Development, Environmental Sustainability, Social Development, Social Inclusion, Disasters Prevention and Resilience, and Peace and Security. Infrastructure Development includes transport, industrial energy, education and health infrastructures, etc. Environment Sustainability is comprised of elements of energy, transport, building and pollution. Social Inclusion includes aspects of participation in decision making as well as according all city residents equal opportunities for growth and prosperity. Social Development encompasses elements of education, health, public space and social capital. Disaster Prevention and Resilience incorporates elements of mitigation and adaptation to various disasters such as flooding, droughts, storms and earthquakes. Peace and security covers all forms of violence and conflicts, including domestic violence, violence in public places, crime, armed conflicts, terrorism, etc. An insecure city limits opportunities for investment and economic growth and cannot be a smart city.
Africa’s rapid urbanization provides opportunities for economies of scale and agglomeration, but it will also call for large investments in infrastructures to respond to the increased demand for urban accessibility. For cities to act as integrated labour markets and match jobs seekers and employers, they need to make employment spatially accessible to all residents. Economies of scale and agglomeration are, indeed, greater in cities where mobility infrastructures are able to respond accessibility needs with higher access to markets and resources than those where people’s mobility is impeded by deficient mobility infrastructures. Demand for accessibility and mobility depends first on how the cities are designed in terms of urban form and structure. Urban form and structure depend on how the cities are planned in terms of (mixed) land use, compactness, densities, and street planning and design among other factors.
The dynamic transformation of the Conakry Metropolitan Region from a population of 38,800 inhabitants in 1950 to a population 1.9 million inhabitants million in 2015 has occurred in different paces, times and places in terms of numbers, urban form and structure (density distribution, and compactness). When a city reaches one million or more of population size, it becomes more complex for its planning, design and management compared to a small city. For instance, when a city reaches one million inhabitants, its accessibility will be largely determined by elements of its urban form and structure as well as elements of transport infrastructures and, recently, elements of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). This accessibility determines in large the interaction between economic and spatial design strategies. After the introduction, this study is divided in five sections. The first section presents the “Conceptual framework of the Smart Metropolitan Regional Development” of the study; The second section presents “Urbanization of the Conakry Peninsula in Time and Space”; The third section focuses on the “Urban Accessibility and Mobility”; The fourth section presents “Urbanization, Economic Growth and Metropolitan Regional Development” including economic growth, human development and sustainability, inclusion, resilience and prosperity; The fifth section presents “Towards a Smart Metropolitan Regional Development” including human development, environmental sustainability and city prosperity; The sixth section, based on the development of the previous sections, presents the “Spatial and Economic Design Strategies for a Smart Conakry Metropolitan Regional Development”.
From a population of 26,303 in 1890 to 102,078 in 1896, to a population of 4.4 million in 2011, Johannesburg located in the Gauteng province, is the largest city in South Africa and is one of the 50 largest urban areas in the world. This has occurred in different paces, times and places in terms of numbers, urban form and structure (density distribution, and compactness). As a megacity, Johannesburg becomes more complex for its planning, design and management compared to a small city. For instance, elements of its urban form and structure as well as elements of transport infrastructures and, recently, elements of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) will largely determine its accessibility. This accessibility determines to a large extent, the interaction between economic and spatial design strategies. Henceforth, this chapter is divided into six sections. The first section presents the “Conceptual framework of the Smart Metropolitan Regional Development” of the study; The second section reflects on the “Gauteng City region and Johannesburg in Time and Space”; The third section focuses on the “Urban Accessibility and Mobility”; The fourth section looks at “Smart Energy for Economic Development”; The fifth section presents “Urbanization, Economic Growth and Metropolitan Regional Development”; and, The sixth section, based on the development of the previous sections, presents the “Spatial and Economic Design Strategies for a Smart Johannesburg Metropolitan Regional Development”.
Urban transport systems worldwide are faced by a multitude of challenges. Among the most visible of these are the traffic gridlocks experienced on city roads and highways all over the world. The prescribed solution to transport problems in most cities has thus been to build more infrastructures for cars, with a limited number of cities improving public transport systems in a sustainable manner. However, a number of challenges faced by urban transport systems – such as greenhouse gas emissions, noise and air pollution and road traffic accidents – do not necessarily get solved by the construction of new infrastructure.
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