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A compact and easy to handle set-up for high quality MR Elastography of the breast


Abstract and Figures

Synopsis Distinction between benign and malignant breast lesions remains diတcult with conventional (dynamic) contrast-enhanced MRI. MR Elastography (MRE) can distinguish benign and malignant tissues based on their viscoelastic properties but breast MRE has not found widespread use in daily clinical practice, because of the complex equipment required and cumbersome data acquisition. Here we present a compact, easy to handle breast MRE setup that allows the acquisition of high quality, artefact-free MRE data. This setup was designed, built and tested at two diတerent institutions in volunteers and a patient. Target audience Clinicians, scientists interested in cancer research, breast imaging, and MR Elastography. Purpose Breast cancer is the second most common cancer and one in eight women is expected to develop this type of cancer during her life. Treatment options include (neo-adjuvant) chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery, with many women opting for breast-saving therapy: excision of the tumour while the breast remains in place. To reduce breast cancer-related mortality, screening programs have been implemented in many countries to detect early cancers. Population screening is done with X-ray mammography, often with follow-up by (dynamic) contrast-enhanced MRI. Although MRI has high sensitivity, its speciဠcity is only moderate due to overlap between benign and malignant lesions resulting in false-positive ဠndings and hence, relatively low positive predictive value. MR Elastography (MRE) has shown to be a promising technique for distinguishing between benign and malignant tissues based on their viscoelastic properties. However, breast MRE has not found widespread use in daily clinical practice, probably due to the relatively complex MRE actuator setups necessary to generate shear waves for MRE. Many proposed breast MRE actuator setups use a coil as engine (engine-coil) to generate the shear wave, which is closely placed to the breast. The B-ဠelds generated by these coils disturb the imaged FOV in close vicinity to the engine-coil, which often results in artefacts that reduce the valid image volume. In this study we present a compact clinically easy to handle breast MRE setup where the engine-coils are placed at a distance from the breast, resulting in high quality artefact-free MRE images.
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Radiology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Biomedical NMR, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands, Preclinical and
Translational MRI, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Surgery, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Biomedical Engineering, King's
College London, London, United Kingdom
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This review on magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) of the breast provides an overview of available literature and describes current developments in the field of breast MRE, including new transducer technology for data acquisition and multi‐frequency‐derived power‐law behaviour of tissue. Moreover, we discuss the future potential of breast MRE, which goes beyond its original application as an additional tool in differentiating benign from malignant breast lesions. These areas of ongoing and future research include MRE for pre‐operative tumour delineation, staging, monitoring and predicting response to treatment, as well as prediction of the metastatic potential of primary tumours.
The purpose of this analysis is to explore the potential diagnostic gain provided by the viscoelastic shear properties of breast lesions for the improvement of the specificity of contrast enhanced dynamic MR mammography (MRM). The assessment of viscoelastic properties is done via dynamic MR elastography (MRE) and it is demonstrated that the complex shear modulus of in vivo breast tissue follows within the frequency range of clinical MRE a power law behavior. Taking benefit of this frequency behavior, data are interpreted in the framework of the exact model for wave propagation satisfying the causality principle. This allows to obtain the exponent of the frequency power law from the complex shear modulus at one single frequency which is validated experimentally. Thereby, scan time is drastically reduced. It is observed that malignant tumors obtain larger exponents of the power law than benign tumors indicating a more liquid-like behavior. The combination of the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BIRADS) categorization obtained via MRM with viscoelastic information leads to a substantial rise in specificity. Analysis of 39 malignant and 29 benign lesions shows a significant diagnostic gain with an increase of about 20% in specificity at 100% sensitivity.
Garteiser P, Sahebjavaher RS, Ter Beek LC et al. Rapid acquisition of multifrequency, multislice and multidirectional MR elastography data with a fractionally encoded gradient echo sequence
  • M C Mahoney
  • C Gatsonis
  • L Hanna
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