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Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation für Human- und Sozialwissenschaftler (4. Auflage)



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Nicola Döring
... High item difficulty corresponding to a high self-assessment of digital competences by the participants. Some of the item difficulties are near or above the threshold value of 0.8 (Bortz & Döring, 2006), indicating a relatively high self-assessment of digital competences by the participants. In addition, Figure 1 shows the distribution of DCS mean scores (means over the 12 DCS items). ...
... To assess the instrument's reliability, Cronbach's a was computed assuming one-dimensionality of the scale. The Cronbach's a value (a = 0.94) falls into the range of acceptable values from .70 to .95 (Bortz & Döring, 2006;Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994). ...
... Validity of the instrument was assessed by computing correlations with indicators assumed to be positively correlated with digital competences (i.e., convergent validity: Bortz & Döring, 2006). The following four indicators were chosen to assess the instrument's validity: digital competences assessed through a set of knowledge test items (cf. ...
... Insbesondere wird im Zusammenhang mit Testitems die Pearson-Produkt-Moment-Korrelation r kt zwischen einem Wert x k für das Item k und dem Gesamt-Testwert t (falls dieser sinnvoll berechnet werden kann, etwa als Summe aller Teilleistungen) als Item-Trennschärfe bezeichnet (vergleiche Bortz & Döring, 2006, S. 219): r kt = cov(x k ,t) σx k ·σt . Der Item-Trennschärfe-Koeffizient ist ein Zahlenmaß dafür, wie gut ein bestimmter Item-Wert das Gesamt-Testergebnis vorhersagen kann. ...
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Introduction Health disparities pose a considerable challenge for older adults individuals, particularly those with a heightened risk of developing dementia. Discrepancies in health status among various income brackets are only partially attributable to structural factors such as working and living conditions or the quality of food. The aim of this study was therefore to explore whether and to what extent various health-promoting behaviors can explain the association between household income and self-rated health among older people at risk of dementia. Methods The sample consisted of 845 participants (average age 68.9 years; 52.6% female) from the study, an intervention trial aiming to preserve cognitive function. The participants exhibited an increased risk of dementia, defined by a CAIDE (Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Aging and Dementia) score of at least nine points. To explore the relationship between household income and self-rated health, measured using the EQ-5D-VAS, a regression analysis was conducted. This association was then examined using four mediation analyses that included health-promoting behaviors such as fruit and vegetable consumption, social participation, physical activities, and cognitive activities. Results The results reveal a positive association between higher income and self-rated health. This relationship is mediated by social participation. Additionally, cognitive activities were found to partially mediate this correlation. Neither physical activities nor fruit and vegetable consumption could account for the association between income and self-rated health. Conclusion The findings have the potential to advance research on the correlation between income and health among older age cohorts at risk of developing dementia. They highlight the potential significance of social engagement and cognitive activities for health and may inspire the development of strategies aimed at enhancing accessibility to activities such as cultural events, educational institutions, and participation in courses for a wider audience.
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Abstract (DE): Klassische Kommunikationswege wie Telefonate erweisen sich oft als unzureichend, da sie ressourcenintensiv sind und Kund*innen an feste Betriebszeiten binden. Die Kontaktaufnahme und der Informationsaustausch über Web-Formulare, Messenger-Apps oder E-Mail weisen den Nachteil einer asynchronen Kommunikation auf und sind ebenfalls mit hohem Ressourcenverbrauch verbunden. In diesem Zusammenhang gewinnen Konversationsschnittstellen, insbesondere KI-basierte Chatbots, an Bedeutung. Durch die Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache, Lernfähigkeit und ständige Verfügbarkeit bieten sie signifikante Vorteile für den Kundendienst und ermöglichen eine effiziente Kommunikation zwischen Unternehmen und Kund*innen. Trotz dieser Potenziale stoßen KI-basierte Chatbots oft auf Akzeptanzprobleme bei den Nutzer*innen, die sie als nicht ausreichend nützlich, einfach zu bedienen oder vertrauenswürdig empfinden. Diese Arbeit fokussiert sich auf die Nutzer*innen-Perspektive und untersucht den Anwendungsfall des Fritz-Bots, einem KI-basierten Chatbot der Sozialversicherung der Selbstständigen (SVS). Ziel ist es, Nutzeranforderungen und Akzeptanzkriterien zu ermitteln und ein nutzerzentriertes Systemkonzept für das Online-Kundenassistenztool der SVS zu entwickeln. Der theoretische Teil dieser Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Untersuchung aktueller KI-Technologien, insbesondere Large Language Models und Chatbot-Anwendungen, gestützt auf relevante Fachliteratur. Der praktische Teil ergänzt diese Untersuchung durch eine heuristische Evaluation verschiedener aktueller Chatbot-Systeme. Zusätzlich bietet die Studie eine umfassende User Research, die sowohl quantitative als auch qualitative Daten sammelt, um tiefergehende Einblicke in die Nutzerinteraktionen und -präferenzen zu ermöglichen. Die Ergebnisse sollen nicht nur die Akzeptanz von KI-basierten Chatbots verbessern, sondern auch relevante Erkenntnisse für die Gestaltung zukünftiger interaktiver Systeme bieten und so die Schnittstelle zwischen Mensch und Maschine optimieren. _____________________________________________________________________ Abstract (EN): Traditional communication methods such as phone calls often prove to be inadequate because they are resource-intensive and tie customers to fixed operating hours. Contact and information exchange via web forms, messenger apps, or email suffer from the disadvantage of asynchronous communication and are also associated with high resource consumption. In this context, conversational interfaces, especially AI-based chatbots, are gaining importance. With their ability to process natural language, learn, and be available around the clock, they offer significant advantages for customer service and enable efficient communication between companies and customers. Despite these potentials, AI-based chatbots often face acceptance problems among users who find them insufficiently useful, easy to use, or trustworthy. This work focuses on the user perspective and examines the case of the Fritz-Bot, an AI-based chatbot developed by the Social Insurance for the Self-Employed (SVS). The goal is to identify user requirements and acceptance criteria and to develop a user-centered system concept for the SVS's online customer assistance tool. The theoretical part of this work concentrates on the study of current AI technologies, particularly large language models and chatbot applications, supported by relevant literature. The practical part complements this study with a heuristic evaluation of various current chatbot systems. Additionally, the study conducts comprehensive user research that collects both quantitative and qualitative data to gain deeper insights into user interactions and preferences. The results aim not only to improve the acceptance of AI-based chatbots but also to provide relevant insights for the design of future interactive systems, thus optimizing the interface between humans and machines.
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The present study aims at investigating conditions underlying positive interactions and relationships in the context of early child care. The study focuses on interindividual differences in caregivers‘ attachment and mentalizing capacities. In a sample of N = 66 early childhood teachers in Germany, attachment representations were assessed using the Adult Attachment Interview. In order to assess the teachers’ mentalizing capacities, based on the revised Parent Development Interview a semi-structured interview was developed, administered and coded using the Reflective Functioning Scale. To assess teachers‘ emotional distress the interviews were coded using the Assessment of Representational Risk. Teachers with secure attachment representations achieved the highest RF scores. Emotional distress had little impact on the mentalizing capacities of caregivers with secure and dismissing attachment. In contrast, the mentalizing capacities of caregivers with preoccupied attachment were impaired with increased emotional distress. The results indicate that attachment security influences how early childhood teachers perceive, appraise and interpret current relationships with the children. In particular, in teachers with preoccupied attachment emotional distress seems to have a moderating effect. Implications for research and practice are discussed.
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The Digital Age has revolutionized the media landscape, reshaping how consumers access and interact with content. Consumers now have access to a wide range of media content, from physical copies to digital downloads and streaming. This has led to content creators detaching from traditional publishing and self-publishing their content on platforms like Wattpad, SoundCloud, and YouTube. The Digital Age has also added more remedies to signal quality to consumers, such as online reviews and personalized recommendations. This paper aims to analyze the impact of the Digital Age on the quality of media content in three different media fields (books, music, and films and series) by conducting an online survey among 245 German-speaking internet users in May 2022. Findings reveal a significant increase in access to content creators and content availability for consumers in the Digital Age. Moreover, the Digital Age introduces mechanisms that assist consumers in evaluating content quality, mitigating the adverse selection problem. The study concludes that media content quality in the Digital Age surpasses that of the Pre-Digital Age. For an enhanced consumer experience in the field of books, media providers should reconsider their algorithms, prioritizing content over purchasing patterns. Caution is advised in reinforcing intellectual property rights, emphasizing the need for judicious application to preserve content creation incentives.
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Gastherausgabe "Bindung und Mentalisieren als Aspekte wirksamer pädagogischer Handlungs- und Beziehungskompetenz" Empirische Pädagogik 2024 – 38 (3). Gefördert durch Movetia – Austausch und Mobilität. Movetia Projektnummer: 022-1-CH01-IP-0046 sowie durch die Aebli-Näf-Stiftung zur Förderung der Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung.
The person-centred analysis of categorical data is complementary to the variable-centred forms of data analysis widely used in the social sciences. The person-centred perspective is based on the research disciplines of psychography and comparative research in the field of differential psychology, as founded by William Stern (1911). In addition to parametric methods such as latent class analysis (LCA; e.g. Formann, 1984), configuration frequency analysis (KFA; Eye & Wiedermann, 2021; Lienert, 1971; Stemmler, 2020) is a non-parametric method. The R package confreq (Heine, Alexandrowicz & Stemmler, 2021) is an implementation of KFA for the free statistical environment R (R Core Team, 2021) and is available in the current version 1.5.6-4 on CRAN (see This implementation of the KFA offers a flexible and expandable framework concept for the visualisation and evaluation of categorical data and enables the formulation of a large number of KFA models according to the principle of log-linear modelling (LLM) using a design matrix. In the AKA computer workshop, a brief introduction to the framework concept of confreq will first be given. A recently published article on the R package (cf. Heine & Stemmler, 2021) provides orientation. The focus of the computer workshop on confreq will then be the discussion and planning of possible extensions to the functional scope of the R package in the context of the application of the R package to current data sets.
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