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An RDF Dataset Generator for the Social
Network Benchmark with Real-World Coherence
Mirko Spasi´c1,2, Milos Jovanovik1,3, and Arnau Prat-P´erez4
1OpenLink Software, UK
2Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Serbia
3Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia
4Sparsity Technologies, Spain
{mspasic, mjovanovik},
Abstract. Synthetic datasets used in benchmarking need to mimic all
characteristics of real-world datasets, in order to provide realistic bench-
marking results. Synthetic RDF datasets usually show a significant dis-
crepancy in the level of structuredness compared to real-world RDF
datasets. This structural difference is important as it directly affects stor-
age, indexing and querying. In this paper, we show that the synthetic
RDF dataset used in the Social Network Benchmark is characterized
with high-structuredness and therefore introduce modifications to the
data generator so that it produces an RDF dataset with a real-world
Keywords: Data Generation, Social Network Benchmark, Synthetic Data,
Linked Data, Big Data, RDF, Benchmarks.
1 Introduction
Linked Data and RDF benchmarking require the use of real-world or synthetic
RDF datasets [2]. For better benchmarking, synthetic RDF datasets need to
comply with the general characteristics observed in their real-world counterparts,
such as the schema, structure, size, distributions, etc. As the authors of [3] show,
synthetic RDF datasets used in benchmarking exhibit a significant structural
difference from real datasets: real-world RDF datasets are less coherent, i.e. have
a lower degree of structuredness than synthetic RDF datasets. This structural
difference is important as it has direct consequences on the storage of the data,
as well as on the ways the data are indexed and queried.
In order to create the basis for more realistic RDF benchmarking, we mod-
ify the existing RDF data generator for the Social Network Benchmark so that
the resulting synthetic dataset follows the structuredness observed in real-world
RDF datasets. Additionally, we implement the coherence measurement for RDF
datasets as a Virtuoso procedure, to simplify the process of measuring the struc-
turedness of any given RDF dataset by using the RDF graph stored in the quad
store, instead of using RDF files.
* The presented work was funded by the H2020 project HOBBIT (#688227).
2 Background and Related Work
2.1 Data Generator for the Social Network Benchmark
The Social Network Benchmark (SNB) [4] provides a synthetic data generator
(Datagen)1, which models an online social network (OSN), like Facebook. The
data contains different types of entities and relations, such as persons with friend-
ship relations among them, posts, comments or likes. Additionally, it reproduces
many of the structural characteristics observed in real OSNs, summarized below.
Attribute correlations. Real data is correlated by nature. For instance,
given names to persons are correlated with their country. Similarly, the textual
content of a message is correlated with the interests of its creator. For the purpose
of benchmarking and performance evaluation, reproducing these correlations is
essential since their understanding can be used to generate optimal execution
plans or to properly lay out the data in memory. Datagen uses dictionaries
extracted from DBpedia to create entities with correlated attribute values.
Degree distributions. The underlying graph structure of OSNs exhibits
skewed degree distributions: most of people have between 20 to 200 friends,
while a few of them have over 5000 friends [12]. In a real database system, this
skewness complicates the estimation of cardinalities required to produce optimal
execution plans, or the load balancing when executing parallel operators over
adjacency lists. Also, nodes with a large degree, commonly known as hubs, must
be carefully handled, specially in distributed systems, where traversing these
nodes can incur in a large inter-node communication. Datagen takes the degree
distribution of Facebook and empirically reproduces it.
Structure-Attribute correlations. The homophily principle states that in
a real social network, similar people have a larger probability to be connected,
which leads to the formation of many transitive relations between connected peo-
ple with similar characteristics. As a consequence, even though it is commonly
accepted that graph data access patterns are usually random, in practice there is
some degree of locality that can be exploited. For instance, people from a given
country are more likely to be connected among them than to people from other
countries. Thus, this information can be used to lay out data in memory wisely
to improve graph traversal’s performance, for instance, by putting all people in a
country closer in memory. Datagen generates person relationships based on dif-
ferent correlation dimensions (i.e. the interests of a person, the place that person
studied, etc.). These correlation dimensions are used to sort persons in such a
way that those that are more similar, are placed close. Then, edges are created
between close by persons, with a probability that decreases geometrically with
their distance. As shown in [11], this approach successfully produces attribute
correlated networks with other desirable characteristics such as large clustering
coefficient, a small diameter or a large largest connected component.
Spiky activity volume. In a real social network, the amount of activity is
not uniform but reactive to real-world events. If a natural disaster occurs, we
1 snb datagen
will observe people talking about it mostly after the time of the disaster, and
the associated activity volume will decay as the hours pass. This translates to an
spiky volume activity along the like of the social network, mixing moments with
a high load with situations where the load level is small. Also, this means that the
amount of messages produced by people and their topics are correlated with given
points in time, which complicates the work of a query optimizer when estimating
cardinalities for their query plans. This can also make a system unable to cope
with the load if it has not been properly overprovisioned to handle these spiky
situations. Instead of generating posts and comments uniformly distributed along
time, Datagen creates virtual events of different degrees of relevance, which are
used to drive the generation of the user activity, producing a spiky distribution.
2.2 Dataset Coherence
The comparison of data generated with existing RDF benchmarks (TPC-H,
BSBM, LUBM, SP2Bench, etc.) and data found in widely used real RDF datasets
(DBpedia, UniProt, etc.) shows that these two have significant structural differ-
ences [3]. In the same paper, the authors introduce a composite metric, called
coherence of a dataset, in order to quantify the structuredness of the dataset D
with respect to the type system Tas follows:
CH (T, D) = X
W T (CV (T , D)) ·CV (T, D )
This is the weighted sum of the coverage CV (T , D) of individual types T∈ T ,
where the weight coefficient W T (CV (T , D)) depends on the number of proper-
ties for a type T, the number of entities in dataset Dof type T, and their share
in the totality of the dataset Damong the other types. Its rationale is to give
higher impact to types with more instances and properties. CV (T, D) represents
the coverage of type Ton the dataset D. It depends on whether the instances
of the type Tset a value for all its properties. If that is the case for all the
instances, the coverage will be 1 (perfect structuredness), otherwise it will take
a value from [0,1). The conclusion of [3] is that there is a clear distinction in the
structuredness, i.e. the coherence between the datasets derived from the exist-
ing RDF benchmarks and the real-world RDF datasets. For the first ones, the
values range between 0.79 (for SP2Bench) and 1 (for TPC-H) showing us the
characteristics of relational databases, while the coherence values for almost all
real-world datasets are below or around 0.6.
3 Measuring RDF Dataset Coherence in Virtuoso
In order to make an RDF benchmark more realistic, the dataset should follow
the nature of real data. Since the SNB dataset is developed to test not only
RDF stores, but also graph database systems, graph programming frameworks,
relational and noSQL database systems, we wanted to measure how this dataset
is suitable for RDF benchmarks.
The authors of [3] propose a workflow to compute the coherence of a dataset
in a few steps: assembling all triples into a single file, data cleaning and nor-
malization, generating several new files and sorting them in different orders to
provide the ability that the corresponding metrics can be collected by making a
single pass of the sorted file. The disadvantages of this approach are the mem-
ory requirements for storing all files in non-compressed format, and the time
required to sort them. Also, the sorting process could use additional temporary
space which is not negligible.
Here, we propose a new approach to compute coherence of any dataset, us-
ing an efficient RDF store, such as Virtuoso [5], leaving to the system to take
care of the efficacy and data compression. Virtuoso is a column store with good
compression capabilities, thus we will have a simpler and much more space- and
time-efficient procedure for calculating the proposed metric. First, we load the
dataset in question in a graph within Virtuoso, with a single command (ld dir).
Afterwards, we define a stored procedure in Virtuoso/PL for calculating the
coherence, by selecting all types from a dataset, calculating their individual cov-
erage and the weighted sum coefficient. The procedure, along with its supporting
procedures, is available on GitHub2. Here, we show the coverage() procedure:
create procedure coverage (in graph VARCHAR, in t LONG VARCHAR) {
declare a, b, c bigint;
select sum(cnt) into a from (
select t2.P as pred, count(distinct t1.S) as cnt
from RDF_QUAD t1, RDF_QUAD t2
where t1.S = t2.S and t2.P <> iri_to_id(’rdf:type’)
and t1.G = iri_to_id(graph) and t2.G = iri_to_id(graph)
and t1.P = iri_to_id(’rdf:type’) and t1.O = iri_to_id(t)
group by pred
) tmp ;
select count(distinct t2.P) into b from RDF_QUAD t1, RDF_QUAD t2
where t1.S = t2.S and t2.P <> iri_to_id(’rdf:type’)
and t1.G = iri_to_id(graph) and t2.G = iri_to_id(graph)
and t1.P = iri_to_id(’rdf:type’) and t1.O = iri_to_id(t) ;
select count(distinct S) into c from RDF_QUAD
where G = iri_to_id(graph)
and P = iri_to_id(’rdf:type’) and O = iri_to_id(t) ;
return cast (a as real) / (b * c);
Using the original SNB Datagen, we prepared the datasets whose sizes and co-
herence metrics are presented in the Section 5. Since their coherence varies from
0.86 to 0.89, we can conclude that these datasets are much more structured than
the real-world RDF datasets, thus they are not suitable for benchmarking RDF
stores. Our intention is to make them mimic real-world Linked Data datasets,
with a structuredness level of around 0.6.
2 snb implementations
4 A Realistic RDF Dataset Generator for the Social
Network Benchmark
The original SNB Datagen (Section 2.1) reproduces the important structural
characteristics observed in real online social networks. However, the authors of
[3] show that structuredness is also important for RDF datasets used for bench-
marking. Therefore, we modify the SNB Datagen so that we lower the struc-
turedness, i.e. coherence measure, from around 0.88 to around 0.6, to comply
with the structuredness of real-world RDF datasets.
The authors of [3] propose a generic way of decreasing the coherence met-
ric for any dataset, without using domain specific knowledge. The consequence
of this modification is the reduction of the dataset size. We decided to take a
different approach and make some changes to the initial data generator, intro-
ducing new predicates for some instances, as well as removing some triples from
the initial dataset, all while taking into account the reality of the specific do-
main, i.e. a social network. This enrichment phase provides a more realistic and
complex dataset, complying with the current state and features of real-world
social networks. In Table 1, we present the most dominant types from the SNB
dataset, along with their weights. We omit the other types, as their weights are
not significant in this case.
Table 1. Entity types and their weights from the SNB dataset.
Type Weight
Comment 0.6477
Post 0.3126
Forum 0.0282
Person 0.0031
The weight of a type mostly depends on the number of its instances in the
dataset. In the SNB dataset the comments are the most numerous, followed by
posts, which is visible in the results shown in Table 1 where we can see their
dominance in this regard: they hold 96% of the dataset weight. In order to
decrease the coherence metric of the dataset, CH (T, D), we should decrease the
coverage CV (T , D) of each type Tfrom the dataset. But, if we, for example,
decrease the coverage of type Person from 0.95 to 0 (which is not realistic), that
will result in a drop of the coherence measure for less than 0.3%. Bearing in mind
that we have to decrease it much more than that, the only reasonable choice for
modifications are the Comment and Post types.
The mutual predicates of these two types are browserUsed,content,creation-
Date,hasCreator,hasTag,id,isLocatedIn,length and locationIP, while Comment
instances additionally have the replyOf predicate, and Post instances can have
language and imageFile properties if the Post instance is a photo. One way of de-
creasing the coverage of specific types is the removal of a high number of triplets
related to a specific property. But, taking into account the specific domain, we
conclude that the only property that can be removed in part of the posts and
comments is isLocatedIn. The initial purpose of this property was to specify a
country from which the message was issued, and it was determined by the IP
address of the location where the message had been created. However, since a
lot of users access social networks using their smartphones equipped with GPS
receivers, social networks offer the possibility of adding locations to the mes-
sages. If we consider this property in that manner, we can remove the location
from some messages, as not all messages contain location information. Various
research in the domain show that users rarely share their location in the posts:
the authors of [7] show that only about 1.2% of Twitter posts contain an explicit
location information, while [9] shows that only around 6% of Instagram posts
(photos) have a location tagged. Therefore, we remove the location information
from 98% of comments and textual posts, and from 94% of photo posts, and
with it the coverage of posts and comments gets significantly reduced.
Since it does not make sense to remove any other property, in order to achieve
our goal, we decided to introduce new ones. In the initial dataset, all of the
comments are textual, while recently social networks added a predefined set of
GIFs which can be used as comments [8, 6]. In the initial dataset, one third of all
comments are long textual comments, while two thirds are short comments, e.g.
“ok”, “great”, “cool”, “thx”, “lol”, “no way!”, “I see”, “maybe”, etc. In order to
include GIFs as comments, we introduce the gifFile property, which we apply in
80% of the short comments as a replacement of their content property.
In the next step, we add one more property to posts and comments: mentions.
Its purpose is to mention a person in a post or a comment. This modification
is also in line with what we have on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, etc., where a user can mention another user in a post or a comment,
usually to make the other person aware of it. An analysis we performed over the
Twitter7 dataset [13] showed that 40% of he tweets contain at least one mention.
Therefore, we add this property to 40% of posts and comments, which provides
an additional drop in the coherence measure.
A significant issue in operating a social network is privacy. Facebook intro-
duced the possibility for each author of a post/comment to determine its level of
privacy: if you want to share it publicly, to your friends only, or to specific group
of people [1]. Therefore, we introduce the visibility predicate, which is set to a
post/comment when it is posted with a privacy setting different from the default
one for the user. Therefore, we generate this property for 5% of all messages,
using the assumption that users generally use their default privacy setting.
The final change we added to the data generator is the addition of the link
property, which both textual posts and comment can have. This corresponds to
the real-world activity of sharing a link in a post, in addition to the text. Based
on the analysis of user behavior on social media [10], which found that 43% of
Facebook posts contain links, we add the link property to that share of textual
posts and comments. As a value for the link property, we use a random value
from a predefined pool, similar as with other properties filled by the Datagen.
It will always be fetched at the end of query execution, without any filtering to
introduce estimation of cardinality, so the actual value is irrelevant.
The new SNB Datagen which generates RDF datasets with real-world coher-
ence is publicly available on GitHub3.
5 Measurements
To assess the structuredness of the RDF datasets generated by the original data
generator and our modified version of it, we made measurements of the datasets
in different sizes: 1, 3, 10, 30, and 100GB. Table 2 and Table 3 depict the results
of the measurements: they show the number of triplets (in millions), and the
coherence metric for all versions of the datasets. The tables provide a good
overview of the dependence of the structuredness measure on the dataset size
and the number of instances, in both the original and the modified dataset.
Table 2. Coherence of the initial
SNB datasets.
SF #Triplets Coherence
1 46.9M 0.8599
3 142.6M 0.8702
10 480.8M 0.8808
30 1478.2M 0.8883
100 4804.3M 0.8943
Table 3. Coherence of the modified
SNB datasets.
SF #Triplets Coherence
1 45.4M 0.6025
3 136.5M 0.6049
10 464.1M 0.6086
30 1428.4M 0.6115
100 4645.7M 0.6139
6 Conclusion and Future Work
In this paper, we introduced modification to the SNB data generator, to lower
the generated RDF dataset coherence to a value of around 0.6, which corresponds
better with real RDF datasets. We removed the location value in most posts and
comments, and introduced new properties in the dataset: a GIF-type comment,
user mentions and links in posts/comments, as well a level of visibility of a post.
We used general characteristics of real social networks, such as Twitter, Facebook
and Instagram, to generate a dataset which mimics real social networks. With
all changes combined, we manage to get an RDF dataset for the SNB with the
desired structuredness, i.e. coherence value. Additionally, we introduce a set of
Virtuoso procedures which can be used for calculating the dataset coherence of
3 snb datagen
any RDF dataset stored in the quad store. With this, we simplify the process of
coherence calculation introduced by the authors of [3].
As future work, we plan to reduce the coverage of other types besides posts
and comments. We will also address the correlations in the newly added parts
of the dataset. This will not change the overall structuredness, but the dataset
will further correspond to real-world RDF data. The changes and additions in-
troduced in the dataset will be implemented in the corresponding SNB queries.
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