Technical ReportPDF Available

Abstract and Figures

The ECOPOTENTIAL project aims to build a unified framework for ecosystem studies and management of protected areas. To achieve such objective, the open and interoperable access to data and knowledge is assured by a GEO Ecosystem Virtual Laboratory Platform, fully integrated in GEOSS. The concept of GEO Ecosystem Virtual Laboratory stems from the need of moving from open data to open science as a new vision of participatory scientific research. Therefore, it aims not only to data sharing but more generally to provide support the ecosystem community-of-practice in research activities. The architecture of the GEO Ecosystem Virtual Laboratory is based on a set of principles currently shared in the scientific research communities, with particular reference to the GEO initiative, including GEOSS Data Sharing Principles, GEOSS Data Management Principles and GEOSS Architecture Principles. Moreover, since ECOPOTENTIAL participates in the Horizon 2020 pilot action on open access to research data, the activities of the ECOPOTENTIAL Consortium for the definition of the ECOPOTENTIAL Data Management Plan are a fundamental input for the architecture of the ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory. The design of the ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory puts its basis on past experiences in building System of Systems through a brokering approach. In brokered architectures, dedicated components provide mediation and harmonization of interfaces and data models avoiding the need of changes in the data provider systems. The mature data brokering approach will be complemented with innovative semantic technologies – including concept-based queries and annotations – and support of discovery and invocation of workflows implementing storylines on multiple protected areas contributing to enable the open science vision in ecosystem science. The development focuses on loosely-coupled integration of mature technologies and tools, based on open tools or components provided or under control of the ECOPOTENTIAL Consortium members. The integration of new tools in the Virtual Laboratory is based on full server-side APIs, while applications development is facilitated through simple client-side APIs based on widespread Web technologies (HTML5, Javascript and CSS). For greater flexibility, ECOPOTENTIAL adopts an agile methodology allowing rapid development in response to new requirements. It will have four main yearly iterations with fixed objectives for demonstration in reviews and events.
Content may be subject to copyright.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
and innovation programme under grant agreement No 641762
Deliverable No: D10.1
Design of the ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory
Project number: 641762
Project Acronym: ECOPOTENTIAL
Type: Research and innovation actions
Work program topics
SC5-16-2014: “Making Earth Observation and Monitoring Data
usable for ecosystem modelling and services”
Due date of
31 May 2016
Actual submission
02 August 2016
Version: V1.0
Main Authors: Stefano Nativi, Paolo Mazzetti, Mattia Santoro
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Document Metadata _____________________________________________________________ 2
Outline ________________________________________________________________________ 3
Executive Summary ______________________________________________________________ 5
1 Introduction ________________________________________________________________ 6
2 Rationale and main concepts __________________________________________________ 6
2.1 The ECOPOTENTIAL main objective ________________________________________________ 6
2.2 The ECOPOTENTIAL context and conditions __________________________________________ 7
2.3 Geospatial information in ECOPOTENTIAL: role and issues ______________________________ 8
2.4 Open Data in ECOPOTENTIAL _____________________________________________________ 9
2.5 Toward Open Science __________________________________________________________ 10
2.5.1 Open Knowledge ______________________________________________________________________ 10
2.5.2 Virtual laboratories ____________________________________________________________________ 11
2.6 The concept of ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory ___________________________________ 11
3 ECOPOTENTIAL architecture principles __________________________________________ 12
4 ECOPOTENTIAL design principles _______________________________________________ 12
4.1 Open Software Architectures ____________________________________________________ 12
4.2 Brokered Systems of Systems ____________________________________________________ 13
4.2.1 System of Systems Engineering __________________________________________________________ 13
4.2.2 Federation vs. Brokering ________________________________________________________________ 14
4.2.3 Standardization and brokering ___________________________________________________________ 15
4.2.4 Addressing interoperability through brokered architectures ___________________________________ 17
4.3 ECOPOTENTIAL service provision model ____________________________________________ 18
4.4 Orthogonality of resource-sharing and security architectures __________________________ 19
4.5 ECOPOTENTIAL design principles _________________________________________________ 19
5 ECOPOTENTIAL SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW _______________________________ 19
5.1 Architecture description ________________________________________________________ 19
5.2 Enterprise Viewpoint ___________________________________________________________ 20
5.2.1 Actors _______________________________________________________________________________ 20
5.2.2 User scenarios and requirements _________________________________________________________ 21
5.2.3 Constraints and assumptions ____________________________________________________________ 24
5.2.4 System Requirements __________________________________________________________________ 24
5.3 Computational Viewpoint _______________________________________________________ 26
5.4 Information Viewpoint _________________________________________________________ 29
5.4.1 The ECOPOTENTIAL information model ____________________________________________________ 30
5.4.2 Resource sharing in ECOPOTENTIAL _______________________________________________________ 30
5.4.3 Heterogeneity ________________________________________________________________________ 30
5.4.4 Semantics ___________________________________________________________________________ 34
5.5 Engineering Viewpoint__________________________________________________________ 34
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5.6 Technology Viewpoint __________________________________________________________ 37
5.6.1 Brokering Framework __________________________________________________________________ 38
5.6.2 Semantic Service ______________________________________________________________________ 39
5.6.3 Transformation Service _________________________________________________________________ 40
5.6.4 Resource Interaction Facade ____________________________________________________________ 40
5.6.5 Web Portal, Web Applications and Client Apps ______________________________________________ 40
5.6.6 Resource Server(s) ____________________________________________________________________ 40
5.6.7 Annotation Server _____________________________________________________________________ 41
6 Implementation ____________________________________________________________ 41
6.1 Development approach _________________________________________________________ 41
6.2 System integration _____________________________________________________________ 44
6.2.1 The GI-suite Brokering Framework________________________________________________________ 44
6.2.2 Annotation Server _____________________________________________________________________ 52
6.3 Status of implementation _______________________________________________________ 53
6.4 First Prototype: the Metadata Platform ____________________________________________ 53
7 Deployment _______________________________________________________________ 55
7.1 Deployment plan ______________________________________________________________ 56
8 References ________________________________________________________________ 57
9 Annex A: GEOSS Data Sharing Principles ________________________________________ 60
10 Annex B: GEOSS Data Management Principles __________________________________ 61
Discoverability ______________________________________________________________________ 61
Accessibility ________________________________________________________________________ 61
Usability ___________________________________________________________________________ 61
Preservation ________________________________________________________________________ 61
Curation ___________________________________________________________________________ 61
11 Annex C: GEOSS Architecture Principles _______________________________________ 62
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Executive Summary
The ECOPOTENTIAL project aims to build a unified framework for ecosystem studies and management of
protected areas. To achieve such objective, the open and interoperable access to data and knowledge is
assured by a GEO Ecosystem Virtual Laboratory Platform, fully integrated in GEOSS. The concept of GEO
Ecosystem Virtual Laboratory stems from the need of moving from open data to open science as a new vision
of participatory scientific research. Therefore, it aims not only to data sharing but more generally to provide
support the ecosystem community-of-practice in research activities.
The architecture of the GEO Ecosystem Virtual Laboratory is based on a set of principles currently shared in
the scientific research communities, with particular reference to the GEO initiative, including GEOSS Data
Sharing Principles, GEOSS Data Management Principles and GEOSS Architecture Principles. Moreover, since
ECOPOTENTIAL participates in the Horizon 2020 pilot action on open access to research data, the activities
of the ECOPOTENTIAL Consortium for the definition of the ECOPOTENTIAL Data Management Plan are a
fundamental input for the architecture of the ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory.
The design of the ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory puts its basis on past experiences in building System of
Systems through a brokering approach. In brokered architectures, dedicated components provide mediation
and harmonization of interfaces and data models avoiding the need of changes in the data provider systems.
The mature data brokering approach will be complemented with innovative semantic technologies
including concept-based queries and annotations and support of discovery and invocation of workflows
implementing storylines on multiple protected areas contributing to enable the open science vision in
ecosystem science.
The development focuses on loosely-coupled integration of mature technologies and tools, based on open
tools or components provided or under control of the ECOPOTENTIAL Consortium members. The integration
of new tools in the Virtual Laboratory is based on full server-side APIs, while applications development is
facilitated through simple client-side APIs based on widespread Web technologies (HTML5, Javascript and
For greater flexibility, ECOPOTENTIAL adopts an agile methodology allowing rapid development in response
to new requirements. It will have four main yearly iterations with fixed objectives for demonstration in
reviews and events.
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This document describes the system architecture of the ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory: a service-based
platform for a virtual (i.e. online distributed) and open (i.e. accessible) laboratory to study ecosystems and
contribute to GEO/GEOSS for facilitating access to Open Data.
The present version bases on: (a) the general context of cyberinfrastructures and Virtual Research
Environments (VRE) in multidisciplinary science, (b) the requirements from the H2020-SC5-2014-two-stage
call on the SC5-16-2014 topic of the Societal Challenge 5, and (c) specific requirements and constraints
collected during the preparation of the ECOPOTENTIAL Data Management Plan (DMP). Since, at the moment
of preparation of the present deliverable (May 2016), the DMP is still to be delivered in its final form, due to
the missing provision of relevant information from resource providers, the system architecture will be revised
during the course of the project, with yearly releases of deliverable updates.
This document is the System Definition Document as described in the IEEE Guide to the Software Engineering
Body of Knowledge, aiming at listing the system requirements along with background information about the
overall objectives for the system, its target environment, and a statement of the constraints, assumptions,
and non-functional requirements [1]. Although the development phase will be carried out inside the
Consortium, therefore without the need to establish any formal agreement between customers and
contractors or suppliers” which are the objective of System Requirements Specification and Software
Requirement Specification, some related information is provided when considered needed or useful.
After this Introduction, a second section focuses on the objectives and rationale behind the project, clarifying
the main relevant concepts for ECOPOTENTIAL, such as what Open Data, Knowledge and Science, and
providing an operational definition of Virtual Laboratory.
A third section reports an analysis on actors, user requirements and system requirements.
The fourth section describes the ECOPOTENTIAL architectural principles, focusing specifically on the need of
loosely coupled applications, and on the brokering approach which is at the core of the ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual
Laboratory concept.
The fifth section describes the ECOPOTENTIAL system architecture according to the viewpoint modelling
approach through the five views defined by the Reference Model for Object Distributed Processing from ISO
A sixth section introduces the agile development approach that is adopted by the ECOPOTENTIAL project,
and the sixth and final section reports the deployment plan and achievements at project-month 12.
2.1 The ECOPOTENTIAL main objective
The ECOPOTENTIAL project is funded in the Horizon 2020 EU Framework Programme for Research and
Innovation (H2020). In particular, it was proposed as a response to the H2020-SC5-2014-two-stage call on
SC5-16-2014 topic of the Societal Challenge 5 (Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw
materials) for Making Earth Observation and Monitoring Data usable for ecosystem modelling and services
The key statement of the call says that:
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Proposals should focus on recovering existing data, supporting new measurements and
observations, synthesis and interpretation of data for making all information and knowledge
available to scientists, policy makers, citizens and other concerned stakeholders to provide a
full picture of the state and temporal evolution of ecosystems in existing internationally
recognised protected areas.
It identifies the goal of the project as to provide a full picture of the state and temporal evolution of
ecosystems and the operational objective as making all information and knowledge available to scientists,
policy makers, citizens and other concerned stakeholders. The present document describes the system
architecture for reaching the operational objective.
2.2 The ECOPOTENTIAL context and conditions
The ECOPOTENTIAL context poses some significant conditions on how the operational objective must be
fulfilled. In particular, the H2020-SC5-2014-two-stage call on SC5-16-2014 topic, directly or indirectly,
establishes a set of major constraints:
C1. Utilisation of GEOSS, Copernicus and ESA data where possible. (All activities under Societal Challenge
'Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials' should as far as possible use data
resulting from or made available through different initiatives of the European Commission. In
particular, the utilisation of GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems) and Copernicus (the
European Earth Observation Programme) data, products and information should be privileged.
Likewise, in line with EU cooperation with the European Space Agency (ESA), activities should use ESA
Earth Science data, as far as possible. The data, both from ESA missions or third party missions, are
for the vast majority of cases available for free web download. [3])
C2. Participation in the Pilot on Open Research Data in Horizon 2020. (The projects funded under Societal
Challenge 'Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials', call 'Growing a Low
Carbon, Resource Efficient Economy with a Sustainable Supply of Raw Materials', of the Work
Programme 2014-15, with the exception of topics SC5-11-2014/2015, SC5-12-2014/2015, and SC5-
13/2014/2015, will participate in the Pilot on Open Research Data in Horizon 2020 in line with the
Commission's Open Access to research data policy for facilitating access, re-use and preservation of
research data. [3])
C3. Compliance with GEOSS Data Sharing Principles [4]. (Beneficiaries in projects participating in the Pilot
on Open Research Data shall adhere to the GEOSS Data Sharing Principles. [3])
C4. Registration in GEOSS. (Beneficiaries in projects participating in the Pilot on Open Research Data shall
[…] undertake to register in GEOSS all geospatial data, metadata and information generated as
foreground of the project. [3])
C5. Services based on improved access to GEOSS. (new prototype products and ecosystem services,
based on improved access to (notably via GEOSS) [2] )
C6. Long-term preservation of products. (…longterm storage of ecosystem Earth Observation data and
information in existing protected areas... [2])
The formal aspects from C2 (Participation in the Pilot on Open Research Data in Horizon 2020) add further
C7. Open and free access to foreground data and possibly tools. (Regarding the digital research data
generated in the action (‘data’), the beneficiaries must: (a) deposit in a research data repository and
take measures to make it possible for third parties to access, mine, exploit, reproduce and disseminate
free of charge for any user the following: (i) the data, including associated metadata, needed to
validate the results presented in scientific publications as soon as possible; (ii) other data, including
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associated metadata, as specified and within the deadlines laid down in the 'data management plan'
(see Annex 1); (b) provide information via the repository about tools and instruments at the
disposal of the beneficiaries and necessary for validating the results (and where possible provide
the tools and instruments themselves). [5])
C8. Definition of a Data Management Plan and compliance with it [6]. (The use of a Data Management
Plan is required for projects participating in the Open Research Data Pilot. [3])
2.3 Geospatial information in ECOPOTENTIAL: role and issues
The study of ecosystems deeply bases on geospatial information that is “information concerning phenomena
implicitly or explicitly associated with a location relative to the Earth” [7]. Geographic Information is
represented and conveyed through (geo)spatial data that is “any data with a direct or indirect reference to a
specific location or geographical area” [8].
The geoinformation world is characterized by great complexity with many actors involved including:
Data (and information) producers who acquire observations (e.g. through sensors) or generate
value-added information (e.g. through data processing);
Data providers who distribute data, managing data centres, long-term preservation archives,
Spatial Data Infrastructures, etc.
Overarching initiatives that influence the geoinformation world, designing new solutions,
building disciplinary or interdisciplinary systems of systems, managing high-level expert groups,
Technology providers who develop and distribute technological solutions for geospatial data
management and sharing
Cloud providers who manage complex infrastructures on behalf of other actors such as data
providers or application developers
Application developers who make use of data to build applications for end-users
End-users who utilize data
In such a context, interoperability is clearly perceived as one of the main issues even limiting to technological
aspects. Indeed, actions of actors have an impact in terms of technological choices (see Figure 1).
Data (and information) producers are mostly focused on data and metadata models and formats.
Multiple standards have been defined addressing issues which are specific for different
disciplinary domains, such as HDF, netCDF and GRIB for EO data, ESRI Shapefile or OGC GML for
feature type information. Proprietary formats are still widespread;
Data providers are mainly focused on data sharing services. As for data models and formats,
several standards have been designed and adopted in different disciplinary domains. For
example, in the biodiversity context TDWG standards are widely adopted, in the meteo-ocean
community THREDDS Data Server is a widespread technology. OGC standard services are
commonly adopted in the GIS community. Light specifications like KML (now an OGC standard)
or OpenSearch are also common. OAI-PMH is a standard for long-term preservation archives.
Overarching initiatives influence technological aspects in several ways, in particular on data
management (e.g. the Data Management Plan guidelines in H2020 programme), data
harmonization (e.g. WMO information systems specifications) and data sharing, including policy
(e.g. RDA).
Technology providers contribute to the heterogeneity providing many different competing
solutions for geospatial data sharing. While some of them have adoption of standards as an
objective, others (often from big players) prefer to push their own proprietary solutions.
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Cloud providers affect technologies providing new data storage and processing capabilities
requiring new solutions for integration with traditional systems.
Application developers contribute to the heterogeneity of the geoinformation world because
they provide geospatial applications adopting different technologies, from operating systems
and related ecosystems (e.g. Linux, Microsoft, Apple, Google Android), to development platforms
(e.g. Java, Python, Javascript) and libraries.
Figure 1 Technological heterogeneity in the geoinformation world
The H2020 SC5-16-2014 call explicitly mentions this issue saying that “there is a need to develop innovative
solutions that will provide open and unrestricted access to interoperable ecosystem Earth Observation data
and information”. This statement also highlight that innovative solutions are required, since the definition of
a unique standard is not a viable solution. Indeed, the lack of a standard is more the consequence of the
complexity of the geospatial world than the reason of it. Including many actor categories, many disciplines,
and many stakeholders (public authorities, private companies, citizens, etc.) the complexity of the geospatial
world makes impossible to agree on a single (or a small set) of standards and, later, impose and enforce
their adoption.
2.4 Open Data in ECOPOTENTIAL
It is recognized that there is a lack of clarity about key terms in literature and public debates related to Open
Data [9]. In particular, the ambiguity of widely-used terms like “open” and “free” has caused
misunderstanding, mixing-up concepts like “free usage” and “free of charge”, and consequently nourishing
the gratis (i.e. for zero price) vs. libre (i.e. with little or no restriction) debate. The Open Definition, from the
Open Knowledge non-profit network, makes precise the meaning of ‘open’ with respect to knowledge,
promoting a robust commons in which anyone may participate, and interoperability is maximized.” It bases
on the assumption that knowledge “is open if anyone is free to access, use, modify, and share it subject,
at most, to measures that preserve provenance and openness”. It is explicitly clarified that, in this definition,
“free” matches the “libre” concept [10].
Concerning ECOPOTENTIAL, the call provides few hints limiting to state that there is a need to develop
innovative solutions that will provide open and unrestricted access to interoperable ecosystem Earth
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Observation data and information [2]. Although this definition helps to clarify the data typology (i.e. Earth
Observation data and information), it actually reiterates the gratis vs. libre ambiguity concerning policy: it
does not specify whetheropen and unrestrictedshould be meant as “with little or no restriction” (libre) or
“for zero price” (gratis).
The main source of information about how Open Data must be considered in ECOPOTENTIAL is the Grant
Agreement establishing the rules of participation to the Horizon 2020 pilot action on open access to research
data. The article 29.3 on “Open access to research dataexplicitly states that Regarding the digital research
data generated in the action (‘data’), the beneficiaries must: (a) deposit in a research data repository and
take measures to make it possible for third parties to access, mine, exploit, reproduce and disseminate free
of charge for any user the following: (i) the data, including associated metadata, needed to validate the
results presented in scientific publications as soon as possible; (ii) other data, including associated metadata,
as specified and within the deadlines laid down in the 'data management plan' (see Annex 1); (b) provide
information via the repository about tools and instruments at the disposal of the beneficiaries and
necessary for validating the results (and where possible provide the tools and instruments themselves)
[5]. It provides clear conditions for all data generated in ECOPOTENTIAL: they must be deposited in a
repository and made accessible free of charge to any user, as soon as possible (if they are used in scientific
publications) or within a deadline defined in the data Management Plan (if they are not used in scientific
publications). Moreover, the tools and instruments necessary to validate the scientific publications must be
described and, where possible, provided. This is in line with the concept of Open Science and in particular of
science reproducibility.
To comply with these requirements, as part of the WP1 (Coordination and management) activities,
ECOPOTENTIAL has started the definition of its Data Management Plan (DMP) following the “Guidelines for
Data Management in Horizon 2020” [6].
2.5 Toward Open Science
On June 2015, in his speech on Open Innovation, Open Science, Open to the World”, Carlos Moedas -
Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation recognized that “there is a revolution happening in the
way science works. Every part of the scientific method is becoming an open, collaborative and participative
process” [11]. The term Open Science is widely used to refer this new vision of participatory scientific
research. For example, the EGI community proposed the Open Science Commons as a new approach to digital
research, summarizing the Open Science Commons Vision as “researchers from all disciplines have easy,
integrated and open access to the advanced digital services, scientific instruments, data, knowledge and
expertise they need to collaborate to achieve excellence in science, research and innovation[12].
Recently, four top-level representatives of international science (the International Council for Science ICSU,
the InterAcademy Partnership IAP, The World Academy of Sciences TWAS and the International Social
Science Council ISSC) that are designed to represent the global scientific community in the international
policy for science arena, developed an international accord on the values of open data in the emerging
scientific culture of big data. The accord reminds that “openness and transparency have formed the bedrock
on which the progress of science in the modern era has been based” and that “it is therefore essential that
data that provide the evidence for published claims, the related metadata that permit their re-analysis and
the codes used in essential computer manipulation of datasets, no matter how complex, are made
concurrently open to scrutiny if the vital process of self-correction is to be maintained” [13].
The Open Science paradigm supports key aspects of the scientific method of investigation: openness,
transparency, integrity and reproducibility. But, to realize its objectives, Open Science needs more than data
2.5.1 Open Knowledge
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The effective (re-)use of data - especially when provided by different disciplinary infrastructures - requires
the sharing of domain experts’ knowledge. EGI referred to Knowledge as: “The human networks,
understanding and material capturing skills and experience required to carry out open science” [12]. Experts’
Knowledge stem from their education, culture, experience and is intertwined with the Community within
which they work. Data is not knowledge, but expert’s knowledge is essential to understand and use
disciplinary data.
The term Open Knowledge is gaining importance, going over simple Open Data, referring to the open sharing
i.e. access, redistribution, reuse with no restriction of any material including knowledge in any form. As
the Open Knowledge International network says “Open knowledge is what open data becomes when it’s
useful, usable and used - not just that some data is open and can be freely used, but that it is useful
accessible, understandable, meaningful, and able to help someone solve a real problem[14].
2.5.2 Virtual laboratories
Over the past decades several initiatives have started to support what is now the Open Science vision through
information technologies. They brought to the building of digital infrastructures variously termed as
Collaborative e-Research Communities, Collaborative Virtual Environments, Collaboratories, Science
Gateways, Virtual Organisations, Virtual Research Communities, Cyberinfrastructures, Virtual Research
Environments, Virtual Laboratories [15]. Although they are not synonyms, they share the idea of facilitating
collaborative research at least in some aspect.
2.6 The concept of ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory
The call does not specifically ask for something like a Virtual Laboratory. However, the ECOPOTENTIAL
Consortium proposed the realization of an ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory as the answer to the call
request for “innovative solutions that will provide open and unrestricted access to interoperable ecosystem
Earth Observation data and information”. The Consortium recognized that the general objective of
supporting new measurements and observations, synthesis and interpretation of data for making all
information and knowledge available to scientists, policy makers, citizens and other concerned stakeholders
can be achieved through the implementation of a Virtual Laboratory tailored to ecosystem science. To this
aim we provide the following definition:
The ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory is a virtual environment supporting the activities of the
ecosystem community-of-practice
This broad definition is based on attempts to clarify the different approaches to systems supporting
collaborative science [16], with some modifications specifically related to the removal of references to
specific requirements since they are the subject of a dedicated investigation in the project. In the definition
Virtual means that there is not any necessity to physically centralize resources. For example, the VLab
provides access to heterogeneous data, but data do not need to be moved from their original site.
Environment means that the user experience is that of a controlled space where he/she can operate
like in a physical laboratory.
Activities refer potentially to the entire spectrum of actions, from the specifically scientific
investigation to the communication and dissemination to stakeholders. They are clarified by the user
requirement analysis and the range of supported activities may increase thanks to the extensibility
of the platform.
Community-of-practice refers to an informal group sharing interest on a topic. The definition of
communities of practice has changed during years [17]; we adopt the definition by Wenger,
McDermott and Snyder as “groups of people who share a concern, a set of problems, or a passion
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about a topic, and who deepen their knowledge and expertise in this area by interacting on an
ongoing basis” [18].
In the preparation of the DMP, ECOPOTENTIAL introduced a set of architecture and interoperability principles
to facilitate data (and the associated software) discovery, access, (re-)use, and preservation:
AP1. To build the ECOPOTENTIAL data and services infrastructure on the existing and under development
digital systems noticeably, the digital systems managed by WP3, WP4, WP5, etc.
AP2. Not to impose any “common solution/specification” but advocate the use of open (international
and Community) standards and interoperability APIs.
AP3. To provide a common, consistent, and “high-level” entry point ECOPOTENTIAL platform for
discovering, accessing, and using ECOPOTENTIAL ecosystem services for interoperability to GEOSS,
Copernicus, and other EC-funded programmes.
AP4. To comply with the GEOSS Architecture Principles (see Annex C).
AP5. To comply with the GEOSS “resource sharing” and “resource management” principles including
quality and preservation (see Annexes A and B).
AP6. To comply with the EC Open Data Access principles (see Annex D and the Guidelines on Data
Management in Horizon 2020, Version 1.0, 11 December 2013).
The design principles translate the architecture principles in guidelines for the design of the ECOPOTENTIAL
Virtual Laboratory platform.
4.1 Open Software Architectures
Taking into account that the effort dedicated to the realization of the Virtual Laboratory Platform is the 4.7%
of the overall effort in the ECOPOTENTIAL project, the design bases on the Open Architecture paradigm in
order to allow integration of existing mature solutions, minimizing the need of development from scratch.
The world of geospatial information is rapidly evolving with continuous provision of new tools, new data
sources, new or revised specifications for data formats or service interfaces, new scenarios (such as recently
crowdsourcing) and even completely new paradigms (like open data and big data). Therefore, ECOPOTENTIAL
conceives a Virtual Laboratory as a member of a complex and evolving data and software ecosystem made
of data sources, intermediate components and end-user applications. In particular, a VLab is an intermediate
component that facilitates the connection between end-user applications and data sources, contributing to
the software ecosystem evolution itself.
Living in an ever-changing context, the VLab must be also able to evolve in response to those changes. Indeed,
although the VLab requirements can become clear during the course of the ECOPOTENTIAL project, in order
to support the sustainability of outcomes, it is necessary to assure that the VLab architecture and
implementation can (easily) evolve.
Software evolution has been the subject of several research works in the past (Table 1). A first classification
[19] can be made between:
Centralized evolution: where the pre- and/or post-deployment evolution is coordinated by a central
Decentralized evolution: where the pre- and/or post-deployment evolution phases are based on
activities of multiple teams
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Table 1 Different categories of techniques to support software evolution
It is quite evident that a centralized evolution model is not an option for the ECOPOTENTIAL VLab for several
reasons: a) a VLab is not fully based on software which is under control of a single organization (e.g. apps
may be developed by external organizations); b) even the ECOPOTENTIAL Consortium as a whole does not
control the full software suite (e.g. many components are open source and managed by a specific
community); c) even assuming that the ECOPOTENTIAL Consortium could achieve the role of central
authority, it exists only until the end of the project, whereas the sustainability of VLab must be considered
also beyond the ECOPOTENTIAL project lifetime.
Decentralized software evolution can be achieved exposing the internal capabilities in any of multiple
different ways: application programming interfaces (APIs), scripting languages, plug-ins, components
architecture, event interface, source code. Each approach has its own advantages and drawbacks, and
furthermore they are not mutually exclusive.
For the ECOPOTENTIAL purposes, the source code approach is not viable for several reasons: a) we cannot
assume that all the components are or will be provided as open source; b) imposing the use of open sources
would possibly exclude existing or future tools that could actually provide new functionalities (e.g. integration
with big data platforms); c) imposing that evolution is based on collaborative working on open source would
pose significant challenges in terms of change analysis, fragility and composition; d) the limited effort
planned in ECOPOTENTIAL encourages to focus more on solutions that can be integrated in a loose way
without requiring major development effort.
Likewise, plug-ins, components architecture, event interface approaches would need a major re-engineering
of the existing tools which are not usually based on such approaches.
Instead, the provision of APIs is a loose approach which is provided by most of tools, and that can be easily
enhanced through wrapping and extension. Scripting language is a possible complementary approach for
implementing more complex functionalities.
Therefore we assume that the ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory adopt an Open Architecture with
Decentralized Software Evolution based on APIs allowing internal integration of existing tools and external
interaction with other members of the geoinformation software ecosystem.
4.2 Brokered Systems of Systems
4.2.1 System of Systems Engineering
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Interoperability is recognized as one of the main challenges for ECOPOTENTIAL. To address interoperability
the ECOPOTENTIAL proposal is based on the successful experience of brokered architectures to implement
Systems of Systems.
The notion of “System of Systems” (SoS) and “System of Systems Engineering” (SoSE) emerged in many fields
of applications to address the common problem of integrating many independent, autonomous systems,
frequently of large dimensions, in order to satisfy a global goal while keeping them autonomous. Therefore
SoSs can be usefully described as follows: systems of systems are large-scale integrated systems that are
heterogeneous and consist of sub-systems that are independently operable on their own, but are networked
together for a common goal [20]. It is evident that this definition fits well in the ECOPOTENTIAL context where
sub-systems like the INSPIRE infrastructure, Copernicus core and downstream services are clearly out of
control of the ECOPOTENTIAL Consortium, and even from possible future exploitation scenarios.
Figure 2 System of Systems in Practice from [21]
4.2.2 Federation vs. Brokering
By a technical point-of-view, there are two general approaches for building a SoS: through federation and
through brokering.
In the federated approach, a common set of specification (federated model) is agreed between the
participating systems. It can range from a loose approach needing just the adoption of a suite of interface,
metadata and data model standards to be applied by every participant, to a very strict approach imposing
the adoption of the same software tools at every node. In every case, participants have to comply with the
federated model (specifications or tools) and they need to make at least some change in their own systems.
Therefore, this approach is feasible when:
a) the SoS governance has a strong mandate for imposing and enforcing the adoption of the federated
model (e.g. as it happens with the INSPIRE Directive at the European level) to all the participants, or
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when the participants have a strong interest and commitment in participating in the SoS (as it
happens in cohesive disciplinary communities)
b) the participant organizations have the expertise and skills for implementing the needed re-
engineering of their own systems to make them compliant with the federated model
E-Commerce, e- Banking, and e-Government systems are typical examples where the federated approach fits
well. In the geospatial world, the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has been historically active in
developing standard specifications, and the INSPIRE experience is an example where a central authority, the
European Union, through a Directive, imposed a set of sharing principles, along with Implementing Rules,
and Technical Guidelines, for establishing the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe.
In the brokered approach [22] [23], no common model is defined, and participating systems can adopt or
maintain their preferred interfaces, metadata and data models. Specific components (the brokers) are in
charge of accessing the participant systems, providing all the required mediation and harmonization
functionalities. The only interoperability agreement is the availability of documentation describing the
published interfaces, metadata and data models. No (major) re-engineering of existing systems is required.
This approach fits well in situations where the SoS governance does not have a specific mandate, and where
the participant organization does not have a strong interest/commitment to be part of the SoS. In this case,
third parties have the major interest in building the SoS. The brokered approach is also useful when the
participant organization do not have the expertise for complying with complex specifications. This is a
common situation in the Web world. In the geospatial world, the Global Earth Observation System of Systems
(GEOSS) is the typical example of an overarching initiative where a third party, the Group on Earth
Observation (GEO), has a specific interest in building a SoS collecting existing data systems with their own
mandate and governance.
4.2.3 Standardization and brokering
Historically, in the geospatial world, federation has been the preferred approach. Initially, private companies,
and research centers proposed their own technologies as the basis for a wide federation of data sources.
Commercial tools are still widespread in GI systems for public authorities (e.g. Esri) and open source software
suites are still the de-facto standards in some scientific communities (e.g. GSAC is UNAVCO's Geodesy
Seamless Archive Centers software system for the geodesy community, THREDDS Data Server in the Meteo-
Ocean community). Interoperability based on tool sharing has strong limitations, in particular due to
adaptation to changes (e.g. centers using different versions of tools). In early 2000, such limitations pushed
a more loosely-coupled approach based on standardization. The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and ISO
were and are particularly active in defining standards for geospatial data discovery and access. However, in
parallel, many scientific and technological communities started their own standardization activities (e.g.
TDWG in the biodiversity community). Although standardization allowed to mitigate many issues related to
tools sharing, it demonstrated some shortcomings:
Slowness: as a consensus-based approach “Standard development is a slow and difficult process”
[24]. Standards react slowly to rapid changes in scenarios and requirements, in particular in presence
of paradigmatic revolutions (e.g. Open Data movement, Big Data).
Complexity: “Often the result can be large, complex specifications that attempt to satisfy everyone”
[24]. Especially for interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary applications, the different requirements of
heterogeneous communities would bring to very complex standards. For example: a standard
suitable for Climate Change impact on biodiversity, should be able to support very specific
requirements such as geological temporal scales (as required by the paleoclimate studies), species
taxonomies (as required by ecological science) and so on.
Due to slowness and complexity of the standardization process, new standards are often developed by small
groups, cohesive communities-of-practice (CoPs) and even companies, and once they become de-facto
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standards are then possibly approved by standardization bodies (as it happened with Google KML and
UNIDATA netCDF in the OGC).
The resulting proliferation of standards posed clear interoperability issues. While some of them can be solved
pushing the adoption of existing standards or accelerating the standardization process, others are not. In
fact, many standards were born to answer to very specific requirements and to implement specific scenarios.
A single standard (or set of standards) would be either very complex if it tries to accommodate all the
heterogeneous requirements of geospatial applications from different communities or underperforming
for specific applications if it tries to answer to a significant subset of requirements.
A complex standard would pose severe barriers to implementation, requiring high IT expertise in
interoperability which is usually not available by web developers, and often by data and research centers, or
companies not specifically working on such topics. An underperforming standard would require communities
to develop new standards or extend the existing ones for specific applications, quickly bringing again to
standard proliferation and related interoperability issues.
A hybrid approach recently proposed and adopted (for example in the OGC) is based on modularity. Modular
standards support basic and common requirements by default, and more specific requirements through
dedicated modules. Although this approach reduces complexity, it poses interoperability issues related to
different profiles (set of modules) implemented by different tools.
The brokered approach avoids those shortcomings, letting communities-of-practice free of defining their
own specifications, and mediating between different specifications. Obviously mediation will happen at the
lowest common level between specifications but it is generally sufficient for most interdisciplinary
applications. Obviously brokering is not magic, the complexity of interoperability is still there. It is simply
moved from data users and providers to the brokers. Data users and providers are set free from
interoperability issues i.e. they do not have to make their clients and server compliant with specifications
anymore but new components, the brokers, are in charge of handling all the complexity. However, this shift
of complexity from clients/servers to brokers has two main advantages: (a) it implements the general
engineering pattern called separation-of-concerns: where there is a specific functionality (interoperability),
there should be a specific responsible (broker), (b) a third tier between clients and servers can host added-
value services (e.g. semantics, data transformations). Obviously, brokered architectures present also possible
issues, such as: (a) the middle-tier between clients and servers requires a specific governance, (b) as central
architectural components, brokers may become single-points-of-failure, or bottlenecks. It is worth noting,
that the former is currently addressed by the Brokering Governance WG
of the Research Data Alliance (RDA),
and the latter can be solved resorting to specific architectural solutions based on redundancy and elastic
Besides the previously described shortcomings, standards have an important benefit: the standardization
process is the opportunity for requirements clarification, discussion and information modelling between
experts. Therefore, although they cannot bring to a single standard for all the geospatial world, they help to
avoid unnecessary proliferation of specifications, in particular without the needed quality. A brokered
architecture could not manage thousands of (poorly designed) specifications. Therefore, when we talk about
brokered approach we should actually consider a combined standardization+brokering approach.
Standardization helps to reduce the redundant heterogeneity, while brokering addresses the remaining
irreducible heterogeneity.
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It is expected that different communities or sub-communities will develop standards building community
federations, and then an overarching brokered System-of-Systems will integrate them enabling
multidisciplinary applications.
In ECOPOTENTIAL, the choice of brokered architectures is fully justified by two main reasons:
a) There are several data sources of interest for ECOPOTENTIAL which are provided through
heterogeneous protocols (interfaces, metadata and data models). In particular, many of them are
not compliant with the widespread OGC standards. Just to mention some of them:
a. The biodiversity community has defined its own set of specifications through the work of the
Biodiversity Information Standards / Taxonomic Databases Working Group (TDWG)
b. In the meteo-ocean community, the UNIDATA THREDDS Data Server (TDS)
is widely adopted
c. Many Open Data communities share the CKAN
technology for implementing data portals.
b) ECOPOTENTIAL has neither the mandate nor the capacity to impose and enforce standards or any
federated model to the provider sub-systems.
4.2.4 Addressing interoperability through brokered architectures
The interoperability issue in the geospatial world can be summarized as the problem of allowing M different
applications to interact with N different data sources: a MxN complexity problem (see Figure 3). By an
architectural point-of-view, federated architectures can be implemented in a pure two-tier (client-server)
environment. The M clients can interact with N servers in an easy way, because only one type of interaction
is defined by the federated model. The MxN complexity is solved at client/server level changing both to make
them compliant with the federation model. On the other hand, brokered architectures introduce a middle-
tier between clients and servers, reducing the MxN potential interactions (each client needs to interact with
any server) to M+N (each client and each server only need to interact with the brokers).
Since the connected sub-systems are and must be independently managed and autonomous, publishing
functionalities are usually provided at local level according to the local policies. This means that
federated/brokered services only include discovery and access and generally fruition services.
ECOPOTENTIAL share this general approach: sub-systems are brokered with regards to access to resources
(“read” mode), while any action causing modifications (“write” mode) is handled at sub-system level.
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Figure 3 Federated vs. Brokered Architectures for Systems of Systems
4.3 ECOPOTENTIAL service provision model
Over the past years, the evolution of Information Technologies, allowing ubiquitous connectivity, imposed
the cloud computing paradigm. Cloud computing can be defined as a model for enabling ubiquitous,
convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks,
servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal
management effort or service provider interaction[25].
The cloud model includes three different kinds of services [25]:
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): The capability provided to the consumer is to provision processing,
storage, networks, and other fundamental computing resources where the consumer is able to
deploy and run arbitrary software, which can include operating systems and applications. Examples
are Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).
Platform as a Service (PaaS): The capability provided to the consumer is to deploy onto the cloud
infrastructure consumer-created or acquired applications created using programming languages,
libraries, services, and tools supported by the provider. Examples are Google App Engine and
Microsoft Azure.
Software as a Service (SaaS): the capability provided to the consumer is to use the provider’s
applications running on a cloud infrastructure. The applications are accessible from various client
devices through either a thin client interface, such as a web browser (e.g., web-based email), or a
program interface. Examples are Google Docs, or Microsoft Office Online.
The cloud model is particularly appealing for the provision of services. Indeed, it presents some advantages:
a) it widen the range of users, requiring only a browser and a good connectivity which is currently easy to
achieve even in mobility, b) it separates responsibilities, delegating support services (hardware and software
management, accounting and billing) to cloud providers, and allowing developers to focus on their own
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In ECOPOTENTIAL, where there is no particular need for a different approach, applications will be provided
as SaaS to end-users. This means that end-users will be able to use the applications simply accessing the
Virtual Laboratory with their own browser.
The VLab App Developers will interact with the VLab according to SaaS and PaaS model. The VLab PaaS will
provide the APIs and the programming environment for fast development and deployment of applications.
The VLab SaaS may also provide the developers with ancillary services, for example to access documentation,
to communicate with the VLab Administrator, or with other VLab App Developers (e.g. forum, chat).
The VLab platform, composed of PaaS for developers, and SaaS for users in general, will be designed to be
deployed either on proprietary infrastructure or on cloud IaaS.
4.4 Orthogonality of resource-sharing and security architectures
ECOPOTENTIAL requirements can be broadly classified into two categories:
Resource-sharing requirements, expressing needs for assuring seamless sharing of open geospatial
Security requirements, expressing the needs for identifying users, checking authorizations, logging
The general ECOPOTENTIAL architecture can be decomposed in a Resource-sharing Architecture describing
the structure and interaction of components fulfilling resource-sharing requirements, and a Security
Architecture describing the structure and interaction of components fulfilling security requirements. In
ECOPOTENTIAL we assume the orthogonality of the two architectures, meaning that any change in one of
them should not affect the other one. This is a common assumption in software architectures and it strictly
derives from the orthogonality (independence) of resource-sharing and security requirements. The
advantage of orthogonality is that it allows decomposing architectures handling each aspect separately.
4.5 ECOPOTENTIAL design principles
It is possible to summarize the outcomes of discussions above in the following architectural principles:
DP1. ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory adopts an Open Software Architecture
DP2. ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory is developed integrating and adapting existing software solutions
DP3. ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory adopts a Decentralized Software Evolution
DP4. ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory is made of software components interacting through (low-level)
DP5. ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory is the common infrastructure of a brokered System of Systems
DP6. ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory exposes a set of (high-level) APIs for interaction with the external
DP7. ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory is accessible according to the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) models, for end-users and developers respectively
DP8. ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory can be deployed either on private infrastructures or commercial
or public clouds providing Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) capabilities.
DP9. ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory security architecture is orthogonal to the ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual
Laboratory resource-sharing architecture.
5.1 Architecture description
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A system architecture is the set of “fundamental concepts or properties of a system in its environment
embodied in its elements, relationships, and in the principles of its design and evolution” [26]. An architecture
is described through an architecture description which is “a set of products that documents an architecture
in a way its stakeholders can understand and demonstrates that the architecture has met their concerns”
A complex system cannot be effectively described through a single over-compassing description. It should
provide a lot of information ranging from high-level aspects like stakeholders’ interactions with the system,
to very low-level aspects such as software objects methods, interfaces and technological choices. Different
stakeholders would find most of the information unnecessary and too detailed for those aspects they are not
specifically interested in. Viewpoint modelling addresses this issue providing different views of the same
architecture. “A view is a representation of one or more structural aspects of an architecture that illustrates
how the architecture addresses one or more concerns held by one or more of its stakeholders[27].
The following paragraphs provide the ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory description according to the
following main views adopted in the ISO Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP) [28]:
Enterprise Viewpoint
Computational Viewpoint
Information Viewpoint
Engineering Viewpoint
Technology Viewpoint
5.2 Enterprise Viewpoint
The enterprise viewpoint […] is concerned with the purpose, scope and policies
governing the activities of the specified system within the organization of
which it is a part;
The enterprise viewpoint focuses on the actors, their interactions in scenarios, use-cases and it allows the
elicitation of user requirements and then system requirements.
5.2.1 Actors
ECOPOTENTIAL identifies a set of Actors, which is a set of user categories involved in: a) the setup and
operation of the Virtual Laboratory, b) the use of Virtual Laboratory resources, and finally, c) the use of
applications based on the Virtual Laboratory. They are
VLab Provider
The VLab Provider is the person/organization
that provides the VLab capacities.
VLab Admin
The VLab Admin is the person who manages a
Virtual Laboratory configuring it for VLab users
and providing support.
VLab End User
The VLab End User is a member of the
Ecosystem CoP who makes use of the VLab
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VLab App Developer
The VLab App Developer is an intermediate
user, a person who develops and manages
applications based on the VLab APIs.
VLab Consumer
A VLab Consumer is a person who makes use
of VLab capabilities, which is either a VLab End
User or a VLab App Developer.
Table 2 Description of ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory actors
Figure 4 Virtual Laboratory actors (in green)
5.2.2 User scenarios and requirements
ECOPOTENTIAL User Requirements are collected from different sources:
a) Call text [2]
c) Collection of user requirements from ECOPOTENTIAL WP7 Ecosystem Services”, WP8 “Cross-
scale interaction”, WP9 “Requirements of future protected areas”
d) Previous work in relevant initiatives and programmes at national, regional, European and
international level (including Copernicus, INSPIRE, GEOSS)
Sources a) and b) assure the expected impact and compliance with the project agreements. Source c)
provides information on user needs. Source d) assures that the project outcomes are in line with the major
initiatives in the sector.
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At the stage of the preparation of this release of the deliverable (May 2016), according to the DoW, no formal
outcome was expected from source c), therefore the current status of user needs is based on sources a), b)
and d).
In terms of user requirements, the ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory was conceived as a typical resource
sharing system with a specific focus on solving interoperability issues to facilitate open knowledge scenario.
The high-level use-cases are those needed to support the typical resource sharing scenario shown in Figure
5, including Publishing (supporting upload of relevant resources), Discovery (supporting search for relevant
resources), Evaluation (supporting inspection of resources to evaluate their value and relevance), Access
(supporting retrieval of relevant resources), Use (from simple visualization to complex processing where
required). It is represented as a cycle because the result of resource usage may be a new resource to be
published. The figure also shows a Management use case which underpins all the information life-cycle.
Due to the need of sharing heterogeneous resources within the project and with the outside world, a specific
attention on interoperability issues is required.
Figure 5 The typical high-level scenario in the resource sharing
In ECOPOTENTIAL the term resource encompasses:
Semantic assets
Scientific workflows
Analytic services
Table 3 shows the main user scenarios for the ECOPOTENTIAL VLab.
User Scenario
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S1. Search for datasets The VLab End User: a) searches for available datasets per geographical
coverage (including Protected Area identifier), temporal extent, keywords,
concepts; b) evaluates available datasets through metadata; c) downloads
relevant datasets in the preferred format, resolution, etc.
S2. Search for Protected
The VLab End User: a) browses Protected Areas; b) chooses one Protected
Area; c) gets available information about the selected Protected Area
(including available Storylines)
S3. Search for Storylines The VLab End User: a) browses Storylines; b) chooses one Storyline; c) gets
available information about the selected Storyline (including available
Protected Areas and Workflows)
S4. Publish resources The VLab End User publishes a resource which can be: i) an existing data
system; ii) a set of resource artifacts previously unpublished (or to be
S5. Add a Protected Area The VLab End User add a Protected Area with all the required information to
the VLab
S6. Add a Storyline The VLab End User add a Storyline with all the required information to the
VLab including which ECOPOTENTIAL Protected Areas it refers to
S7. Add a Workflow
The VLab
End User add a Workflow with all the required
information to
optionally uploading the source/executable code and a web service
S8. Run a Workflow for
a Protected Area
The VLab End User: a) browses Protected Areas; b) chooses one Protected
Area; c) browses the available Storylines for that Protected Area; d) chooses
a Storyline; e) browses the available Workflows; f) chooses one Workflow; g)
select input datasets available for that Workflow on that Protected Area; h)
runs the Workflow; i) accesses the result
S9. Run a Workflow for
a Storyline
The VLab End User: a) browses Storylines; b) chooses a Storyline; c) browses
the available Workflows; d) chooses one Workflow; e) browses supported
Protected Areas; f) chooses one Protected Area; g) select input datasets
available for that Workflow on that Protected Area; h) runs the Workflow; i)
accesses the result
S10. Run apps The VLab End User: a) browses the marketplace searching for apps; b)
chooses one app; c) downloads/access the app; d) runs the app. Steps a)-c)
are needed only the first time
S11. Develop a new app The VLab App Developer: a) accesses API documentation; b) downloads the
Javascript/HTML5/CSS library, if needed; c) develops the app in his/her
preferred environment; d) publishes the app in the ECOPOTENTIAL
S12. Annotate a
The Vlab End User can annotate a resource (dataset, Protected Area,
Storyline, Workflow) providing a quality feedback
Table 3 User scenarios for the ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory
Table 4 summarizes the main user requirements obtained as elicitation from user scenarios, and general
User Requirement Description
Data publishing The VLab Consumer is able to publish single datasets or connect data
systems with minimal interoperability agreements
Harmonized access to data The VLab Consumer is able to seamlessly discover and download data
from heterogeneous sources
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Data harmonization
The VLab consumer is able to download data harmonized in terms of
format, spatial and temporal coverage, coordinate reference system,
Scientific workflow publishing
The VLab Consumer is able to publish a formal representation of a
scientific model
Scientific workflow access
The VLab Consumer is able to discover, visualize and run scientific models
Analytic service publishing
The VLab Consumer is able to publish a Web service implementing a
scientific model
Analytic service run
The VLab Consumer is able to run a Web service implementing a scientific
Semantic enrichment
The VLab Consumer is able to use semantic assets for suggestions,
multilingual discovery, etc.
User feedback
The VLab Consumer is able to provide feedback and annotations on
User profile support
The functionalities offered to VLab actors are based on their profile
Relocation of platform
The VLab Administrator is able to move the platform to a different VLab
Provider for performance or financial considerations
Table 4 User requirements for the ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory
5.2.3 Constraints and assumptions
The main constraint for ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory Platform is that the resources must comply with
the ECOPOTENTIAL Data Management Plan [30] to be available in the VLab.
5.2.4 System Requirements
ECOPOTENTIAL System Requirements are collected from different sources:
a) Call text [2]
c) Elicitation from user requirements (see Section §5.2.1)
d) Data Management Plan [30]
e) Specific requirements from ECOPOTENTIAL WP3 “Earth Observation Data and Processes
Infrastructure”, WP4 “Earth Observation Data Generation and Harmonization”, WP5 “In situ
Monitoring Data”, WP6 “EO-based Ecosystem Modelling”
Table 5 reports the identified system requirements. They are classified in functional requirements (describing
what the system has to provide), and non-functional requirements (describing how the system has to provide
Dataset discovery
The system provides discovery of datasets based on different
criteria including at least:
a) geographical coverage expressed as bounding box;
b) temporal extent expressed as start and end date/hour;
c) keywords present in multiple metadata fields;
d) data provider expressed as catalog/inventory name;
Dataset discovery protocols
(data sources)
The system supports the data discovery protocols identified in the
DMP for connecting data sources (see section §5.4.3)
Dataset discovery protocols
The system publishes the data discovery protocols identified in
the DMP for communication with clients (see section §4.4.1): At
the minimum the following discovery protocols will be supported:
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a) OpenSearch (and relevant extensions)
b) OGC CSW 2.0 ISO Profile
Semantic discovery
The system provides semantic enhancements for discovery,
supporting multilingualism, suggestions, and search for related
Semantic discovery
The system provides the possibility to connect to SKOS RDF
knowledge bases publishing a SPARQL interface.
Semantic discovery
knowledge bases
The system is able to access at least the GEMET (GEneral
Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus) thesaurus for supporting
multilingual discovery.
Dataset access
The system provides access to datasets from heterogeneous data
Dataset access protocols
(data sources)
The system supports the data access protocols identified in the
DMP for connecting data sources (see section §5.4.3)
Dataset access protocols
The system publishes the data access protocols identified in the
DMP for communication with clients (see section §4.4.1). At the
minimum data can be accessed through any of the following
Dataset access formats
(data sources)
The system supports the data formats identified in the DMP for
accessing data sources (see section §4.4.1)
Dataset access formats
The system supports the data formats identified in the DMP for
communication with clients (see section §4.4.1)
Dataset transformation
Through the system, a user can access datasets from different
data sources and retrieve them on a Common Grid Environment
(same resolution, same CRS, same format, etc.). The system
supports basic data transformation functionalities including:
a) subsetting
b) interpolation
c) reprojection on multiple Coordinate Reference Systems
d) data format transformation
Algorithm discovery
The system provides discovery of algorithms based on keywords
and description content
Algorithms access
The system provides access to the code implementing the
Scientific workflow
The system provides discovery of scientific workflows based on
different criteria including at least:
a) Protected area
b) Storyline
Scientific workflow
The system provides a graphic visualization of a scientific
Scientific workflow
The system allows to run a scientific workflow on selected
The system must support Authentication, Authorization and
Accounting allowing collecting information about the use for both
technical and marketing purposes.
Data Publishing
The system support resource publishing on a long-term
preservation system, making the resource available for discovery
and use
Resource Annotation
The system supports annotation of resources
Data registration in GEOSS
Data available in the Vlab are accessible also through GEOSS
(related to FR1.2 and FR3.2)
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Seamless discovery and
The system provides discovery and access of heterogeneous
resources through any of the available protocols
The system functionalities are accessible both server-side (for
integration of tools enhancing system capabilities) and client-side
(for application development through mash-up) through APIs
APIs implementation
The system supports at least:
a) server-side open interface
b) Web APIs (HTML5-JavaScript-CSS library)
The system must assure high availability
The system must assure adequate performances
The system must assure adequate scalability in terms of number
of data sources, number of users, number of requests, etc.
The system must assure security
The system must be user-friendly for both end-users and
application developers
The system must be extensible to support new data sources
protocols, new apps without major changes
The system should not introduce loss of data quality (e.g. in data
Table 5 ECOPOTENTIAL system requirements
5.3 Computational Viewpoint
Computational VP is concerned with the functional decomposition of the
system into a set of objects that interact at interfaces - enabling system
Figure 6 shows the high-level architecture of the ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory platform. It includes the
following layers:
Resource Access layer: this layer provides functionalities for publishing, discovery and access
resources on heterogeneous data systems. The figure shows the main functionalities provided by
this layer: metadata QA/QC, harmonization, discovery, access.
Workflow Access layer: this layer provides functionalities supporting workflows based on the
harmonized resources provided by the lower layer. The figure shows the main functionalities
provided by this layer: discovery, access, invocation and management of worflows.
User Interface layer: this layer provides user-friendly access to resources for end-user. The access to
the lower layers is provided by open APIs allowing intermediate users (e.g. app developers) to create
new applications. The figure shows the different intrfaces provided by this layer: portal, apps,
marketplace for different kind of resources.
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Figure 6 ECOPOTENTIAL layered architecture
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Figure 7 Main components of the ECOPOTENTIAL logical architecture (security components in red)
Figure 7 shows the UML class diagram of the main functional components in the ECOPOTENTIAL architecture.
Components in red are not involved in the resource-sharing functionalities of the ECOPOTENTIAL system;
they are either components of the security architecture or ancillary components improving the
ECOPOTENTIAL overall system capabilities.
The main functional components are described in Table 6 along with a reference to the functional and non-
functional requirements they contribute to fulfil.
Discov ery and
Access Broker
Resources Registry Resources
Identity Provider
Data Transformer
Knowledge Base
User Interface
Resource ProcessorAnnotation Manager
Resource Interaction
Resources Storage
Business Process
1..* 0..*
1..* 0..*
1 1
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Resource Storage
It hosts representations of resources in a specific source
Resources Registry
It provides discovery of resources from a specific source
FR1, FR2, FR5, FR7
Resources Accessor
It provides access to resources from a specific source
FR3, FR6, FR8
Resource Publisher
It provides upload of resources on (one or more) sources
connected to the Virtual Laboratory platform
Resource Processor
It provides processing of resources
Annotation Manager
It allows publishing, discovery, and access of annotations to
Discovery and Access Broker
It accesses multiple Resources Registries and Resources
Accessors providing harmonized discovery and access to
heterogeneous sources. It also merges providers metadata
from registries with users metadata from annotations
FR1, FR2, FR3, FR4,
FR5, FR6, FR7, FR13
Business Process Broker
It accesses multiple Resource Processors providing
harmonized access. It also provides automated adaption of
inputs through the Discovery and Access Broker.
Data Transformer
It transforms data changing resolution, Coordinate
Reference System, format, etc on-the-fly. The content and
semantic level of data is not changed.
Knowledge Base
It provides encoding of knowledge, to support advanced
discovery services
Resource Interaction Facade
It provides a common and simplified interface to the VLab
services, simplifying the application development
It is the policy decision point checking if the user is
authorized to perform an operation based on his/her
identity and permissions
Identity Provider
It checks the user’s identity
It stores information about the status of the data sources,
and users’ activities, for logging, accounting and monitoring
purposes. In particular request and response will be
monitored and evaluated.
User Interface
It handles the interaction between the user and the system.
It includes GUIs allowing presentation of maps with pan and
zoom, layer selection. It must support 2D maps and 3D
landscape scenes. It must provide data and metadata s
tables and charts.
Table 6 ECOPOTENTIAL main components
From Table 6 it is evident the core roles of the Discovery and Access Broker harmonizing interaction with
multiple resources - which impacts on many functional and non-functional requirements. Actually, as a
computational architecture, it addresses all the functional requirements and also impacts on some non-
functional requirements. However, most of the non-functional requirements are addressed by the
distribution architecture discussed in the Engineering Viewpoint in section 5.5, and by the implementation
and deployment choices described in sections 6 and 7 in particular through the Infrastructure-as-a-Service
5.4 Information Viewpoint
Information VP is concerned with the kinds of information handled by the
system and constraints on the use and interpretation of that information.
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5.4.1 The ECOPOTENTIAL information model
As discussed in the user scenarios, ECOPOTENTIAL introduces and makes use of some relevant concepts. In
particular, users will interact with the VLab in terms of Protected Areas, Storylines and/or Workflows. They
will be the link with other concepts like Data, Algorithms, and Services which may remain hidden by the VLab
technical implementation. Figure 8 shows the relationships between the main high-level concepts in
Figure 8 High-level concepts in ECOPOTENTIAL
5.4.2 Resource sharing in ECOPOTENTIAL
As a project finalized to the creation of a Virtual Laboratory facilitating the workflows based on
heterogeneous resources, the characteristics of information handled and shared by the system is a
fundamental aspect.
ECOPOTENTIAL addresses two main challenges concerning information handled by the Virtual Laboratory:
Heterogeneity: the connected data sources vary largely in terms of service interfaces, metadata and
resource models;
Semantics: the content can be annotated and interpreted according to different semantics.
5.4.3 Heterogeneity
The ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory aims to facilitate the use of many different kinds of geospatial
resources (see Figure 9), including:
User feedback
GEOSS resources
Satellite data
In-situ data
Processing Algorithms
Model results (products)
Protected Area Storyline
1..* 0..*
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Figure 9 ECOPOTENTIAL resources
For some resources like workflows which are not widely shared yet, it is possible to define a common model
to be used in ECOPOTENTIAL, but for data this is not possible. Geospatial data comes in many different shapes
(see section §2.4), and ECOPOTENTIAL cannot assume any kind of standardization, as described and
discussed in the ECOPOTENTIAL DMP [30]. As such the VLab platform must take care of all the mediation,
harmonization and transformation actions needed to make geospatial data easily discoverable, accessible,
and usable.
It is worth noting that heterogeneity affects all the information lifecycle in ECOPOTENTIAL. Figure 10 shows
the heterogeneity of discovery and access protocols limiting to those identified through a first survey.
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Figure 10 Heterogenity of discovery and access protocols in ECOPOTENTIAL
In general, the Virtual Laboratory must be able to handle different service interfaces and metadata/data
models for data discovery and access. The ECOPOTENTIAL DMP aims to provide the full list of data and data
service specifications to be supported. Table 7 shows protocol requirements to discover, access and invoke
ECOPOTENTIAL resources, based on DMP and preliminary investigations:
Resource type
e system
Satellite data
XML manifest file
XML manifest file
Satellite derived
water turbidity
cus Land Service
To be defined
Land Cover/use
(LCLU) and
LCLU change
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Habitat and
habitat change
Not available
standard data
Soil moisture
Not available
Seasonal Water
Copernicus Land
Snow Cover
Not available
(OGC, netCDF-
and OPeNDAP)
and GeoTIFF
Snow Cover
Water Bodies
Copernicus Land
Maps of
fragmentation or
Copernicus Land
In-situ data
In-situ existing
In-situ research
Not available
datasets (file-
datasets (spatial
WCS or
Not available
(sensor data)
Not available
Data Products
Not available
Model results
Model results
Not available
Not available
Not available
Not available
To be defined
ws description
To be defined
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Virtual Cloud
To be defined
Table 7 Protocol requirements to discover, access and invoke ECOPOTENTIAL resources
1 Relevant datasets will be collected and mirrored on Zenodo
5.4.4 Semantics
The Virtual Laboratory addresses semantics through a query expansion strategy. When a query is submitted
to the VLab, the VLab can ask external semantics services, to resolve keywords, providing “related” terms
back. The returned concepts are used as keywords of multiple geospatial queries [31]. Then, the results from
geospatial queries include responses not only to the original keywords but also to semantically related terms.
(See Knowledge Base component in Figure 7, and Figure 11 in section §5.5, below.)
The use of external semantic services enables extensibility. The type of relationships that can be used
depends on the underlying knowledge bases. For example, SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System)
provides a standard way to represent knowledge organization systems using the Resource Description
Framework (RDF), allowing to express basic relationships such as “broader”, “narrower”, etc. supporting the
encoding of thesauri, classification schemes, subject heading lists and taxonomies.
The query expansion strategy enables multilingual queries. Indeed, if one of the knowledge bases includes
translations as “related” terms (e.g. the General Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus: GEMET) , the system
will send different queries for each translation. Therefore, the query will return datasets whose description
include either the proposed keyword or any of its supported translations. This is extremely important
whenever there is not any obligation to compile metadata in a specific language.
5.5 Engineering Viewpoint
Engineering VP is concerned with the infrastructure required to support system
Figure 11 shows the engineering view of the ECOPOTENTIAL architecture.
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Figure 11 Engineering view of the ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory architecture
The ECOPOTENTIAL architecture includes a set of different nodes:
Resource Server
A Resource Server is a node dedicated to serve resources. ECOPOTENTIAL
assumes that Resource Server nodes are existing, up and accessible, and
providing at least the Registry Service. According to the brokering approach, no
assumption is made about communication protocols.
«execut ionE nvironm ent»
Computing and Storage Infrastructure
Resource S erver
Virtual Laboratory Pla tform
Knowledge Base Serv er
Semantic S ervic e
«devi ce»
User Dev ice
Web Portal Web a pplication
Managem ent
Serv ices
Brokering Frame work
Identity Provide r
Serv ice
Discov ery Broker Access Broker
Registry Serv ice Access Servi ce Publishing Se rvice
Process ing Servi ce
Resource I nteraction Facade
Annotation Serve r
Annotation Servi ce
«execut ionE nvironm ent»
Client App
Business P rocess
Transformation Serv er
Transformation Serv ice
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Annotation Server
An Annotation Server is a node hosting an Annotation Service. It may be
deployed either inside or outside of the Computing and Storage Infrastructure.
Virtual Laboratory Platform
A Virtual Laboratory is the core architectural node. It contains all the
components and tools needed to achieve the ECOPOTENTIAL objective.
Computing and Storage
A Computing and Storage Infrastructure is a node hosting the Virtual Laboratory
Platform. It may be either a node managed locally by one ECOPOTENTIAL
partner, or a private or public cloud offering Infrastructure-as-a-Service
Knowledge Base Server
A Knowledge Base Server is a node providing services accessible by the Virtual
Laboratory for semantic enhancements. According to the brokering approach,
no assumption is made about communication protocols.
Transformation Server
A Transformation Server is a node providing services accessible by the Virtual
Laboratory for data transformations (e.g. re-projection on different Coordinate
Reference Systems, format encoding, sub-setting, change of resolution and
interpolation) enhancements. According to the brokering approach, no
assumption is made about communication protocols.
User Device
A User Device is a node hosting user’s applications. It can be a desktop, or a
mobile device. The only assumption is that it is able to host a (modern) Web
Identity Provider
An Identity Provider is a node hosting an Authentication Service
Such nodes collectively host the software components interacting for an easier use of ecosystem resources:
Annotation Service
Annotation Services enable publishing and visualization of annotation with a
proper interface supported by the Discovery Broker
Registry Service
Registry Services enable the discovery of resources. They range from simple
inventories listing the available resources, to full catalogue services processing
complex queries.
Access Service
Access Services enable the download of resource representations (e.g.
datasets, workflow diagrams, etc.). They range from plain download services to
full access services supporting subsetting, interpolation, re-projection, format
transformations. Access Services include provision of graphical representations
of resources, i.e. visualization services.
Publishing Service
Publishing Services enable the upload of resources (e.g. datasets, workflow
diagrams, etc.).
Processing Service
Processing Services enable the execution of processing algorithms and
workflows, generating products that are stored as new resources.
Brokering Framework
At the core of the Virtual Laboratory the Brokering Framework package includes
a set of components which harmonize discovery and access of heterogeneous
resources. It includes at least:
A Discovery Broker which connect with many different discovery,
registry and inventory services, exposing several standard or well-
known discovery interfaces. Through this well-known interfaces, a
user can discovery all the datasets published by the different data
Support for semantic enhancement of discovery. A simple query can
be expanded in multiple queries based on the semantics relationship
defined in an external knowledge base.
An Access Broker which connects with many different access and
download services, exposing several standard or well-known access
interfaces. Through these well-known interfaces, a user can access all
the datasets published by the different data sources.
Support for data transformation. Multiple datasets can be
transformed accessing external transformation services, in order to
harmonize them on the same Common Grid Environment (same
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spatial and temporal coverage, same resolution, same Coordinate
Reference System, same data format, etc.)
A Business Process Broker which gets a BPMN representation of a
scientific business process - a ECOPOTENTIAL Workflow translates it
in an executable process (e.g. expressed in BPEL) and runs it.
Semantic Service
Semantic Services expose knowledge-bases such as thesauri, gazetteers,
ontologies, allowing to find terms related to a keyword for query expansion.
Transformation Service
Transformation Services implement datasets transformation (e.g. subsetting,
re-projection, interpolation)
Resource Interaction Facade
The Resource Interaction Facade is a component that aggregates the different
components exposing a simplified interface facilitating the interaction with the
VLab Platform
Infrastructure Management
The Infrastructure Management Services are provided by the Computing and
Storage Infrastructure. They allow a VLab Administrator to manage the VLab
Platform instance through a browser.
Web Portal
A Web Portal is the primary interface for Human-to-Machine interaction. It
allows at least discovery, upload and download of datasets for offline usage.
Web Application
A Web Application is a specific component implementing (part of) the
application logic of a Web or mobile app. It implements the needed workflow
interacting with the Brokering Framework, the Data Publisher, etc.
The Browser is the component enabling user’s interaction with the system. It
will host part of the application logic (as client-side code) and the presentation
The following table lists the main security components:
Authentication Service
The Authentication Service, hosted in the Identity Provider node, verifies user’s
identity. It is contacted by the Web portal or applications for sending
credentials, and it can be contacted by the Authorizer for verification
The Authorizer is a software component receiving requests from the Web
portal or applications and making decisions about allowing/denying actions.
The Logger reports the actions requested to the VLab Platform
5.6 Technology Viewpoint
Technology VP is concerned with the choice of technology to support system
The ECOPOTENTIAL system will be implemented using and extending existing solutions and tools. At the time
of the proposal and DoW preparation some key technologies were preliminarily identified. They were mostly
provided or under control of ECOPOTENTIAL partners. Other potential technologies have been identified
during the preparation of the ECOPOTENTIAL DMP.
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Figure 12 Virtual Laboratory technologies (not exhaustive)
5.6.1 Brokering Framework
The main technological choice regarding the architecture and implementation of the Virtual Laboratory is
the selection of the brokering framework. The proposal and the DoW identified the GI-Suite Brokering
Framework as the best solution for maturity and interoperability with GEOSS.
The GI-suite Brokering Framework is a suite of technologies developed by CNR-IIA to implement an
information Brokering Framework that allows for uniform semantically enriched discovery and access to
heterogeneous geospatial data sources; multidisciplinary interoperability integrating GIS and EO data from
multiple infrastructures (e.g. INSPIRE compliant, Copernicus services).
The suite is composed of the following components:
GI-cat: a discovery broker;
GI-sem: a semantic broker;
GI-axe: an access broker;
GI-quality: a quality broker;
GI-BP: a business process broker.
GI-portal: a Web (thin) client to test the suite;
GI-APIs: high-level JavaScript APIs to make use of the brokering suite.
The GI-suite Brokering Framework supports access through several interfaces including: OGC WCS (1.0.0,
1.1.2 & 2.0.1), OGC WMS (1.1.1, 1.3.0), OGC WFS (1.0.0, 1.1.0), FTP, WAF, NetCDF CF (1.6), HDF, CUAHSI HIS
Server, THREDDS (1.0.1, 1.0.2), OPeNDAP, File system, Environment Canada Real-time Hydrometric Data FTP
and BCODMO. It supports queries through several interfaces including: OGC WCS (1.0.0, 2.0.1), OGC WMS
(1.1.1, 1.3.0), OGC WFS (1.0.0), OGC WPS (1.0.0), OGC SOS (1.0.0), CUAHSI HIS Server, ArcGIS REST API. (See
section 6.2.1 for a full list of supported protocols.))
The GI-suite Brokering Framework has already being used in several projects and has been improved through
them (EuroGEOSS, GEOWOW, ENVIROFI, GeoViQua, ODIP). The EuroGEOSS Brokering Framework was
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actually the basis of the current GI-suite Brokering Framework where the concept of query expansion enabled
in the Brokering Framework accessing semantic assets (vocabularies, thesauri, ontologies) stored in a
knowledge base was introduced. In the ENVIROFI project, access-brokering capabilities were enhanced and
in the GeoViQua it was extended to integrate quality information provided by data producers, and feedback
from users. It is mature enough and extensible, allowing for the integration of new capacities needed by the
ECOPOTENTIAL project as identified in WP4. It has been adopted in operational settings like GEOSS. (See
Section 6.2.1 for a detailed description of the GI-suite modules used in ECOPOTENTIAL.)
The choice of the GI-suite Brokering Framework as the central brokering component of the VLabs is
determined firstly by its features. In particular, it is specifically designed to integrate geospatial services from
heterogeneous domains like those cited in the call (INSPIRE, Copernicus, etc.). Secondly, its maturity has been
proven by its use in several European Projects and by its adoption in initiatives such as GEOSS (with the
development of the GEO-DAB). Its functionality has been increasing since the moment of suggesting its use
in the ECOPOTENTIAL proposal. Thirdly and not less important, it is under continuous incremental
development by one of the partners, CNR-IIA, so the control to include the new functionalities needed to
cover the requirements established by WP3-WP9 within the ECOPOTENTIAL consortium.
5.6.2 Semantic Service
The GI-Suite Brokering Framework is able to connect to external semantic services. It currently supports SKOS
(Simple Knowledge Organization System) knowledge bases publishing a SPARQL (SPARQL Protocol and RDF
Query Language) interface. It is tested with the EC-JRC semantic service adopted in GEOSS.
EC-JRC Semantic service. The SemanticLab of the Institute for Environment and Sustainability (ISE) of the
European Commission Joint Research Center (EC-JRC) developed a semantic service providing access through
a SPARQL (SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language) interface to a knowledge base structured according
to SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System) and encoded in RDF (Resource Description Framework).
The knowledge base includes a set of aligned thesauri and ontologies:
"AIP-3-Hydrosphere Vocabulary, version 1.0"@en
"CaLAThe-Cadastre and Land Administration
Thesaurus, version 1.0"@en
"EUROVOC v4.3"@en
"EuroGEOSS-Drought Vocabulary, version 1.0"@en
"GCMD-Earth Science Keywords, version 5.3.3"@en
"GCMD-Earth Science Keywords, version 5.3.3"@en
"GEMET-INSPIRE themes, version 1.0"@en
"GEMET, version 2.4"@en
"GEOSS - Earth Observation Vocabulary, version
"GEOSS - Societal Benefit Areas, version 1.0"@en
"INSPIRE-Feature Concept Dictionary, version
"INSPIRE-Glossary, version 3"@en
"ISO-19119 geographic services taxonomy"@en
The semantic service published by EC-JRC and providing a set of aligned thesauri will be initially used for
multilingualism, suggestions, and semantic queries.
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Whenever required, other knowledge base can be developed and published using open source tools
supporting SPARQL/SKOS.
5.6.3 Transformation Service
The GI-suite Brokering Framework already supports subsetting and simple interpolation schemes, and the
most used CRS through either local routines or external transformation services.
5.6.4 Resource Interaction Facade
The Resource Interaction Facade is an ancillary component aiming to expose a harmonized and consistent
interface to the many components of the ECOPOTENTIAL architecture e.g. the Brokering Framework, the
Processing Service(s) and Publishing Service(s) - according to the Facade pattern. The component will be
developed in ECOPOTENTIAL, and the Web Portal and Web Application(s) will use the APIs exposed by the
Resource Interaction Façade.
5.6.5 Web Portal, Web Applications and Client Apps
As usual in the modern Web environment, different components realize the user applications: server-side
components (Web Portal and Web Applications) running on the VLab platform and client components (Client
Apps) running in the user’s browser. This allows splitting the business logic between server and clients for
achieving better performances. The Web Portal and the Web Applications carry out part of the business logic
and deliver both presentation content e.g. HTML and CSS code and mobile code i.e. Javascript code
to the browser. The interaction between server-side and client-side components realize the application. In
this way, the processing load and responsibility can be freely allocated between server and client, allowing a
wide range of options: from full server applications where client only manages the user interface e.g. no
Javascript code to full client applications, like typical Web and mobile apps, where the server only
dispatches call to internal components.
To support such a programming model the VLab Platform exposes a clean server-side API through the
Resource Interaction Facade. The server-side API bases on REST architectural style, and JSON encoding. A
simple Javascript library including HTML+CSS widgets facilitate client-side interaction. Developers can create
server-side components communicating with the VLab through the server-side API, and client-side
components using the Javascript library.
5.6.6 Resource Server(s)
As the name implies, Resource Servers provide access to resources. In particular, they include one or more
of the following internal components:
Registry Service
Access Service
Publishing Service
Processing Service
The ECOPOTENTIAL architectural approach, based on brokering System of Systems, poses no constraint
about the communication protocols with the different services. The technological choices are then guided by
the characteristics of the different resources managed in ECOPOTENTIAL.
Satellite data and derived products
For satellite data the main requirement was the long-term preservation capabilities. ECOPOTENTIAL selected
Zennodo as the main sharing platform for satellite data and derived products. Zenodo is an open dependable
home for the long-tail of science, enabling researchers to share and preserve any research outputs in any
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size, any format and from any science. Zenodo content is accessible through both REST API and OAI-PMH API
providing Registry and Access Services.
In-situ data
For in-situ, it is expected that many data will be available through existing data systems including: LifeWatch
(E-Science European Infrastructure for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research), OBIS (Ocean Biogeographic
Information System) and GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). Datasets generated in
ECOPOTENTIAL will be made available through Zenodo (netCDF files) or OGC compliant systems.
Model results
Model results are another category of datasets. They will be published on Zenodo or other data system for
satellite or in-situ data (see above).
Model results are another category of datasets. They will be published on Zenodo or other data system for
satellite or in-situ data (see above).
Processing algorithms
The stable versions of processing algorithms generated in the project and encoded in any programming
language will be published in either source or executable version on Zenodo. As a long-term preservation
platform, Zenodo assures that users can always refer to a specific version of the algorithm. Unstable versions
and beta versions may be stored on GitHub supporting collaborative development.
Models/workflows descriptions
The stable versions of models/workflows descriptions in BPMN will be published on Zenodo. As a long-term
preservation platform, Zenodo assures that users can always refer to a specific version of the
Processing services
Processing services are exposed through documented protocols (e.g. OGC WPS profiles). ECOPOTENTIAL
provides access at least at the Terradue platform for EO data processing.
The GI-Suite Brokering Framework is already able to connect the majority of existing data systems,
repositories and services cited above. For Zenodo a specific accessor will be developed.
5.6.7 Annotation Server
The Annotation Server will be realized extending the component implemented in the European project
6.1 Development approach
In early 2000, new software design and development methodologies were proposed, with the objective of
solving issues emerged in traditional software engineering approaches such as the waterfall model (Figure
13) [32] and other sequential processes, in particular with the advent of the Internet and related Web
applications. Those new development methodologies shared a set of principles defined in the Manifesto for
Agile Software Development (Agile Manifesto) [33]:
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
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Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
As an innovation project aiming at facilitating the use of data by users in a highly dynamic and evolving sector,
ECOPOTENTIAL has great requirements at least on privileging “working software”, “customer collaboration”
and fast “response to change”. Therefore, ECOPOTENTIAL will adopt an Agile Methodology for design and
Figure 13 The traditional Waterfall Model (from [32])
Agile methodologies better respond to changes through an iterative process (Figure 14). Requirements are
not entirely collected at the beginning of the process as in the traditional processes. They may be added later
to be fulfilled in a next iteration.
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Figure 14 The iterative process in Agile development
Taking into account the specificity of ECOPOTENTIAL we can identify four main milestones and therefore four
main iterations (see Figure 15):
Project Month 12, end of the first major iteration and release of the Metadata Platform. The
Metadata Platform provides metadata harmonization and data access from heterogeneous
data sources.
Project Month 24, end of the second major iteration and release of the Workflow Platform.
The Workflow Platform provides the possibility to run ECOPOTENTIAL workflows on selected
Project Month 36, end of the third major iteration and release of the User-focused Services
Platform. The User-focused Services Platform provides all the ECOPOTENTIAL services allowing
the implementation of user-driven portal and apps.
Project Month 48, end of the fourth major iteration and release of the final ECOPOTENTIAL
VLab Platform. The ECOPOTENTIAL VLab Platform provides the same capabilities of the User-
focused Services Platform but with improved performances after test and evaluation.
Each iteration includes the following phases:
1) Definition and prioritization of functionalities based on collected requirements and feedback
2) Cycle over the selected functionalities for the iteration:
a. Development of functionality
b. Integration and test
3) Demo release
4) Collection of feedback from the consortium and presentations in external events
5) Release of the VLab capacity
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Figure 15 Main iterations of the ECOPOTENTIAL VLab implementation
6.2 System integration
As described in Section 4.1, ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory adopt an Open Architecture with
Decentralized Software Evolution based on APIs allowing internal integration of existing tools and external
interaction with other members of the geospatial ecosystem. The different components of the Virtual
Laboratory architecture are then implemented through the integration of selected technological solutions to
build a complete framework delivering the requested Virtual Laboratory functionalities. The first release of
the Virtual Laboratory comprised the GI-suite Brokering Framework. The following releases will include
selected components integrated with the GI-suite Brokering Framework to support missing functionalities.
In particular, during the second and third iterations the following components will be integrated: a)
Annotation Server from the ConnectinGEO project b) Federated identity systems (e.g. Google, Facebook,
other OpenAuth systems) for authentication.
6.2.1 The GI-suite Brokering Framework
The GI-suite Brokering Framework is a set of coordinated software components for geospatial resource
brokering. The main components used in ECOPOTENTIAL are:
Discovery broker (GI-cat): a component which is able to connect disparate (distributed and
heterogeneous) metadata sources, exposing them through a set of standard catalogue interfaces. By
means of metadata harmonization and protocol adaptation, it is able to search metadata from
different sources and transform query results to a uniform and consistent metadata model. GI-cat
mediates among the connected metadata sources interfaces, and harmonizes their metadata
mapping them to an internal schema based on ISO 19115 (GI-cat metadata model). Each query
request sent through the external interfaces is performed against all the connected sources based
on the internal schema. GI-cat supports both distributed queries (for external sources exposing a
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catalogue service) and harvesting. Harvesting can be adopted for enhance query performances for
catalogues, or to enable search also on inventory services providing metadata without catalogue
functionalities. The choice between distributed query and harvesting can be made per data sources.
In case of harvesting also the repetition time can be defined per data source. Internally, GI-cat
includes several modules (see Figure 16):
o The Distributor is in charge of accepting queries from the exposed catalogue interfaces and
route them to the external data sources. The Distributor accesses the Local DB for harvested
data sources, and Accessors for query propagation.
o The Profilers are adaptors for exposing catalogue interfaces to users. Each Profiler exposes a
standard interface carrying out: a) mapping of the query interface to the internal search
interface of the Distributor; b) mapping of metadata from the GI-cat metadata model to the
metadata model of the supported interface, providing also the related encoding. For
example the CSW/ISO Profiler maps the OGC Catalog Service for Web (CSW) interface to the
internal search interface, and, on the other direction, it maps the metadata from the internal
model to the ISO 19115 model and ISO 19139 encoding.
o The Harvesters periodically harvest the related data source filling the Local DB.
o The Accessors are adaptors for connecting metadata sources. Each Accessor supports a
metadata source carrying out: a) mapping of an internal query (from query propagation or
harvesting) to the interface exposed by the external metadata source; b) mapping of
resulting metadata to the GI-cat metadata model. For example, the Accessor for Web
Accessible Folder WAF hosting ISO 19139 XML files, maps the request (only from harvesting
since WAF is an inventory service and not a catalogue service) to a HTTP request, and on the
other direction, it maps the metadata from ISO 19139 (ISO 19115 model) to the GI-cat
metadata model.
o The Local DB hosts the harvested metadata.
Figure 16 Discovery broker (GI-cat) internal architecture
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Semantic Enhancement Module (GI-sem): a component which implements semantic query expansion
[31]. If the semantic query is enabled by configuration, when a query includes a keyword, it is passed
as a parameter of a semantic query to a set of connected knowledge bases to search for “related”
terms. Each of the resulting term is then used as a keyword in a separate geospatial query. The results
are then assembled to provide the complete response to the user. This workflow enables several
semantic enhancements depending on the connected knowledge bases, including multilingualism,
semantic refinements and suggestions. For example, connecting a multilingual thesaurus supporting
English, French, German, Italian, Polish and Spanish, if an user send a request for “moisture” in
English, then several separate geospatial queries will be sent through GI-cat, including for “moisture
(English), humidité” (French), “Feuchtigkeit” (German), “umidità” (Italian), “wilgoć” (Polish) and
“humedad” (Spanish). This allows to find datasets annotated in different languages overcoming
limitations of syntactic queries on metadata content. GI-sem supports basic relationships such as
“related” (i.e. generic relationship; e.g. “soil moisture” is related to “soaking”), “broader” (i.e.
generalization; e.g. “soil water” is more general than “soil moisture”) or “narrower” (i.e.
specification; e.g. “soil moisture” is more specific than “soil water”). GI-sem is implemented through
semantic accessors integrated in GI-cat, which map the request to a specific knowledge base
Access broker (GI-axe): a component which is able to connect with disparate (distributed and
heterogeneous) data sources, exposing them through a set of standard catalogue interfaces. By
means of data harmonization and protocol adaptation, it is able to download (subset of) datasets
from different sources. GI-axe mediates among the connected data sources interfaces, and
harmonizes datasets using a small set of internal data models (GI-axe data models). It is also able to
carry out on-the-fly transformations for subsetting, reprojection, resampling, encoding. Internally,
GI-cat includes several modules (see Figure 17):
o The Orchestrator is in charge of accepting data access requests from the exposed data access
interfaces and run the needed workflow for access and transformation. The Orchestrator is
a smart component taking into account servers’ capabilities: if the original data source
already supports the requested transformation, the Orchestrator relies on it, otherwise it
calls the Converters.
o The Profilers are adaptors for exposing access interfaces to users. Each Profiler exposes a
standard interface carrying out: a) mapping of the data access interface to the internal access
interface of the Orchestrator; b) mapping of datasets from the GI-axe data models to the
data model of the supported interface, providing also the related encoding. For example the
WCS/netCDF Profiler maps the OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS) interface to the internal
access interface, and, on the other direction, it transforms the dataset from the GI-axe data
model to the netCDF data model and encoding.
o The Accessors are adaptors for connecting data sources. Each Accessor supports a data
source carrying out: a) mapping of an internal access request to the interface exposed by the
external data source; b) mapping of resulting datasets to the GI-axe data model. For example,
the Accessor for FTP hosting GeoTIFF files, maps the data access request to a FTP download
request, and on the other direction, it transforms the GeoTIFF dataset to the GI-axe data
o The Converters are modules for on-the-fly execution of dataset transformations. These
transformations include simple processing aiming not to modify the content of datasets, but
only to transform its representation. They include subsetting, reprojection, resampling and
encoding. The Converters either use local routines or call external web services exposed
through OGC Web Processing Service (WPS) interface.
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Figure 17 Access Broker (GI-axe) internal architecture
Configurator (GI-conf): a user friendly web tool which allows the Brokering Framework configuration
using a browser. With GI-conf an administrator can manage the published interfaces, the brokered
sources and edit several other settings such as proxy parameters and personalize the welcome page.
Figure 18 GI-conf screenshot
Business Process Broker: a component which is able to analyze a BPMN representation of an abstract
business process, to compile it in an executable BPEL instance - adding components as necessary -
and run it.
Test Portal (GI-Portal): a basic portal for testing the GI-suite Brokering Framework capabilities,
operation and configuration.
Application Programming Interface (GI-API): a Javascript library implementing Web APIs for
interaction with the GI-suite Brokering Framework. It is conceived as a set of objects and related
methods to simply use the Brokering Framework capabilities for rapid development of Web and
mobile applications (documentation available at
Table 8 shows the data sources (accessors for discovery and access) currently supported by the GI-suite
Brokering Framework.
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Protocol elements
OGC WCS 1.0, 1.1, 1.1.2
Discovery (coverages inventory) and access
OGC WMS 1.3.0, 1.1.1
Discovery (maps inventory) and access interfaces
OGC WFS 1.0.0
Discovery (features inventory) and access interfaces
OGC WPS 1.0.0
Discovery (processes inventory) and access
OGC SOS 1.0.0
Discovery (sensors inventory) and access interfaces
OGC CSW 2.0.2 Core, AP ISO
1.0, ebRIM/CIM, ebRIM/EO, CWIC
Discovery interface and metadata profiles
Discovery and access interfaces
Metadata and data encoding
Discovery interface
GeoNetwork (versions 2.2.0 and 2.4.1)
catalog service
Discovery interface
Deegree (version 2.2) catalog service
Discovery interface
ESRI ArcGIS Geoportal (version 10)
catalog service
Discovery interface
WAF Web Accessible Folders 1.0
Discovery and access interfaces and metadata
FTP - File Transfer Protocol services
populated with supported metadata
Discovery and access interfaces
THREDDS 1.0.1, 1.0.2
Discovery and access interfaces
THREDDS-NCISO 1.0.1, 1.0.2
Discovery and access interfaces, and metadata
Discovery and access interfaces, and metadata
CDI 1.04, 1.3, 1.4 1.6
Discovery interface and metadata model
GI-cat 6.x, 7.x
Discovery and access interfaces
Discovery and access interfaces, and metadata
OpenSearch 1.1 accessor
Discovery interface
OAI-PMH 2.0 (support to ISO19139 and
dublin core formats)
Discovery interface and metadata model
NetCDF-CF 1.4
Metadata and data model
Metadata and data model
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Metadata and data model
Metadata model
GeoRSS 2.0
Access interface, and metadata model
Access interface, metadata and data models
Metadata and data model
File system
Access interface
SITAD (Sistema Informativo Territoriale
Ambientale Diffuso) accessor
Discovery and access interfaces
Discovery and access interfaces
Discovery and access interfaces
Discovery and access interfaces
Discovery and access interfaces
IRIS event
Discovery and access interfaces, metadata model
IRIS station
Discovery and access interfaces, metadata model
Discovery and access interfaces, metadata model
KISTERS Web - Environment of Canada
Discovery and access interfaces
Discovery interface and metadata model
Discovery interface and metadata model
Discovery and access interfaces
Table 8 Preliminary list of data sources protocols supported by the GI-Suite Brokering Framework
Table 9 shows the protocols for the exposed interfaces (discovery and access profilers) currently supported
by the GI-suite Brokering Framework.
Protocol elements
OGC CSW 2.0.2 AP ISO 1.0
Discovery interface and metadata
OGC CSW 2.0.2 ebRIM EO
Discovery interface and metadata
Discovery interface and metadata
Discovery and access interfaces
Discovery and access interfaces
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OpenSearch 1.1 (including mapping to
Discovery interface and metadata model
OpenSearch 1.1 ESIP (including
mapping to Atom)
Discovery interface and metadata model
OpenSearch GENESI DR
Discovery interface
GI-cat extended interface
Discovery and access interfaces
Discovery and access interfaces, metadata model
Table 9 Preliminary list of protocols for published interfaces supported by the GI-Suite Brokering Framework
The GI-suite Brokering Framework is developed in Java language (for server-side components) and
HTML+CSS+Javascript (for client-side components) and it is available in Web ARchive Format (WAR) for
deployment in Java Servlet containers, such as Apache Tomcat and Jetty. It is currently adopted in several
contexts (see Table 10), with different deployment strategies including local infrastructures with web
application servers based on different servlet containers, private clouds adopting different virtualization
techniques, public commercial cloud providing Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service
(PaaS) capabilities like Amazon.
EU BON - Building the European Biodiversity Observation
Network. EU BON proposes an innovative approach in terms of
integration of biodiversity information system from on-ground to
remote sensing data, for addressing policy and information needs
in a timely and customized way. GI-cat is used as the EU-BON
metadata registry.
CEOS Water
CEOS Water Portal led by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
(JAXA) is a project of the Applications Subgroup of the
Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Working
Group on Information Systems and Services (WGISS). The
purpose of the CEOS Water Portal Project is to provide assistance
to the water relevant scientists and general users (or non-
researchers) in the development of data services associated with
data integration and distribution.
The Global Mercury Observation System (GMOS) is aimed to
establish a worldwide observation system for the measurement of
atmospheric mercury in ambient air and precipitation samples.
GMOS will include ground-based monitoring stations, shipboard
measurements over the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and
European Seas, as well as aircraft-based measurements in the
Trees 4 future
Trees4Future is an Integrative European Research Infrastructure
project that aims to integrate, develop and improve major forest
genetics and forestry research infrastructures. It will provide the
wider European forestry research community with easy and
comprehensive access to currently scattered sources of
information (including genetic databanks, forest modelling tools
and wood technology labs) and expertise.
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The information system PANGAEA is operated as an Open
Access library aimed at archiving, publishing and distributing
georeferenced data from earth system research. The system
guarantees long-term availability of its content through a
commitment of the operating institutions.
NSIDC Acadis
The Advanced Cooperative Arctic Data & Information Service
(ACADIS) manages data and is the gateway for all relevant
Arctic physical, life, and social science data for the National
Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Polar Programs (PLR)
Arctic Research Program (ARC) research community.
SeaDataNet FP6
project and
FP7 project
SeaDataNet objective is to construct a standardized system for
managing the large and diverse data sets collected by the
oceanographic fleets and the new automatic observation systems.
The aim is to network and enhance the currently existing
infrastructures, which are the national oceanographic data centres
and satellite data centres of European riparian countries, active in
data collection. The networking of these professional data
centres, in a unique virtual data management system will provide
integrated data sets of standardized quality on-line. SeaDataNet
CSW interface
The Group on Earth Observations, GEO, was established by a
series of three ministerial-level summits. It currently includes 68
member countries, the European Commission, and 46
participating organizations. The vision of GEO is to create a
Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) to help
realize a future wherein decisions and actions for the benefit of
humankind are informed via coordinated, comprehensive and
sustained Earth observations and information.
The Global Earth Observation System of Systems will provide
decision-support tools to a wide variety of users. As with the
Internet, GEOSS will be a global and flexible network of content
providers allowing decision makers to access an extraordinary
range of information at their desk. The IP3 was conceived as a
way to exercise the process that has been defined for reaching
interoperability arrangements. The 2nd Phase of the AIP will
augment the GEOSS Initial Operating Capability previously
GENESI-DR, (Ground European Network for Earth Science
Interoperations - Digital Repositories), has the challenge of
establishing open Earth Science Digital Repository access for
European and world-wide science users. GENESI-DR shall
operate, validate and optimise the integrated access and use
available digital data repositories to demonstrate how Europe can
best respond to the emerging global needs relating to the state of
the Earth, a demand that is unsatisfied so far.
GIIDA is a CNR initiative (inter-departmental project) aiming to
the design and development a multidisciplinary infrastructure for
the management, processing and evaluation of Earth and
environmental data.
GIIDA aim is to implement the Spatial Information Infrastructure
(SII) of CNR for Environmental and Earth Observation
data.GIIDA central catalog
EuroGEOSS demonstrates the added value to the scientific
community and society of making existing geographic systems
and applications interoperable and used within the GEOSS and
INSPIRE frameworks. The project will build an initial operating
capacity for a European Environment Earth Observation System
in the three strategic areas of Drought, Forestry and biodiversity.
The concept of inter-disciplinary interoperability requires
research in advanced modelling from multi-scale heterogeneous
data sources, expressing models as workflows of geo- processing
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components reusable by other communities, and ability to use
natural language to interface with the models. EuroGEOSS portal
The main objective of this ESA project is to involve the
stakeholders, namely national space agencies, satellite or mission
owners and operators, in a harmonization and standardization
process of their ground segment services and related interfaces.
HMA is the first project launched and overviewed by the GSCB.
AFROMAISON aims to propose concrete strategies for
integrated natural resources management in Africa in order to
adapt to the consequences of climate change. AFROMAISON is
funded by the 7th Framework Program of the European Union. It
has a budget of 4 million euro and a runtime of 3 years (March
2011-2014). AfroMaison portal
The Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, ISPRA
(Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale), has
been established by Decree no. 112 of 25 June 2008, converted
into Law no. 133 (with amendments) on 21 August 2008.
ISPRA performs, with the inherent financial resources,
equipment and personnel, the duties of:
- ex-APAT, Italian Environment Protection and Technical
Services Agency (article 38 of Legislative Decree no. 300, July
30, 1999, and subsequently amended);
- ex-INFS, National Institute for Wildlife (Law no. 157 of
February 11, 1992, and subsequently amended);
- ex-ICRAM, Central Institute for Scientific and Technological
Research applied to the Sea (Decree no. 496, article 1-bis,
December 4, 1993, converted into Law no. 61, Article 1, January
21, 1994, with amendments).
The Institute acts under the vigilance and policy guidance of the
Italian Ministry for the Environment and the Protection of Land
and Sea (Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e
del Mare).
Table 10 List of infrastructures and initiatives using the GI-suite Brokering Framework
The GI-suite Brokering Framework is extensible through an Accessor Development Kit (ADK) for the
development of accessors.
The GI-suite Brokering Framework exposes server-side APIs for discovery and access through the Profilers. In
particular, the GI-cat Profiler, providing functionalities beyond the usual discovery and access, including
feedback for query monitoring, is suitable for integration in complex environment (such as a Virtual
Laboratory). It also exposes APIs for configuration and notification. The GI APIs facilitate the use of discovery
and access functionalities by intermediate users (developers).
6.2.2 Annotation Server
The Annotation Server is implemented using the GEO User Feedback system which has been developed as a
part of the FP7 GeoViQua project and enhanced in the H2020 ConnectinGEO project [34]. It consists of:
A user feedback server
A feedback submission client
A feedback search client
It aims to improve the ways in which geospatial experts can communicate user feedback about geospatial
data registered in the GEOSS portal. In a federated environment, such as GEOSS, implementing feedback is
challenging because existing approaches do not apply to federated resources. This deficiency is addressed by
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GeoViQua's feedback model which can be implemented independently from the resources subject to user
6.3 Status of implementation
The status of implementation at project-month 13 (June 2016) is summarized in the following tables listing
the major components:
Resource Server
Some resource servers (or platforms) have been identified: LifeWatch, OBIS,
GBIF, DEIMS, GEOSS, Terradue EO Platform, Zenodo, ESA Scientific Hub, CNR
ecosystem model server
Annotation Server
Not yet available
Virtual Laboratory Platform
First prototype available
Computing and Storage
The current Vlab prototype is available as an instance based on Apache Tomcat
hosted on Amazon EC2/S3 IaaS
Knowledge Base Server
The current Vlab prototype accesses the KB service hosted by the EC-JRC
Transformation Server
No external transformation service available
User Device
Desktop, laptop, and tablet hosting a modern browser are supported
Identity Provider
No authentication implemented
Annotation Service
No annotation service implemented.
Registry Service
The DMP lists some registry services in particular for satellite data and products.
Updates of the DMP needed for other resources.
Access Service
The DMP lists some registry services in particular for satellite data and products.
Updates of the DMP needed for other resources.
Publishing Service
The current prototyipe supports Zenodo for the publication of multiple
resource types
Processing Service
CNR ecosystem model services used for proofs-of-concepts. Terradue EO
Platform targeted, but technical information needed for proofs-of-concepts
Brokering Framework
GI-Suite Brokering Framework integrated in the VLab. It currently supports
most of the protocols described in the DMP for interacting with Resource
Servers. Accessors developed for Zenodo and CNR ecosystem model services.
Semantic Service
The VLab currently access the knowledge service published by the EC-JRC
Transformation Service
The VLab currently uses the GI-Suite Brokering Framework internal routines for
dataset transformation (subsetting, re-projection, interpolation, encoding)
Resource Interaction Facade
The Vlab currently use the GI-Suite Brokering Framework simple APIs.
Enhancements needed to support resource publishing through the VLab (if
necessary), and workflow invocation.
Infrastructure Management
The Infrastructure Management Services are currently provided by the Amazon
AWS portal.
Web Portal
A prototypal portal is available
Web Application
The current prototype supports proof-of-concept applications for running
Most modern browsers supported
Authentication Service
Authentication service not yet available
Authorization not yet available
Some actions are logged using Amazon and Tomcat logging functionalities
6.4 First Prototype: the Metadata Platform
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According to the scheduling shown in Figure 15, a first version of the VLab Platform was released on project
month 12 and presented at the ECOPOTENTIAL General Meeting in Texel (NL), on 27-29 July 2016. The
prototype is composed of the Metadata Platform, providing data discovery and access capabilities, and
proofs-of-concepts for handling workflows related to storylines on different protected areas.
An user can access the Metadata Platform (see Figure 19) through a data portal providing discovery
capabilities based on geographical coverage, temporal extent, keywords, and data source. The results are
listed with basic information. The user can evaluate the result dataset or collection inspecting the full abstract
(“More info” button). Finally, the user can access the result dataset or collection.
Figure 19 ECOPOTENTIAL VLab prototype: the Metadata Platform functionalities
The proofs-of-concept aim to present a potential access to workflows. The user can access workflows starting
from the protected areas (see Figure 20). A simple search field is available to filter potentially interesting
protected areas. For each protected area, the portal provides an abstract and links to the relevant ecosystems
and storylines.
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Figure 20 ECOPOTENTIAL VLab prototype: access to protected areas information
Selecting storylines for a protected area, the user can discover the existing workflows for that storyline and
protected area (see Figure 21). The workflow is presented through a graphical representation in Business
Process Modelling Notation (BPMN). The user can select the desired input data and run the workflow.
Currently only a small set of predefined workflows is available as proof-of-concept. However, they are
effectively run accessing remote services, showing the feasibility of the proposed approach.
Figure 21 ECOPOTENTIAL VLab prototype: running a workflow