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Scientific validated approach for application of Mandura bhasma A review

  • Faculty of Ayurveda ,IMS .Banaras Hindu University
  • VCP Cancer Research Foundation


Abstract: Mandura (iron rust) is abundantly found in nature. The rational pharmaceuticaland therapeutically approach of Ayurveda in general and Rasa Shastra in particular hastransformed Mandura into medicinal form. The processes of Shodhan (purification/potentiation) and Maran (incineration/calcinations – treatment with that quantum of energywhich is needed for physico-chemical conversion of raw materials to Bhasma: a therapeuticform) which are very individualized in terms of material, media, method and absolutemedicinal form. Mandura Bhasma has been described useful in the treatment of Pleehavriddhi (spleen enlargement); Yakrit vriddhi (liver enlargement); Kamala, Pandu (jaundice);Shotha (oedema); Raktaksaya (anemia). However, dose schedule of Mandura Bhasma forcertain disease are not very rational. We studied various commercially available proprietaryAyurvedic medicines containing Mandura Bhasma. Prak-20 was found to meet up withthe classical standard of dose schedule of Mandura bhasma.Key words: Mandura bhasma, Ayurveda (PDF) Scientific validated approach for application of Mandura bhasma A review. Available from: [accessed Mar 19 2022].
Electronic Journal of Pharmacology and Therapy Vol. 3, 00-00 (2010)
ISSN: 0973- 9890 (Available online at Original Article
1Department of Ras Shastra, Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu
University, Varanasi ———, 2Department of Research & Development, Ipca Traditional
Remedies Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai ——. E . mail:
Received: June
Abstract: Mandura (iron rust) is abundantly found in nature. The rational pharmaceutical
and therapeutically approach of Ayurveda in general and Rasa Shastra in particular has
transformed Mandura into medicinal form. The processes of Shodhan (purification/
potentiation) and Maran (incineration/calcinations treatment with that quantum of energy
which is needed for physico-chemical conversion of raw materials to Bhasma: a therapeutic
form) which are very individualized in terms of material, media, method and absolute
medicinal form. Mandura Bhasma has been described useful in the treatment of Pleeha
vriddhi (spleen enlargement); Yakrit vriddhi (liver enlargement); Kamala, Pandu (jaundice);
Shotha (oedema); Raktaksaya (anemia). However, dose schedule of Mandura Bhasma for
certain disease are not very rational. We studied various commercially available proprietary
Ayurvedic medicines containing Mandura Bhasma. Prak-20 was found to meet up with
the classical standard of dose schedule of Mandura bhasma.
Key words: Mandura bhasma, Ayurveda
Indexed in: ProQuest database Abstract, USA (ProQuest Science Journals, Health and Medical complete), EBSCO
databases (USA), Indian Science Abstract, Medical and Aromatic Plant Abstract, New Delhi
There may not be second opinion on notion that
since last two decades acceptability of Ayurveda
among common public is significantly enhanced
across globe. This is also true that many legal
recognitions by law of land had been already
notified or being discussed in form of draft
consultation at proper forum, national as well as
international viz. FDA of USA, MHRA of UK,
Health Australia etc., courtesy initiation of WHO
for promotion of indigenous system of medicine
and inner strength of Ayurveda [1].
Medicines of any system provide a lion share in
its basic doctrines and in Ayurveda herbo-mineral
formulations were incorporated in practice in
beginning of 5-6 A.D. and completely
amalgamated in therapeutics up to 11 A.D. on
virtue of its wide range of application,
palatability, bio compatibility and greater shelf
life period. But, unfortunately these groups are
under scan and being considered toughest rider
in quality, safety and efficacy of Ayurvedic
formulations by all stakeholders.
With all energy, potency and wisdom of our
ancient scholars, we submit that these groups of
medicines are as superior as it was, even today.
This is compromise in fundamental
pharmaceutical process with unwarranted
variation and irrational dose schedule which is
E. J. Pharmacol. Therapy
No of
Process Drug and Media Type Procedure Repetition Reference
1 Gomutra Vishesha Pachana - Charaka Samhita
2 Gomutra Vishesha Nirvapa 8
Rasa Ratna Samucchaya
Rasendra Sara Samgraha
Ayurveda Prakasha
Rasa Tarangini
Siddha Yoga Samgraha
3 Triphala Kwatha
prepared by Gomutra Vishesha Nirvapa - Rasa Ratna Samucchaya
4 Gomutra
Vishesha Abhisheka
Pachana 7 Sharangadhar Samhita
5 Taila
Samanya Nirvapa 7 in each Rasendra Sara Samgraha
No of
Process Drug and Media Procedure Puta Specification Repetition Reference
1 Triphala
Kwatha Putapaka - 30 Rasatarangini
2 Lauha
Putapaka - - Rasatarangini
3 Gomutra
Putapaka Ardha -Gajaputa 7
Siddha Yoga
Table 2: Drug,
media, type and
process of Marana of
Table 1: Process and
media for Mandura
responsible for any side/adverse effect of these
which are being debated currently.
In this review, we put forth our scientifically
validated approach for application of Mandura
Bhasma [2] which will substantiate pragmatic
and rational advancement of herbomineral
formulations, consists of mainly metallic/
minerallic and mercurial preparation of
Literary work on Mandura viz. identification,
method of Shodhan, Marana of the mineral, dose
schedule etc., was collected from the available
literature. The quantity of Mandura bhasma
present in various commercially available
proprietary Ayurvedic medicines viz. Liv-52,
Kamalahar Forte, Amlycure, Prak-20 [3] etc.
were collected. Attempts were made to compare
the Mandura Bhasma present in different
formulations along with the dose pattern. The
proprietary Ayurvedic medicine Prak-20 is
manufactured by Bharat Bhaishajya Shala
Private Limited at Dehradun and marketed by
Ipca Traditional Remedies Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai.
Debut mentions of Mandura:The word Lau-
hakitta, Mandura and its use in therapeutics was
first mentioned in Charaka Samhita (15th century
B.C.) [4]. Examination of Lauhakitta was
mentioned first by Kautilya (4th century B.C.)
[4] . Shodhana of Mandura was first mentioned
in Charaka Samhita (15th century B.C.) [4].
Importance of Shodhana of Mandura was first
mentioned in Rasendra Chudamani (12th century
A.D.) [5]. Preparation of Mandura Bhasma was
firstly mentioned in Rasatarangini (20th century
A.D.) [6].These references regarding Mandura
established many facts about its acceptability in
therapeutics since the period of Charak Samhita.
Formulation Ref..
Total ingredient Mandura
% Shastrokta Dose
of Formulation Daily intake
of Mandura
Panchamrit Mandura B.R. Pandu 41.5 Tola 12.5 Tola
30% 2 4 Ratti O.D. 0.6 Ratti-1.2 Ratti
Panchamrit Mandura B.R. Pandu 41.5 Tola 12.5 Tola
30% 2 4 Ratti O.D. 0.6 Ratti-1.2 Ratti
Vajravatak Mandoor B.R. Pandu 9 Pal 6 Pal 66.66%
0.5 Masha = 3 Ratti
Not Available
Punarnavadi Mandura *
B.R. Pandu 60 Tola 40 Tola 66.66%
1-4 Masha Not Available
Punarnavadi Mandura S.Y.S.
Pandu 160 Tola 80 Tola 50% 4-8 Ratti T.D.S. 6-12 Ratti
Triushanadi Mandura B.R. Pandu 360 Tola 240 Tola
3-9 Ratti B.D. 1.98-5.94 Ratti
Pandupanchanan Ras B.R. Pandu 93 Tola 62 Tola 66.66%
Not Available Not Available
Triktrayadi Loha B.R. Pandu 26 Tola 4 Tola 15% 4Ratti T.D.S. 1.8 Ratti
Kamlantak Loha B.R. Pandu 24 Tola 2 Tola 8% 2 Ratti-4Ratti Not Available
Navayas Churna S.Y.S.
Pandu 18 Tola 9 Tola 50% 2 4 Ratti T.D.S 1-2 Ratti
Kalmegha navayas S.Y.S.
Pandu 27 Tola 9 Tola 33% 3 Ratti T.D.S 2.97 Ratti
Dhatri Loha II B.R. Shool 10 Pal 3 Tola 6 Pal 55.8% 1 Tola x6 3.348 Tola
Ras Mandura B.R. Shool 34 Tola 8 Tola 23.5% 4-6 Ratti Not Available
Chatuhsam Mandura B.R. Shool 16 Tola 4 Tola 25% 4 Masha x 6 6 Masha
Koladi Mandura B.R. Shool 10 Tola 5 Tola 50% 3-6 Ratti T.D.S. 4.5-9 Ratti
Bheemvatak Mandura B.R. Shool 1 Prasth aur 5 Pal
1 Prasth 76% 0.5 Tola x 6 2.28 Tola
Tara Mandura Gud B.R. Shool 18 Tola 9 Tola 50% 1 Kol x6 3 Kol
Shatavari Mandura B.R. Shool 39 Pal 8 Pal 20.5% Not Available Not Available
Triphala Mandura B.R. Amla Pitta
2 Pal 8 Tola 4 Tola 50% 1 Masha Not Available
Seeta Mandura B.R. Amla Pitta
36 Tola 4 Tola 11% 1 Karsha B.D 0.22 Karsha
Trikatvadi Mandura B.R. Shotha 38 Tola 19 Tola 50% 1 Shukti x O.D 0.5 Shukti
Sudhanidhi B.R. Shotha 15 Tola 10 Tola 66% 1 Nishk Not Available
Agnimukh Mandura B.R. Shotha 124Tola 48 Tola 39% 1 Karsha
Shothari Mandura B.R. Shotha 34 Tola
Takra Mandura B.R. Shotha 16Tola 16 Tola 100% 10 Ratti 10 Ratti
Rasabhra Mandura B.R. Shotha 6 Pal 2 Pal 33% 2 Masha 4 Masha
Table 3: Dose Schedule of Mandura Bhasma in classic Ayurvedic formulations. *According to study done at Jamnagar
matra of Punarnava Mandura is 1-10gm/day Note : 1 Tola = 11g 664 mg which is equivalent to 12g. B. R. =
Bhaishjaya Ratnawali [12], S. Y. S = Siddha Yoga Sangrah [13].
Name of Products Form Package of
each unit Quantity of
Mandura Bhasma Recommended
Daily Dosage Daily Dose of
Mandura Bhasma
Liv. 52 Tablet 275 mg 33 mg
Liv. 52 DS Tablet 550 mg 66 mg 2 to 3 tablets thrice a day 66 to 99 mg
Capsule 250mg 20 mg 1 to 2 capsules thrice daily
for minimum of 10 days
Kamalahar Forte
Liquid Each 10 ml 20 mg 10 20 ml thrice daily for
adults.5 10 ml for
60 120 mg
Amlycure DS Capsule 500 mg 30 mg 1- 2 capsules twice or
thrice a day 60 180 mg
Prak-20 Capsule 500 mg 250 mg 3 6 capsules a day 750 1500 mg
Table 4: Comparative quantity of Mandura Bhasma in different Proprietary Ayurvedic medicines.
Origin of Mandura: After severe heating of
Lauha, when it is hammered some parts are
separated. These separated parts after many years
turn into Mandura.
Properties of Mandura: In accordance of
Ayurvedic pharmacology- Rasa=Kashaya;
Virya= Sheeta; Vipaka = Katu; Guna =Ruksha;
Laghu = Doshaghnata; Pittakapha = Prashamana
Types of Mandura: Mandura is divided into 3
types [7] viz., 1.Mundakitta: It is reddish, heavy
and unctuous. 2. Tikshnakitta: It has shining like
collyrium, it is heavy and solid (non porus) and
3. Kantakitta: The heaviest, small, solid,
ununctuous and yellowish Kitta is termed as
Kantakitta. It gives silvery shining on cut
Suitable Mandura for pharmaceutical proc-
essing: i.) It should be non porous, heavy,
E. J. Pharmacol. Therapy
unctuous, hard and more than 100 yeas old. ii.)
100 and more years of old Mandura is considered
as best. iii.) 70-80 to 100 years of old Mandura
is taken as medium quality. iv.) 60 to 70 years of
old Mandura is considered as inferior quality.
v.) Less than 60 years of old Mandura is taken
as Visha (poisonous).
Shodhana of Mandura: Shodhana is a process
of purification and detoxification by which
physical and chemical blemishes and toxic
materials are eliminated and substances are
subjected for further processing.
For Shodhan of Mandura following techniques
are used in general approach. i.) Mostly Nirvapa
(heating up to red hot and quenching in liquid
media) process is followed for Shodhana of
Mandura. ii.) Commonly Gomutra is used as
liquid media for Mandura Shodhana. iii.)
Interestingly Mandura can be used in
therapeutics after Shodhana by making it in
Churna form.
All details about Shodhan of Mandura are shown
in table 1.
Marana of Mandura [8]: Marana is a process
of transformation by which purified and
detoxified materials are transformed into
absorbable, adaptable and assimilable form
following certain parmaceutical processing as
per PUTA System of quantum heating in Rasa
For Marana of Mandura following techniques
are used in general approach. i.) Same methods
and drugs for processing of Lauha may be used
for Marana of Mandura. ii.) Drugs of Lauha
Maraka Gana are used for Mandura Marana. iii.)
Triphala Kwatha is the most commonly used
liquid media for Bhavana. iv.) Ardha Gajaputa
is used mostly as heating grade for Mandura
Marana. All details about Marana of Mandura
are shown in table 2.
Phramacological action of Mandura bhasma
[9]: Mandura Bhasma causes Deepana,
Pittashamana, Raktavriddhikaran, Vrishya,
Ruchikaraka etc.
Therapeutic indications of Mandura Bhasma
[10]: Mandura Bhasma is indicated in Sopha,
Kamala, Pandu, Krimi, Arsha, Grahani, Pliha,
Shosha etc. with specific Anupana or Sahapana.
Computation of Dose Schedule of Mandura
Bhasma: Mandura Bhasma is mixed with
substances of plant and animal origin in variable
quantity before administration. After a close
scrutiny of literature we found 25 formulations
(kalpas) containing Mandura Bhasma. These are
used in treatment of Pandu, Shool, Amlapitta and
Shotha roga which are depicted in table 3.
There is no clear information regarding the
quantity and frequency to use these formulations
in human body. Out of twenty five formulations,
the daily dose schedule is available for fourteen
formulations. There is no information about the
daily dose schedule for the rest eleven
formulations. Classical references of daily dose
schedule for Mandura Bhasma in different
disease are shown in table 4.
Impact of Shodhan: Mandura is considered as
rusted iron, its chemical formula is Fe2O3 H2O.
During Shodhan process water portion of the
hydrated ferric oxide may evaporate and only
ferric oxide remains. When Mandura was heated,
it gets attached with the ladle, because water
portion from the surface of heating gets
evaporated and remaining part gets attached with
the ladle.
Colour of Mandura became brown and black
after Shodhana. During heating Mandura breaks
into coarse particles and metallic iron part may
be exposed. This iron part becomes black
ferroso-ferric oxide during heating to red hot.
On heating water part of the hydrated ferric oxide
gets evaporated and only ferric oxide part
remains, which is reddish brown in colour.
Mandura pieces became coarse powder after
Shodhana, because during Shodhana on heating,
Mandura bursts and becomes into coarse powder.
Impact of Marana: Industrious Mandura is
converted in to form of medicinal Mandura
Bhasma which is brown (Rakta Chandana Varna)
in colour. Mandura Bhasma may be considered
as a mixture of ferric oxide (Fe2O3) and other
traces. Ferroso-ferric oxide was formed from the
metallic iron part of Mandura during Marana
which contribute a minute portion of Mandura
Bhasma. Whereas, presence of maximum
portion of ferric oxide (red in colour) makes the
Bhasma brown in colour.
Apparent absorption criteria: Probable
absorption criteria may include acid insolubility
pattern of Bhasma along with other many pysico-
chemical characters. Basis of test for acid
insoluble ash was carried out to evaluate the
percentage of insoluble inorganic content of the
Mandura Bhasma in dilute acid. Since a drug
must first pass into solution before it can be
absorbed, so the acid insoluble ash test of
Bhasma is therapeutically very important. It is
intended to provide a step towards the evaluation
of the physiological availability of the Bhasma.
Lauha Bhasma contains comparatively more acid
insoluble ash (27.80%) than that of Mandura
Bhasma (16.23%). So it may be inferred that
Mandura Bhasma should be physiologically
more available in the body than Lauha Bhasma.
Luminous dose: After a close scrutiny of
formulations quoted in table 3, the daily intake
of Mandura Bhasma falls within the range of
750mg/day to 40gm/day. Such vast variations
create a big question regarding the minimum and
maximum therapeutic dose of Mandura Bhasma.
Prak-20 [3] is a modified form of classical
Punarnava Mandur [11]. In pre-clinical and
clinical studies, Prak-20 is best effective in liver
disorders at the dose of 30 mg/kg/day and it can
be given at the maximum dose of three grams
each day for long duration. Thus the therapeutic
dose of Mandura Bhasma in Prak-20 (750 mg/
day to 1500mg/day), which is compatible with
the classical reference of the daily doses of
Mandura Bhasma.
On the contrary, there are few commercially
available Ayurvedic formulations that contain
Mandura Bhasma and these formulations are
able to provide merely 60mg/day to 180mg/day
Mandura Bhasma in therapeutic doses raising big
question about its rationality (Table 4).
Application of Mandura Bhasma alone or in
compound form is very rational since centuries.
Of all the formulations studied Prak-20 found to
meet up with the classical standard of dose
schedule of Mandura bhasma. This formulation
has shows potent hepato-protective, anti-fibrotic,
anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and anti viral
properties in various pre-clinical and clinical
studies [3]. However, further studies are required
to understand the complexity of daily dose
schedule and to rationalize Minimum Required
Dose (MRD) and Maximum Tolerant Dose
(MTD) of Mandura Bhasma. Work on Prak-20
is just a curtain raiser of complexity of dose
schedule of Mandura Bhasma.
Authors are thankful to each other for basic
initiation of reasonable relationship among
academia and industry. It may run longer and
broader with universal interest of benefit of
common member of public. We also
acknowledge the efforts of Vaidya Sandeep Rai,
Shikha Prakash, Vaidya Neetu Singh and Dr.
Sanjoy Kumar Pal in the preparation of this
Conflict of Interest: We have compared the
various proprietary Ayurvedic medicines
containing Mandura Bhasma with academic
interest not for any commercial purpose. We are
not posing any question on their claim.
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[2]Mandura Bhasma. In: The Ayurvedic Formulary
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... 16 Rasaratnasamuchaya and Rasendrasarasangraha opines that all therapeutical qualities present in munda loha exist in mandura also. 18,19 Indications -Pandu, sopha, kamala, krmi, arsas, grahini, and pliharoga with specific anupana. ...
... Rasatarangini 19 Mandura bhasma with punarnavashtaka quata can be used in sotha with ruja. Mandura bhasma with katvi, triphala and nishadvaya churna can be used in kamala. ...
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Mandura (Iron oxide) is one such drug which has been used since olden days. The reference about mandura bhasma can be seen in many of the rasa texts. It is evident from the Ayurvedic classics that the therapeutic use of mandura has been in practice since the medieval period of Rasasastra. AMndura has a unique place in the treatment of yakrith vikaras. Key words: mandura, sodhana, marana.
... Thus, it is a need to use Shodhit (purified) form of Mandoor. [1,2] Combining references from various classical texts, use of Ashuddha (impure) Mandoor can lead to Panduta (Anaemia), Kustha (Skin diseases), Hridroga (heart diseases), Shoola (Pain), Ashmari (Renal calculii), Hrillas (Emetamesis), and even Mrityu (Death). ...
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Mandoor (Iron Oxide) is important in Rasashastra as a Dravya from Upadhatu Varg. It is widely used in Ayurveda therapeutics for the treatment of Pandu Roga, Kamala Roga, Rajakshaya and Raktakshaya. Mandoor is found buried inside the earth’s land and is said to be of mineral origin. Thus, it becomes important to get rid of physical and chemical impurities in Mandoor and make it potent for using it in therapeutics. To serve the necessity, Shodhana procedure is mentioned in classical texts of Ayurveda. The physical and chemical changes occurring during Shodhana make Mandoor suitable for the therapeutic use. In the classical texts of Ayurveda and Rasashastra numerous Shodhana procedures for Mandoor are found mentioned. So here an attempt was made to review various Shodhana procedures for Mandoor. In this context eighteen Vishesh Shodhana methods and a Samanya Shodhana found mentioned in different texts. A thorough review was carried out for the Shodhana procedures.
... These methods not only eliminate unwanted principles from the raw material, make the material feasible for further processing but also help in enhancing their therapeutic potentials. [1] These processes are individualized in term of material media, method etc. [2] Svarṇa Mākṣika (SM) is an important mineral used for medicinal purposes since saṁhitā period in many diseases in the form of Bhasma. It is one of the major ingredients in popular formulations like Candraprabhā vaṭi, [3] Vātagajānkuśa rasa, [4] Śvāsakāsa cintāmani rasa, [5] prabhākara vaṭi [6] etc. Ancient Rasa Scholars have developed number of processing methods for a single substance by which crude form of drug can convert into highly potent therapeutic agent. ...
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Introduction: Rasa Śāstra is a branch of science exclusively dealing with different aspects of metals and minerals including their origin, varieties, characteristics, processing techniques, properties, therapeutic applications etc. in a comprehensive way. These metals and minerals are to be processed before their internal administration. The processes include Śodhana, Māraṇa etc. that are essential in making the raw material suitable for therapeutics. Svarṇa Mākṣika is one such mineral that after proper processing become highly potent and useful in Prameha (Diabetes), Pānḍu (Anemia), Kuṣṭha (Skin diseases), Jwara (Fever), Anidrā (Insomnia) etc. Classics mention different treatment procedures for Svarṇa Mākṣika that are scattered throughout the texts of Rasa Śāstra. Here an attempt has been made to compile all such references pertaining to Śodhana. Methods: Śodhana processes of Svarṇa Mākṣika were compiled from classical texts and analysed by segregating type of basic procedure, media and principle used in the procedure etc. Results: At least 34 (Plant origin-24, Animal origin-05, Mineral origin-05) varieties of liquids are used as Śodhana dravya in classics. Twenty six methods of Śodhana were described in various texts that can be categorized into five basic methods like Swedana, Bharjana, Nirvāpa, Mardana and Puṭapāka. Conclusion: This work may prove a torch bearer for future research works on Svarṇa Mākṣika.
... The formation of coordination compounds will be precluded however, if the bhasmas are not prepared properly, resulting in lower total ash content [41]. Lower acid-insoluble ash indicates higher bioavailability of the drug [42] and lower value of loss on drying indicates the absence of moisture in the drug. The results of XRF study revealed that, Fe present in the elemental form along with its impurities in the raw Fe turnings is converted into different forms of Fe oxide in final bhasma were estimated by X-ray diffraction [18,43]. ...
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Background Lauha bhasma is one of the herbo-metallic preparations used in Ayurveda, a traditional Indian system of medicine for treating various ailments such as anemia, diarrhea, hyperlipidemia and diabetes. Objective To establish standard manufacturing procedure of Teekshna lauha bhasma and analyze its physico-chemical properties. Materials and methods The preparation of T. lauha bhasma (calx of iron [Fe] turning) involves samanya shodhana, vishesha shodhana followed by bhanupaka, sthalipaka and putapaka with Triphala kwatha as a medium under temperature of 650 °C in electric muffle furnace (EMF) and maintained for 1 h. T. lauha bhasma were subjected to different physico-chemical characterization using X-ray fluorescence spectrophotometer and scanning electron microscopy. Results and discussion The results suggest that these steps are necessary to obtain a good quality of bhasma and also make it acceptable for trituration during Bhasmikarana process. It is found that T. lauha bhasma was prepared properly in 20 puta at a temperature of 650 °C. The particle size of 20 puta T. lauha bhasma is 100–500 nm in range. Conclusion Pharmaceutical procedures given in Ayurvedic texts are necessary to prepare pakwa jambu phala varna T. lauha bhasma that complies with all the classical bhasma pariksha and modern analytical parameters in 20 puta at a temperature of 650 °C maintained for 1 h in EMF.
... Acid-insoluble ash is an indicator of quantity of acid non-digestible mass in the sample. [20] Hence, lower acidinsoluble ash indicates higher bioavailability of the drug. [21] Lower value of loss on drying indicates the absence of moisture in the drug. ...
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Introduction: Rasasindura (RS) is a sublimated mercurial preparation known for its use in different formulations. The efficacy of RS will enhance with the quantity of sulphur and duration of heating, hence Shadguna Rasa Sindura (SRS) (1:6 proportion of Hg:S) is said to be superior. Objective: Present study attempts to standardize mode of preparation of SRS & analyse its physico-chemical properties. Methodology: Shodhita Parada (Purified mercury) and Gandhaka (sulphur) were triturated till formation of Kajjali (black sulphide devoid of shine) and was impregnated with Aloe vera Linn. Thus formed Kajjali was placed in Kacha Kupi (glass bottle) coated with ten layers of cloth and multani mitti. Bottle was placed in Electrical Muffle Furnace (EMF) and heat was given for 168 hours with Kramagni (gradual rise in temperature). After observing all chief desired characteristics in process, bottle was sealed and allowed for sublimation and thus formed product was carefully collected. Same way three batches of SRS were prepared to ensure standardization and reproducibility. Final product was screened for physico-chemical analysis. Results: Average yield of SRS was 12.45% and physico-chemical analysis revealed following results: Loss on drying-0.4, Ash value-0.23, Total Mercury-85.84% and Total Sulphur-13.07%. Conclusion: SRS can be prepared by adopting 168 hrs of gradual rise in temperature, i.e. Mild (1200C-2500C), Moderate (2500C-4500C) and Stern (4500C-6000C) temperature. Average yield of Shadguna RS is 12.45% in EMF. 85.84% of Mercury and 13.07% of Sulphur was detected in SRS. Introduction Rasashastra a branch of Ayurveda deals with pharmaco-therapeutic aspects of metals and minerals. Judicious combinations of herbs with metals and minerals form organo-metallic compound formulations known as Rasoushadhies which accomplish quick desired effects in smaller doses.[1] Kupipakwa Rasayana is a unique process to prepare formulations like Makaradhwaja, Rasasindura etc. where processing is done in a glass bottle with gradual intermittent rise in temperature i.e. mild (120-250°C), moderate temperature (250-450°C), stern temperature (450-600°C). Rasasindura is prepared by combining Parada and Gandhaka to form Kajjali (black lustreless compound) and processed with Kupipakwa method. Thus formed final product collected at the neck of the bottle is said to have unique properties to pacify diseases such as diabetes, fistula, fever, lack of appetite, anaemia, oedema and many other diseases.[2] The property of the final product is enhanced by increase in amount of Sulphur and time duration of the process.[3] Hence the properties of Shadguna Rasasindura (SRS) is claimed to have ability to cure all kind of diseases and also a elixir which can take over the death.[4] Earlier studies have been published regarding preparation and characterization of Rasasindura,[5] Standard manufacturing process of Samaguna Rasa sindura on large scale.[6] Toxicity studies with Samaguna and Shadguna RS prepared with Astasamsakarita and Samanya Shodhita Parada has also been attempted.[7] There is no previous study published on standardization of Shadguna Rasasindura as per the knowledge of author. The Indian drugs are not qualifying the parameter as in the methods of validation; quality control and manufacturing process are not in accordance with currently understood methodologies.
... PRAK 20 (ethical version of Punarnavadi Mandura) has shown potent hepato-protective, anti-fibrotic, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and anti viral properties in various pre-clinical and clinical studies. [59] One study identifies the necessity of further studies to understand the complexity of daily dose schedule and to rationalize Minimum Required Dose (MRD) and Maximum Tolerant Dose (MTD) of Mandura 1. R.K. Johri and U. Zutshi, An Ayurvedic formulation ''Trikatu' and its constituents, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 37 (1992) 85-91 [60] CONCLUSION Mandura Kalpas are the promising answer for the search of safe and effective Iron preparations. They can be safer and more acceptable than the present day hematinics of modern medicine. ...
Lauha bhasma, an iron-based herbo-metallic preparation, is an Ayurvedic medicine prescribed for the treatment of ailments due to iron deficiency. The preparation of Lauha bhasma involves a rigorous procedure meant to convert the metal in to a fine, non-toxic and bio-available form. The physico-chemical properties of a commercially available Lauha bhasma have been studied based on classical parameters and through the use of modern analytical techniques. Lauha bhasma sample was found to conform to few of AYUSH specifications, while deviations were found in other. A core-shell structure has been proposed for chemical nature of Lauha bhasma using information obtained from various complimentary characterization tools.
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Nutritional intakes for infants, children, and adolescents should provide for maintenance of current weight and support normal growth and development. Karshya is a most wide spreading health and nutrition problem in developing countries and protein energy malnutrition or underweight children are a possible condition may be correlated with Karshya. Childhood under-nutrition is an underlying cause in an estimated 35% of all deaths among children under five and 21% of total global disability adjusted life years lost among less than 5 children. Both girls and boys have similar prevalence of under-nutrition. Prevalence of under-nutrition is higher in rural areas (46%) than in urban population (33%). Present article narrate the possible effect of Paushtika biscuit in the management of Karshya in children. Paushtika biscuit the ingredients are Godhuma, Amalaki, Madhuyashti Mandukaparni, Guduchi, Atibala, Dry Kharjura, Shunthi, Sharkara and Ghee. Most of the ingredients of biscuit have Madhura Rasa; Guru, Sheeta, Snigdha Guna; Shita Veerya and Madhura Vipaka. By this pharmacodynamics Paushtika biscuit have Brumhaniya and Balya effect which is help in underweight children and Protein energy malnutrition.
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