
The historical background of modern social psychology

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... Com não menos razão, Leyens (1979) observa que a obra clássica de Gabriel Tarde, Les lois de l'imitation de 1890, deve ser entendida como um texto de Psicologia Social. Remontando ainda mais no tempo, Allport (1985) chega a colocar Auguste Comte, o fundador da Sociologia, como fundador também da Psicologia Social, por ele ter aberto, em uma obra póstuma, a possibilidade de uma ciência positiva da moral, que estudaria as normas e costumes da sociedade e que se situaria no topo das ciências, acima mesmo da sociologia. ...
... Em busca de uma perspectiva própria da psicologia social, Allport (1924Allport ( /1985 assumiu que o papel desta disciplina era explicar como os pensamentos, sentimentos e comportamentos dos indivíduos são influenciados pela presença implícita ou explícita de outros indivíduos ou grupos. Com esses pressupostos, estabeleceu a conduta social como objeto de estudo, definindo-a como "as estimulações e reações que surgem entre os indivíduos e seu meio social, isto é, entre os mesmos indivíduos" (p. ...
... Dessa perspectiva, esse autor propôs o conceito de facilitação social ao demonstrar que a realização de uma tarefa é incrementada pela simples presença de outras pessoas realizando a mesma tarefa. Allport (1985) também realizou uma pesquisa experimental que demonstrava uma tendência dos indivíduos a expressarem julgamentos menos extremistas e mais conservadores na presença de outros, do que isoladamente. Do ponto de vista metodológico, adotou o experimentalismo, muito embora tecesse algumas críticas a suas limitações, em especial, a generalização de estudos realizados em laboratório. ...
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PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL Temas e teorias Ana Raquel Rosas Torres Marcus Eugênio Oliveira Lima Elza Maria Techio Leoncio Camino Organizadores 3ª edição revisada e ampliada
... Social psychology is fundamentally a discipline that employs scientific methods to understand and explain how an individual's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the presence of others, whether real, imagined, or implied (Allport, 1985). However, this traditional approach often overlooks how an individual's interpretation of social reality is influenced by broader ideologies. ...
... Gordon Allport, a pioneer in social psychology in the United States, offered one of the most influential definitions. According to Allport (1985), social psychology is a scientific discipline that uses scientific methods to understand and explain how an individual's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the presence of others, whether real, imagined, or implied. This definition highlights the importance of social influence in shaping individual behavior and emphasizes the scientific approach in the study of social psychology. ...
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This study explores the role of ideology in social psychology and psychoanalysis by drawing on the theoretical approaches of key figures such as Martín-Baró, Moscovici, Lacan, and Žižek. The research highlights how ideology functions as a structure influencing human subjectivity and actions, particularly through the mechanism of fantasy as articulated in Lacanian theory. Ideology is not only seen as an explicit system of beliefs but also as an unconscious process that shapes identification and social interaction. Through in-depth analysis, this study demonstrates that fantasy plays a crucial role in reproducing ideological structures, thereby enabling the persistence of the existing social order. The study also expands our understanding of how gender and political ideologies are produced and reproduced in everyday life. By integrating psychoanalytic concepts and ideological analysis, this research offers a new perspective on understanding human subjectivity within a social context and proposes a more comprehensive theoretical framework for analyzing the relationship between social psychology and ideology. These findings are expected to contribute significantly to the existing literature and encourage further research in this field.
... However, the manifestations of caste in cognitive, affective and behavioural domains of individuals as well as groups affirm that caste is an important psychological phenomenon. Social psychological frameworks have offered explanations to understand how the thoughts, feelings, and actions of individuals and groups are influenced by features of socio-cultural contexts and beliefs (Allport 1985). Psychological theory on social categorisation (Tajfel 1981;Tajfel & Turner 1986) explain how group membership and socio-religious capital of being members of a group bring differential experiences to have implications for the psychological functioning of the individuals, and intergroup relations and behaviours. ...
... This captures the cognitive, affective and behavioural elements of caste. The psychology of prejudice, a function of 'individual feelings' (Allport 1954), and 'group mind' (Blumer 1958) becomes an operative instrument for psychic benefit. In the context of caste, prejudice based on the philosophy of the caste system produces false beliefs about the low caste. ...
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Caste in India is intricately and inevitably linked to multiple issues specifically in the context of intergroup relations and behaviours, and social inequality. Despite the perceived changes in the caste system and its manifestations, it is acknowledged that caste continues to exist in the Indian psyche as part of everyday life. An engagement with the ‘caste question’ as a matter of socio-psychological analysis has significance given the fact that caste involves social, cognitive and emotional elements that contribute to having different meanings for social groups, and generate different forms of affective and behavioural responses. With the recognition of the dearth of research on ‘psychology of caste’, this article attempts to provide insights into underlying socio-psychological processes in the persistence and pervasiveness of caste, and caste-based oppressive behaviours. Building on the recent debate and contestation on the transformations in caste, gaps in the mainstream psychological research on caste in India, and Ambedkar’s psychological expositions of caste, the article focuses on the issues of socio-psychological construction of caste, the protuberant manifestations of caste in the forms of caste-based discrimination and violence, and responses to such oppressive behaviours through the lens of socio-psychological frameworks. It is argued that changes in the expressions of caste in contemporary society influence the social cognition of caste groups to espouse varied responses. The increased resistance to the perceived ‘identity threats’ makes the social groups strive to strengthen their ‘collective identity’, in turn, sustaining the caste in contemporary society. The article calls for research to explore shades of caste from socio-psychological perspectives rather than looking at it primarily as a demographic variable. It also advocates for strategic psychological interventions using both legal and social tools at the societal level, with a specific focus on blurring ‘caste boundaries’ and breaking the ‘caste wall in mind’.
... Ajzen (1993), for instance, recognized that attitude is inaccessible to observations, but it can be measured through the responses of the person toward the object of the attitude. Moreover, there are three categories of responses or reactions namely cognitive, affective, and conative responses (Allport, 1954, Hilgard, 1980, Rosenberg & Hovland, 1960. These are manifestations of salient or latent attitudes which are unobservable (Ajzen, 1993). ...
... In short, an attitude refers to either positive or negative reactions or responses of people toward a certain object, subject, or institution (Ajzen, 1993). From these definitions, three categories are identified, namely: cognitive, affective, and conative (behavioral) responses (Allport, 1954, Hilgard, 1980, Rosenberg & Hovland, 1960. Cognitive response refers to the ideas or thoughts of the person toward the object of attitude. ...
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The study aimed to determine the correlation between the cognitive and affective attitudes of the Catholic youth toward the Catholic Church and their behavioural intention to help the Social action of the Church in the future. To support the study, related literature and studies were reviewed. The study used a descriptive correlational research design. 400 youths were taken as respondents to the survey. To gather the data, validated questionnaires were used and the data were interpreted and analyzed using statistical tools such as Pearson r and Weighted mean. The study found that Catholic youth have a very high positive cognitive and affective attitude toward the Catholic Church and their behavioural intention to help the Church is also very high. Further, there is a correlation between the Catholic Youth’s cognitive and affective attitude and the behavioural intention to help the social action of the Catholic Church in the future.
... Ajzen (1993), for instance, recognized that attitude is inaccessible to observations, but it can be measured through the responses of the person toward the object of the attitude. Moreover, there are three categories of responses or reactions namely cognitive, affective, and conative responses (Allport, 1954, Hilgard, 1980, Rosenberg & Hovland, 1960. These are manifestations of salient or latent attitudes which are unobservable (Ajzen, 1993). ...
... In short, an attitude refers to either positive or negative reactions or responses of people toward a certain object, subject, or institution (Ajzen, 1993). From these definitions, three categories are identified, namely: cognitive, affective, and conative (behavioral) responses (Allport, 1954, Hilgard, 1980, Rosenberg & Hovland, 1960. Cognitive response refers to the ideas or thoughts of the person toward the object of attitude. ...
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Catholic Youth's attitude, Youth's behavioral intention, Social action, human attitude, and human behavior. JEL Classification: ED23; O15 A B S T R A C T Social action begins in the Church informed by God's Word and empowered by God's spirit. The study resolved the correlation between the cognitive and affective attitudes of the Catholic youth toward the Catholic Church and their behavioral intention to help the social action of the Church in the future. To support the study, related literature and studies were reviewed. A descriptive correlational research design wherein 400 youths. Moreover, validated questionnaires were used and the data were interpreted and analyzed using statistical tools namely Pearson r and weighted mean. The study found that Catholic youth have a very high positive cognitive and affective attitude toward the Catholic Church and their behavioral intention to help the Church is also very high. Further, there is a correlation between the Catholic youth's cognitive and affective attitude and the behavioral intention to help the social action of the Catholic Church in the future.
... Ajzen (1993), for instance, recognized that attitude is inaccessible to observations, but it can be measured through the responses of the person toward the object of the attitude. Moreover, there are three categories of responses or reactions namely cognitive, affective, and conative responses (Allport, 1954, Hilgard, 1980, Rosenberg & Hovland, 1960. These are manifestations of salient or latent attitudes which are unobservable (Ajzen, 1993). ...
... In short, an attitude refers to either positive or negative reactions or responses of people toward a certain object, subject, or institution (Ajzen, 1993). From these definitions, three categories are identified, namely: cognitive, affective, and conative (behavioral) responses (Allport, 1954, Hilgard, 1980, Rosenberg & Hovland, 1960. Cognitive response refers to the ideas or thoughts of the person toward the object of attitude. ...
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Catholic Youth's attitude, Youth's behavioural intention, Social action, human attitude, and human behaviour. JEL Classification: ED23; O15 A B S T R A C T Social action begins in the Church informed by God's Word and empowered by God's spirit. The study resolved the correlation between the cognitive and affective attitudes of the Catholic youth toward the Catholic Church and their behavioural intention to help the social action of the Church in the future. To support the study, related literature and studies were reviewed. A descriptive correlational research design wherein 400 youths. Moreover, validated questionnaires were used and the data were interpreted and analyzed using statistical tools namely Pearson r and weighted mean. The study found that Catholic youth have a very high positive cognitive and affective attitude toward the Catholic Church and their behavioral intention to help the Church is also very high. Further, there is a correlation between the Catholic youth's cognitive and affective attitude and the behavioral intention to help the social action of the Catholic Church in the future.
... Handbooks have a formative influence on socializing successive generations of graduate students into the discipline, and these books are no exception, having gone through three major editions. In the last edition, Allport's (1954) famous chapter on the history of ideas is followed by a chapter on American institutions of research between 1935and 1985(i.e., Jones, 1985. ...
Psychologists have typically narrated their discipline’s history so as to glorify an experimental method, which analyzes the mind independently of cultural and historical factors. In line with Jahoda’s sociocultural sensititivity to psychology, this article critically interrogates the plausibility for this vision of psychology as cut off from wider social processes, and offers a culturally sensitive approach in its place, based on an extension of Frederic Bartlett’s theory and methodology. This approach is illustrated with a study of how people remember history narratives on the basis of cultural resources taken over from social groups they belong to, and which thus embed them within a stream of history. Both psychologists’ narratives of their discipline and people’s everyday memory of history are shown to be motivated towards the justification of particular visions of social reality.
... Social psychology has long been defined as the study of social influence (Allport, 1985;Kassin et al., 2010;Myers, 2010;Taylor et al., 2006). As social psychologists, we thus view heroes and leadership from the perspective of how heroic leaders influence the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of others. ...
... I plead guilty to Thurston and Noor's charge but I offer this defense. Famously, Allport (1954) defined social psychology as the discipline that seeks "to understand and explain … the thought, feeling, and behavior of individuals" (p. 5, emphasis added). Allport then distinguished social psychology from "higher level disciplines," disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, and political science, disciplines whose members "seek inclusive laws of social structure, social change, cultural patterning" (p. ...
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Cowan’s (2024), King’s (2024), and Thurston and Noor’s (2024) commentaries on my article (Sharpe, 2024) find us in agreement on many matters relating to editor transparency and bias. Where we disagree is in the extent of change required and the rationale behind undertaking that change.
... Tutum çalışmalarına dayanan (Allport, 1968, akt. Jost, 2024 ve Znaniecki tarafından sosyal bilimlere kazandırılan değer kavramı (Bilgin, 1995) insan davranışlarına kılavuzluk eden ilke, inanç ve eylemlerin yargılandığı standartlar olarak ifade edilmektedir (Güven, 2014). ...
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Değerlerin ve motivasyonun sportmenliğe olan etkilerinin araştırıldığı herhangi bir çalışmaya rastlanılmaması ve olası etkiler ile sportmenlik alanının daha da aydınlatılması amacıyla çalışma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Özellikle erken ergenlik alanıyla çalışmanın sınırlandırılması önemli bir gelişim döneminin özelliklerinin daha iyi anlaşılmasını saylayacağından dolayı çalışma önemli görülmektedir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda çalışma; 12.13±1.36 yaşları aralığında olan 417 gönüllü birey ile ilişkisel tarama desenine göre gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada hoşgörü eğilimleri ölçeği, beden eğitimi motivasyon ölçeği ve fair play davranışlarını sergileme sıklığı ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizi SPSS 25 paket programıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. İstatistiksel analizlerde betimsel istatistikler, Pearson korelasyon ve çoklu doğrusal Regresyon analizinden yararlanılmıştır. Çalışmada anlamlılık düzeyi p<.05 olarak alınmıştır. Gerçekleştirilen korelasyon analizi sonucunda fair play davranışları sergileme ile değer ve empati arasında pozitif yönlü yüksek düzeyde bir ilişki tespit edilirken; motivasyonsuzluk ile negatif yönlü yüksek düzeyde bir ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir. Fair play davranışları sergileme ile kabul, içsel motivasyon ve dışsal motivasyon arasında da pozitif yönlü orta düzeyde bir ilişki olduğu bulunmuştur. Ayrıca çoklu doğrusal regresyon analizi sonucunda Erken ergenlerin regresyon katsayılarının anlamlılığına ilişkin t-testi sonuçları incelendiğinde değer, motivasyonsuzluk, empati ve dışsal motivasyonun fair play davranışı üzerinde anlamlı etkiye sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu değişkenler erken ergenlerin fair play davranışı üzerindeki toplam varyansın %52,1’ini açıklamaktadır. Bu sonuçlara göre fair play davranışlarının sergilenmesinde; değer, motivasyonsuzluk, empati ve dışsal motivasyon önemli etkiye sahiptir.
... Notable examples include Berger and Luckmann (1966) on the social construction of reality, Janis (1982) on groupthink, and Weik (1995) on the process of sensemaking in organizations. Even Allport (1985), the distinguished American personality psychologist, viewed individual meaning as often largely the result of social influence processes. It would seem that peers, leaders, indeed the entire unit or organizational culture can influence how experiences get interpreted. ...
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Although many people suffer physical and mental health decrements following expo-sure to stress, many others show remarkable resilience, remaining healthy despitehigh stress levels. If the factors that account for resilience can be clearly identifiedand understood, perhaps resilience can be enhanced even for those most vulnerableto stress. One potential pathway to resilience is personality hardiness, a characteristicsense that life is meaningful, we choose our own futures, and change is interestingand valuable. This article applies this hardiness concept to the context of military op-erational stress, and argues that highly effective leaders can increase hardy, resilientresponses to stressful circumstances within their units. I discuss the nature of stress inmodern military operations, and briefly review relevant hardiness theory and re-search. Three sets of considerations lead to the proposition that hardy leaders can in-deed increase hardy cognitions and behaviors in groups. These considerations con-cern (a) the likely underlying mechanisms of hardiness, which have to do with howexperiences get interpreted and made sense of; (b) relevant theoretical positions onleader social influence, including transformational leadership and path–goal leadertheory; and (c) several empirical studies that have shown indirect support for a hardyleader influence process. A case vignette is provided to illustrate how leaders mightincrease hardy cognitions, attitudes, and behaviors within their organizations duringhighly stressful operations. This potential for leaders to boost hardiness as a pathwayto resiliency in groups under stress merits further active investigation. (
... By training, interest, and definition as a medical specialty, the field of psychiatry emphasizes the treatment of psychopathology (illnesses or disorders) of individual patients (children and adults). Social psychologists, on the other hand, study the ways in which behaviors and cognitions are shaped by the social environment and influenced by the real or imagined presence of other people (Allport, 1954;Jones, 1998). The social psychologist is not so much focused on individual differences, but rather in determining scientifically the general principles that govern how the social world influences the behavior of all people. ...
... In other words, stereotypes are culturally shared and often learned during socialisation and publicised by the media (Ladegaard, 2020). As a cognitive shortcut mechanism, Allport (1954) argues that associating a particular trait with every group member saves people the stress of dealing with group members as individuals. In our data, we found instances where netizens drew on stereotypes often associated with Muslims to religiously profile them during elections, as illustrated in Excerpt 3 below. ...
Religion is a main characteristic of Nigerian identity and influences the algorithm of its public life. The study explores online religious othering in Nigeria’s electoral discourse. The study utilises a critical discourse analytic approach and examines a dataset of over 14,000 Facebook comments from Nigerians from different religious groups. The analysis revealed that religious othering in the electoral discourse was indexed using three major strategies, namely: demonisation, ingroup ostracisation and stereotyping. The study demonstrates, among others, an emergent intra-religious discord in the online electoral discourse, mainly among the Christian group. Members who displayed favouritism to an outgroup cause, in this case, the Muslim-Muslim presidential ticket, are framed as Other. They are denied the membership of being a Christian. The study concludes with imperative advocacy for the cultivation of critical religious tolerance, a model and practice for engendering a respectful and inclusive political environment beyond religious affiliations.
... According to Wicker and Pomazal, (1971) the attitude of University students to participate into a subject in social psychology is negatively correlated with actual participation and behavior. Ajzen and Fishebin (2000) revealed that, attitude is the main tool to estimate human behaviour (Allport, 1968). There is the probability to maintain social relation of responses over personality and human attitude in a considerable less biased system (Ajzen, 1993). ...
The aim of the detailed study was to review the levels of human response in terms of attitude against certain research activity. Human attitude influences on the nature of human behavior. Both attitude and behavior are the qualitative psychological characteristics of human being that can be shifted from positive to negative according to appearance of the reactions. Research is the organized scientific process; where information is transferred in knowledge by learning and innovation is created adding time based new ideas and findings in the existing knowledge. Attitude expresses responses in a scale of cognitive, affective and conative domains towards research. Attitude is the spontaneous mental response that varies from positive to negative depending on the nature, appearance and availability of the reactant like person, event, institution or other creations. To support the aim of the review, a bunch of works of different researchers on human behaviour, human attitude and fundamentals of academic research were studied, reviewed and interpreted with the current status of human attitude towards research. The review reveals that a major range of university students with high academic grade, ability and experience have shown positive attitude towards future conductance of research, whereas a group of students with lack of knowledge and training have shown negative attitude towards academic research. Introduction: For every civilized human being, seeking information and quest of knowledge is an innate ability of survival. Development gets it shape with the footsteps of research in the society. Research can reform the virtue of society in multi-strata, from quality of life to economy and culture to education. Innovation, skill, improvisation, technological advancements are the aids of research. In every spheres of societal activity, research gives birth of different products for human being. Human society brings its advancement with the hands of education system. The pool of information is transferred by teaching-learning process from teachers to students and produce intellect of human beings. Continuous waves of life get new rhythm of adaptation with innovation and research. Life gets a shape of easiness with holding of research and discovery. Today research seems to be inevitable in schools and higher education institutes for human welfare and development. Schools and education institutes are the open ended platforms where students learn to research and discover innovations. In fact schools, colleges and universities are the educational institutions playing the role of training medium of innovations and findings; where students are the practitioners, teachers act as mentors and books,
... Social psychology is the systematic investigation of how individuals' cognitions, emotions, and actions are shaped by the actual or perceived existence of others within various social contexts, encompassing relationships with family, acquaintances, authority figures, educators, and unfamiliar individuals (Allport, 1985). Given that the definition pertains to the influence exerted by perceived others in shaping the attributes of an individual of interest, it is pertinent to explore this phenomenon within the life course of Ndiaye, whose traits are molded by the presence of Mademba, serving as a significant perceived entity. ...
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This study examines the psychological factors driving retaliatory behaviors among individuals of African descent during World War I. It focuses on the symbolic act of hand severance, representing the suffering experienced during the colonial period in Senegal, as portrayed in the novel At Night All Blood is Black. Utilizing an interdisciplinary approach that incorporates behaviorism, psychodynamic theory, and social psychology, the research highlights the unique characteristics of the main characters. By applying these theoretical perspectives, the study aims to elucidate the relationship between the characters' behaviors and their motivations, societal pressures, and suppressed conditions. This qualitative research methodology guides the investigation's objectives. Additionally, the study emphasizes the lasting cultural influences shaping the characters' experiences, regardless of their geographic location or specific contexts. Ultimately, the research seeks to uncover David Diop's true intent of advocating for African society by examining the development of these characters despite their participation in the war under the command of white forces. This exploration provides insight into the complex factors influencing their actions, reflecting Diop's thematic focus on African societal representation. Keywords: cultural studies, behaviorism, social psychology and psychodynamism
... ( ) 2001 2001 1987 1997 Maharj, 2001;Odimegwu, 1999;Pesa & Mathews, 2000 .( Allport, 1954;Anderson, 1985;Rokeach, 1968 . . ...
This study aimed at using the General Graded Unfolding Model for constructing an attitude scale toward family planning. To achieve the purpose of the study a preliminary Likert rating scale of 50 items was constructed. The scale was administrated to a randomly selected sample of 1200 parents. The results indicated 41 items met the expectations of the model and their scale value cover the latent continuum and they have suitable psychometric properties with a reliability coefficient 0.93,and they also have several validity indicators. The results also showed that the items of the scale have high discrimination. This made them contribute in offering the maximum amount of the information within the range of items vale scale. So, they consist with the model expectations. (Keywords: Family Planning, Item Response Theory, General Graded Unfolding Model, Attitude Measurement).
... Social facilitation is thought to occur because the presence of others increases physiological arousal levels that then enhance performance (Zajonc, 1965;Blascovich et al., 1999). However, the social facilitation effect has mainly only been demonstrated in situations where the task is cognitively very simple (Allport, 1954), involves motor movements such as cycling or winding fi shing reels (Triplett, 1898;Aiello & Douthitt, 2001), or involves tasks that are well learned (Blascovich et al., 1999). The tasks faced by students are likely to be cognitively challenging and novel, therefore social facilitation due to physiological arousal seems unlikely in student task groups. ...
The impact of coordination, ingroup attraction, collectivism and individualism on group performance was investigated in educational settings. Fourteen groups of British students (N=52) undertook a group task whose marks contributed to their final degree results. Each group had a team captain who kept a group log. Regression analysis found that coordination and individualism were significant predictors of group performance, accounting for 25.7% of the variance. The results imply that individualism in student task groups should involve task-division, giving individual members unique responsibilities, that coordination should be monitored through group logs and that group leaders should have a facilitative role.
... Attitude can be measured through the reaction or responses of the person toward the object of the attitude which may be favorable or unfavorable toward the object, persons, institution, events, or situations. According to Allport, (1954), Hilgard, (1980, Rosenberg & Hovland, (1960), and Ajzen, (1993) that there are three categories of responses or reactions toward the object of the attitude, and they are cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses. The cognitive component of an attitude refers to the thought, perceptions, or ideas of the person toward the object of the attitude. ...
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The study aimed to examine college students' attitudes toward higher education and its effects on their academic engagement. To deepen the concept of the study, related literature was reviewed to broaden the understanding of human attitude and behaviour and academic engagement. The study used a descriptive assessment and correlational research design. The population of the study were students of the two colleges of Divine Word College of Laoag, Ilocos Norte, and Vigan, Ilocos Sur. To gather the data, validated questionnaires were used. To interpret the data, the Mean and Pearson r were used. Mean was used to measure the cognitive and affective attitude of students toward education and their academic engagement. Pearson r was used to determine the relationship between the cognitive and affective attitudes of students toward higher education and academic engagement. The study found that students' cognitive and affective attitude toward higher education correlates significantly with academic engagement.
... Formation and change of gender-typed cognitions, preferences, and behaviors, in their view, can (or even should) be analyzed as instances or consequences of more general cognitive-developmental processes, thus leaving aside, or abstracting from, the social context in which the individual is acting. In sharp contrast, social, contextual, and cultural factors influencing an individual's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are of critical importance to a social psychological analysis; actually, it is social influence that defines the field (see, e.g., Allport, 1985). Hence, what constitutes a "blind spot" of the developmental perspective forms the focus of a social psychological approach to gender. ...
Numerous publications have addressed gender issues from a social or developmental psychological perspective. This volume breaks new ground in advancing a genuine synthesis of theory and research from these two disciplines. Building on the premise that a complete understanding of the multifaceted nature of gender can be achieved only through a broader focus on processes of development and social influence, the contributors examine theoretical approaches to gender development and socialization, gender categorization and interpersonal behavior, and group-level and cultural forces that affect gender socialization and behavior. The book will interest students and professionals in social psychology, developmental psychology, gender studies, sociology, anthropology, and educational psychology.
... 1. In Plato's opinion, democracy involves rule by irrational mobs, and for this reason he favored the rule of an enlightened individual (Allport 1968 ). Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay-the first two of whom were members of the US Constitutional Convention-shared a similar concern: "In all very numerous assemblies, of whatever character composed, passion never fails to wrest the scepter from reason. ...
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This paper provides evidence showing that people are more prone to engage in nasty behavior, malevolently causing financial harm to other people at own costs, when they make decisions in a group context rather than when making choices individually on their own. We establish this behavioral regularity in a series of large-scale experiments among university students, adolescents, and nationally representative samples of adults – more than ten thousand subjects in total. We test several potential mechanisms, and the results suggest that individual nasty inclinations are systematically more likely to affect behavior when decisions are made under the “cover” of a group, i.e., in a group decision-context that creates a perception of diffused responsibility.
... Bilinçli harcama yapma eğilimindedirler, markadan çok kaliteye önem verirler, marka sadakatleri düşüktür, ürün ya da hizmetler hakkında internet sitelerinden, sosyal medya ve forumlardan bilgi edinirler, online satın alma oranları yüksektir (Yılmazel, 2020 (Allport, 1968). Son olarak müşterinin algısını etkilemede hedef kitlenin beklentilerine yönelik bir mantığı olan olasılıklı öğreti kuramından faydalanılmıştır (Gordon, 1997 ...
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Öz: İnternet teknolojisinin gelişmesi, bilginin hızlı bir şekilde yayılması sonucunu ortaya çıkarmış ve özellikle sosyal medya bu noktada oldukça aktif bir rol almaya başlamıştır. Tüketicilerin herhangi bir ürün ya da hizmeti satın almaya karar verme aşamasında daha önce deneyimlemiş olanların görüşlerini almak üzere sosyal medyadan faydalanmaları, bunun bir göstergesi olarak yorumlanabilir. Bu gelişmelerin sonucu olarak takipçilerinin ilgi alanlarında ve satın alma kararlarında etkileyici güce sahip olan kişiler pazarlamada “fenomen (influencer/kanaat önderi)” kavramını, bu kişilerin işletmeler tarafından tespit edilerek pazarlama alanında kullanılması ise “hatırlı pazarlama” kavramını gündeme getirmiştir. Rekabetin oldukça yoğun olduğu turizm sektörü de bu yeni kavramdan etkilenmiş ve turizm pazarlamasında da kullanılan bir yöntem haline gelmiştir. Bu doğrultuda çalışmada hatırlı pazarlamanın müşteri davranışına ve memnuniyetine etkisi incelenmiştir. Nicel bir çalışma olarak tasarlanan bu araştırmanın evrenini, Instagram kullanıcıları oluşturmaktadır. Veriler toplanırken, evrenin tamamına ulaşmak zor olduğundan katılımcılara olasılığa dayalı olmayan örnekleme yöntemlerinden kasıtlı örnekleme tekniği ile ulaşılmış ve anket uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler IBM SPSS 26 programı ile incelenmiş ve bulgular yorumlanmıştır.
... There is little evidence, however, that the investigators involved in developing more comprehensive models of the health/illness process were ever committed to the unlikely notion that something as complex as illness is determined entirely by any one factor, let alone psychosocial events. It is fortunate that there were some investigators who rejected this notion as too simplistic, or what Allport (1954) would have criticized as "simple and sovereign theorizing." ...
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This article presents a conceptual and empirical reply to the study by Schroeder and Costa (1984) that reported relations between stressful life events and physical illness are artifacts of contamination in the events measure by neurotic, subjective, and physical health influences. The present study considers potential conceptual exaggerations that (a) only retrospective studies have shown a stress-illness relation, (b) self-report measures of stressful events are virtually useless, (c) anything is better than self-report illness measures, and (d) frustration stimulated the development of models of resistance to illness. Schroeder and Costa's concern that subjective and physical status items may be present on stress measures appears exaggerated given current research approaches, and their concern about the role of neuroticism is unclear. By using two different samples and two different sets of stress items, our study provides evidence that items uncontaminated by subjectivism, physical status, and neuroticism do indeed correlate with concurrent and prospective illness. These results are at variance with the findings of Schroeder and Costa and are discussed in terms of underlying assumptions about measurement common in psychology that bear reconsideration.
... There has been considerable debate as to the origins of these LA. Although for quite some time it was argued that they are mainly innate, it is now widely thought that they are also learned, that is, we tend to be influenced by the attitudes of society as a whole and the people around us (Allport 1954). As Oppenheim (1982: 40) claims, "they are more likely to have been adopted or taken over from significant others as part of our culture and socialization." ...
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This paper aims to contribute to the study of Multicultural London English (MLE) by focusing on the perceptions of MLE speakers of their own linguistic production and, also, by exploring the reactions and responses to this variety in the British press and on social media. The results indicate that most of the MLE speakers feel that they use a kind of slang. The majority of accounts found in the media depict MLE as foreign, associated with grime music and bad behaviour. Opinions garnered from social networks show more diverse views; while some reiterate the perceived negative aspects, others highlight its multicultural nature and uniqueness. The paper also suggests measures that could be adopted to change negative attitudes towards MLE.
... Attitude can be measured through the reaction or responses of the person toward the object of the attitude which may be favorable or unfavorable toward the object, persons, institution, events, or situations. According to Allport, (1954), Hilgard, (1980, Rosenberg & Hovland, (1960), and Ajzen, (1993) that there are three categories of responses or reactions toward the object of the attitude, and they are cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses. The cognitive component of an attitude refers to the thought, perceptions, or ideas of the person toward the object of the attitude. ...
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Cognitive attitude, affective attitude, academic engagement, behavioral and emotional engagement. JEL Classification: ED23; O15 A B S T R A C T The study aimed to examine college students' attitudes toward higher education and its effects on their academic engagement. To deepen the concept of the study, related literature was reviewed to broaden the understanding of human attitude and behavior, and academic engagement. The study used a descriptive assessment and correlational research design. The population of the study was students of the two colleges of Divine Word College of Laoag, Ilocos Norte, and Vigan, Ilocos Sur. To gather the data, validated questionnaires were used. To interpret the data, the Mean and Pearson r were used. Mean was used to measure the cognitive and affective attitude of students toward education and their academic engagement. Pearson r was used to determine the relationship between the cognitive and affective attitudes of students toward higher education and academic engagement. The study found that students' cognitive and affective attitude toward higher education correlates significantly with academic engagement.
... Social pressure and the influence of others' presence have been linked to more prosocial decisions [60]. Allport [61] demonstrated that a subtle cue, such as the perceived presence of others, might have a similar impact even though it was unrelated to actual observation and potential future gain. Subjective norm is a person's beliefs that individuals or groups who are important to him might think he should or should not perform the behavior [25,26]. ...
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E-ticketing as a self-service technology has become very popular in tourism, especially in the airline industry. But, the e-ticketing adoption behavior of heritage visitors received very little attention from tourism researchers, especially in developing countries. This research applied the technology acceptance model and theory of planned behavior to investigate heritage visitors' self-service e-ticketing adoption behavior. This research used primary data collected from visitors at five heritage sites in Bangladesh. The PLS-based structural equation modeling technique was applied to test the structural model. This research has found that ease of use and subjective norm have significant positive associations with attitude and intention to use e-ticketing. But, privacy concern has a significant negative association with attitude and e-ticketing intention. Perceived usefulness has a significant positive association with attitude but not e-ticketing intention. Attitude plays an important role in e-ticketing adoption behavior by moderating the relationships between e-ticketing intention and other constructs (ease of use, subjective norm, and privacy concern). This research provides valuable insights into visitors' technology adoption behavior for the academics and authorities of heritage sites in developing countries. This paper has discussed the theoretical and practical implications.
... However, due to the complexity of the attitude phenomenon, the researchers, as well as the psychologists, often find it difficult to clearly define and measure the attitude construct (Allport 1954, Dillard 1993. Many attitude based research do stay away from the long scale development procedures. ...
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Attitude is a behavioural construct that cannot be measured by a single variable, hence the need for developing a standardized instrument for its measurement. The present study has been conducted to develop a reliable and valid instrument for exploration of farmers’ attitudinal orientation towards Precision Conservation Agricultural Practices (PCAPs). PCAPs are technologies and practices that are capable of helping farmers to apply right resources at the right place, at the right time, with a right method. The combination of these technologies and practices can help in achieving optimum resource stewardship and resource conservation at the farmers’ field. However, the attitude of farmers’ may influence the uptake of these practices at farmers’ field. A step by step procedure of developing standardized attitude scale was followed using Likert’s summated rating approach. The steps include item collection, relevancy test, item analysis, reliability test as well as validity test. Finally, thirty items were selected for the attitude scale which were found reliable at Spearman Brown coefficient of 0.75 and satisfied content validity. The attitude scale may be useful for researchers and extension functionaries in the field of Precision Conservation Agriculture (PCA) as well as climate smart agriculture (CSA).
Bu məqalə psixologiya və cinayətin kəsişməsini araşdırır, insan davranışını, sosial qarşılıqlı əlaqəni və cinayət meyillərini anlamaqda psixologiyanın kritik rolunu vurğulayır. Sosial, təhsil, klinik və cinayət psixologiyası kimi müxtəlif psixoloji alt sahələrin tədqiqi vasitəsilə məqalə psi­xoloji prinsiplərin cinayətin araşdırılması, cinayət profilinin açılması və cinayətkarların reabili­tasiyası üçün necə tətbiq oluna biləcəyini vurğulayır.
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Társas és társadalmi megkülönböztetése a klasszikus és a mai pszichológiában Absztrakt: A történelmi áttekintő tanulmány megmutatja, miként alakult a társas [social] és a társadalmi [societal] viszonya a modern pszichológia több mint 150 éves története során. A 19. század végén mind a francia, mind a német korai történetben még gyakran használtak a "néplélekre" emlékeztető fogalmakat, amelyek azután a 20. század elejére is átöröklődtek a McDougall-féle csoportlélek vagy Durkheim társas reprezentációi körüli viták közvetítésével. Az 1920-as évek közepére azonban, elsősorban az amerikai szociál-pszichológia térhódítása nyomán, a módszertani individualizmus megkérdőjelezte ezt a társadalmi fogalomrendszert. A százéves individualista szociálpszichológiában ma ismé-telten előtérbe kerül, hogy valamit mégis kezdenünk kell társadalom és ember kapcso-latával. Külön foglalkozom azzal, hogyan különül el az ember eredendő szocialitásának eszménye attól a metateoretikus feltevéstől, amely mintegy felülről lefelé haladó módon, a gonosz levéltárnoknak tekintett társadalom emberi elnyomó hatásait fejezi ki. Az em-beri elme eredendő biológiai társasságának mai felfogása szerint a machiavellisztikus, mások becsapására törekvő és az együttműködésre törekvő ember egyszerre van jelen mintegy kétszázezer éve a homo sapiens történetében, és a modern társadalmakban is e komplex kettősségekkel kell megküzdenünk. Kulcsszavak: néplélektan, társadalmi, társas, társas reprezentáció, utánzás Köszönöm Ónya Balázs felkérését a dolgozat elkészítésére. Történeti bemutatásom egy új könyvem (Pléh 2024) logikáját követi, de szövegét nem. Valójában a "hol is vannak a csoportgondolatok" kérdés történeti vitáit felele-venítve próbálok hozzászólni a társadalmi ontológia vezértémájához. replika 2024 (132): 39-60. © A szerző(k) 2024
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This study explores the role of government specific language favored policies in shaping language hierarchy in multilingual contexts. The study looks back at Nepal’s history illustrating governments’ activities and behavior towards two languages: Nepali and Newar as representative cases. The study was based on macro-level analysis of contents related to governments’ behavior and policies towards these two languages. It also analyzed the contents about influential individuals’ contribution to the development of those languages to show how governments’ particular language favored LPPs plays a determinant role in creating language hierarchy and positioning regardless of significant contribution of influential individuals to the development of a particular language i.e., either Nepali or Newar. The study reveals that governments’ Nepali language favored policies uplifted the status of Nepali language whereas its unfavorable policies towards the Newar language degraded its status by confining it as an ethnic language, despite it having rich literature, advanced functions and large number of native speakers in the past.
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The present research aimed to investigate the components of identity in coffee producers, the relationship and influence it presents in the establishment of community participation strategies, and the formation of a community brand among coffee producers of the Association of Regional Organic Coffee Producers Larecaja APCERL in the Chuchuca community in Caranavi, La Paz, Bolivia. To obtain the results, semi-structured interviews, an observation guide, and a focus group were conducted. For data analysis, a content analysis was carried out, where three generic units were established (Community identity, participation strategies, and community brand). In this way, the results reveal that community identity appropriates elements of the community brand to redefine itself. Therefore, it can be concluded that community identity, being a dynamic process subject to various changes, can be partially reflected in the establishment of a collective brand. However, throughout the research, it was evident that the formation of the community brand can predominantly influence community identity.
The recent Equality, Diversity and Inclusion declaration from the British Psychological Society (BPS, 2017) suggests it’s timely to review the representation of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups in the clinical psychology profession. This article represents one view within the broader complex debate surrounding diversity. This article is not intended to be a systematic review, but rather an update and summary focusing on the representation of BAME groups across the clinical psychology career pathway from undergraduate to applicant for clinical psychology training and qualified clinical psychologist status.
This study analyzes the attitudes of migrant children towards the Basque language within the context of varying linguistic models and the dichotomy between public and private educational institutions. Engaging 145 migrant children aged 12–16; the research utilised open-ended questions analyzed via Iramuteq software to discern patterns in language perception. The analysis concludes that participants in model A or those attending private schools perceive Basque as a challenging aspect of their education. In contrast, students in model B regard it as just another language subject, while those in model D appreciate its community-binding significance, acknowledging its role in social integration. Students from public schools, which exhibit a higher prevalence of Basque than private religious institutions, recognised its instrumental value. The study emphasises the necessity of fostering positive attitudes towards minority languages like Basque, highlighting the importance of approaches based on the educational setting and linguistic framework. It also alerts to the ongoing risk of ghettoisation, stressing the imperative for meticulously devised and executed educational policies to foster inclusivity and prevent segregation. Additionally, there is a warning against the processes of ghettoisation that is currently taking place, highlighting the need for careful planning and implementation of such educational strategies.
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This book focuses on science education, and students with visual impairments, as well as pedagogic strategies for classroom intervention for the education of SVIs. Science education is a focus because of its importance in the present day and because at the same time it is criticized for being ‘elitist’ by some science educators (Fensham, 1986). Science education often tends to exclude and discourage marginalized and low-achieving students from opting for science in higher studies. We expect that some teachers, who have students with vision impairments in their classes, might be using some innovative pedagogy to make the teaching-learning inclusive for their students. Such pedagogy needs to be brought on records and institutionalized. In addition to this, there may also be some challenges that make the implementation of inclusive education difficult, which also need to be recorded. This book examines the nature of actual implementation of inclusive education for students with visual impairments (SVI) and presents some of the strategies that have enabled SVI learn the abstract concepts of science and also express their learning in a way similar to their sighted counterparts. It is hoped that this book will help the readers to gain new insights for enriching the classroom experiences of learners and increasing the accessibility of quality education for all. To raise the understandability (and inclusivity) of this book, some meanings and definitions of common terms that are related to the concept of inclusion in education are being shared right in preface for the readers. This will also be helpful in bringing the readers and the writer on a common platform.
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Este estudio es una investigación cuantitativa de tipo descriptivo, en el que se analiza la “ansiedad matemática” y la “actitud hacia la utilidad de la matemática”, en estudiantes de matemática del Campus Central del Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica en el I semestre del 2023.
This chapter focuses on the societal aspects of bank erosion victims. Social pathology in relation to bank erosion can be investigated through deep roots and under current in destabilizing social bonds and family relations. Here, the social processes (group, intergroup, personal, and interpersonal) are examined to trace the changes in the social interaction and the behavioral pattern of the victims after riverbank erosion. The social psychology of hazards is also discussed. These are essentially distressed psychology like fear, phobia, tension, and shocks related to the different phases of bank erosion (pre, during, and post). Moreover, the social issues and power politics arising out of the occupying charlands are also discussed in depth in the context of India and Bangladesh. Furthermore, social transformation, mutation, and evolution like biological processes are clearly observed in the context of riverbank erosion. For example, social fusion and fission are the common parlances for the people residing on the two opposite banks to expose conflict, as well as cohesiveness regarding the command over a mid-channel bar. Thus, these cross-cutting issues are addressed in this chapter which might strengthen the understanding of nature-society co-evolution and unearthing human behavior using the social psychology and behavioral model.
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It seems that Kurt Lewin's contribution to social psychology is not sufficiently understood. Likewise, it can be said that young researchers have difficulty in following the historical course of concepts in social psychology and cannot understand the epistemological breaks here. Therefore, the aim of this study is to enable young researchers to understand the conceptual process in social psychology and to enable them to benefit more from Kurt Lewin's theory. In his Field Theory, Lewin developed ideas based on this social reality. Lewin’s approach to the group concept is far ahead of the period and resembles today's group approaches. Lewin accepts the existence of groups but builds his theory within the framework that the group has a dynamic nature. Lewin, while addressing group dynamics; takes into account many factors such as group context, and physical conditions. Within the framework of the "Three-Step Model", Lewin tried to examine the changes and behaviors in a group with an experimental method. The most unique feature of his studies is that he handles the context within a scientific framework and offers a methodological perspective to young researchers. As a result, the context, which is the main focus of criticism in the field of social psychology, is handled in a theoretical and methodical framework by Lewin. Based on this, the study will first give Kurt Lewin's Biography and then focus on Field Theory, Group Dynamics Approach, Action Research and current studies.
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Motivational beliefs, such as writing self-efficacy and attitude toward writing, are believed to foster or hinder writing by influencing if one chooses to write, how much effort is committed to writing, and what cognitive resources writers apply. In the current study, we examined self-efficacy for writing self-regulation and attitude toward writing of 2,124 Grade 2 Norwegian students (1,069 girls; 1,055 boys). We investigated if there were differences in each of these beliefs between girls and boys and students who differed in their language status (Norwegian first language, Norwegian and another language both first language, or language other than Norwegian first language). We further tested if each of these writing motivational beliefs made statistically unique contributions to predicting the quality of students’ writing. In each of these analyses, we controlled for variance related to individual- and school factors. Girls were more positive about writing than boys, and they were confident about their abilities to self-regulate writing. Students with Norwegian and another language both as first language (“bilingual” students) had a more positive attitude toward writing than the other two language groups. Efficacy for writing self-regulation and attitude toward writing both made statistically significant unique contributions to predicting the quality of students writing, although these two writing beliefs collectively accounted for just 2% of the variance in writing quality scores once individual- and school-factors were controlled. Recommendations for future research and implications of the finding are discussed.
This chapter defines the main concepts around personhood and relationality that form the key foundations of android intelligence. Ideas about relationality are generalised to include relationships that go beyond the relationships between humans.
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Descriptive models of social response attempt to identify the conceptual dimensions necessary to define and distinguish various types of influence. Building on previous approaches, the authors propose a new response model and demonstrate that a minimum of 4 dimensions is necessary to adequately provide for such influence phenomena as conformity, minority influence, compliance, contagion, independence, and anticonformity in a single model. In addition, the proposed model suggests 5 potential types of response that have not been previously identified. These new types suggest directions for future research and theoretical development. Selected empirical evidence is reviewed in support of the validity and integrative power of the proposed model.
Despite proactive and preventive legislative approaches, caste violence persists in contemporary Indian society. This chapter assumes that caste violence is not only a social phenomenon but also psychological in nature and offers insights into the changing nature and patterns of caste violence. The analyses are undertaken at different levels, including an analysis of the lived experiences of ‘victims of violence’ and perpetrators’ perspectives on caste violence. Efforts are made for a theory-driven empirical examination of why caste violence persists, what mental health consequences are and how the cyclic relationships between causes and consequences accentuate conditions for such oppressive behaviours.
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Teaching is regarded as the noblest profession. It is therefore important that those individuals who join the teaching profession should be dedicated and competent in their work. Teaching being a dynamic activity requires a favorable attitude. Objective: This paper aims to analyze the attitude of the male and female teacher trainees of B.Ed. In this paper, the researcher has tried to find out the attitude towards the teaching profession of B.Ed. students of Bareilly District. Sample: The researcher conducted this study with 180 Students selected from Education Institutions in Bareilly District. Methods: The investigators used the "Teacher Attitude Inventory (TAI)", constructed and standardized by Dr.S.P. Ahluwalia for the data collection, and statistical techniques-Mean, SD, and t-test-were utilized for data analysis and interpretation. The mean scores were considered and the "t" value was calculated to find the difference in the attitude of different categories towards the teaching profession. Result: Another point of analysis in the result is the difference in attitude among the female and male trainee teachers. The study tries to show that gender and difference in course of study are of significance in developing the teaching profession. Introduction : It is well known that the quality and extent of learner achievement are determined primarily by teacher competence, sensitivity and teacher motivation. The National Council for Teacher Education has defined teacher education as-A program of education, research and training of persons to teach from pre-primary to higher education level. Teacher education is a program that is related to the development of teacher proficiency and competence that would enable and empower the teacher to meet the requirements of the profession and face the challenges therein. According to the Goods Dictionary of Education Teacher education means,-all the formal and non-formal activities and experiences that help to qualify a person to assume the responsibilities of a member of the educational profession or to discharge his responsibilities more effectively. In 1906-1956, the program of teacher preparation was called teacher training. It prepared teachers as mechanics or technicians. It had narrower goals with its focus being only on skill training. The perspective of teacher education was therefore very narrow and its scope was limited. As W.H. Kilpatrick put it,-Training is given to animals and circus performers, while education is to human beings. Teacher education encompasses teaching skills, sound pedagogical theory, and professional skills.
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Drawing upon theories of risk and decision making, we present a theoretical framework for how the emotional attributes of social media content influence risk behaviors. We apply our framework to understanding how COVID-19 vaccination Twitter posts influence acceptance of the vaccine in Peru, the country with the highest relative number of COVID-19 excess deaths. By employing computational methods, topic modeling, and vector autoregressive time series analysis, we show that the prominence of expressed emotions about COVID-19 vaccination in social media content is associated with the daily percentage of Peruvian social media survey respondents who are vaccine-accepting over 231 days. Our findings show that net (positive) sentiment and trust emotions expressed in tweets about COVID-19 are positively associated with vaccine acceptance among survey respondents one day after the post occurs. This study demonstrates that the emotional attributes of social media content, besides veracity or informational attributes, may influence vaccine acceptance for better or worse based on its valence.
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