
Analyse linguistique comparative entre la version originale et la traduction espagnole des Schtroumpfs de Peyo

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This article has three sections, each of which focuses on a linguistic domain to provide a comparison between the Peyo's original French comic strips and their translations into Spanish. The first part proposes a lexical comparison, analysing the neologisms and the percentage of smurfed words, the graphies of words and losses consecutive to translation. The second part focuses on morphology, and compares various morphological classes. The third part is devoted to stylistics, and is based on a comparison of various dialectal variation and on an analysis of different stylistic figures of speech.

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... The correct transmission of the meaning of a term / neologism affects the perception of the topic and problem in general in the host culture. Moreover the study analyses the language organisations that regulate the stile and the accuracy of Spanish journalists (Bollig, 2016). ...
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