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Chow’s Handbook
of Applied Hydrology
00_Singh_FM_pi-xlvi.indd 1 27/07/16 4:37 pm
About the Author
Vijay P. Singh, Ph.D., D.Sc., D. Eng. (Hon.), Ph.D. (Hon.), D. Sc. (Hon.), P.E., P.H., Hon.
D. WRE, Academician (GFA), is a Distinguished Professor and Caroline & William N. Lehrer
Distinguished Chair in Water Engineering in the Department of Biological and Agricultural
Engineering and Zachry Department of Civil Engineering at Texas A&M University. He holds
a B.Tech degree from U.P. University of Agriculture and Technology, a Master’s Degree from
the University of Guelph, a Ph.D. from Colorado State University, and a D.Sc. from the
University of the Witwatersrand. One of today’s leading experts in the field of hydrology, Dr.
Singh specializes in surface water hydrology, groundwater hydrology, hydraulics, irrigation
engineering, environmental quality, and water resources. He has published 25 books and has
edited over 58 books, and has published hundreds of journal articles. He has been the Editor-
in-Chief of the Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE; is currently serving as Editor-in-
Chief of Open Agriculture, and Journal of Agricultural research, and Journal of Groundwater
Research and is on the editorial boards of numerous journals. He is also serving as Editor-in-
Chief of Water Science and Technology Book Series as well as World Water Resources Book
series. He has received more than 75 national and international awards.
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New York Chicago San Francisco Athens London
Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi
Singapore Sydney Toronto
Chow’s Handbook
of Applied Hydrology
Second Edition
00_Singh_FM_pi-xlvi.indd 3 27/07/16 4:37 pm
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Chow’s Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Second Edition
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ISBN 978-0-07-183509-1
MHID 0-0-7183509-1
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Contents in Brief
Part 1 Fundamentals ......................................... 1.1
Part 2 Data Collection and Processing ......................... 4.1
Part 3 Methods .............................................. 12.1
Part 4 Hydrologic Processes and Modeling .................... 37.1
Part 5 Sediment and Pollutant Transport ...................... 63.1
Part 6 Hydrometeorologic and Hydrologic Extremes ........... 73.1
Part 7 Systems Hydrology .................................... 81.1
Part 8 Hydrology of Large Riverand Lake Basins ............... 93.1
Part 9 Applications and Design ............................... 127.1
Part 10 Future................................................. 151.1
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For online supplements and color versions of images, please go to
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Contributors xxxiii
International Advisory Board xliii
Practitioner Advisory Board xlv
Part 1. Fundamentals ........................................... 1-1
Chapter 1. The Hydrologic Cycle ................................. 1-3
1.1 Characteristics of Water .................................................. 1-3
1.2 Definition of Hydrology................................................... 1-4
1.3 Hydrologic Cycle ......................................................... 1-4
1.4 Components of the Hydrologic Cycle ...................................... 1-5
1.5 Schematic Representation of the Hydrologic Cycle ......................... 1-5
1.6 Scales in Hydrologic Cycle ................................................ 1-6
1.7 Impact of Climate Change on the Hydrologic cycle ......................... 1-6
1.8 Influence of Human Activities and Land Use Changes on Hydrologic Cycle ... 1-6
1.9 Relation between Hydrologic Cycle and Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles ........ 1-7
References ...................................................................... 1-9
Chapter 2. Watersheds, River Basins, and Land Use ............... 2-1
2.1 Introduction ............................................................. 2-1
2.2 Components of Watersheds ............................................... 2-1
2.3 Delineation of A Watershed ............................................... 2-4
2.4 Watershed Hydrological Processes ........................................ 2-4
2.5 Characteristics of a Watershed That Impact on Hydrological Processes....... 2-4
2.6 River Basin............................................................... 2-6
2.7 River Basin Management ................................................. 2-6
2.8 Major River Basins in the World ........................................... 2-7
2.9 Land Use................................................................. 2-7
2.10 Closing Remarks.......................................................... 2-8
References ...................................................................... 2-8
Chapter 3. Water Balance ....................................... 3-1
3.1 Introduction ............................................................. 3-1
3.2 Hydrologic Fluxes ........................................................ 3-1
3.3 Water on The Earth ....................................................... 3-1
3.4 Water Balance Modeling .................................................. 3-4
3.5 Natural and Anthropogenic Effects on the Water Balance ................... 3-7
3.6 Conclusions.............................................................. 3-9
References ...................................................................... 3-9
PART 2. Data Collection and Processing.......................... 4.1
Chapter 4. Hydrometeors and Quantitative Precipitation Estimation 4-3
4.1 Introduction ............................................................. 4-3
4.2 Types of Hydrometeorological Data ....................................... 4-3
4.3 Remote Sensing of Precipitation .......................................... 4-3
4.4 Hydrometeorological Data Processing ..................................... 4-4
4.5 Hydrometeorological Data Quality Assurance and Control .................. 4-5
4.6 Quantitative Precipitation Estimate Data Use, Archiving, and Accessibility... 4-6
Chapter 5. Streamflow Data .................................... 5-1
5.1 Streamflow .............................................................. 5-1
5.2 Types of Streamflow Data................................................. 5-1
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5.3 Streamgage Operation .................................................. 5-1
5.4 Quality Assurance of Streamgage Data................................... 5-6
5.5 Derived Streamflow Uncertainty ......................................... 5-6
References .................................................................... 5-7
Chapter 6. Streamflow Ratings .................................. 6-1
6.1 Introduction ............................................................ 6-1
6.2 Rating Controls ......................................................... 6-1
6.3 Simple Ratings.......................................................... 6-4
6.4 Complex Ratings ....................................................... 6-6
6.5 Slope Ratings........................................................... 6-8
6.6 Rate of Change of Stage Methods ........................................ 6-8
6.7 Dynamic-Flow Model Methods........................................... 6-10
6.8 Index-Velocity Method .................................................. 6-10
6.9 Shifting-Control Method for Dealing with Rating Complexities ............ 6-11
6.10 Uncertainty in Ratings .................................................. 6-13
References ...................................................................... 6-13
Chapter 7. Hydrologic Information Systems ...................... 7-1
7.1 Introduction ............................................................ 7-1
7.2 Hydrologic Data Management ........................................... 7-1
7.3 Service-Oriented Architectures for Integrating Distributed Hydrologic
Data andModels ....................................................... 7-2
7.4 The CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System as an Example HIS ............ 7-3
7.5 HydroShare as a Next-Generation HIS Software........................... 7-5
7.6 Conclusion ............................................................. 7-8
References ...................................................................... 7-8
Chapter 8. Remote Sensing Techniques and Data Assimilation for
Hydrologic Modeling................................. 8-1
8.1 Introduction ............................................................ 8-1
8.2 Remote Sensing Theory ................................................. 8-1
8.3 Remote Sensing in Hydrological Sciences: A Historical Perspective......... 8-1
8.4 Remote Sensing: Methods and Techniques ............................... 8-2
8.5 Data Assimilation: Theory ............................................... 8-3
8.6 Summary ............................................................... 8-4
References ...................................................................... 8-4
Chapter 9. Geographic Information Systems ..................... 9-1
9.1 Introduction ............................................................ 9-1
9.2 Basic Principles of GIS ................................................... 9-1
9.3 Data Sources and Characteristics......................................... 9-2
9.4 Representation of Model Inputs ......................................... 9-5
9.5 Model/GIS Interfaces .................................................... 9-7
9.6 Current Status and Future Directions ..................................... 9-7
References ...................................................................... 9-8
Chapter 10. Design of Hydrologic Networks...................... 10-1
10.1 Introduction ............................................................ 10-1
10.2 Hydrologic Networks.................................................... 10-1
10.3 Necessity of Hydrologic Network......................................... 10-1
10.4 Impact of Hydrologic Network Density on Streamflow Estimates........... 10-2
10.5 Design Considerations................................................... 10-2
10.6 Design of Hydrologic Networks: Methodologies........................... 10-2
10.7 Conclusion.............................................................. 10-4
References ...................................................................... 10-4
Part 3. Methods ................................................ 11-1
Chapter 11. Artificial Neural Networks .......................... 11-3
11.1 Introduction ............................................................ 11-3
11.2 Historical Development ................................................. 11-3
11.3 Artificial Neural Networks ............................................... 11-4
11.4 ANN Training and Testing ................................................ 11-4
11.5 Drawbacks of ANN Technique............................................ 11-5
11.6 Shortcomings in ANN Modeling.......................................... 11-5
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11.7 Future Direction ........................................................ 11-6
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-6
Chapter 12. Fuzzy Logic......................................... 12-1
12.1 Fuzzy Logic Basics....................................................... 12-1
12.2 Function of Fuzzy Numbers ............................................. 12-2
12.3 Fuzzy Rule-Based Modeling (Fuzzy Inference)............................. 12-3
Acknowledgement............................................................... 12-5
References ...................................................................... 12-5
Chapter 13. Evolutionary Computing: Genetic Algorithms ........ 13-1
13.1 Introduction ............................................................ 13-1
13.2 Evolutionary Computing in Hydrology: An Overview ...................... 13-1
13.3 Genetic Algorithms...................................................... 13-2
13.4 GA Applications in Hydrology............................................ 13-3
13.5 Conclusion and Future Directions ........................................ 13-3
References ...................................................................... 13-3
Chapter 14. Relevance Vector Machine .......................... 14-1
14.1 Introduction ............................................................ 14-1
14.2 Background ............................................................ 14-1
14.3 Mathematical formulation............................................... 14-2
14.4 Application of RVM...................................................... 14-3
14.5 Examples from Hydrology and Future Scope .............................. 14-4
14.6 Miscellaneous Topics .................................................... 14-5
References ...................................................................... 14-6
Chapter 15. Harmonic Analysis and Wavelets..................... 15-1
15.1 Introduction ............................................................ 15-1
15.2 The Continuous Wavelet Transform....................................... 15-1
15.3 Discrete Time Wavelet Transform and Multiresolution Analysis............. 15-3
15.4 Signal Energy Repartition in the WaveletFrame........................... 15-3
15.5 Wavelet Analysis of the Time–scale Relationship Between Two Signals...... 15-4
15.6 Wavelet Cross Spectrum and Coherence .................................. 15-4
15.7 Applications of Wavelet Transforms in Hydrology and Earth Sciences....... 15-5
15.8 Perspectives ............................................................ 15-5
References ...................................................................... 15-5
Chapter 16. Outlier Analysis and Infilling of Missing Records
in Hydrologic Data.................................. 16-1
16.1 Introduction ............................................................ 16-1
16.2 Concepts and Methods for Outliers Analysis .............................. 16-2
16.3 Concepts and Methods for Handling Missing Records ..................... 16-3
16.4 Discussion and Concluding Remarks on Methods for Outliers and Infilling
of Missing Records ............................................. . . . . . . . . . 16-5
16.5 Future Research Directions .............................................. 16-6
References ...................................................................... 16-6
Chapter 17. Linear and Nonlinear Regression .................... 17-1
17.1 Linear and Nonlinear Regression ........................................ 17-1
17.2 Measures for Goodness of Fit ............................................ 17-4
17.3 Multiple Linear Regression .............................................. 17-5
17.4 Nonlinear Regression.................................................... 17-6
References ...................................................................... 17-9
Chapter 18. Time Series Analysis and Models..................... 18-1
18.1 Introduction ............................................................ 18-1
18.2 Properties of Hydrological Time Series ................................... 18-1
18.3 Time-Series Modeling ................................................... 18-2
18.4 Modeling of Continuous Time Processes .................................. 18-2
18.5 Univariate Modeling .................................................... 18-2
18.6 Univariate Periodic Modeling ............................................ 18-4
18.7 Multivariate Modeling .................................................. 18-6
18.8 Disaggregation Models.................................................. 18-7
18.9 Nonparametric Models .................................................. 18-7
18.10 Stochastic Simulation, Forecasting, and Uncertainty ...................... 18-8
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18.11 Conceptual Stochastic Modeling ......................................... 18-8
18.12 Final Remarks and Future Challenges .................................... 18-9
References ...................................................................... 18-9
Chapter 19. Statistical Detection of Nonstationarity: Issues
and Needs.......................................... 19-1
19.1 Introduction ............................................................ 19-1
19.2 Exploratory Methods for Detection of Change ............................ 19-2
19.3 Statistical Exploration of Nonstationarity................................. 19-2
19.4 Effect of Nonconstant Error Variation..................................... 19-3
19.5 Effect of A Priori Filtering of Time Series .................................. 19-4
19.6 Distribution of a Breakpoint ............................................. 19-4
19.7 Conclusions............................................................. 19-5
Chapter 20. Spatial Analysis and Geostatistical Methods.......... 20-1
20.1 Introduction ............................................................ 20-1
20.2 Data Types and Methods ................................................ 20-1
20.3 Spatial analysis ......................................................... 20-1
20.4 Heterogeneous Field Estimation and Simulation .......................... 20-3
20.5 Summary ............................................................... 20-7
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 20-7
References ...................................................................... 20-7
Chapter 21. Frequency Distributions ............................ 21-1
21.1 Introduction ............................................................ 21-1
21.2 Discrete Frequency Distributions......................................... 21-1
21.3 Classification of Continuous Frequency Distributions...................... 21-2
21.4 Continuous Frequency Distributions ..................................... 21-2
21.5 Concluding Remarks .................................................... 21-9
References ...................................................................... 21-10
Chapter 22. Calibration, Parameter Estimation, Uncertainty, Data
Assimilation, Sensitivity Analysis, and Validation......... 22-1
22.1 Introduction ............................................................ 22-1
22.2 Parameter Uncertainty .................................................. 22-1
22.3 Parameter Estimation ................................................... 22-3
22.4 Data Assimilation ....................................................... 22-5
22.5 Sensitivity Analysis...................................................... 22-10
22.6 Validation Techniques ................................................... 22-11
References ...................................................................... 22-15
Chapter 23. Bayesian Methods .................................. 23-1
23.1 Introduction ............................................................ 23-1
23.2 The Bayesian Inference Framework....................................... 23-1
23.3 Computational Methods................................................. 23-4
23.4 Diagnostics to Scrutinize Model Assumptions............................. 23-6
23.5 Applications in Hydrology ............................................... 23-7
23.6 Conclusions............................................................. 23-9
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 23-9
References ...................................................................... 23-9
Chapter 24. Optimization Approaches for Integrated Water Resources
Management ....................................... 24-1
24.1 Introduction ............................................................ 24-1
24.2 Trends.................................................................. 24-2
24.3 Challenges and Research Gaps........................................... 24-4
24.4 Conclusions............................................................. 24-5
24.5 Acknowledgments ...................................................... 24-5
24.6 Appendix: Literature Trend Analysis...................................... 24-5
References ...................................................................... 24-5
Chapter 25. Nonparametric Methods ............................ 25-1
Introduction .................................................................. 25-1
25.1 Definitions.............................................................. 25-1
25.2 Methods................................................................ 25-2
25.3 Applications ............................................................ 25-3
25.4 Discussion .............................................................. 25-4
References ...................................................................... 25-5
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Chapter 26. Predictive Uncertainty Assessment
and Decision Making ............................... 26-1
26.1 Introduction ............................................................ 26-1
26.2 Forecasting in Hydrology................................................ 26-1
26.3 Motivations for Converting Deterministic to Stochastic Prediction ......... 26-1
26.4 Predictive Uncertainty................................................... 26-2
26.5 Techniques Aimed at Assessing Predictive Uncertainty .................... 26-4
26.6 Verification of the Estimated Predictive Density........................... 26-9
26.7 Major Reasons Undermining the Operational use of Predictive Uncertainty 26-9
26.8 Examples of Proper use of Predictive Uncertainty to Improve Decisions .... 26-13
References ...................................................................... 26-15
Chapter 27. Risk-Reliability Analysis ............................. 27-1
27.1 Introduction ............................................................ 27-1
27.2 Measures of Reliability .................................................. 27-1
27.3 Performance Function and Reliability Index .............................. 27-2
27.4 Direct Integration Method .............................................. 27-2
27.5 First-Order Second-Moment Reliability Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-3
27.6 Time-Dependent (Dynamic) Reliability Models ........................... 27-5
27.7 Time-to-Failure Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-5
27.8 Monte Carlo Simulation ................................................. 27-6
References ...................................................................... 27-9
Chapter 28. Scaling And Fractals ................................ 28-1
28.1 Introduction ............................................................ 28-1
28.2 Scale-Invariant Sets and Functions ....................................... 28-1
28.3 Some Properties of H-SSSI Processes and MF Cascades .................... 28-2
28.4 Inference of Scaling for Stationary Multifractal Measures.................. 28-4
28.5 Processes with Limited Scale Invariance .................................. 28-4
28.6 Conclusions............................................................. 28-5
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 28-5
References ...................................................................... 28-5
Chapter 29. Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos...................... 29-1
29.1 Introduction ............................................................ 29-1
29.2 Chaos Theory: A Brief History ............................................ 29-2
29.3 Chaos Concepts and Identification Methods .............................. 29-2
29.4 Issues in Chaos Identification and Prediction ............................. 29-5
29.5 Hydrologic Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-7
29.6 Final Remarks........................................................... 29-7
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 29-8
References ...................................................................... 29-8
Chapter 30. Copula Modeling in Hydrologic Frequency Analysis... 30-1
30.1 Introduction ............................................................ 30-1
30.2 Description of Copula Models............................................ 30-1
30.3 Overview of Model Selection ............................................ 30-2
30.4 Multivariate Quantile and Return Period.................................. 30-5
30.5 An illustration: the Fraser River at Hope .................................. 30-5
30.6 Extensions.............................................................. 30-7
30.7 Resources and Further Specific References................................ 30-8
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 30-9
References ...................................................................... 30-9
Chapter 31. Entropy Theory..................................... 31-1
31.1 Origin .................................................................. 31-1
31.2 Definition .............................................................. 31-1
31.3 Forms of Entropy ....................................................... 31-2
31.4 Directional Information Transfer Index ................................... 31-3
31.5 Entropy under Transformation of Variables ............................... 31-3
31.6 Informational Correlation Coefficient..................................... 31-3
31.7 Total Correlation ........................................................ 31-3
31.8 Theory of Entropy ...................................................... 31-4
31.9 Methodology for Application ............................................ 31-4
31.10 Hydrologic Modeling Using Entropy Theory .............................. 31-7
References ...................................................................... 31-8
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Chapter 32. Entropy Production Extremum Principles ............ 32-1
32.1 Introduction ............................................................ 32-1
32.2 Background and Review................................................. 32-1
32.3 Maximum Entropy Analysis.............................................. 32-4
32.4 Review of Applications in Hydrology and Hydraulics ...................... 32-5
32.5 Closing Remarks ........................................................ 32-5
References ...................................................................... 32-5
Chapter 33. Data-Based Mechanistic Modeling ................... 33-1
33.1 Introduction ............................................................ 33-1
33.2 The Main Stages of DBM modeling ....................................... 33-2
33.3 Linear DBM Models ..................................................... 33-3
33.4 Time Variable and State-Dependent Parameter Models.................... 33-6
33.5 Hypothetico–Inductive DBM Modeling ................................... 33-7
33.6 DBM Emulation Modeling of High-Order Simulation Models ............... 33-8
33.7 Conclusion.............................................................. 33-11
Reference ....................................................................... 33-11
Chapter 34. Decomposition Methods ............................ 34-1
34.1 Introduction: Adomian’s Decompositions Method ......................... 34-1
34.2 Regional Flow in an Unconfined Aquifer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-2
34.3 Propagation of Nonlinear Kinematic Flood Waves in Rivers ................ 34-2
34.4 Nonlinear Infiltration in Unsaturated Soils................................ 34-4
34.5 Summary and Conclusions............................................... 34-4
References ...................................................................... 34-5
Chapter 35. Network Theory .................................... 35-1
35.1 Introduction ............................................................ 35-1
35.2 Network Theory: Concept and History .................................... 35-2
35.3 Network Types .......................................................... 35-3
35.4 Network Measures ...................................................... 35-4
35.5 Applications in Hydrology ............................................... 35-6
35.6 Closing Remarks ........................................................ 35-8
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 35-8
References ...................................................................... 35-8
Chapter 36. Hydroeconomic Analysis ............................ 36-1
36.1 Introduction ............................................................ 36-1
36.2 Estimating the Economic Value of Water .................................. 36-1
36.3 Water Demand Functions ................................................ 36-2
36.4 Considerations in the Design of Hydroeconomic Analysis Studies .......... 36-3
36.5 Applications and Implementation of Hydroeconomic Analysis for
Management and Decision Support ...................................... 36-5
36.6 Discussion of Challenges, Limitations, and Future Directions .............. 36-6
36.7 Conclusions............................................................. 36-7
References ...................................................................... 36-7
Part 4. Hydrologic Processes and Modeling ...................... 37-1
Chapter 37. Weather and Climate................................ 37-3
37.1 Introduction ............................................................ 37-3
37.2 Hydrologic Engineering and Intersection with Weather and Climate ....... 37-3
37.3 Weather ................................................................ 37-5
37.4 Observing Weather...................................................... 37-7
37.5 Climate ................................................................ 37-7
37.6 Climate Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37-8
References ...................................................................... 37-10
Chapter 38. Hydroclimatology: Global Warming and Climate Change 38-1
38.1 Introduction: The Ambiguity of Climate .................................. 38-1
38.2 Natural and Human Influences on Present-Day Climate.................... 38-1
38.3 Impacts of Climate Change on the Hydrological Cycle in the twentieth and
Twenty-First Centuries................................................... 38-2
38.4 Global Climate Models .................................................. 38-3
38.5 Working with Climate Model Projections ................................. 38-4
38.6 Concluding Remarks .................................................... 38-6
References ...................................................................... 38-6
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Chapter 39. Spatial and Temporal Estimation and
Analysis of Precipitation ............................ 39-1
39.1 Introduction ............................................................ 39-1
39.2 Estimates of Mean Areal Precipitation .................................... 39-1
39.3 Missing Precipitation Data Estimation Methods........................... 39-4
39.4 Limitations of Estimation Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-5
39.5 New Methods for Missing Data Estimation ............................... 39-5
39.6 Summary of Issues for Missing Precipitation Data Estimation .............. 39-6
39.7 Conclusion.............................................................. 39-7
References ...................................................................... 39-8
Chapter 40. Snow Distribution and Snowpack Characteristics ..... 40-1
40.1 Introduction ............................................................ 40-1
40.2 Processes Controlling Snow Distribution ................................. 40-1
40.3 Spatial Patterns of Snow at Various Scales ................................ 40-2
40.4 Snowpack Characteristics ............................................... 40-2
40.5 Discussion and Conclusion............................................... 40-3
Acknowledgement............................................................... 40-4
References ...................................................................... 40-4
Chapter 41. Time-Space Modeling of Precipitation ............... 41-1
41.1 Introduction ............................................................ 41-1
41.2 Stochastic Modeling of Precipitation ..................................... 41-1
41.3 Deterministic Numerical Modeling of Time-Space Precipitation ............ 41-3
41.4 Remote Sensing for the Modeling of Time-Space Precipitation ............. 41-7
References ...................................................................... 41-10
Chapter 42. Evapotranspiration and Evaporative Demand ........ 42-1
42.1 Introduction and History of Theory....................................... 42-1
42.2 Relevant Concepts and Methods ......................................... 42-3
42.3 Outstanding Problems and Directions for Future Work .................... 42-10
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 42-14
References ...................................................................... 42-14
Chapter 43. Rainfall Interception, Detention, and
Depression Storage ............................................. 43-1
43.1 Canopy Interception Loss................................................ 43-1
43.2 Forest Floor Interception Loss............................................ 43-3
43.3 Detention and Depression Storage....................................... 43-3
43.4 Summary ............................................................... 43-3
References ...................................................................... 43-3
Chapter 44. Watershed Geomorphological Characteristics ........ 44-1
44.1 Introduction and Literature Review ...................................... 44-1
44.2 Watersheds and Drainage Networks...................................... 44-2
44.3 Outstanding Problems and Directions for Future Work .................... 44-10
References ...................................................................... 44-11
Chapter 45. Infiltration Modeling................................ 45-1
45.1 Introduction ............................................................ 45-1
45.2 Basic Equations For Vertical Infiltration................................... 45-1
45.3 Classical Models For PointInfiltrationInto Vertically Homogeneous Soils... 45-2
45.4 Modeling Of Point Infiltration Into Vertically Nonuniform Soils ............ 45-4
45.5 Models for Rainfall Infiltration Over Heterogeneous Areas................. 45-5
45.6 Soil Conservation Service Runoff Curve Number Model.................... 45-6
45.7 Open Problems ......................................................... 45-6
References ...................................................................... 45-7
Chapter 46. Soil Moisture and Vadose Zone Modeling ............ 46-1
46.1 Background ............................................................ 46-1
46.2 Continuum-Scale Models for Partially Saturated Flow in the Vadose Zone .. 46-2
46.3 Numerical Vadose Zone and Land Surface Models......................... 46-3
46.4 Soil Moisture Across Spatial-Temporal Scales ............................. 46-5
46.5 Inverse Modeling—Soil Hydraulic Properties at the Model Grid Scale ...... 46-8
46.6 Summary ............................................................... 46-10
References ...................................................................... 46-11
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Chapter 47. Hydrogeologic Characterization ..................... 47-1
47.1 Introduction ............................................................ 47-1
47.2 Borehole Samples and Groundwater Monitoring Wells .................... 47-1
47.3 Investigation Borehole Drilling .......................................... 47-1
47.4 Cone Penetrometry, Permeametry, and Electrical Conductivity Logging .... 47-2
47.5 Electrical Resistivity Survey.............................................. 47-2
47.6 Hydraulic Methods for in situ Conductivity Measurement.................. 47-2
47.7 Characterization of the Hydraulic Gradient and Flow Rates ................ 47-3
47.8 Recharge Estimation .................................................... 47-3
47.9 Summary ............................................................... 47-3
References ...................................................................... 47-3
Chapter 48. Groundwater Modeling ............................. 48-1
48.1 Introduction ............................................................ 48-1
48.2 Groundwater Model Development ....................................... 48-1
48.3 Grid Generation......................................................... 48-2
48.4 Model Calibration....................................................... 48-3
48.5 Case study: Groundwater Modeling in Baton Rouge,
Southeastern Louisiana.................................................. 48-3
48.6 Summary ............................................................... 48-5
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 48-7
References ...................................................................... 48-7
Chapter 49. Watershed Runoff, Streamflow Generation,
and Hydrologic Flow Regimes ....................... 49-1
49.1 Introduction ............................................................ 49-1
49.2 Dominant Runoff Generation Mechanisms................................ 49-3
49.3 Infiltration Equations.................................................... 49-6
49.4 Factors Affecting Runoff................................................. 49-6
49.5 Poorly Understood Factors Affecting Runoff Generation................... 49-7
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 49-11
References ...................................................................... 49-11
Chapter 50. Snowmelt Runoff Generation and Modeling.......... 50-1
50.1 Introduction ............................................................ 50-1
50.2 Snow Accumulation Processes ........................................... 50-1
50.3 Energy Budget of Snow Pack and Snowmelt .............................. 50-2
50.4 Simulation of Snow Accumulation Processes ............................. 50-3
50.5 Heat and Water Transfer in Melting SnowCover ........................... 50-3
50.6 Spatial Variability of Snow Cover ........................................ 50-4
50.7 Constructing General Model of Snowmelt Runoff Generation .............. 50-4
50.8 Case studies ............................................................ 50-6
References ...................................................................... 50-9
Chapter 51. Glacial Melting and Runoff Modeling ................ 51-1
51.1 Introduction ............................................................ 51-1
51.2 Remote Sensing......................................................... 51-1
51.3 Application of Remote Sensing in Glacier Quantification .................. 51-1
51.4 Glaciated versus Nonglaciated Watersheds ............................... 51-3
51.5 Application in Streamflow Measurement ................................. 51-3
51.6 Conclusion.............................................................. 51-4
References ...................................................................... 51-4
Chapter 52. Reservoir and Channel Routing ...................... 52-1
52.1 Introduction ............................................................ 52-1
52.2 Reservoir Routing....................................................... 52-1
52.3 River Routing ........................................................... 52-2
52.4 The Classical Muskingum Flood RoutingMethod.......................... 52-3
52.5 Nash Cascade Model for River Routing ................................... 52-4
52.6 Other Linear Storage Models ............................................ 52-4
52.7 Linear Diffusion Analogy Routing Method ................................ 52-5
52.8 Nonlinear Routing Methods ............................................. 52-5
52.9 Flow Routing Using Hydraulic Methods................................... 52-6
52.10 Basis for The Development of Simplified Momentum Equations............ 52-7
52.11 Simplified Hydraulic Flood Routing Methods ............................. 52-7
52.12 Kalinin–Milyukov Method ............................................... 52-9
52.13 Variable Parameter Muskingum Stage Routing Method ................... 52-12
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52.14 Conclusion............................................................... 52-14
Acknowledgment ................................................................ 52-14
References ...................................................................... 52-15
Chapter 53. Waterlogging and Salinzation ....................... 53-1
53.1 Introduction ............................................................ 53-1
53.2 Salinity Features and Impacts............................................ 53-1
53.3 Irrigation Induced Rises of The Watertable ................................ 53-2
53.4 Irrigation Induced Land Salinization...................................... 53-3
53.5 Land Salinization Control................................................ 53-4
53.6 Salt Balance and Leaching Calculations................................... 53-4
53.7 Monitoring and Mapping ................................................ 53-5
53.8 Remedial Measures ..................................................... 53-5
53.9 New Challenges......................................................... 53-6
53.10 Concluding Remarks .................................................... 53-6
References ...................................................................... 53-7
Chapter 54. Surface Water–Groundwater Interactions:
Integrated Modeling of a Coupled System............ 54-1
54.1 Introduction ............................................................ 54-1
54.2 Surface Water Models ................................................... 54-2
54.3 Subsurface Models ...................................................... 54-4
54.4 Soil Plant Models........................................................ 54-5
54.5 Coupling Methods ...................................................... 54-6
54.6 Scale Issues............................................................. 54-7
54.7 Data Requirements...................................................... 54-9
54.8 Integrated Models and Watershed Applications ........................... 54-10
54.9 Conclusions............................................................. 54-10
References ...................................................................... 54-12
Chapter 55. Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers: Concepts,
Mitigation, and Simulation .......................... 55-1
55.1 Introduction ............................................................ 55-1
55.2 Assumptions and Approaches for Modeling Seawater Intrusion............ 55-1
55.3 Mitigation of Seawater Intrusion ........................................ 55-3
55.4 Case Study: The Nile Delta Aquifer ....................................... 55-3
55.5 Conclusions............................................................. 55-9
References ...................................................................... 55-9
Chapter 56. Regional Land Subsidence Caused by the Compaction
of Susceptible Aquifer Systems Accompanying
Groundwater Extraction ............................ 56-1
56.1 Introduction ............................................................ 56-1
56.2 Detection and Assessment............................................... 56-2
56.3 Analysis and Simulation ................................................. 56-7
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 56-9
References ...................................................................... 56-9
Chapter 57. Hydraulic Fracturing and Hydrologic Impacts ........ 57-1
57.1 Introduction ............................................................ 57-1
57.2 Hydraulic Fracturing Process ............................................ 57-2
57.3 Risk of Groundwater Contamination ..................................... 57-4
57.4 Potential for Induced Seismicity.......................................... 57-6
57.5 Concluding Remarks .................................................... 57-7
References ...................................................................... 57-8
Chapter 58. Catchment Classification and Regionalization ........ 58-1
58.1 Introduction............................................................ 58-1
58.2 Catchment Classification: A Review....................................... 58-2
58.3 Classification Based on Chaos Theory .................................... 58-2
58.4 Classification Based on Network Theory .................................. 58-4
58.5 Closing Remarks ........................................................ 58-5
58.6 Acknowledgments ...................................................... 58-7
References ...................................................................... 58-7
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Chapter 59. Rainfall-Runoff Modeling ........................... 59-1
59.1 Introduction ............................................................ 59-1
59.2 A Brief History .......................................................... 59-1
59.3 Computation of Runoff Volume .......................................... 59-1
59.4 Determination of Peak Discharge ........................................ 59-3
59.5 Runoff Hydrograph ..................................................... 59-3
59.6 Computation of Runoff Hydrograph by Hydraulic Approaches ............. 59-6
59.7 Conclusion.............................................................. 59-8
References ...................................................................... 59-8
Chapter 60. Continuous Watershed Modeling .................... 60-1
60.1 Introduction ............................................................ 60-1
60.2 Historical Development ................................................. 60-2
60.3 Concepts and Methods .................................................. 60-3
60.4 Outstanding Problems/Needs............................................ 60-7
60.5 Future Directions ....................................................... 60-8
References ...................................................................... 60-10
Chapter 61. Calibration and Evaluation of Watershed Models ..... 61-1
61.1 Introduction............................................................ 61-1
61.2 Calibration and Evaluation .............................................. 61-2
61.3 Elements of a Calibration/Evaluation Strategy............................ 61-2
61.4 Historical Perspective ................................................... 61-2
61.5 Model Calibration & Evaluation Protocol.................................. 61-3
61.6 Strategies for Calibration ................................................ 61-3
61.7 Desirable Properties of a Successful Calibration........................... 61-4
61.8 Preparation Phase....................................................... 61-4
61.9 Calibration Phase ....................................................... 61-8
61.10 Evaluation Phase........................................................ 61-8
61.11 Discussion and Conclusions.............................................. 61-9
References ...................................................................... 61-9
Chapter 62. Feasibility, Engineering, and Operations Models: Using
the Decision Environment to Inform the Model Design 62-1
62.1 Introduction ............................................................ 62-1
62.2 The Decision Environment ............................................... 62-1
62.3 USACE Decision Environment Schemas ................................... 62-2
62.4 Precision Dimensions of Decision Support ................................ 62-2
62.5 Process Representation.................................................. 62-3
62.6 Information Content Scale............................................... 62-5
62.7 Case Study: Picayune Strand-Restoration Project.......................... 62-5
62.8 Future Research......................................................... 62-6
62.9 Summary ............................................................... 62-6
References ...................................................................... 62-7
Part 5. Sediment and Pollutant Transport ........................ 63-1
Chapter 63. Water Quality ...................................... 63-3
63.1 Introduction ............................................................ 63-3
63.2 Water Pollution ......................................................... 63-3
63.3 Water Quality Standards and Water Use Designations ..................... 63-3
63.4 Restoration of Water Quality............................................. 63-5
63.5 Sensor-Based Water Quality Monitoring Technologies ..................... 63-8
References ...................................................................... 63-9
Chapter 64. Soil Erosion ........................................ 64-1
64.1 Introduction ............................................................ 64-1
64.2 Erosion by Wind......................................................... 64-1
64.3 Erosion by Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64-1
64.4 Gravity-Induced Erosion................................................. 64-2
64.5 Tillage Erosion .......................................................... 64-3
64.6 Snowmelt Erosion ...................................................... 64-3
64.7 Irrigation-Induced Erosion............................................... 64-3
64.8 Erosion by Wind-Driven Rain............................................. 64-3
64.9 Erosion Assessment ..................................................... 64-4
64.10 Erosion Assessment—Field and Laboratory Measurements................ 64-4
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64.11 Erosion Assessment—Equations and Models ............................ 64-5
64.12 Erosion Impacts........................................................ 64-5
64.13 Erosion Control and Soil Conservation .................................. 64-5
64.14 Conclusion ............................................................ 64-6
References ...................................................................... 64-6
Chapter 65. Channel Erosion and Sediment Transport ............ 65-1
65.1 Introduction ............................................................ 65-1
65.2 Sediment Production and Loads ......................................... 65-1
65.3 Partitioning of Sediment Loads in Channels .............................. 65-2
65.4 Bank Profile and Erosional Modes........................................ 65-3
65.5 Modes of Sediment Transport............................................ 65-5
65.6 Conclusion.............................................................. 65-10
References ...................................................................... 65-10
Chapter 66. Sedimentation of Floodplains, Lakes, and Reservoirs . 66-1
66.1 Floodplain ............................................................. 66-1
66.2 Lake ................................................................... 66-1
66.3 Reservoir .............................................................. 66-2
66.4 The Sedimentation Process .............................................. 66-5
66.5 Prediction of Sediments in Floodplains ................................... 66-7
66.6 Reservoir Trap Efficiency ................................................ 66-7
66.7 Estimation of Sediment in Lakes and Reservoirs........................... 66-7
66.8 Protective Measure Against Sedimentation .............................. 66-9
66.9 Summary .............................................................. 66-9
Acknowledgment ................................................................ 66-10
References ...................................................................... 66-10
Chapter 67. Pollutant Transport in Surface Water................. 67-1
67.1 Introduction ............................................................ 67-1
67.2 Fundamental Processes Controlling Pollutant Transport ................... 67-1
67.3 Pollutant Transport in River and Streams ................................. 67-3
67.4 Pollutant Transport in Lakes and Reservoirs .............................. 67-4
67.5 Pollutant Transport in Coastal Waters .................................... 67-7
References ...................................................................... 67-9
Chapter 68. Pollutant Transport in Vadose Zone.................. 68-1
68.1 Introduction ............................................................ 68-1
68.2 Water Potential in the Unsaturated Zone ................................. 68-1
68.3 Governing Equation of Flow in Vadose Zone .............................. 68-1
68.4 Deterministic Approach to Solute Transport in the Vadose Zone ........... 68-3
68.5 Codes for Numerical Solution of Vadose Zone Flow and Transport.......... 68-5
References ...................................................................... 68-6
Chapter 69. Pollutant Transport in Groundwater ................. 69-1
69.1 Introduction ............................................................ 69-1
69.2 Learn from the Field Work—A case of
Saltwater Intrusion Observation ....................................... 69-3
69.3 Reactive Solute Transport Modeling ..................................... 69-3
69.4 Dispersion Processes in Groundwater
(Sato and Lwasa, 2003) ................................................ 69-5
69.5 Conclusion.............................................................. 69-9
References ...................................................................... 69-9
Chapter 70. Salinization and Salinity Management in Watersheds . 70-1
70.1 Introduction ............................................................ 70-1
70.2 Salinization............................................................. 70-1
70.3 Salinity-Related Concerns ............................................... 70-2
70.4 Salinity Management.................................................... 70-2
70.5 Salinity Modeling ....................................................... 70-3
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 70-4
References ...................................................................... 70-4
Chapter 71. Transport of Biochemicals andMicroorganisms....... 71-1
71.1 Introduction ............................................................ 71-1
71.2 Biochemicals and Microorganisms ....................................... 71-1
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71.3 Mathematical Model Development....................................... 71-2
71.4 Conclusion.............................................................. 71-6
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 71-6
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71-6
Part 6. Hydrometeorologic and Hydrologic Extremes ............. 74.1
Chapter 72. Atmospheric Rivers ................................. 72-3
72.1 Introduction ............................................................ 72-3
72.2 Large-Scale Circulation and Moisture Sources andPathways ............... 72-4
72.3 Precipitation and Flooding Associated withARs........................... 72-4
72.4 Modeling of ARs and Associated Precipitation ................................ 72-5
72.5 Projection of Future Changes in ARs...................................... 72-6
72.6 Future Challenges....................................................... 72-7
Acknowledgements .............................................................. 72-8
References ...................................................................... 72-8
Chapter 73. Hydrometeorological Extremes
(Hurricanes and Typhoons) .......................... 73-1
73.1 Introduction ............................................................ 73-1
73.2 Climatology of Heavy Rainfall and Flooding from Tropical Cyclones ........ 73-1
73.3 Remote Rainfall Associated with Tropical Cyclones: Predecessor
Rain Events ............................................................. 73-2
73.4 Projected Increases in Rainfall Associated with Tropical Cyclones .......... 73-2
References ...................................................................... 73-3
Chapter 74. Extreme Rainfall: Global Perspective ................. 74-1
74.1 Introduction: The Importance of Studying Extreme Rainfall and
Related Difficulties ...................................................... 74-1
74.2 A Global Survey Of Record Rainfall Depths................................ 74-3
74.3 Approaches in Estimating Extreme Rainfall ............................... 74-7
74.4 The Concept of Probable Maximum Precipitation ......................... 74-10
74.5 Probabilistic Approach to Extreme Rainfall ............................... 74-12
74.6 Ombrian (Intensity-Duration-Frequency) Curves .......................... 74-13
74.7 Summary and Conclusions............................................... 74-15
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 74-15
References ...................................................................... 74-16
Chapter 75. Floods ............................................. 75-1
75.1 Introduction to Floods and Flooding ..................................... 75-1
75.2 Flood Characteristics .................................................... 75-1
75.3 Flood Processes......................................................... 75-2
75.4 Estimation of Flood Magnitudes and Design Floods ....................... 75-4
References ...................................................................... 75-5
Chapter 76. Flood Frequency Analysis ........................... 76-1
76.1 Introduction ............................................................ 76-1
76.2 Describing the Chance of Flood .......................................... 76-1
76.3 Looking at the Data ..................................................... 76-3
76.4 Fitting Distributions..................................................... 76-4
76.5 Index flood Method ..................................................... 76-5
76.6 Method of Moments, Bulletin 17B, and Bulletin 17C,
with the LP3 Distribution ................................................ 76-6
76.7 Uncertainty Analysis .................................................... 76-6
76.8 Estimation at Ungaged Sites ............................................. 76-7
76.9 Conclusions............................................................. 76-7
References ...................................................................... 76-7
Chapter 77. Regional Flood Frequency Modeling ................. 77-1
77.1 Introduction: The Regional Framework ................................... 77-1
77.2 Regional Estimation Procedures ......................................... 77-1
77.3 Delineation of Homogeneous Regions and Homogeneity Testing .......... 77-1
77.4 Regional Transfer Methods .............................................. 77-3
77.5 One-Step Regional Methods ............................................. 77-4
77.6 Nonlinear Models in Regional Flood Frequency Modeling ................. 77-4
77.7 Multivariate Regional Flood Frequency Modeling ......................... 77-5
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77.8 Nonstationary Regional Flood Frequency Approaches..................... 77-5
77.9 Regional Flood Frequency Analysis Based On Seasonality Measures........ 77-6
77.10 Combination of Local and Regional Approaches .......................... 77-6
77.11 Daily Streamflow Estimation at Ungauged Sites........................... 77-6
77.12 Discussion and New Directions .......................................... 77-7
References ...................................................................... 77-7
Chapter 78. Risk, Reliability, and Return Periods and
Hydrologic Design ....................................... 78-1
78.1 Introduction ............................................................ 78-1
78.2 Probabilistic and Risk Based Approaches to Hydrologic Design ............ 78-2
78.3 Multivariate Probabilistic and Risk-Based Approaches to
Hydrologic Design ...................................................... 78-7
References ...................................................................... 78-9
Chapter 79. Drought Characteristics ............................. 79-1
79.1 Introduction ............................................................ 79-1
79.2 Drought, Aridity, and Water Scarcity...................................... 79-2
79.3 Drought Occurrences in the World........................................ 79-3
79.4 Drought Properties Based on Statistical Techniques ...................... 79-3
79.5 Numerical Characterization of Drought Properties ........................ 79-4
79.6 Indices for Drought Characterization ..................................... 79-6
79.7 Outstanding Problems and Direction of Future Work ...................... 79-8
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 79-10
References ...................................................................... 79-10
Chapter 80. Low Flow and Drought Analysis ..................... 80-1
80.1 Introduction ............................................................ 80-1
80.2 Need for Low Flow Hydrology Research .................................. 80-1
80.3 Factors Affecting Low Flows ............................................. 80-2
80.4 Low Flow Indices........................................................ 80-2
80.5 Methods of Low Flow Estimation in Ungaged Catchments ................. 80-4
80.6 Drought Analysis........................................................ 80-4
80.7 Conclusion.............................................................. 80-9
References ...................................................................... 80-9
Part 7. Systems Hydrology ...................................... 81-1
Chapter 81. Isotope Hydrology ................................. 81-3
81.1 Introduction ............................................................ 81-3
81.2 Isotopes ................................................................ 81-3
81.3 Groundwater Dating .................................................... 81-5
81.4 Sampling Methods and Isotope Measurements ........................... 81-7
81.5 Isotope Applications in Hydrology ....................................... 81-8
References ...................................................................... 81-12
Chapter 82. Lake Hydrology .................................... 82-1
82.1 Introduction ............................................................ 82-1
82.2 Origin of Lakes.......................................................... 82-1
82.3 Water Balance of Lakes .................................................. 82-1
82.4 Thermal Regime of Lakes ................................................ 82-2
82.5 Ice Growth on Lakes..................................................... 82-4
82.6 Circulation Processes in Lakes............................................ 82-4
References ...................................................................... 82-5
Chapter 83. Urban Hydrology ................................... 83-1
83.1 Introduction ............................................................ 83-1
83.2 The Effects of Urbanization .............................................. 83-2
83.3 Other Aspects of Urban Hydrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83-3
83.4 Conclusion.............................................................. 83-3
References ...................................................................... 83-4
Chapter 84. Agricultural Hydrology.............................. 84-1
84.1 Introduction ............................................................ 84-1
84.2 Water Movement in the Root Zone ....................................... 84-1
84.3 Evaporation and Transpiration ........................................... 84-3
References ...................................................................... 84-4
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Chapter 85. Forest Hydrology ................................... 85-1
85.1 Introduction ............................................................ 85-1
85.2 Historical Development ................................................. 85-1
85.3 Principles of Forest Hydrology ........................................... 85-2
85.4 Research Methods ...................................................... 85-3
85.5 Key Findings in Forest-Stream Water Quantity and Quality Relationships . . . 85-4
85.6 Future Directions ....................................................... 85-5
References ...................................................................... 85-5
Chapter 86. Coastal Hydrology .................................. 86-1
86.1 Introduction ............................................................ 86-1
86.2 Overview of Coastal Processes ........................................... 86-1
86.3 Movement of Water and Sediment in Coastal Areas ....................... 86-2
86.4 Mathematical Models of Water and Sediment Movement .................. 86-6
86.5 Summary and Outlook .................................................. 86-7
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 86-8
References ...................................................................... 86-8
Chapter 87. Wetland Hydrology ................................. 87-1
87.1 Introduction ............................................................ 87-1
87.2 Importance of Hydrology on Wetland Functioning ........................ 87-1
87.3 Hydroperiod ............................................................ 87-2
87.4 Wetland Hydrologic Terms ............................................... 87-2
87.5 Wetland Water Budget .................................................. 87-3
87.6 Wetland Hydraulics...................................................... 87-5
87.7 Modeling Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87-6
87.8 Wetland Hydrology at the Watershed Scale ............................... 87-7
87.9 Anthropogenic and Climate Change Impacts on Wetlands ................. 87-7
Summary........................................................................ 87-7
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87-8
Chapter 88. Arid Zone Hydrology................................ 88-1
88.1 Introduction ............................................................ 88-1
88.2 Precipitation ........................................................... 88-1
88.3 Condensation........................................................... 88-1
88.4 Infiltration.............................................................. 88-1
88.5 Runoff.................................................................. 88-2
88.6 Transmission Losses .................................................... 88-3
88.7 Change in Storage (S)-Groundwater Recharge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88-3
88.8 Evapotranspiration ..................................................... 88-4
88.9 Conclusion.............................................................. 88-6
References ...................................................................... 88-6
Chapter 89. Karst............................................... 89-1
89.1 Introduction ............................................................ 89-1
89.2 Investigation and Characterization of Karst............................... 89-4
89.3 Summary .............................................................. 89-10
Acknowledgements .............................................................. 89-11
References ...................................................................... 89-11
Chapter 90. Cryospheric Hydrology: Mountainous Environment... 90-1
90.1 Introduction ............................................................ 90-1
90.2 Alpine Runoff ........................................................... 90-1
90.3 Monsoon Dominated Asian Mountain Ranges............................. 90-1
90.4 Glacier Runoff as a Resource ............................................. 90-1
90.5 Glacier Melting Processes................................................ 90-4
90.6 Glacier Melt Modeling ................................................... 90-5
90.7 Drainage and Storage Characteristics .................................... 90-5
90.8 Diurnal and Seasonal Variations in Glacier Meltwater...................... 90-6
90.9 Cryospheric Hydrology and Climate Change .............................. 90-7
90.10 Glacier Lake Outburst Floods ............................................ 90-9
90.11 Summary ............................................................... 90-10
References ...................................................................... 90-10
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Chapter 91. Hydrology of Transportation Systems ................ 91-1
91.1 Pathways in Nature...................................................... 91-1
91.2 Scales of Movement and Accumulation Processes ......................... 91-2
91.3 Soil and Groundwater ................................................... 91-3
91.4 Streams ................................................................ 91-4
91.5 Lakes................................................................... 91-5
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91-6
Chapter 92. Large-Scale and Global Hydrology................... 92-1
92.1 Introduction ............................................................ 92-1
92.2 The Distribution of Water on Earth ....................................... 92-1
92.3 The Global Water Cycle .................................................. 92-1
92.4 Numerical Modeling and Data Assimilation ............................... 92-2
92.5 Global Water Cycle Variability, Predictability, and Change ................. 92-4
Acknowledgements .............................................................. 92-5
References ...................................................................... 92-6
Part 8. Hydrology of Large Riverand Lake Basins................. 93.1
Chapter 93. Amazon River Basin................................. 93-3
93.1 Main Geographical Features ............................................. 93-3
93.2 Amazon Hydrological Processes.......................................... 93-3
93.3 Environment, Economics and Potentialities of the Basin ................... 93-5
93.4 Impact of Anthropic Activities in the Basin ................................ 93-6
93.5 Amazon Basin in the Context of its Water Footprint
and Environmental Role ................................................. 93-6
References ...................................................................... 93-6
Chapter 94. Paraná (Rio de la Plata) River Basin .................. 94-1
94.1 Introduction ............................................................ 94-1
94.2 Geographical Features and Main Regions ................................ 94-1
94.3 Climate................................................................. 94-1
94.4 Hydrological Features and Water Use..................................... 94-2
94.5 Variability and Trends ................................................... 94-2
References ...................................................................... 94-4
Chapter 95. Orinoco River Basin ................................. 95-1
95.1 Introduction ............................................................ 95-1
95.2 Regional Geological and Topographical Setting ........................... 95-1
95.3 Hydroclimatic Conditions................................................ 95-1
95.4 The Main Stem and its Major Tributaries .................................. 95-2
95.5 Floodplains and Seasonal Sediment Regime .............................. 95-2
95.6 Delta ................................................................... 95-3
95.7 Regional Vegetation .................................................... 95-4
95.8 Human Impacts ......................................................... 95-4
95.9 Concluding Remarks .................................................... 95-4
References ...................................................................... 95-4
Chapter 96. Nile River Basin..................................... 96-1
96.1 Introduction ............................................................ 96-1
96.2 Climate................................................................. 96-3
96.3 Hydrology of the Nile Basin.............................................. 96-4
References ...................................................................... 96-9
Chapter 97. Congo River Basin .................................. 97-1
97.1 Introduction ............................................................ 97-1
97.2 The State of Hydrological Monitoring .................................... 97-1
97.3 Climate Regimes ........................................................ 97-2
97.4 Catchments Characteristics and Hydrological Similarities ................. 97-2
97.5 Hydrogeochemical Processes and Sediment Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97-4
97.6 Hydrological Modeling .................................................. 97-4
97.7 Climate and Land Use Change ........................................... 97-5
97.8 Conclusion.............................................................. 97-5
Acknowledgment ............................................................... 97-5
References ...................................................................... 97-5
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Chapter 98. Zambezi River Basin ................................ 98-1
98.1 Introduction ............................................................ 98-1
98.2 Physical Characterization................................................ 98-1
98.3 Main Features........................................................... 98-1
98.4 Climate................................................................. 98-3
98.5 Runoff Regime .......................................................... 98-3
98.6 Past Hydrological Studies................................................ 98-4
98.7 Hydrological Data....................................................... 98-5
98.8 Current Concerns and Future Challenges ................................. 98-6
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 98-6
References ...................................................................... 98-6
Chapter 99. Euphrates and Tigris River Basin..................... 99-1
99.1 General Characteristics of The Basin ...................................... 99-1
99.2 Hydrology and Water Resources.......................................... 99-1
99.3 Water Resources Developments in The Basin .............................. 99-3
99.4 Environmental Concerns................................................. 99-3
99.5 Climate Change Impacts on Basin Hydrology ............................. 99-3
Acknowledgment ................................................................ 99-3
References ...................................................................... 99-4
Chapter 100. Yangtze River Basin................................ 100-1
100.1 Introduction ........................................................... 100-1
100.2 Climate and Hydrology................................................. 100-2
100.3 Station Network and Water Conservancy Projects........................ 100-4
100.4 Significant Water Issues ................................................ 100-5
100.5 Research on the Yangtze River Basin .................................... 100-5
100.6 Concluding Remarks ................................................... 100-5
References ...................................................................... 100-6
Chapter 101. Yellow River Basin ................................. 101-1
101.1 Introduction ........................................................... 101-1
101.2 Climate and Hydrology................................................. 101-3
101.3 Station Network and Water Conservancy Projects........................ 101-4
101.4 Significant Water Issues ................................................ 101-5
101.5 Research on the Yellow River basin ...................................... 101-5
101.6 Concluding Remarks ................................................... 101-6
References ...................................................................... 101-6
Chapter 102. Mekong River ..................................... 102-1
102.1 Introduction ........................................................... 102-1
102.2 Upper Mekong River (Langcang Jiang) .................................. 102-3
102.3 Lower Mekong River ................................................... 102-5
102.4 Floods and Flood Forecasting........................................... 102- 6
102.5 Mekong Delta ......................................................... 102- 8
102.6 Biodiversity ........................................................... 102- 8
102.7 Agriculture and Aquaculture............................................ 102- 8
102.8 Mekong River Commission ............................................. 102- 9
102.9 Environmental Threats ................................................. 102- 9
102.10 Closing Remarks....................................................... 102- 9
References ...................................................................... 102- 9
Chapter 103. Yenisei River Basin................................. 103-1
103.1 Introduction ........................................................... 103-1
103.2 Central and Lower Sections of the Yenisei................................ 103-1
103.3 Upper Section of the Yenisei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103-1
103.4 Fluvial System of the Angara River ...................................... 103-1
References ...................................................................... 103-4
Chapter 104. Lena River Basin................................... 104-1
104.1 Introduction ........................................................... 104-1
References ...................................................................... 104-4
Chapter 105. Brahmaputra River Basin .......................... 105-1
105.1 Introduction .......................................................... 105-1
105.2 Climate ............................................................... 105-1
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105.3 Drainage Characteristics ............................................... 105-2
105.4 Hydrology............................................................. 105-4
105.5 Problems Faced, Projects Undertaken, and Future Scope ................. 105-5
References ...................................................................... 105-6
Chapter 106. Ganga River Basin ................................. 106-1
106.1 Ganga River Basin ..................................................... 106-1
106.2 Ganga River ........................................................... 106-1
106.3 Climate and Hydrology of the Ganga Basin .............................. 106-2
106.4 Floods and Droughts................................................... 106-2
106.5 GroundWater Resources ............................................... 106-2
106.6 Hydropower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106-2
106.7 Sediments ............................................................. 106-3
106.8 Water Quality Aspects .................................................. 106-3
106.9 Major Water Resources Development Projects ........................... 106-3
106.10 Social and Environmental Aspects ...................................... 106-3
106.11 Future Perspectives .................................................... 106-4
References ...................................................................... 106-4
Chapter 107. Narmada Basin .................................... 107-1
107.1 Introduction ........................................................... 107-1
107.2 Population ............................................................ 107-2
107.3 Major Tributaries and Sub-basins ....................................... 107-2
107.4 Climate in Narmada Basin .............................................. 107-3
107.5 Soils and Land Use in Narmada Basin ................................... 107-4
107.6 Water Resources of Narmada Basin...................................... 107-4
107.7 Major Water Resources Projects in Narmada Basin ....................... 107-5
108.8 Closure................................................................ 107-6
References ...................................................................... 107-6
Chapter 108. Indus River Basin .................................. 108-1
108.1 Introduction to Indus River Basin ....................................... 108-1
108.2 Physiography of Indus River Basin ...................................... 108-1
108.3 River Network and Principal Hydrologic Units of Indus River Basin........ 108-1
108.4 Climate of Indus River Basin ............................................ 108-2
108.5 Hydrological characteristics of Indus River Basin......................... 108-3
108.6 Indus Water Treaty ..................................................... 108-5
108.7 Major Water Resources Development Projects in Indus River Basin........ 108-5
108.8 Groundwater Resources of Indus River Basin ............................ 108-9
108.9 Climate Change in Indus River Basin and its Hydrologic Consequences . . . . 108-9
108.10 Concluding Remarks on Hydrology of Indus Basin ....................... 108-10
References ...................................................................... 108-10
Chapter 109. The Mississippi River Basin......................... 109-1
109.1 Mississippi River Basin Physiography and Hydrology..................... 109-1
109.2 Mississippi River Basin Climatology ..................................... 109-1
109.3 Anthropogenic Changes in the River Basin .............................. 109-2
109.4 Future Critical Challenges in the Mississippi River Basin .................. 109-4
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 109-4
References ...................................................................... 109-5
Chapter 110. Colorado River Basin .............................. 110-1
110.1 Introduction and Basin Characteristics .................................. 110-1
110.2 History of Water Resources Allocation................................... 110-1
110.3 Reservoirs and Other Water ManagementFacilities ...................... 110-2
110.4 Development and Use of the Colorado River Simulation System .......... 110-3
110.5 Hydrologic Data ....................................................... 110-3
110.6 Generating Projected Future Flow Scenarios ............................ 110-4
110.7 Future Priorities ....................................................... 110-4
References ...................................................................... 110-4
Chapter 111. Columbia River Basin .............................. 111-1
111.1 Introduction ........................................................... 111-1
111.2 Basin History .......................................................... 111-1
111.3 River Operations ...................................................... 111-2
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111.4 Current and Future Concerns ........................................... 111-4
111.5 Future Opportunities and Challenges ................................... 111-5
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 111-5
References ...................................................................... 111-5
Chapter 112. St. Lawrence River Basin ........................... 112-1
112.1 Introduction ........................................................... 112-1
112.2 Characteristics of the St. Lawrence River and its Basin.................... 112-1
112.3 Hydrological Characteristics of the River ................................ 112-4
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 112-5
References ...................................................................... 112-5
Chapter 113. River Rhine Basin .................................. 113-1
113.1 Introduction ........................................................... 113-1
113.2 Climate................................................................ 113-1
113.3 Water Balance in the Rhine Basin........................................ 113-4
113.4 Long-Term Variability of Hydrometeorological Variables in
the Rhine Basin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113-4
113.5 Discharge Characteristics in Longitudinal Profile......................... 113-5
113.6 The Runoff Regime of the Rhine......................................... 113-6
113.7 Changes in the Runoff Characteristics of Rhine Since the Beginning
of the Twentieth Century ............................................... 113-9
113.8 Changes in the Runoff Regime of the Upper Rhine ....................... 113-10
113.9 Changes in the Runoff Regime of the Middle and Lower Rhine............ 113-10
113.10 Development in Extreme Runoff Situations: Flood ....................... 113-10
113.11 Development in Extreme Runoff Situations: Low Water................... 113-10
Acknowledgment ................................................................ 113-10
References ...................................................................... 113-10
Chapter 114. Danube River Basin ................................ 114-1
114.1 Introduction .......................................................... 114-1
114.2 History of the River System............................................. 114-1
114.3 Climate, Drainage Characteristics, and Hydrology........................ 114-2
114.4 Problem faced ......................................................... 114-3
114.5 Scope of Future Development (2 pages) ................................. 114-5
References ...................................................................... 114-5
Chapter 115. Ob River Basin .................................... 115-1
115.1 Introduction ........................................................... 115-1
115.2 Ob River Basin and Discharge Data ..................................... 115-1
115.3 Streamflow Characteristics and Change ................................. 115-1
115.4 Water Temperature and Thermal Regime ................................ 115-4
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115-5
Chapter 116. Po River Basin ..................................... 116-1
116.1 River Basin Morphology and Geology, Geometry of The River Network.... 116-1
116.2 Climate and Meteorology. Genesis of Extreme Events and Droughts ...... 116-1
116.3 Monitoring Networks .................................................. 116-3
116.4 Hydrological Balance in the Po River Basin. Exploitation
of Water Resources and Sustainability................................... 116-3
116.5 The River Regime. Variability, Seasonality, Long-Term Patterns ........... 116-3
116.6 History of Po River Floods .............................................. 116-3
116.7 Flood Hazard Mitigation Along the Course of the Po River ................ 116-4
116.8 Conclusions ........................................................... 116-4
References ...................................................................... 116-4
Chapter 117. River Thames Basin ................................ 117-1
117.1 Introduction ........................................................... 117-1
117.2 The Thames Basin ...................................................... 117-1
117.3 Hydrometric Measurement in the Thames Basin ......................... 117-1
117.4 Droughts and Alleviation Measures ..................................... 117- 2
117.5 Floods and Flood Risk .................................................. 117- 3
117.6 Research and Forecasting Initiatives .................................... 117-3
117.7 Trends in Runoff Patterns............................................... 117-4
117.8 Concluding Remarks ................................................... 117-4
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 117-4
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References ...................................................................... 117-5
Useful Websites: ................................................................. 117-6
Chapter 118. Managing Water in an Arid land: The Murray
Darling Basin, Australia ........................... 118-1
118.1 Introduction .......................................................... 118-1
118.2 The Murray Darling Basin .............................................. 118-2
118.3 The changing hydrology of the Murray Darling Basin..................... 118-3
118.4 Potential for Ecosystem Collapse ....................................... 118-5
118.5 The Policy Response ................................................... 118-5
118.6 What Future Do We Want for the Basin Anyway? ......................... 118-6
Conclusion ...................................................................... 118-7
References ...................................................................... 118-7
Websites ........................................................................ 118-9
Chapter 119. The Great Lakes System............................ 119-1
119.1 Introduction to the Great Lakes
Hydrological system ................................................... 119-1
119.2 The Great Lakes Water Budget .......................................... 119-2
119.3 Great Lakes Water levels................................................ 119-5
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 119-5
Bibliography .................................................................... 119-5
Chapter 120. The East African Great Lakes ....................... 120.1
120.1 Introduction .......................................................... 120.1
120.2 Lake Victoria........................................................... 120. 1
120.3 Lake Tanganyika....................................................... 120. 3
120.4 Lake Malawi ........................................................... 120. 4
120.5 Lake Albert ............................................................ 120. 5
120.6 Lake Turkana .......................................................... 120. 6
120.7 Lake Kivu.............................................................. 120. 7
120.8 Lake Edward........................................................... 120. 8
References ...................................................................... 120. 9
Chapter 121. Aral Sea Basin ..................................... 121-1
121.1 Introduction ........................................................... 121-1
121.2 Subsurface Flux Changes and Interactions with the Shrinking Sea ........ 121-1
121.3 Surface Flux Changes and Interactions With Climate Change ............. 121-2
121.4 Opportunities and Challenges for Water Quantity and
Quality Management................................................... 121-3
121.5 Concluding Remarks ................................................... 121-4
References ...................................................................... 121-4
Chapter 122. Baltic Sea Basin ................................... 122-1
122.1 Introduction ........................................................... 122-1
122.2 Physiography and Hydroclimatology.................................... 122-1
122.3 Hydrology and Water Balance .......................................... 122-4
122.4 Water Quality .......................................................... 122-6
122.5 Future Developments .................................................. 122-8
122.6 Summary.............................................................. 122-9
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 122-9
References ...................................................................... 122-9
Chapter 123. Black Sea Basin ................................... 123-1
123.1 Introduction ........................................................... 123-1
123.2 Geographical location and Basic Morphometric Characteristics .......... 123-1
123.3 Hydrological Conditions................................................ 123-1
References ...................................................................... 123-5
Chapter 124. The Caspian Sea Basin ............................. 124-1
124.1 Introduction ........................................................... 124-1
124.2 The Caspian Sea Watershed Area........................................ 124-1
124.3 The Volga River ........................................................ 124-1
124.4 Physicogeographical Conditions of the Caspian Sea...................... 124-3
124.5 Hydrometeorology and Climate......................................... 124-3
124.6 Physical Oceanography................................................. 124-3
124.7 Sea Level Variability.................................................... 124-4
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124.8 Marine Chemistry ...................................................... 124-4
124.9 Marine Biology and Resources .......................................... 124-5
124.10 Ecological Problems ................................................... 124-5
124.11 Oil pollution of the Sea................................................. 124-6
124.12 Seismic Activity........................................................ 124-7
124.13 Desertification......................................................... 124-7
124.14 Conclusions ........................................................... 124-7
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 124-7
References ...................................................................... 124-7
Chapter 125. Design Rainfall .................................... 125-1
125.1 Purpose of Design Rainfalls............................................. 125-1
125.2 Constructing Databases of Rainfall to Derive Design Rainfalls ............ 125-2
125.3 AMS vs PDS............................................................ 125-3
125.4 Appropriate Probability Distributions .................................. 125-3
125.5 Regionalization ........................................................ 125-4
125.6 Deriving Sub-Daily and Sub-Hourly IDF Relationships.................... 125-5
125.7 Scaling Relationships in Design Rainfalls ................................ 125-5
125.8 Developing Design Rainfall Grids ....................................... 125-6
125.9 Uncertainty in Design Rainfall Estimates ................................ 125-6
125.10 Design Temporal Patterns .............................................. 125-6
125.11 Design spatial patterns................................................. 125-7
125.12 Implications of Temperature Linked Non-Stationarity on the Design Rain.. 125-8
Acknowledgements .............................................................. 125-9
References ...................................................................... 125-9
Chapter 126. Probable Maximum Precipitation................... 126-1
126.1 Introduction ........................................................... 126-1
126.2 Deterministic Method of Estimation of PMP ............................. 126-1
126.3 Probabilistic Method of Estimation of PMP .............................. 126-10
126.4 Generalized Versus Basin-Specific PMP Estimates ........................ 126-13
126.5 All-season Versus Seasonal PMP Estimates .............................. 126-13
126.6 Orographic Effects ..................................................... 126-13
126.7 Spatial Variation of PMP................................................ 126-13
126.8 Temporal Distribution of PMP—Development of PMS .................... 126-14
126.9 Seasonal Variation of PMP.............................................. 126-16
126.10 Cautionary notes on the Procedures for Estimation of New Set of PMP .... 126-16
References ...................................................................... 126-17
PART 9. Applications and Design ................................ 127-1
Chapter 127. Runoff Prediction in Ungauged Basins .............. 127-3
127.1 The Prediction in Ungauged Basins Problem ............................ 127-3
127.2 Best Practice Recommendations for Predicting Runoff in
Ungauged Basins ...................................................... 127-3
127.3 Prediction of Floods in Ungauged Basins ................................ 127-4
127.4 Prediction of Low Flows in Ungauged Basins ............................ 127-5
127.5 Prediction of Runoff Hydrographs in Ungauged Basins .................. 127-6
127.6 Where To Go From Here ................................................ 127-7
Acknowledgements .............................................................. 127-9
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127-9
Chapter 128. Stochastic Streamflow Simulation and Forecasting .. 128.1
128.1 Introduction ........................................................... 128. 1
128.2 Stochastic Simulation of Streamflow .................................... 128. 1
128.3 Nonparametric Time Series Models ..................................... 128. 2
128.4 Multisite Streamflow Simulation........................................ 128. 3
128.5 Nonstationary Streamflow Simulation .................................. 128. 3
128.6 Streamflow Forecasting ................................................ 128. 4
128.7 Stochastic Weather Generators ......................................... 128. 4
128.8 Software and Resources ............................................... 128. 5
References ...................................................................... 128. 5
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Chapter 129. Flood Forecasting and Flash Flood Forecasting—
“Special Considerations in Hydrologic Modeling for
the Expressed Purpose of Flood and Flash
Flood Forecasting” ................................ 129-1
129.1 Introduction ........................................................... 129-1
129.2 Real-Time Data Requirements and Forecasts and Data Quality Control .... 129-1
129.3 Computational Efficiency and Latency Requirements ...................... 129-3
129.4 Data Assimilation and/or Adjusting Model Inputs, States, And Outcomes . 129-3
129.5 Use of Future Weather ................................................. 129-3
129.6 Requirements for Regulation Information ............................... 129-3
129.7 Flood-Control and Water-Supply Reservoirs ............................. 129-4
129.8 Reliability and Stability Requirements .................................. 129-4
129.9 Understanding and Conveying Uncertainty ............................. 129-4
129.10 Lead Time Considerations and Requirements ............................ 129-4
129.11 Temporal (Time Step) Requirements .................................... 129-4
129.12 Dissemination and Coordination with Customer, Partners, and the
General Public ........................................................ 129-4
129.13 Applications Related to Flash Flooding .................................. 129-4
129.14 Special Temporal (Time Step) Requirements ............................. 129-4
129.15 Automated Data-Analysis Requirements................................. 129-5
129.16 Automated Data Assimilation .......................................... 129-5
129.17 Ungaged Watershed Application ....................................... 129-5
129.18 Identification of Highly Vulnerable/at Risk Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129-5
References ...................................................................... 129-5
Chapter 130. Reservoir Operation Design ........................ 130-1
130.1 Introduction ........................................................... 130-1
130.2 Reservoir Planning and Design ......................................... 130-1
130.3 Reservoir Operation.................................................... 130-3
130.4 Future Trends in Reservoir Operation Design ............................ 130-6
130.5 Conclusions ........................................................... 130-6
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130-7
Chapter 131. Floodplain Management ........................... 131-1
131.1 Responses to Flood Risk................................................ 131-1
131.2 Evolution of Floodplain Management Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131-2
131.3 Concepts and Methods ................................................. 131-2
131.4 Certification in Floodplain Management ................................ 131-3
131.5 Summary of Issues and Needed Advances ............................... 131-3
References ...................................................................... 131-3
Chapter 132. Storm Water Management, Best Management
Practices, and Low-Impact Development............ 132-1
132.1 Introduction ........................................................... 132-1
132.2 The Need for Stormwater Management.................................. 132-2
132.3 Specific BMPs.......................................................... 132-3
132.4 Analysis ............................................................... 132-4
132.5 Safety ................................................................. 132-4
References ...................................................................... 132-4
Chapter 133. Flood Proofing and Infrastructure Development .... 133-1
133.1 Introduction to Flood Proofing and Infrastructure Development ......... 133-1
Acknowledgement............................................................... 133-9
References ...................................................................... 133-9
Chapter 134. Environmental Flows .............................. 134-1
134.1 Introduction ........................................................... 134-1
134.2 Evolution of Environmental FlowsConcept .............................. 134-2
134.3 Trade-offs in Development andConservation............................ 134-2
134.4 Estimation of Environmental Flows ..................................... 134-2
134.5 Methodologies for Assessment of Environmental Flows Requirement ..... 134-3
134.6 Implementation of EF .................................................. 134-6
134.7 Environmental Flows in IWRM .......................................... 134-7
134.8 Future Challenges...................................................... 134-7
References ...................................................................... 134-7
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Chapter 135. Drainage and Culvert Design ....................... 135-1
135.1 introduction .......................................................... 135-1
135.2 Fundamentals of Design ............................................... 135-1
135.3 Design Procedure...................................................... 135-4
135.4 Potential Impact of Climate Change on Culvert Design and Operation .... 135-6
135.5 Sustainable Design .................................................... 135-6
References .................................................................... 135-6
Chapter 136. Wetland and River Restoration ..................... 136-1
136.1 Introduction ........................................................... 136-1
136.2 Definitions ............................................................ 136-1
136.3 The Restoration Process ................................................ 136-2
136.4 Approaches to Wetland And River Restoration........................... 136-3
136.5 Advancing The Science and Practice of Stream and Wetland
Restoration............................................................ 136-6
Acknowledgement............................................................... 136-7
References ...................................................................... 136-7
Chapter 137. Institutional Framework for Water Management..... 137-1
137.1 Sustainable Integrated Water Management.............................. 137-1
137.2 Water Management in Texas: AnIllustrative CaseStudy .................. 137-1
137.3 Water Management Communities....................................... 137-1
137.4 Federal Agency Programs .............................................. 137-3
137.5 State Water Resources Planning......................................... 137-4
137.6 Water Allocation ....................................................... 137-4
137.7 Environmental Management ........................................... 137-5
137.8 Flood Mitigation ....................................................... 137-6
137.9 Institutional Aspects of Computer Modeling............................. 137-6
137.10 Conclusions ........................................................... 137-7
References ...................................................................... 137-7
Chapter 138. Peak Water, Virtual Water, andWater Footprints:
NewDefinitions and Tools for Water Research
and Policy......................................... 138-1
138.1 Introduction ........................................................... 138-1
138.2 Peak Water ............................................................ 138-2
138.3 Comparison of Peak Production inOilandWater......................... 138-3
138.4 Water Transfers and the Concept ofVirtual Water ........................ 138-4
138.5 Water Footprints....................................................... 138-6
138.6 Soft Water Paths ....................................................... 138-7
138.7 Conclusions ........................................................... 138-7
References ...................................................................... 138-8
Chapter 139. Transboundary Water Management ................ 139-1
139.1 Introduction ........................................................... 139-1
139.2 Water Conflict ......................................................... 139-1
139.3 Sources of Water Conflict ............................................... 139-2
139.4 International Water Conflicts versus National Water Conflicts ............. 139-2
139.5 Resolving Water Conflicts .............................................. 139-2
139.6 The Importance of Institutional Capacity ................................ 139-3
139.7 Hydro-Hegemony...................................................... 139-3
139.8 International Water Law ................................................ 139-3
139.9 Third Party Involvement................................................ 139-3
139.10 Future Directions and Ways to Address New Problems ................... 139-4
139.11 Conclusion ............................................................ 139-4
Acknowledgement............................................................... 139-4
References ...................................................................... 139-4
Chapter 140. Integrated River Basin Management................ 140-1
140.1 Integrated River Basin Management: A Framework and Process .......... 140-1
140.2 Elements of IRBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140-1
140.3 Historical Development ................................................ 140-2
140.4 Institutional Arrangements for IRBM.................................... 140-2
140.5 Technical Concepts and Methods........................................ 140-4
140.6 Case Studies........................................................... 140-5
140.7 Summary.............................................................. 140-6
References ...................................................................... 140-7
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Chapter 141. Conflict Resolution ................................ 141-1
141.1 Conflict Exists Everywhere.............................................. 141-1
141.2 Game Theoretic Models for Conflict Analysis............................. 141-1
141.3 Graph Model for Conflict Resolution .................................... 141-1
141.4 Fair Water Allocation ................................................... 141-2
141.5 Compliance Models .................................................... 141-4
141.6 Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation.................................. 141-5
141.7 Summary.............................................................. 141-5
References ...................................................................... 141-5
Chapter 142. Long-distance Water Transfers ..................... 142-1
142.1 Introduction ........................................................... 142-1
142.2 Transfers Among Basins, Regions and
Countries—Achievements and Concerns................................. 142-1
Further Thoughts ................................................................ 142-6
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142-6
Chapter 143. The Indian River-Linking Program .................. 143-1
143.1 Introduction ........................................................... 143-1
143.2 India’s Water Resources and the River-Linking Plan ...................... 143-1
143.3 Prognosis and Implication.............................................. 143-5
143.4 Conclusions ........................................................... 143-8
Acknowledgment ................................................................ 143-8
Reference ....................................................................... 143-8
Chapter 144. Irrigation Scheduling and Management ............ 144-1
144.1 Introduction ........................................................... 144-1
144.2 Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Interaction...................................... 144-2
144.3 On-farm Irrigation Scheduling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144-2
144.4 Canal Irrigation Scheduling............................................. 144-7
144.5 Conclusions ........................................................... 144-8
144.6 Research Needs........................................................ 144-8
References ...................................................................... 144-8
Chapter 145. Rainwater Harvesting and Groundwater Recharge... 145-1
145.1 Introduction ........................................................... 145-1
145.2 Ancient Methods of Water Harvesting ................................... 145-1
145.3 Watershed Development ............................................... 145-2
145.4 Rainwater-Harvesting Structures ....................................... 145-3
145.5 Assessment of Rainwater Harvesting Using Remote Sensing and GIS...... 145-7
145.6 Rainwater Harvesting Studies a Global Perspective ...................... 145-7
References ...................................................................... 145-9
Chapter 146. Reuse-Reclaimed Water in Managed
Aquifer Recharge ................................. 146-1
146.1 Introduction ........................................................... 146-1
146.2 Treatment Mechanisms in Natural Systems .............................. 146-1
146.3 Managed Aquifer Recharge ............................................ 146-2
146.4 Water Quality Considerations for Managed Aquifer Recharge............. 146-3
146.5 Surface Spreading ..................................................... 146-3
146.6 Injection Wells ......................................................... 146-4
146.7 Recovery of Reclaimed Water through Aquifer Storage and Recovery ..... 146-5
146.8 Subsurface Geochemical Processes ..................................... 146-6
146.9 Summary.............................................................. 146-6
References ...................................................................... 146-6
Chapter 147. River Bank Filtration............................... 147-1
147.1 Introduction ........................................................... 147-1
147.2 River Hydrology ....................................................... 147-1
147.3 Potential of River Bank Filtration........................................ 147-2
147.4 Simulating RBF Quality................................................. 147-3
147.5 Optimizing Distance of Well from the River .............................. 147-6
147.6 River Bank Filtration Sites .............................................. 147-6
147.7 Summary.............................................................. 147-7
References ...................................................................... 147-7
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Chapter 148. Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on
Water Resources .................................. 148-1
148.1 Introduction ........................................................... 148-1
148.2 Climate Change Observations and Model-Based Projections.............. 148-1
148.3 Observations and Projections of Climate Change Impact on Water
Resources ............................................................. 148-2
148.4 Aim Of Modeling of Climate Change Impact on Freshwater Resources .... 148-3
148.5 Methodology of Modeling Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources .. 148-3
148.6 Hydrological Models for Climate Change Impact Assessment ............. 148-4
148.7 Model Selection, Calibration, and Validation ............................ 148-6
148.8 Examples of Applications of Hydrological Models for Climate
Change Impact Assessment ............................................ 148-7
148.9 Propagation of Uncertainty............................................. 148-7
148.10 Gaps and Challenges .................................................. 148-9
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 148-10
References ...................................................................... 148-10
Chapter 149. Human Impacts on Hydrology...................... 149-1
149.1 Introduction ........................................................... 149-1
149.2 Methodology .......................................................... 149-2
149.3 Case Study ............................................................ 149-4
149. 4 Future Outlook ........................................................ 149-7
Acknowledgement............................................................... 149-8
References ...................................................................... 149-8
Chapter 150. Climate Change and Its Impacts on
Hydrologic Cycle .................................. 150-1
150.1 Climate Change: What Does it Mean?.................................... 150-1
150.2 Causes of Climate Change .............................................. 150-1
150.3 Measure of Climate Change............................................. 150-3
150.4 Impacts of Climate Change ............................................. 150-3
150.5 Impacts of Climate Change on
The Hydrologic Cycle .................................................. 150-3
150.6 Future................................................................. 150-7
References ...................................................................... 150-7
Part 10. Future ................................................. 151-1
Chapter 151. Human-Hydrology Systems Modeling .............. 151-3
151.1 Introduction ........................................................... 151-3
151.2 Evolution of Human-Hydrology SystemsModeling ...................... 151-3
151.3 Methods for Modeling Human-HydrologySystems....................... 151-4
151.4 Applications of Human-Hydrology SystemsModeling ................... 151-6
151.5 Resources ............................................................. 151-9
151.6 Future Directions and Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151-9
References ...................................................................... 151-11
Chapter 152. Variability of Hydrological Processes and
Systems in a Changing Environment ............... 152-1
152.1 Climate Change and the Water Cycle .................................... 152-1
152.2 Human Activities and the Water Cycle ................................... 152-1
152.3 Intensification of the Hydrological Cycle in a Changing Environment...... 152-2
152.4 Sustainability, Hydrologic Risk, andUncertainty ........................ 152-3
152.5 Tracking Hydrologic Change: Trend andPredictability.................... 152-3
References ...................................................................... 152-4
00_Singh_FM_pi-xlvi.indd 30 27/07/16 4:37 pm
Chapter 153. Extraterrestrial Water............................. 153-1
153.1 Introduction ........................................................... 153-1
153.2 The Origin of the Earth’s Water.......................................... 153-1
153.3 Water in our Solar System .............................................. 153-1
153.4 Water Beyond our Solar System......................................... 153-3
153.5 Summary.............................................................. 153-4
References ...................................................................... 153-4
Chapter 154. Water Security .................................... 154-1
154.1 Availability of Freshwater around theWorld ............................. 154-1
154.2 Current State of Water Affairs........................................... 154-1
154.3 Water Security—the Discourse.......................................... 154-3
154.4 Global Availability of Groundwater ..................................... 154-3
154.5 Water Security as Part of Economic Security ............................. 154-4
154.6 Managing Water in a Changing World ................................... 154-4
154.7 Meeting the Water Gap: Unlocking the Potential of Green Water .......... 154-4
Conclusion ...................................................................... 154-5
Acknowledgments ............................................................... 154-5
References ...................................................................... 154-5
Chapter 155. Social Hydrology .................................. 155-1
155.1 Water and Human Beings............................................... 155-1
155.2 What is Social Hydrology? .............................................. 155-3
155.3 Great Hydraulic Mission ................................................ 155-4
155.4 Nature’s Talk Back...................................................... 155-4
155.5 Evolution of Social Hydrology
as a New Discipline..................................................... 155-6
155.6 Challenges Ahead in Water Management ................................ 155-7
155.7 Recent Trends and Developments
in Social Hydrology .................................................... 155-8
155.8 Climate Change and Future Issues
in Social Hydrology .................................................... 155-8
155.9 Future Direction in Social Hydrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155-9
References ...................................................................... 155-10
Chapter 156. Grand Challenges Facing the Hydrologic Sciences ... 156-1
156.1 Introduction ........................................................... 156-1
156.2 Quality-Differentiated Water Management .............................. 156-1
156.3 Conversion Strategy ................................................... 156-2
156.4 Scoping the Greater Hydrologic System ................................. 156-2
156.5 Scoping Water Needs................................................... 156-3
156.6 Emerging Infrastructure Needs ......................................... 156-3
156.7 Information Systems ................................................... 156-4
156.8 Prioritization .......................................................... 156-4
156.9 Selected Priority Challenges ............................................ 156-5
156.10 From Research to Reality ............................................... 156-6
156.11 Summary and Conclusions ............................................. 156-6
Acknowledgements ............................................................. 156-6
References ...................................................................... 156-6
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Benjamin Abban
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, Tennessee
M. C. Acreman
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Crowmarsh Gifford
Wallingford, United Kingdom
Lauren Adams
Center for Watershed Sciences
University of California, Davis
Davis, California
Pradeep Aggarwal
Isotope Hydrology Section
Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Vienna, Austria
Mohammad Z. Al-Hamdan
Universities Space Research Association
NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center
National Space Science Technology Center
Huntsville, Alabama
Doug Alsdorf
Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center
The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
Devendra M. Amatya
USDA Forest Service Center for Forested Wetlands Research
Cordesville, South Carolina
Daniel P. Ames
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah
Burakou Dmitry Anatolyevich
Department of Environmental Engineering
Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University
Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Michael Anderson
California Department of Water Resources
Division of Flood Management
Hydrology and Flood Operations Office
Hydrology Branch
Sacramento, California
Mazdak Arabi
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado
Luis J. Araguas-Araguas
Isotope Hydrology Section
Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Vienna, Austria
Mustafa M. Aral
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia
Bhavna Arora
Earth Sciences Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, California
M. Babbar-Sebens
School of Civil and Construction Engineering
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon
Daniel W. Baker
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado
Emanuele Baratti
Department DICAM
University of Bologna
Bologna, Italy
Donald E. Barbe
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of New Orleans
New Orleans, Los Angeles
Henry Barousse
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (Retired)
Robert Bastian
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, D.C.
Peter Bauer-Gottwein
Department of Environmental Engineering
Technical University of Denmark
Lyngby, Denmark
Hiroko Kato Beaudoing
Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center
University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland
Beijing Normal University
Research and Development Centre
Nippon Koei Co. Ltd.
(Consulting Engineers)
Tsukuba, Japan
Kati Bell
Global Practice Leader - Water Reuse
MWH Global
Brentwood, Tennessee
Joerg Uwe Belz
BfG - Federal Institute of Hydrology
Koblenz, Germany
Lars Bengtsson
Department of Water Resources Engineering
Lund Institute of Te chnology
Lund University
Lund, Sweden
Ronny Berndtsson
Department of Water Resources Engineering
and Center for Middle Eastern Studies
Lund University
Lund, Sweden
Daniela Biondi
Institute of Hydraulic Construction
University of Bologna
Bologna, Italy
00_Singh_FM_pi-xlvi.indd 33 27/07/16 4:37 pm
Brian P. Bledsoe
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado
Günter Blöschl
Institute of Hydraulic Engineering
Centre for Water Resource Systems
Institut für Wasserbau und Ingenieurhydrologie
Technische Universität Wien
Wien, Austria
Istvan Bogardi
Department of Civil Engineering
Izmir Institute of Technology
Izmir, Turkey
D. Bolten
NASA/GSFC, Hydrological Sciences Branch
Greenbelt, Maryland
André Bouchard
Hydrology and Ecohydraulic Section
Meteorological Service of Canada
Environment Canada
Armando Brath
Department DICAM
University of Bologna
Bologna, Italy
Juan Martín Bravo
Instituto de Pesquisas Hidráulicas
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Porto Alegre, Brazil
Donald H. Burn
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Canada
Aaron R. Byrd
Hydrologic Systems Branch
Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory
Engineer Research Development Center
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Vicksburg, Mississippi
Ximing Cai
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, Illinois
Darryl Carlyle-Moses
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
Thompson Rivers University
Kamloops, Canada
Attilio Castellarin
DICAM - Costruzioni Idrauliche, Università degli Studi di Bologna
Bologna, Italy
Serena Ceola
Department DICAM
University of Bologna
Bologna, Italy
C. P. Cetinkaya
Dokuz Eylül University
Water Resources Management Research and Application Center (SUMER)
Izmir, Turkey
Maria A. Charina
Water Problems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russia
Fateh Chebana
Institut national de la recherche scientifique
Centre Eau-Terre-Environnement
Québec, Canada
Ji Chen
Department of Civil Engineering
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China
Yang Cheng
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Syracuse University
Syracuse, New York
Nannan Cheng
State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on the Loess Plateau
Institute of Soil and Water Conservation
Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources
Northwest Agriculture and Forest University
Yangling, People’s Republic of China
Ekaterina V. Chuprina
Water Problems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russia
Theodore G. Cleveland
Associate Professor
Department of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering
Texas Te ch University
Lubbock, Texas
Walter Collischonn
Institute of Hydraulic Research
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Porto Alegre, Brazil
Zhentao Cong
Department of Hydraulic Engineering
Tsinghua University
Beijing, People’s R epublic of China
James Connaughton
Richmond, California
Corrado Corradini
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Facolta di Ingegneria
University of Perugia
Perugia, Italy
Alva Couch
Department of Computer Science
Tufts University
Medford, Massachusetts
Norman H. Crawford
Hydrocomp, Inc.
Menlo Park, California
James F. Cruise
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Huntsville, Alabama
Allegra da Silva
CDM Smith
Denver, Colorado
Baptiste Dafflon
Earth Sciences Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, California
Kumer Pial Das
Department of Mathematics
Lamar University
Beaumont, Texas
Claus Davidsen
Department of Environmental Engineering
Technical University of Denmark
Lyngby, Denmark
Rodrigo Cauduro Dias de Paiva
Institute of Hydraulic Research
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Porto Alegre, Brazil
Zhi-Qiang Deng
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Los Angeles
Georgia Destouni
Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology
Stockholm University
Stockholm, Sweden
00_Singh_FM_pi-xlvi.indd 34 27/07/16 4:37 pm
Michael DeWeese
National Weather Service
North Central River Forecast Center
Chanhassen, Minnesota
Daniel H. Doctor
Eastern Geology and Paleoclimate Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
Reston, Virginia
Alessio Domeneghetti
Department DICAM
University of Bologna
Bologna, Italy
A. S. Donigian, Jr.
AQUA TERRA Consultants
Mountain View, California
Charles W. Downer
Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory
Vicksburg, Mississippi
André Dozier
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado
Jim Dumont
Water Infrastructure Specialist
Salt Spring Island, Canada
Dipankar Dwivedi
Earth Sciences Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, California
Walter L. Ellenburg
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Huntsville, Alabama
A. Ercan
Hydrologic Research Laboratory
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of California
Davis, California
Alvar Escriva-Bou
Davis, California
James S. Famiglietti
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, California
Koren Fang
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia
Liping Fang
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
Ryerson University
Toronto, Canada
Bonifacio Fernandez and Jorge Gironás
P.U. Católica de Chile
Stefan Finsterle
Earth Sciences Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, California
Faith A. Fitzpatrick
Fluvial Geomorphology
USGS WI Water Science Center
Middleton, Wisconsin
Darrell Fontane
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado
Donald K. Frevert
Retired Hydraulic Engineer and Team Leader
Bureau of Reclamation
Denver, Colorado
Devin L. Galloway
U.S. Geological Survey
Indianapolis, Indiana
Timothy S. Gambrell
Mississippi River Science and Technology Office and Mississippi River Commission
Mississippi Valley Division
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Vicksburg, Mississippi
Christian Genest
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
McGill University
Montréal, Canada
Timothy R. Ginn
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of California
Davis, California
Jorge Gironás
Departamento de Ingeniería Hidráulica y Ambiental
Centro de Investigación para la Gestión Integrada de Desastres Naturales (CIGIDEN)
Centro de Desarrollo Urbano Sustentable (CEDEUS)
Centro Multidisciplinario de Cambio Global
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
Peter H. Gleick
Pacific Institute
Oakland, California
Narendra Kumar Gontia
College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology
Junagadh Agricultural University
Junagadh, India
Jonathan L. Goodall
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia
David C. Goodrich
Southwest Watershed Research Center
Tucson, Arizona
R. S. Govindaraju
Delon and Elizabeth Hampton Hall of Civil Engineering
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana
Robert E. Griffin
Atmospheric Science Department
Earth System Science Program
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Huntsville, Alabama
Neil S. Grigg
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado
Andrew D. Gronewold
NOAA (Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory)
University of Michigan (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Georges Gulemvuga
Commission Internationale du bassin Congo-Oubangui-Sangha
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Orhan Gunduz
Dokuz Eylul University
Department of Environmental Engineering
Izmir, Turkey
H. V. Gupta
Department of Hydrology and Water Resources
University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona
Semyon M. Guziy
Institute “Krasnoyarskgidroproekt”
Krasnoyarsk State Agricultural University
Krasnoyarsk branch of JSC “SibENTC”
Krasnoyarsk, Russia
00_Singh_FM_pi-xlvi.indd 35 27/07/16 4:37 pm
Alan F. Hamlet
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, Indiana
Cameron Handyside
Earth System Science Center
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Huntsville, Alabama
Mohamed M. Hantush
National Risk Management Research Laboratory
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Cincinnati, Ohio
Umesh Haritashya
Department of Geology
University of Dayton
Dayton, Ohio
Bekki Ward Harjo
Senior Hydrologist, National Weather Ser vice
Arkansas-Red Basin River Forecast Center
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Nilgun Harmancioglu
Water Resources Institute
Dokuz Eylul University
Izmir, Turkey
Julien J. Harou
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
The University of Manchester
Manchester, United Kingdom
Robert Hartman
Sacramento, California
Hongming He
Institute of Soil and Water Conservation
Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources
Yangling, People’s Republic of China
Janet Herman
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia
Kith W. Hipel
Department of Systems Design Engineering
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Canada
Yoshinari Hiroshiro
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Kyushu University
Fukuoka, Japan
Michael T. Hobbins
National Integrated Drought Information System
NOAA-Earth System Research Laboratory
Boulder, Colorado
Robert R. Holmes, Jr.
U.S. Geological Survey
Rolla, Missouri
Jeffery S. Horsburgh
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Utah State University
Logan, Utah
Chi Hua Huang
National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory
West Lafayette, Indiana
Denis Arthur Hughes
Institute for Water Research
Rhodes University
Grahamstown, South Africa
Rui Hui
University of California, Davis
Center for Watershed Sciences
One Shields Avenue
Davis, California
Justin Huntington
Desert Research Institute
Division of Hydrologic Sciences
Western Regional Climate Center
Reno, Nevada
John C. Imhoff
AQUA TERRA Consultants
Ouray, Colorado
K. Ishida
Hydrologic Research Laboratory
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of California
Davis, California
Sharad K. Jain
Water Resources Systems Division
National Institute of Hydrology
Roorkee, India
L. Douglas James
Fairfax, Virginia
A. W. Jayawardena
Department of Civil Engineering
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China
Research and Development Center
Nippon Koei Co. Ltd. (Engineering Consultants)
Tsukuba, Japan
Shanhu Jiang
State Key Laboratory of Hydrology
Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering
Hohai University
Nanjing, People’s Republic of China
Kenji Jinno
Kyushu University
Munakata City, Japan
Fiona Johnson
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia
V. Jothiprakash
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technolog y Bombay
Mumbai, India
Tijana Jovanovic
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Pennsylvania State University
State College, Pennsylvania
Latif Kalin
School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences
Auburn University
Auburn, Alabama
Jagath Kaluarachchi
College of Engineering
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Utah State University
Logan, Utah
R. Karthikeyan
Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas
Laila Kasuri
Chevy Chase, Mar yland
Dmitri Kavetski
School of Engineering
University of Newcastle
Callaghan, Australia
M. Levent Kavvas
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of California
Davis, California
Akira Kawamura
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Tokyo Metropolitan University
Tok yo, Jap an
00_Singh_FM_pi-xlvi.indd 36 27/07/16 4:37 pm
Soksamnang Keo
State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on the Loess Plateau
Institute of Soil and Water Conservation
Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources
Northwest Agriculture and Forest University
Yangling, People’s Republic of China
Greg Kerr
Office of Water Programs
University of Wyoming
Laramie, Wyoming
Martin Keulertz
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Purdue University
West Lafayetter, Indiana
Jongho Keum
Department of Civil Engineering
McMaster University
Hamilton, Canada
C. Prakash Khedun
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas
Max Kigobe
Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT)
Makerere University
Kampala, Uganda
Thomas R. Kjeldsen
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering
University of Bath
Bath, United Kingdom
Barbara A. Kleiss
USACE Mississippi Valley Division
Vicksburg, Mississippi
Randal Koster
Global Modeling and Assimilation Office
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, Maryland
Andrey Kostianoy
P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology
Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russia
Demetris Koutsoyiannis
Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
National Technical University of Athens
Heroon Polytechneiou
Zographou, Greece
Peter Krahe
BfG - Federal Institute of Hydrology
Koblenz, Germany
Valentina Krysanova
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Potsd am
Lev Kuchment
Laboratory of Water Cycle
Water Problems Institute
Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russia
George Kuczera
School of Engineering
University of Newcastle
Callaghan, Australia
Bhishm Kumar
Ex Professional Staff
Isotope Hydrology Section
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Vienna, Austria
Ex Head
Hydrological Investigations Division
National Institute of Hydrology
Roorkee, India
Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz
Institute of Agricultural and Forest Environment
Polish Academy of Sciences
Poznan, Poland
John Labadie
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado
David L abat
Géosciences Environnement Toulouse
Toulouse, France
Venkataraman (Venk at) Lakshmi
Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences
University of South Carolina
Columbia, South Carolina
Upmanu Lall
Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Columbia Water Center
International Research Institute for Climate and Society
Columbia University
Ne w Yo rk
Alain Laraque
Directeur de Rechercheen Hydrologie
GET - UMR CNRS / IRD / UPS – UMR 5563 du CNRS, UMR234 de l’IRD
Toulouse, France
Magnus Larson
Department of Water Resources Engineering
Lund Institute of Te chnology
Lund University
Lund, Sweden
Stanley A. Leake
U.S. Geological Survey
Tucson, Arizona
Chiara Lepore
Ocean and Climate Physics
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Palisades, New York
L. Ruby Leung
Atmospheric Sciences and Global Change Division
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Richland, Washington
Benjamin Lord
Raleigh, North Carolina
Yajie Lu
State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on the Loess Plateau
Institute of Soil and Water Conservation
Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources
Northwest Agriculture and Forest University
Yangling, People’s Republic of China
Jay R. Lund
Center for Watershed Sciences
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of California
Davis, California
Gil Mahe
IRD, Laboratoire Hydro Sciences
Montpellier, France
D. R. Mailapalli
Agricultural and Food Engineering Department
Indian Institute of Technolog y Kharagpur
Kharagpur, India
Terry Marsh
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Wallingford, United Kingdom
Philip Marsh
Water Science Wilfrid Laurier University
Waterloo, Canada
José Pedro Matos
Laboratoire de constructions hydrauliques (LCH)
Ecolepolytechniquefédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Lausanne, Switzerland
00_Singh_FM_pi-xlvi.indd 37 27/07/16 4:37 pm
Larry W. Mays
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona
Richard H. McCuen
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland
Steven G. McNulty
Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center
Southern Research Station, USDA Forest Service
Raleigh, North Carolina
Alfonso Mejia
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Pennsylvania State University
State College, Pennsylvania
Tarek Merabtene
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
College of Engineering
University of Sharjah
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Venkatesh Merwade
Lyles School of Civil Engineering
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana
Guziy Semyon Mikhailovich
Institute “Krasnoyarskgidroproekt”
Krasnoyarsk State Agricultural University
Krasnoyarsk branch of JSC “SibENTC”
Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Pavol Miklanek
Institute of Hydrology
Slovak Academy of Sciences
Bratislava, Slovakia
Srikanta Mishra
Energy & Environment
Columbus, Ohio
Ashok K. Mishra
Glenn Department of Civil Engineering
Clemson University
Clemson, South Carolina
Natalia N. Mitina
Water Problems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Moscow, Russia
Iliana E. Mladenova
NASA/GSFC, Hydrological Sciences Branch
Greenbelt, Maryland
Binayak P. Mohanty
Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas
Rabi H. Mohtar
Biological and Agricultural Engineering and
Zachry Department of Civil Engineering
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas
Kazuro Momii
Faculty of Agriculture
Kagoshima University
Korimoto, Japan
Alberto Montanari
Dipartimento di IngegneriaCivile, Chimica, Ambientale e deiMateriali
University of Bologna
Bologna, Italy
R. Morbidelli
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Perugia University
Perugia, Italy
Biswajit Mukhopadhyay
National Practice Leader | Water Resources
North American Infrastructure
Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.
Dallas, Texas
Dauren Mussabek
Department of Water Resources Engineering
Lund Institute of Te chnology
Lund University
Lund, Sweden
Kei Nakagawa
Nagasaki University
Graduate School of Fisheries Science and Environmental Studies
Nagasaki University
Nagasaki, Japan
Mohamed K. Nassar
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of California
Davis, California
Grey S. Nearing
Hydrological Sciences Branch
Greenbelt, Maryland
W. W. N g
Department of Civil Engineering
Lake Head University
Thunder Bay, Canada
John Nielsen-Gammon
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas
Jun Niu
College of Water Resources and Civil Engineering
China Agricultural University
Beijing, People’s R epublic of China
Robert K. Niven
School of Engineering and Information Technology
The University of New South Wales
Canberra, Australia
P. E. O’Connell
School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Greg O’Donnell
School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Robert Occhipinti
United States Army Corps of Engineers (Retired)
Fred L. Ogden
Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and
Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources
University of Wyoming
Laramie, Wyoming
N. Ohara
Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering
University of Wyoming
Laramie, Wyoming
C. S. P. Ojha
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technolog y Roorkee
Roorkee, India
Taha B. M. J. Ouarda
Institute Center for Water and Environment (iWATER)
Masdar Institute of Science and Te chnology
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Hisashi Ozawa
Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Hiroshima University
Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan
Umed S. Panu
Department of Civil Engineering
Lake Head University
Thunder Bay, Canada
Simon Michael Papalexiou
Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
National Technical University of Athens
Heroon Polytechneiou
Zographou, Greece
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Thanos Papanicolaou
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, Tennessee
Sandra Pavlovic
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Boulder, Colorado
Pavla Pekarova
Institute of Hydrology
Slovak Academy of Sciences
Bratislava, Slovakia
Angela Pelle
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Mauri Pelto
Department of Environmental Science
Nichols College
Dudley, Massachusetts
Silvio J. Pereira-Cardenal
Lyngby, Denmark
Magnus Persson
Department of Water Resources Engineering
Lund Institute of Te chnology
Lund University
Lund, Sweden
Muthiah Perumal
Department of Hydrology
Indian Institute of Technolog y Roorkee
Roorkee, India
Jacob Petersen-Perlman
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon
Christa D. Peters-Lidard
Hydrological Sciences Laboratory
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, Maryland
Hai V. Pham
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Mikołaj Piniewski
Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Warsaw, Poland
Paulo Rógenes Monteiro Pontes
Instituto de Pesquisas Hidráulicas
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Porto Alegre, Brazil
Erik C. Porse
UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability
Los Angeles, California
Nawa Raj Pradhan
Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory
Vicksburg, Mississippi
James Prairie
Hydrologic Engineer
Bureau of Reclamation
Upper Colorado Regional Office
Denver Federal Center
Denver, Colorado
K. S. H. Prasad
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technolog y Roorkee
Roorkee, India
Roland K. Price
UNESCO-IHE, Institute for Water Education
Delft, The Netherlands
Fernando Falco Pruski
Department of Agricultural Engineering
Federal University of Viçosa
Viçosa, Brazil
Manuel Pulido-Velazquez
Research Institute of Water and Environmental Engineering (IIAMA)
Universitat Politècnica de València
Valencia, Spain
Narendra Singh Raghuwanshi
Agricultural and Food Engineering Department
Indian Institute of Technolog y Kharagpur
Kharagpur, India
Ataur Rahman
Water and Environmental Engineering
School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics
Western Sydney University
Penrith, Australia
Balaji Rajagopalan
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
University of Colorado
Boulder, Colorado
H. D. Rank
Department of Soil and Water Engineering
College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology
Junagadh Agricultural University
Junagadh, India
Liliang Ren
International Office
Hohai University
Nanjing, People’s Republic of China
Ben Renard
School of Engineering
University of Newcastle
Callaghan, Australia
Pedro J. Resptrepo
National Weather Service
North Central River Forecast Center
Chanhassen, Minnesota
Mehdi Rezaeianzadeh
School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences
Auburn University
Auburn, Alabama
Niels Riegels
Hørsholm, Denmark
Matthew Rodell
Hydrological Sciences Laboratory
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, Maryland
Renata del Giudice Rodriguez
CAPES Foundation
Ministry of Education of Brazil, Brasilia,
Distrito Federal, Brazil
A. Charles Rowney
Longwood, Florida
Albert. I. Rugumayo
Makerere University
College of Engineering, Design Art and Technology
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Kampala, Uganda
Udisha Saklani
Research Assistant at the Institute of Water Policy
Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
National University of Singapore
Jose D. Salas
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado
Samuel Sandoval-Solis
University of California Davis
Dept. LAWR
Davis, California
Sankar Sarkar
Physics and Applied Mathematics Unit
Indian Statistical Institute
Kolkata, India
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Arup K. Sarma
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technolog y Guwahati
Guwahati, India
Shinji Sato
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Tokyo
Tok yo, Jap an
John Schaake
Annapolis, Maryland
William A. Scharffenberg
Hydrologic Engineering Center
Davis, California
Anton Schleiss
Laboratoire de constructions hydrauliques (LCH)
Ecolepolytechniquefédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Lausanne, Switzerland
Sergio E. Serrano
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Temple University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Yury V. Shan’ko
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics
Scientific Researcher of the Institute of Computational
Modeling of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk
Ashish Sharma
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia
Jack Sharp
University of Texas
Austin, Texas
Mohsen Sherif
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
College of Engineering
UAE University
United Arab Emirates
Haiyun Shi
State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering
Tsinghua University
Beijing, People’s R epublic of China
Joel S. Sholtes
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado
Lucas Siegfried
Santa Cruz, California
Vijay P. Singh
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering &
Zachry Department of Civil Engineering
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas
Bellie Sivakumar
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia
Brian E. Skahill
Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory
Vicksburg, Mississippi
Lambert K. Smedema
Independent Irrigation/Drainage Consultant
Arnhem, The Netherlands
S. Sorooshian
University of California
Irvine, California
Jery R. Stedinger
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York
R. Subbaiah
Department of Soil and Water Engineering
College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology
Junagadh Agricultural University
Junagadh, India
Caroline A. Sullivan
School of Environment, Science and Engineering
Marine Ecology Research Centre
Southern Cross University
New South Wales, Australia
Ge Sun
Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center
Southern Research Station, USDA Forest Service
Raleigh, North Carolina
Liqun Sun
Department of Civil Engineering
The University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China
Óli G. B. Sveinsson
Landsvirkjun (The National Power Company of Iceland)
Reykjavík, Iceland
David G. Tarboton
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Utah State University
Logan, Utah
Gokmen Tayfur
Department of Civil Engineering
Izmir Institute of Technology
Urla, Turkey
Charles J. Taylor
Water Resources Section
Kentucky Geological Survey
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky
Ramesh S. V. Teegavarapu
Department of Civil Environmental and Geomatics Engineering
Hydrosystems Research Laboratory (HRL)
Boca Raton, Florida
A. K. Thakur
Darbhanga College of Engineering
Darbhanga, India
Reed Thayer
Center for Watershed Sciences
University of California
Davis, California
Mark Thyer
School of Engineering
University of Newcastle
Callaghan, Australia
Ezio Todini
Institute of Hydraulic Construction
University of Bologna
Bologna, Italy
Glenn Tootle
The University of Alabama
Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering (CCEE)
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Cecilia Tortajada
Third World Centre for Water Management
Shivam Tripathi
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technolog y Kanpur
Kanpur, India
Frank T.-C. Tsai
Louisiana State University
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Baton Rouge, Los Angeles
Raphael M. Tshimanga
Department of Natural Resources Management & CB-HYDRONET
Faculty of Agronomic Sciences
University of Kinshasa
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Yeou-Koung Tung
Taiwan, People’s Republic of China
Kamshat Tussupova
Department of Water Resources Engineering
Lund University
Lund, Sweden
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Julie A. Vano
Research Applications Laboratory
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Jennifer C. Veilleux
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon
Daniele Veneziano
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts
R. Vignesh
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technolog y Bombay
Mumbai, India
Gabriele Villarini
IIHR-Hydroscience and Engineering
The University of Iowa
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Iowa City, Iowa
Richard M. Vogel
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Tufts University
Medford, Massachusetts
Haruko M. Wainwright
Earth Sciences Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, California
Glenn Warner
Department of Natural Resources and the Environment
The University of Connecticut
Storrs, Connecticut
Wallace A. Wilson
ASFPM Foundation
Fitsum M. Woldemeskel
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia
Aaron T. Wolf
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon
Ming-ko Woo
School of Geography and Earth Sciences
McMaster University
Hamilton, Canada
Ralph A. Wurbs
Zachry Department of Civil Engineering
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas
Yi Xiao
Department of Systems Design Engineering
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Canada
Dawen Yang
Tsinghua University
Beijing, People’s R epublic of China
Daqing Yang
National Hydrology Research Center
Environment Canada
Saskatoon, Canada
Xiaoli Yang
State Key Laboratory of Hydrology
Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering
Hohai University
Nanjing, People’s Republic of China
Sooyeon Yi
University of California
Davis, California
Peter C. Young
Systems and Control Group
Lancaster Environment Centre
Lancaster University
Lancaster, United Kingdom
S. Yu
Witte Moscow University
Moscow, Russia
Fei Yuan
State Key Laboratory of Hydrology
Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering
Hohai University
Nanjing, People’s Republic of China
Edith Zagona
Research Professor
Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
University of Colorado
Boulder, Colorado
Kaveh Zamani
Research Professor
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
University of Colorado
Boulder, Colorado
Ilya Zaslavsky
Spatial Information Systems Laboratory
San Diego Supercomputer Center
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, California
Qiang Zhang
Department of Water Resources and Environment
Sun Yat-sen University
Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China
Lan Zhang
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Akron
Akron, Ohio
Igor S. Zonn
Engineering Scientific-Production Center for Water Economy Reclamation & Ecology
Moscow, Russia
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Andras Bardossy
Lehrstuhlfür Hydrologie und Geohydrologie
Institute für Wasser- und Umweltsystemmodellierung
Universität Stuttgart
Stuttgart, Germany
Ronny Berndtsson
Department of Water Resources Engineering & Center for Middle Eastern Studies
Lund University
Lund, Sweden
Corrado Corradini
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Perugia
Perugia, Italy
James F. Cruise
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alabama
Huntsville, Alabama
João Pedroso de Lima
Department of Civil Engineering
University of Coimbra
Coimbra, Portugal
M. Fiorentino
Department of Environmental Engineering and Physics
University of Basilicata
Potenza, Italy
R. S. Govindaraju
Delon and Elizabeth Hampton Hall of Civil Engineering
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana
Nilgun B. Harmancioglu
Dokuz Eylul University
Water Resources Management
Research & Application Center (SUMER)
Izmir, Turkey
Sharad Kumar Jain
Water Resources Systems Division
National Institute of Hydrology
Roorkee, India
M. Levent Kavvas
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of California
Davis, California
Lev Kuchment
Laboratory of Hydrological Cycle
Water Problems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russia
Venkat Laxmi
Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences
University of South Carolina
Columbia, South Carolina
Upmanu Lall
Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering and Department of Civil Engineering and
Engineering Mechanics
Columbia Water Center
International Research Institute for Climate and Society
Columbia University
New York
P. E. O’Connell
School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Newcastle University
New Castle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
C. S. P. Ojha
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technolog y Roorkee
Roorkee, India
U. S. Panu
Department of Civil Engineering
Lakehead University
Ontario, Canada
Fernando Falco Pruski
Agricultural Engineering Department
Federal University of Viçosa
Viçosa, Minas Gerais State, Brazil
Liliang Ren
State Key Laboratory of Hydrology, Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering
Hohai University
Nanjing, China
Dan Rosbjerg
Department of Environmental Engineering
Technical University of Denmark
Copenhagen, Denmark
Jose D. Salas
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado
Sergio E. Serrano
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Temple University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Ashish Sharma
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Bellie Sivakumar
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia
Witold Strupczewski
Water Resources Department
Institute of Geophysics
Polish Academy of Sciences
Warsaw, Poland
Ezio Todini
University of Bologna
Bologna, Italy
Dawen Yang
Department of Hydraulic Engineering
Tsinghua University
Beijing, China
Qiang Zhang
Department of Water Resources and Environment
Sun Yat-sen University
Guangzhou, China
International Advisory Board
Chair: Richard H. McCuen
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
University of Maryland
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Aaron R. Byrd
Research Hydraulic Engineer & Branch Chief
Hydrologic Systems Branch
Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory
Engineer Research Development Center
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Vicksburg, Mississippi
Anthony S. Donigian, Jr.
AQUA TERRA Consultants
Mountain View, California
Donald K. Frevert
Retired Hydraulic Engineer and Team Leader
Bureau of Reclamation
Denver, Colorado
Randall (Randy) W. Gentry
Argonne National Laboratory
Environmental Science Division
Argonne, Illinois
Mohamed M. Hantush
Research Hydrologist
National Risk Management Research Laboratory
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Cincinnati, Ohio
T. Moramarco
National Research Council, Institute for Hydrogeological Protection,
Perugia, Italy
John W. Mueller
State Conservation Engineer
Temple, Texas
B. Mukhopadhyay
Richardson, Texas
J. Obeysekara
Hydrologic & Environmental Systems Modeling
South Florida Water Management District
Practitioner Advisory Board
Chair:6. R.D. Singh
National Institute of Hydrology
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