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Abstract and Figures

Segmenting market base on behavioral perspective not only has tremendous potential for growth and profitability but also poses challenges for both incumbents and new entrants in the fast food industry. By examining the measures of marketing success from a behavioral perspective, the authors conceptualize three dimensions of behavioral technique that are critical for superior marketing success in the fast food industry: benefit sought, usage rate, and loyalty status. Demo-psychographic variables on marketing success (e.g; customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, sales growth, profitability) using data from 156 fast food firms. The result show that benefit sought and loyalty status affect marketing success.
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European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol 4, No.15, 2012
Amue Gonewa John
Abieye Horsefall Igwe Sunny R
Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, PMB 5323, Choba
Segmenting market base on behavioral perspective not only has tremendous potential for growth and profitability but also
poses challenges for both incumbents and new entrants in the fast food industry. By examining the measures of marketing
success from a behavioral perspective, the authors conceptualize three dimensions of behavioral technique that are critical
for superior marketing success in the fast food industry: benefit sought, usage rate, and loyalty status. Demo-psychographic
variables on marketing success (e.g; customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, sales growth, profitability) using data from 156
fast food firms. The result show that benefit sought and loyalty status affect marketing success.
Keywords: Behavioral-Based Segmentation; Marketing success, Demo-psychographic
Segmentation is among the earliest concepts in marketing and it has becomes a long lasting strategy in the subject area
(Future and Martins, 2008). Segmentation, the process of dividing the market into groups of customers with similar needs,
and developing marketing programs that meet those needs, is essential for marketing success (Gary and Rangaswamy,
2004). Markets are heterogeneous. Customers differ in their values, needs, wants, constraints, beliefs and incentives to act in
a particular way. Products compete with one another in attempting to satisfy the needs and wants of those customers
(Dowling, 2004). By segmenting the market, firms can better understand their customers and target their marketing efforts
efficiently and effectively. Though this strategy, firms strive to attain a happy middle ground where it does not rely on a
common marketing program for all customers nor does it incur the high costs of developing a unique program for each
customer. However, previous research has suggested that there are variety of measures of segmenting the markets, and
empirical results have not consistently shown that segmentation variables in marketing is always the same even when the
measures are examined (Fazio and Kelly, 2009). Market segmentation is used to identify those potential customers most
accessible on the vending firm’s efforts (Bonoma et al, 1990). They noted that most organization segment the market to
better serve customers, compete more effectively and achieve organizational goals such as profitability. Wikipedia (2011),
the purpose of segmenting a market is to allow marketing program to focus on the subset of prospects that are most likely to
purchase your offering. If done properly, this will help to ensure the highest return for your marketing expenditures.
This article contributes to research and theory of segmentation by developing and testing a model on behavioral-based
segmentation in terms of purchase pattern and loyalty status. The model offered in this article moves beyond focus on target
market alone but offers a model of the processes by which firms select information and make judgment about appropriate
marketing program to achieve marketing success. The role of these behavioral processes involved in the facilitation of these
segmentations is specifically addressed through the model featured in this article. Thus, the model provides a means for
reconciling earlier works that has employed different measures of behavioral base segmentation variables that capture
relevant segments of the market. It extends the methodological work of Precious and Katty (2010) on dimensions of
behavioral segmentation by examine behavior from buying pattern and loyalty status that have not been systematically
examined in previous behavioral based segmentation research.This article also examines the role and impact of economic
and social actors and more specifically, the content of such contextual factors on behavior-based segmentation and
marketing success. While much of the research on behavioral-based segmentation ignores the role of
demographic/psychological factors such as (family life cycle and social class), some research work suggests that demo-
psychographic factors may play a moderating role (Akani, Segel and Lank 2007, Better 2009). This article examines the
moderating role of demo-psychographic factor within the context of the conceptual model of behavioral-based
segmentation and marketing success in the fast food restaurants.
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol 4, No.15, 2012
Prior Research on Behavioral-Based Segmentation
Virtually all prior research on behavioral-based segmentation rests on the premise that knowledge attitude, uses or responses
to a product are the best starting point for building markets segments (Kotler and Armstrong, 2004). Dividing a market into
groups based on consumer knowledge attitude toward usage, actual and intention to use or response to a product. A key
element of this work is the notion that markets or customers are segmented on no other variable apart from the behavioral
characteristics. Thus, dividing the market into groups according to occasions when buyers get the idea to buy, actually make
their purchase, or use the purchased item, dividing the market into groups according to the different benefit that consumers
seek from the product and loyalty status may all be associated with behavioral based-segmentation (Kotler and Armstrong,
2004). Berry and Sarkis (2006) demonstrated that the role of socioeconomic factor moderated the influence of behavioral-
based segmentation. These authors found that socioeconomic factors in terms of level of income and social class influence
behavioral-based segmentation in the form of purchases pattern and loyalty status impact on marketing success in terms of
customer satisfaction customer repeat purchase and customer retention.
Baggozi and Stewart (2005) demonstrate that structural models that include a latent organizing construct an aggregation of
various measures of segmentation bases. Interestingly, these authors find that such a latent construct provides a better fit
even when the variables are behavioral-based. An understanding of the processes that produce summary of these bases is
important for both theoretical perspective it is important to differentiate among alternative segmentation bases.
An important distinction among studies of segmentation variables revolves around adaptive strategy (Smith and Passion
2006: Martin 2007; Alba and Peterson 2009). It consists of the partition of the market with the purpose of selecting one or
more market segments which the organization can target through the development of specific marketing mix that adapt to
particular market needs. Martins (2008) posited that market segmentation need not be a purely adaptive strategy; the process
of segmentation can consist of the selection of those segments for which a firm might be particularly well suited to serve by
having competitive advantages relative to competitors in the segment reducing the cost of adaptation in order to gain a
niche. Porter (1985) concluded by saying that, the application of market segmentation serves the purpose of developing
competitive scope, which can have a powerful effect on competitive advantage because it shapes the configuration of the
values chain.
Bernard and Johnson (2006) demonstrated that product usage and actual behavior such as buying pattern, usage data,
channel ownership, quantities, brand loyalty, attitude, are behavioral based segmentation variables. They further explains
that variables in the first category are unchangeable by the marketer, so the segmentation by this level of variable should
yield adaptive strategies that recognize the reality of consumer characteristics and finding ways to use them to firm’s
advantage. The second level is relatively stable overtime since individuals are not likely to change their values and beliefs
as Rise and Treat (1981, 1990) have categorically stated. At the third level, change is the norm and so this is where the
marketer can influence the target audience (Barsalon and Parker, 2007). This aspect of segmentation is based on actual
customer behavior toward products. Other stories have been represented as a construct between behavior-based
segmentation and marketing success. This relationship is found in several marketing literature (Houston 1993; Martin and
Stewart 2001; Ratnesh War, Barsalou, Pechmann and Moore 2000).
It is well recognized that this segmentation variable is basic dependent (Murphy and Apollos, 2008) and attributes used are
behavioral in nature. Segmenting the market base on benefit sought requires finding the major benefits people look for in
the product class, the kind of people who look for each benefit, and the major brands that deliver each benefit (Gray and
Armstrong, 2004),hence behavior segmentation should be most successful when consumer are grouped base on their need
expectations, hope and benefit sought. The less segmentation is done on benefit sought, the less likely marketing success,
this view is different from other segmentation dimensions in market segmentation research. Prior research has treated
behavior-based segmentation as grouping the market base on life style or personality characteristics, this is not behavior
rather psychographic, the behavioral approach treats the segmentation base on individual behavior characteristics, such as
benefit the consumer is looking for Becky and Fazio (2005) suggests that, segmenting the market base on benefit sought
will lead to increase in marketing responses from the customers. This group of customer that are segmented base on the
benefit sought, the organization will focus on value creation and value delivery to this customer group and it will enhance
marketing success. this explanation is consistent with the view that behavior-based segmentation provide a stronger, basis
for explaining the relationship between predictor variable and criterion variable the primacy of behavior- based
segmentation approach as demonstrated by Becky and Fazio (2005) and as a necessary condition for the subsequent
examination of behavioral-based segmentation measures, this article seeks to replicate this effect. Thus.
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol 4, No.15, 2012
Hypothesis 1:
Segmenting a market based on benefit sought, customer
expectation and hope will have greater effect on marketing
success measures in terms of repeat purchase, customer
satisfaction, sales growth and profitability.
Markets can be segmented into light product users, medium and heavy product users. Heavy users are often a small
percentage of the market but account for a high percentage of total consumption (Gary and Armstrong, 2004). Firms usually
prefer to attract one heavy user to their product or service rather than several light users, using a common measure of light
(LU) medium (MU) and heavy users (HU), Schmitz and Bowen (2008) demonstrated that heavy product users are higher
consumer of products thus measures of segmenting market base on behavior such as light user(LU) medium user (MU) and
heavy user(HU) should demonstrate that market segmented based on usage rate results in increase customer patronage
(Davis and Heinekes, 2003). A single heavy user typically might spend heavy naira value on products of the company.
When the goal associated with segmenting market base on user rate most especially on heavy user of the product, this will
most likely bring about more money and that’s what market the cash registers ring (Gray and Armstrong, 2004; Rick 2011;
Show, 1998.) thus:
Hypothesis 2:
Segmenting a market base on usage rate in the form of light user,
medium user and heavy product user, will results to good marketing
success (profitability, sales growth, customer satisfaction).
Market can be segmented base on consumer loyalty. Consumer can be loyal to product can be divided into groups according
to their degree of loyalty (Gray and Armstrong, 2004).several studies have emphasized the importance of segmenting
market base on loyalty status (e.g, Gregoire and Tripp, 1995) a model that is often used to explain behavioral-based
segmentation in term of loyalty status (Bagozzi and Martin 2006). This model includes three general concepts; brand
loyalty, stores loyalty and company loyalty. The inclusion of brand loyalty represents an important addition to the model.
Consumers are completely loyal-they buy one brand all the time. Others are somewhat loyal-they are loyal to two or three
brand of a given product or favor one brand while sometime buying others. A company can learn a lot by analyzing loyalty
patterns in its core consumer, and detect which brand are most competitive with its own, and this will enable the company to
improve its positioning strategy which will lead to effective marketing performance. By segmenting a market base on
loyalty status, company can see customers who are shifting away from it brand, the company can learn about its marketing
weaknesses (Blane, 2007). Once this is done, the firm can adopt an appropriate corrective measure where marketing
weaknesses will be converted in to marketing success. Micah (2005) also demonstrated that non-loyal customers of the
product, the company may by appropriate strategy attract them by putting its brand on sale. When this is done, the non-loyal
consumers will be more likely loyal customers (Kelly and Johnbull, 2006). Thus,
Hypothesis 3
Segmenting a market base on loyalty status in terms of loyal to brand, stores
And company will result to: (a) higher customer loyalty and passion (b) given a
Positive segmentation, company can improve its positioning strategy against
competitors than those that do not.
The Role of demo-psychographic Influence
Demo-psychographic factors are primary drivers of the behavior-based segmentation, there remains the question of how this
factor moderate the influence of this segmentation dimension on effective marketing. Katty and Sonks (2004) examined the
effect of demographic factor on behavior-based segmentation. They investigate the impact of family life-cycle in terms
single men on usage rate. A single heavy user, typically a single male, who doesn’t know how to cook, might spend much
money a day visit the food centre as many as possible. Heavy users come more often, they spend more money thereby
increase cash sales of the company. Katty and Sonk’s study finds that family life cycle moderate the success. To this finding
may be the result of repeated purchase by the heavy user of the product. Customer repeat purchase results in increase in
sale volume and profitability of the company.
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol 4, No.15, 2012
These findings are consistent with the view that family life cycle which is a demographic factor moderate the influence of
behavioral based segmentation on effective marketing performance outcomes. Thus, the few studies that have examined
demo-psychographic effect within behavioral context suggest that family life cycle has the potential to influence marketing
success. Such influence, however, appears to be contingent on the degree of the demo-psychographic factors. While these
studies are useful and indicate an important role of demo-psychographic effect on the influence of behavioral based
segmentation on marketing success, they do not examine the extant of the moderating the demo-psychographic variables,
nor do they examine the explicative effect in other context. In fact, Katty and Sonks (2004) demonstrated the moderating
effect of demo-psychographic factors on the influence of behavioral variables of segmenting the consumer market. There is
also reason to hypothesize the relationship between the moderating effects of demo-psychographic factor on the influence of
behavioral based segmentation on marketing success. Thus:
Hypothesis 4a:
Social class will positively moderate the influence
of usage rate and loyalty status on marketing
Hypothesis 4b:
Family life cycle as a demo-psychographic factor, will significantly moderate
the influence of benefit sought and usage rate on effective marketing
performance outcomes.
Marketing Success
The question of what determines marketing success has the subject of a considerable amount of research in marketing
(Colin and Wilson, 2008). For the purpose of this work, we will limit ourselves to an overview of the sorts of factors that
contributes to the success of marketing activity. Although it is tempting to identify the characteristics of marketing success
and to believe that the straightforwardness adoption of these will lead to business success, it is also potentially simplistic
and dangerous since it can lead the view that this formula for success. Nevertheless there are certain elements that appear to
contribute to effectiveness, and it is in this way that we stated below the various dimensions of marketing success.
A market is said to be effective with a strong customer orientation across all aspect of the business and a fundamental
recognition of the important of the customer (Brown, 2006). With a better customer focus and delivery of superior value
customer will be satisfied, therefore customer satisfaction is one of the dimension of measuring marketing success. The
issue of customer orientation has been discussed by Doyle (1994) in terms of what he refers to as left and right-hand
organizations. Satisfied customers are the source of all profit and shareholder value. Customers can choose from whom they
buy, and unless the firm satisfies them at least as well as competitors, sales and profits will quickly erode. Customer
satisfaction should therefore be a prime objective and measure of the performance of marketing (Doyle, 1994).
The market-driven organizations have their primary focus the objective of satisfying customers. This involves defining and
understanding market segment, and then managing the marketing mix in such a way that customers’ expectations are fully
met or exceeded. A customer focus organizations has customer satisfaction has its hallmarks. A satisfied customer remains
loyal to the organization and serves as an advocate; this will increase the sales growth and profitability of the organization.
These serve as measures of marketing effectiveness (Thomas, 2008).
The section that follows reports the designs and results of a study that tested these hypotheses.
The populations for this study consist of customer of fast food restaurants in Nigeria; we selected the fast food restaurant
firm in four big cities in Nigeria as the context for our research study. The cities were Port Harcourt, Lagos, Kano and
Abuja, these cities were selected because they represented places where this business is successfully operated, and with the
nature of the industry we constructed our sampling frame using multiple sources. We obtained a list of fast food restaurants
from the Nigeria chamber of commerce and industry. This process resulted in a sampling frame of 250 firms.
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol 4, No.15, 2012
Data collection
We combined qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The qualitative part was intended to provide foundation for
the quantitative study. We designed and conducted it to verify and validate the homological net, which served as a check to
ensure that the model was appropriately bounded. Secondly, the qualitative approach aided in questionnaire development,
verifying basic approach to operationalizations and providing the basis for item refinement, finally, the qualitative
component involved pretesting the questionnaire. For the qualitative component, we interviewed senior managers from four
(4) fast food restaurants located in Port Harcourt, Lagos, Kano and Abuja in Nigeria; each interview lasted between 20
minutes and 30 minutes. The results indicate that the conceptual model adequately represented the determinants of
marketing success, and basic operations were appropriate. For pretesting, we administered the questionnaire to 10
participants and observed first hand completion time; obstacles in the questionnaire flow, and comprehension problem in
items or instruction.
On completion of the questionnaire, we debriefed the respondents to refine the questionnaire further.
The main data collection proceeded in several steps. Our field interview in the fast food restaurant firm revealed that the job
title of the executive who was most knowledgeable about strategy implementation varied widely from one firm to another.
Thus, we identified the key informant for each firm by telephone contact. In some firms, the key informants were marketing
managers, in others, they were customer service managers and in still other, the chief executive officers were the key
informants. The screening phase yielded 300 potential respondents. The next phase of data collection consisted of a pre-
notification letter that reminded respondents of their agreement to participate and notified them of the coming survey
package. In a week later the mail survey commenced: the survey package included a cover letter that described the content
and assured confidentiality with a N2, 000 attached as a response incentive, a copy of the questionnaire, and a postage-paid
self-addressed return envelope. We also support by sending an identical survey package, which we mailed 2 week later to
respondents who had not responded.
The data collection yielded 200 responses, 156 were usable, for a response rate of 52% in terms of sample composition, 20
percent of the responses were nationally recognized fast food restaurants found in the four cities of Port Harcourt, Lagos,
Kano and Abuja, and the remainders were locally-based firm. This composition mirrors the industry split and indicates that
our data represents the fast food firm reasonably well in Nigeria.
The model presented in figure I included six concepts. The choice of benefit sought concept as an attribute for behavior-
based/segmentation is unique in our model. Several studies has shown that benefit sought can be express as quality of
service needed (e.g. Peterson 2003) thus, we include item like service, economy, convenience and speed as benefit sought
from product (Shaley et al. 2005).user rates was measured using three items that were almost identical to the items used by
Nwachukwu (2001).the measure of loyalty status was almost identical to the measure applied by Nwachukwu (2001) and
Bekawa and Charles (2003). We measure social class using four measure of social class, the items were similar to those
used by Davidson (1998). Family life-cycle was measure by three items similar with the work of Peters (2005). Finally, we
measure marketing success using a four-item that we adapted from Badoka (2004) study. All the above measures are
represented in Table 1
The participants indicated their agreement with a set of statement using a 5-point Likert-type scale that ranged from strongly
disagreed to strongly agree. The mean, standard deviations and reliabilities of the variable of studies are shown in table 1.
The reliability of family life-cycle in the study was lower than the acceptable /75 limit that Nunnally (1978) suggested. For
other variables, the reliability was acceptable (see table 1).to test the discriminate and convergence validity of the variables
in our model we included all item in a factor analysis (basic component) that included six factors, the analysis showed the
factors explained 83 percent of the variance in the material (see table 1).
We find that the convergence validity of benefit sought scale was somewhat low, with a factor loading of .58 for the first
item (see table 1). This item also has low discriminate validity, with a factor loading of .33 on the marketing effectiveness
factor. Thus, to investigate the reliability and validity of our variables further, we applied the procedures that Agarwal and
Karahanna (2000) suggested, we estimated our complete measurement model using Amos 4. We calculated inter variable
correlations, shared variances, and composite reliability, which we show in table 2.
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol 4, No.15, 2012
Data must be subjected to statistical test before it can convey any significant meaning. We therefore present the results of
the statistical test of the hypotheses in this section. The correlation metric in Table 2 shows the relationship between
behavior-based segmentation and marketing effectiveness.
To test hypotheses 1, which posits that segmenting a market based on benefit sought customer expectation and hope will
have greater effect on marketing success. The hypothesis sought to examine the relationship between BS and ME. We used
the spearman’s rank correlation technique to test the hypothesis. The result (rho 0.265 P<0.05)(see table 2) shows that
there is a significant and positive relationship between benefit sought and marketing success.
Several reasons may account for this significant positive relationship. To begin with as pointed out in the study, managers
tend to look for ways to improve their company’s profit as it is often used to assess their performance. To remain in
business and make profit, organizations segment their market based on benefit sought, customer expectation and hope once
this is done, organization serves the market segment with product and services that are of benefit to the customers. The
finding indicates that segmenting market based on benefit sought will be more profitable than those that do not segment
their market base on customer benefit, customer expectation and hope.
We used the spearman’s rank correlation technique to test Hypothesis 2. The result (rho ꞊ 0.387 P > 0.05) (see table 2) show
that there is a relationship between usage rate and marketing success. This implies that segmenting a market base on usage
rate I terms of light users, medium and heavy users will result to good marketing success. The result implies that
segmenting a market base on usage rate and marketing success depend on one another. While market segmentations base on
usage rate refers to dividing the market into light, medium and heavy product users. Marketing success is the ability on the
part of management to survive. We therefore accept the hypothesis which states that, segmenting a market based on usage
rate will results to good marketing success.
To test Hypothesis 3, which posits that segmenting a market base on loyalty status in terms of loyalty to brand, loyalty to
stores and loyalty to company, will result to higher customer loyalty. The result (rho ꞊ 0.369, P > 0.05) (see table 2) shows
that there is significant positive relationship between loyalty status and marketing success. This means that marketing
success will be higher with higher loyalty status. The literature review of the present study suggested a positive relationship
between loyalty status and marketing success (Kotler and Armstrong, 2004), several reasons may account for this
significant relationship. Dividing buyers into groups according to their degree of loyalty will affect marketing success.
Some consumers are completely loyal-they buy one brand all the time. A company can be more effective by analyzing
loyalty patterns in its market. We therefore accept the hypothesis. The finding suggests that fast food restaurants that study
its customer loyalty status and marketing success.
In Hypothesis 4a to 4b, we hypothesized that social class will positively moderate the influence of usage rate and loyalty
status on marketing success (hypothesis 4a), we also suggests that family life cycle will moderate the influence of benefit
sought and usage rate on marketing success (hypothesis 4b). Test results in table 2 reveal that SC will positively moderate
the influence of UR and LS on ME and also same for FLC on BS and UR on ME. We have offered our interpretations of the
results on the moderating variables and their roles in the relationships between behavioral-based segmentation and
marketing success.
Dicussion And Implication
In this paper, we attempted to offer some understanding on marketing success through behavioral-base segmentation
perspective. We advanced dimensions of behavioral-based segmentation, identified the dimensions segmentation, and tested
their influences on marketing success outcomes specific to fast food Restaurant Company. We conceived social class and
family life cycle as moderating the influence of behavioral-base segmentation on marketing success. Thus, we took a view
of marketing success in the fast food business and we posited that managers should focus on business-related metrics to
access their marketing success in the fast food restaurants business. Our results indicate notable findings with respect to
segmenting markets based on behavioral perspective.
Our result show that segmenting markets based on benefit sought, expectations and hope, is critical for an organization to
deliver superior value to its customers. In this customer-driven and dynamic market environment. There is a pay off in
delivering values to a particular market segments base on benefit sought, when customers buy value. They are satisfied and
satisfied customers make a repeat purchase which result to increase in sales growth and profitability. We argued that
segmenting a market based on usage rate provides the firm with the ability to take advantage of market opportunities. Our
results show that, as we hypothesized, the interplay between user rate and family lifecycle is quite complex. Segmenting a
market into light medium and heavy product users will enable the firm to take advantage of heavy users. Heavy users are
often a small percentage of the market but account for a high percentage of total consumption. A young single who doesn’t
know how to cook, might spend as much as ₦5,000 in a day at fast-food restaurant and visit more than 20 times a month.
Heavy users come more often they spend more money. Firms do all they can do to keep them satisfied with every visit they
also target light users with their advertisement and promotions thereby increasing their marketing success.
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol 4, No.15, 2012
While we do not find statistical support for the interaction between loyalty status and family-life cycle, the results indicate
marginal evidence (rho 0.051 P > 0.05) that dividing buyers into groups according to their degree of loyalty, the more
likely its marketing success. This reiterates the common notion that, by studying its less loyal buyers, the company can
detect which brands are most competitive with its own, and it will enable the firm to position its brand. Finally, our study
also documents the impact of social class and family life cycle on the influence of behavior-based segmentation on
marketing success. Demo psychographic variable (social class and family life cycle) moderate the effect of behavioral-
based segmentation (benefit sought, usage rate and loyalty status) on marketing success (profitability, growth, customer
satisfaction), thus enhancing the firm’s survival.
Contribution and Implication
Our research provides several insights for managers who want to implement competitive strategies. First, a focus on
behavioral-based segmentation would provide the requisite impetus required for marketing success. We recommend that
managers should use multiple segmentation based rather than limiting their segmentation analysis to only one or a few
variable. However, fast food industry will need to make structural adjustment to institutionalize these multi-segmentations
We identify, conceptualized and measure three dimensions for behavioral based segmentation and use data from the fast
food restaurants to contribute new empirical insights. Our notion of examining marketing success from segmenting market
based on behavioral perspective brings forth the theoretical insights of the fast food industry, in that segmentation of the
market into benefit sought, usage rate, and loyalty status gives the firms appropriate competitive strategy to compete in the
ever changing market that is customer-driven. Finally, we extend the literature on family life cycle by developing and
testing a valid and reliable measure of family life cycle. We advance a framework for managers to understand how to
deliver value to their customer by segmenting market based on benefit sought, customer expectation and hope. When
customers buy hope, benefit and expectations they become satisfied. When customers are satisfied, they make repeat
purchase and increase sales growth and profitability. Once these behavioral variables are properly segmented, managers can
tap into them and execute strategies that will result to marketing success.
Future Research
The fast food industry provided a worthwhile setting for this article; therefore the behavioral bases of segmentation involve
(e.g.; benefit sought, usage rate, loyalty status) are particularly relevant. However, the setting is relevant unique and thus
ensure generalizability. The effect of behavioral-based segmentation should be examined in other business areas like; banks,
tourism, cinema, schools etc. thus, the pattern of findings exhibited in this study need to be replicated in other business
With respect to measurement of market effectiveness variables, our study is limited to subjective measures of effectiveness
based on key informant data, therefore, the result are constrained by issues related to common method variance. Subjective
measures based on key informant data could also suffer from bias. Given that new and improved objectives measures of
marketing success are now available, future research using objective data could add value to our findings. Future study
should consider a longitudinal study to delineate more clearly the causal attributions hypothesized in our model.
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Benefit Sought
Usage Rate
Loyalty Status
Marketing Effectiveness
Customer Loyalty
Sales Growth
Family life
Source: Researcher’s review of literature, 2011.
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol 4, No.15, 2012
Basic Components Analysis of all Measurement Items
Variable/communalities(c)and loadings C 1 2 3 4 5 6
Benefit sought
I need quality product .75 .20 .18 .11 .15 .58 .33
Using ”service” as benefit sought .70 .21 .16 .10 .13 .75 .07
Economical .92 .24 .15. .12 .16 .88 -.09
Convenience .86 .23 .17 .09 .17 .81 .10
Speed .96 .25 .20 .13 .14 .90 .10
User rates
Light user .69 .20 .15 .10 .12 .09 .11
Medium user .70 .21 .16 .12 .11 .10 .12
Heavy user .98 .23 .18 .09 .10 .11 .13
Loyalty status
Non-loyal .71 .24 .16 .11 .09 .12 .14
Medium loyal .85 .23 .14
.12 .08 .12 .09
Strong loyal .82 .20 .12
.10 .10 .10 .10
absolute loyal .88 .17 .13 .09 .07 .08 .12
Social class
Lower lower .75 .20 .17 .09 .14 .16 .04
Upper lower .80 .21 .16 .08 .12 .17 .06
Working class .82 .22 .19 .10 .10 .15 .08
Upper upper .99 .24 .16 .06 .09 .14 .10
Family life cycle
Young single .74 .21 .18 .07 .12 .12 .07
Married with no children .67 .23 .16 .05 .10 .10 .09
Married with children .80 .24 .20 08 .11 .13 .10
Marketing effectiveness
Customer satisfaction .90 .20 .16 .09 .08 .09 .08
Customer Loyalty .83 .25 .17 .12 .06 .07 .10
Profitability .97 .21 .13 .11 .05 .10 .12
Sales Growth .90 .20 .14 .09 .07 .13 .11
Eigen valves 10.70
3.63 1.81 1.35
1.00 0.60
Variance explained 52.60 11.30 6.85 4.93
2.95 2.35
Mean 3.21 4.40 2.43 3.61
3.72 2.25
Standard deviation 1.70 1.68 1.80 1.50
1.40 2.00
Cronbach’s alpha 0.92 0.90 0.86 0.82
0.95 0.77
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol 4, No.15, 2012
Table 2
Inter variable Correlations Shared Variable and Composite Reliabilit-y
Variable Statistics
based correlation coefficient
Sig (2-tailed)
rho Segmentation N
Correlation coefficient
Benefit sought sig. (2-tailed)
Correlation coefficient
Usage Rate sig. (2-tailed)
Correlation coefficient
Loyalty Status sig. (2-tailed)
Correlation coefficient
marketing sig. (2-tailed)
Effectiveness N
Correlation coefficient
Customer sig. (2-tailed)
Satisfaction N
Correlation coefficient
Customer sig. (2-tailed)
Loyalty N
Correlation coefficient
Profitability sig. (2-tailed)
Correlation coefficient
Sales Growth sig. (2-tailed)
Correlation coefficient
Moderating sig. (2-tailed)
Variable N
Correlation coefficient
Social Class sig. (2-tailed)
Correlation coefficient
Family-life sig. (2-tailed)
Cycle N
Source: survey date, 2011
Key: ** correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)
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... Segmenting the market base on behavioral perspective has posed some challenges for both incumbents and new entrants despite its tremendous potential in identifying ways to enhance customer loyalty with existing ones and for growth and profitability (Ateboh-Briggs, 2014;Amue, Abieye & Igwe, 2012). Detection of customers' loyalty, specifically bank customers, is a concept which has attracted more attentions recently, as the smallest difference in services is eading to massive transfers in this industry but the extent to which the segmentation practices of some banks in Nigeria has ensured customer brand-loyalty for typical bank product, is still in doubt (Rajeh, Koudehi, Seyedhosseini & Farazmand, 2014;Onaolapo, Salami & Oyedokun, 2011). ...
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Background to the Study Marketers have recognised that the target audience of a certain product are not all alike. They differ in terms of demographics, attitudes, needs, location and social affiliations. Most markets are made up of different individual customers, sub-markets or segments. Segmentation and targeting of customers allows the marketer to deliver a product within the target audience needs and wants (Pickton and Broderick, 2005: 373 cited in Larsen, 2010). It is a necessity to establish the needs and values of the target customers within each segment, in order for companies to promote their products, brands or services appropriately.
... Given the methodological issues of an experimental laboratory setting, it is recommended to examine the effects of personalized coupons in real-life shopping situations where both the purchases and the incentives are not hypothetical. A natural shopping environment simultaneously facilitates the collection of consumer buying histories and allows a behavior-based segmentation (Amue et al., 2012). ...
Purpose Personalized price promotion (PPP) is a marketing instrument that addresses the limitations of untargeted promotions by tailoring the offers to individual customers based on their purchase histories. Current evidence on PPP is limited to its immediate effects on buying behaviors at grocery stores and food companies' economic benefits. Moreover, little is known about the role of consumer characteristics in determining how effectively this promotional tool works. Hence, we aim to assess the effectiveness of PPP in promoting healthy fast food and which consumer-specific factors affect its performance. Design/methodology/approach The authors conduct a laboratory experiment to examine the effects of personalized and non-personalized coupons for lower-calorie fast food menus on food and calorie selection. The coupon personalization is based on participants' menu choices, calorie needs and deal proneness. The authors additionally investigate how post-intervention changes are influenced by consumers' estimation of their selected calories, and their attitudes toward nutrition. Findings Recipients of personalized incentives are more likely than participants in the control group to redeem the offered coupons, select more healthy items and reduce their selected calories. Such changes are less likely among participants underestimating the calorie content of their menu choices and perceiving higher barriers to healthy eating. Personalized coupons perform better even among subjects receiving lower discounting levels than the control treatment. Originality/value As the first to evaluate the effectiveness of PPP in encouraging healthy food choices, this study highlights the potential of this cutting-edge price intervention and provides valuable implications for future research.
... In their study, the members of the "adventurous" and "rational" groups revealed a higher level of preference for speciality food products. Other research has sought to identify the characteristics of customers to restaurants according to their reasons for preferring a certain type of food or the benefits sought (John and Horsefall, 2012;Roseman, 2006;Tan and Lo, 2008). Damian and Suárez-Barraza (2015) indicate that these segmentation tasks enable finding out consumer behaviour and implementing process innovation in tourism management. ...
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Aim: The main aim of this research is to characterize the tourists visiting top-level restaurants to ascertain the profile of this type of customer, their behaviour and their influence on the destinations where they are located.Design/methodology: During the months of July to December 2016, a survey was conducted on a sample of 187 tourists who had visited Michelin-starred restaurants in order to highlight the most valued aspects during the process of choosing, consulting and booking the top-level restaurant service.Contributions and results: The results reveal the existence of two segments whose behaviour is different, where the individuals of the first consider the culinary experience as the main reason for their tourist visit to the destination. In contrast, the second segment considers that their visit to the destination is the main reason for their tourism. Moreover, the diners from both segments display different behaviour in terms of their post-purchase, recommendation and intention to return behaviour and the perception of the status with which their visit to the restaurant provides them.Limitations: The main limitation of this study is the fact that only the responses of tourists who have visited top-level restaurants in Spain have been studied.Practical implications: The results of this study may help both the managers of restaurants of a certain level and the public authorities responsible for tourism to make decisions, since these types of restaurants are becoming tourist resources of the first order. Social implications: Knowledge of the diner could facilitate the optimal management of the restaurant and help orient it as a tourist resource. In certain areas such a resource can become a pole of tourist attraction and contribute towards territorial balance thanks to the positive externalities it generates in the territory where such establishments are located.Added value: The present research focuses on the study of the behaviour of the culinary tourist in an increasingly popular type of tourism with high added value. Culinary tourism is also enormously important in the economy of the destination and for territorial development. Therefore, this work may be of interest both for public authorities and the managers of this type of restaurant, and to create synergies between the two. This work comes to fill a gap in the literature of segmentation in the restoration, since there are few research that focus on segmentation according to consumer's motivations and perceptions, and none focus on its relationship to tourism at the destination.
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The process called digital transformation has caused radical changes in the institutional structures of countries, societies, and organizations as well as their levels of technology use. Technological developments, referred to as information and communications technology, constituted a dimension of the strategies that organizations planned to achieve their goals and visions. Recently, with digital transformation, this understanding has evolved into the main determinant of the general strategies of organizations. This transformation has led to radical changes in the way organizations operate. In other words, it would be a correct approach to state that digital transformation processes have become the central strategies of organizations. Digital transformation, which is described as the radical structural transformation of organizations, has not only profoundly affected areas such as the healthcare, telecommunications, automotive, banking, economy, education, and manufacturing sectors but has also become a process that forces people, organizations, and countries to transform. While many traditional professions disappear during this process, different business models and careers also emerge. In particular, training human resources to adapt to digital transformation is the primary duty of universities, which are the central power behind the societal transformation, and the production of digital and Industry 4.0 technologies for society and the state are among their duties and responsibilities. Digital transformation deeply affects not only the content of education but also the organizational structures of universities. For this reason, universities should manage the changes in fields such as science, education, technology, and production that will achieve the goals specified in their organizational vision by taking into account current technological developments and should lead society in this regard.
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As an emerging marketing tool that targets shoppers individually based on their purchase histories, personalized price promotion is likely to address the limitations of untargeted price reductions. However, there is no prior evidence to support the effectiveness of this approach in promoting low-calorie food choices, and which consumer-specific characteristics influence its performance. In this study, we analyze the effectiveness of personalized and non-personalized coupons for lower-calorie menus at a university canteen. In addition, we examine the interaction between psychological factors and promotional responses, as well as subsequent dietary outcomes. Overall, personalized price promotion performs better than the untargeted approach in encouraging shoppers to redeem the offered coupons and make menu choices with more healthy items and fewer calories. Factors such as calorie concerns, convenience orientation and the resistance to change eating habits have significant effects on coupon redemption. The role of coupon redemption in mediating the association between such psychological predictors and dietary changes proves the effectiveness of price reductions. This study highlights the potential of personalized price promotion as a healthy eating intervention and sets the groundwork for developing and evaluating this instrument.
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The study examined the effect of market segmentation on customer T patronage of Unilever products in Abuja, FCT covering a period of 5 years from 2015-2019. The study adopted a survey research design with an infinite population of customers of Unilever Nigeria Plc in Abuja. The study used infinite sample size of 246 for customers of Unilever products in Abuja. The method of data collection used was questionnaire administered to the respondents. The statistical tool used is simple regression. The findings revealed that there is negative and significant effect of market segmentation on customer patronage of Unilever Plc products in Abuja. The study recommended that Unilever Nigeria Plc should design their products using demographical segmentation, geographical segmentation, psychographic segmentation but should stable the price of goods and services without differentiating the prices based on different segment that the product is designed for.
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he study examined the effect of market segmentation on customer T patronage of Unilever products in Abuja, FCT covering a period of 5 years from 2015-2019. The study adopted a survey research design with an infinite population of customers of Unilever Nigeria Plc in Abuja. The study used infinite sample size of 246 for customers of Unilever products in Abuja. The method of data collection used was questionnaire administered to the respondents. The statistical tool used is simple regression. The findings revealed that there is negative and significant effect of market segmentation on customer patronage of Unilever Plc products in Abuja. The study recommended that Unilever Nigeria Plc should design their products using demographical segmentation, geographical segmentation, psychographic segmentation but should stable the price of goods and services without differentiating the prices based on different segment that the product is designed for.
Conference Paper
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La restauración es una actividad que ha presentado un gran auge en los últimos años por la aparición de nuevas técnicas culinarias junto a los avances tecnológicos, la nternacionalización del sector y los cambios en los hábitos y los gustos de los consumidores. La presente investigación tiene como principal objetivo tipificar a los turistas de restaurantes de alto nivel poneniendo de manifiesto la existencia de dos segmentos con comportamientos diferenciados en cuanto al perfil, al comportamiento post-compra, de recomendación e intención de revisita y a la percepción del estatus que le aporta su visita al restaurante. Los resultados de este trabajo pueden ayudar a tomar decisiones tanto a los gerentes de restaurantes de un cierto nivel como a los administradores públicos ya que este tipo de restaurantes se convierten en recursos turísticos de primera magnitud.
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he need to achieve optimal performance in the large market has become a T great challenge in a developing economy as Nigeria where competition is stiff in the banking sector with varieties of services positioned for customers of varied demographic variables and needs enhancing customers 'dissatisfaction. This study examined the relationship between demographic segmentation and customers' patronage in selected banks in Lagos state. The study adopted survey research design of descriptive type. The population of the research consisted of headquarters of four selected banks (First bank, Fidelity bank, Eco bank and Wema bank) with customer population of 73,800 and sample size of 1,960 was derived using Cochram formula and proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Structured questionnaire with a six point modified Likert-Scale was administered with a 73% response rate (1,425) copies of the questionnaires came correctly and were used for the study. There was instrument validation and the Crombach Alpha reliability coefficient for the construct range between 0,74-0.85. Data generated were analysed using Pearson's Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) with the aid of IBM SPSS Statistics version 22.Generally, the results of the correlation analysis revealed that there is a relationship (i.e. both positive and negative) between demographic segmentation (DS) and customer patronage (CPTR) in the banking sector. [Age consideration (r = 0.108, at p < 0.01). Ethnicity (R = 0.29, at p < 0.01). Religion (R = 0.130, at p < 0.01). Marital status (R = 0.026, at P > 0.05) Income bracket (R = 0.050, at P > 0.05). Sex consideration (R =-.064, at P < 0.05), Family size (R =-.135, at P < 0.01), occupation R =-.275, at P < 0.01) Education (R =-.133, P < 0.01). The study recommends that banks should strategically segment their products/services to align with the demographic needs of both existing and potential customers. The essence is to outwit competitor by enhanced customer's patronage and become the market leader.
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In this article, we provide guidance for substantive researchers on the use of structural equation modeling in practice for theory testing and development. We present a comprehensive, two-step modeling approach that employs a series of nested models and sequential chi-square difference tests. We discuss the comparative advantages of this approach over a one-step approach. Considerations in specification, assessment of fit, and respecification of measurement models using confirmatory factor analysis are reviewed. As background to the two-step approach, the distinction between exploratory and confirmatory analysis, the distinction between complementary approaches for theory testing versus predictive application, and some developments in estimation methods also are discussed.
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In this article, the author outlines an approach to marketing planning for radically new products, disruptive or discontinuous innovations that change the dimensionality of the consumer decision. The planning process begins with an extensive situation analysis. The factors identified in the situation analysis are woven into the economic webs surrounding the new product. The webs are mapped into Bayesian networks that can be updated as events unfold and used to simulate the impact that changes in assumptions underlying the web have on the prospects for the new product. The author illustrates this method using a historical case regarding the introduction of videotape recorders by Sony and JVC and a contemporary case of the introduction of electric vehicles. The author provides a complete, numerical example pertaining to a software development project in the Appendix.
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Fifty years after Converse's (1945) classic statement on the "art or science of marketing", the debate has come full circle. The holy grail of Science has not been attained and its pursuit has not only served to alienate practitioners from academics, but it has also done enormous damage to our discipline. This paper traces the development of the great debate, discusses the damaging postmodern critique of western Science and concludes that, as an Art, marketing should be judged by appropriately aesthetic criteria.
Marketing managers must know the time orientation of a customer to select and use marketing tools that correspond to the time horizons of the customer. Insufficient understanding of a customer's time orientation can lead to problems, such as attempting a relationship marketing when transaction marketing is more appropriate. The author suggests that long-term orientation in a buyer/seller relationship is a function of two main factors: mutual dependence and the extent to which they trust one another. Dependence and trust are related to environmental uncertainty, transaction-specific investments, reputation, and satisfaction in a buyer/seller relationship. The framework presented here is tested with 124 retail buyers and 52 vendors supplying to those retailers. The results indicate that trust and dependence play key roles in determining the long-term orientation of both retail buyers and their vendors. The results also indicate that both similarities and differences exist across retailers and vendors with respect to the effects of several variables on long-term orientation, dependence, and trust.
Considerable progress has been made in identifying market-driven businesses, understanding what they do, and measuring the bottom-line consequences of their orientation to their markets. The next challenge is to understand how this organizational orientation can be achieved and sustained. The emerging capabilities approach to strategic management, when coupled with total quality management, offers a rich array of ways to design change programs that will enhance a market orientation. The most distinctive features of market-driven organizations are their mastery of the market sensing and customer linking capabilities. A comprehensive change program aimed at enhancing these capabilities includes: (1) the diagnosis of current capabilities, (2) anticipation of future needs for capabilities, (3) bottom-up redesign of underlying processes, (4) top-down direction and commitment, (5) creative use of information technology, and (6) continuous monitoring of progress.
Marketing managers must know the time orientation of a customer to select and use marketing tools that correspond to the time horizons of the customer. Insufficient understanding of a customer's time orientation can lead to problems, such as attempting a relationship marketing when transaction marketing is more appropriate. The author suggests that long-term orientation in a buyer/seller relationship is a function of two main factors: mutual dependence and the extent to which they trust one another. Dependence and trust are related to environmental uncertainty, transaction-specific investments, reputation, and satisfaction in a buyer/seller relationship. The framework presented here is tested with 124 retail buyers and 52 vendors supplying to those retailers. The results indicate that trust and dependence play key roles in determining the long-term orientation of both retail buyers and their vendors. The results also indicate that both similarities and differences exist across retailers and vendors with respect to the effects of several variables on long-term orientation, dependence, and trust.
Despite the pervasive use of the terms "market segmentation" and "product differentiation," there has been and continues to be considerable misunderstanding about their meaning and use. The authors attempt to lessen the confusion by the use of traditional and contemporary economic theory and product preference maps.
The authors assess the extent to which brand attitude, a key component of brand equity, has value relevance - that is, helps predict future earnings and thus firm value - in high-technology markets. Using data for firms in the computer industries, the authors find that changes in brand attitude are associated contemporaneously with stock return and lead accounting financial performance. The study also provides insights into the drivers of brand attitude. The authors find that both product attributes and peripheral cues shape brand attitudes in high-technology markets.
Strategic flexibility is proposed as an expedient capability for managing capricious settings, such as those confronted in technology-intensive arenas. This article examines the historical evolution of the concept of flexibility and analyses its different senses by relating it to other concepts with a ‘family resemblance’. A conceptual framework is subsequently developed, which integrates the temporal and intentional dimensions of flexibility. Four archetypal manoeuvres, derived from the framework, are proposed as a means of attaining strategic flexibility. The deployment of these manoeuvres is exemplified by means of selected strategic engagements of firms in the computer peripherals arena. The article concludes with a discussion of the theoretical and practical implications of the research.