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... Over 4,016 orchid species were reported from Ecuador (Endara & León-Yánez, 2006). In Venezuela about 15,820 vascular plant species are found (De Stefano et al., 2009) including about 1,800 Orchidaceae representatives (Carnevali, Gerlach & Romero-González, 2008). The highest diversity is observed in Colombia where 24,528 vascular plant species were found and the occurrence of almost 3,600 orchid species was reported (Bernal, Gradstein & Celis, 2016). ...
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This article is a presentation of taxonomic diversity of the orchid genusCyrtochilumin Northwestern South America. The morphological characteristics of over 90 speciesoccurring in northern Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela are presentedtogether with illustrations of theirfloral segments. Information about the distributionof each taxon is provided. Ten morphologically consistent groups have beendelineated to facilitate identification ofCyrtochilumrepresentatives in the studiedarea. Keys for determination of species within each group are provided. Seven newspecies ofCyrtochilumare described and one new combination is proposed.
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Resumo A Mata do Buraquinho, situada no município de João Pessoa, com aproximadamente 520 ha, é um dos principais remanescentes de Floresta Atlântica no estado da Paraíba. Este trabalho teve como objetivo inventariar e descrever as espécies de Orchidaceae presentes nesta mata, visando fornecer informações sobre a riqueza e formas de vida da família predominantes nesse ambiente. Para o levantamento das espécies foram realizadas caminhadas por trilhas já existentes, observadas as populações in situ e coletadas aquelas em estágio reprodutivo, além da consulta de espécimes herborizados. O levantamento revelou a presença de 11 espécies reunidas em oito gêneros. O gênero mais diverso foi Vanilla com três espécies. Epidendrum micronocturnum, espécie disjunta amazônico-atlântica, é um novo registro para o estado da Paraíba. É apresentada uma chave para identificação das espécies, bem como descrições, ilustrações e comentários a respeito das mesmas.
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We analyzed patterns of morphological differentiation of the Habenaria parviflora complex (Orchidaceae), through morphometric analyses of populations and morphotypes, aiming at evaluating current taxonomic proposals and at identifying discriminative characters for the delimitation of taxa. We performed multivariate and univariate morphometric analyses using 18 morphological characters of 675 individuals from 65 populations distributed throughout Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, representing 12 morphotypes that comprise nearly all the morphological diversity and geographic distribution of the complex. The group presents morphological patterns difficult to understand which suggest that the complex does not correspond to a single species, nor does each morphotype correspond to a taxon. It was possible to clearly differentiate only two taxa, apart from H. parviflora, by a combination of characters: H. paulensis and H. ulei. Characters associated with flower size, leaf width and opening angle of the sepals were the most discriminatory for both species. The relationships between the populations of the remaining morphotypes exhibited high overlap in the analyses, making it impossible to define morphological groups with the characters used. The number of flowers, ovary length and angles between floral structures, not previously used in the taxonomy of this complex, are important characters for the recognition of taxa and can be further explored by future taxonomic studies of both the group and the genus.
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We compiled a checklist with all known endemic plants occurring in the Sierras of Córdoba and San Luis, an isolated mountainous range located in central Argentina. In order to obtain a better understanding of the evolutionary history, relationships and age of the regional flora, we gathered basic information on the biogeographical and floristic affinities of the endemics, and documented the inclusion of each taxon in molecular phylogenies. We listed 89 taxa (including 69 species and 20 infraspecific taxa) belonging to 53 genera and 29 families. The endemics are not distributed evenly, being more abundant in the lower than in the middle and upper vegetation belts. Thirty-two genera (60.3%) have been included in phylogenetic analyses, but only ten (18.8%) included local endemic taxa. A total of 28 endemic taxa of the Sierras CSL have a clear relationship with a widespread species of the same genus, or with one found close to the area. Available phylogenies for some taxa show divergence times between 7.0 – 1.8 Ma; all endemic taxa are most probably neoendemics sensu Stebbins and Major. Our analysis was specifically aimed at a particular geographic area, but the approach of analyzing phylogenetic patterns together with floristic or biogeo-graphical relationships of the endemic taxa of an area, delimited by clear geomorphological features, could reveal evolutionary trends shaping the area.
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