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Transdermal Absorption of Magnesium

  • International institute of Holistic Medicine
Transdermal Absorption of Magnesium
C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.
Magnesium is an essential mineral which is deficient in 80% of
Americans. The reasons for this are:
Soil deficiency
Increased magnesium loss during any stress reaction
Poor absorption of magnesium orally
To test the efficiency of transdermal absorption of magnesium, 20 adults
were enrolled in an IRB approved research study. Baseline levels of
intracellular magnesium and blood levels of DHEA-s were done. The
individuals then applied 25% solution of magnesium chloride to the skin
for one month and the magnesium and DHEA-S were rechecked.
Mg Levela Mg Level Levelb DHEA-S
Before After Before Level After
Subject No. Gender Study Study Study Study
1 F 29.8 31.4 1275.2 1531.8
2 F 30.1 32.6 2906.6 3486.7
3 M 33.6 36.9 1091.3 1205.2
4 F 31.4 30.0 1000.4 1229
5 M 31.9 32.2 3055.3 2888.4
6 F 28.2 32.4 1275.8 1527.7
7 F 31.7 37.5 784.3 908.5
8 F 32.4 34.4 2411.2 2164.1
9 F 35.6 35.7 1582.4 1187.3
10 F 33.4 34.4 1225.5 1357.6
11 F 32.7 34.7 530.0 867.0
12 F 31.0 35.1 1331 1640
Intracellular levels of magnesium, measured at Intracellular
Diagnostics, and serum levels of DHEA-S increase significantly
after application of magnesium chloride transdermally. This result
is far superior to our earlier attempts to raise magnesium levels
with oral magnesium. Interestingly, oral and IV supplements do
not raise blood levels of DHEA.
Selected references:
Cox, R.H., Shealy, C.N., Cady, R.K., Veehoff, D.C., Burnetti-Atwell, M. and Houston, R. (1996).
Significant magnesium deficiency in depression. The Journal of Neurological and Orthopaedic
Medicine and Surgery, Vol.17, No. 1, pp. 7-9.
Shealy, C.N., Burton, S. and Murrell, M. (2002). Intracellular magnesium deficiency in chronic
disease. Frontier Perspectives, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 6-7.
Shealy, C.N., (November 2005). Transdermal absorption of magnesium. (Abstract) 99th Annual
Scientific Assembly of the Southern Medical Association, page S18.
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